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    Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

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    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond Empty Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond

    Post by Ghost 6th March 2019, 6:25 pm


    Arriving in the new town Ghost was all wore out. The sun was just now coming up. Still tired from the horse ride yet he was wide awake. Always looking for the next thrill. After saving the country and being promoted to C rank
    wizard. He looked on as the town was surely smaller than his own. But it still had big enough size to it. Ghost came all this way to try and find the infamous brother and sister duo. Rumor has it that they were the biggest bads all around town. Ghost came all this way just take them down and prove that this star just keeps on raising.

    As he looks on towards the view he would smile. Time to get his rep up even more. There was no time to waste on this mission. But the thing was Ghost had to have a tag team partner. Where was he to find such a person right about now? Looking on he would start to walk more into the town. Looking for more information so far he knows the duo is a boy and girl. One process take over magic and the other uses wind magic. This should be fun Ghost would think to himself. As he continued to walk he would notice a small inn. Perfect he could lay his head here for the night no problem. But as he walked into the inn he would notice a few people. But what caught his eye was a strange girl. Could she be a wizard as well or maybe know what who is here with her at the moment? Ghost would smile as he walked up to her. "Excuse me but it been so long since we last saw each. Tell me how have you been?"

    Ghost would smile at her but he never met her before. Just a very good way to start a conversation.

    Rinni Faithe

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond

    Post by Rinni Faithe 19th March 2019, 9:12 am

    Rinni Faithe had traveled on foot with her wolf friend Timber until they had reached Shirotsume where they found rest at an inn. The girl was a young teen, 15 years of age and very mysterious. She wore a bluish-black cloak that traveled down past her knees, a hood over her head concealing most of her face. By her side was a large male wolf with fluffy bluish-gray fur. The fur was tri-toned, becoming lighter in hue starting with blue and ending in an off white. They had come here after taking a  job to fight siblings who liked to boast. Rinni was an only child, and she hated bullies and braggers.

    The closest she had to a family was Timber, who sat beside her as she relaxed at a table in the inn. She was slowly warming to her guild, though, seeing many of the members as a surrogate family. She casually sipped on lemonade while holding a telepathic conversation with her wolf. To anyone watching her, she appeared as a strange silent loner and her companion was more than intimidating to most normal folk. She glanced down at him from time to time, the animal responding by looking up at his owner and making the occasional yip or whine.

    They were mostly discussing the mission. It required at least two people, and everyone in Silver Wolf was busy dealing with jobs or other personal issues. Rin had taken this on her own, coming out here in hopes to maybe find another wizard who could perhaps assist her. But where would she find a random partner out here? She wasn't exactly a social butterfly. Quite the opposite, actually.

    A strange male voice addressed her in a very familiar fashion. The girl tensed up in the moment of discomfort. Timber looked at the strange young man and began to growl warningly. The girl slowly turned to look at the man who had very awkwardly implied meeting her before. However, she had never seen this man before and had no idea who he was. On her left hand, she wore a public display of a blue wolf head tattoo, symbolizing her guild affiliation. Her eyes scanned him slowly for any signs of such a tattoo on his person.

    "I'm sorry..." She spoke slowly, carefully. "Do I know you...?"

    [Word Count 398]
    [Total Word Count 732/3,000]

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond

    Post by Ghost 20th March 2019, 1:17 am

    As he looked on at the young girl he would smile. Seeing the wolf growl at him was a warming sight too. Seeing as wolves are known to attack their target sight. Ghost forever smiling would soon turn to a serious looking smile.  Soon he would unbutton his vest. As he stood up on his tippy toes. The air in the inn would pick up as he lifted himself up. With the vest off of him, his large butterfly-like wings would come about. The man stood an even six feet yet his wings were at least eight feet in height and four feet wide. The colors blended well with his long red hair which was near as long as he was.

    If the young girl took a closer look at him. She would notice his guild mark. On his right shoulder there it was. The guild mark of Fairy Tail. His baggy white pants would for him well as he bowed down slowly towards the strange girl. Ghost looked no more than sixteen himself. But in fact, he was well over two hundred years of age. He would look the duo up and down and then gave a smile as he saw her guild mark. "Silver Wolf, I see you two are from that guild huh? Well then sorry for us meeting in such a strange way. But my name is well, Ghost. I am the offspring of a goddess and the strongest C-ranked wizard in Fairy Tail nice to meet you." If she wasn't still too unsure he would give a smile.

    "Say seeing as I told you all about me. May I ask you your name? I mean if you feel you could tell me it." He would say with a shining smile. Looking on at the girl yet stayed about two meters away from her. This was to give a more safer and friendly type of vibe in the air. The last thing Ghost needed is bad tension. Thinking to himself out loud. "Did I forget to mention I am a fairy king. Maybe I did of well it is what it is I think." Soon he would go quite as he waited for her next action.

    Rinni Faithe

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond

    Post by Rinni Faithe 20th March 2019, 7:16 am

    Timber's growls deepened as the stranger began to remove his vest. To the wolf, this was a potential threat as no one behaved this way without ill intentions. His smile was unnerving as well. Was he friendly or just creepy? Rinni placed a hand on the wolf's head to calm him as she warily watched the boy. Her eyes widened as massive wings appeared. Everyone in the inn was staring at them now; well, mostly at him.

    As he introduced himself she couldn't help but wonder why he saw the need to be so weird about it. She still wasn't sure she could trust him. But when she saw his tattoo and he stated he was from Fairy Tail, she relaxed slightly. Fairy Tail was a well known legal guild and the members of it were both famous and infamous. Yes, they were hailed as heroes through Fiore but they tended to be overzealous and destructive.

    She could feel everyone watching them. It was making her uncomfortable. This boy might be open to revealing all in front of a room full of people, but Rin wasn't. She preferred her privacy, and for good reasons. People were now whispering and pointing at Ghost. That was an odd name for a boy. Even if he was a god or a fairy king or whatever he claimed he was. Finishing her lemonade, the teen stood up.

    "My name is Rinni. This is Timber." She kept her appearance hidden beneath her cloak and hood, her eyes darted around the inn. People were still staring at them. She bit her lower lip and spoke softly. "Can we continue this conversation somewhere less crowded?"

    *Later in her room*

    Rin and Tim led Ghost to the room they were occupying. Once Ghost was inside, Rin scanned the hall to be sure they weren't followed before closing and locking the door. Timber walked over to Rin's bed, jumped into the center of it, made 3 circles and laid down. Rinni inhaled deeply and turned to face her guest. She was still shy, nervous, and unsure of what to make of this fairy boy.

    "A fairy King, huh? You and Haley would get along great." Rinni joked, referring to a Silver Wolf member she didn't particularly get along with who is often surrounded by tiny annoying fairies. She wasn't very good at conversation and was aware he probably had no clue who she was talking about.

    She leaned on the wall, arms folded, eyes closed thinking. Timber glanced at her. To Ghost, it would appear as a long awkward silence. To Rinni and Timber, however, it was a conversation. "Are you okay, Rin?" The wolf sent the telepathic message directly into Rinni's mind.

    "I'm not sure what to make of this boy. Can we trust him?" Rinni thought in response.

    "He smells alright. And he's with Fairy Tail, so he can't be bad."

    Rinni looked up at Ghost and sighed. "I... I guess you're right. I must be nuts for doing this..." As she ended her telepathic conversation with the wolf, Rinni began to tremble. She never did this before, not with a stranger and not on purpose. Truly only Silver Wolf members and her friend Shane had ever seen her true form. But, Ghost had for whatever reason revealed himself to her. He was... special. Different. It was strange to her.

    Up until she left her town of birth, she was an outcast. Shunned and rejected by everyone including her birth parents. But since becoming a wizard, she met all sorts of weird people. Slowly she was discovering she wasn't alone after all. And despite her fear of being judged; being rejected, she was compelled to return the favor. He showed her his wings, so now...

    Her hood was removed and her cloak dropped to the floor. There in front of Ghost stood a trembling young girl, but not a normal girl. Her nose was a black canine muzzle. In her mouth was wolf fangs. Atop her head was a set of black wolf ears and attached to her backside was a long bushy black tail. She was clearly scared as she visibly trembled.

    "I... this is why I wear a cloak. So no one can see... just how different I am..." She nervously began to stroke her tail, her ears dropping back slightly. She grew quiet, as she waited for his reaction. Timber quietly watched their interaction from the bed. If he hurt her in any way, Timber would stop it.

    [Word Count 801]
    [Word count total 1,918/3,000]

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

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    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond

    Post by Ghost 20th March 2019, 11:52 pm

    As Ghost entered the young girl room he looked around to see it was kind of blend. People were watching them back there. But to be frank he always was stared at. Which was awesome in his eyes but still. As he waited for and waited for her. He would start to such in some of the air around him. Tasting the air he made a sour face. Thinking to himself that the air he was kinda tangy. Soon he looked on and saw the girl start to uncover her cloak. As he saw what he saw he would view her up and down. But he was oddly confused as to why she was wearing the cloak to began with. Ghost would rub his head as he gave a smile.

    "See isn't it nice to be yourself and not ashamed. Now then I am in need of your help miss Rinni. You see I took on a mission and without reading it. It said I needed a two-person team. The mission is to fight a sibling duo. I took notice of you because of your cloak and wolf. This made me think you surely were a wizard. So what do you say? Would you be willing to help this Fairy King out?" Ghost looked on waiting for the young girl to answer him. Looking over at the wolf he would smile and give a big wave to him.

    Ghost was a serious person when it came down to it and he was also a person to keep it real and true. But he wonders why was she wearing that cloak.

    Meanwhile, the duo was just now finishing up a group of wizards. This tag team sibling duo was known as Jack and Jill. One wizard was know for water-based magic and the other had take over magic. Jill was a five foot even girl with jet black twin ponytails. She wore a battle dress which was all jet black as well. She did not have shoes on. Like her brother, Jack was standing at a clean seven feet tall and was a very muscle-bound man who did not wear a shirt.

    Jack began to laugh out loud as the wizards ranked away. "Hahaha that's it how lame try again you low lives." Jill simply smiled as she made water evaporate to steam. Jill looked on and was sad at the sight of another easy win. "You know Lil bro I really can't stand an easy win. Can no one beat us. If this keeps up I say we should go fight the rune knights. At least then we would have a fight on our hands."

    Back at the inn Ghost was still eating the air as it turned dark the moment it hit him. He was waiting on Rinni answer.

    Rinni Faithe

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond

    Post by Rinni Faithe 21st April 2019, 11:27 am

    Rinni's ears twitched, perking in confusion as she gazed in stunned bewilderment at the child standing before her.  She had eyed his magnificent wings in awe: they were gorgeous! Now she stood in bewilderment as the child appeared to be eating air. No. Not a child. Something else. Something she had never seen before. Her tail swayed slowly as she simply stared, entranced by him. Who was this kid? He called himself the Fairy King... was he really a King? He looked so young, but perhaps looks were deceiving.

    She barely acknowledged him as he spoke to her so casually, as if all of this were normal. She could only stare as he took in the air as though it were candy. That's impossible. You can't eat air. Can you...? Feeling even more confused than before, the young girl grabbed and donned her cloak quickly pulling the hood up and over her head. Just because he accepted her for who she was... didn't mean others would do the same. Still... this boy held secrets of his own.

    Timber growled softly and let loose a low deep bark as if to snap his owner back into reality. She hadn't come here to sightsee nor to admire a unique child. She had a job to do, and she couldn't do it without help. Rinni shared a glance with the wolf before turning her attention back toward the boy.

    "Let's go. We have some brats to best." As Rinni turned to leave, she paused with her hand on the doorknob, not opening until after she received a proper introduction. "By the way... what do I call you?" As she awaited his response, Timber jumped off the bed and proceeded to follow them to the exit.

    [Word Count 305]
    [Word count total 2,709/3,000]

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1023
    Experience : 7950

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    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond

    Post by Ghost 22nd April 2019, 8:35 am

    As he looks on up as if was lost in the stars. With a big smile on his face, he was indeed day dreaming. Ghost was looking at time his most favorite thing to do. As he started to float around the room his large wings could barely fit. But dang it he made it work. He would look to the girl as he saw her put her hood over her head again. Ghost looked on at this and was a bit sad. As he rubs his fingers three his long red hair. He would smile at her. "Hey it's not my place to say but you should never be afraid to be yourself at all. I think your cool indeed your wolf I sure think you cool as well."

    Ghost would say as he made his way over to her. Looking on as she asked him his name he would start to giggle. "I already told you my name you silly goose. I am known as Ghost The Fairy King and by the way. You must first give your name in response to wanting to know someone else name." He looks on at his stopwatch as the time drew near eleven a.m the twins they were to fight should be out and about looking to fight. Ghost went to the door and opens it. Wondering what was his new mage friend magic was. Would it be something to help or be something that needs help?

    "Tell me miss lady wizard person. What type of magic do you have. By knowing this we could game plan on how to use our magic together and not be in each other way. If you were to ask me about my magic lets just say only time will tell." He would say that as he looks around the room in a playful matter. But now was the time to beat the two twins could the duo do it?

    Rinni Faithe

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter:7 A Sibling Bond

    Post by Rinni Faithe 8th May 2019, 7:27 am

    The girl had honestly thought the boy was joking when he said his name was Ghost and that he was a Fairy King. Apparently, the boy was serious (which was difficult to read due to his childish and happy-go-lucky personality). How embarrassing and awkward. As he told her she shouldn't be afraid to be herself in front of others, a small smile crept across her lips. Maybe one day, but not yet. She wasn't quite ready, wasn't quite comfortable enough to reveal herself so openly.

    So far only Silver Wolf Guild, Shane, and Ghost have seen the real her. As he pointed out her introduction or lack thereof, the wolf-girl blushed in embarrassment. "Oh! Right, sorry about that." She rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. "I'm Rinni Faithe, and that's my partner Timber." The wolf barked as if to greet Ghost.

    As he opened the door, the duo headed out ahead of him. They had a mission to do, after all, and it wasn't going to finish itself. As they headed to seek out their target, Ghost inquired about Rinni's magic while in the same breath not saying much of his own. Rinni found this to be highly rude and hypocritical of the boy.

    "I call my magic Dawn of the Wolf. I can requip a Wolf Blade, which allows me to handle melee combat. I also share a telepathic connection to Timber, allowing us to communicate with ease. He's my bonding partner and we fight as a team." She casually explained her magic, before side glancing toward the Fairy King. She chose to use his own words against him and then awaited his response as they left the inn and headed down the street together. "And what of you? It's rude to ask a lady about her magic if you have no intention of sharing your own."

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