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    Fixing a House


    Lineage : Comet
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    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Fixing a House Empty Fixing a House

    Post by Nadarr 14th May 2019, 1:50 pm

    Clearance would stand outside of the home let the job entitled. It was a simple job all you had to do is fix the roof and the front porch repair do what he's been doing that's a cake walk. However this time it was a bit different while it was still a seemingly easy task there was a timetable on the board since another storm was in bound. Additionally he had one of his Guild compatriots with him today. A bit of a new remember if he recalls though he doesn't remember since he's not around the Guild Hall as often as he liked since he's trying to keep himself busy and when he is around the guildhall he's as we stuffing his face in a book in the library so he figured it's time he met some of his Guild mates even if it was newer members and it was something simple. You wasn't a great conversation once and he wasn't very social but this was the least he could do was help guide him with what little experience he did have himself. However he wasn't here quite yet it appears that he had beaten him here, however that didn't matter to Clarence it only gave him a bit more time to look around and see what actually need to be done. The front porch rail in the floorboards were in a bit of disarray and those would have to be replaced first because as he looked up it held up part of the roof which was now off of the home. Additionally the roof need to be at the very least to be shingled a bit of it rebuilt. He was an expert Carpenter but he can at least do this much. He would kick some debris on the ground all the way thinking to himself about how at the last of it they would need to at least clean up a little bit around the house as the debris from the last storm was still lying around the area. Normally he'd have Coco helping but she was off doing something else and this was a bonding thing with the all the guild member that he I decided to help. I think we're more closer to the house he would look down the street to see the one he was helping coming his way. Didn't say or just you know anything he just stood there and waited for him to get up to him. He didn't know how to greet him quite yet but at the very least he was glad he showed up.


    Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    Age : 28
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    Fixing a House Empty Re: Fixing a House

    Post by Remnant 14th May 2019, 8:31 pm

    Not having been part of this guild for long, and already Alburn was on his first real job! It wasn't what the one eyed mage was expecting in all honesty as he thought it would be more action oriented, but in the end, Al was glad that violence wasn't going to be involved since he wasn't much in a fighting mood. Hell, the guy wasn't even in much of an anything mood which is why it took him so long to get here. He'd rather be back in the guild, working more on his newly acquired ILac but it appears that has to wait.

    Alburn whistled to himself as he walked towards the beaten up house with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Apparently he was not alone on this task neither since he was paired up with a fellow fairy who apparently has a higher ranking in the guild. As Alburn drew closer to the house, he saw the guy he will be working with on fixing this place up. "Yo!" Alburn waved at the guy before stopping in front of him. "Ah so you're one of my superiors, huh?" Alburn questioned before walking past the guy to get a better look of the house. "Gotta say, you definitely got the whole "superior" look down. More so than that Mura guy and the wild looking babe." Al claimed before looking back at the guy. "But don't tell them I said that!" Alburn said with a nervous smile on his face as he waved dismissively.

    "Anyway, the name's Alburn, but you can call me Al." Alburn said as he held his hand out. "Can you fill me in more on what we're suppose to be doing? Something about fixing this dump?"

    WC - 318



    Lineage : Comet
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    Fixing a House Empty Re: Fixing a House

    Post by Nadarr 15th May 2019, 12:33 pm

    Clarence would watch as this man would come up to him and start to talk looking down at him. you seem friendly enough power Clarence was still adjusting to the whole being friendly towards him type deal and was even more thrown off when he said he had to whole Superior look down compared to resolve the guildmates considering he went out of his way to look like a homeless person however he was just have to work on his attire another time. he wouldn't show much emotion not wanting to let his guard down quite yet around the new companion of his however he wouldn't give a nod and a small smile to him at the very least. “You don't have anything to worry about I don't really talk to any of the guild members much anyway so your secret's safe with me and asked what we have to do today we have to fix the house in front of us the roof is destroyed in the porch is in need of major repairs due to the roof falling on it.” regardless he would take another step towards the house and look up at it wondering where to even begin with such a project but then getting an idea. He had no intention of leading on this in fact he preferred he didn't have to even though he already had the first six steps in his head. He would turn and then he would look back at his companion who had been accompanying him on this job. “where do you think we should start with this?” he would say not wanting to exactly. but curious where he stood on the matter Clarence knew he would go about it but he didn't want to start taking over it wasn't his idea to be superior to anybody. so barring that in mind he would just wait for his answer and start shifting through some of the debris on the ground while he waited slowly reaching into his coat figuring he would probably need a bit of magic in the upcoming moments.

    WC: 801

    Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    Age : 28
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    Fixing a House Empty Re: Fixing a House

    Post by Remnant 16th May 2019, 4:03 pm

    Alburn nodded in gratitude and chuckled lightly at the guy’s response. He wasn’t really too worried about the others finding out what he said, but it could be a bit bothersome. As the other guy started to explain the job to Alburn, the one eyed mage turned back around to look at the busted up house toget a better look at it before whistling. Man I knew that storm last night was a rager, but this is somethin else.” Alburn claimed, shaking his head before looking back at the guy. You’re saying we have to fix this all on our own? Don’t know if you heard, but another storm is heading this way pretty soon.” Alburn then looked back at the house with a frown before rubbing the back of his head.

    ”What a drag...”

    Alburn knew that this was going to be about fixing some house but the damages weren’t what he was expecting. Al was also a bit on the lazy side when it came to doing all sorts of work other then making art, but then again he never really saw art as work but just a way of life. Perhaps he could use his artful thinking to get through this.

    ”Uhh, I dunno man...” Alburn sighed before backing up a bit as he held his hands up in the direction of the house, making a camera like gesture with them. Al was pretty much taking a mental picture of the house, trying to figure out what if formerly looked like before it became this mess. Despite his very lazy and sometimes simple minded behavior, Alburn actually has a pretty great memory thanks to his magic so coming up with this shouldn’t be good hard. It is his will to do anything that’s the main issue...

    ”Maybe I can start with the porch and you take the roof huh, chief?” Alburn said, nudging the guy with his elbow and unaware that he was reaching in his coat for something. Of course Al would give the guy the harder job, trying to get off without having to do much. ”Speaking of chief, don’t think you ever told me your name, my dude.”

    WC - 390
    TWC - 708



    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 7,500

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    Fixing a House Empty Re: Fixing a House

    Post by Nadarr 17th May 2019, 11:56 am

    Clarence would look at him as he asked for his name sighing deeply shaking his head slightly. “ oh right my name is Clarence, Clarence Auburn.” he would say trying to be a little more formal since he was I guess the senior on this mission. he looked up at the roof as he was offered the chance to work on it give me a small shrug. “Sure I can handle the roof…” He would say as they opened up a Spellbook looking up at the roof then down at his book muttering a few Arcane words briefly before saying the phrase “Misty Step.” As he would cast the spell Silvermist would come up from his book and Surround him almost engulfing him before it flew up towards the roof and landed on the roof his form reappearing as he got up there wanted to get a closer view of what he was working with. the roof itself wasn't terrible I definitely needed to be be shingled which is something he could do and if you might need to be be fixed may leave on the porch but he couldn't do that part until his companion got started at the very least as you can't put a roof on nothing. he would give a little bit of a sigh as he continued to walk along the roof looking around at a few more spots at the main problem points from the storm. in his head he was already calculating the cost that would be for materials and what he would need knowing that he's so had to go get the stuff or get them to him more or less. once again not a hard task but one that does need to happen. eventually he would walk to the edge of the roof where he knew it was safe to appoint you by the porch and look down to try to see his companion calling out briefly. “ how is the Porch Looking In the group is not in too bad shape mainly shingling” he would say attack quietly but loud enough for him to definitely here if he was nearby the porch to any capacity. He would then wait to hear from His companion on what needed to be done.


    Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    Age : 28
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    Fixing a House Empty Re: Fixing a House

    Post by Remnant 20th May 2019, 8:11 am

    "Auburn huh?" Alburn repeated before nodding at Clarence with a laid back grin. "Heh, almost like Alburn, sweet!" Alburn claimed before bringing his attention back to the house. Al tends to be wowed by the smallest of things from time to time, but of course with an attitude like that, Alburn is able to keep an open mind allowing him to be a pretty good artist which also helps play a role with his own magic.

    Speaking of magic...

    Al's eye would pop open and mouth gaping as he witnessed the Clarence disappear in this misty like form. "Wh-!!" Caught off guard, Alburn looked to his left and right quickly, looking for the man that was once here. Did he...explode! No, the guy must have ditched Al to make him do all the work. "Awww come on..." Alburn sighed in defeat, but before he could do anything else, he heard some foot steps coming from the roof. "Hm?" Looking up, Alburn could see that Clarence was now on the roof, inspecting it. Al couldn't help but to chuckle nervously at himself for overreacting a bit. Using a combination of being able to sense magic as well as his own magic, Alburn was quickly able to decipher that the spell Clarence just used was pretty high in ranking and something Al couldn't simply mimic by using his Memory-Make. Still, it was a true work of art like almost all magic in Alburn's eyes and it wasn't going to be something he'll forget anytime soon.

    "Oh yeahhhh, the porch." Alburn said, almost forgetting what he was suppose to be doing. Al walked up the two steps leading to the busted up porch. Surprisingly, the steps were doing fine minus a few cracks. The porch was badly damaged but nothing some hammer, nails and wood couldn't fix. "It's seen better days, my dude. But I bet it can be patched right up with some nails and a hammer!" Alburn would then walk out of the porch so that he could see Clarence again and looked up. He'd then walk over to the tool box conveniently left on a work table beside the house, and picked it up before looking back up at his partner.

    "Gotta hurry and get this masterpiece done before the storm, yo." Alburn claimed with another relaxed grin on his face.

    WC - 426
    TWC - 1,134



    Lineage : Comet
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Fixing a House Empty Re: Fixing a House

    Post by Nadarr 23rd May 2019, 10:14 pm

    Clearance would nod sighing deeply looking down for a moment, he wasnt a strong man by any means and carrying abunch of equipment to and from a store wasnt his idea of a good day.  Looking at his companion not
    knowing the scale of his abilty he would shrug jumping off of the roof looking around briefly. They would need to get lumber, shingles, and other tools here in a quick and effective manner.  companion before going to the street looking down ot...the store wasnt that far just still was alot for two people.  " I can help get the supplies here a bit quicker....but ill still need your assistance." He said gesturing for his guldmate.  Alburn to follow him.  He would walk down the street a little ways to to store they could aquire there supplies at and looked at it.  It hand toolds, lumber, and roofing supplies that they would require to get this finished.  He would look down the road the house in view as he would walk up and pay out of pocket for the supplies they needed to do the job. He would watch as a loaded it onto something on a flatbed and cart that they would have to pull the laundry being on the bottom the shingles be on top in the tools being on some side pouches.  He would see them wheel it out to the street for them at the cery least before heading in.  Clearance could see they head to work hard so clearly it was very heavy.  Not wanti g to do as much Clearance would pull out his book and reach into his componet pouch pulling out a pinch of sessme seeds into the air infront of him.  As he did he would start to mutter some arcane words as he then mutters a phrase "Passwall" and as he said that a purple swirling portal appers before him and a exit point appears 300 meters ahead of them.  " help me pull this througb the portal...ill keep making them so we dont have to work as hard." He said as he grabs the cart handle looking at Alburn.


    You can assume i keep casting passwall till we are there)


    Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    Fixing a House Empty Re: Fixing a House

    Post by Remnant 24th May 2019, 4:59 pm

    Though there are tools already here, they did not seem to be enough to get this house fixed up much to Alburn's disappointment. Seems like the orange haired mage is going to have to do a little bit more work than he was hoping for.

    "Right right. Lead the way, Rance." Alburn said, giving the guy a little nickname like he normally does to people he meets. The nicknames Al gives people aren't really the greatest, but he still thought they were pretty cool.

    Alburn followed his superior out to town and to the market where they both acquired the necessary items needed to get this job done hopefully in time. Though throughout all of this, Alburn wasn't too much help as he was too busy taking in the sights, both of the various items in the shop...and of the beautiful women roaming about though none of them seem all too pleased with the one eyed man's "sight seeing."

    With the shopping part done now came the hard part....

    Getting all of this crap all the way back to the house!

    Just the sheer amount of items on the cart was enough to start making Alburn feel exhausted. "Maaaan, how are we gonna get all this back in time?" Alburn asked, slouching a bit , but before he can complain more he watched as Clearance pulled out that book of his again as well as throwing some...sesame seeds into the air. "Hey man, bird feeding is very cool and all, but we should really get movi-" before he could finish, Alburn witnessed a portal opening up before his eye! "WH-" At first it took Alburn by surprise, but his shocked expression quickly turned to that of an amused one as he started to chuckle a bit. "Yer just full of surprises huh, Rance?" Alburn claimed confidently before patting the guy on the back.

    Now Alburn felt more confident with helping his guildmate get these supplies back, and finally get finished on this work, and hopefully in time since the clouds were very slowly starting to pile up...

    WC - 367
    TWC - 1,501



    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

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    Fixing a House Empty Re: Fixing a House

    Post by Nadarr 28th May 2019, 3:24 am

    Clarence had thought about the nickname he was just given as they pulled the courts through the various portals. Rance.. it wasn't the voice nickname he could have been given and it could be worse so he was buy to be for now not really caring all to much. However the young man did make Clarence more curious about him then he thought it was a dangerous thing for Clarence. About five casts of PassWall they would have return to the site with the cart of supplies and materials in hand. No as previously noted the storm was getting closer. He could feel the wind pick up as his dirty jacket search of flap bit looking back at the car to materials then a Alburn then at the house. It was clear to Clarence that they would have to work faster than he thought there were going to to have to so with that in mind he would look at his companion and my contact info out his spell book in reach into his component pouch on his belt. " I have a few more tricks that I can do to help make you this go by a little faster and so we can hopefully beat the storm or beat the worst of the storm." He would say as he start to murder some more arcane words from his spell book. As he began to say these words his eyes are going up golden hue before he said "mage hand" and as he said that a almost transparent Golden hand or device from the spell book and float in front of them. " this hand I can control telepathically, they can look about a hundred pounds and roll get us whatever we need all you need to do with you need it help is call out to me what this you need and I will have the hand come to you and give you assistance." He would pause and then closes ice for a brief moment as then the hand started to float over to the cart and pick up the boards he would need for the porch and start to bring them over to wear he needed to work. He wouldn't look back in his companion. " I have one more track down help us go at this a little faster so we can be the storm I'm going to catch a spell on you got should help." He was say as he pulled out to pieces of licorice root. He would hurt the pieces of the licorice root into his mouth and start the chew it as he muttered more arcane words. As he shouldn't the licorice root he would say the word "haste" and cast the spell on them both. As soon as he finished casting spell they would both feel lighter than they usually did. " this spell we'll allow you to move at about double your current speed." He would say as he walked back over to the cart. Also demonstrating the speed boost as he threw out some sesame seeds again to make a portal from the shingles to the roof so he didnt need to haul them up. " if you need anything else let me know and ill attempt to help" he said going through the portal as his hand had already brought up hos tools as he began to work.

    WC: 564/2111

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