Fairy Tail RP

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    [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone


    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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      [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone Empty [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone

    Post by Nadarr 7th February 2019, 11:25 am

    Clarence would sit in the wagon heading towards the towers they have been tasked with getting rid of an archmage, According to what they've been told they were doing a favor for the guild and for someone and the Mage that they have been tasked to go deal with has been toying with magic that he shouldn't be toying with and doing things to people that are rather unwholesome to say the least. they have been given a cart by the Mage and have been sent towards the tower. however this time he says he was paired with another mage who had recently joined the guild. Clarence wasn't exactly sure why he was asked to bring him with he was coming and would have to work with it either way. he would stir up the boy who is with him who is considerably younger than him probably about ten years we had the gauge he didn't have time to ask him his age before being paired off and be honest he didn't have too much to say to him while he was curious about his magic and wanting to do and how they would be able to help him on this task he also just had an undesirable are urged not to talk to him. so we wasn't being rude about it he wasn't scoffing that he hasn't been home with you is very neutral about the whole situation. Coco would sit beside him as the tower became closer and closer insight. Clarence would it be looking down at his spell book reading it over again reviewing his spells and such of that nature not really caring how close to the tower they were knowing the objective in mind already and what they were going to do. Coco would awkwardly look between the two men in the car being pulled towards wagon not sure if she should break the ice or she's just let it be she was usually good in these situations however they both seemed rather quiet almost too quiet for this journey.

    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 368.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plasma Make
    Second Skill: n/a
    Third Skill:

      [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone Empty Re: [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone

    Post by Seryth Essora 7th February 2019, 12:47 pm

    The one laying in the wagon was no more than seven years younger than the older male who also rode in the wagon - his normal guild-life and his other work giving him many sleepless nights and so any rest would be appreciated. The seventeen yer-old man pushed against the cart with the strong muscles in his right arm to prop himself up into a sitting posture once he had been jostled awake by Clearance. Standing tall at six foot high, Seryth was a young man with an attractive appearance. His long hair of midnight hue was tied back into a loose ponytail with a red cord, spiked bangs covering his forehead and framed his handsome countenance. Eyes the color of coal belied his keen wit. Seryth was well-built with a highly defined musculature due to his type of lifestyle. Seryth wore a white dress shirt with a red tie and black dress slacks with dress shoes along with a black cloak with golden trim. Delving into a tanned leather satchel with his left, Seryth withdrew a book in good condition with hardbound leather outside of a red-orange hue with a silver symbol of a Chess Piece marking the cover. Pulling a writing kit from the satchel with one hand as he moved the book to a blank page with the other. Finally, Seryth began to pen down word into the book, though what perhaps he was writing was anyone's guess without looking. Almost as if he was a master scribe, Seryth looked up at his companion without once looking down at the words being penned. Seryth's face reflected a flat dispassionate look as he spoke "Seems they paired me up with someone else. Probably because I'm a newer member of the guild and they don't think I can handle myself." he said standoffish and more to himself, before speaking to Clearance in a far more unsure tone. It was clear that the man wasn't used to talking to other people other than in an official standing. "Hmm... Well... Uhh... Hello. Before the job, well... we should probably go over our... well, our skills. It would be more beneficial, if we know each other's strengths at least."

    Words: 367 of 3500



    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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      [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone Empty Re: [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone

    Post by Nadarr 7th February 2019, 1:12 pm

    Clarence would look up as he heard the voice of the boy as he looked up from his book at the boy as he inquired about his skills and what he could do.   he wasn't quite sure what he wanted to hear from the city one his particular skills and abilities or do you want to do magic in general.   He would just shut his book and stare at him some believe for a minute looking it down at coco then looking up at him.  He would give a sigh for a moment as he open up his dirty Brown coat unclipping another separate book he had almost like it was a spare with no magic means in it just writing.   he would then hand the boy the book and would then speak up finally his voice kind of rough at the moment. “ this is a copy of my spell book has all my magic and abilities inside it…”   he would say holding the book out towards the boy realizing he hasn't given his name yet while he didn't like talking he can at least do the pleasure of giving his name they were going to be working together and it's calling boy or anything like that wasn't going to cut it for him he had more mannerisms in class then that.  “My name is Clarence Auburn,  this is my companion Coco…”  The exceed  would perk up having trailed off a little bit hearing her name having been staring off the cart for a moment now waving at the boy.  “It's nice to meet you…”   she would say looking at him for black tail swing a little bit as it got closer and closer to the Tower.   “I have the abilities to link up through a plant has eyes and he can hear and see what I see and I can hear and see what he sees I can also catch with copy a piece of your magic but I have to see it first and it's kind of taxing so I don't like to do that I'm good at The Scouting but not at fighting…”   she would say as Clarence would look down at her patting her head cutting her a little bit.   she seemed embarrassed but at the same time enjoying the pets.   “ anyway what's your name and what can you do?”   he would ask as he would still be holding up a leather bound book to  His companion.

    WC:  775

    Clearances Magic:
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 368.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plasma Make
    Second Skill: n/a
    Third Skill:

      [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone Empty Re: [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone

    Post by Seryth Essora 7th February 2019, 1:51 pm

    Seryth Essora was not going to take one's appearance as a measure of who they were, so the disrepair of Clearance's clothing meant little to the younger man; instead focusing on the book being handed to him with his coal-hued eyes focusing on the tome as his body moved into the motion of placing his supplies back into his satchel, ripping the page out of his book neatly, and handing it over towards Clearance as he took the offered book with his other hand and examined the contents of the pages that had been filled with text and magic inscriptions. Seryth's coal eyes shone with keen wit as he examined the book thoroughly and came to the conclusion that Clearance's magic was for the most part all-purpose. Well, that would fit finely into all situations whereas his magic would fit exceptionally into a small number of situations - one which required offensive output. As for what Seryth had handed over to Clearance to read, it was filled with algebraic equations with only half of them completed on the top half of the paper. It seemed to be that he had been working on them earlier before the two had met. On the bottom half of the piece of paper were a few scribbled notes on his spells and what each of them did in particular in a logical method of writing. Seryth didn't trust the old man just yet and so he wasn't going to tell Clearance much about himself, and for good reason. He didn't need to get judged or attacked for just who he was, and it sounded like it was better to take the emotionless approach to his conversation with Clearance. Seryth replied in a baritone voice, slightly irritated from the sound of it. "Seryth is my name, and as you've no-doubt guessed I'm new to this whole guild shindig."

    Well, this more or less meant that he wouldn't be able to use 'that' since he had been given a companion to go with on this mission. If Seryth wanted to call upon the chaotic loins of his ancestry it would be best to be alone as he could truly go berserk in that mode. That meant..... fists only - or no use of Plasma Spheres or Plasma Bomb if he wanted to keep this chap alive. Seryth's training in both magic use and martial arts had been incredibly extensive so at least he could say that he was accurate in his attacks normally. Seryth knew that Clearance also had a spell or two that would be too devastating for this mission from what he read of the other's magic.

    Now they were introduced at least. Even if Seryth wasn't very pleasant he felt the need to observe basic courtesy. Multi-tasking, Seryth looked over towards the exceed, knowing that Exceeds primarily hung out around slayers as their companions but that wasn't always the only time you'd see an Exceed become another's companion. He thought about what had brought Clearance and Coco together as friends - that was something that he didn't necessarily need to know however it was something to occupy his mind as the three of them wheeled on down towards the tower. Now that Seryth thought about it, he hadn't even taken a look at where the two of them had been heading and now looked up to examine the location in which the job would be taking place at. There was an easy way to deal with this, but knowing how things were Seryth wouldn't be allowed to simply kill the Archmage, which made sense. The irritation in his voice seems to have eased as he speaks with dispassion. It was quite clear that he wasn't exactly a people person. "So, we're going to kick out some Archmage? Neh, let's do it and be done with it. I'm not one for standing on circumstance, so we should deal with it efficiently as we can."

    Words: 665; 1040 of 3500



    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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      [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone Empty Re: [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone

    Post by Nadarr 8th February 2019, 1:21 am

    Clearance would sigh hearing that shaking his head a little bit at this point.  While clearance could share his enthusiasm for the wanting to get the job done however this is something that needed to be done carefully since he had a philosophers stone.  He was sure that the stone would make life difficult for the duo during there job. Thought he would finally speak. “ Yeah...let's just keep a eye out... while it is um... good to get it done we need to feed carefully…” he said with a sigh feeling better but they were almost there. “ Coco would you please fly ahead and scout possible entries, but stay safe yeah?” She would nod "yeah of Course!" She said smirkng a little bit more and stretch out her wings which were white with black tips ant the end of her feathers and flew off. He would sit quietly for a moment as he would focus on looking through her eyes and hearing what she could rather then do it passively like normal. She would fly ahead and look around the tall stone tower, trying to find possible entry points and other things of that nature however to no avail she wasn't able to find anything.  she could only see one way in meaning they would probably have to fight the way up.  I want the timer wasn't that big he was poor taller than big so that probably was a central way up or at the very least not needing to be searched heavily. He figured that be the case but wanted to be sure.  He would then look to his guilt mate and sigh.  “ There is one way in meaning we will have to fight our way up or then likely” he would say to the younger wizard. Normally he wasn't a fan of the brute Force method of doing thing but he saw little choice right now.  He would wonder what his companion wanted to do so he took a breath to speak  still not exactly wanting to.  “However if you have other ideas I am open to them” he would say as the carriage would stop near the tower the driver saying that this was as far as he went.  He would nod getting off the carriage. He would pause looking up at the tower staring at it for a moment before looking at him nodding as Coco flew overhead heading towards them. “ if you are ready….let's head in” he says looking at him before turning his attention to the door of the tower.

    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 368.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plasma Make
    Second Skill: n/a
    Third Skill:

      [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone Empty Re: [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone

    Post by Seryth Essora 8th February 2019, 11:04 am

    Observing Clearance's sigh and shake of the head, it seemed that he got the wrong idea about Seryth's statement who said he wanted to deal with this job as efficiently as possible, but the seventeen year-old didn't retort at that misunderstanding - he wasn't exactly the best when it came to social interaction and so it was best to simply leave it at that. As Coco began to leave to survey the area, Seryth quickly slipped over the side of the wagon, using his observation skills to determine the parameters of this tower then bent low and picked up a small stone before chucking it up at the midst of the tower. He did math in his head, then came up with a hypothesis. "Well, I cannot fly, but if I could then I would probably use my magic to fly up to the top and make a hole with my Plasma... that would be far easier than having to fight my way up." he said listlessly, "But, I would expect for such a skilled wizard to have defenses on the outside of his tower as well as on the inside. This is not logical to say the least. He may have magical barriers around the top to prevent us from going in the easy way."

    Seryth wasn't the sort to charge into something without examining all prospects of approach to completing the request - he had been trained to complete his assignment in the most logical, efficient, and complete way possible and failure was simply not on the table. He was expected to show excellence in everything he did, and as downside to that lifestyle, he had his sadness and joyfulness beat out of him at a very young age as was custom with all of the clan Essora. Of course, over the recent time, he had been trying to become a real person and not just an emotionless warrior but even then it was hard on him. Finally, hearing from Clearance that the older man was ready to head in, Seryth gave a nod and moved to enter the primary entry-point. He felt like he was the best prepared one to fight his way up, though that was just him.

    Words: 387; 1427 of 3500



    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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      [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone Empty Re: [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone

    Post by Nadarr 8th February 2019, 12:52 pm

    He would slowly start to walk into the Tower or the door not being walked how rude he can feel enchantment on it as if he was trying to keep things from going out of it Rather than keeping people or things out which was odd to say the least. He would pull out his actual spell book again looking around the dark room as the light started to shine in from the doorway. there was an eerie feeling about this room something wasn't quite right and it was very off-putting to say the least. So at this point he was starting to see a small glow in the other end of the room as a doormat open in life of them flick open surrounding the powered lighting it up and he saw what looked to be almost feral like humans were been experimented on countless times over and over. their minds numb even their presents the only thing they care about now is feeding and killing. for a brief moment Clarence had a moment of fear flashbacks of his past coming the mind as he just stared at these creatures these humans that were once normal people now turn Savage due to experimentations of magic and being forced to drink of serum should not even drinking in the first place. he took a moment to compose himself as all the features suddenly looked up at the light entering the doorway and seeing the two of them standing there Trembling with either was anger or fear but keeping his calm demeanor on his face he would reach into his pocket and hold out a silver bell and then bring it up punching in his hand as a Spellbook would start to go a little bit. “Shatter” is all he would Mumble as his eyes glue a little bit any crunch the Bell hard in his hand treating essential shock wave point in the horde of the ten failed experiments. a loud noise would have dropped it and they would all be shot out with a little bit unseen blast word explode around them dealing damage to all them at one point in also sending them in a haze knowing they couldn't move any repairs that you spell hoping that his Guild mate would follow up what he just did reaching into his pocket for the next component he would need.

    enemies :

    WC: 1612
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 368.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plasma Make
    Second Skill: n/a
    Third Skill:

      [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone Empty Re: [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone

    Post by Seryth Essora 9th February 2019, 11:42 am

    Seryth was quickly behind Clearance in moving into the chamber, not wishing to leave his newfound friend in this unknown area for long by himself. Seryth had no need for spell-recording tomes when it came to his Plasma Make as he could simply call upon the power and it simply responded - but this sort of relationship with his magic made him appreciate it all the more. With his eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness filling the chamber and easily noticed as the feral humans who had previously been experimented on, filled the eaves of the room. This was the exact thing the assassin had prepared for and began to call upon the power of his Plasma Make, and Seryth quickly took a half-step to bring in in-front of Clearance just after the spell had finished. Crackling, a crimson and orange light filled the room as plasma leaked from his gloved left hand down snaking to the ground as a whip. With a quick twist of his hand and a yanking motion hard to the right, Seryth cracked the whip and sent it's plasma all across the outer edge of the room - striking all of the feral experimented humans and burning them where the whip had hit; a great combination attack along with Clearance's spell which had stunned the experiments. It gave Seryth the time he needed to prepare his next spell. Centered on the other side of the room, Seryth cast a spell that created a large field of charged ionic plasma that the experiments would have to walk through in order to reach Clearance and Seryth from the other side.

    Of course, this wasn't all the arsenal that Seryth had available to him - he had other plasma make spells which would be useful to him, but it was frugal to prepare himself and hold back on mass expenditures of Mana in this fight, after all there were many an opponent who still awaited Clearance and Seryth above in the floors to be had on their way to the Archmage who had the philosopher's stone. Seryth maintained his postured position in front of Clearance slightly, as the experimented humans began to shake out of the stunned condition they had previously found themselves within. It was for the best that he prepare himself to use some of his other offensive spells, when the time arose to defend himself and Clearance.

    Words: 402; 1829 of 3500




    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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      [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone Empty Re: [Fairy Tail] The Philosopher's Stone

    Post by Nadarr 11th February 2019, 7:00 am

    Clarence would watch as his partner had used his plasma make magical impressed by what he saw . He didn’t emote but it made him remember when he had his own magic and didn't have to rely on his spell book. however it hardly mattered now as his moment was broken by the sounds I was screaming as I would run across His companion spells threshold only hurting themselves more just needing to be finished. Bearing all that in mind he would think for a moment just for another moment before reaching into his component pouch and pulling out a piece of steel wool are you taken from the guilds with the kitchen. Slowly he would wait so I can develop the steel wool between his fingers trading some fiction this hand staring at them as they would all Rush him and His companion waiting for them to get closer and closer still rubbing the steel on his fingers helping his book muttering a few arcane words quietly holding out the steel wool. Waiting for the months through to get close at this point, it went closer and closer they almost had to close for comfort as he then would positive wall and clutching his hand. “Thunderwave” he would say as the sound of thunder would Roar to the room and a burst of Arcane energy wood shootout blasting them all back and taking them out for the moment. he would give a sigh of relief and would put the seal back in his component pouch looking around the room briefly not sure if you should say something to His companion he seemed all right and he seemed capable so was that really needed to be said was it congratulations in order at this moment he didn't know. he would slowly go to one of the knocked out experiments bodies and kneel down looking at it wondering if they're still human for the most part, which day appeared to be just Driven Crazy by Magic. he would shake his head looking back at His companion at this point. “Are you..alright to keep going?” he would as he stood back up looking towards the staircase off the tower that would lead them higher towards the archmage. As he waited for his answer he would give a slight sigh and shut his spell book again clipping it into his coat until the next battle was needed to be fought.

    WC: 2007


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