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    An Old Friend


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    An Old Friend Empty An Old Friend

    Post by Cetus 2nd March 2019, 8:28 pm

    Cetus looked at the file in his hand. It had come attached to a note. An official job from Hidden Blades to recover a stolen object. A Midian Crystal Fabergé Egg had been stolen from the client. It was strange. Out of all the things in the home that might have been stolen, they went after the egg. A few other minor items had been taken as well. It was the destruction that took place that really worried Cetus. This might be a solid lead on one of his missing friends. However, due to Hidden Blade rules, he might end up going head to head with whichever one it might be. Cetus felt the recent stir of emotions die instantly. He'd have to be entirely cold for this. No emotions whatsoever.

    The first thing he needed to do was investigate the crime scene. See what he could find to point him in the right direction. The information in the file wasn't enough for Cetus. There were things that he could look for specifically. Assuming the crime scene hadn't been cleared already. The assassin frowned, looking back over the pictures. He'd have to assume anything he might find would be destroyed by the cleansing of the crime scene. The assassin slide the photos back into the file. There had to be another way to track this perpetrator down. How had the thief have gotten in and out without being seen? How would Cetus do the same?

    There was a way to find out. Break in himself. It might not go along with the Hidden Blades manual per say however, it was the best way to catch the thief. That was what the guild wanted him to do. Cetus set the file on fire. No traces of the guild whatsoever. Everything went. Witnesses, notes, evidence of any kind about Hidden Blades or the jobs done for the guild. It was something Cetus could get behind. His photographic memory wouldn't forget any details if he needed them.

    Cetus waited until the file was ash before dropping of the roof. His legs absorbed the shock of the fall. "The best way to get in is... through that back door. Probably unlocked most of the time." He circled the house slowly, being sure to stay out of sight. His eyes flashed to the ground every so often. If the thief took this path, there would be some signs. There hadn't been any rain and the client didn't have any pets. Neither did their neighbors. Anything out here pointing toward the thief should still be mostly intact.

    Strangely, Cetus didn't find anything. There was a high fence keeping entry from the back from being easy. That was unless it was who Cetus thought it might be. That would provide a few answers. Going off that hunch, the assassin began checking the grounds throughout the yard. Sure enough, near the middle of the yard was two large footprints. Cetus sighed, rubbing his head. Or trying to anyway. The new armor had a mask that entirely covered his face. Figured that right as he got used to the old uniform he'd be promoted and get a new one. Cetus had altered his uniform however. The cloth was now a dark blue color and the metal bits were blacked to prevent the reflection of rays. He didn't want to be caught due to his uniform.

    Back to the issue at hand. The thief was likely Deam or a creature like his friend. Wings and a healthy psychotic mind. A taste for blood or destruction or both if a situation called for it. Hellfire at their fingertips should they ever bother to use magic. Cetus sighed again heading for the fence. The muscles in his leg bunched before the assassin launched himself over the high fence. Perhaps he should have taken those capabilities into account. Others like him would have easily cleared the fence in one way or another.

    Tracking down Deam shouldn't be that hard. Just follow the trail of women, destruction and booze. Extracting the truth of this thievery from him was another matter entirely. Cetus had to make a choice. His uniform could be a detriment here. Losing it to gather information as Caimileir wouldn't be a bad thing would it? On the other hand, he'd been told to take care of this Hidden Blades style. It was frustrating. How to complete the mission without going about it the wrong way? Especially when there was no way he could take Deam on in a fight. Deam was a vicious bastard, never pulling any punches. He'd always been much stronger than Cetus. There'd be no taking his friend - no, brother - out of the equation. Assuming that Deam was the one behind this at all.

    It was too bad that Eolas wasn't around. That mangy cat had always possessed a silver tongue. He'd talked both Cetus and Deam down from their berserker rages. He'd convinced Nathair to let a sleeping child lie. Eolas had been the glue keeping the whole group together. Cetus shook his head. No time for daydreaming. He needed to track down the thief. Deam made a logical place to start given the entry of the thief. Time to find one of his long lost friends. Possibly put an end to him though it was more likely he wouldn't manage that part. So long as he got the Egg back, it didn't matter. There were situation where you had to run away.

    The assassin made his way down into the main part of the village. His trip across rooftops, sneaking through the shadows allowed him to glean a little info. Deam likely wasn't still here. There wasn't any gossip about random destruction or orgies in the street. Cetus smiled behind his mask. Deam had learned from the past. Or become cautious enough not to repeat those mistakes. The assassin brother had constantly stayed and partied in the towns where he'd done a job. That wouldn't have been bad if Deam hadn't insisted on always showing his face. It usually brought the law down on his head along with whoever else might have been working with him.

    Still old habits died hard. Deam was probably close by. If not, Cetus would need to abandon this line of thought. It wasn't healthy to obsess on it while on a job. Especially if that meant the real thief was getting away. Deam either was nearby or he wasn't the thief. If he was nearby, Cetus would investigate. He needed proof of Deam's thievery before either stealing the egg back or facing his brother assassin down. Neither was going to be easy if Deam really was the thief. Unless the demon had given it to one of his women. Cetus shuddered remembering the last time he'd had to retrieve an object from Deam's women. Even in his emotionless state, there was a great amount of disgust in that memory. Who did that with a key?

    WC: 1200


    Gabriel Bank

    An Old Friend CetusSigs

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    An Old Friend Empty Re: An Old Friend

    Post by Cetus 3rd March 2019, 12:56 pm

    Cetus needed to find Deam quickly. Searching every party or impromptu orgy wasn't the best way to go about it. It would take forever and Deam would be long gone. With the large search area, Deam might be gone before Cetus even reached the proper party in the first place. It was a conundrum. One that needed to be solved quickly. The shark tried to put himself in the demon's shoes. If he had just completed a job, where would he go to celebrate? At the same time, where would a relatively safe place to celebrate be and where did those two questions overlap?

    The shark snarled in frustration when he came up with nothing. He wished Astrid was there. The flicker of desire flared briefly. Yes, the bunny was rather apt at stirring his emotions. He needed those emotions to find Deam. They weren't good together though. Cetus had nothing to offer her. Nothing but a cold heart and dead eyes. That wasn't what the bunny needed. There was a flare of regret. The way he'd left Astrid hadn't been the most proper. He'd slipped from the bed, leaving only a note behind. An potentially empty promise in iron pen. There was no telling how she'd taken it. Cetus didn't look back on things. He couldn't. There was no emotional attachment to those memories. Was there?

    This sentimental bull was keeping him from completing his job. It was getting rather irritating. With the first method failing him spectacularly, Cetus opted for another method of finding Deam. He'd ask around for the fanciest brothel on the outskirts of town. Gangsters would be the best start. Maybe he'd get a decent meal out of them once he was done. Where to find those good for nothings?

    Cetus tracked down a gang that went by the moniker, 'The Three Dragons'. They controlled a relatively small territory on the edge of town. However, all reports said they were ambitious. That meant they would have their eyes on the biggest moneymakers nearby. Almost a perfect target. If they were a bit more discreet, Cetus would have been able to take them out one at a time. The Three Dragons weren't like that though. They paraded around loud and proud, letting everyone see their colors. That might have contributed to their small territory.

    The assassin followed a few of the thugs back to what appeared to be Three Dragons HQ. Exactly what he needed. As per Hidden Blade rules, Cetus would eliminate everyone here once he had his information. Probably a liberty taken with the actual wording of the rules. Cetus didn't care. He'd hunt them all down. The ground would be stained with their blood. Three Dragons ceased tonight. Only because the assassin was frustrated and needed to take it out on someone.

    The first two thugs died nearly instantly. Cetus dropped down on the first breaking his neck. The second died with a knife in his throat. His partner's knife to make it more deliciously ironic. Cetus did love it when their weapons flew into the air. Almost perfect kills. He hid the bodies in the bushes and fleeced them for weapons. It was rather disappointing. A single lacrima pistol plus two knives. Nothing of the arsenal most thugs seemed to carry with them. Not something common for those guarding the door either. Cetus decided to proceed with caution. There were two reasons for this pitiful display. The first, the Three Dragons were strapped for cash for whatever reason. The second, each of the Three Dragons' thugs was actually an accomplished mage in some aspect. He needed to be ready for the more dangerous option being true.

    The assassin decided not to use the doors in that case. There was a window on the second floor large enough for him to sneak through. It'd work better. Scaling the wall didn't take long. The window hung over the entrance. Not the best place for it honestly but easier to guard. Two entrances guarded in a way. Cetus hooked his skin into the pane of the window. Peeking inside, he made sure no one was near the window. There was a guard or something but he was facing away. The window opened easily. It wasn't even locked. Cetus was grateful for the incompetence of these fools. It made eliminating them much easier.

    The assassin slipped inside. His arms wrapped around the guard's neck, yanking him backward. "Don't scream. Don't make a sound. Otherwise, I'll dismember you nice and slowly. I might even eat you while you're still alive. Understand?" The guard stiffly nodded. "Good. That's good. Now I've got a question. You'll answer quickly and truthfully. Where is the fanciest brothel that brings in the most money for the gangs?" The guard swallowed hard. "The Slutty Kitty." A quick twist ended the man's life. He let the body drop without searching it. Now to see if the other thugs gave him a similar answer.

    "Hey, where's Bobby?" A feminine voice called down the hallway. Cetus cursed looking at the empty doorway. There was no way to hide the body in here. It was an empty room with only a small table set under the window. "Bobby? You in here? I better not catch you smoking the product again! You know there are better ways to get wasted and Winsom will have your hide this time." Cetus tensed, ready for whoever was going to appear.

    An curvy woman stepped into the doorway. Long black hair tumbled down her back. Her body was covered in a tight red dress that revealed more than it covered. Violet eyes peered out from an exotic face. Cetus didn't let his shock register as he pulled the woman into the room. He knew her. In fact, this was one of the first lovers he'd ever hand. Her eyes quickly took in his uniform, covering him from head to toe. "Ooo hold on there, baby. I like it rough but let me...check on Bobby." Now she'd seen the body. The expression on her face hardened. Cetus grabbed her fingers before she could start moving them. Her magic depended on the weird movement of her fingers. "You messed with the wrong witch, boy." She snarled, struggling against his grasp.

    "Stop that, Ally. I know what you can do and how to stop you." Cetus growled, emotions flickering in his chest. How did he deal with this? There wasn't a desire to kill his old lover. Though he never really had a desire to kill anyone. He could if need be but the question was, did it need to happen? She'd seen him yes but did that matter. There was nothing linking him back to Hidden Blades and this was an independent mission anyways. A deviation from what he was actually supposed to do. Ally stopped struggling, peering at his mask. "How do you- no it doesn't matter. Fuego!"

    Fire erupted from her mouth, throwing Cetus back against the window. It cracked heavily but managed to stay together. The assassin slumped down on the table. Damn. This had gone from a great idea to a really bad one. No choice now. Ally was nearly out of sight. He flicked a knife, his body screaming in protest. He heard Ally give a little cry. She wasn't dead, probably. If Hidden Blades required it, he could always track her down later and kill her then. Now it was more important to disappear. Grabbing Bobby's body, Cetus propped him up as if he'd struck the window. Then the assassin slipped outside. Rather than running away like some might have, Cetus went to the roof. His body protest violently but it was the safest place. Everyone generally assumed a culprit ran away. If they didn't believe his set up, they'd be looking for him. He needed to be right here for now.

    At least he'd gotten a name out of this whole failed endeavor. The Slutty Kitty. Deam may or may not actually be there but it was a chance he'd have to take. It was his only lead. Cetus had let his anger get the better of him here. He'd have to work on that in the future. Letting emotions drive actions, when you were an assassin, was dangerous. Cetus merely needed to look at the Red Eyed Devils. A group of sibling assassins who let their emotions dictate how they acted. Shadow, Archangel and Scarlet Witch were effective but they all had near death experiences. One of these days it would get them killed.

    WC: 1503
    Total: 2,703


    Gabriel Bank

    An Old Friend CetusSigs

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    An Old Friend Empty Re: An Old Friend

    Post by Cetus 13th March 2019, 1:09 am

    Once the alarm had finally died down, Cetus eased his aching body down the building. There was a single guard on every side of the house. The rest were inside either interrogating Ally or searching for the intruder. If they were smart, they were searching for the intruder. The assassin didn't have high hopes. The guard wasn't an obstacle. He died quietly. His body had barely fallen before Cetus vanished into the night.

    This job was becoming harder than Cetus imagined. Not because of the task at hand. It was the emotions that flickered on the edges of his heart. Companions, friends from his old life were popping out of the woodwork. The assassin wasn't sure if the Law of Order was on the move again or if something else was afoot. Perhaps the theft of the egg had merely been a gamble. An attempt to draw Cetus out of the shadows. He'd have to be more cautious. The shadows were a good place to hide but with the light, shadows shrank. It would be difficult to hide if a spotlight continued to shine down upon him. Then there was these emotions. They made work difficult. Did he truly want them turned on all the time?

    The night seemed much less friendly now. The assassin raided one of his stashes in preparation. Then the mistakes happened. Before Cetus reached the Slutty Kitty, he'd already killed three people accidentally. There was a deep pressure within his chest. It made him jump at every movement, snarl at every shadow. His body shook from the stress of the emotion. It was rather annoying. If Deam was indeed here, he'd have to work off the emotion in a good old brawl. That should get him settled again. If it didn't... there was always Astrid. Perhaps another woman would work as well. Or a man. Cetus didn't usually sleep with men but he wasn't exactly opposed to it.

    Thoughts became distracting. The assassin focused back upon the task at hand. There was no way to enter the brothel unseen. It was a place Deam would choose. While the demon was careless, he wasn't entirely reckless. Or perhaps it was the other way around. It was impossible to tell with Deam. Eolas used to call the hulking brute a cannon. You had to be careful which direction you pointed it before you fired. Otherwise the results could be disastrous. Cetus looked at the brothel, a deep sigh on his lips. This wasn't going to be easy.

    There were two options open to him. Walk in the front door. That was an insane idea given that HB was meant to work in the shadows and not be seen. If he didn't get in trouble for breaking that rule, Cetus would be surprised. Yet if Deam attacked him, there was little Cetus could do to to keep himself a shadow in the night. The second option was to go in through a window on the second floor. Cetus didn't much like that option. There was a fairly high chance those rooms would already be in use. Whoever was using them would scream. That would draw attention and Deam would be gone. Unless it was Deam in there. Then Cetus would be tossed back out the window head first.

    Cetus didn't like any of his options. They didn't leave him much leeway and likely would end in disaster. However, so long as he retrieved the egg it should be alright. That was his mission after all. The assassin heaved a sigh. Option two it was. He wasn't going to deliberately break a rule. They were set for good reasons. Except the law against killing. That one had never made any sense to him. Especially when the death penalty was a thing. 'Don't kill anyone but if you do, we'll kill you'. Ridiculous.

    The shark man quietly stole toward the walls of the brothel. His hands and feet hooked into the side of the building. The first window he came to, the assassin carefully peered in. He was amazed. Instead of an empty room (which he would have preferred) or a room being used by one coupling, there were several people in the room. One man and a girl was using the bed while a few more girls littered the floor. Those on the floor looked exhausted. How had one man had the energy for all of them? Cetus was tempted to open the window and ask. Instead, the assassin made his way to the next window.

    The second room was what Cetus had expected. One couple, vigorously using the bed. Or a man going at it happily while the woman faked it. Moving on. The third window looked onto an empty room. Cetus was about to open it when a couple burst in. Frustrated, the shark man went onto the fourth window. And so it continued. Every one of the eight rooms was occupied. Rage bubbled beneath Cetus' skin. This job has become complicated, people from his past had reappeared and the one thing standing in his way was horny couples. Not even vaguely attractive ones.

    The assassin was simply done. Deam's nose wasn't powerful. A few dead bodies wouldn't alert him to anything. He slipped into the room once the couple was done. A knife to the back of the skull ended the man's life. His hooker joined him quickly when she was exiting the restroom. Cetus wiped the knife off on the bed sheets. Time to repeat the process. These people were better off dead anyways if he and Deam got into it. They had no qualms about using people as meat shields. The second room went without a hitch. Another couple down. Actually were they really couples if one was paid for their time? Cetus contemplated that while he snuck to the third room.

    Here things went a little screwy. The hooker was already stepping outside as Cetus approached. She turned toward the assassin, counting the money in her hand. There was no time for hesitation. He was on her in a flash. His hand covered her mouth as his knife slid between her ribs. Her beautiful ice blue eyes widened for a moment before the lights went out. Thinking he was in the clear, Cetus relaxed. The door right beside him opened. "Hey, you forgot-" The man's comment died as he registered the scene in front of him. Cetus quickly sank his fist into the man's solar plexus. That would keep him from talking. The man bent over in time to meet Cetus' foot. The swift kick sent him stumbling back. Cetus yanked his knife from the hooker's corpse, tossing it backhanded at her last customer. His eyes also widened before he collapsed on the bed.

    The assassin quickly pulled the other body into the room. Keeping it out in the hall wouldn't end well. However, his current method of dealing with all these people wasn't working either. It took too long. Otherwise, this couple would have been off guard as well. The shark man yanked his knife from the man's cadaver. It flickered over his knuckles as he thought. Perhaps he'd sacrifice a few knives. A quick toss was easier than waiting for an opportune moment. He'd use a pistol but the sound would alert Deam immediately. The bugger had always managed to know when even a silenced pistol went off.

    Cetus quickly moved from room to room. He opened the door, tossed two knives and moved on. It left him with only a single knife as he neared the final room. This had been the surprising room with many hookers for a single man. Pity, he'd never know how the man did it. A plan was needed clearly. There were many people within that room. One wrong step would be all it took in order to alert Deam if he was indeed downstairs. Magic would be needed here. The White Court and in particular, the Emperor of Supremacy was needed now.

    The magic engulfed his hands. White scales replaced skin. Claws grew in place of fingernails. A blue gem pushed through the back of his hands. Cetus could feel the instant power flowing through him. The door opened quietly. The power of the White Dragon Emperor sank over the room and its occupants. They shrank, slowly at first but speeding up over time. Cetus was moving before it was complete. While most inside were asleep, two were very active. His knife ended the woman. The man barely had time to register her death. The assassin leapt over her body. His fingers plunged into the man's chest. A jerking motion tore out ribs, flung viscera and left the assassin holding the man's heart. It was only then he noticed the glowing blue pills on the dresser. "Artificially enhancing your stamina. Pathetic."

    The assassin wasn't quite so kind to the hookers. With their reduced size and his enhanced strength, Cetus was able to crush each of their heads underfoot. Those that couldn't be stepped on awoke briefly to intense pain before their head exploded between his hands. The overall effect left Cetus rather bloody. He retrieved his last knife. It was time for his big entrance. His body was pumped up on the power of the White Court and adrenaline. A strange emotion was removing Cetus' ability to think clearly. Or maybe it wasn't so strange. He wanted more. He needed more blood. Deam running be damned. He'd beat the bastard into the ground.

    Entirely in the throes of his bloodlust, Cetus charged from the room. A flip cleared him of the railing. He slammed into a table below, eliciting screams. His eyes took in the room in a moment of clarity. Deam was indeed here. He sat in the corner. The Egg he'd stolen sat brazenly upon the table. That thing was probably why there were five or more women sitting about him cooing over his body. Or the would have been if they hadn't all been staring at Cetus. The assassin grinned behind his mask, his mind becoming lost once more.

    The pistols whipped out. Deam was already moving as the magical blasts killed his companions. The last one died as the demon yanked her into the path of a blast. Cetus chuckled coldly. That was the man he remembered. The rest of the brothel erupted in chaos. The assassin dropped a pistol to unhook a homemade grenade. Deam was trying to escape through the door. He was cutting down everyone in his way in his rush. Cetus wondered if he even realized the Egg had been left behind. "Tut tut. It wonot beh tat ehasy" The grenade sailed through the air. Deam barely noticed it in time to dive out of the way.

    The explosion rippled through the crowd. Those closest to the door died, frozen in place. Others were impaled upon the icy creation of the explosion while the last of the crowd was flung back. The only way in or out of the brothel was now sealed tight with ice. "One lehttle deahmon trapped in 'is den." Cetus sang as he shot a few people struggling to get up. He didn't want anyone else interfering in this fight. This was needed. Nay it was required for the assassin to move on. To find that absolute cold, he needed to kill everyone that meant anything. Anyone that stirred the remnants of emotion within his chest. Then he could finally be free. Living in blood from day to day, killing as he pleased.

    Deam launched himself across the room. The move surprised Cetus. The demon had not been able to do such a feat before without his magic. Cetus' hesitation cost him the chance to dodge. Deam slammed into his middle. The two of them tumbled from the table. "You'll nevah take me alive! Ye'll nevah kill meh neitha!" Deam screamed, his fists raining down. Cetus cackled with each blow. The demon didn't even notice. His massive hands grasped the assassin by the face. Cetus found himself airborne before striking the wall. Deam had tossed him. Clear across the room and still managed to crack the stone. "Excehllent, excehllent." The shark said grinning madly as he climbed to his feet.

    Deam was the one that looked surprised now. It was probably rare for anyone to get back up after that. Cetus had received the same training as Deam however. They could take the pain and keep going. The assassin was out of weapons. Deam didn't seem to have any weapons. This would be either a magic duel or a plan and simple brawl. Cetus grasped a nearby pole. After yanking it free, it was sent at Deam like a javelin. "Not bahd mah friehnd." Deam said smoothing avoiding the projectile. It impaled one of the survivors instead. "But ya should stahp now. Ya can' go toe ta toe with me. Ya'll only end up dead." Cetus chuckled again. Maybe he would. Maybe he wouldn't. It didn't matter. Blood was seeping into the air and any semblance of sanity that he might have had was gone.

    Deam realized this. They charged, slamming into each other. Fist flew, blood flew before they broke apart again. There was a glimmer of respect in the demon's eyes now. His wings, usually tightly folded against his back, were partially open. Cetus could try to take them out now. Then Deam couldn't fly away. Nor could he use them as weapons which the bastard was prone to do. Chairs, benches, tables, anything within reach flew between the small space between them. Deam smashed each projectile with his fists unless it would end badly for him. Those he dodged or caught. Many of the remaining survivors were showered with splinters. One found himself crushed under a rather heavy table. The weight of it slowly took away his breath.

    "Ya're a cold man." Deam chuckled, wiping at a cut on his cheek. The blood on his fingers seemed to amuse him. "I ha' a bruda like tat once. Loved 'imself dis stuff too." He raised his bloody fingers. "I had mah fun now toe. It's 'ime ta end dis." Red seeped into Deam's golden eyes. Cetus could feel the magic rolling off his friend. Damn it. Now this was turning into a magic duel. There was no good that could come of that. They'd end up tearing this place apart. There was a flicker of intelligence that cut through Cetus' bloodlust. The White Court's power may not be enough here. At least, not the level he could access at the moment. He'd be better off holding for now. Probably. Deam might kill him if he waited.

    Purple fire gathered in Deam's hands. Cetus' eyes widened. That was a high level spell to start off with. Usually Deam started off slow, toying with his opponent. The hard look in Deam's eyes was different too. It would be better to treat this fight like it was with an unknown enemy. Cetus reached for the baron's power while Deam pulled back his arm. The purple orb that flew from his hands nearly caught the assassin. If he hadn't had his magic, Cetus would have been cooked. He didn't like being the spider baron but in this case, he was grateful. As it was, the entire back wall disappeared in an orb of black tinged purple fire. Hell. It'd gotten even more powerful. Cetus didn't stop moving though. His eight new arms skittered against the floor as Deam threw more of the projectiles.

    Soon the brothel was creaking. Its weight bearing walls had massive holes in them. Some were gone entirely. The whole thing tilted dangerously. Cetus was surprised the brothel was standing at all. Deam had kept him completely on the defensive. Whatever the demon had been doing it had strengthened his magic exponentially. Deam's entire body was red now. His pupils were similar to cats now as well. Purple fire ran down his arms. Hellfyre, they'd always jokingly called it. Cetus had never taken the time to study the magic and realize how true that statement actually was.

    This wasn't a fight he could win. Not even fighting his hardest could he win this. Deam was much stronger than he had been. His magic was honed into a weapon. While it would have been nice to know who hired him, Cetus wouldn't gamble with his own life. It was always better to live and fight another day. The assassin coiled his legs preparing to jump. Deam's eyes narrowed, a challenge to try whatever Cetus was planning.

    The jump surprised Deam. Instead of trying to hit the demon, the shark had leapt over him. He landed in the corner where the egg was. Somehow it had miraculously stayed on the only table left in the place. Each of Cetus' eight arms struck out, demolishing what remained of the walls. As the brothel groaned, the assassin snatched up his prize. He turned to Deam to bow deeply. "Until we meet again, Deam." The shark said without any trace of an accent. Deam cried out realizing who he'd just been fighting. Cetus didn't wait. As the brothel collapsed in on itself, Cetus was zipping away from the building. He didn't look over his shoulder even once.

    He'd gotten the Egg. The mission was complete. Cetus set the Egg down where it had been originally taken from only an hour after the brothel had collapsed. Despite his success, the shark couldn't help feeling like a failure. He'd lost his head to the bloodlust. He'd almost been caught by a gang. His former brother at arms had completely outmatched him. This mission had made one thing very clear to Cetus. He needed to get stronger. There were things out there he wasn't prepared for yet and it could get him killed. There were things out there that were much stronger than him that would get him killed. Only by becoming stronger did he ensure his survival. So that was what he would do. He would find the strength needed to take on the world. Rank wise, magic wise, anything he could take and hold onto for strength he would. Because Cetus would bring his family back together and he would reclaim his emotions. Then they would all rip down the Law of Order. He'd make sure of it.

    WC: 3072
    Total: 5,775


    Gabriel Bank

    An Old Friend CetusSigs

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:51 pm