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    New Terms, New Life


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    New Terms, New Life Empty New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 11th April 2019, 4:44 pm

    Demi had been contemplating things since she had changed the once so called dragon king into one like her, this came with a lot of issues as until fully educated she was responsible for his every action. Normally this hadn't bothered her as there was no real rush to having him move his feet out of both worlds, but a series of events had instantly changed her thoughts on that and so she had to work quickly. Thanks to the terms she had made to protect Ruvel it meant she also could no longer have interactions with him either. Then again she had already put another plan into action before she had agreed to the terms with Cirven, she was certain had that been known by him that he would have never agreed to the terms but what was done can't be undone until someone broke the terms. Thing was she knew she and Cirven were the only ones that actively went out of their ways not to break terms even if they had the chance, they just got inventive with how they could get around them.

    She had separated herself from the rest of the group but she knew that she didn't have long before she would be expected to be by their sides once more. She also knew she had only one chance to get the other to understand and get him to make a decision, she could already feel a tension headache forming, she hated this but still it needed to be done and it needed to be done quickly. She had sent a letter to the one in question with a date, time and location telling him to be there or she would hunt him down and if her scythe hurt the first time he wouldn't like to feel it a second time. Normally the white haired albino woman would have more patience and tact than what she was showing but right now she really didn't have the patience or the time for niceties at that current time. To respect his Provence she was dressed in a white kimono with a purple layer underneath and a matching purple obi. She was inside a gazebo in the middle of a lake sitting on the blade of her scythe as she listened to the sounds around her. It wasn't like she could go into a lot of information right now, to many questions would come up that she didn't want to answer.

    Her eyes closed as she sighed a little in frustration a little in annoyance, she hated the fact she allowed herself to end up in such a situation. Sure she was at at peace with it but there were still things that broke that balance, like she knew that she may fall back into the numbness she once felt at the hands of Cor Tova. She was happy that she was with her family once more but there was still a lot there that bothered her, she was still on the outskirts an untrusted traitor though she had done nothing to warrant such a brand. She had even passed Cirven's stupid test and she still wasn't trusted, her hands held went to the blade of her scythe allowing it to bite into her hands. She didn't flinch or show any sort of pain slowly brought up her hands looking to them, it would be obvious what she was doing now or why she had cut her hands but she had. "Hurry up." she said in a quiet voice as she open and closed her hand watching as she healed leaving no mark of the fact she should have been harmed.

    Word Count: 614


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 11th April 2019, 6:46 pm

    Sol had been working intently in his castle going thru some documents to keep the province going while having a soothing cup of green Tea, it had been a odd time lately around Tolgalen with the Plagued area Tsak Ordahic and the issue with the  ball which had sent them into the dangerous infected area to find out what was going on.  Luckily the slayer had managed to avoid getting infected which he considered to be a godsend since he needed to take care of his business at the company and taking care of the province. As he finished some papers and finished drinking his tea his Servant  Yuzuruha approached him urgently with a letter in her hands.”Sol Sama this came for you and I was told it was urgent” she said as she bowed to him and offered the letter with both hands as Sol rose and Bowed back as he took it with both hands in return before he started to read it.

    Thank you Yuzu Chan  you may go take a break you have been working very hard today you have earned it I will be departing for a place in the Province but I will be back in due time.” He said after a few moments as  Yuzuruha nodded and bowed low to him.”Thank you Sol Sama you are most kind” she said as she  exited the room and Sol quick  exited the room and took off towards his destination. As he got outside of the gates he started to float above the ground and shot off towards the location of the Gazebo. As he flew the Deathless could only wonder what was so important that she would call him out to such a location and so urgently. While he harbored a healthy fear for the Woman he also had a great deal of respect for her as well and  no matter the situation or circumstance he would be respectful and  cordial with her.

    Thinking back to the mission that had turned all of them into kids Sol could still remember the feeling of her scythe cutting into his chest and it still caused him pain from time to time. The woman was a master of combat and it was one of the few times that he had been put into his place so quickly. "I hope everything is alright what could this be about” he muttered to himself as the lake came into view and the Gazebo along with it. As he got closer Sol slowed and he glided up to the gazebo his feet just above the water as he made it  with a few minutes to spare and he touched down and glanced at the Reaper before him.”Its good to see you again Demi” he said as he bowed respectfully to her. The Slayer was garbed in a  black haori and a black Kosode  with a hakama with purple markings on the sleves and near the edges. It was simple yet elegant. On the slayers feet were a pair of geta  which was becoming the normal footware for the Vice President when he was not working.

    you Look Lovely in that Kimono ” he complimented before he became serious and decided to finally ask the question that had been on his mind.”So what brings you here Demi your letter seemed very urgent and I came as quick as I could” he said his tone curious and also concerned since while he got a long with her  she had never sent a summon to him which surprised him greatly when he had received the letter.the sight of her scythe put him on edge but he knew she might have it for an important reason so he decided not to ask.

    WC 630



    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 12th April 2019, 12:46 pm

    She had been keeping her eyes closed listening to the gentle chiming of the glass wind chime that was near the southern exit of the gazebo, she could feel Sol getting closer, almost like it was a sixth unnatural sense. She had no idea as to why this could be, she just thought one reaper could sense another but this was different to how she knew another reaper was around or even her twin. The only option she was left with was it was because she was the one who turned him into what he is currently but then she never had this sensation with Korvin so their had to be more to this issue, hearing his voice she once again opened her eyes to remember the mistake she had made, he was trapped with a foot in both worlds and so belonging to neither, that was something she would make amends to and soon. The long snowy white haired albino woman remained silent for the longest time as she was addressed, she wasn't to sure if it was a great thing to see him once again but then again she had been the one who summoned him so she guessed she had to at least pretend "The pleasure is mine I assure you." her voice was calm but far from warm, she had a lot on her mind at current and really didn't have time for formalities.

    When she was complimented on her clothing she was caught off guard, she had never had such a thing happen before so she wasn't to sure how to take it. "I don't have time for pleasantries." she said her tone showing she wanted to get right down to business even if he didn't want to. To her he might have all the time in the world but she knew Cirven had very little patience for those who were late when called, she swore he got it from his mother but she could have been wrong there. "It is time for your education to begin Sol, you are in two worlds while belonging to neither and eventually this will become a problem." she said jumping off her scythe to land quietly on the floor of the gazebo "So I am here to give you a few simple truths." she moved towards him her scythe not moving from it's upright position, she stopped in front of him thumbing the hem of his top "Remove this now." she said her tone showing that this wasn't a request but an order "And right now because I am not in the mood you make this any more difficult than it has to be and I will kill you outright." her voice showing that wasn't an idle threat but a promise.

    She took a few steps back and watched to see just what the other would do, he could try and attack her but that wouldn't end well for him. He had already felt the bite of her scythe and knew just how adept she was in wielding it. When he removed or lowered the top she couldn't help but chuckle seeing the scar that she had caused not but a few months before "I bet that is still hurting..." she said moving forward delicately running her fingers over it, she knew it would cause him discomfort if not pain because it had been her weapon that had caused it "A reminder of me that will never leave I assure you." she said moving her hand moving around him studying every inch of his visible body, it would be clear that she was looking for something he just wouldn't know what at least not at that moment. Then she seen it a near invisible pulsing glyph at the base of his back, she could tell it wasn't fully forming because he hadn't fully stepped into the life he was apparently for. "Brace yourself." she said and without even a second for him to find out what she meant she quickly brushed it knowing just how painful it would be for him.

    Word Count: 683
    Total Word Count: 1,297


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 12th April 2019, 2:25 pm

    As he landed on the wood of the gazebo Sol actually had to admit the choice of location Demi had picked for the meeting was perfect  yet somehow he didn’t know why that as.the water around them was perfectly calm and reflected just like a mirror showing  gazebo and them from multiple angles as she greeted him calmly but he heard no warmth in her tone which did not surprise him. She then mentioned to him that she was not here for pleasentrys and at that the slayer nodded in understanding knowing that for her to summon him was not something that he took lightly. She had spared him and he knew there was a connection to her but the full amount of information he knew still felt very sparse. She then told him that his education was going to begin and that he would have problems if he remained in both while belonging to neither.

    When the Reaper before him told him to remove his Haori and Kosode Sol blinked for a moment in surprise before he started to remove the upper half of his clothing. He knew he couldn’t challenge her and that it would be foolish to not listen to her and her threat to kill him outright made it even more clear. As he finished  removing them he folded them neatly and put them to the side as he stood before her. The pale skin of his upper body unmarked except for one single  scar across his chest. The scar that her scythe had given him and it still caused him pain from time to time. When she saw the scar she chuckled a bit and Sol had to resist the urge to sigh before she suddenly ran her fingers across it. Despite the fact that she did so very gently the sensation of her fingers on his wound  made him close his eyes as he felt pain flare across it but he refused to show pain at this moment. “It does still hurt from time to time” he said confirming her words before she told him that It would be a reminded of her that would never leave his body which made the  slayer nod again.”I consider it a reminder to always strive to be better” he admitted before  she started to move around him and seemed to be studying him rather intently.

    Sol could only wonder what she was doing before after a few moments she suddenly told him to brace himself.”what do you” he didn’t even manage to finish his sentence before he suddenly felt her touch something on his back and he dropped to a knee and he tried to scream in pain but no sound would come out. It was agonizing and his mind couldn’t even focus on a thought except  the desire to end it and to finish  him off. Compared to any other pain he felt  no matter if it was mental emotional of physical  this  dwarfed it.  As he glanced up at her his eyes were wide and confusion and fear suddenly reflected in them.”what the fuck  did you do to me Demi?” he asked wondering what she had managed to do. The fact she could cause such pain to him suddenly had him terrified of her and he knew he couldn’t move at all, his legs felt like they were lead and they ached  badly along with the rest of his body. Sol was starting to wonder if she was actually here to torment him but the fact that she mentioned some truths she had to tell him  was the only thing keeping him from trying to run in fear.

    WC 613

    Total WC   1,243


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 12th April 2019, 7:41 pm

    Demi knew what was to come and knew like any type of medicine was to take it and get it over with, this is why she hadn't waited between telling him to brace himself and the action that she took. She had listened to what he had said about his scar "There are many reasons that scar will always be there and hurt, but if nothing else take it as as sign that you are still alive." she said calmly she paused for a moment as she thought over the last few words "Well in some meaning of the word alive." she said realising that they weren't 'alive' in the same context as a mortal or undead. She tilted her head listened to his next words and chuckled a little shaking her head a little "You are so naive Sol, don't worry you will learn... or die at this point I don't really mind which." she explained as she looked to him "We should always strive to do better ourselves, if we don't we perish." she began her eyes turning to look over the reflective surface of the water for a short moment "And depending on how badly we falter it could mean our very essence is snuffed out of existence so we constantly need to evolve and adapt." she said turning her sight back to him "We don't need scars for that reminder." she finally finished hoping he would take something from what she said and this would be something that wouldn't need to be repeated at a later date.

    She smirked as he tried to ask something as she touched his glyph making him fall to a knee in paralysing pain. She remembered just how painful it was to have her own glyph touched and just how much worse when it was a crystal. She watched as he silently screamed from her just gently poking it and didn't ever wish to go back to those days "This is your weak point..." she once again began to talk touching it once more this time she jabbed it with a little force, this would make pain she had previously went through feel like it had been nothing "You have to prevent this point ever being touched or harmed Sol..." she continued moving to put her thumb on the glyph and applied pressure the moment he swore at her "I am showing you, your most vulnerable point Sol and just how powerless you truly are when it is touched especially now child." she couldn't care less who was the elder of the two, right now he was a toddler in her eyes and needed to learn and quickly and the quickest way for that to happen was for him to feel the pain and just like all children never wanted to feel pain again.

    She could see the fear and confusion in his eyes, this was good she could work with this, she could make him understand quickly like this. "Fledgling reapers have a glyph on their body that will one day turn into a gem. This holds everything that they are." she explained applying more pressure "And I hope you are listening through all this..." she said finally taking her thumb away after a long few moments "When they are touched it is well you know first hand how it is, now imagine how it would feel if damaged..." she said moving back to her scythe and jumping to be sitting back on it, it not moving in the slightest "Now listen up..." she said her eyes serious as she lent forward just a little "When a crystal or glyph is broken a reaper simply ceases to exist, by that I mean we are wiped out we don't get another cycle." her hand moved forward showing a light in the middle of her hand and then watched as it was snuffed out by a sudden darkness "There is no way back." she wanted to drill this through his head knowing just how stubborn he was in his former racial life

    Eventually she brought her hand back down and placed it upon the top of her scythe almost as if she was supporting herself "Now because you aren't within the world of a reaper your glyph is unable to show itself fully and likely unless you were looking for it you would miss it." she started giving him more information on what was going on "Now due to this it dampened the pain you would have felt if you were inside the world you should be, so if you think what you felt just then was bad it could have been a lot worse I assure you." she said moving her eyes looking towards him "Do you understand everything I have said thus far or am I having to go over the lesson you've had thus far?" she asked calmly as if this was a run of the mill thing.

    Word Count: 829
    Total Word Count: 2,126


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 12th April 2019, 10:24 pm

    As Demi explained that he should take the scar as a sign that he was still alive before she then questioned the meaning of the term alive which made Sol Chuckle a bit, as lost as he was in his new state of being he knew that alive was an odd term for the moment. She chuckled back at him at his words of using the scar as a reminder and told him that he was Naïve but that he would learn or die not that she minded either, she told him that they always strive to be better if they didn’t die and if they faltered bad enough it meant that they would be be wiped from existence and their own essence snuffed out like a flame. She explained that they needed to evolve and adapt and that scars were not needed for that reminded. At that Sol nodded his head in understanding. It was the nature of everything and now he relized it included reapers as well. the strong survived and adapted while those that remained stagnant would fall and die. It was harsh but it was the nature of the beast and Sol was started to grasp that even better then he knew before.

    When she explained that what she touched was his weakpoint Sol was still in such pain he struggled to grasp her words before she suddenly jabbed him again harder then a gentle touch this time and it caused the Slayers knee he was on to buckle and he hit the ground in agony, his limbs were like stone and he couldn’t even summon the strength to scream in agony. Every fiber of his being wanted to end this suffering and make it stop but he couldn’t even vocalize it. When she put more pressure on it he curled in paralyzing pain as his eyes looked to her begging and pleading for her to stop as the understanding of what she was doing sank in. she then removed her thumb and he gasped in pain as he bearly managed to flip onto his back so his weak point was covered and he looked at her as he breathed and tried to regain his bearings. His body was coated in a light sheet of sweat from the sheer pain he went thru . Demi then explained to him that the spot on his back he had to protect as just touching it made him powerless and put him in agony. She also explained that it was a glyph that would become a gem when he fully became a reaper and that if just touching it was that painful imagen what it being damage or broken felt like.

    It made Sol shiver in fear as she told him that a glyph or crystal breaking meant that a reaper would cease to exist and that if it happened it was the end and there was no way to reverse it. As she hopped back on her scythe she told him that because he isn’t fully in either world his glyph was unable to show and that the pain he had felt was dulled and that it would have been even worse. As Demi asked him if her understood Sol nodded slowly. He was scared but he understood just how important this meeting was now. She had to make him learn what his weakness was among other things and just those few displays of pain had made the slayer quickly understand he needed to keep his glyph safe.”You Don’t have to repeat it I understand” he said horsely his throat hurt badly even if he wasent able to truly scream. ”Demi I don’t want to remain stuck like this I..I want to finish this transition to be honest I don’t feel whole I feel Fractured” he admitted slowly. Ever since he had started the change he hadent felt right and sometimes he heard a voice in his head which sometimes made him question his sanity. The deathless could only hop that Demi would be able to give him some answers. It truly was sinking in to the slayer just how important this meeting was and his attention was fully on Demi now as he felt his body starting to very very slowly calm down and he started to breath normally instead of harshly from the intense pain he had just been thru.

    WC 736

    Total WC 1,979


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 13th April 2019, 7:11 am

    She had made sure that he understood everything, his weak point, why it was a weakness, the pain that would came with it being touched or even worse what would happen if it was damaged to much. To her this was the most important for thing for any like her to know, this was the basics that many like her would take for granted, she understood that he was at a disadvantage given he was newly 'born' and within his first cycle. She knew it was rare for someone that had went through the transformation to be allowed to become a reaper but then she and Oykai weren't exactly normal within their cast given whom their father was. "Scars are reminders of mistakes that shouldn't have happened Sol, to gain one from a reaper and survive means the reaper was foolish in that moment." She knew at that point in time she had been foolish, she put into a situation that she never should have been in at any point but she had been. She shouldn't have been forced into the fight with Sol but she had been due to her connection to Cirven and Ruvel. It had been the same reason she could give the final blow, she heard Ruvel cry out and decided he was more important than killing the other.

    She hadn't ever regretted the decision, what was done after all there was absolutely no way for her to undo what had been done. She would live with the actions she had made and try and amend them so they wouldn't bite her at a later date, if anything her previous mistake would come in handy with her current predicament even if he didn't know about it, Sol was now a pawn in her game of chess to keep one of the two she held dear to her safe since she herself no longer could. Then again this meant she needed to strengthen him because as it stood he wasn't stable enough to step foot into the world she was in, nor was he strong enough to go against someone like her or Cirven especially in his current mental state. "I understand I was foolish to allow you to live, however, that being said..." she sighed moving her hand through her bangs before turning her back to him looking out over the water "We have rules that we follow in such situations and I chose to change you but you didn't transform completely you fought against the process." she said calmly looking over her shoulder to him as he lay on his back panting like a dog that had just been running for hours without any break or hydration. "You look so pathetic like that..." she said coldly her eyes narrowing as she turned in a single elegant movement "Show me your worth, prove to me this isn't just a waste of my time and get on your damn feet... fight against the pain I put in your body." she said her voice stern as she put her hand towards her scythe and it came to her hand if following her unspoken orders "If you don't you die... it is that simple." She knew there would be no real way for him to do it, his body would be screaming out in pain but she needed him to fight against the pain, to push through it.

    She moved the scythe so it was out towards him, she had little time left to get the basics done before she would be expected to turn up to where the others would already be. "Hurry up!" she barked the order showing her patience wasn't there right now, it was clear there was something more going on that she wasn't saying, her eyes daring him to even try bring it up right now. Right now this was all about him understanding, getting him stronger and getting him prepared for might end up happening. She knew she was playing with fire but she wasn't breaking the terms by training Sol to take her position as Ruvel's main guardian. She had taken note of the shiver that had run through his body when she told him his fate if anything happened to the glyph and eventual gem if he passed his basic training that was. A healthy dose of fear was never a bad thing but she would have to push him through that fear if she was to be any use to her. "You are lucky I am the one teaching you this because last time my twin made someone like you he done that three times to make his message clear." she said her arm straight and unfaltering as she held her scythe still pointed towards him in a single hand almost as if it was a sword, a feat that should have been impossible given its size but here she was doing it with ease.

    His next words made her bring the scythe close to her as she began to lean against it "Well you aren't fractured, your broken there is a difference." she said in a matter of a fact way before sighing, this was never a good sign in her mind so she knew she had a bit more work with him before she could call this lesson to a close. That was the last thing she needed given time restraints but she knew she couldn't leave him like this, she would be leaving a ticking time bomb and she already had one of those to deal with, she didn't want to have another one handle especially considering he would be near Ruvel and the moment that the rest of her biological family seen him as a threat they would take him down without a second thought. "When you get to your feet I'll continue this lesson, if you can't do that then you are not worth me wasting my time to teach Sol." she said her voice once again was neutral in tone as she awaited his movements to see if he could fight against the pain, even if he made it back to his knees she would be impressed it would mean he had potential.

    Word Count: 1,039
    Total Word Count: 3,165


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 13th April 2019, 11:32 am

    While he was still on the ground Demi looked down at the Deathless on the ground and said that he looked pathetic which at this point Sol couldn’t fight her on that. His body was exhausted from the pain she had just put him in and he felt heavy as if he had mountains shackled to his body holding him down.it was still a shock that Sol was still awake from the pain since he was sure most people would have either passed out or straight up died from the shock of the pain she suddenly sent him thru and he suddenly heard her ask him to show his worth and stand up. He understood that this situation he was in was his own fault due to fighting against the process he was supposed to be going thru. But he wanted to finish this process and he didn’t want to remain like he was. The threat that the Reaper before him told him  spurred him onwards as she told him that if he didn’t get better he would die plain and simple.  Sol focused on his limbs and he twisted himself so he was on his stomach and gritted his teeth as the pain in his body made him feel like he was moving thru concrete, he managed to bring his hands up and he pushed himself off the ground  before his left arm gave out and he hit the ground once again before he had to try and push himself back up again..

    As he pushed himself up again this time his right arm and left leg gave out and he once again  impacted the woof of the gazebo, at one moment he glanced out at the water and saw  the glass like surface reflect his pained expression back at him and it made him more determined to get back up and show that he was not done and was not ready to die. Placing his palms back on the wood Sol focused on getting back up but he was careful and slow so he didn’t risk another one of his limbs giving out. He knew he only had so much time due to Demi being intent on teaching him or killing him if he couldn’t adapt and get stronger.’I will not fail I will get thru this’ he thought as he managed to get his knees under him and then he slowly started to rise so  he was kneeling before her. His body was exhausted and hurt but he had managed it.

    As he heard that her Twin would have made him go thru the pain  three more times to make sure that the lesson sank in.focusing very hard Sol managed to get to his knees but he didn’t want to just stop there but the problem was he didn’t know if he could .’I I cant reach my feet  theres no strength left in my legs even if I managed it Ill fall’ he admitted to himself in his mind after a moment. The Slayer knew if he tried to push himself and failed he might not get a second chance and decided to play it safe  as he took a deep breath and focused on Demi and while he exhaled he steeled himself for whatever might be next in his lesson with her.”alright Im ready for the next lesson” he said after a moment. Though Sol had to admit that it was much harder to maintain then he had expected. His body wanted to give and hit the ground again but the slayer refused and used even bit of strength he had to stay kneeling before her. If Sol had his way he would have fully gotten to his feet but to try and fail would make him look like a fool in front of the Reaper. looking at Demi his eyes were focused though you could tell he was still dealing with the echos of pain in his body. He could only wonder slightly what else she would teach him if this kind of pain was involved in Lesson one. Around them the weather seemed to remain pleasant and warm  as the Lakes Mirror like surface was undisturbed even by Sols repeated attempts to get back up  and a small amount of mist hung near the waters surface.

    wc 724

    total WC  2,703

    Last edited by Sol on 13th April 2019, 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
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    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 13th April 2019, 3:54 pm

    Demi looked to him silently watching every movement, judging him with each passing second to see if he would even attempt to move when he was feeling so much pain. Usually she would have taken her time to ease him into this but that would take time, this was something that was in short supply for her at least so it needed to be sink or swim as much as she hated doing this tactic. "I'm waiting..." she said simply sounding bored at him not even trying at this point, she settled her mind once more she knew doing this slowly would be the most efficient way but again this wasn't something she or he could afford but for completely different reasons. It was then she picked up his thoughts that he wasn't going to fail, that he would do what she had demanded of him, this was an interesting turn of events but then she remembered that he had once been a dragon and they were one of the most stubborn and prideful races out there. This kind of made it less impressive to her still she remained in her current position to watch the events about to unfold in front of her.

    She could only imagine how he took what she said about her twin brother making people go through what he had three times to get them to understand the whole thing about their glyph and gem. Then again she also failed to mention that he wouldn't have given them any warning and done it at random points through the lesson. She watched as he managed after what would have seemed like a long gruelling process to Sol as she herself would have went through it, the fact of the matter was only a few moments had passed. "So you made it to your stomach, congratulations you learned how to roll over like a mongrel now get to your feet like a person." she mocked him even going so far to slow clap as if this was an easy and every day feat she had been asking of him, she knew it wasn't but still if he was focused on proving her wrong then that would help him or so she would think anyway. She watched as he tried to get up, he faltered once her eyes watching ever intently "Is that the best you have?" she questioned him as she watched him try to get up for the second try, again he faltered and landed flat on the gazebo floor "Giving up so soon... perhaps you weren't as capable as Trase once thought" she commented moving closer to him ready to put her foot on his glyph to see if that would put a rocket up his ass because she remembered the second time they tried to touch hers she moved quickly and broke the bitch's hand that had tried before killing her outright threatening anyone else to dare try.

    She stopped the moment he tried again and watched as he with every ounce of strength he could muster push himself to his knees, she could see he was in pain and tired beyond belief but she was proud of him that he even got to that position "Good enough for now." she said calmly gently kicking him onto his side so he could at least rest up a little, she didn't care if he was mad at her for putting him back down after all that effort he done to get back up, it was life and right now she was his teacher. "Stay down and rest for now, you'll need it in a later lesson and believe me your body will be feeling like this for a few weeks if your lucky." she said so he knew how body wouldn't get rid of this pain so easily, what she hadn't told him was that she had notified her twin and her cousins exactly where the glyph was and instructed them to touch it at random times. The reason for this is she needed him to remain on alert even when resting, that even at his weakest and most vulnerable times he would be able to defend himself. She put nothing passed Cirven now and so needed him to be ready for everything. "You brought this upon yourself when you fought the transformation Sol and now I'm left cleaning up." she seemed less than impressed but it was what it was at the end of the day.

    She moved to be sat next to his laying body "There are a few home truths you'll need to come to terms with Sol before we can go any further..." she paused moving her hand to his cheek forcing him to look at her dead in the eyes "We are weapons of death and destruction, this is something we can't escape or run from. It is the nature of the beast we are." she explained her voice quiet and gentle as she spoke to him "We leave a trail of dead bodies where ever we go and there is nothing we can do to stop it less than snuffing ourselves out." she continued hoping he would understand why she was saying that, if not she would allow questions on this part when she was finished. "The other is you need to accept you are a monster, you need to accept and come to terms with that darkness that is always beneath the surface, trying to claw its way out of the depths you have locked it." her voice showed that this part was beyond serious "If you can't come to peace with that darkness I will need to put you down for every living things safety. You are trying to hide the fact of what you enjoy doing for the sake of Rui and normally I would say that's an admirable thing you're doing but you're a ticking time bomb of death and are more likely to kill him than anything else." she said pausing to let that sink in, just how dire that situation would be if he kept fighting against his darker nature and what it would mean to those he apparently cherished. "When the monster within you gets free and believe me it will get free make no mistake in that, you will go after those you cherish first in your crazed mindset." she said to him knowing that this was something that he needed not only for his sake but Ruvel's and any one he cared for.

    Word Count: 1,093
    Total Word Count: 4,258


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 13th April 2019, 5:25 pm

    As Sol was struggling to get up and he heard Demi say that she was waiting and he struggled to comprehend it for a moment as he was feeling pain thru his body. She then started to complement him before saying that he learned to roll like a dog but now he needed to  stand like a person and he  gritted his teeth in frustration before he had started to struggle his way to his knees. As he faltered again Demi jabbed him again verbally by mentioned perhaps Cirven was wrong when he thought he was capable.’For the love of all that is unholy im not a dog and I am more then capable’ he thought to himself before he spoke.”Im not giving Up I WONT GIVE UP!” he tried to say loudly but his voice was horse from the pain. When he managed to get to his knees she told him it was good enough before she suddenly kicked him and knocked him down to his side. Sol felt pain as she hit him but compared to what he had just expireanced it feel like getting kicked full force  but still was not at bad. In Sols mind he couldn’t even get angry he was annoyed that he  did all that just to get knocked down but he was to tired and to weak from pain to even deal with that he just listened and nodded as she told him to rest and recover since he might feel like this for a few weeks if he was lucky.

    Well looks like I need to let Rui know I will be out of action for a while’ he thought to himself  before Demi then went into a topic the Deathless had always avoided and hated. She told him about how Reapers were weapons of death and that they caused death and destruction and there was no escaping in no matter what they did it was just the nature of what they were and what he now was. To the slayer is was a hard truth to swallow since he had been working so hard to try and be a better person and deny the darkness inside him. And now she was telling him that there was no escape from the fate  before him except snuffing his own life out which the slayer didn’t want. As she explained to him that he needed to accept that he was a monster that he was what he denyed he was deep down. If he didn’t let the darkness out then it would end up harming everyone he loved and his mind went to those he was close to. It was tough for Sol to hear but then the internal struggle began. ‘I want to be better but im afraid of being consumed by what I hide' he thought before the darker half spoke up’you got told an ultimatum  you cant hide anymore and why should you? You know what you are and you shouldn’t be afraid to show it. Or would you rather I sink my fangs and claws into  someone else perhaps Rui’ the dark half flashed a image of Ruvel in Sols head.

    Or Perhaps that lovely Blond girl your becoming fond of’  again an image Of Leona popped into his head and it made the Slayer claw at the dirt as valid points were coming up.’ You’re a monster so man up and accept it!’ the dark half demanded  as the other half spoke up.’Fine Fine  ill accept as long as it keeps others safe Ill admit what I Have hidden so long’ it said as Sol after a few moments took a deep breath in and then let it out before he looked at Demi and spoke though his eyes weren’t as kind in fact they had a more sinister edge to them.”Fine I admit it Im a sadistic monster. I like to break things  emotionally mentally and physically before I  tear thru them. I like to cause pain and feel blood on my hands.” He admitted as he looked at his hand for a moment before he balled it into a fist.”I thought I could hide what I am but who am I kidding I was born to kill!” he said and gained a bit of volume as he struck the ground with a amount of strength that was surprising considering how exausted he was. As sol finished admitting it  suddenly it felt like weight was lifted from his shoulders and he felt better. He needed this and it put him much more at ease.  Looking up at Demi from his spot on the ground  the Deathless waited for her to tell me more hopefully but even with the ease he now felt he was still absolutely exhausted  though he kept his focus on her even if he wished to just pass out and let darkness take him so badly. His body was aching and tired and when Demi had told him that he would be out for a while he now understood why, what he didn’t know was that  he was going to be in intense pain a lot more in the future and Demi had set it all up  without letting him know at all. It was going to be a hard time but The Deathless would come to appreciate it in the long run. A thought suddenly ran thru Sols mind as he layed on the floor and that was how was he going to get home, he had no strength to fly and  it might take him a while to form a shadow portal to warp him home. Then again if he could do that then he could just rest at home and Yuzuruha would be able to tend to him while he recovered from the intense pain Demi had dealt him.  If Sol was honest this was a hell of a first lesson and he got the feeling that it was not going to get any easier with the future lessons.

    WC 1,013

    Total WC  3,716


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 14th April 2019, 10:33 am

    Demi chuckled hearing the other's thoughts as it seemed like he forgot that his new race naturally spoke through telepathy, so this would be a quick wake up call that was for sure f]]'Oh, it seems you forget that we speak mind to mind normally Sol.'[/i] she quickly sent to his mind a smirk clearly seen on her lips 'And if you are more capable than a dog prove it, until then you are lower than that... I was just being kind because you proved you could roll over.' she once again sent to him showing to her he was anything but skilled as much as he was trying to bolster him up he was nothing more than a pathetic wretch she could squash under her foot right now at any point, more so as she looked down at him with that same smirk of arrogance on her face but then she had the power and skill to back up her boasts. "Aww, the dog was trying to bark and ended up yipping like a poodle puppy. I'm so convinced that you'll get through this" she mocked the man at her feet, she walked around her foot going right onto his glyph and she kept it there not putting any weight on it but it was clear that it was there. She knew this was cruel but right now she didn't care she needed to get it through his thick head. "You are but a pawn for me puppy until you prove your worth that is all you will ever be so you better get use to your station in life." it was clear she wasn't about to mix words with him in anyway.

    "You don't need to let him know, my cousins have already taken care of that I assure you." she said calmly keeping her foot on him, her voice as cold as the northern glaciers "There are going to be times you are asked to do things you really don't want to, other times there are going to be times you are going to want to do things you really shouldn't." she said now taking her foot from the glyph and squatted down to be closer to him making sure their eyes met "We have methods were we can do this without having to worry about the backfire that would ordinarily come with it, some reapers are stronger than others with this ability but it still needs practice none the less." she informed him hoping that this would at least help him understand there was a lot of tools now at his advantage but then again with the amount of pain she was currently putting him through she had no idea if it was even sinking in. She hated dealing with fledgling reapers and normally one of her station wouldn't be the one to teach someone in training but this wasn't exactly normal circumstances.

    She remained quiet as she heard his two sides battle, the darkness seemed to know exactly what was going to happen if it kept being kept bottled up within the other. "You dare sink anything into Rui and I will end you without a second thought." she said her scythe was quickly in her hand and the point at it's bad sitting on his glyph for a second before she allowed it to sink into his flesh just a little and pulled the scythe straight up his back "A warning I hope you nor your monster never, ever forget Sol because next time I would give you a small cut up your spine I will end your very existence." her eyes glowing narrow slits, her words filled to the brim with hatred and the deadliest venom, a line had been crossed that she wouldn't even let Cirven cross that was clear as she stood up and kicked sol onto his back as she twisted her scythe down aimed right at his throat "You might have grown into being a monster, I was born one and moulded into being a monster someone like you could only dream about..." her voice still dripping with ice cold poison "I'm the nightmare you were scared of as a child, the one mummy and daddy told you would come if you didn't behave yourself." she said allowing the tip of her scythe to break his skin and a trickle of blood to flow from it.

    She didn't care if her point was crystal clear to the other by that point, she was in no way going to stop until she knew it had sank in even with all the pain he was going through. "Rui is off the table to you, to Trase and anyone else that dares to try and hurt or exploit him, end of story, understood?!" she yelled her energy flaring enough it was making the formerly calm waters around the gazebo choppy as if it was going through a storm "I can't protect Rui anymore, I'm not allowed anywhere near him so let me make this perfectly clear so even your pathetic rodent mind can understand..." she paused letting the scythe drop just a little more "If anything and I mean ANYTHING happens to Rui, I am holding you responsible and there is no force in existence that will prevent me from ending you." she said her body seemingly lucid even at this time "Now, to show me you understand you worthless waste of unlife what did I just say and what does it mean?" she wasn't through with this lesson not by far but she was to pissed off to care about that right now she wanted to murder him with every ounce of her being and he would be able to feel it within his.

    Word Count: 963
    Total Word Count: 5,221


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 14th April 2019, 5:39 pm

    Sol grumbled slightly as he heard Demi suddenly tell him thru his mind that they speak mind to mind and  then mentioned that until he could get up he was less then a dog.it made Sol annoyed but he decided to keep his mouth shut lest he anger her and he get hurt once more. The moment that the reaper put her foot on his glyph but not putting weight on it and it made the Deathless Freeze in fear. When she told him that the twins Shindara and Amuul would tell Ruvel that he was  going to be out of commission for a while which made the slayers job a bit easier. It was driving him crazy that she kept calling him a dog and a pupy but he knew he had no right to argue with her since she was the one that was teaching him.  As she told him that he would be asked to do things that he wouldn’t want to do and the reverse would also be true as he would want to do things he shouldn’t but as he thought about it  he could understand that.

    There had been so many times  Sol had  wanted to kill and many times he wanted to beat someone and he had to hold himself back. Hearing her tell him that he would have new abilitys  and that while some are stronger for some reapers they still needed to be practice. While Sol had been starting to tap into these abilitys he had far too little knowledge and he needed more guidance to learn and get better. Thankfully he got the feeling Demi and the others would  get him up to speed so he could actually do his job once he was properly taught. As the two inside his head argued Sol suddenly felt Demi touch the tip of her scythe to his back and then dragged up lightly scratching him but to the Reaper it was sharp Electric and blinding as he suddenly just screamed and he curled as he felt pain like he had never felt before. The amount of pain that Demi had put him thru instantly made him want to Die and just be finished. In that one second Sol felt like he was dieing thousands of time and it was agonizing each and every time  and it made the Void Dweller want to jut give up. Somehow though after that second  despite how his vision was fading  he suddenly gained the strength to focus and he heard that if he ever forgot she would end him without  a second thought and  she told him that while he grew into a monster she was born one and was molded to be a monster beyond his comprehension. And now Sol  truly understood just  how different then him she was,  she truly terrified him and he was struggling right now to even more since he wanted to flee but his body was completely paralyzed from pain as she placed the  tip of her blade to his throat and the tip of the blade touching his adams apple and hanging on the edge of cutting it.

    As she told him that Ruvel was off the table and that no one not him or Trase  or anyone else could exploit or harm him”Yes I understand Demi Im Sorry Please Forgive me” he said quickly as he heard her tell him that she couldn’t protect Rui like she used to and could not be near him any more and if anything happened to him then she would hold it against him and she would end him with nothing being able to stop her in that task. As she ask him if he understood and what she said and what it meant. Sol focused and spoke though his tone was scared and his eyes held the same look.”I cant hurt Rui at all and now one else can either, you cant protect him any more so it falls onto me to keep him safe and if anything happens to him then you will come for me and end me no questions.” He said before he focused and spoke again.” I will Keep him Safe Demi  I don’t want him hurt I care for him  I swear on My Life I will keep him Safe from Harm Please Teach me so I can Keep him Safe” he said asking at the end. There  was no lie in his eyes when he said he cared for Ruvel and wanted to protect him the want to protect him was genuine and pure and  Sol could only hope she didn’t kill him.

    WC 778

    Total WC 3,481


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
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    Experience : 267,837

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 15th April 2019, 12:48 am

    She knew that her calling him a dog was annoying him but she didn't give him a damn about him or his feelings right now, if she wanted him to be stronger then she had to give him a reason and if that reason had to be due to him hating her so be it. Cirven wouldn't take prisoners and wouldn't miss a beat of laughter as he ended his life cycle, so he needed to become stronger wither he liked it or not. This was the only way she could protect someone as important as Rui was to her, he had given everything he could for her. Food, water, shelter, warmth, safety and protection from punishments. The least she could do now she was back at full capability was repay him for everything he went through to protect her, she knew she was much stronger than the one who had protected her for six years of is young life even if it had almost killed him on several occasions making her feel beyond guilty. She was trained to use people like Rui to further her own goals but with him for some reason she just couldn't manage it no matter how much she tried, was she really going soft like Cirven has said to her? She didn't think so it was different, she had been taken from her family as he had been. At that point they gave the other what they needed and a bond was created due to it.

    She looked to him as he screamed when the blade of her scythe cut up his glyph and scythe making him curl in agony. She remembered how that felt when they touched her crystal when it first formed, she had wished for her death but then wished for theirs which she very swiftly gave the moment she could move properly. And she never once let anyone else touch it no matter what came within Cor Torva or 'home' even though it caused endless pain and punishment to Ruvel she just couldn't do it, it was instinctual to protect it from anyone and everyone as if she knew it was important for her continued survival. She had apologised to Ruvel over and over again for each time he was punished for this action and each time she was met with a weak and gentle smile reassuring her he would continue protecting her and her right to decide who touched something so important to her. She was so confused as to how he could be like that, others would have hated or even despised her for doing such a thing, even fleeing from her to stay out of trouble but he never left her side.

    "I can't protect one of the two people who are most important to me Sol, I can't even be anywhere near him without putting him in danger." she explained her eyes still glaring towards him still, it was clear that was painful to her "I need to trust a child like you to do it in my stead, a child so stupid that he fought against becoming stronger, fought against a gift that very few are ever given." she growled in frustration "How could I have been so stupid? I should have just killed you!" her voice was beyond annoyed at more than Sol but at herself too, it was the first time she had ever given this 'gift' to anyone in any of her cycles and she had given it to the one idiot in all of existence who decided to fight against it for some stupid reason or another. She knelt next to him "You realise this is my seventeenth cycle and I've never gave this gift to anyone before, sure, there were plenty that deserved it... much more than you but I gave this gift to you and you fought it!" she wanted to correct her mistake so badly right now but that wouldn't do anyone any good, especially given right now he was all she had to keep Ruvel safe since the one she would have went to seemed to have abandoned him in her eyes. She didn't care if this was indeed the fact and she had no time to contemplate it all she knew was Ruvel's support structure was slowly being chipped away at and soon he would break likely wishing to return 'home' were things made sense to him.

    She looked at the fear within the young deathless held his eyes, it was warranted with everything she just put him through. He had just seen a side of her that no one else had, a side of her she knew that Cirven would love to see given his current mental state. "I won't go after you first Sol, I will go after and undo everyone and everything you love making you watch as they beg in pain, plead for their cycle to continue; as they try to make bargains, while trying to understand why there was a raging death goddess taking pleasure in their slow and torture filled deaths and all the while I will be telling you to tell them why it came to this." she continued her voice showing the crazed monster she had come to peace with long ago, her voice not losing it venom tipped death tone "Then and only then will I slowly start unravelling you and I will make sure to take my sweet time doing it so I can enjoy your cries of pain, your begging to let it end, your pleading of wanting to know how much longer you will have to endure the pure agony that will always be unmatched to anything you had ever felt before." she finished lifting her scythe from his neck and standing it upright "You now understand the outcome if you mess up and even a hair on his head is damaged." at this point in time she was being quite literal because she was more than enraged but it would likely change a little when she calmed.

    As he spoke she could hear the fear in his voice and she understood he now knew his place in her eye and what would happen if he failed to fulfil what he had demanded of him. "Good..." was all she had to say as she moved to be sitting on her scythe once more looking over the stormy waters for a long moment before she looked back to the paralysed husk on the gazebo floor "Now, admit what you are." she demanded for a second time as she flew into a rage and didn't hear him the first time.

    Word Count: 1,114
    Total Word count: 6,335


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 15th April 2019, 2:38 am

    As Demi explained to Sol that she couldn’t be around one of the two people she cared about and to even get close to him would put him in danger and it made the Deathless instantly realize that she ment Ruvel and he understood though the fear didn’t leave his eyes, when she started to tell him that she needed him to be able to defend ruvel in her place and she told him that he had fought against a gift that would have made him stronger. This confused Sol immensely since he didn’t even realize that he had rejected such a gift. As she went on and told him that she had never given this gift before and he fought it. As Sol heard her keep ripping into him and even considering killing him he could only drop his eyes to the floor in shame since he didn’t even realize he had rejected such a gift. Demi then went on to say that she wouldn’t got after him first instead she would go after everything he loved and make them wish they were put out of their misery as he watched and then she would make him explain before then destroying his own existence and she would take great pleasure in doing so and would make sure it was slow so he suffered immensely.

    Sol now truly understood that compared to him his was far more terrifying that anything he had ever encountered and ever would. He was certain that the strongest dark mage would not even hold a candle to his fear of her. And while he still respected her greatly and that respect would no doubt grow but he knew now that his fear of her would always be higher and honestly it wasent a bad thing. It would remind the slayer of his place. When she mentioned that he would now understand what would happen if he messed up and if even a hair on Ruvels head was damaged. It made Void Dweller truly grasp the fact that he needed to keep Ruvel safe at all costs and a he would. As the water settled and was still a bit choppy he heard Demi ask him once again to tell her what he was and admit what he had denyed for so long.Sol took a deep breath before he looked at her and while he was scared his eyes actually held darker emotions in them and now the Deathless was doing nothing to hide them.”I’m a monster Demi, A Sadistic monster that enjoys spilling blood and killing. I enjoy breaking my opponents in every sense before I slay them and coat my hands in their blood. I am a monster that enjoys Killing and now…Im done Hiding it” he admitted freely. The more he admitted it the easier it was to accept and to become at ease with since he and never truly admitted it to himself and to do so was freeing in a way.

    Demi how long does each of your cycles last you said you have done seventeen of them?” he asked wanting to know just how long it lasted. He didn’t know how long a Reaper cycle lasted but he thought it was good information to know. Sol also wondered what he had done that he did to make her so angry, somehow he had triggered a fury from her that he had never seen in any living being and he was so confused as to why she suddenly lashed at him. Could it have been something that went thru his mind that she somehow heard because she could communicate with him mind to mind. And as he was still lying on the ground he suddenly felt dark emotions bubbling to the surface, it was so strong the blood lust and the desire to maim something, and the Slayer did nothing to hold it back since he admitted that he was a monster and he had this urge why should he hold it back anymore. His fingers managed to suddenly dig into the wood of the Gazebo though he bearly managed to do any damage to it since his body was so weak. Sol needed to vent this when he got the chance but for now all he could do was rest.

    wc 720

    Total WC 4,201


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 17th April 2019, 9:15 am

    Demi was hoping that the information was sinking in even a little but given the torture his body had been put through, she wasn't exactly sure how much if any was getting into that thick head head of his. She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that he fully understood what she was saying and who she was talking about, she kept her eyes on his she could see the fear and was happy about it, it meant that he wouldn't dare fail in what she wanted of him given he had seen what she done just by that single flashed image of Ruvel being hurt as a hypothetical. So he could only guess what would happen if he did indeed allow him to be hurt. She closed her eyes as she contemplated what to do next, it wasn't exactly like he could go anywhere his body would be in to much pain, it would take several months before he would be able to do to much and given by the time he left the gazebo he would hopefully be better equipped to deal with people like her. That was her hope, wither it worked that way however was a completely different equation. "You must have known something was going on with you, its not exactly normal to go to sleep being one pigment and then waking not to have one at all." she said calmly as she tried to figure out why he had been fighting against it or asked about it by now.

    She sighed looking into his eyes seeing the shame within his eyes when it came to her speaking about rejecting what he was becoming. "You see there is only two ways to become my race and the natural way is beyond rare, so we found another way to make sure we didn't go extinct." she said giving him a kind of history lesson "Of course there are some things that need to happen before this kind of thing could happen, I'm not going into the ins and outs of it right now because I'm not even sure if you're going to survive this." she said in a calm yet annoyed voice "I don't know if your body goes through pain or discomfort when you change into being like us but it would explain why you would fight against it." she said in a thoughtful tone "Guess it could have been fear of the unknown that played a part of it but given you know people who are albino that couldn't have been it." she said trying to make sense of what could have made him react in such a manner. She was wondering if she was doing the correct thing doing what she was doing her breathing quiet as she let out a silent sigh 'I need to make sure he has no second thoughts, no doubts no matter who it is.' she reminded herself knowing that some day soon she would be made to choose and so needed to know what may come Ruvel would be protected to the best that he could be.

    Demi wasn't an overly terrifying person as reapers came she was quite mild mannered but then she guessed that was due to the time at home with Ruvel, there were however times that the balance was broken and the beast that slumbered broke the surface and her ira would seen. There was no way to avoid it and she never apologised for that side of herself. She was a trained weapon, an assassin raised to do whatever what was needed of her wither she liked it or not. Normally she didn't but still she just compartmentalised it which helped her cope with the horrible things she done, eventually she managed to find peace in it as if it wasn't them then it would be her and survival stated that she should do what she could do to continue forward. She took a deep breath her eyes had calmed as had her energy at least for now, the water around the gazebo now calming to be the reflective mirror it once had appeared to have been. He listened to what Sol was saying to her though her eyebrow raised seeing his hands digging into the wood a little "Please don't damage this gazebo." she said her voice a little cold "It is important..." she said turning to face him once more, right now she believed he didn't need to know that but still that day would come before the training was done she was sure.

    She rubbed over her cheek a little as she jamp once again from her scythe to look at him "Glad you've finally admitted it, now we need to teach you to curb that side of you so you don't become a mindless slaying idiot..." she paused squatting hugging her knees "Well anymore of a mindless slaying idiot" she corrected herself "You go off the hinges and then you become a pain in every reapers ass and then we tend to have to give you that essence ending death... no one wants that believe me." she explained to him hoping he would understand that this was just the way of things "That being said how does it feel to admit that side you have been keeping just below the surface, the part that has been clawing and chomping to be let free exists?" she asked not to sure how that freeing feeling felt because she had been raised to be at peace with what she done be it good or bad. It was then he asked about her cycles and that caught her off guard, in truth it had never been something she had ever been asked in the past but she seen it as a legitimate question for someone who was new to their way of life. "It depends... mine and Oykai's shortest life has been around seven hundred and fifty years..." she said thoughtfully as she thought about the longest one she had "I think the longest one was little over five thousand one hundred years." she said tapping her bottom lip she realised just how old her spirit really was even if her shell only looked twenty one years old. "But they range depending on circumstances and the reaper themselves." she finished showing that they where like mortals in some aspects.

    Word Count: 1,070
    Total Word Count: 7,405


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
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    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 17th April 2019, 4:28 pm

    I did know that something was wrong but I was  frightened and confused as to what was happening to me” he explained as she then  gave him a bit of a history lesson and told him that there were only two ways for someone to become like her race and   that it was extremely rare for the natural way to happen so Sol could Only assume that the other way was how he was changed.”Ill admit I was stupid for not asking and its my fault I have only myself to blame but I don’t want to fight this anymore and I don’t want to remain stuck” he said behind honest. He sounded tired but yet thru the exhaustion and pain he still had his eyes focused on Demi and  when she questioned if his body was going thru any pain or discomfort due to changing into a being like her and he  managed to get the strength to shake his head.”No I haven’t had any pain or discomfort until you touched my weak point  though I have heard a voice in my head but that might be because I was broken?” he questioned at the end knowing that  he was not whole just yet and the voice my be a side effect of him being stupid and fighting what should have been a natural change.

    As he layed there things started to settle in and become a bit clearer for the Deathless. He couldn’t hold his darkness in but he couldn’t let it run wild as well since doing so would mean causing unneeded death.  As he  thought more he settled into the choice he had made to become like Demi and other Reapers and his decision was firmly set in his head. He would push forward and complete this or die trying  but no matter which one happened Sol wouldn’t hesitate anymore and he would see this thru to the end. When she coldly told him that the gazebo was important and not to damage it the Void Dweller quickly relaxed his fingers.”My apologies Demi it wont happen again” he said as he wondered what was so important about this location but he then shook the thought off since he knew that Demi would tell him if he was ment to know and he accepted that fact.  It was then that Demi then mentioned that now they had to work on him curbing his dark urges so he didn’t mindlessly kill  anything in sight.  She warned him that if he went off the deep end and they would end him permanently and even said that no one wanted that . which the Deathless nodded slightly.” I actually feel better to admit it now its just managing it. I don’t regret that Im a monster its just what I am” he told her before  going on.”I cant deny right now though that I have a high urge to kill though my fear keeping that in check” he told her since despite  wanting to kill right now her mere presence  before him was making him hesitant and very nervous about wanting to do it.

    As Demi  then explained that her and  Oykais shortest cycle was around seven hundrerd and fifty years while the longest they ever had was over five thousand and one hundred years but then explained that it all depended on the Reaper in question and the circumstances. It shocked Sol greatly to know just how long a cycle could be and while she told him that it depended he was sure he would learn soon that”Demi will I be only learning from you or will I learn from other Reapers as well?” he questioned since he had been wondering that from the moment they had started training but if she had plans he didn’t know. “also Demi  what..did I do to anger you so badly I am sorry but I don’t know what I did?” he asked having a slight nervous edge to his tone. He didn’t want to anger her again but he was confused as to what had triggered her so badly that she slashed at his glyph and put him  in such pain and it hurt even more because he didn’t know why he got such a punishment.

    It was then that Sol noticed that he was surrounded by water and he had no way to  escape. Normally he had no issue with being around or on water because he normally was able to handle it and had ways to escape but right now he was so weak and unable to move that he could drown easily and he struggled to try and get closer the middle of the gazebo  so he was fa away from the edges so he was safe and had no chance of falling into the water.

    WC 810

    Total WC 5,011


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
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    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 21st April 2019, 8:03 am

    Demi crossed her arms looking less than impressed with his answer, he hadn't been the only person to go through this change, most of her race had been made this way. To her knowledge only around two percent of those like her were naturally born, then again it wasn't exactly like there was a manual to help newly made Deathless and reapers. It was up to the 'child' in question to asked questions so that they could start to learn their new lives and roles within it, without that the adults couldn't exactly help them fully. It was much more difficult on those who fought against the change because they didn't want the gifts they had been given quite often, she had come across quite a few throughout her cycles that had been in complete denial, that bothered her and others to no end. It was decided if they couldn't accept their new life within ten of their home realm years then they would be ended and the gift could be given to another in their place. She had given quite a few deaths because of this ruling and never thought twice on it, why should she it was just the way of things within what was her home realm.

    She suddenly groaned a little as she realised how to put this in a way he would understand, or at least hope he would "Children often get scared and confused at new experiences, the only way they get over that is by asking an adult..." she said looking to the sky "Had you even asked Rui he would have been able give you some information or would have asked one of us to come talk to you at our earliest convenience. You acted like I would expect a toddler to do and you apparently were once a king.." she said turning her sight towards him once more "You realise kings are meant to be wise right?" she stated in a matter of fact way just adding insult to injury, it then something came to her attention that she hadn't realised before "It's soon going to be time to relinquish that trinket of a title that you feel so proud of, when you change fully you will no longer be a king but a commoner..." she began her voice was neutral but held authority within it "The only thing that will separate you is the cast you are trying to become, if you fail... well the servant cast isn't to bad I've heard." she said with a shrug, she remembered some of the way things worked within her home realm but being raised away from it she didn't have all the specifics.

    She listened to him speak a little more her foot going onto his head as she ground it a bit, normally she wouldn't act like this as she respected those outside her race and there was a way of doing things inside it. That being said he fit into neither category right now so she thought she could use it to her advantage and remove every ounce of self worth, arrogance, pride, power that he deemed to believe he had and rebuild him to what was needed. She had the know how as well given what she had been put through this cycle and what she had seen others put through as well, she was finding it hard to believe that 'Home' had finally made itself useful and with the little time she believed she had before the day she feared arrived then she would need every underhanded tactic in the book it would seem. "I really didn't believe you smart enough to realise you were stupid but miracles seem to happen every now and then... it struck twice with you now I come to think about it." she said with a smirk her foot grinding more into his head "First you rolled over like a good puppy and now you realised you were stupid, well done you." she said giving a very, very slow clap. "Well..." she raised her foot off his head and back onto the floor of the gazebo once more "You've yet to prove you are worthy of progressing and until you do..." she said before clicking her tongue a little as if to indicate tough luck.

    She moved away from him as he spoke again, she was glad he wasn't feeling any pain or discomfort, on hearing he had been hearing a voice she didn't seem to surprised "That would be the side you are trying to reject." her hand going to the railing of the gazebo "You are broken at the moment, even a member of the servant cast is higher than you..." she looked over the calm waters for a moment "A person who can not be true to themselves fully and so rejects part of themselves is truly worthless in my race. They're trained and treated like pets." she explained to him so he knew what his fate was if he couldn't get his soul in order "They are treated well by their owners don't get me wrong, but, they have no rights at all." she finished her voice didn't alter at all it was soft and calm not even bothering to look back at him "So right now, you are my pet it would seem" the moment she said that an anklet would appear on his right ankle a bracelet on his left wrist and a set of black runes would appear around his neck "That is a mark of ownership, as soon as you can prove you are not a pet I will remove them but until then... sorry, not sorry." her tone was indifferent, she knew doing this meant she was now liable for his care however and would make sure he was tended to appropriately.

    When she she heard the apology she turned around and looked at his fingers, nodding her head in approval "If you prove yourself worthy, I will tell you why this place is so important, for now however you are not so don't waste what little brain power you have worrying about it. Just don't damage the floor again or you will lose fingers." she instructed her tone remaining cold as she glared at him, whatever the reason might be she really didn't want this place to be anything less than perfect if it ever needed to be used for its true purpose. In honesty she really didn't want it to come to that given that there was no way to undo it but she rather it be here just in case, she couldn't bare not having that one last ditch thing even if it meant taking everything from the person it was built to protect. "I'm glad you are more at peace with that darkness within you but you still need to keep it in check, it is a tool to be used as all tools are, that being said if wielded improperly you could hurt the one wielding them or those around them which is never a good thing as you can imagine." she said moving to lean against the banister had been holding onto so she could see if he was comprehending everything that was being said to him.

    She moved her hand up to her mouth and chuckled a little at what he said about the urge to kill, other than himself she was the only one there and there wasn't anyway he would be able to kill her. "Puppy, lets be serious. It's not the fear that is stopping you, it's the fact you can't move your body." she said walking over to him quickly her foot finally landing on his hand hard just to make a point, a dull crack easily heard coming from it. "If it truly is your fear adding to that, good, you need to know your place in the order of things... you are far from my equal in this world..." she crouched again touching the runes on his neck "Don't forget you are merely a pet to me and right now that doesn't seem like it will ever change." she said her voice calm but a cold smile seen on her lips as she spoke the last part of her sentence. She listened to his question unmoving "Right now with these on you..." she motioned to his new additions "No reaper would give you the time of day, you will have to be trained by me though I may talk to Oykai and my cousins to see if they will help. They can say no because pets don't deserve the time for training." she warned him how their culture was when it came to lower casts such as Sol's current one.

    She moved to put more pressure on his hand as he asked his next question "Rui and Trase are my entire world, our race is telepathic as you will eventually find out..." she explained making sure she hurt his hand her facial expression on her face "I seen the image your monster showed you about harming Rui... You and your monster are one being... but as it stands that is not the case so to teach one dog it's done wrong it means both need to be punished." she said her voice once again fulled with that venom filled death it had been earlier "So I ask you this you dumb poodle, why do you think I was upset previously?" her voice daring him to be smart or say that he had no idea to her at current. She had taken note that he had tried to move away from the water, she would circle back to that later but for now it wasn't her main priority.

    Word Count: 1,636
    Total Word Count: 9,041
    ~~Word Count Met Will Continue As Another Job~~


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 21st April 2019, 11:29 pm

    Job Sign up and Info:

    As Demi jabbed him on the fact that he acted like a child and even called him a toddler  and even mocked that as a king he was supposed to be wise  and that he didn’t even consider asking someone for help. He had acted like a confused child and should have asked for help, the Deathless gritted his teeth “ I was foolish and didn’t ask I wont make that mistake again. Ill ask as many questions as I need to in order to make sure I understand what I am learning” he said his tone was focused even if in his exhaustion he wanted to pass out. It was then that she told him he would have to give up that title he held so dear and that he would then become a commoner  which  surprisingly the slayer understood.”I know I will  have to relinquish it after all Im not a dragon so I cant say I am the king anymore and if I have to become a commoner…so be it” he admitted, as much as he liked the title he could not keep it if he wasent that race. He only hoped that his successor would be someone worthy of the title and not a insane dragon like Acnologia.

    Sol  felt her put her foot on his head and started to grind it into the ground and he felt irritation but without strength it vanished quickly as he couldn’t fight back and once again she mocked him even giving him a slow clap and  he held his temper knowing that to anger her was to risk death and she then told him that he hadent shown he was worthy of progressing and the noise she made seemed to indicated that if he didn’t get better then tough luck. She then said that if he couldn’t fix himself then he would be useless in the eyes of their race and he would be treated and trained as a pet which made the slayers eyes widen in fear and horror. And then she said that that made him her pet for now. As she said that Sol was unable to see the marking on his neck  or  the anklet on his ankle but he caught sight of the braclet on his left wrist and his eyes narrowed before  hearing her say that she would remove them when he proved he was not a pet and he nodded to her though his eyes still narrowed.”Im not going to remain like this I do not want to be a pet!” he said his focused and held intent in it at the end but it wasn’t ill intent but the drive to be more then just a servant and  pet. Demi then told him that she would tell him what was so important about this place if he could prove himself as she nodded at him in approval though her tone was still icy as she glared at him and the Deathless dropped his gaze to the floor to be humble.”I understand Demi it wont happen again” he said quickly not wanting to lose his fingers since they were kinda needed.

    As she then chuckled at him and told him that it wasn’t only fear that stopped him from killing but the fact  that he couldn’t move his body at all.”Yeah that’s another reason that stops me but fear also does as well a fear that is well deserved.” He said before he saw her approached and suddenly he felt her step on his hand and the crack was  easy to hear and Sol silently cried out.” Agh Why Demi what did I do to deserve that?” he questioned looking at her with  eyes that wanted an answer badly as he  wanted to nurse his broken hand but he couldn’t since he could bearly move. Demi then explained that he was still mearly a pet to her and it seemed  very likely that that would never change and it just filled the deathless with the desire to not remain like this  and to prove to her that he  could be better then just a pet. It irritated him to know that with his markings on him now that no one would even think to give him the time of day  but Demi did explain that she would be training him still and even mentioned that she might get Oykai or her cousins to perhaps help though they could easily tell him no since at this point he was not deserving of training.

    Sol could only make painful noises as Demi increased the pressure on his broken hand and he struggled not to twitch his fingers or move it at all since all it would do would make him hurt even more.  She then told him that their race was telepathic and when she saw the image that his darker have conjured of Ruvel being hurt  it made her punish him and she asked him in the same venom filled tone  why he thought she was upset  before and Sols eyes dropped once again to the ground.”  I ended up showing you something you never wanted to see something that must never happen…. Im Sorry Demi please Forgive me Ill take any punishment as Penance” he said humbly  not being smart or hiding behind stupidity. It was easy to realize why she had gotten so angru. He had mistakenly made her see something she didn’t ever want to see and he had earned that strike to his person. He then though of something and he focused on trying to ignore the pain in his hand as he glanced up at her.”Demi if I may ask What will I be learning I know there is much for me to learn?” he asked. The curiosity of what he needed to learn and the knowledge he needed was easy to sense in the void dwellers mind and even in pain he could not hold back his curiosity at all as it showed easily in his eyes.

    WC- 1012

    Last edited by Sol on 28th April 2019, 1:11 am; edited 1 time in total


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 24th April 2019, 12:14 pm

    Demi looked to Sol as he began to talk keeping her foot on his hand, it seemed she had no intention of removing it any time soon. A twisted smile on her face as she seen him gritting his teeth at her words, she was happy at seeing this, she needed to see everything he had so she could take it from him. There was no way she could work with how he was right now, he was filled with arrogance, rage, hate amongst a few other undesirable qualities, he needed to be destroyed so she could rebuild him into what he needed to become. "At least your learning, all be it slow..." she said crossing her arms placing a little more pressure on his hand "If you really are this slow then I really shouldn't waste my time." she said with a frustrated tone she didn't really want to be doing this but she didn't exactly have a choice right now. She would do what she had to no matter the cost to herself in the long run, she would be fine and Sol would be stronger because of it, her worry was on the one who was to gentle to be within such a world filled with people like them.

    She looked to him as he admitted he would have to give up his title, she was surprised that he didn't try to cling to it as many others had in the past. "At least you have a little common sense, perhaps your child can take on the mantle." she said with a shrug, the albino woman didn't really care one way or another at the end of the day he was no longer part of that world, nor did he seem to wish it. She also didn't exactly care that she gave him information about a child that he himself may not have known he had "Titles are nothing but an illusion, they mean very little in the grand scheme of things. You can't take them when you pass or start a new cycle." she said calmly letting him know he had chosen well in giving up the title without a fuss. "Aww, are you annoyed my dear little puppy? If this bothers you then you really are pathetic because I could be doing far worse to you." she said moving to put a lot more weight on the foot that was upon his hand "Also if you dare bare your fangs at your owner..." she smiled darkly as she looked to him "I'll just have to pull them out." she said her tone filled with a dark almost insane tone when she spoke on the matter as if she was daring him to even try against her.

    "My, my well done biting back that anger, it seems like you realise just what predicament you are in my dear puppy." she said with a chuckle bringing some of the weight off her foot almost as if it was a reward for him being good but she was still keeping a little on it to make her point. She tilted her head as the other's eyes widened when she spoke of what his fate would look like if he didn't managed to get past this, she seen the horror and fear. 'This is good, he will fight to keep from this fate but still he isn't anyway near ready.' she thought to herself though internally impressed her face pouted a little "Aww, if I didn't know any better you wouldn't like to be my puppy. That makes me sad, I could get you such a nice pink collar and some bows and such." she mocked him showing she would strip him of his masculinity if he did end up this way. She noted that he had once again narrowed his eyes and so placed pressure on the broken hand once more "You know perhaps I should break something else in your body if your going to glare at me like a bad boy." she said her tone showing she wasn't overly impressed with the action of the other.

    She chuckled hearing his proclamation that he wouldn't be a pet "We will see soon enough little pup." her voice sounded somewhat amused as she spoke, it seemed he believed he was the one who had any sort of say in the matter when that just wasn't true. At the end of the day it was her call if he could or would change cast and she wouldn't allow it if she didn't believe he was worthy of it. "At least you know how to act under the gaze of superiors." she said calmly a smile on her face removing her foot from his hand fully finally "That's good, I'd have to remove your fingers otherwise and that would make a horrible mess." she said with a sigh moving back to her scythe and jumping to stand perfectly on it, the scythe not moving in anyway under her form. "You know Trase and I were the strongest within 'family' the reason for this is we pushed the other to become stronger, if we made even the slightest error then we would have been seriously injured if not killed." she explained just how dangerous she and Cirven were in comparison to the others of their group, her tone was almost as if it was a run of the mill kind of thing.

    "Fear is a good thing to have, but..." she twirled on the scythe a little to look out over the water "You need to learn to push past it when it doesn't matter so you can push past it when it ultimately does." she said "As for what you done to deserve me stepping on your hand and breaking it, you damaged my floor, it is simple as that." she said calmly as she moved to sit on her scythe her eyes looking to him "You should feel honoured I even bothered to answer that question but you have been a good boy so I guess you did deserve a reward." she said with a smirk there was part of her which was enjoying this but deep down she truly didn't but it helped sate the part she didn't want the world to see so it was a dual edge blade, she knew she had to keep it in check or she would fall to it's insanity.

    When he realised his what he had done to upset her and that he would take any penance that she decided to pay for his sin a twisted smile appeared on her face. "As you wish my dearest pet." she said hopping off her scythe once more and walking over to him ever step made held purpose as she stopped in front of him. She bent over suddenly grabbing him by the hair and dragged him to the edge of the gazebo "I seen you trying to get away from the water, I think as punishment you are overdue for a bath." she said calmly as she brought him out over the water. "Right now? You'll be learning how to swim." she said throwing him out into the middle of the water between the gazebo and the nearest hill that kept this place safe. "Enjoy yourself, I know I will." she said covering her mouth with a chuckle watching what was about to happen.

    Word Count: 1,242


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 25th April 2019, 2:13 am

    As Sol felt the searing pain in his hand from her pressure on it and the broken bones that she was making hurt more he was starting to find it harder and harder to be angry because there was nothing he could do, even if he wanted to fight back he was in such pain   that he was paralyzed and  he could do nothing to stop her from harming him. As she put more pressure he struggled to not let out a cry of pain since he had already screamed so much from the pain she had put him thru and when she said she really shouldn’t waste her time he shook his head.”no please I want to learn” he said softly trying to show that he really did want to continue and he didn’t want her to give up on him. When she actually told him he had a little common sense and that his child could take up the mantel which instantly made his eyes widen and he was surprised at what she said.” Demi what do you mean my child?” he asked. He knew he had been with a few women including his beloved queen but he didn’t know he had a child in the world and he wondered where they were and if they were treated well. if he had a chance he would want to be part of the childs life and be a father that the kid deserved.

    When she told him that titles were nothing but illusions and that you couldn’t hold them for a new cycle or when you passed on and the Deathless nodded showing he understood.” I understand” he said. Demi then mentioned that if he was annoyed at all then he was pathetic because she could do so much worse and then threatened to pull his fangs out if he dared to bare his teeth at her which made the slayer instantly go from annoyed to fearful but at the same time he didn’t flinch or cower he managed to stand his ground but yet was not disrespectful or angry. When she mentioned that if he didn’t like being her puppy then she could get him some Bow and a pink collar and he quickly shook his head. He didn’t want to be subjected to that and he then let out a strangled cry of pain as she caught his subtle glare and then put pressure on his hand again and  he shook his head at her words.”no please Demi I'm sorry I wont do it again” he  said quickly hoping to avoid any more pain.

    When she  chuckled at his comment of not staying a pet the Void Dweller started to wonder if he ready did have any say in the matter or if he was just deluding himself, when she removed her foot from his hands the slayer was quick to pull it back to his body as much as he could given his paralyzed state and he accidently twitched his damaged hand and had to resist the urge to whimper in pain as Demi told him that he at least knew how to act under her gaze and also mentioned that she would  have removed his fingers. And then explained that her and Cirven were the strongest of the group they had been a part of because they pushed each other to the limit with the risk of maiming and death if one slipped up.”An I thought I had a chance at beating you  I was delusional I was lucky I only got a scar” he said knowing that if that was how hard they trained then he truly got lucky to survive such an encounter. "if I managed to  stop being a pet will we be training that way as well?” he asked  softly not wanting to anger her but he also wanted to know what he had in store in his future should he somehow succeed in  rising above what he currently was.

    Hearing that fear was good to have but he needed to be able to push past it so that no matter if it was something that didn’t matter or something that did he would be able to control it and keep it from messing with  his person so he could focus on the task at hand and not be weighed down by it. When she  just told him that she broke his hand  because he had damaged her floor and that  he should be honored to have had his question asked he nodded again his eyes on her focused. Sol didn’t know if it was the amount of pain he was in or how she had been treating him but he was starting to not see the point in being mad,  what good did it do to get angry at her or hold any anger at this point since all it did was get him hurt.

    When Demi agreed  to his desire for penance for what he did and a twisted smile appeared on her face Sol instantly became fearful as she suddenly grabbed him by his hair and started to drag him to the edge of the gazebo and he couldn’t even struggle due to pain. When she mentioned that  she had seen him trying to avoid the water and that as punish ment he  was overdue for a bath the Void Dwellers eyes went wide and held terror in them as he tried to shake his head in objection.”No no no Please Demi anything but that I cant move I’ll drown please no” he pleaded to her. As she suddenly toss him out into the water and told him to enjoy himself Sol struggled to stay about the water as he gasped for breath and tried to stay afloat which was hard due to his limbs feeling like they were made of lead and he struggled so hard before finally he sank under the water. Sol felt terror flowing thru his body as he sank deeper and deeper into the water as he tried to struggle in a panic but as he sank he suddenly calmed down and relized something as he came to the bottom of the lake and he blinked under the water. He didn’t need to breath and he wasn’t drowning. He didn’t have a reason to be scared since he couldn’t drown.  He  glanced around and while it was a bit eerie it was also very serene in a way and  the slayer just blinked as he could just picture Demi up on the gazebo laughing slightly at how he had reacted to being tossed out. But then he wondered something how on earth was he going to get back up and onto the Gazebo.

    WC- 1,131

    total WC - 2,143

    Last edited by Sol on 28th April 2019, 1:10 am; edited 1 time in total


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Yuiisai 27th April 2019, 10:48 am

    Demi could only imagine the pain the other was feeling as she herself never experienced such things, even when her bones were broken and pulverised she had always continued as if this wasn't the case, this was one of the many reasons she continued to cut her hands on her scythe's blade. As much as she hoped to feel the pain it never came, she often wondered why she didn't feel it but put it down to the training that she had went through, then again she wondered why the others within her group still felt physical pain. She guessed it was just one of those questions that she would never get answered since those once Cor Torva died in the most gruesome of ways at the groups hands, she couldn't blame them they had been subjected to some horrible things in their youths to survive, then again it was because of these things that they had become as strong as they had in the end. Still she had been kidnapped from her crib within the realm of death, she had to wonder why they had only taken one and not both her and Oykai, the second part of the question was why was she the target and not Oykai but that was yet another question she knew would never be answered due to certain circumstances.

    She was glad to see he was letting go of his anger, that he knew that in his current condition that he couldn't do much even if he wanted to, his body would have felt so heavy, in agonising pain and he would have been both physically as well as mentally tired. She did note how he was doing everything in his power not to cry out as she placed more weight onto his hand, she seen this as a challenge and made an internal note to make sure he screamed in agony at least once before his training was finished. She may have heard him scream already but she wanted him to let it all out, she wouldn't allow him to hold even one drop of the pain back now, there would be a time for that and right now wasn't it. When she heard him speak to her about wanting to learn she tilted her head "Then don't hold back the pain, if you hurt don't be a stubborn animal and hold it in... let it out you worthless waste of space." she commanded she wasn't here to be his friend, colleague or anything else remotely resembling an ally, she right now was there as his own personal bully and drill instructor something she was actually enjoying.

    Demi looked to him blinking like he was some sort of idiot for not knowing what she was talking about "I'm a death goddess not a life goddess, you want questions on life ask Rui though not even he may know." she said with a shrug, then again even if she knew the answer it was unlikely that she would have given the information to him, she had no reason to after all and even then immortals rarely gave up such secrets without something in return. When she heard that the other understood what she had said about titles she nodded glad it wasn't to bad, she knew that he may have been willing to give up the title of what he once was but that meant nothing if he still put thought into status's and titles in the long run. She could already tell that which cast he ended up with meant a lot to him this would something she would have to break, she needed him not to care about that kind of thing or it would be just one more thing that was going to hold him back when it mattered because he would be to worried about what would happen in his next cycle. She wouldn't allow Ruvel, Oykai or her cousin's play the price because of such foolish things. "Oh believe me, before we are finished poodle boy you won't care which cast you are because if you do keep that stupid notion up you will end up dead... sooner rather than later and that isn't an idle threat." her voice showing it was a promise that she would happily take his life if she believed he was a lost cause.

    She seen the fire of annoyance in his eyes quickly be replaced with fear the moment she said she would take his teeth the moment he dared to bare them to her. She took note he didn't cower nor did he show disrespect to her so that was a good start at least, she was silently impressed but it didn't show on her face one way or the other. She smiled hearing is strangled cry as she had placed pressure back on his broken hand once more "Just a reminder that this place is not to be damaged in anyway or I take payment from your life force." she said calmly, she had the ability to do such a thing thanks to her cast but that was neither here nor there at the moment as she had given the warning he just had to abide by it and see if she truly meant it or not. Then again she wondered if he would really tempt fate in such a way given how she was acting right now, it would be interesting to see in her honest opinion. "I'm sorry to tell you, if you think you have any decision in which cast you end up your just fooling yourself, your fate lays in my hands little pup." she let him know almost as if she read his mind, she just knew it was something that most newly turned deathless thought and thought it would be the right time to spring that tid bit of information on him.

    She watched as he pulled his hand quickly back as she released it from under her foot, she could see by the way he cradled it he wanted to let out a whimper but was biting it back "Remember what I said, don't hold back at current." she said her voice was cold, she was tempted to go over and kick it but then it would like kicking a puppy at the moment and where she did have the heart to do it she just didn't feel like it. "You had no chance in beating me, you were delusional then and still are." she said calmly though she seemed sad in her undertone "The only reason you are still alive is because of the two I cherish the most interfered in your death or you would be one of the souls within my pouch right now." she explained her voice was almost distant as if she was concentrating on something else at current. "We aimed to kill each other because there was no other way to keep things in line..." she continued knowing that they took everything out on the other for their sanities but even then she had been holding back, she feared she would have actually killed Cirven if she gave him everything she had. She knew given what almost had happened to Cirven when he killed one of their own to protect another of their own if she did kill she would have been the one who had been killed, then again what did they expect having someone like her in their ranks fluffy hugs and ice-cream, yeah they could keep dreaming she could only do one thing and that was killing.

    Hearing his question she could only shrug "I don't know, it depends on your teacher." she said in a matter of a fact way, it was already irregular that she was teaching him in the first place as someone like him would be taught by a tier three or four but then again she also had stripped him from the right to even try for the reaper cast until he could prove he was worthy of it. "At least you're understanding that anger does nothing but hurt you, but..." she smiled "Soon you will be taught that you'll need to get angry, it is just some angers and wrath's are far more dangerous than others." she explained there was something in her eyes and tone when she said that, that would have most likely put the other at ill ease because it wasn't as if it was completely Demi speaking the words but someone or something else that was far more sinister than the woman that stood before him. She smiled as she seen him struggling, shaking his head, and begging her not to do it but it was far to late for that as she had chosen what was going to happen next even if he didn't want it. "Well, to bad so sad." she said with a grin as she threw him, he should have realised with the small amount of information he was given months before that he was unable to die by normal means, he could only really be killed by three people and the chances of that happening were beyond slim to say the least. This however gave her some entertainment as she seen him struggling as he believed was going to drown as he sank beneath the water 'Idiot...' she sent to him as she knew he landed on the bottom of the lake.

    Word Count: 1,583
    Total Word Count: 2,825


    New Terms, New Life 59882_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    New Terms, New Life Empty Re: New Terms, New Life

    Post by Sol 28th April 2019, 1:09 am

    Sols body was aching and so damaged it was surprising that the Deathless was still functioning, he was sure that any other person would have died multiple times over from the sheer pain he had experienced and yet he was still conscious and focused. When she told him to not hold back and to let it out  and to not be a stubborn animal, he made the mistake of trying to move his broken hand under her foot and instantly it sent a surge of pain thru his body that caused even cell in his body to scream out in pain due to how sensitive his body currently was from prior pain. In that moment Sol dropped the restraints like she has asked and he screamed in sheer agony as he gave up on holding it in anymore, it didn’t matter if she heard him scream in agony and in pain because he needed to let it out and it wasent like it would change her view of him at all. After a while he finished screaming and he layed on the ground breathing hard to catch his breath before he then heard Demi tell him that she was a goddess of death not life and that if he wanted to know he should ask Rui though even he might not know. the hint that Ruvel was a life god didn’t slip by him and he blinked in surprise before he made a note to ask Ruvel even if by chance it didn’t lead to anything it was still worth a try. It was then that  if he kept up the notion that he had a choice of which cast he ended up in he would end up dead very quickly and it instantly made the Void Dweller drop any thoughts of struggling against his current situation and he  nodded in understanding when she gave him the reminder to not damage this place or she would take it out of his life force.

    While the newly turned Deathless didn’t know if she had such a power he didn’t feel like taking that risk since it didn’t gain him anything and if anything would make her even more likely to kill him . “I understand Demi I don’t get to decide” he said softly as he looked at her then to the ground. He was tired both mentally and physically and his desire to fight was almost gone now. He didn’t care  he was to tired to care about getting angry or what she called him. when she told him coldly not to hold back anymore he made his hand twitch without meaning to and he let out a cry of pain due to the jolt of agony going thru his body again. As Sol heard her explain that he had no chance of beating her and that he was delusional then and he still was.” I understand” he said as he heard her then explain that the only reason he had survived was due to interference in his death and if it had not happened he would have been reaped without question.  As she explained that the reason they fought the way they did was to keep things in line which made the Deathless nod in understanding. ”the constant risk of death forces you to adapt and get better each time and surpass your current limits” he said his tone calm and not holding anger or fear in it.

    As Demi shrugged at him Sol blinked a bit as she told him that it would depend on his teacher.”So you will not  be the doing my reaper training or at least not completely? He asked curious. He was not asking because he was dumb but he honestly didn’t know. her tone when she told him that he was learning that anger would only harm him but that some angers were ok while others were far more dangerous set him on edge even more then before. ”I cant let myself be consumed by anger, its only useful if I can keep that anger contained and under control.” He said understanding it a bit better now and while he was absolutely exhausted he as managing to understand her teaching pretty well. as he layed on the bottom of the lake he heard the word Idiot go thru his head from Demi and he couldn’t even argue since it was stupid for him to think he could drown, he had a foot in both worlds how could he still assume he was able to die by drowning. He sighed and managed to shake his head at his utter foolishness. With great effort he somehow managed to roll over again so he chest was on the ground and he very slowly moved his limbs to his sides and then focused on the tough task which was getting back up to the gazebo from the bottom of the lake. He couldn’t take a breath in and hope to float back up due to being underwater. A breath in would do him no good so it only left one choice, to use his buoyancy and what strength he had left to push himself back to the surface. he focused and willed what strength he had left to his arms and he pushed and managed to send himself up thru the water. As he hit the  surface he took a deep breath to fill his lungs with air and he glanced over and saw he was close to the Gazebo but it was just out of reach.” now I gotta somehow grab the gazebo and get back on it” he sighed as he tried to swim over there and get back on it so he could rest. Part of him was ready to sleep but he had a feeling that Demi was not going to let him rest yet. He had a feeling he had yet to earn that right.

    WC- 987

    total wc  3,013


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:37 pm