Fairy Tail RP

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    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Kit Kerrington 21st June 2019, 3:04 am

    [size=41]Janet was standing on the outskirts of the mountain village waiting off to the side a little bit more to keep away from people.  Her cloak was up hiding her various dragon features perfectly. She was told she was to do a job assassinating a man named Hendrick Kennel.  He was a Commander of the rune knights and was apparently giving a rather important speech today about the hunting and eradication of the dark guilds in Fiore.  Janet didn't particularly care about the Rune Knights, to her they were just another faction biting for a place at the table. What Janet did care about was that if they do this and hunted Rakasha her family would be in danger...this she could not allow.  However she was told that she was to wait for assistance as this wasn't a small job and this opponent want to be taken lightly.[/size]

    [size=41]Janet didn't really want the help at first for a few reasons. The first was she had plenty of allies already so one more didn't seem to matter.  But two she didn't know who they would be. That information was left out. She was only told to meet them there and they would find her. As much as she wanted to say no orders were orders and it might not be so bad to work with someone as long as she could keep her cloak up.  So with that in mind she would wait for her partner to show up, watching people and rune knights go in and out of the town from a bit of a distance doing her best to keep a low profile, showing herself just enough to be found but someone looking for her.[/size]

    [size=41]She would stand nearby doing light reconnaissance on the village. She would watch him all enter and leave getting a gauge of how many people were inside. By the looks of it they appear to be almost a battalion of nights there.  Getting in would it be a problem they can just blend in with the car and getting out once I started the couch will be a whole another matter. She was confident she could either take the Battalion or get out safely how is she didn't know who her partner why so she didn't know what they were capable of. Is there anything about who her partner will be wondering about her abilities and what they could do.  She wasn't used to working with someone so this should be a new experience with her having a partner with it I have to worry about but she would make sure they stay safe. With Thai in mind she would continue to watch and study the area around them waiting for her assistance.[/size]


    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Guest 21st June 2019, 3:50 am

    It had not been all that long since she had joined the guild but Menka had wasted little time in becoming involved with the activities of her new home. She was truly thankful to have been accepted as a member and after her healing at the hands of her dryad friend, Lily, the metal slayer was even more willing to get stuck in, as humans were fond of saying. This would be her first mission but she did not see any major complications or difficulties with it and knew that the chances of success were high. She had no actual interest in the Rune Knights although she found their words rather hypocritical. They would often speak of protecting those who needed them but they would so often turn a blind eye to precisely those that they were supposed to defend. There was so much cruelty in the world but did these knights do anything about that? No, it would seem not. It puzzled the mechanical mage but she could put that conundrum aside for now. There was a task to be done and she would put all of her power and skill in to completing it.

    She would not be alone for this job and the fact that she had no knowledge of them was enough to arouse her curiosity. Menka found it difficult to express many traits and emotions but fortunately, her intrigue had remained. Her introduction to the guild had shown her that not all humans were vicious and vindictive, an opinion and view that she had originally had. Now, the purple haired woman knew better and she was slowly beginning to understand the wider world that she had taken her first steps in to only recently. In truth, the thought of teaming up with someone completely unknown added something to the job and the idea of maybe starting to form a friendship with another member of the guild was appealing to her. There was so much that she failed to understand at the moment but she knew that with the help of others, that could change. Her encounter with Lily had taught her much and she hoped for the same today.

    Wearing a light, green coloured robe, the slayer would approach the outskirts of the village, her keen blue eyed gaze searching for her partner. Due to the manner of the job, they would obviously not be hiding in the centre of town and instead she would start to naturally walk around the edge of the settlement, as natural as possible.The village was busy and no one gave her a second glance but eventually her eyes came across a cloaked figure, partly hidden from the group, watching the to and fro of the people as they walked by. After a brief moment of pondering, she would then quietly approach the figure and stand beside them, easily blending in, as though she had been there from the start.

    "I am from the guild," she would say, her emotionless tone of voice making it impossible for her to convey much of anything, "My name is Menka and I believe that I am your partner for today's mission."

    (529 Words)

    (Thread Word Count: 1006/7000 Words)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Kit Kerrington 21st June 2019, 5:13 am

    Janet was surprised as she watched the village.  So many people showed up for the Rune Knights. So many people we're gathered in the small little village just to hear speech. It was almost impressive the influence these nights had on people. Perhaps it was the illusion of safety after all that wasn't Battalion there starting for the speech and someone of a higher rank as well. Janet didn't know much about this organization as she was in a cave what she was told they were the Law and Order in the world. There's something wrong with Law & Order I suppose as long as I'm doing it this thing however it did and this case they were after what she had so they need to be dealt with. Should be lost thinking about this only be broken by a sudden voice.

    Janet would be watching the small village continuing her recon as suddenly someone would approach her ger.  Janet tightened her gasped on her cloak hiding her face a little bit more as they approached, as she was about to as what they wanted they would state that they were in the guild and that there name was Menka and she was her partner.  Janet stared at her breifly, many question coming into her mind like if it was that obviouse who she was, how strong was she, could she see under her cloak. Though she wouldn't ask any yet she would just look up makong sure her other half was hidden. "Hello, i'm Janet...your my partner.." She would pause once more before nodding lightly. "Okay.." She would say before looking back to see if they attracted any attention.

    After a moment seeing no one coming over or paying any mind she turned back towards Menka.  To pick a question to ask a simple one at first I want to ask her final details about herself until she was ready or Janet was even ready to ask. "Would you care to um...tell me what you can do exactly…" she asked before wondering if that was too forward going to correct it. "Does Not need to be long just a brief summary, like I use Night shade Dragon Slayer magic, can call a few dragons for help,and slightly turn into one." She said with a small hint of pride but still quiet, not just to not be heard by locals but as keeping her guard up.  There wasn't a need to say more till she knew more after all...if she'd even tell her anything.

    "Thats all so what can you do?" Shw would ask tilting her head slightly in a curiouse amd puzzled manner.  Shw was very curiouse what this gorl from the guild could do and how strong she really was, and if she would be useful here or not...though she probably would be considering she was sent here to help after all.  As she would wait for her answer she waloud keep a slight eye out pry prying eyes not wanting there cover blown, this was her first mission and it would go well.


    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Guest 21st June 2019, 5:56 am

    It was impossible for her to miss the extra care that her partner was taking when it came to hiding herself, which only piqued Menka's interest. Naturally, they had to be careful not to arouse suspicion at that point but Janet seemed to be taking that to a different level. She would listen intently as the woman would describe her magic and go in to a surprising amount of detail although hearing the term dragon come up so often was a slight problem. The slayer was by no means an expert when it came to her own magic but she was aware of just what it was capable of doing. It was made to destroy what it would seem her partner was fond of creating, or perhaps even more than that and she was aware of the troubles that it could cause. Yet, what could she do? The half machine could not lie and if they were going to work with each other, then honesty was a must between them. Deception between team mates was something that she did not believe in nor would it cause anything other than problems between them. Then again, perhaps she was over thinking it some what, as Janet had also admitted she was a slayer too.

    "I am a slayer as well," Menka would respond, choosing her wording carefully, "My magic is known as Metal Dragon Slayer and I am able to use it to manipulate parts of my body in to various shapes and structures. The honest truth is that I am still getting to grips with my magic, as I only recently had the lacrima inserted in to my body. Do not be concerned though, as I will be able to do what is necessary in order to do my share of the job. I appreciate that you have been so open with me about your magic and it is only reasonable for me to do the same although I hope that this is not going to cause friction between us. I can understand why you might not be all that pleased that my magic seems to clash with yours."

    While she spoke, the matal slayer would continue to act as natural as possible, in order to keep any keen eyes off of herself and Janet. Thankfully, it seemed as though the event that was about to take place had captured a lot of attention and so the pair were being ignored for the most part. That would certainly be useful when the time came to strike. Menka had no qualms with killing the Knight herself. It was the job that they had been sent to do and deluding the public was something that she just felt was a rather cruel way of the Rune Knights to behave. He was blatantly lying to the people, just to make himself and his group look like saviours, when on fact they were simply as bad as those they claimed that they wished to vanquish. Perhaps removing him would be good for the world as a whole, rather than just for the guild. Law and order was something that she did not truly have much faith in and today would be a small example of that.

    (WC: 542/2068)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Kit Kerrington 27th June 2019, 12:16 am

    Janet would look at the metal slayer who had been Just as open as Janet thinking for a moment. Slayers were naturally her enemy and not people she wanted to associate with...only hunt.  Only a brief of discomfort that would come across her for a very brief moment before fading, However from what she can tell she tell though this Slayer was very open about what she could do as well so Janet didn't sense any immediate Danger, aside from that in this moment she was her allies so she didn't have anything to fear as far as she was concerned quite yet. While she would remain a little guarded she would nod and give a little bit more of a smile. "It's okay we are guild mates and you didn't hide you a slayer from me so you aren't my enemy." She said with a nod trying to sound a tad reasonable.  She would then turn her attention to the speech that was going on. As she listens to the nonsense they were spouting out. As she looked at all of the people and rune knight a direct assault would be more dangerous than it was worth. Janet would then look back at her partner monding her cloak. She had started to think of a plan that best help them.

    "Um so if we are doing this…" she paused trying to not say kill him since they were in public.  "I can cause a pretty good distraction if you think you can deal with him...otherwise we can figure something else out…." She would pause starting to listen to the drivel that this man was spilling.  He just went on and on and it sounded nice however lome her partner she knew it was all nonsense. "It sounds like this could go on for awhile so we have time to do whatever you want to do." She didn't know the strength of her partner but she could assume she could hold her own based on what she said.  Though she looked a little worried not to be presumpus so she would wait tuning out the speech not caring much for it. While she waited for her curiosity got the better of her as she examined her wondering why her voice was the way it was, she would definitely inquire about it on the way home after there business here is done.


    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Guest 27th June 2019, 2:50 am

    Relieved that Janet took the news well, Menka would follow her partners gaze towards the large stage as the knight would begin speaking. The speech was nothing new and filled with the same drivel that the knights seemed fond of using. Talking about brotherhood, the law and how they would defend the poor and desperate. It was all just rhetoric and the smug and arrogant look on his face did not exactly make him look sincere. Her struggle with emotions made it that she felt very little at all about him although it was likely that if she could feel anger or disgust then she probably would. It was the fact that he was so blatant with his lies that caused her to dislike him and the idea of removing the deceptive individual was becoming a more pleasant thought by the moment.

    As her team mate would start putting together a plan, Menka would briefly look to the sides of the stage, noticing a few other figures as well, most likely members of the knights as well. It did seem unusual that he would be there alone and so, she logically assumed that her conclusion was accurate. "I do not believe that it will be quite as simple as that," she would say, her tone unchanged, "The likelihood of him being alone is minimal and I assume that he could have quite a few knights here as back up. It may require both of us in order to kill him and since we have no idea of the numbers either, it may be wiser to stick together, at least until we know how many there are. We need to figure out how many of them there are before we go in and perhaps maybe take a stealthy approach for a time. Either that, or cause enough chaos to draw them all out. I do not how good your magic is at stealth but I admit that mine is not. I am most effective in the thick of things."

    She would catch Janet gazing at her and would tilt her head in curiosity, unsure as to what it meant. It was only natural for her partner to be intrigued by her and in truth, Menka was just as curious about her team mate. She could not even see much of her guild mate because if the cloak and could not help but notice just how tightly she wrapped it around herself. It was as though she was hiding something and that thought aroused her curiosity even further although it also sent a note of caution running through her mind. What if she was hiding something dangerous which could threaten the mission or perhaps herself? Her gaze would give nothing away and for now, she would not say anything about it but when the mission over then maybe she would. Her dislike for deception was already so strong and she believed that honesty between people was the way forward, especially between those in the same guild. Her trust in Lily had turned out to be the right thing though and with that thought in mind, Menka would push aside her uneasiness for now and focus on the job.

    (WC: 537/3007)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Kit Kerrington 27th June 2019, 6:21 am

    Janet would pause mulling over what was said. "Stealth isn't my strong suit i'd rather the chaos opinion...but before we do I need to show you something." She would pause taking a breath. " I need to show you what I look like before I explain my plan please follow me out of the town into the mountains a bit ...If I do it here people will stare and we will definitely get caught." She said nervously but genuinely wanting to keep her guildmate safe.  With that she would turn and leave hoping she followed.

    Its not that she wanted to keep secrets but how do you tell someone your part dragon and not sound crazy.  She can't exactly whip out her tail in public, especially on a job. Janet just hoped she understood that after she revealed herself. As they got about a mile out in a denser area she stopped turning around. "Thank you for your patience here is what I wanted to show you." She would lower her hood and open her cloak showing the entire left half her body coated in dragon scales, a horn, a claw, and a golden eye.  Out from under her dress a black dragon tail would also come out.. " this is who I am...half a dragon by birth...this is why I was secretive...because i'm a freak and people would react..it wasnt to keep secrets…" she said as she looked at her partner giving her time to take it all in.

    After a brief moment of letting her take it all in she would begin to speak about the plan.  " since half dragon mean to have Dragon Blood In Me so I can temporarily turn into a bigger dragon. I was thinking if we're going to Cal scope because I'm not stuffing myself if we disorder in on a dragon living in Rush the stage and all the talking him on in a quick attack… let me have The High Ground don't even coming on the stage we have the advantage against… either way in this scenario me turning into a dragon is going to be the best bet." She wants to take a deep breath in backup giving some space.

    She would then so I can catch her magic to turn it into dragon the first thing that would happen would be scaled resort to cover the rest of the body. Black scales coating her body as they went up her arms around her head claws would form in a second horn would start to grow out of the other side of her head. Her right eye gloss over for a second before turning a golden color in the people in it turning into more of a reptilian looking one matching her other eye.  Then come out of her back as she would start to grow larger and her tail would grow longer as well winds would suddenly Sprout out going inside with her as she started to transform into a full-fledged Dragon before her partner's eyes. In just a few seconds now for black dragons how worrying about her looking down at her.

    " this is what I can bring to the table for now I hope it's enough if you like you can climb on my back just make sure you hold on because I Can Fly rather fast." She said slowly and carefully to make sure she did not get anything turned her side and lowered a wing for her to climb up onto her back with. She then would look at her hoping she didn't think she was a freak.


    Hp: 650

    Abilities used:

    Last edited by Janet Cinderfeild on 27th June 2019, 9:44 am; edited 1 time in total

    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Guest 27th June 2019, 7:18 am

    Amazed by what she had heard and saw, Menka did not say anything at first and just stared up at Janet. She found it difficult to express much of anything but the truth was that the half metal woman was amazed by her friends' story and transformation. The thought of calling her a freak or anything negative did not even cross the metal slayer's mind and instead she simply just wanted to ask questions but they would have to wait, given the task at hand and with reluctance, she managed to force those to the back of her mind. Not having met an actual dragon before, she was slightly taken aback by the sheer size although she showed no fear or hesitation. Janet was her partner after all and the fact that she had been so open with her so quickly was something that she had appreciated. In truth, seeing her new allies form caused her to recalculate the odds of the mission as she imagined that with such a powerful takeover, her friend was bound to be strong, making the knights chances of surviving fairly slim.

    Feeling the need to say something, she took a step forward and gazed up at Janet, "You are no freak Janet and to tell you the truth, I am only half human myself. The other half is made entirely of metal and machinery so believe me when I say that I can understand how you feel. There are a thousand questions that I would like to ask about you but I suppose they will have to wait until we have finished what we were sent here to do. Do not worry though, I trust you with my life and will gladly ride on you to get this job done. I know that having a slayer on your back must be a bit uncomfortable for you but I hope that you can trust me in the same way as I do you."

    Hoping that her words had helped somewhat, she would then nod her head as Janet mentioned her plan and would soon climb up on to her friends back. "That sounds like a plan to me and I agree with you completely. If you can just get me close enough to him then I may be able to kill him in one stroke although in honesty, I am more concerned about getting back out. The second we strike, any knight in the area is going to come running and we will probably have to either get out quickly or kill them all. I am not sure how you feel about doing that but I will do whatever is needed in order to complete the job."

    It was rather strange to be sitting on her team mate but after taking a few moments to settle herself, she would remain quiet for a moment before adding, prepared for what was about to happen, "All right, Janet, I am ready when you are, let us get this done."

    (WC: 503/4117)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Kit Kerrington 27th June 2019, 9:44 am

    While it was hard to emote as a dragon she felt so relieved and so happy to hear that she didn't think she was a freak that she was weird or anything like that. and as the Sawyer real had revealed some more of her secrets she going to help you feel a little more trusting of this one as she was given no obligation and you didn't even ask her to but she just did. I guess much like her companion honesty mattered greatly to her in this case. as a matter of fire with climb on mention the fact they would be a little awkward since she was a sleigh riding on a dragon head would Shake. “No it’s quite alright, I trust you not to hurt me.” she would pause in her head would turn back a little bit looking at the girl that had just climbed on her back. “You're not worried about them I will handle keeping them at Bay while we do the job as she escaped we could always just fly away however I agree whatever it takes to get this job done if we have to go to them we have to go through them.” she was saying as she said that she was ready to go her head would turn back and with a powerful flap of her wings they would have they would have sent into the air. no she would make sure to take its toll at first as Not only was she not used to having so I'm flying on her back but she was sure that this person wasn't you stuff flying on top of a dragon.

    She soared through the air flying high above the clouds looking back at her companion as they flew towards the village using the closet cover so no one would see the large black dragon in the air. “ you're still hanging on are you doing all right back there I can slow down if you'd like I hate for your fall off.” she would say was some concern how was she would see that apartment was stronger than she had originally thought that she was able to hold on at the speeds they were flying and not show any fear, what ways have the look of any apparent fear on them and with that she would look down and begin to speak again. “ hang on tight we're going to fight a straight down onto the stage I'm going to stun everyone around the area and then you do the job, then whether we have to fight or not we'll find out.” she would say before watching one more time to apartment make sure she was hanging on before taking a dive down towards where she remember the stage being. a few adjustments once I broke the cloud line but the distraction would work as a speech was halted and I won look down on a dragon which have been very scarce in these parts plummeting onto the stage.

    as she got onto the stage trusting that her partner would take her advice she would let out a massive Roar two fighting everyone around her, Never having seen a beast like her before the roar would stun them making a few of them drop their weapons and stand there paralyzed including the night Commander himself. giant would hope that her partner with use this window of time to go finish him while she became ready to guard her partner from crowd and everyone around her.



    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Guest 27th June 2019, 11:04 am

    Just as Janet was about to land, Menka would dive off and soar down towards the knight commander, landing on top of him with a painful crunch. Since he was stunned, there was little that he could do and a chainsaw like blade would form from her right arm. It would sound like a chainsaw and his eyes would widen with shock but that was all that he was able to do. With an almighty cleaves, she would drive the blade in to him, causing blood to erupt from his right shoulder, covering both himself and the slayer, a display of crimson. Once the blade had struck, it would then disappear and creating a pair of claws instead, she would finish him off with a powerful slash across his neck, killing him before he could even hope of recovering from the stun. She was precise with the strike though and finished him without the need for excessive blood to be shed. Staring down at his body, she would briefly tilt her head and watch as his life ebbed away to nothing and his breathing stopped. The commander was dead and it had all been so easy. The tricky part though might be next.

    Moving quickly, the metal slayer would then quickly get up and sprint across the stage. The crowd went in to instant hysterics and started running in all directions although there were a few who seemed to look like they wanted to to fight. The rest of the knights though were still paralysed though and not a threat. Considering the options, the quickest way out would be simply to fly and Menka had no desire for a mass slaughter at that point. They had done what was necessary and that was enough. She did not feel any adrenaline or anything else had having killed him although she was satisfied that the job was done.

    Sprinting over to her partner, she would jump off of the stage and on to Janet's back in what was quite an impressive feat for her. "He is dead, Janet and I have no desire to kill them all. Let us get out of her before these men can recover, unless you seek vengeance against them." She would leave the decision up to her partner, while trying to get a comfortable seat on her partners back. It had been an awfully strange feeling when she had ridden on her the first time although she would not call it unpleasant. Motion sickness was often a curse for dragon slayer but she had not experienced any at all, while riding her ally, which she was seriously thankful for. The kill had happened so fast that it had been a bit of a blur but she was certain that they had performed admirably in the task and the metal slayer was pleased with the result. A clean kill, with no additional casualties and no damager to either herself or Janet. As long as they got out all right, of course.

    (WC: 504/5237)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Kit Kerrington 27th June 2019, 11:32 am

    Janet would watch this happen as her Partners arm turn into a chainsaw like blade and just cut down the man where he stood. The kill was quick and efficient didn't leave all the flyer that was required but got the job done, Janet could easily respect that. However her surprise the car was in frightened or scared or anything of the sort it was actually the opposite they were getting hyped up and ready to fight. surprised at some of the common was weren't stunned by her Roar and fearful like the ruined eyes around her. they would all start calling her a beast and shouting at her getting what they could for armorment whether it was rock store things they found nearby they were getting ready to attack the massive dragon. she's going to blame them after all this was a beast that should be dead however what you did not like was when they started yelling things like monster or it's a giant Beast or anything like that. Janet and her Dragon form wasn't exactly the same she was more aggressive however if it weren't for her partner jumping on her back telling her that she did not wish the slaughter all these people they might not have lived. upon hearing our partners words logic took back over and she just nodded how was she didn't need them not to get me or her so she could take off without hurting them.

    As she saw them getting closer and getting ready to drop Rush nearby the stage she could also tell that the guards are starting to get their courage back which wasn't a good thing and we make leaving here very difficult. so with that in mind you just looked up her massive Dragon claw ball into a fist and slam the ground causing a massive Tremor to go around knocking people off their feet and installing more fear into them than they had before. with that in mind and was a mighty flap of her when she would just start to fly up into the sky. What's like a partner she had no desire to kill any of these people in fact quite the opposite if they can leave here without any casualties in any need to call in more of the local Rune Knights then that would be all the better. the job was done in the man was dead what more did they need to do. she would buy that one more road to the sky as they flew Above the Clouds and she would look back towards her partner. “That was very impressive how skillfully you dealt with that.” She said as she hovered there for a moment getting her bearings As she waited for her response she could hear the panic start to gather below as now that there adrenaline is gone and the acceptance that a man rune Knight officer just got slaughtered kicked in they were in no mood to fight.


    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Guest 27th June 2019, 11:59 am

    Watching Janet's use of intimidation to scare the crowd off was impressive and Menka's curiosity was certainly aroused by that and the fact that she had the restraint to not lash out even further was even more so. The crowd had been horrible with their words and the metal slayer could not help but understand how her partner must have felt. She had been in that position herself, insulted for being different and it was an experience that only proved to her just how cruel humans could be. The rune knight had deserved to die and in her opinion, killing him was probably actually a positive thing in truth. They would now not have to listen to any more of his lies and could instead try and think for themselves. Either way, it made no difference now. He was dead and the job was complete and that was what was most important for Menka.

    When Janet turned to face her, Menka would nod her head before answering, "Thank you, I had no desire to see him suffer so I simply went in for the kill. I do not know about you but I find the idea of unnecessary bloodshed to be rather cruel and it is not my way of killing. I have to say that I was just as impressed with your restraint, Janet. What the crowd said to you was absolutely foul and I would not have blamed you if you had felt the need to lash out. It says a lot about you that you were able to simply ignore them and fly away. You have a kind heart, my friend."

    Was it too soon to say that were friends? Maybe but after going through an adventure like that, it sounded perfectly natural to her. She had always been rather eager to make friends and after her encounter with Lily, Menka had come to realise just how important it was for her. The dryad had performed an operation on her that could quite easily have killed her and yet, the metal slayer had agreed to it and they had been friend ever since and this seemed to be the same. Janet and her had risked life and limb together and if that did not make them friends then nothing would. She was still deeply curious about the half dragon and she desperately wanted to ask a dozen questions or more but perhaps that was something for another day.

    There was one question that she did ask though and in truth, it had nothing to do with Janet's past as such and more about her future. Menka was still getting to grips with how the guild worked but she was aware that certain members seemed to be regularly teaming up with each other and that thought was what caused her to speak again, "Janet, would you be interested in teaming up with me on a regular basis? After today's success I think that we have proved that we work pretty well together, what do you think?"

    (WC: 508/6217)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Kit Kerrington 27th June 2019, 12:16 pm

    As Menka complimented her on her strength and caused him to think for a moment. normally she wouldn't have such a strange she would just Have lashed out at the crowd and potentially hurt more people, however she was able to calm down because of this person there's something special about her I suppose maybe it was just your aspect of family or friends for that she was unknown time would tell though. “I don't like to kill my necessarily if I can get away with not killing an entire crowd I will do so I understand sometimes it must be done but this was not one of those times and I'm glad you're not one of those people that just like the aimlessly slaughter people.” How were the next thing she said Will Make Her Smile as she was called friend. Janet had never really had a friend before only the family she dropped before the cave-in anytime she would try to get close to anyone they'd run away in her because of her scales or her claws or whatever she had that would make them be afraid of a half dragon woman. how is she did not say that about her and she accepted her so it here that she had a friend made her very happy. “Thank you, Friend..” she would respond in a way that would be a sweet confirm that she consider them friends if of course it wasn't just a slip of the tongue.

    I wish you were sync up with her in the fact that she had many questions for the woman riding on her back in a while they were on a similar wavelength of Now isn't the time to ask, even though why she had a mechanical voice how she was half machine and Dragonslayer was all very confusing to her and she wanted to know all these answers right now I would before she could even think to ask my question was prompted to her causing her to shift her Focus. Menka had asked suddenly to be a team with her as she figured they worked well together which would make Janet have to pause and think about it for a moment. the idea of a team with her was very odd considering most the time people ran away from her or threw stones at her so the fact that someone made her want to go on more missions for the guild with her or even contemplate being on a team made her feel a sensation of once but curiosity you just why. granted she already said because it works well together however it was more just a generalization why then anything else. her ways without flapping and she would just apply for a moment while she thought about it not wanting to rush into a decision by the way but she couldn't find the dog got done fairly quickly and together they could do great things she felt and get a lot more done. So with one more fight over Wings to gain some altitude again she would just look back at Menka and give a slight nod. “ yes, I wouldn't mind doing a more jobs or missions with you or whatever the guild would have us do...my friend” she would say before turning their head back away continuing to soar through the sky eager to get back home and report about the success of their mission and very eager to do more things with her new friend.


    Assassinate Hendrick Kennel  Empty Re: Assassinate Hendrick Kennel

    Post by Guest 27th June 2019, 12:31 pm

    Relieved to hear that Janet was willing to team up with her, Menka simply nodded her head once again in response, unable to form a smile. She was unsure as to why but there was just something that prevented her doing so, as though it was unnatural to her. No matter how much she tried, the slayer had been unable to perform one but she hoped that perhaps in time, she would begin to understand the nuances of humanity and maybe then, her smile will come. Today, however, she was simply pleased that their job had been completed and more than that, had made a new friend to adventure with in the future. Their first job together had been a fantastic experience and could not have gone any better, which was more than she could have asked for in truth.

    Wanting to enjoy the ride, she would then briefly turn her gaze upwards and glance at the beautiful blue sky, making the most of the warm sun on her skin. She could not have imagined that she would be returning home on the back of her guild member but it could not have been a happier ending in her view and as Janet carried the pair of them home, the slayer could not have been more confident in both her and her team mates future.

    (WC: 226/7044)

    (Word Count Reached)

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