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    A Wizard's Grace

    Sarah Stone
    Sarah Stone

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Rich- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amaterasu
    Position : None
    Posts : 230
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen. Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Wizard's Grace Empty A Wizard's Grace

    Post by Sarah Stone 23rd February 2019, 9:51 am

    Job Title: A Wizard's Grace

    Rank: D-Ranked Wizard (Solo Only)

    Player Requirements: D ranked wizard. Solo only.

    Solo Word Count: 500 Words

    Group Word Count: 1000 Words

    Job Requirements: Must defeat at least 5 groups of Plant Demons! Without using magic that can damage the crops and farms of Beanstalk Village! If the Boss is rolled; the curse on the crops will disappear; but you now have to face off against the Dark Wizard who cursed them in the first place!

    Job Location: Beanstalk Village

    Job Description: Beanstalk Village; nestled in the most northern forests of Fiore alongside the Clover River. This village is responsible for a good bit of Fiore's farm and produce production alongside River Village, and Peace Village. Everything from vegetables, too beef, too steak, too pork can come from here.

    However; all crops in the village; have whithered and grown thorns. Quite strange no? They also glow with a strange light; as if some kind of bad magics are at work; holding the crops into this foul state.

    There aren't any wizards in the village; so they're completely baffled how entire crop fields of wheat, corn, and tomatoes could just sprout black thorns, wither, and glow. It's very, very, VERY; strange to them.

    However; when you arrive; the cursed plants react to your magic power; revealing to the villagers the source of the problem. Plant Demons; feeding off of their crops.

    The Plant Demons appear; popping up in waves. They look quite cute; each Plant Demon either has a head and body made up of whatever vegetable it is; with thin white legs and arms; and glowing red eyes with a mouth that they love to use to eat real crops; and too trash talk.

    They will pop out of the ground randomly when they sense Magic Power for the first time in Beanstalk Village; and attack. The curse will wear off when you dispose of the Plant Demons.


    Weak: Tomato Plant Demon x10 (D-Ranked, these Demons are real trash talkers; nothing is off limits to them. With a body like a giant tomato. Despite their tough talk; they're very weak and go down in just two hits of D-Ranked damage each; they will try to belly flop and body slam their opponents; their special technique is 'Tomato Juice Cannon'; which blasts their opponent with a stream of ketchup from their mouth; careful it packs a punch and deals D-Ranked damage and knockback that will lift you off your feet if hit.)

    Normal: Corn Plant Demon x5 (D-Ranked, these Demons have a body like a giant corn cob. They don't talk tough; but think themselves very stylish. They will attempt to body flop, and body ram opponents much like the Tomato Plant Demons. Their special technique is 'Corn Corn Cannon' in which they exhale a stream of Corn, flying at bullet speed. They hurt like hell; equivalent to almost having baseballs thrown at you. Enough of them will K.O even tough wizards. This deals C-Ranked damage if hit. The Corn Plant Demons go down in 3 hits of D-Ranked damage each.)

    Strong: Broccolli Plant Demon x10 (C-Ranked, these demons have a body like broccolli with glowing red eyes. They are very fast; and will charge opponents quickly with shoulder rams, and punches. Their special technique is 'Broccolli Swat'; in which they cock their body back like a gigantic fly swatter, and slam their Broccolli heads down on their opponent in a gigantic smash. This deals C-Ranked damage, and can K.O quite easily. If caught off guard you will be slow to move around and be sore for the next post. The Broccolli Plant Demons go down in 5 hits of D-Ranked damage each.)

    Boss: Dark Wizard (The one who put the curse on the entire Farmlands of Beanstalk Village; this guy is not to be trifled with. He is an middle aged man with an extremely impressive beard; wearing dark robes. He uses Curse Magic. Once per turn; he will try to make one of your limbs like jelly, as well as cause you to see and hear things that aren't there. His Curse spells can do everything from make you blind, make you not able to hear, paralyze one limb, make you not be able to speak, and the ability to make your own spells backfire on you. If you roll a 'Failed Block'; you will be Cursed with one of these effects, takes 15 hits of D-Ranked damage to bring this guy down.)

    Reward: 5,000 Jewels

    Beanstalk Village was somewhere that Sarah had never been before. She had never ventured much further than the valley, so she was extremely excited to take this job. Upon arriving on foot, she booked herself a room at the local inn. After getting herself cleaned up, she went to greet the client at one of the farms. When she arrived, she greeted the client warmly.

    "Hi, I'm Sarah, from the Aurora Guild. I'm here to help with your plant problem." She smiled as she waited for the client to respond. However, the response given was not exactly what Sarah expected. "Great, the town's farms are being ruined, and they send us a greenhorn. I'll be sure to say something about this to the council."

    Sarah was a mix of shocked, offended, and scared. She had heard stories of what the council could do if a guild got too many complaints, and didn't want that to happen to Aurora, at the very least for the sake of Luna. "Please, just give me a chance. I'll take care of the plants, just please give me a chance to show you what I can do." The client was reluctant, but finally gave in to Sarah's determination, realizing that they hadn't been fair to her.

    "Alright kid, let's see what you got. Make sure you come back." Sarah simply pumped her fist as she walked into one of the glowing fields. Upon her arrival in the field, a group of plant demons popped out of the ground in a ring around her. She was faced with two that looked like overgrown tomatoes, one that looked like a giant ear of corn, and two others that looked like they might as well be trees.

    She sighed, before demolishing one of the tomato demons with a quick one-two combo, leaving a puddle of tomato paste in its place. Immediately afterwards, the other four demons set upon her. The corn and tomato we're dodged with some quick footwork, but she barely had time to block one of the broccoli demons, causing her to slide back about ten feet. Luckily, that knocked her out of the path of the second one, which lost its footing and smashed the second tomato demon as it fell. That left only three to deal with.

    Unfortunately, they were the stronger of the group. "Wow, these guys are no joke. Guess I'll have to take this seriously." She dashed forward, sacrificing a bit of her stamina for an extra boost, as she delivered a fierce left hook to the corn demon's midsection. She followed up with a right, and stepped back just before the attack.

    The corn demon missed terribly, while the broccoli demons attacked in tandem, sending her back a good fifteen feet with her arms stinging. "This is actually starting to get fun." Sarah grinned as she slammed another left hook into the corn demon, causing it to slam into the ground and bounce back up before hitting the ground a second time. She didn't have time for a second attack, however, since one of the broccoli demons attacked while she was focused on the corn demon, and caught her off guard with a decent punch.

    Her head rattled around for a few moments before she smiled. "Well now, looks like you've still got some fight in you. Alright then, let's get to it." She charged in, against one of them. When it doubled over backwards, she knew what was coming next, and had a feel for the exact timing.

    When it tried to slam it's head down on her, she was way ahead of it, delivering an uppercut right between it's eyes, which she followed with two hooks on either side, before watching it collapse. The other looked confused, as one of the special attacks used by the broccoli demons had been so easily defeated. While it was distracted, Sarah hit it with five heavy jabs, and followed with a right hook. "Huh. I kinda hoped that might go on a little longer." Slightly dissatisfied, Sarah walked off towards the next area. Having been woken up by the first wave, the other four were easier for her to deal with, but when she finally returned to the client, she was out of breath, and covered in sauce and bruises.

    "Okay, Problem solved, at least for now." She returned to her room and got cleaned up before writing up her report. The next morning, she met with the client again, thanking them for the opportunity to test her skills, and assuring them that should the issue occur again, they could call on her personally. With the goodbyes taken care of, Sarah left the village on foot, to make her way back to the guild.

    Brief intermission. Post Word Count: 812 Thread Word Count: 812/500

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