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    Silver Wolf Guild Spells/Pet/Assets

    Silver Wolf
    Silver Wolf

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    Star Silver Wolf Guild Spells/Pet/Assets

    Post by Silver Wolf 22nd February 2019, 8:01 pm

    Guild Spells

    Ley Line Arcania

    Rank: H++
    MP Cost: 420 MP
    Category: Offensive, Defensive
    Type: Burst, Buff, Anti-Piercing, Teleport, Immobilization
    Damage: 630 HP
    Durability: 420 HP
    Range: 1,000 m
    Speed: 800 m/s
    Duration: 25 posts
    Downside: Doubled base MP cost for 50% more damage. User must pay 10% of their total HP when casting this spell for 50% stronger buff
    Description: The arcane power contained within the Ley Line located underneath Silver Wolf's guild hall is hard to quantify, rumored to be of proportions that are unfathomable to the human mind. Still, as protectors of the Ley Line, certain members of Silver Wolf enjoy the aid of this nexus of magical power, almost as if the world itself assisted them. In times of need, the user can spend their own power to call upon that of the Ley Line under their protection, the will of the world providing them with overwhelming strength in return. When this spell is cast, the user's guild mark will glow in its own color, calling the power of the Ley Line to their aid. This enables them to absorb enormous quantities of magical power from the surrounding world, increasing their own magical capabilities exponentially. While keeping the large amounts of power under control is somewhat damaging to the user's body, the user's Spell Damage is increased by 315% for the duration of this spell. The magic power absorbed by the user can immediately be used in the user's own magic, coating their form in an aura that drives their own powers to the utmost limit and uses one or more elements or concepts from one or more of the user's magics (aesthetic only, element/s are up for the user to pick. Example: The user possesses wind magic, coating them in an aura of hurricane-force winds).

    This aura serves a twofold purpose, firstly acting as a shield around the user's form which can take up to 420 HP in damage before breaking and cannot be pierced by spells or abilities that contain piercing effects. The durability of this shield is restored to full once per post for the spell's duration. Secondly, the user can, once per post for the duration of this spell, utilize the aura around them in an offensive manner, allowing them to instantly teleport to a given point within the range of the spell. Once they have teleported, they can strike an opponent within their melee range or alternatively strike the ground or another surface. Upon impacting with the strike, the aura around them releases a massive blast of the element/s or concept/s that it's made of, creating a gigantic explosion that extends up to the spell's range around their position at the spell's speed, dealing the spell's damage to all those hit with it. Further, all hit by this spell are briefly overwhelmed by the sheer mass of magical power that hit them, disorienting them and immobilizing them for a single post. Targets may only be immobilized once every other post at max and must be hit again once this cooldown has passed in order to be immobilized anew.

    Ley Line Overload

    Rank: H++
    MP Cost: 420 MP
    Category: Offensive
    Type: Burst, DoT, MP Drain, HP Drain
    Damage: 315 HP per post
    Range: 1,250 m
    Speed: 1,000 m/s
    Duration: 5 posts
    Downside: Doubled base MP cost for 50% more damage. Sacrificing 2 base effects for 25% more range and speed
    Description: This spell functions in a manner similar to "Ley Line Arcania", though instead of absorbing the overwhelming power of the surrounding world into their body, the caster utilizes it in a different style. Stretching out a hand, the user briefly accumulates all power of the surrounding world into a sphere within their palm, the arcane orb glowing in a bright, ice-blue color and radiating overwhelming magical energy. Once this process is complete, the user crushes the sphere within their hand, releasing, in an instant, massive amounts of magical power. This magical power is imbued with the elements of ice, wind, and darkness all at the same time, creating a gigantic snowstorm at the user's position that spreads out into all directions around the user, up to the spell's range around them at the spell's speed. Temperatures drop well below zero and all living things within the area will be inflicted with severe frostbite and grievous wounds resulting from the freezing temperatures, dealing 315 HP of damage to them if hit. The frostbite and cold will continue to deal damage over the duration of several posts, even if the affected opponent leaves the area after being hit, dealing 315 HP of damage every post thereafter until the fifth post after the spell's activation has been reached. The cold and resulting pain will also disorient affected targets, draining them of 10% of their total HP and 10% of their total MP once per post for the remainder of the spell's duration.

    Guardian Wolf's Claws

    Rank: H++
    MP Cost: 210 MP
    Take-Over Type: Partial
    Grade: Normal
    Take-Over Buff: +258% Speed
    Melee Damage: 210 HP per hit
    Range: Melee
    Speed: Melee
    Duration: 25 posts
    Downside: Sacrificing range and speed for 50% more damage. Rank MP cost assigned to this Take-Over for 50% stronger Take-Over buff
    Description: Utilizing the power of the Guardian Wolves that protect the guild hall of Silver Wolf, the user embodies an aspect of these same Guardian Wolves. Argent-hued energy swirls around the user's hands and fingers briefly before coalescing into a physical shape, granting them beast-like claws that are razor-sharp and can be used for devastatingly powerful slashing attacks as well as animalistic swiftness while the Take-Over is active.



    Arms of the Defender

    Rank: H++
    MP Cost: 420 MP
    Requip Type: Weapon
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment: Armory, Page 16 p.°392
    Requip Damage: 622 HP per hit
    Requip Durability: N/a
    Range: 1,250 m
    Speed: 1,000 m/s
    Duration: 25 posts
    Downside: Rank MP cost assigned to this Requip for 50% more damage. Doubled base MP cost for 25% more range and speed
    Description: An ancient spell uncovered by Silver Wolf that is as much mysterious as it is powerful, allowing the user to manifest any weapon they can conceptualize with nothing but a thought, creating the desired weapon from scratch. This power seamlessly integrates into the user's magics and can be used to incorporate any theme/s, element/s, and concept/s the user has control over. Naturally, this power is heavily dependent upon the user's imagination, but one thing remains a constant: As long as it is in possession of Silver Wolf, it will be used to defend the guild and the secrets it protects.


    Aegis Lupus

    Rank: H++
    Requip Type: Armor
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment: Armory, Page 16 p.°399
    Requip Damage: N/a
    Requip Durability: 6,750 HP
    Range: Self
    Speed: Self
    Duration: 25 posts
    Downside: Sacrificing range and speed for 50% higher durability
    Description: An armor that presents one of the greatest technological marvels of Silver Wolf, created to enhance the endurance of a fighter beyond reasonable levels. Some quantity of Oblivium and Adamantite was used in its construction, and as such, it possesses considerable anti-magical qualities and an extreme durability, being a welcome addition to any fighter's arsenal and a testament to the inventiveness of Silver Wolf.

    Plot Ability: The Armor features a jetpack for effortless flight at the user's speed. Further, the user has access to a complete combat HUD, which displays information such as their own HP and MP, movement speed, condition, etc., and with OOC permission when used against players, player-owned NPCs, or Event NPCs, it can even display information about spells and other abilities it has analyzed.



    Ley Line's Citadel

    Rank: H++
    MP Cost: 420 MP
    Category: Defensive, Offensive
    Type: Burst, Buff, Piercing, HP Drain, MP Drain
    Durability: 1,260 HP
    Damage: 630 HP
    Range: 500 m
    Speed: 400 m/s
    Duration: 25 posts
    Downside: Doubled base MP cost for 50% higher durability. Range and speed lowered by 50% for 50% higher damage
    Description: A spell devised to protect the guild of Silver Wolf and the Ley Line it guards in cases of emergency. Raising their right arm to the sky, a massive magic circle, which engulfs the guild symbol of Silver Wolf within it, will extend up to the spell's range around the user at the spell's speed with a massive burst of magical power. The magic circle will persist around the user for the duration of the spell. As soon as it has expanded to its full range, it will instantly form a dome made from pure white arcane magic that encircles the target area around the user. The dome will move with the user. No one viewed as an enemy by the caster can enter or leave the dome, while allies are free to enter and leave freely as long as the dome has durability remaining. The dome possesses a durability of 1,260 HP, which is restored to full once per post of the spell's duration. As this spell was created to essentially form a sanctuary, an undefeatable fortress for Silver Wolf. Creatures and existences seen as an enemy by the caster cannot exist within this sanctuary, and they find themselves feeling this contradiction via a sharp increase in gravity around their form, crushing them and their bodies while all strength seems to be sapped from them. If an enemy is within the magic circle, this will automatically apply to them, the enemy receiving 630 HP of damage every post they remain within the magic circle and dome. Further, the strength sapped from them will drain all enemies affected by this of 10% of their total HP and 10% of their total MP once per post for the spell's duration. This crushing damage is so strong that it easily shatters mundane defenses, penetrating armor, shields, and barriers, though this reduces the spell's base damage by 50% in cases where such an effect occurs.

    Cursed Tome of Undying

    Rank: H++
    MP Cost: 420 MP
    Category: Supportive
    Type: Burst, Buff (Spell Damage, Strength, Speed), HP Drain, MP Drain
    Healing: 630 HP
    Range: 500 m
    Speed: 400 m/s
    Duration: 25 posts
    Downside: Doubled base MP cost for 50% more healing. 50% reduced range and speed for 50% stronger buff
    Description: A tome found by Silver Wolf on one of its many expeditions. While from the outside it appears like a simple leather book, it contains the sigil needed to cast an immensely powerful spell, some rumoring that it is a dark art akin to necromancy, though this has yet to be proven. The spell is capable of restoring flesh and heal any wound, proving to be one of the strongest healing spells in existence, though it also carries a dark secret. When casting this spell, the tome appears beside the user, rapidly flipping through its own pages until it reaches the ones bearing the sigil of the spell, a golden magic circle glowing on the opened double page. With a flash of magical energy, the tome closes and disappears, a dark mist spreading out from the user's position up to spell range around the user at the spell's speed. While appearing ominous, the mist is anything but ... to allies, at least. All those seen as allies by the caster of the spell will not only receive a 315% buff to either Spell Damage, Strength, or Speed at their own choosing, they will also be healed for 630 HP. Their wounds will close and any damage their bodies suffered will be magically restored, no matter the source or extent of the damage or wounds they have incurred. All those seen as enemies by the caster, however, will be afflicted with a more sinister consequence when making contact with the mist, finding it poisonous to them. The mist will break down their physical body as well as their magical system, draining them of 10% of their total HP and 10% of their total MP once per post for the rest of the spell's duration.

    Last edited by Silver Wolf on 21st October 2019, 8:24 am; edited 2 times in total
    Silver Wolf
    Silver Wolf

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    Star Re: Silver Wolf Guild Spells/Pet/Assets

    Post by Silver Wolf 22nd February 2019, 8:02 pm

    Guild Pet


    Guild Pet Type: Winged Wolf, Offensive
    Pet Description:
    Charles is a winged wolf with white and black coloring. He stands much higher than a normal wolf at five meters tall and towers over most humans. Charles is devoted to Silver Wolf and will defend the guild and all its members.
    Pet Abilities:
    Name: Ice Wave
    Rank: S
    Type: Multi-Target
    Damage: 90 HP
    Range: 300 Meters
    Speed: 225 Meters per Second
    Duration: 10 Posts
    Downside: N/a
    Description: Focusing magic into his body, Charles begins to glow ice blue. When the spell is ready, he howls and an ice wave rushes along the ground towards the targets. If the targets are hit, they take 90 HP in damage and are frozen every other post. This ability can be recast once per post for its duration.

    Name: Frost Fang
    Rank: S
    Type: Multi-Target
    Damage: 90 HP
    Range: 300 Meters
    Speed: 225 Meters per Second
    Duration: 10 Posts
    Downside: N/a
    Description: Focusing magic into his body, Charles begins to glow ice blue. When the spell is ready, he howls and a storm of icicles rains down on the targets. If the targets are hit, they take 90 HP in damage and are pinned in place by the icicles every other post. This ability can be recast once per post for its duration.

    Name: Winter's Fury
    Rank: S
    Type: Area of Effect
    Damage: 60 HP
    Range: 200 Meters
    Speed: 100 Meters per Second
    Duration: 10 Posts
    Downside: N/A
    Description: Focusing magic into his body, Charles begins to glow ice blue. When the spell is ready, he howls and generates a dome centered on him that contains an intense snowstorm. If the targets are caught in the dome, they take 60 HP in damage on every post over the duration of the spell and suffer a 60% speed reduction for the duration of the spell as the cold begins to wear them down.

    Last edited by Silver Wolf on 21st October 2019, 8:38 am; edited 4 times in total
    Silver Wolf
    Silver Wolf

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    Star Re: Silver Wolf Guild Spells/Pet/Assets

    Post by Silver Wolf 22nd February 2019, 8:06 pm

    Guild Assets

    Work In Progress.

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:11 pm