Fairy Tail RP

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    The Knight of red (Solo)

    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
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    The Knight of red (Solo) Empty The Knight of red (Solo)

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 10th February 2019, 8:44 pm

    Words written: #500
    Total written: #500
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    _____Kaede could feel the tension in the air as she wrapped her weapon's handle tightly overlooking the soon to be battlefield. The village claimed a dark guild was approaching with an army and needed help to defend their home. Both the intent of the dark guild, and the numbers not fully known so most seemed to have wrote it off as fake leaving very little in terms of aid. The few people who stayed, and the very few knights who came to help along with Kaede herself.

    _____From her vantage point on the cliff Kaede could see the army approaching, the numbers easily four to one of their own as she rushed back to the town and towards the gate closest to the approaching threat. Nobody seemed ready for an attack from the south side, all defense was set north where they had seen them marching towards before leaving a very large weakness. Kaede had to buy the others time to set up a real defense, she had to make sure they could, or got away if they lost the will to fight when they discovered the numbers disadvantage.

    _____Kaede could already see what looked like an advance force, likely the scouting team or first strike from her previous point. The tension fading as the woman felt her heart ease for the first time since she was little. It was not common for her to be so relaxed, so, calm much less if she was rushing to take on an entire guild herself but as she marched forward with weapon to her side it felt normal. Some part of her could recall the bedtime story her mom and dad used to talk about where they would fight against the odds.

    "Watch over me please... Mother... Father..."

    _____Her advance would slow as she stood over a small hill, the threats approach as she slammed the sword to the ground before her and took up stance. She could have warned the others, she could have waited for them back at the village's crudely made wall. But she felt herself at ease alone on the hill as she looked towards the advance team and cleared her throat. She needed to buy time, weapon slowly rising to point to the sky as it glowed faintly, another brief moment passing before several orbs cut across the sky to hopefully warn the others if any turned.

    "I Will only give you one chance to leave this village alive. It is under the protecting of the red knight and anyone who does not turn now will be either killed or captured by the Rune knights when they arrive." - Her words spoken as she slammed her weapon back to the ground, her voice did not falter, her posture true. She felt more at ease when death was possible then sleeping beside Alice after a thunder storm. If felt odd, but a welcome sort as she waited to see if any would listen to her warning, or attacked.
    Camelot's Stand

    Kaede Hoshi:HP: 300/300MP: 300/300Melee damage: 30Speed: 30Mps
    Star caller:HP: 540/540Rank: Multi-Artifact (+) Weapon 3Damage bonus: +6Slot: 3/3
    AoUN:HP: 810/810Rank: Multi-Artifact (+) Armor 3Damage reduction: -9Slot: 3/3
    Camelot:HP: 350/350Rank: Mythical armorDamage reduction: -9Slot: 1/1


    Current missions: 3/6
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    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
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    The Knight of red (Solo) Empty Re: The Knight of red (Solo)

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 10th February 2019, 9:26 pm

    Words written: #534
    Total written: #1034
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    _____Kaede would watch only a brief amount of hesitation in the advance of the army, before they seemed to see her nothing more then a joke and resumed charging. A smile cracking under her helmet as she drew her weapon and charged to meet them at the base of the hill. Her weapon dragging across the ground as it began glowing brightly at her side, the first strike would be her's as she swung the weapon upward unleashing a blast of light in a cone before her. The air ripping away as Kaede charged in spinning her frame to cut an arc against the first hit with the blast.

    _____Right hand releasing her weapon from dual grip as she grabbed hold of a male and tossed them into one of his allies before feeling a blast of magic against her left side causing her to stumble slightly to the right. Teeth grinding as she re-gripped her sword with both hands and it glowed faintly while she swung around to face where the attack came from, several orbs of light barraging the threats before she spun again to avoid a dagger getting between the gaps of her armor.

    _____A low growl escaping Kaede's armor as she slammed her knee upward to hit the attempted assaulter and moving to swing her blade into his arm to make it clear getting close was the worst idea. Weapon charging once more as she moved to get in a better position thrusting the sword upward as orbs of light began to barrage the ground around her from the magic circle above. Turning her focus and slamming her weapon downward against another threat as she smiled. She could easily handle this herself as long as she could keep her pacing up.

    _____Gaze watching as three spells shot towards her, frame diving to the right as one caught her stomach, one her left leg, and the narrowly missing as she clicked her tongue. Rolling and pushing to get back on her feet as she tried to close the distance between her and the next group of mages. Her one flaw with her magic and items was the lack of range and options she could really use, she had to play around that leash and would be damned to mess up forgetting that.

    _____Blade glowing faintly as she dragged it upward as she approached. A orb of light blasting the mage before the weapon followed with a large gash across the chest. Muscles stressing as she forced the weapon to halt and cut down a different angle to slash the mage again for good measure. Her gaze mostly missing the splatters of blood that hit her armor, Boot lifting from the ground as she kicked the wounded mage aside and charged the next.

    _____Blade glowing violently as she lifted it upward and allowed the light to explode outward to hinder the mages trying to get a lock on the single threat. Her own eyes taking some of the abuse as she squinted and swung her weapon wide missing her target. Another loud growl as she opted to spin and slam her heel into the figure's ribs before charging to the next target.
    Camelot's Rampage

    Damage taken: 33 (Self) | 33 (Camelot) | 0 (Star caller) | 0 (AoUN)
    Damage healed: 0 (Self) | 0 (Camelot) | 0 (Star caller) | 0 (AoUN)
    Mana Used: 0 (Self) | Mana Recovered: 0 (Self)

    Kaede Hoshi:HP: 327/360MP: 300/300Melee damage: 45Speed: 30Mps
    Star caller:HP: 540/540Rank: Multi-Artifact (+) Weapon 3Damage bonus: +6Slot: 3/3
    AoUN:HP: 810/810Rank: Multi-Artifact (+) Armor 3Damage reduction: -9Slot: 3/3
    Camelot:HP: 317/350Rank: Mythical armorDamage reduction: -9Slot: 1/1


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    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    The Knight of red (Solo) Empty Re: The Knight of red (Solo)

    Post by NPC 10th February 2019, 9:26 pm

    The member 'Kaede Hoshi' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Knight of red (Solo) OdAaNwh
    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip
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    The Knight of red (Solo) Empty Re: The Knight of red (Solo)

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 10th February 2019, 11:19 pm

    Words written: #366
    Total written: #1400
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    _____Kaede would watch as some of the group began breaking off and deciding to ignore Kaede, her tongue clicking as she tried to start pursuit to keep them held back only to get blasted by heat from behind causing her to spin around with flare in her eyes. She was fully planning to deal with all of them, they could have waited just a few seconds?! Weapon glowing as she spun back around and charged the mage. The male not looking to happy he regained her focus as she swung her sword.

    _____The orb of light blasting his stomach and she quickly charged after it slashing his chest and kicking him away as she grumbled and went back with her plan to chase down the fleeing mages. Weapon glowing faintly as she slashed the air to send out the orbs of light to blast against their backs. Wasting no time as the weapon's light grew stronger and she slammed the ground causing another bright cone of magic to strike her targets. Ripping the weapon from the ground as she charged towards them again.

    _____Weapon glowing brightly once more as she swung it upward dropping stars at both advancing mages and the others who thought she would simply let them rush away from her. Watching them spin back to stop the one sided attacks as her boots began glowing a faint sea green. Watching some charge forward, while others got ready to blast her with a number of spells Kaede just charged directly down the middle daring anyone to stop her.

    _____Some fight with strategy, some with sheer power, Kaede simply fought with instinct as she jumped to the left away from a sword and used her shoulder to slam into another person stopping their attack. Part of her knew she could start trying to deal more to some of them, but seeing woman among the group Kaede's conviction to unleash hell on them all was lowered. Spinning her body, rolling to the right, and slamming the hilt of her weapon into the throat of attacker she just figured to keep the pacing she was at currently. Hopefully someone bothered to check or heard all the fighting.
    Camelot's Rampage

    Damage taken: 11 (Self) | 11 (Camelot) | 0 (Star caller) | 0 (AoUN)
    Damage healed: 18 (Self) | 17 (Camelot) | 0 (Star caller) | 0 (AoUN)
    Mana Used: 0 (Self) | Mana Recovered: 0 (Self)
    55% speed boost 'Lady of the lake's blessing' (1 of 5)
    45% strength boost 'might of the just' (Passive)
    25% HP bonus 'protector of the people' (Passive)
    Falling star + Melee strike vs Male mage A = 136 damage
    Shooting star, Supernova, and star shower Vs Male mage B & Female mage A = 135 damage both.

    Kaede Hoshi:HP: 331/360MP: 300/300Melee damage: 45Speed: 46Mps
    Star caller:HP: 540/540Rank: Multi-Artifact (+) Weapon 3Damage bonus: +6Slot: 3/3
    AoUN:HP: 810/810Rank: Multi-Artifact (+) Armor 3Damage reduction: -9Slot: 3/3
    Camelot:HP: 323/350Rank: Mythical armorDamage reduction: -9Slot: 1/1

    D-Rank male mage A:HP: 59/200MP: 180/200Melee damage: 20Speed: 20Mps
    D-Rank female mage A:HP: 60/200MP: 200/200Melee damage: 20Speed: 20Mps
    D-Rank male mage B:HP: 60/200MP: 200/200Melee damage: 20Speed: 20Mps

    Last edited by Kaede Hoshi on 10th February 2019, 11:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Current missions: 3/6
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    The Knight of red (Solo) Empty Re: The Knight of red (Solo)

    Post by NPC 10th February 2019, 11:19 pm

    The member 'Kaede Hoshi' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Knight of red (Solo) OdAaNwh
    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip
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    The Knight of red (Solo) Empty Re: The Knight of red (Solo)

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 11th February 2019, 12:20 am

    Words written: #500
    Total written: #1900
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    _____Frame shifting as Kaede began leading the break around group away from the village. She could hear some of the group shouting how it was only one enemy and they could just blast her all at once to end it. A smile creeping under her helmet as she rushed the speaker of such a smart idea and impaled him against her sword. Spinning to have the body slide off as she reached with her right hand for the slashed up male who hit her back and tossing him towards the returning numbers.

    _____Weapon glowing brightly as some gathered the general idea what it would cause and began spreading out and moving away, others still trying to take down the lone warrior and suffering greatly as the sword clashed with the earth and the burning energy blasted them and the weapon was slowly lifted back to Kaede's side as she scanned for anyone who would still think this ONE knight was an easy target to use numbers against. Some dropping weapons and fleeing, others breaking to the village and no longer in Kaede's reach to hit or stop.

    _____Her back freezing up as she felt two blast of cold chip away at her armor. While she could deal with the attacks it was still vastly annoying when they kept attacking her back. Spinning around with her weapon and feeling terrible as the blade cut into a female trying to exploit the damaged section of armor. Moving to push the girl away and line her up she only could make sure the suffering was brief as the weapon glowed and blasted the wound with a single orb of light and began glowing seconds after.

    _____Frame pending as she charged her shoulder into the female and began rushing towards the spell casters using the female as a shield to absorb some of the other attacks before tossing her and slashing her sword upward to make it rain stars once more. Moving her weapon down as she charged past the moaning female and slashing the last two who attacked her and getting behind them as she pointed the sword forward and blasted their backs and the female to end her suffering with a heavy heart. Kaede slowly let her weapon rest on the ground as she scanned the area.

    _____She could see smoke starting to rise in the village, mages running the opposite direction and away from her along the way leaving a sense of ease in her heart as she kept scanning the area before her focus set on one individual who was not fleeing, simply clapping slowly at Kaede who readied her weapon once more. She could feel the magic coming off him, and the air around him was nothing like the others. It seemed her display was enough to draw out the main threat, or at the least one of the larger ones. The real fight was only just beginning now. The still breeze cutting the grass between them in silence.
    Camelot's Rampage

    Damage taken: 22 (Self) | 22 (Camelot) | 0 (Star caller) | 0 (AoUN)
    Damage healed: 18 (Self) | 17 (Camelot) | 0 (Star caller) | 0 (AoUN)
    Mana Used: 0 (Self) | Mana Recovered: 0 (Self)
    55% speed boost 'Lady of the lake's blessing' (2 of 5)
    45% strength boost 'might of the just' (Passive)
    25% HP bonus 'protector of the people' (Passive)
    Super nova Vs Male mage A | Male mage B | Female mage A = 60 damage
    Star shower, Falling stars, Melee attacks Vs Male mage C | Male mage D | Female mage B = 116
    Shooting star Vs Female mage B = 90 damage

    Kaede Hoshi:HP: 327/360MP: 300/300Melee damage: 45Speed: 46Mps
    Star caller:HP: 540/540Rank: Multi-Artifact (+) Weapon 3Damage bonus: +6Slot: 3/3
    AoUN:HP: 810/810Rank: Multi-Artifact (+) Armor 3Damage reduction: -9Slot: 3/3
    Camelot:HP: 318/350Rank: Mythical armorDamage reduction: -9Slot: 1/1

    D-Rank male mage A:HP: -1/200MP: 180/200Melee damage: 20Speed: 20Mps
    D-Rank female mage A:HP: 0/200MP: 200/200Melee damage: 20Speed: 20Mps
    D-Rank male mage B:HP: 0/200MP: 200/200Melee damage: 20Speed: 20Mps
    D-Rank male mage C:HP: 84/200MP: 180/200Melee damage: 20Speed: 20Mps
    D-Rank female mage B:HP: -6/200MP: 200/200Melee damage: 20Speed: 20Mps
    D-Rank male mage D:HP: 84/200MP: 180/200Melee damage: 20Speed: 20Mps


    Current missions: 3/6
    M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 | M5 | M6
    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip
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    Third Skill:

    The Knight of red (Solo) Empty Re: The Knight of red (Solo)

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 12th February 2019, 12:07 am

    Words written: #300
    Total written: #2200
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    _____With the drop a leaf the fighting resumed, Kaede rushing against the rush of the other figure as he glowed and when it died out her was wearing armor and drawing a sword as the two weapons clashed. The shock-wave crossing over the grass outward from their location as the weapons sparked neither side giving ground. Eyes locking to the Male's before Kaede felt rage start boiling up from within. She could feel it boosting her strength, but also rising fear as she started losing control of her own body.

    _____Hands gripping her weapon tighter as she began pushing the male's sword back at first slowly, then cleaving his away as she slash across his armor. The rage boiling more as she spun around slashing his chest again, a heavy boot against the chopped armor as she pushed him back and could not stop herself. she watched in partly horror as the man tried to raise his weapon, tried to escape only to get slashed and kicked around by the knight drenched in blood.

    _____Eyes looking down as the male crawled backwards pleading, trying to explain who sent him and overall talk his way out of death. Kaede's blade rose upward before she snapped back to earth from her rage state as a rune knight shouted for her to halt. Turning towards them to show the red across her armor, the bodies that laid around her either groaning or motionless. She was a monster, that was the only idea in her mind as she rushed away towards the wood line in an attempt to escape pursuit.

    "Since when... why... I never... None of it makes any sense... I guess... I have alot of anger built for dark guilds after-all... but there was more... a different anger... None of this makes any sense to me..."
    Weekend Repairs


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      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:36 pm