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    Forgotten Tomb

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Experience : 1,543,904

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    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Forgotten Tomb Empty Forgotten Tomb

    Post by Kit Kerrington 28th February 2019, 9:53 am

    The tomb was dark damp  and dreary….how long has it been.   how much time  truly has passed... it was impossible to tell.  Time seemed to play tricks on people in this nameless tomb.  The Tomb was a special tomb designed to keep things hidden away that were never meant to be,  knowledge people wanted forgotten,  and evil that should never find the light of day.  This tomb house secrets and bringing that were to be throw away and left for time to destroy and render useless.   Elise would reside in this tomb, a prisoner to it’s wicked tricks a treachery.  How long...has she been down here in this dark and dreary tomb...how much time has past since her enslavement.  How  long since she has had any feeling of freedom, any reminisce hope essence,  and chance at being who she was.  She remembers the day she was sealed away down in the tomb so clearly,  The magical chains that held her up in a Tee shape were a constant reminder to her as she felt the vibrating magic on them along with the cold steel on each on her wrists, around her ankles and waist pressing against her serving at as a reminder of her situation.  The chains only designed to null her magic and make her unable to cast spells and hold her to the post...otherwise they were just chains...how amusing.  Every second a water drip would drip splashing into a puddle on the ground cause a small vibration that due to how long she has been down here she felt and has gotten use to.  The chamber she was in was made specially for her during the age of arcanum, It was a round chamber that had massive black pits going all around it curving to a staircase that lead into the room itself.  No light emanate from the room, nothing but darkness surrounded her as she would look around only to move again.  Left with her thoughts, she had given up on escaping a long time ago knowing it was pointless, she knows when she is beat...all she could do is wait in her tomb.  That is until...was that...a light….no it couldn’t be.  Her mind must be playing tricks on her,  she must be finally snapping.  No she saw a light, and a very unfamiliar sound….footsteps.  She would keep her head down and her eyes closed for a moment before looking up her expressionless face looking towards the entrance to the chambers.


    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
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    Forgotten Tomb Empty Re: Forgotten Tomb

    Post by Cecile 1st March 2019, 8:49 am

    Darkness came in many forms. Sometimes it was the night that covered the lands in a peaceful shroud of slumber. Or as a nightmare, lurking in the depths of the mind only to come out at when you are at your most vulnerable. And sometimes it was a power so strong that it manifested itself in a raw and unrelenting force of magic. Many have claimed such a power, and many more have been claimed by it.

    'Tenebris... Darkness' spoke Cecile out loud. In front of her a large ominous entrance, with a carved text hanging above it. It was mostly vague, withered by age and the only word she could clearly read was just as ominous as the eerie opening in front of her. 'Well, It surely seems I am in the right place' said her inner thoughts, while staring down the pitch black entrance trying to see even slightest of form inside. Naturally, she couldn't see anything, the curtain of black was as good as impenetrable.
    She couldn't help but sigh and think about her late father. He was good at this kind of stuff, he was a powerful mage proficient with dark magic. In fact, he used darkness as an actual element and could probably see as clear as day in this tomb. Cecile, not so much. Sure she inherited the same power, but she wasn't as nearly as skilled as he was. Plus the fact she only got the know him around three years ago, it didn't give much time for training. So now she could only rely on the many books, manuscripts, and scrolls he had left behind. All research on magic, locations of power and magical beings, with the majority focussed on lost and dark magic.
    One of his papers had led her here, a lost tomb, forgotten by society rumored to house powerful dark magic. Or so she hoped because if she had, to be honest, she was at a loss. Most of the spells his father researched were too hard to comprehend, or she didn't have to power to wield them. Most ruins and tombs were too far away or were nothing but some vague scribble. With this one being the only exception! So she had no choice but to come here, hoping to find.... well something, anything really.

    She decided to lit a small torch and held it in front of the dark entrance. It didn't do much except lighting the ground before her feet and cast a playful display of shadows on the suffocating walls. For a moment she doubted her decision, she didn't like this. The darkness ate away at the light and she couldn't help but to feel sick as she tried to peer further into the tomb. Something was seriously messed up with this place, she could feel it in her guts. She heaved another sigh 'Fortune favors the bold' she thought to herself right before she stepped through the opening and let the darkness swallow her whole.

    Cecile didn't know how long she had been walking, it felt like forever. But in reality it could also only been a couple of hours. At one point she was sure she was walking in circles. If there ever was an intersection or a corner where she could make a turn, she was sure she missed it. The darkness made sure she would, in fact it felt as if it started to creep up at her even more. But then there was a solace, she reached a larger room, she saw that she passed through the contours of yet another opening and she could feel the change of air that she had walked into a new, and much larger area. She trailed the wall to her left, walking close by it and by letting her slide over it. That we should feel the room was round. At some point she reached an opening in the ground, a staircase that trailed in the same manner all the way down. Looking down Cecile got the same feeling she had from before, something was there, she knew it!

    The steps were long and steep, god knows how deep she went. But when she finally reached the bottom she new she was far underneath the ground. It was cold down here. No sunlight would ever reach this forgotten realm. Slowly Cecile swung her torch around, trying to see were she was now. It was an entirely different hallway, it was narrow and small. Nothing like the grand room from before. But something was amiss, as she made her way through the darkness she saw an old contraption. Some sort of spear wall, but it wasn't pointed towards her. Instead it pointed at the only other direction, inwards. 'This isn't for keeping people out... but rather...' she didn't even finished her sentence, the very idea of something stowed away here frightened her. 'Heh, impossible anything here is long dead. No way something is still breathing!' How wrong she was.

    At the end of the tunnel, she enter another room. Her light activated some sort of mechanism, as light all around the walls started to lit up and illuminate the entire room with a vague blue glow. But there was more, at the very end of the room. Chained to a wall with her arms spread, there was someone, a girl with velvet green hair!
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Forgotten Tomb Empty Re: Forgotten Tomb

    Post by Kit Kerrington 3rd March 2019, 8:34 am

    Upon hearing someone enter the chamber and it's the only the dull torch light that had entered. However the room then glue and a faint blue light that she didn't even know existed until this point never having seen it before and all her time being here. as a room glue blue she kept her eyes closed and looking down just for a moment longer not being used to the light and to be perfectly honest it was an offsetting feeling that she didn't know if she should be happy to see or if this was just more trouble coming her way as she didn't even know how long she's been down here. how are nothing will come of anything if she didn't do something, besides what was the worst that could happen at this point forward she's already chained to a pillar in a dark Chasm of death so really it was impossible for this to get any worse in her opinion. She would take a deep breath in her body not looking withered at all or aged in the slightest as she would slowly razorhead the chains playing and wrapping around the pillar of a little bit making a small echo in the chamber that was an only finally know about the dripping that she's been hearing for centuries now. as she raised her head up to see who had entered her chamber she open her eyes and her Amber eyes practically glue due to the dim blue light that was shining as she stared down this woman who just entered her chamber. she continued to stare at her maybe for too long who knows at this point as she would just take a moment and look up this woman up and down the gauge her and see what she was like before she began to speak in her soft calm voice seemingly unfazed by this whole situation as if it was just another day for her. Though even though she spoke in such a soft tone for the moment not having spoken in a while it's still echoed around the chamber as if there's no in here other than her chains and that crackling torch that the woman had been carrying on with her. “Hello there my name is Elise LaFlur, who are you?” She would ask as she stood on the woman has she remained the hang on the pillar looking around the room a little bit more before going back to her her eyes never truly leaving her but this was the first moment of light she's had in a long time so adjusting was required, she did have a rather emotional estate on her face however, the only real emotion that could be seen was a bit of bewilderment that someone had come down here and furthermore wasn't trying to kill her I'm like when they were trying to put her down here this person seems more confused perhaps you could use it to her Advantage perhaps not time will tell if this place allowed it to that is. As she listened to the woman speak if she did speak she had one of the questions you want answered before anything else . “ along with who you are I must inquire is it still the age of Arcanum, or has it been longer perhaps that Beast attacked hargeon?” she set has she done remain quiet dangling by the chains wondering what the new person's next move would truly be. ultimately she was now with this person planning on how to get out of these chains however she wasn't too quick about it after all she had no idea of this person was even here to help her or just finisher or maybe both who knows. for now she just sat there and stared her down letting only the crackling torch be the only sound until she would speak just staring at her.


    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
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    Forgotten Tomb Empty Re: Forgotten Tomb

    Post by Cecile 11th March 2019, 2:02 pm

    'Is that a person!' shouted Cecile inside her head 'How can this be?!'

    Cecile couldn't believe her own eyes. Here she was deep down in what she thought an abandoned temple from an age long ago. Yet despite the very concept of withering time, the fact that she was deep down in the bowels of god knows where there was an actual person hanging in front of her.
    Not really sure what to do now, or to even react, Cecile was left with only one option. Which was slowly approaching the strange woman at the other side of the room.

    As she got closer the woman looked up from her bondage, her long green bangs hanging over her face, her skin pale as porcelain. Her position unbearable, yet she seemed to endure. But what pulled Cecile's attention the most were her eyes, bright and golden, a gaze so strong that it felt as if it pierced through the young mage.
    The moment Cecile got closer, the strange woman started to speak up and introduce herself. Her voice soft but echoed through the forgotten hall. It took a moment before Cecile answered her, she was after all still flustered by this very meeting. 'I-I...I am Cecile' she eventually replied 'I don't know the age of Arcanum, but right now we live in what we call the modern age. Cars, technology all driven by magic. In fact magic is so incorporated into daily life it is used everywhere.... don't know if that rings a bell. Don't know about a beast attacking Hargeon either-'
    Cecile suddenly stopped talking. And her face turned a bit red, here she was chatting casually about magic while the poor girl in front of her was chained up for god knows how long. 'My god I'm sorry! I am rattling on while you are such a dire state! Let me get you out of those bindings!'

    She got closer to Elise while she started inspecting the very chains that hold her down. Normally it would be considered invading someones personal space, but Cecile assumed that the woman wouldn't mind. 'It seems these chains are infused with magic, mostly because of the runes that are carved into the steel. I'm guessing that these not only hold you down, but drain your magical power as well... are these perhaps tailored specifically to you?'
    Not that Cecile really needed an answer, right now the only thing she knew was to help Elise, and she knew just on how to do that. Her father actually thought her one time, that sometimes you can overload magical items with a magic that is foreign to what it is tuned too. 'If I am right... I only need to do this!'

    Cecile grabbed the chain to the left with both of her hands, and started sending her own magic into the steel. A dark aura started swirling around her, and make its way around her body and along her arms and eventually into the chain. In response the chain started to flicker, first slowly but as Cecile pushed more power into the chain, the speed increased. A buzzing sound that increasingly bellowed through the very hall until it suddenly all stopped and the chain snapped apart.
    The backlash pushed Cecile back while she fell with her behind on the ground. And as she looked up, she could see the green haired mage regain enough strength, hopefully enough to break free from the remaining chains

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Forgotten Tomb Empty Re: Forgotten Tomb

    Post by Kit Kerrington 13th March 2019, 12:12 pm

    She would hang there as she listen to this girl's speak before her about what time of age was. the age of Arcanum was truly over which was a blessing for heard me being everyone that would probably hunting her was more than likely dead which made her smile a little bit also hearing about the advancements in the world she would need to figure it out but that will come with time and she have plenty of it. However before she could say anything again with this girl who I just came into her Chambers from nowhere took note of her being Chained and actually apologized to her for not freeing her sooner. But once her emotionless face was changed into our more surprised you look as she suddenly went for her chains tugging at her chains until she felt a dark energy what she took a special note of as she broke one of the chains freeing one of her arms. As her arm was freed from the chain that was wrapped around it she can feel power rapping and into a body of feeling she hasn't in almost a millennial as she just smiled and breathing deeply feeling her magic falling into her body. with this she might have enough the cast one spell to free herself. how is she inside would hold out her hand focusing her energy as a blade would appear in it and she gripped it feeling the familiar grip of her health smiling more as she would bring it down cutting free her ankles her chest and her arm falling to the ground on all fours dropping her blade not being used to standing yet. after taking a moment she would slowly stand up looming over the girl who I just read one of our arms this woman had feed her to this woman she owed a debt…. to some degree at least. but now she would simply reach down with her hand very slowly and calmly smiling offering a hand up. “ get up...Cecile...thank you for freeing me.” she said genuine grateful that she been freed from this how about she's been chained up on waiting for her to take her hand not knowing the dangers that we're coming but for now she was his folks on this woman in her Chambers wanting to make sure she was all right after all she was just feed and she might need this person still. The world had changed around her and She wasn't 100% sure what I was has changed however that did not change the fact that what she did for her was good so for the time being she would do nothing but offer her hand.

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:59 pm