Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mark of Caine
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Delancy 20th December 2018, 6:36 am




    The infinite darkness engulfed the windowless vicinity. No sound existed within these dreary walls, a towel constantly pressed against the bottom of the door to prevent any light from escaping in. Extreme? Perhaps. However, isolation is a necessary sacrifice when possessing satan incarnate within you; and an impatient one at that. For the better half of his life, Damian's had to constantly relocate following a mass feasting to avoid any kind of suspicion. Regardless of the fact that most of them were assassinations, once your mark is left on a job? It's impossible to remove it.

    Here in Fiore, Damian has managed to find some sort of stability in his life. Mind you it's still engaging in various dark jobs to ensure bills are paid but it's decent living never-the-less. He didn't want to ruin the financial opportunities he had here by losing control over "D" and letting loose. Of course, this isn't as easy as one might've imagined. The primitive beast within yearned for the blood of mages and non-mages alike. He simply wanted to feed on the first thing that came before him, friend or foe; Damian couldn't risk it. As such, he had to endure moments like this for the sake of his financial stability.

    "I've grown impatient, child! Truly you have tested me so!" Damian screeched in pain, his blood boiling as he writhed back and forth. "You have been granted the power of gods! You are a descendant of Crimson Lord Cain; it is your job to carry out his desires, feed the BEAST within. You act as if we are different, act as if I'm some other entity within you - no, you and I know that's not the truth! The next time you exit this house, you will feed me; or I will do to your family like I've done to countless others"!

    With that, the pain once again receded as Damian grasped at nothingness; gasping for air until returning to a calm state. Slamming his fist into the ground, a smidget of blood trickled from his hands due to how tightly he'd been clinching his fist. "Damnit"! That was all that needed to be said to display his current situation. This helplessness infuriated him, so much so that he yearned to relieve it. Narrowing his eyes due to the brightness of his screen, he began to scroll through the iLAC for various jobs he could take. Upon finding one, his fingers came to a halt; Damian grinning as he immediately accepted and forwarded the job to Ydris, accompanying it with a text message.

    [DAMIAN] Attached is a contract to assassinate Laurence Silverspoon, you know, that douchebag all over the billboards. I've got a few things to attend to but meet me at cafe down 5th and we'll talk from there. Oh, and don't tell the others. Bassam will interfere somehow and Ros will want to turn them all into dolls; we've got to get in and get out.


    By the time he would receive that, Damian would find himself inside the aforementioned cafe. After ordering a black coffee and sitting in the furthermost corner of the establishment, he would await his brother so that they could discuss the details of the assassination.



    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit of Corruption
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Ydris 28th December 2018, 1:49 pm

    Fade away into dust.

    Devour them all, feast upon the Corruption of the world at large. All things must die and rot away into darkness..’ Tempered were the voices that rolled through Ydris subconscious, quick as lighting and booming like thunder. Grasping at straws the older siblings went about his dream per usual, having no other visions besides one. An empty market square with not a soul in sight besides himself, well usually that is how it went but this time was very different. There were blackened figures all standing around by the masses. They waited and seemed to be watching Ydris as he sauntered the streets, the smell of Decay and rot riddled the air like like bullet holes riddled a war zone. At this point, Ydris was beyond worry, if he was to die in his dreams he might as well go down taking these guys with him. If he could at least, he did not know what being walked through his dreams this time. At one point he had even drifted too close to Damian catching but a hint of a blood-lusting intent that instantly woke up. That, however, was something to question the lad later on about when the time was right. For now, the greatest concern was the dream realm which now filled with blacked out figures whose existence seemed to crumble infinitely into black dust. Yet they would never fade away, a consistent recycling factor of the dust.

    What the hell is this..?’ Ydris questioned reaching out he pushed right through the figure causing it to collapse before it resurfaced out of his reach. Now he was especially curious to know exactly what was going on in his own head. ‘Mind your manners, it’s impolite to push others. After all, you’re supposed to be the heir to our memories.’ The voices rolled and churned all at once as the legion of black figures surrounded him with ease. Each reached out to touch another till they all joined together into a large black demon. ‘So you must be the Spirit of Corruption. The contracted being who is tied to my bloodline.. How do you do?’ Ydris tone was kept mild and unamused as he circled the other copied his movements. Round and round they walked looking over one another before both ceased movement. ‘You’re rather calm for someone meeting face to face with evil, are you not afraid Ydris of the Bahamut family?’ The demon cackled like a little witch at the mention of his name, it’s ghostly white optics shifted and rolled. ‘I have to say, I’ve experienced worst while you took your time getting into the full swing. Of course, I will be calm I can not fear my own blood.’ A curt nod from Ydris to the demon was all that he needed to disarm the demons fear mongering attempt in the shadows. Instead, the shade cut itself down to size becoming that of a little kid with crimson optics and white hair. The lad was dressed in a pair of shorts and a button down shirt with wicker hat. Tipping it down slightly the being took it off and held it in one hand. ‘You have a valid point. Lets put in some work. As you grow stronger you will see more of me and as you age, I will age. Simply put I am going to be very close to you like you were close in your mother's womb. For now though.. Ring ring.’ The demon exploded into darkness as the sound of his ilac went off in the corner of the dresser. Golden hues shot open as his breathing remained calm and controlled.

    It was about high noon and Ydris had the day to himself for rest and personal choices. It was rare for him to get days off working in the gambling pits was almost full time. Except he had magic duties to perform in order to help his family climb out of the slums. Reaching out he flipped the device open looking at the screen lightly. Narrowing his eyes lightly the mission at hand was going to be purely hunting. Again what was he expecting when the quest came from Damian of all people. Smirking slightly Ydris rose up from his bed and began his preparations for the events to come. It had been a while since he last stretched his muscles for combat. Grabbing his usual suited attire the man was out the door with his gloves in one pocket and a jacket over his shoulder. His long sleeves were rolled up to the elbow with his black vest. Running the other hand through his corn rolls he pushed it all back while observing the world. Goodness gracious the sky was a bloody red which made his skin crawl a bit. Taking up a cigarette Ydris puffed it slowly as he made his way into the cafe for the meeting. Just as he expected as soon as he opened the door and looked around his little brother was sitting in a corner waiting for his arrival. Wrinkling his nose he put out the cancer stick and took a seat across from the other. “So.. Tell me the details about this mission at hand. It’s interesting that you would call me instead of Bassam or Ros for this. It must be very tactful and important I wager.” Ydris grinned devilishly as he laid his coat over his lap and ordered a coffee to drink.

    927 / 927 WORDS, @delancy




    Spell Name (0/0 duration):
    Spell Name (0/0 duration):

    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):
    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):

    Item Name:
    Item Name:

    Ability Name:
    Ability Name:

    Any other notes, such as monsters killed/rolled or specific important information about a spell can be put in here.
    Subja Bahamut

    guild name {} x-rank
    AGE {} 24
    GENDER {} Male
    SEXUALITY {} Straight
    MORAL ALIGNMENT {} Chaotic Evil
    SPECIES {} human
    RACE {} Black
    FIGHTING STYLE {} Hand to Hand Magus
    MOOD {} Meh.
    ENERGY {} Full Throttle

    PERSONALITY {} Bloodthirsty warmonger with a proclivity for death.
    SO YOU THINK YOU'RE PSYCHIC? {} Warning; peering into him is like looking at a blood-bathed memory of carnage. There is something very wrong with him mentally.

    NOTES {} Like the name suggests, any notes you have can go here.


    Weirdgardium Flexiosa
    Character Sheet

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mark of Caine
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Delancy 6th January 2019, 6:02 pm




    [size=12]Ydris would arrive promptly, dawned in his business attire as per the usual. Men and women alike displayed various emotions as he walked by, hushing as Damian gazed in their direction. He sat down, immediately inquiring about their job for the day as the sphynx chuckled slightly. "Give me just a moment, brother; I'm waiting on some--" right on time, the waitress arrived and handed him black coffee before turning to Ydris and blushing softly. "C-Can I get you anything s--" she gasped as chills ran down her spine; Damian's eyes locked upon her. "He will call you when he's ready. Why don't you beat it for a bit"? Nodding quickly, she scurried back to the front as Damian took a sip of coffee. Giving a sigh of relief, he felt ready to begin to briefing.

    "You know that blonde-eyed blue-haired douchebag on all the billboards? Laurence Silverspoon?" A sore spot for anyone in poverty as once of Lance's past times was spending time in the low-income housing districts taunting the poor with cash. "Well it looks like we've got the chance to play hero for a change; he's got a target on his back. Our client's willing to pay us 2.5k for killing him; there's even a bonus 2.5k if we can get in there and steal their family heirloom. Knowing you wouldn't have a problem with the mission, I signed us both up. Of course, this requires a great deal of stealth, precision, patience, and most of all? Silence; we couldn't have had either with the other two, they'd fuck it up." Taking another sip of his coffee, he continued briefing.

    "Here's how this works, big guy. We've got fan girls who constantly gather at his front entrance for a daily greeting. These fan girls are let in every day to act like his security so he doesn't have to pay them; you'll rush in with some swift chops to the neck to silence them. We're going to be going pretty late at night banking on the off chance of the guards falling asleep. So long as we don't run into any dogs, we should be scott free to head to his room from there. The client has informed me Silverspoon knows a fledgling of karate so you'll more than likely take him on; I'll back you up from behind." Wrapping up his briefing, he chugged the rest of the coffee down.

    "If you don't have any other questions, we can head back to the house for a few hours to grab anything we may need and get started - or, we can head down there now and stalk the place out until it's time; it's your call".



    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit of Corruption
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Ydris 22nd January 2019, 4:59 pm

    Fade away into dust.

    There was hardly a reason for Ydris to acknowledge the people who had gazed at his appearance. Their whispers were small and subtle but his eyes burned with passion and love for his kin. A gentle smirk crossed his lips as he sauntered through the chairs the click of his shoes tapped through the silence around them. Pulling up his chair he did not have a chance to even order a small drink for himself. Damian had taken that luxury away seeming to be in the utmost of haste for the situation at hand. Looking from the stuttering woman who stammered and ultimately fled at Damian’s words, his hues glinted in the warm light as they fell upon the other. “Good to see you too..” Was all that he had to say at this point, keeping things very short and to the point, Ydris sat back in his chair to listen.

    The mission should he choose to accept, was to infiltrate and kill pretty much. Mainly he would be the one in action from the sounds of it all. Damian was not much of a hand to hand fighter, blood bending for him was a primary need. If it were anything else he might as well be a lost kitten with little claws to do the work, not to mention the bloodline works of his lineage. Tapping a gloved hand on the surface of the table he waited will Damian got to the part about the fangirl security. “Hold the phone, you are telling me this Silverspoon punk has fans who will report to him? That’s some shit honestly, I am more interested in killing him now than before.” Ydris’s face remained mute to emotion staring directly into Damian's own eyes. There was a pang of hunger that burned within his veins at the mention of combat with a famous man. Unease spread through each limb as Ydris quickly leaned back in the chair putting it on two legs to rest. Both feet came up and onto the table top where he nestled his arms into his chest and remained silent. The wheels of his mind slowly began to turn as a checklist for what was needed came to mind. “Before we start it would be awesome if we had a layout of the place. Secondly, no I don’t want anything besides the feel of his blood running across my skin.” Looking to the ceiling a cigarette was drawn out and lit before smoke funneled through the air.

    After a few drags his feet left the table and the mug of coffee that Damian had was taken and downed in a single gulp. A tax for scaring off the lady before he could order his own coffee. Turning away from the table he gestured for the door with a wave of his hand. “We start now.. It would not do to be late.”

    483 / 483 WORDS, @delancy




    Spell Name (0/0 duration):
    Spell Name (0/0 duration):

    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):
    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):

    Item Name:
    Item Name:

    Ability Name:
    Ability Name:

    Any other notes, such as monsters killed/rolled or specific important information about a spell can be put in here.
    Subja Bahamut

    guild name {} x-rank
    AGE {} 24
    GENDER {} Male
    SEXUALITY {} Straight
    MORAL ALIGNMENT {} Chaotic Evil
    SPECIES {} human
    RACE {} Black
    FIGHTING STYLE {} Hand to Hand Magus
    MOOD {} Meh.
    ENERGY {} Full Throttle

    PERSONALITY {} Bloodthirsty warmonger with a proclivity for death.
    SO YOU THINK YOU'RE PSYCHIC? {} Warning; peering into him is like looking at a blood-bathed memory of carnage. There is something very wrong with him mentally.

    NOTES {} Like the name suggests, any notes you have can go here.


    Weirdgardium Flexiosa
    Character Sheet

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:53 pm