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    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies

    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies Empty [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies

    Post by Perry Bardell 1st December 2018, 12:25 pm

    Job specifics:


    425 WORDS
    lazy lul
    I can smell an adventure brewing in this foul air
    The young man clad in black neared the town beside the waterfall. A hub for mages who didn't pledge themselves to a Guild. That was Talonia. It kind of felt as a tiny home for Vinn, as he already had been living there for a little bit. It wasn't exactly the most familiar of places for the young man, but it was the place that he was familiar with the most. Travel bag hung across his shoulders and a violin case was held in the other. His feet brought him back to the same inn he had stayed in before and paid for a number of nights. He didn't know for how long exactly he was going to stay in Talonia for, after all.

    With a sigh he plopped down the bag, along with the violin case. Vinn didn't feel like taking out the violin for a spin. It would possibly call unwanted attention onto him and he wasn't quite in the mood for a small talk. But at the same time, he didn't feel like staying indoors for the rest of the day. The young man left the inn with swift steps and no destination in mind.

    Moments later he found himself in a more shady area of the town. Well, he wasn't sure if it really was that kind of area, but it certainly had that feel. Shabby-looking buildings and people's scrutinizing gazes following anyone who entered. Vinn held himself high, as per usual. He didn't look into anybody's eyes as he walked on. While his clothes gave him away, Vinn would try his best to file in with the local people, who were very much possibly mages of varying strengths. The young man took off to the side and lean onto a wall of a building, as if he was waiting for somebody. There was a group of people not far from him, who watched his every step. They seemed to talk a bit in between each other, before one of them approached Vinn. He was dressed in a torn up t-shirt, but had a surprisingly clean pair of jeans on. "What do ya want here, lad? A bit far away from home, aren't you?" Technically speaking, he wasn't wrong. The young man didn't look back at the man who approached him. "That is very much not your business." He would reply and the other man would scoff in return as he went back to whence he came from. Though Vinn had a feeling that that encounter was the least of worries.


    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Empyrean Reaper
    Position : None
    Posts : 112
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 19,499

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Melancholy
    Second Skill: Edge of Infinity
    Third Skill: N/A

    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies Empty Re: [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies

    Post by Eireen 3rd December 2018, 1:04 pm

    Eireen shoved many people aside as she practically sprinted through the streets of Talonia.  It wasn’t the best, trying to conduct business in a bustling city, but under those specific circumstances it was actually pretty helpful.  You would think running around with blood on her hands with law enforcement on her heels would be enough to cause at least some dispersion in the crowds, but apparently no.  But, that at least meant she wouldn’t have to take precautions against randomly being shot at, which would only delay her eventual escape.

    “And what was supposed to be your plan again?”  Chance practically yelled, although it really made no difference because only Eireen heard him.  “Kill target one, frame target two, kill target two!”  Eireen replied internally, “Then how did we go from that to getting chased by the police?!” The immaterial being shot back.  “Hey, I made a miscalculation, take a chill pill or something.”  “And I think you made a bit of a leap in logic when going from framing target two to killing target two!” Usually Eireen only killed those she needed to, but for her current task two targets lived relatively close to each other, so why not mix things up with a double elimination.  “If these guys catch you, I’m not helping you out!” “Don’t sweat it, I’m on it already!”

    And thus Eireen veered off into an alleyway, vaulting over a fence separating one from another.  Whilst she did this the reaper shifted her form to that of a teenage girl with dusky purple hair and amber eyes, a black bow neatly tying up the hair behind her head.  Now looking different, there was only one more step in her ultimate police-evasion plan, something to do in order to appear unassuming.  And soon after a bit more running, she found it in a young man just walking by.  He was perfect, looking like a complete loser all alone in a beaten-down part of Tolagen. “Hey big boy!”  She said, slowing her pace to match that of the perceived lame-o, “Doing anything later tonight?” “Gosh Eireen, keep it PG-13.”  “You have such a dirty mind, Chance, I was only going to show him my Jacket Monster card collection!”  This caused the disembodied voice to simply sighed, being at a loss for words.  But, there was one small notch in Eireen’s plan, she had forgotten to clean the blood off her hands.  But hopefully the lame-o just wouldn’t notice or wouldn’t care!

    414 ❈ 414
    @"Vinn Cobalt"

    Last edited by Chalk on 26th June 2019, 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies Empty Re: [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies

    Post by Perry Bardell 5th December 2018, 2:48 pm


    281 WORDS
    nope lazy
    What could I possibly get out of this?
    Vinn was just people watching. He studied their movements and facial expressions. He could feel the hateful gaze of the group near him on his person. It reminded him of the less fortunate from back home. People who have nothing to lose are that much more malleable. They made for perfect covers for the many accidents that sometimes happened to people who crossed the Noble family. Then again, the young man reckoned that such drastic rules didn't apply to these lands. At least this theory of his hadn't been proven wrong, yet. And as much as he would like to let himself run loose for just a tiny bit, he knew better.

    The young man's gaze hopped from person to person, until they landed on a rather strange one. A little girl calling out to him in a somewhat rude manner. Vinn would scoff. /"Big boy? Do these people truly address one another like this?"/ He thought to himself as he straightened himself up and dusted off his back. "I will overlook you way of addressing for now." The young man would say and take a step towards the girl. "My presence is not free. You better have something to offer in return, if I am to deal with you." Vinn would state his stance on the girl's request, if he could even call it that. His eyes were still fresh from people watching, so he took in a few details about her. Like the bloodied hands she had. Perhaps she was more than than Vinn gave her credit for. He would still very much refrain from touching her, however. Blood, among many other things, was insanely tough to wash out.


    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Empyrean Reaper
    Position : None
    Posts : 112
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 19,499

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Melancholy
    Second Skill: Edge of Infinity
    Third Skill: N/A

    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies Empty Re: [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies

    Post by Eireen 10th December 2018, 3:53 pm

    Eireen attempted to resist the urge to launch at the lame-o as he began speaking.  No wonder he was out there alone, he sounded like a total stuck-up geek.  “Oh yes your majesty, I am forever grateful to be granted the privilege to be in your presence.  As required by social laws I shall now state my name, Eireen.”  She replied in a mock-respectful tone that Chance simply scoffed at.  She had no problem telling people her actual name seeing as it too was more like an alias than anything.  Either way, they probably wouldn’t hear of her ever again, so who cared?  But, as she was making valiant yet ineffective attempts to disguise giggles as coughs, the police had arrived on the relatively empty street.  Of course, their gaze simply passed over the reaper harmlessly and they continued on their way, moving quickly in attempt to apprehend the criminal before they could get away.  “And that’s game!  Now Chance, do any of the houses in the area have any children’s trading cards?”  “Eireen!  Could you PLEASE focus for a minute?  We need to figure out a way to shake him off!”  “Later, I don’t have anything to do right now, do I?”

    Aside from the bloody hands part, Eireen’s plan was going fine.  The lame-o was talking to her and hadn’t brought it up and they were just looking like two normal pedestrians, one of which that was definitely not attempting to evade the police.  So, she decided to, stir up a bit of trouble.  Pretentious lame-o plus a bunch of random people standing on the streets in a particularly shady part of Tologen equals a bit of fun. “Niichan, what do you mean everyone here is a weak, poor, disgusting human beings?!”  She exclaimed in a much to loud voice dripping with overzealous girlish-ness.  But, as hoped, those in the shady parts of town really aren’t the best people to insult.  “Eh?  You have a problem with us, boy?”  One practically growled, beginning to saunter over to the pair.

    343 ❈ 757
    @"Vinn Cobalt"

    Last edited by Chalk on 26th June 2019, 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies Empty Re: [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies

    Post by Perry Bardell 12th December 2018, 12:47 pm


    417 - 1123 WORDS
    lazy lul
    Well this took a turn.
    Vinn was glad that he got a bit more of a proper response this time around, even if its sarcasm was beyond palpable. Though he was no 'majesty'. Yet. One day he would prove his worth to his dumb traditionalist parents, but that day was far off. At least he got a name from the girl and he would return the favour, as per the social laws that the girl now known as Eireen had mentioned. "I am Vinn. Pleased to make your acquaintance." The young man would introduce himself with a light bow of his head. Eireen seemed to be having a good time by the looks of it, but Vinn stood his ground with an expressionless face. Within a few moments there was a group of what seemed to be enforcers of peace, or police in a short version. Vinn didn't usually deal with them himself, back home. These guys, however, seemed quite agitated, in a sense. They passed by them, their heads looking back and forth, searching for somebody or something. But what exactly, Vinn didn't know.

    The group of enforcers passed by Vinn and Eireen and the young man was ready to ask the girl again. His offer didn't just disappear like that, after all. But the girl already had an idea in her sleeve. She loudly exclaimed something about the people present in the streets were poor and disgusting. Which, to be fair, they were. Vinn wished to retort and tell Eireen to not yell so loudly, but the sentence that the girl had exclaimed didn't go unnoticed. The group that was standing near them and interacted with Vinn before was now visibly hurt by those words. One of them practically growled back at them, making his way over to the duo. The young man would only cross his arms on his chest as he turned to face the offended person. "While I didn't say anything, I cannot help myself, but to agree with it." Vinn would say with a smug look on his face, which only further agitated not only the one who was approaching them, but also the group that he was affiliated with. Their faces turned into grimaces of anger and slowly started to make their way towards them aswell. Vinn would slightly turn his head towards Eireen. "I hope you know how to handle yourself." The young man would say as he clearly eyed the blood on her hands, letting her know that he was very much aware.


    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Empyrean Reaper
    Position : None
    Posts : 112
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 19,499

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Melancholy
    Second Skill: Edge of Infinity
    Third Skill: N/A

    [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies Empty Re: [Job - Vinn & Eireen] The Shabbies

    Post by Eireen 4th January 2019, 5:37 pm

    Eireen was having plenty of fun messing around with the lame-o apparently called “Vinn”.  The fact he had responded to her sarcasm so earnestly cracked her up, and the way he socialized with others was downright hilarious.  Instead of trying to diffuse the situation, he went ahead and got everyone else on the block pissed off at the pair purposely with a smug look on his face.  Eireen had to cover her mouth in attempt to contain her laughter when that happened, the whole thing was just perfect.  Who knew this Vinn fellow was so incredibly… unique?!

    But when the young man expressed his hope that she could handle herself, Eireen was about to give some sarcastic reply when she noticed his gaze and followed it to her bloody hands.  “Oh whoops!”  She said, sounding much more amused that regretful.  “I guess this means I should just go ahead and-” “Please say your leaving, please say your leaving!”  “Prove myself to you, niichan!  It’s just ketchup, I promise!”  Eireen exclaimed, although her words were once again dripping in sarcasm.

    “Before we begin, check if anyone here needs to be eliminated, Chance.”  Eireen said mentally as the Tolagen residents closed around the pair.  “Affirmative, observing all lifeforms…”  Chance replied, the reaper just able to hold off a smirk at how the immaterial presence switched into “work mode” so easily. “No anomalies here, including that Vinn guy your with.  You are free to do whatever, BUT,”  Eireen couldn’t help but sigh herself internally, Chance was back to “make sure Eireen doesn’t kill herself mode”.  “That doesn’t mean you should though!  You use this form when you want to go unnoticed so maybe not get it in the news for murdering a bunch of people?”  “You don’t get to tell me what to do, dad.”  Eireen replied curtly, putting an extra sarcastic emphasis on the last word.  “Fine.  Don’t get eliminated, but I’m checking out.”  He said flatly, having given up already on steering the pink haired woman away from the entire situation.  She would have to make him regret that later, but what else was she going to do?  No anomalies were in the area, so she had no need to perform any duties.  Why not just have a little fun hanging with a lame-o who was thoroughly amusing to simply exchange words with?  Otherwise she probably just would’ve found a tree to sleep under in a forest or something along those lines.  Either way, a pair of twin gun materialized in each of her hands, the reaper not hesitating before beginning to shoot at the crowd.  Nonlethally may you know, but it would still hurt them… a lot.

    448 ❈ 1205


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