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    Midsummer Fire Festival


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
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    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 24th June 2019, 8:49 am

    Link to Event Approval

    It was that time of year. Sweltering heat, energetic people and festivities around. This was the first time Zachary had gotten to see Magnolia's midsummer festival and he was impressed. He had not seen the Cherry Blossom party that the guild raved about at times, but this was just as grand. Zachary choose not to do any jobs to attend this.

    The day was beautiful, sunny and the recorded longest day in summer-- the Summer Solstice. One of those rare celestial days as well, that even the spirit world would enjoy. As Zachary strolled through the market to attend the festival, he arrived at the gates of South Gate Park. Everywhere he looked-- he saw tents, ribbon polls, vendors, and woodpiles-- destined to be burn when it got later. However, what did surprise him was that there were not just other humans there-- but magical creatures as well.

    Fire sprites fluttered around playfully, not causing a ruckus but aiding with the Magnolian festival. It seemed it was one of those rare events where spirits or magical creatures could freely mingle or coexist here. Zachary looked in wonder as he stood atop the hill.

    "This looks like fun, mrrrow!" a voice said beside him.

    Zachary looked and found Amethyst, also known as the Constellation Lynx-- one of Zachary's own spirits. THough she was in her familiar form, adorably shown as a pink-colored shortfur cat beside him with her amethyst collar, she looked akin to her full form and just as sophisticated. She, too, was a creature of light, her magic deeply entwine with that elemental power. And she was not the only one yet.

    "Amethyst, " Zachary said with a mild groan, "What are you doing here? "

    "What? I'm not alone to stretch my claws and enjoy the festival too? I got all brushed up and everything," she said with a catty hiss.

    From his shoulder, Zachary felt the familiar presence of his other companion spirit-- Ruby. The adorable ruby carbuncle spirit, let out a soft coo and brushed against Zachary's cheek. Even though she too was transparent, he could still feel the general sensation of fur.

    "Of course, you're welcomed. Just please try to behave yourself, okay?" Zachary warned Amethyst.

    The cat let out a lynx-like growl. "Tell that to Sirius. You let him out here he will be dogging every women he sets his eyes on. " she commented and proceeded down the hill. Zachary rolled his, eyes knowing she was right.

    While none of his spirits could venture to far from him in familiar form-- it gave them a presence and semi-physical form to interact with the human world, without needing magic power to open their gates or risk exhaustion in this world.

    It did make Zachary wonder, was Leo interested in coming to this festival. As the lion-- the celestial spirit who embodied the sun, this must be one time of year he would want to be around. For the moment he kept that thought to himself and proceeded to join the festival.

    "Zachary, can I get some fish? These vendors must have something." Amethyst semi-asked, semi-demanded.

    WC: 567

    Last edited by Zachary-Sirius on 28th June 2019, 7:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 24th June 2019, 8:07 pm

    Finally, it was a day off and a day to relax by doing what they called. How could one put it by having a good time? Yes, that would be it true that was the wording I am looking for. Ghost would think that to himself as he was walking around the festival. It was a summer event at that and but the sun gods might. It was as hot as it was inhumanity out. Looking around he would see humans and another kind of full playing all around. It truly was and is a beautiful sight to see. No hate no justification of why someone is better than the next. Just good old fashion fun. This was something Ghost truly enjoyed to see.

    However, something else would catch his eye and that was these small creatures floating around. This was odd because he never saw anything like it before. Clearly, they have come to live it up as well. But the little fire spirits were doing a little more harm than good. Seeing as everything they touched was set on fire. But the fire was easily put out. Thank the heavens they were not any bigger than a fairy or else. That would have been a problem all on its own.

    But as he was walking away he would look up to the clouds. Thinking to himself that he did not have a day off in a long while. So it was good to enjoy himself for now. No jobs at the moment so it was a good thing. But as Ghost looked over to the view of the entrance of the hill. He would see a young man coming his way. "I know I've seen him around my guild. It would be best to go introduce myself this time around who knows he could be friendly." Ghost looked on as he was walking towards Zachary way he would notice. That with him was even more spirits. Ghost would simply wave at the group to come over by him.


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
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    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 28th June 2019, 7:52 pm

    Zachary waited on the vendor and was finally given a 'fish-pastry'. Whatever it was actual fish or a donut with jelly in it-- it should satisfy the prissy feline that was Amethyst. The transparent pink feline prowled about impatiently as Zachary got her food and handed it. Surprising despite her ghost-like state, she easily was able to bite into the food and take it out of Zachary's hand. A soft laugh escaped him as Ruby continued to pace across his shoulders.

    However, it was then that the little ruby Carbuncle spirit caught wind of the approaching mage. A overly protective murr escaped Ruby as her tail went up in concern. "Ruby? " Zachary asked, and turned to find him.

    This guy-- he never met and didn't recognize from the guild. He was a stranger to him and he looked odd. For starters, he was significantly older than he, and seemed to take no issue walking around half-naked. Though in today's heat, perhaps Zachary was the crazy one to hold on to his jacket as he did. If this stranger was expecting a warm welcome-- Zachary was not the best one to start. He had his share of bullies and jerks growing up, so he was a bit more on guard with a new face.

    "Um, can I help you?" Zachary asked, a little unsure if this guy was someone he should talk to. Either way he did try to be somewhat personable.

    Having her treat half-finished, Amythest growled and stood between them. "Oooh, he looks pretty... nice to use as a scratching post." she teased with a predatory growl.

    Zachary could only just roll his eyes at her choice of words. It was then that another voice joined in.

    "Simmer down, whiskers." Zachary turned and soon saw a shimmer of starlight-- from which wings and a friendly vision of an eagle appeared. The eagle was no bigger than a hawk in shape, but his feathers and celestial features made him stand out as a celestial spirit. Sensing it none other as Aquila, Zachary extended a shoulder and the eagle perched right there-- Ruby hopping to the other shoulder to give the eagle room. "They say men don't like aggressive women. "

    "Oh, shut it, you featherduster!" the cat snarled.

    Needless to say, Zachary was backed by many of his spirits-- and the big one had yet to appear yet.

    WC: 424


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 1023
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 29th June 2019, 8:28 am

    Ghost looked on at the lively crew in front of him. Even more so at his guildmate. It would seem that Zachary truly did not know who Ghost was. But this was ok for Ghost as a quick introduction could fix such a thing. But what was really interesting was his Celestial companions which led Ghost to believe he was a Celestial wizard. Wizards of such a type are heavily looked down upon by others. But it truly was a good skill to have. Looking around he would see mixed reactions to him coming over and stopping them. But this is always the case. Looking at Zachary as he asked his question. But did he truly need help or no?

    Ghost would smile as he puts his hands together in a prayer like stance. Soon a gold and blue aura would come about. Shining around him as he closed his eyes. Ghost would smile as he opened his eyes. Which took only about a few seconds as he looked at the group in front of him. "I see I know now all that there is to know. About your Celestial companion's fellow guildmate. But to answer your question, yes you can help me if you will. I am a fairy tail wizard as well. We are both from the said famous guild. But we truly never really talked much. So as of right now, I will like to change that for the better if I may." Ghost looked on as his time magic took its effect. Giving him the power to know all that times know.

    This was Ghost first time meeting this boy. But he also wanted to make a good impression of how they met. Ghost would then take his right hand and held it out. He was aiming for a handshake.


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 430
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 667,254

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 30th June 2019, 2:02 pm

    This guy was a regular weirdo by the look of him. Regardless of the choice of words he made or his show of magic-- it was only making his own spirits more hostile and angry. A simple "Hi-- We are in the same guild. I wanted to introduce myself" would of been simpler than this holier-than-thou attitude of serenity thing he had going on.

    "Um, you know saying 'hello, how you doing,' works well too, ya know?"Aquila cawed, flapping his wings softly as to also not get them in Zachary's face.

    Amethyst still growled on guard to the stranger. Still, he remembered the guild creed. Everyone in Fairy Tail was family. Why not try to be forward for a change and make a new friend. "Um, hi there. Sorry... you just kind of imposing a bit too soon, but its nice to meet you. I'm Zachary," the boy offered and shook his hand, trying to ignore the glow of whatever magic he was having.

    "The-what?! Are you crazy?! You know what your mother told you about getting too chummy with strangers-- and this guy looks like trouble!" the cat spirit growled.

    "Well, it still doesn't mean we can't be civil. Sure he is a little odd, but who isn't?"

    Ruby gave a small concerned whine against his ear, but the Carbuncle nuzzled into his neck to sit.

    "Are you here for the festival too? " Zachary asked as he came up to the first event going on. The fire spirits that flew around overhead were kind enough to avoid contact-- as they watched the festivities. Now it was their first attempt at one of the games the festival had to offer.

    WC: 305

    Last edited by Zachary-Sirius on 30th June 2019, 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by NPC 30th June 2019, 2:02 pm

    The member 'Zachary-Sirius' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Midsummer Fire Festival OdAaNwh

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 30th June 2019, 3:44 pm

    Ghost looks on at the group as they each talked to him. It was all crazy like the questions the way they reacted upon the arrival of his self. Ghost tried his best not to give off the wrong impression such as laughing at the group. This was too funny as each one had something to say to the Timekeeper. "Believe you me I had more to say I did. But I downplayed it as you all can see. I happen to see Zachary here and wanted to say hello for the first time." Ghost would then put his hands over his mouth as he started to laugh a little bit. But all in all, Ghost was truly a cheerful person.

    Looking on at the events taking place. He would smile thinking maybe the cat would love to play one of the games. Looking back over at the bird Ghost would give a smile and say to him. "I know beings of your kind too. I wonder could you grow bigger mr.bird or how do your wings work?" Even though the question he asked he should know the answer too. But Ghost knows time changes all the time and it was best if he kept up with it.

    Still thinking to himself that Zachary was a bit strong I mean even stronger to have such spiritual beings out and about. It could be something like Ghost time vision. The aura around him was indeed the flow of time. Clearly speaking Celestial summons could see this very aura more strongly than a regular person. Zachary may be able to see it too based on his little helpers there. He would give a big smile to Zachary question as he was indeed here for that very reason. Looking at the young boy "I am I was planning on winning every game here. Tell me Zachary you into games or are you here for something else altogether?" Ghost would ask with a smile on his face. Looking over to see a fire spirit that was odd. She was staring right at them. Ghost would nod his head at her but from where he was standing. The cat celestial spirit could assume he was nodding at her.


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 430
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 667,254

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 3rd July 2019, 12:32 pm

    The bickering between Zachary and his Spirits soon stopped. While this guy was a bit odd-- somewhat presumptuous even, Zachary wanted to be friendly to any in his guild. It wasn't like he was one of the crass pervy guys that bothered him when his master showed up to hit on her. This guy might of been strange but he too was at least civil.

    Aquila cocked his head at the question to him. He just flapped his wings in mild irritation. "Oh, you bet your ass I can grow bigger--does the name Prometheus ring a bell?" the eagle commented sarcastically. "You may not want me to grow bigger or I'll have your liver, Mr. Shirtless guy. Mmmm I haven't had liver in eons."

    Zachary cringed at the mental image of that story. "Do you mind, Aquila. You know I have a vivid imagination..." he asked, causing the eagle to cock his head at Zachary. "I'm here for both I guess-- but do you mind telling me who you are?"

    Zachary took the first ring of the ring toss-- but Altair was the one who picked it up and gave it a toss. The eagle, being one with the sharpest eyes, easily tossed the ring for the fun of things. Naturally, he swung the ring right onto the target.

    WC: 238


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 1023
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    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 3rd July 2019, 11:00 pm

    Ghost would give a smile at how Zachary was with his spirits. They were like their own special family. Watching each other back and what not. But one could wonder do they fight from time to time? Ghost would smile to himself as he watches them. The bird was one to watch as was his cat. The other one well the little guy still had ways to go. But are these they true forms or could they turn into something even more powerful? The bird did, in fact, confirm he could grow. This sparks his interest even more. He would watch as Zachary made his way to the ring toss. But instead of him throwing the rings. The bird did it for him.

    Ghost was a bit lost as if that was within the rules or not. But seeing as the game person didn't say anything nor did Ghost care about it. But still, that was so cool. Ghost would watch as the rings hit perfectly on each one. Thinking about how using his spiritual summons. Means he is using his magic so if that was the case. Maybe he could use his magic to. Ghost smiled at that very notion of things. After all, it was a magic event or something like that. Soon it would be Ghost turn and boy was he excited to play. Taking the rings he had three chances to hit them. Easy said than done for most. Ghost eyes would glow blue as he left off a little bit of his magical aura.

    Soon he would toss each rings all at once the rings were moving as if someone was guiding them. Slowly, but surely the rings would all land at the exact same time. Ghost would smile as he saw this happened. "Well I'll be looks like I got a perfect throw as well Zachary." Meanwhile the fire spirit from before would get closer to the group. It had such a strange look in its eyes. Ghost would look on at Zachary smiling "So what's next for us to play I was thinking the ball throwing game." Ghost was clearly talking about the pinball game he just didn't know the name of it.


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 6th July 2019, 1:14 pm

    Despite how it looked-- Zachary wasn't doing this for his own benefit. It was for his summons. Why not let them have fun with the ring toss or any other festivities that were going on here. They had as much reason to celebrate and have fun here than anyone else. The games were not merely for himself-- it was for them.

    In the far side--, Zachary spotted Amythest also taking on an odd choice. The cat was trying to do the apple-bobbing activity as a few fire sprites danced in the air. Every time one snickered, she would growl and swipe at them playfully with her paws. While she didn't always liked water, she tried to bite into the apple to get a pleasant snack... but was failing sadly as it was not her element.

    Still, the stranger was still causing some distress to Zachary. He tried to be chummy but he NEVER GAVE HIS NAME. Zachary didn't recognize him as much as he wished so it was only fair-- at least for him to show his guild emblem, especially since he was half naked already.

    "So who exactly are you anyway? " Zachary asked, still concerned.

    As Altair had his fill of the ring toss-- and won himself , or rather Zachary, a funny looking sword like a key-- Zachary realized he wanted to have his best spirit enjoy the festival. With his back to the stranger. Taking out something from around his neck, he revealed a golden key that glistened in the summer sunlight. "Leo... could you come out please? I'd like for you to enjoy the festivities here." he asked softly and politely-- to coax out the spirit in its familiar form.

    A soft glow of golden light radiated in front of Zachary, and a new shape appeared. Standing before him, arms folded and eyes closed like a resolute warrior-- was a large humanoid white lion figure clad in tribal gear and a polearm attached to his back. Zachary smiled at the sight of his leonine companion, who opened his eyes to meet his.

    "You can summon me formally, if you wish, Zachary. But what is the meaning of this? Why did you summon me?" Leo asked.

    "Hi, Leo," Zachary said and tucked the key back under his shirt. "I know this is rather informal, but I wanted to include you in the festival. Everyone should celebrate. You I would imagine would really enjoy it being your a sun spirit too."

    Leo raised a brow and growled in question. "A festival...?" he asked. He didn't know anything about it.

    "Oh, come on, whiskers," ALtair squacked and flapped his wings while on Zachary's shoulder once more. "Ya know, that holiday when its the longest day of the year. I know, you know about it. Come on, don't get your tail in a twitch and enjoy yourself." the bird squacked.

    Zachary chuckled, but agreed with him.

    (OOC: Seriously state your name if you want more IC trust here. Roll for next encounter)


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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by NPC 6th July 2019, 1:14 pm

    The member 'Zachary-Sirius' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Midsummer Fire Festival OdAaNwh

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 430
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 667,254

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 6th July 2019, 1:15 pm

    OOC: Eh move on to the next challenge really-- strong.


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 7th July 2019, 12:48 am

    Ghost looking on at the games would be in la la land. Not truly into much things as most would be here. Looking over at the spirits Ghost was still a bit uneven as to why they were really here. Ghost was not one to judge but things were a bit odd for one the spirits have not truly played any games. More or less could they play games? That was not the real reason here. They could be playing hook and try to get a one up on people here. After all, it would not be the first time such a thing has happened. Or maybe Ghost was just a bit paranoid. Seeing as he has bad experiences with spirits before this day came about.

    Looking on at Zachary he would ask Ghost his name. A name he thought to himself my name more or less. Ghost would smile seeing as he is not as well known as he would like to believe. Looking up at the sky with stars in his eyes Ghost would start to laugh out loud. "My name you say I see. You want to know my name I could tell you my name. I just hope you remember it from this moment on. I am Ghost Century Gates. I am a TimeKeeper. You know the ones who watch over time. I may not look it but I am well over two centuries old. Nice to meet you, Zachary, I've heard wonders about you, good sir. Hopefully starting now we could be friends to the end." Ghost would start to laugh at that last part. "Friends to the End hey that rhymes."

    Ghost would smile as he believes he just made nice with Zachary. But the oddest of things would happen. A fire spirit would float down behind Ghost. Who just happened to be looking at Zachary and the newly summoned Leo. Ghost was a bit wary of the mighty celestial spirit. For it was said he was second only to their king himself. But Ghost was in awe of the mighty beast. A large smile would come across his face. "Z mind if I call you that? By the way, why didn't you tell me you had such a powerhouse on your side. This alone puts you in ranks far ahead of most guildmates."


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
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    Posts : 430
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 667,254

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 7th July 2019, 6:43 pm

    Leo was the skeptical one most of the time. He also wasn't the most social-- due to his past history with humans. While he didn't mind Zachary's company and agreed to allow him to be his wizard, he still wasn't too social unless there was a need to be. Though he was a bit withdrawn-- Leo or Ajani as he said his friends could call him, was grateful to be out and allowed to roam of his own free will. He gave a bow of his head in thanks to Zachary.

    It was then that the stranger and Fairy Tail wizard who had been hanging around Zachary finally had the sense to introduce himself. Zachary was a new member-- of course he didn't know who this guy was. However, his introduction was just as ominous and creepy as he had been before introductions. Zachary looked at him nervously, still not sure how to deal with this guy. He went by the name Ghost-- who names a guy ghost and he was a time master? But what made Zachary a bit more at ease was how he spoke highly of Zachary.

    Aquila, on the other hand just gave a soft flap of his wings and let out a muffled sound. "Coo-coo. Coo-coo. Coo-coo," the sound was clearly forced not natural to an eagle-- making Zachary turn to the eagle on his shoulder and give him a knowing, irritated look. The eagle met his gaze. "What? I'm an eagle. We make bird calls, right?"

    Both Zachary and Leo also groaned at Aquila's bad humor. "Let's start with Zach at least for now, kay?" Zachary asked, a bit wary of Ghost. To answer his question, Zachary let out a breath. "Leo is my friend. He is a reliable spirit but he is respected. Thanks but his contributions are his own."

    The lion felt honored by the credit he was given and nodded his head gratefully-- still he was proud to have made Zachary of a higher respect with his fellow wizards.

    At this time, however, another spirit came while someone was trying to provoke people to have him fall into a vat of water. People were shouting and calling out as something was starting to cause a disturbance.

    It didn't take long to find it-- as he lumbered through the carnival, a haze of red on his cheeks-- despite covered in fur. The creature looked like a largely horned satyre, with tribal markings and moved about ungracefully. "Hic-- what a party! Come on, whose up for a little roughhousing, huh? Or does no one got the balls to pick a fight with the king of summer! COme on, lets party!! Hahaha!"

    Zachary blinked at the odd creature-- clearly one of the non-human visitors to the party. He already was knocking over tables trying to pick a fight.

    Leo, however, growled angrily at the disturbance. "Fool..." he growled as he approached. "Zachary... you might wish to restore me to my full power."

    Zachary hesitated but soon regripped the key around his neck. "Uh-- sure! Open, Gate of the Lion! LEO!!"

    Since Leo in familiar form was already out, a strong glow of magic radiated around Ajani-- giving him more strength and physical presence. Leo-- an acceptional spirit could of taken on his true form-- but while in the festival he remained as the humanoid white lion, so he could face the creature at equal height. "Sir, I must ask you to calm down. No one wants a fight here..." Leo said firmly.

    Likely that was not going to go well...

    WC: 63


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 1023
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 7th July 2019, 10:22 pm

    Zach but not Z, for now, ok that will be just wonders. Ok, you can call me Ghost and not Ghost for now ok. How odd things have gotten am I right Zach. But get this why is this fire humanoid spirit by us? Is she one of your spirits? Or maybe a friend of one of your friends here. Either way, she is super hot no like really made of fire hot and needs to back away." Ghost would say such a thing as he took his hands trying to fan himself. Looking over at the bird as he said such rude remarks to Ghost. Ghost would look at him and smile putting his right finger on his eyelid pulling it down.

    He would then stick out his tongue and a playful manner. "Coo-coo a loser like me mr.bird. I know I am but what are you? Ghost would laugh at the sight of such a thing. Looking on a large beast like thing would come crashing throughout the crowd. Knocking people and spirits alike down. Wobble yet still on his feet he would ask about a fight. Marking people to fight him and whatever. Ghost looked on at this spirit beast. He was clearly to be feared. "His magic power is unreal. I've never felt such a thing but from our master Zach." Ghost looked up as the beast looked at them.

    The temperature started to rise up. As Zach was starting to summon Leo. Ghost would try to attack the spirit. "Now this is a game I would love to play. King of the ring such fun it is." Within the time frame Zach was summoning Leo full form. Ghost would cause Time to stop. Pulling out his stave he would look at the beast. Given out a large smile Ghost would rush at him. "Yeah the thing is I tend to end things quickly to avoid damage. Your goose is cooked kind beast." The king of summer indeed looked frozen in time. But just as Ghost got in front of him. He would ditch out a large punch at him. Ghost would see this and try to block it.

    The beast would send Ghost flying back behind Zachary and his Spirits. Soon Ghost time zone would return to normal just as Leo true form came about. Ghost arm was bruised as he had a little bit of blood on his face. Looking to Zachary Ghost would smile "Zach tend lightly this thing is clearly stronger than us." Ghost time stop magic has a magic flaw and that is if someone is stronger then or his level of power the magic will cease to work as it should. This was indeed trouble for Ghost. He would put his hands together as he starts to move in a prayer like motion. Licking the blood off his face.


    Last edited by Ghost on 8th July 2019, 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 8th July 2019, 11:34 am

    Chaos started to surround them as people moved for cover-- forming a circle around the now aggressive and drunk satyr Cerrnunos. However, Leo held his ground. For an odd reason-- it seemed that Ghost tried to make an attack but in the blink of an eye, was soon behind them and flat on his ass. With warning, he informed them he was strong. Zachary blinked, unsure if this person was indeed fighting strong or something else. He was in a lost as to why Ghost was one place, then flat on his ass the next-- as if he missed something or had not been paying attention.

    Before Zachary could panic and summon more help-- Leo extended his arm to bar Zachary from doing anything more. "It's okay, Zachary. Save your strength," Leo said with a calm but intimidating growl. "I got this..." The man-lion strode steadily towards the drunk Cernnunos, prepared to fight.

    "Ohhh, the big bad kitty wants to play with the big ram-- hic!" he said, his stance wobbily but seemingly strong. This creature was a brute and clearly more skilled in physical combat than magic-- but that was the point. Magic , alone, wouldn't do much good against him. For that, was left the physical approach.

    Leo seemed to know this, and had no problem using his own brawn to fight.

    "Why don't you just calm down, friend," Leo replied, trying to talk reason into him, "Let's not make this scene uglier here and just talk about this,"

    "Gah hell?! WHo you callin ugly?!" the Satyre shouted and charged attempting to make a hit on Leo.

    However, Leo was a superior fighter. In his true form as a more feral lion-- Zachary would imagine not so much but in this chosen form, Leo merely side-stepped away from the punch and wove into his defenses. He then swung an open pawed struck of his own.

    The blow caused the Satyre to gasp as he was knocked a few meters back, his hooves leaving treads in the grass and dirt. Leo merely stood there, his arm still extended and his expression serious. People grew silent to see the man-lion spirit hold his own, while the Satyre stood up. He licked his lips, seeming to like the challenge.

    And so the brawl began...

    WC: 400


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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 8th July 2019, 4:47 pm

    Ghost looked on in awe at Leo The Lion. Such a mighty being to have at one side. The way he was going toe to toe with the king of summer was. A feat all on its own as that was not something just anyone could do. Ghost would look on as he started to smile. Seeing the beast strength was something on its own. But even if his time magic was useless something. Had to have made it so. Ghost eyes would turn ocean blue as clock hands enter them. Ghost was now scanning for all known data on the summer king. Ghost would put on a very good grin as massive data came upon this beast of a foe.

    Turns out he had never lost a fight doing the day. It just happened to be at night when he ever took his first loss. Most magic does not work on him. Rather it is burned off of him. This ability was known as The Sun Kingdom. Ghost would stand up as he got by Zachary again."Listen, Leo is stronger than him right now but get this. The summer king might is growing thanks to the sun. If we want to win he just have to be him at night or right now. But by the look of it, we won't last till nightfall. But maybe I can change that for us. However, it will be up to Leo from then on." Ghost looked on at Zachary as he waited to see what he was going to do next.

    True to his word Ghost did, in fact, have the power to change a time zone. He smiled as he watched the two beast trade blows with each other. It was quite amazing to watch.


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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 8th July 2019, 9:41 pm

    Zachary wasn't sure what this Ghost guy had planned-- but what he didn't know, didn't matter. He knew Leo, and Leo was now in his element. In the end, Zachary could see enough. While this foe was strong, he wasn't malevolent. Zachary smiled. "No. You heard Leo. He has this. This festival.. the entire festival is to celebrate the sun. These spirits live for it... but what you don't know is Leo is also a Sun spirit too. ANd Leo gains power from the sun as well as health. He can't lose..." Zachary explained, knowing what his summoned spirit was capable of.

    Leo grinned, feeling the sun upon him and refueling his strength and health. As each blow came from Cernnunos-- Leo responded in kind, delivering physical blows of his own, the two like boxers in the middle of a match.

    The once chaotic circle of frightened people became a cheering crowd of excitement as they saw the two spirits battle. People were putting bets on both of them, and cheering them on to see a great fight. Zachary joined in-- giving his summon his support. "Go Ajani! Show him who the king of the jungle is!!" he shouted.

    Cernnunos attempted to knee Leo in the stomach-- but the lion spun to the side, evading it and grabbed the beast by his arm and tugged it behind his back, easily disabling him. The fight went back and forth, both of them getting good hits in. But it was now growing into a show that even both of them were enjoying it.

    "Heh, Not bad Cernunos... you are a skilled fighter. But I fear you can't match a Celestial Spirit of my calibur," Leo said with pride, and lunged-- this time he pounced and quickly proceeded to put the Satyre into a lock position, hindering him for him to give up... unless he had something else up his sleeve?

    WC: 335


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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 8th July 2019, 11:21 pm

    Ghost looked up as the two was going toe to toe. With a smile on his face, he could tell. This was in fact Zachary most powerful summon. The sheer size of the two was something else. But Ghost knew what was coming next and it was not going to be nice. Looking on the king of summer had another ability to use. That very power is what made him the tyrant he was known for. Looking on at Zachary as he sent in his other spirit. "We need to clear this area and now Zach. This thing is about to use his take over magic. But that is not how bad it gets. You see to use his take over he will cause a 100-meter explosion. We just might make it but the name of the game is will they." Ghost looked on as his eyes were still in clock mode.

    Sure all in all Leo might was great but could he save what was to come of the town folk. Ghost looked on as he smiles if allow he would tsp Zachary on the back in a playful matter. "Check it out all of the summer king moves are very bad unless we could stop those explosions. I will handle the crowd you just handle him. I will come back to back you up soon if need be." Ghost being his cheerful self. He would smile than within mere moments he would start to multiply. Until it was 10 of him. That would say all together "STALL HIM LONG ENOUGH FOR US TO GET THE FOLK TO SAFETY." Because Leo was giving him such a hard time he was gonna go all out on him. Ghost gang soon started to tell the people to leave. As this was officially a threat to their safety.



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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 9th July 2019, 12:39 pm

    (Flowing with this)

    Leo growled as Cernunos fought against him-- using his own physical strength to keep him at bay. Zachary kept an eye on him, but things seemed to be getting worse. Even a new enemy showed up to aid Cernunos-- a fire mage who seemed akin to helping Cernunos. What oddly started out as chaos, turned to a festival-- but now into some sort of performance.

    Zachary couldn't keep up. He was just downright confused. Ghost said he could help-- so he figure give him a chance. "Fine! Do it. But make it quick cause things are starting to get crazy here!" Zachary urged as Leo pushed back against Cernunos and now the fire mage aimed to strike-- using fire magic to hit Leo if Ghost didn't do something!

    Leo grunted as Cernunos grew stronger. True-- Leo and him were of even strength and Leo too got power from the sun, but now it seemed that this creature just continued to grow with each passing second while he-himself had limits to his power, based on Zachary's own magic power. THe lion growled as he was pushed back a bit. "Damnit...!"

    (Fire mage joined the battle to aid Cernnunos)


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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 9th July 2019, 4:29 pm

    Ghost truly was growing tired of playing by the rules. Truth be told he was always fighting by himself and an army at that. But the thing is he was now ready to go on the offensive. Looking on he could see both beasts grew with the power of the sun. But the thing is the king of summer was growing even faster than Leo power. Ghost would smile at that very fact looking on Zach he could tell. That a Celestial being power comes from how much power its contractor could let out. Ghost would tap Zachary on the back again if he allowed him too. "Zach I am the Twilight King I know how to beat him. Let's cut off the sun. It is the only way to end this fast. Besides, have you ever heard of the twilight zone?"

    Ghost would smile as he said such a thing. Walking past him he would stop and put his hand in a prayer-like motion. Looking over to see a fire mage preparing to strike Leo. Clearly a fan of the king of summer. Unfortunately, he picks the wrong beast to add. With the right timing, he started to add his light and dark magic together. Magic types he never truly uses."TGE CENTURIES I HAVE ROAM THIS EARTH I HAVE GAIN EVEN MORE POWER ABD THIS IS TO GO BEYOND THAT POWER." Soon he would unleash a beam made up of his twilight magic. Hitting the fire mage at his full power. As his eyes were now the color of twilight. He would raise his hand and start to summon the twilight zone. "Sorry Zach but by doing this the summer king will lose all his power and Leo will go on to lose some of his as well. But you should have plenty to defeat this beast."

    Soon the entire Sky started to change slowly but surely. Behold, the Twilight Zone have come about.



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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 9th July 2019, 6:09 pm

    As the sky darkened-- both the power of Cernunnos and his fiery mage companion soon looked shock. With the sun now gone-- the space in which they occupied cut off, the sun that granted them strength faded. Now all that was left was to make their move.

    "LEO! NOW DO IT!!" Zachary shouted.

    With a roar, Leo gripped his fist, holding onto with what energy the sun had given him and dleivered a mighty punch right into the satyre's maw. The punch was one strong sucker-blow that literally sent the beast flying into the air a few feet and onto the ground.

    Now that only left the fire mage behind him-- which felt was worth taking down then and there.

    "Open, gate of the Lynx!" Zachary shouted, "Amyuthest!!" Hearing his shout-- Amythest, the pink panther from before came flying out in full form and tackled the mage, striking with claws and pinning him to the ground to incapacitate him. The cat growled threateningly, warning him not to act.

    (Enemies taken down unless Ghost wants to do more)


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    Midsummer Fire Festival Empty Re: Midsummer Fire Festival

    Post by Ghost 9th July 2019, 6:44 pm

    Ghost looked on as the sun started to come out. Looking back down to see the summer king defeated. A smile would come across his face. It was about time to wrap things up anyhow. As the town folk started to come back cheers could be heard from all over. Fairy Tail name was cheered with chants. Ghost looked on at Zachary as his eyes returned to normal. He could not help but laugh at Zachary. But in a good way as the two made a pretty good team. "We just took out one of the most powerful season spirits Zach and that is no small feat. But to think we just make today and looked at his we did things. I would love to team up again who knows maybe we could give our aces a run for there money."

    He started to laugh as the event started to go on again. With the job done Ghost would look to Zachary one more time. "By the way do you mind keeping my Twilight magic a secret for now. I am saving it for my rematch with Aven." Ghost looked on as he started to walk away. Smiling as his wings came out. They favored the songs of a butterfly. Ghost would then take off flying. He tends to do things such as this but today was a good day. He was able to call for the Twilight Zone and it did not hurt as much as it did the last time.


    ( event complete)

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