Fairy Tail RP

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    Christmas Folly

    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Christmas Folly Empty Christmas Folly

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 24th December 2018, 4:30 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    This was yet another step for Mythal. It was one he didn’t entirely understand but one he had still made the conscious choice of wanting to make. Serilda was, for lack of a better phrase, the most important person in his life. She was his closest friend and certainly the person he trusted the most. But there were two other people that came awfully close, two that he had met within Fairy Tail that he had trusted enough to let in and see a bit more of him than anyone else could see. And now it was time for all of them to meet.

    Nessa had been the first one he met, having been contracted to her as a mentee via a job that took them through Earthland. She had been a stark contrast to him; where he was quiet and private, she was quite friendly and seemed to wear her heart on her sleeve. She was an empathic soul that, for some reason, Mythal couldn’t hate despite his normal nature. In fact, she had shown him all the respect and courtesy that he probably didn’t deserve, considering his normal attitude. He’d spent nearly a week with her back to back, which would normally be enough to drive anyone up a wall. But in all honesty, she had wormed some slight bit of affection into his normally cold and dark heart. Despite being his mentor, he viewed her as sister of sorts – albeit much younger, considering he was almost double her age.

    Markus was nearly on the other end of the spectrum, providing Mythal with his first ally that was more in tune with his nature. Not only that but they shared a similar strain of magic, which made his very existence a bit easier to stand and swallow. They had worked together on a long series of jobs and proven that they worked rather well together. Markus had been the one that had originally put forth the idea of a team, inviting Mythal to pair himself up with the other God Slayer. Not only a brother in arm but also a reliable ally in the dark. He didn’t know much personally about Markus, nor did he about Mythal, but he knew only that there was something between him and Nessa. What it was, he couldn’t honestly tell – Markus had only merely hinted at what occurred.

    In a way, they had become his family – if such a word could be addressed to their interwoven connections. Serilda was an outside force, someone that had found a way to not only challenge him on a morale level but an emotional one as well. Best friend was not a term of endearment he tossed around without special thought but there was no doubt that the Voidwalker certainly fit the part out of anyone in the world. And it was important to Mythal that she met with the other people he considered important, especially Markus since he had invited the Sabertooth wizard to join their team.

    He figured the best place to meet was the guildhall – it was fairly easy to find. Once they had all met up and introductions had been doled out, they could go find somewhere to eat or drink or whatever suited them best. He’d wished he’d picked a better evening though – something in the air didn’t smell right. He wasn’t sure if it was the oncoming winter season or not and as he stood outside in front of the guildhall, he couldn’t help but glance up at the sky. Clouds had begun curl over the sky with their ominous gray hue, a chilly breeze coming with it. Snowstorm possibly…?

    Or something else?

    MagnoliaFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1429
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 24th December 2018, 5:38 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    The time had finally come for Serilda to be introduced to some of Mythal’s allies in Fairy Tail, it seemed. The God Slayer had invited her to his team a bit ago, but neither of them had really set up any kind of introduction until now. Serilda made her way to Magnolia by train and then followed the directions to the guild hall. There was a bit of a chill in the air as some clouds were starting to set in, but the Voidwalker didn’t seem too worried about them. The cold didn’t really bother her due to the nature of her magic, and given that it was winter it was expected that there would be some snow from time to time.

    Xiuhcoatl walked beside her, the hound excited to be in a new place with unfamiliar scents and sights. A few people pointed at the wolf in curiosity and delight as they passed by, captivated by her remarkable coat of fur, but none made any attempts to approach them. Serilda always walked with an air of purpose that did more to deter folks from approaching her than the other way around. Her arms were clasped casually behind her back, her shoulders straight, and her head held high as she observed her surroundings while they walked.

    As usual, she was dressed smartly in clothes that were almost uniform in nature. Each garment was tailored and pressed until one would be hard pressed to find a single wrinkle. She had long white hair that was pinned back into a tight bun, the only loose hairs being a few locks of bangs that framed one side of her face. A pair of icy blue eyes took in the world around her as she walked. Sheathed to her hip was a scimitar in a worn scabbard that appeared much more used than the blade inside of it actually was.

    The hound was a full blooded wolf, still a puppy though not for much longer. She had a thick, bushy coat of fur that was black as the night sky, save for a dusting of cream specks that ran mostly down her spine, on her face, and on her paws that looked like stars. She was a rare breed known as a Star Wolf, canines that were known for their speed and intelligence, making them ideal hunting companions. Though the wolf was infinitely curious about literally everything around her in that moment, she stayed obediently by her mistress’s side.

    At least, until they got close enough to the guild hall for her to smell and see Mythal.

    Xiuh wuffed quietly in excitement under her breath, fluffy tail switching happily. Serilda smirked a little. “Alright, go on,” she said, waiving the animal ahead. Permission given, Xiuhcoatl wasted no time in breaking into a run straight for Mythal. When she got there, the wolf jumped up and tried to put her front paws on the man’s chest in an effort to get closer to his face so she could lick it. Her body was wiggling back and forth with her tail.

    Serilda maintained her easy pace, only taking a minute or so to catch up to where they were. Her lips were still pulled in the smallest of smirks as she told him, “You’d think she only sees you once a month or something.” It never seemed to matter how long it had been since they’d last hung out, whether it was five days or five minutes, the wolf was always ecstatic to see Mythal. Serilda was quite happy to see him as well, but given that they were in public and she was meeting a couple people that were important to him -- or so she’d gathered -- she would maintain a demeanor of professionalism until given a reason to act otherwise.

    After all, first impressions were the most important.

    Words: 649/4000


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 26th December 2018, 3:27 pm

    It took a lot of work for Nessa to stop herself from practically skipping down the streets of Magnolia. For today was an exciting day. After taking on a new mentee, she had found herself in a pretty good, new friendship dynamic. She really liked Mythal as a person; he was a little shy and awkward at times but genuinely nice. After spending pretty much a week in close quarters with the guy, she had gotten to know him well enough to enjoy his company. Although she hadn't really seen him use much magic yet, but she still felt like they had created a nice bond, she hoped that he would even consider her his friend. Although she couldn't exactly tell, Mythal didn't exactly give much away.

    She made her way to the Guildhall; she was wearing a long pale blue dress, covered by a white mac coat with silver lining and white heels. It was one of the nicer outfits in her wardrobe, but she wanted to make a good impression, mainly because Mythal had invited Nessa to meet someone. Who this person was she didn't have a clue? Was it just a friend? A relative? Even a romantic partner? She did not know what to expect, but boy was she excited to find out. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to meet Mythal's mother or a sibling, probably a little odd but easy enough. A little unlikely. She also wondered if it was a girlfriend of sorts, now that would be cute. She did an excited little wiggle at the thought of Mythal acting all loved up and gooey.  

    "Why are you wiggling like that?" Sebastian asked, walking along next to her. She glanced down at the grey exceed, a small happy smile on her face. She sighed, "It just seems like it's gonna be a really good day, don't you think?" She replied perkily. Arielle floated around by Nessa's shoulder, a concerned look on his face. "Miss, do you not smell the tainted air?" He said, she turned her gaze to the pink haired fairy, frowning slightly. "What...tainted air? What are you talking about?" She asked, Sebastian, nodded with agreement, glancing all around them. "Ari's right, something seems off." Perhaps if she were paying more attention, she might have noticed the ominous feeling that Arielle and Sebastian were experiencing at present. But alas, she was too excited about meeting Mythals friend to notice anything strange.

    In the distance she spotted him outside the Guildhall, picking up the pace, she quickly made her way over to them. As she approached, she noticed the beautiful woman standing next to Mythal, like Nessa she had long white hair, although unlike Nessa who wore hers in a loose ponytail, this woman it seemed had pinned up in a tight bun.  She had to be a fair few years older than Nessa to, much closer to her Mentee's age than she was. Nessa noticed the beautiful wolf that had bounded onto Mythal, admiring its fur that had a slight resemblance to the night sky. She smiled eagerly, "Ness, be cool." Sebastian muttered, Nessa shot him a look that hinted for him to be quiet. Maybe she should have left the damn cat at home.

    "Hey there Mythal, good to see you again. " She said to her mentee because turning to talk to the woman, "And you must be Mythals friend, oh my gosh, you're so pretty," She said, giving Mythal a look, maybe her last guess had been right. Was this Mythals girl? Nessa really wanted to ask, but that was too keen. She looked over at the dog, "And you are absolutely gorgeous, that coat of yours is so pretty, stars are my favourite," She leaned down talking to the wolf, before straightening up to look at the white-haired girl once again. "I'm Nessa by the way, I'm the Secretary and Treasurer of Fairy Tail, and ....kind of Mythals mentor I guess. Not that he really needs it. Seriously Mythal, what's with this magical energy. Talk about advancement; I'm impressed." She said, Sebastian did a little cough from behind her, his face hosting a sour expression. "Oh yeah, my bad, this is Sebastian, he's an exceed and to my right is Arielle, a fairy. Both of them are kind of my companions." She explained as the two waved at the group, pleased to have been finally introduced. "So shall we head inside? Or are you waiting for someone else?" She asked, glancing around casually.

    WC: 757


    Christmas Folly 60582_s


    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by MarkusEldridge 26th December 2018, 5:00 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 732

    Markus Eldridge

    “…h my gosh, you're so pretty”, The chaos mage blinked as the voice rang out. Markus was stepping through the darkness and appearing not too far from the guild hall. Mythal, the Fallen God Slayer, had requested that Markus meet him. There was someone the other mage wished to introduce Markus to, from what he could understand. It was a strange feeling for the chaos mage. Before his… entrapment, he had never really gotten close to anyone within the guild. Other than her. Yet now here he was, having acted as a ‘representative’ with the West Fiore Trading Company’, meeting and befriending a goddess of death, and most recently starting a team with another darkness mage, one who had magic almost exactly like his own use to be.

    Taking a breath and shaking his head Markus listened as she spoke, talking so fast Markus had to blink and strain to understand. He had never seen her like this, so… carefree, so open. It was strange for the mage to listen as she intruded herself and her companions. So, she had brought Arielle, Arinia would enjoy talking once more with the other fairy. Markus could see the exceed known as Sebastián, the chaos mage had only seen him once before, as he was talking about Nessas Diary. Markus had, smartly, decided to stay far from that conversation. Markus grinned as she asked her final question. So, it seemed neither her nor himself were told who they would be meeting. Well, there was something to be said about comedic timing, with a sigh he moved forward.

    Stepping out of the darkness his magical aura would suddenly flare up no longer masked, and he would be standing next to the group, almost as if he had been there the entire time. Speaking up his voice held little emotion but was glazed with a dry humor. “Mythal, you didn’t tell me this was a double date?” Markus said before looking at the rest of the group. He only gave Mythal a nod, edge lords such as themselves needed nothing more after all.

    Turning towards Nessa he gave a small, and still forced smile. The emotions were still new to him, and as always, he was unsure how to act in he presence… “Nessa, good to see you again.” He did not offer his hand but spoke politely before turning to the other woman. “Hello, I am Markus, it is a pleasure to meet you?” The statement was made to the other woman in the group and asked with a slight question, it would be entirely possible after all with the chaos of Nessa speaking that the mage missed her give her name.

    Suddenly there was a caw in the air, a screech of a birds cry as a raven plunged towards the group and landed upon the chaos mages shoulder. The form would shift as darkness enveloped it, and suddenly the raven was now a small female, with black hair and a black dress, wings sprouted from her back. She smiled as she spoke. “Nessa! Its been too long, Markus had told me he saw you at the ball but would not give me any details!” As always, the fairy was far too chipper for Markus’ taste, her voice while regal held excitement as she saw Arielle and flew over to meet the other fairy, completely ignoring the rest of the group.

    Markus cocked his head as the Fairy stopped talking. “The rude fairy over there is Arinia, you will have to forgive her, she gets a little… excited.” Looking over at the other animal he had not met the chaos mage looked down. He had always loved wolves, and this one was beautiful. “And that there is Hela…” He would say pointing to his own shadow which suddenly started to move and grow. The shadow got darker and darker until it seemed to rise from the ground itself, the formless mass gaining form, fur, and teeth. A wolf in its own right, now sniffing the other creature.

    Markus rolled his eyes. This ‘meeting’ was getting complicated. He could still feel it, the air was wrong, cold, void. It felt like the portals he had used when traveling through the void. Almost as if another realm was trying to merge with this one. Sighing the chaos mage was on edge, hoping nothing befell the group.

    Last edited by MarkusEldridge on 29th December 2018, 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 27th December 2018, 9:03 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Mythal could smell Xiuhco before he could see her, turning a bit in the direction of the hound. He bent down and let her essentially maul him with affection, patting her sides with his hands and chuckling as she washed his face in her tongue. “Hey girl," he greeted her, giving the appropriate scratches and pets that he knew she enjoyed. Once she had calmed down a bit, he stood up to greet the Voidwalker as she approached, giving him the slightest of smirks. Out here, considering the current situation of meeting new people, she was far more serious and gathered than she had been as of late. That was fine with him. “You'd think," he replied, shooting her a small smirk back.

    They weren't given much time to talk before Nessa walked up, looking like the ball of energetic excitement that she always was. She greeted him fairly casually before turning to Serilda and starting right out with calling her pretty. The God Slayer hid a wicked smirk or well, had it wiped away as his mentor eyed him warily, as if quietly asking who this girl was and what she meant to him. He shot her a look of derision as he spoke. “This is Serilda Sinclair, a wizard of Sabertooth and my friend." He made sure to hit 'friend' with a punctuating tone, to drive the point home. He idly rubbed the spot between Xiuhco's ears as Nessa went ahead and introduced herself, knowing better than to take the lead on attempting to properly expel out her titles and such. He did lean a little to look at the floating Exceed behind her and the fairy that hovered just over her shoulder. “Nice to meet ya," he said, nodding to each one. Nessa must have mentioned her friends before, right? Maybe he missed it.

    As Nessa asked if they should head inside, he raised a hand to catch the women's attention. “Actually there is someone. I meant to mention but it must have slipped my mind. We're actually..." Before he could properly finish, Markus stepped right out the shadows and just... appeared beside him. At this point, Mythal was a little more than prepared for his sudden appearance but he imagined Serilda wasn't too pleased about someone just coming into existence out of thin air. He also wasn't sure what Nessa would make of it -- neither Markus nor Nessa had explained to him what their relationship was, only the other Slayer had made it seem like they were friendly...ish. He hadn't foreseen a problem in inviting them to all join together in one spot.

    MagnoliaFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1429
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 28th December 2018, 6:07 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Mythal and Serilda barely had enough time to share a look before a young woman came practically bouncing toward them. Like Serilda, the other woman had long white hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. That was about where the similarities stopped, appearance wise. This woman was a fair few years younger than Serilda was, and presented herself as an extremely chipper individual. She greeted Mythal and then turned to address the Voidwalker without hardly even pausing to take a breath, calling Serilda pretty before even introducing herself.

    This caught the noblewoman off guard, though she covered it well. “You’re far too kind,” she replied graciously to the compliment, though the tone of her voice didn’t carry much emotional inflection to it. Still, the way she respectfully bowed her head would indicate that her intention was genuine, even if her demeanor came off a bit cold. Xiuh wagged her tail happily when addressed by the new woman, infinitely curious as to if this was going to be a new friend or not. Her training kept her from approaching the stranger, but the curiosity in her dark eyes was hard to miss.

    The woman introduced herself as Nessa, the treasurer and secretary of the guild, and also gave the names of the two smaller companions with her. Years of discipline helped Serilda keep an even expression when Nessa flat out asked if they were a couple, and as Mythal made it clear they were just friends. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” she said, offering each of them a firm hand to shake -- Likely an awkward feat for the fairy and exceed whose hands were much smaller than her own, but she would not leave them out of the respectful greeting and treat them less than people. Interestingly, it seemed that Mythal hadn’t met them either.

    They were about to decide whether or not to head inside when another member of Fairy Tail stepped out of absolutely nowhere to stand beside them. Serilda instinctively stepped back into an upright stance, her hand reaching for the hilt of the scimitar at her hip. Her face remained cool and focused, though her heart was racing from the surprise of someone showing up so suddenly. Before she could even touch the weapon, let alone withdraw it, she managed to halt her own motions as her mind caught up to her body’s reflexes. Mythal seemed to know this person as well, and he was clearly with their guild.

    As the new man greeted both Mythal and Nessa, Serilda commanded her body to relax and motioned for Xiuh to do the same. The wolf had sensed her mistress’s alarm through their bond and had taken up her own defensive stance. But, with the wave from Serilda’s hand and the calming of the human’s emotions, the wolf returned to being at ease. “Serilda Sinclair, of Sabertooth,” she replied, answering the questioning inflection of his comment. Though he had not offered such, she did extend a firm hand to him the same as she had the others. Continuing in the formal tone that was near constant in her voice, she told him, “I apologize for jumping. Due to the nature of my magic, I am unused to others being able to sneak up on me as you did.”

    He, too, had companions. Another fairy flew down from the sky to greet Nessa, shifting out of the shape of a bird to do so. Markus introduced her, as well as another that was still in hiding. His shadow shifted, a phenomenon that wasn’t too difficult for Serilda to process given her time around Mythal. From it, came a second wolf with fur as dark as Xiuh’s, though without the cream dustings the Star Wolf had. “Beautiful hound,” she commented, appreciating the creature with her eyes.

    Her own canine wuffed softly. Serilda could feel the curiosity shooting out of the animal like fireworks, longing to be given permission to greet this new creature so much like herself. The Voidwalker granted it with the wave of her hand, and the hound wasted no time joining up with Hela, sniffing eagerly. “This is Xiuhcoatl, my hunting companion,” Serilda explained, as she hadn’t gotten the chance to introduce the wolf to either of Mythal’s allies yet. Xiuh wagged her tail in response, though it was more from her excitement at being near another wolf than hearing her name.

    Unlike the rest of the group, Serilda did not have any sort of heightened senses. Xiuhcoatl may have been able to alert her that something was off, but the hound was too busy making friends with Hela to notice much else. Since she was the guest here, she decided to wait and see how the three Fairy Tail wizards would decide to move forward with this interaction.

    Words: 1471/4000


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 29th December 2018, 9:26 am

    Nessa had been enjoying the pleasantries exchanged, for the most part, Serilda, for the most part, reminded her a little of Mythal. Which in her mind, meant they would get along just fine. Nessa took her handshake happily, as did the others with her. Sebastian seemed to be pretty smug about the handshake if there was anything the exceed enjoyed it was being treated as an equal. Nessa looked around at the group; it seemed like a fun little get-together. She listened as Mythal began to mention the prospect of someone else joining them, and at that moment, she heard his voice. As usual, popping out of nowhere. Nessa who had been excessively perky just a moment ago instantly stiffened in shock. She craned her neck to look at him, smile fallen slightly, an expression of mild surprise. Not made any easier by the comment he had chosen to make. She had not been expecting him in the slightest, although she should have really put it together. She remembered it vaguely, at the Winter Balls, Markus had mentioned Mythal knowing about his return. She just didn't realise they were as close as they were.

    The last time she had seen Markus, she had bumped into him while partaking on a job with Johann. Which would have been fine, Had that comment not been made, the comment in response to which she had lost her cool. She was so embarrassed about the little outburst she had made. It had been way more emotionally revealing that she had hoped. She shouldn't have cared so much, about what Markus thought about that night. So what if he didn't care? That was good, wasn't it? Good for their new dynamic, the barriers they needed between them. If they were going to continue as though nothing happened, then it had to be this way.

    "Hello, Markus, Good to see you." She replied in a slightly softer tone. Trying to play it as cool as she could. Watching her with a devilish grin, the exceed hovered up into the air. Flying close to Nessa's ear he would whisper quietly. "Stop blushing," All of a sudden Nessa reached up, snatching the Exceed out of the air, covering his mouth with her other hand. "Don't mind him," She said with an awkward laugh, as he struggled to escape her grip. She turned to Arinia, offering the Fairy and friendly smile. "Hey there Arinia," She offered politely, Arielle shot towards the fairy, embracing her in a friendly hug. Sebastian wriggled free from Nessa's grasp, gasping dramatically. "Geez, Ness," He said, she shot him a warning glare. She knew just how much that cat liked to mess with her, but she really didn't fancy playing his games, not when she was trying to smooth things over with Markus.

    Nessa was just about to suggest they headed inside when there was a strange rumble in the air. She stopped, glancing around. The wind around them had picked up, she could sense it, strange energy surrounded them — something she was not familiar with. "I feel it..." She said in a whisper, a response to the earlier remarks made by the Fairy and Exceed. A few metres away, a short distance from the front of the guild hall, the air would shift and ripple. In the space a portal would begin to form, the Wizard Saint of purity let out a deep sigh; she had seen the results of portals so many times now. More often than not, unless it was a portal that she had created to go to Valhalla, a mysterious portal was not a good sign. Not in the slightest. Nessa would extend her hand, from its light would glow, and a sword of Starlight would manifest. It may have been overkill, for all they knew it was just someone visiting the guild.  Yet her instinct was telling her that it wasn't. Nessa turned to face the portal, blissful ignorance gone. Something was coming.  The portal rippled, and something began to step out of it.

    WC: 677
    Total: 1434

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 29th December 2018, 9:29 am; edited 1 time in total


    Christmas Folly 60582_s


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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by NPC 29th December 2018, 9:26 am

    The member 'Nessa Cordelia Lux' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Christmas Folly R2fEWNz Christmas Folly OdAaNwh Christmas Folly R2fEWNz Christmas Folly OdAaNwh Christmas Folly NXDHjfc Christmas Folly OdAaNwh

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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by MarkusEldridge 31st December 2018, 3:38 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1012
    Total Word Count: 1744

    Markus Eldridge

    “You can’t fault my timing?” Markus asked looking towards the Fallen God Slayer, the other man whose magic was so much like his own. He glanced at the group. It was strange, them seeing one another in a non job situation, and with their current crowd. They had certainly accumulated quite the group, between animals, fairies, companions, and the mages themselves. Markus once more smelt the air, at least they would have enough to deal with whatever was to come their way. Turning towards the female who had introduced herself, Markus turned himself back to the conversation.

    The chaos mage looked to Serilda, and gave her a curt nod. He did not fault her reaction in the slightest, in fact, he was very much used to people jumping when he appears. This would not be the first time his abilities had caused him to surprise someone, hell she was not even the first in the group to have been surprised. He could not help it his magic sometimes had a mind of its own, if the room was dark, or there were sufficient shadows, he seemed to merge into them of their own violation. It was not even something he could control. To be fair however, he did walk through the darkness, and became ethereal this time around, and allowed them to mask his magical aura. That little trick he very much did control. Though, no one needed to know that. After all, he felt safest when he could avoid unpleasant… social interaction.

    “It is of no issue, you actually controlled yourself rather well. Most people have a much more… volatile, reaction.”
    The mage said, bot complementing her abilities and dismissing her apologies. Social graces might not have been his forte, but a few years in the Court of Chaos certainly taught him a thing or two.

    Glancing down at the meeting fairies he would nod before hearing, just barley within audible range of his highly enhanced senses, the exceed Sebastian make his remark to Nessa. Keeping his face strait he said nothing of his thoughts, and showed nothing of his emotions within her presence. He was his usual mask, blank, solid, stoic, brooding. All of these and more. Things between him and the Starlight Maiden were… strained to say the least. After the events of Shadow Islands, the chaos mage had no intention of risking an outburst, or harming their… friendship, any more than was possible. As such he was certain to keep a tight lid on his emotions, and the Chaotic powers he controlled. Not giving ‘her’ an inch of room to be able to take over.

    “It is good to see you as well, how is your father doing?” Markus could think of nothing else to ask her, after all with a non-guild member present he could not ask much about current affairs, and he certainly did not want to talk about the job. Turning his attention to the other wolf he gave his signature smirk. Hela seemed genuinely curious by the other animal and had started to interact with the other wolf. Hela hardly listened to Markus, and did not wait for his say so to start to interact with the other animal. After all, they were partners. She was a manifestation of Chaos and Darkness.

    “She is beautiful as well, I certainly would love to hear more about her… Assuming we survive what is to come.” He could feel the wind picking up, suddenly he felt a drop in temperature, far lower than what is should be, even for the time of year… Suddenly his eyes light with magic, and darkness formed at his hands. Holding his fist forward his mana knuckles appeared, focusing his magical power. With a sudden shift in shadows his casual black T-Shirt and Jeans changed drastically forming into a long sleeveless cloak, and other accutrima. His Vestments of The Void appearing at his command.

    Markus knew this feeling, a tear in the void, an opening in earthland, connecting this realm with another that should not be. With a sigh he stepped forwards as a portal appeared. It was white, and he could see frost appearing on the floor below it. Turning towards the other members he spoke. “I am going down wind of the portal, making sure whatever comes out can not get to the people of Magnolia.”

    No sooner did he say the words than did a ripping sound, almost like air rushing into a vacuum, rang out as he forced his way through the void. Markus would vanish from sight, in a ‘flash’ or pure darkness. Only to reappear slightly behind the portal. Just as he saw waves of creatures stream out.

    In front of him were what looked like elves, though their colors were all wrong. Followed by large white bears, the kind of which Markus had only read about, but never seen. At the back of the group the chaos mage could see two large trees, moving of their own violation.

    With a sigh the chaos mage took a deep breath… Christmas was attacking, what were the odds?

    With a sign he waved his hand through the air, sending a cone of pure dark energy into the horde, taking out a wave of the strange elves, and singing one of the bears, which looked at the chaos mage with anger. The trees seemed completely unaffected by the attack. At least now the Chaos mage had an idea of what sort of power the creatures had.

    Deciding the trees were certainly the biggest issue the chaos mage held up both hands and watched as eight orbs of pure chaotic energy appear, and start to circle slowly. Releasing them all at once he watched as four arced around heading strait for the trees.

    Suddenly, the trees exploded, snow falling from their leaves. They were damaged but not taken down… He watched as they suddenly released a series of presents into the air with a flash of color, they exploded sprinkling a strange green and red particle in a large area.

    <[====================] 1000\1000 HP>   |   <MP 1250/1250 [====================]>
    MP Recovery 5% | HP Recover 10%
    Physical Resistance : +000% | Magical Resistance : +050%
    Strength : +90% | Speed : +230%
    Spell Damage : +575% | Spell Range : +50% | Spell Durability : +110% | Spell Healing : +50%
    Health : +100% | Magic Power : +150%
    Cost Reduction : -050%

    Fallen God Slayer

    • -20 Mana(B-Rank); Darkness Wave, Multi-Attack Damage = 110HP * 6.75 = 742HP Each Enemy
    • -30 Mana(B+ Rank); Chaotic Tracers, Multi-Target Damage = 140HP * 6.75 = 945 Each Orb

    • +62.5 Mana, Passive regen

    Hela : Hidden
    <[========================================] 400/400 HP>

    Last edited by MarkusEldridge on 31st December 2018, 4:33 am; edited 5 times in total



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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by MarkusEldridge 31st December 2018, 3:39 am

    Rolling for Trees



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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by NPC 31st December 2018, 3:39 am

    The member 'MarkusEldridge' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Christmas Folly Die_02_42159_sm Christmas Folly Die_06_42164_sm
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 1st January 2019, 10:56 am

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Serilda handled herself well around all the strange happenings, or about as well as anyone could handle such a thing. The Voidwalker did have a heightened wariness about supernatural creatures but she never let it stop or hinder her from doing her duty or doing what needed to be done. She greeted the fairy and exceed with very limited pause, if any. But she did react when Markus came out of the darkness as easily as one might shift from one room to the next. She shuffled back and reached for her blade, ready to unleash it upon this new presence that had made itself known at the absolute last second. But she never drew her weapon; their interactions managed to halt any attempt at taking a more hostile stance, which was impressive but didn’t surprise the God Slayer. Serilda was pretty talented at wrangling in her reactions when she absolutely needed to.

    “Date is definitely the wrong word, Markus,” Mythal said, rubbing his jaw idly. “I asked Serilda to join our team and figured the sooner you two met, the better. And since Nessa is my mentor, decided to just knock out two birds with one apparently awkward stone,” he said, glancing at his mentor. She had frozen up immediately upon the other Slayer’s arrival, her warm, friendly aura chilling – if only slightly. He missed all the buzz of interactions as he eyed both Markus and Nessa, the former seemingly his usual self while the other was a bit more… timid. Her exceed mumbled something about blushing and the Starlight wizard grabbed him forcefully, shutting Sebastian up before he could really continue. Blushing? Was she embarrassed?

    “Oh damn,” Mythal said, finally managing to put two and two together. He waved a finger between the two of them as all the pieces fell into place. “You two f—“ But before he could finish his thought, thankfully, he felt the sudden shift in the air. The crimson orbs that had been light and airy momentarily hardened as they turned towards where the portal would emerge only a second later. The wind had become feisty, the strange energy that had hung in the realm had sharpened and creased, creating a break in reality. While many were capable of travel in a similar fashion, this didn’t feel the same. This felt wicked – something Mythal had a fair understanding about at this point. He turned to face the opening fully as it rippled and warped from something passing through it. “Looks like this ain’t gonna be as friendly as I hoped,” he said, casting a glance at Serilda in quick apology.

    He reached back and pulled his sword from his back, the weapon unfolding until it was completely formed. Markus informed them that he would circle around the portal to keep whatever was coming out from extending its focus on the innocents.  A good strategy, as it also pinched the enemies into one small grouping between the three of them. The other God Slayer tore through reality and disappeared in an instant, as Mythal turned to the other wizards. “One of us should go on that side and help. Two on each side,” he encouraged the idea, even as he caught sight of the… odd beings emerging. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he may have called the entire story a fake. They were a mixture of… Christmas themed enemies. Elves, much like one would read about in a Christmas book, marched together in rows, though their colors were mismatched and their demeanors were menacing. Beside them were large polar bears, their pure white forms a starch contrast against the dark backdrop of the night. Finally, there was a pair of Christmas trees – no, not tree-shaped enemies. They were actual Christmas trees, hopping forward on their sliced stumps as they joined into the battle.

    “Huh…” He said idly, cocking his head to the side. “I think I had a nightmare like this once,” he made a casual joke before he launched himself forward, spinning his sword around so that the blade’s back rested against his forearm. Markus engaged the enemies first, his dark magic raining hell and fury upon the elves and wiping out almost if not half of them. Mythal raced to the front of the enemies, right to the other elves that had decided to lead the charge. He slammed his feet into the ground to stop himself, the God Slayer’s arms and legs seemingly growing in mass. Shadow magic fueled into his feet and hands, resulting in black veins popping up from his skin and streaking across his flesh. The first elf had no idea what was even happening when Mythal’s fist crashed through his skull, his head popping into a shower of Christmas themed confetti. The God Slayer spun and lashed a kick out at the three nearby, knocking them back into the each other.

    But then something happened. The Christmas trees in the back, which Markus had focused on, exploded in a spray of snow and light. Colorful gifts emerged from their thick branches, spinning wildly through the air before they detonated as well, releasing a thick powder of shimmering reds and greens. It landed on Mythal’s shoulders and his body froze up, his muscles tensing up to a complete standstill. But even stranger than that, his clothes began to… evaporate? He watched, frozen, as his clothing broken down into a fine dust and fell away from him, leaving him completely in the buff. Now not only was he facing down an onslaught of Christmas enemies, but he was naked and frozen.

    One of the polar bears roared and charged through the elves, wanting to swipe at the immobilized man. Mythal’s eyes snapped to his hand, still forward in a defensive stance. He focused as much magical energy into the frozen limb as possible, the dark emanating glow beginning to increase as his power funneled in. Through sheer will power, he was able to force his fingers to rub together, releasing the softest snap known to man. But it was enough to unleash his pent-up blast, the shadow magic beam launching from his hand and slamming into the polar bear just as he came upon him. It also served to send Mythal soaring backwards, crashing through the second level of a house and landing, quite uncomfortably, through the bed of the home. Luckily no one was in it nor would anyone ever be able to occupy it again. His body weight had turned it into splinters.

    “Ho ho oh wonderful…” Mythal said through gritted teeth.

    MagnoliaFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 1st January 2019, 2:02 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Well, this was all getting incredibly awkward, even for Serilda who wasn’t really the type to feel awkward in situations nine times out of ten. Even now she wasn’t really feeling awkward so much as recognizing that there was a tension in the air that had nothing to do with the strange events that were about to befall them.

    Markus assured her that her reaction hadn’t offended him, and that she had actually handled herself relatively well in comparison to others in the past. This made her wonder if he made entrances like that on purpose just to spook people and get reactions out of them, but that was something she could ask Mythal about later. The man expressed an interest in learning more about Xiuh, who was just starting to look like she wanted to play with Hela when Serilda finally sensed what everyone else was feeling.

    She didn’t even have time enough to give Markus a strange look at his cryptic comment regarding survival, nor did she even hear Mythal’s moment of eureka as he put two and two together over the apparently state of the relationship between his two Fairy Tail allies. Instead, she was staring intensely at the spot where the portal was beginning to form, feeling the empty space shift and twist as an unnatural presence pulled it apart. This time when she reached for her sword it made it to her hand. Though the sheathe appeared a bit battered and word, the silver blade she procured from it was pristine and glowed with a holy energy. Xiuh, having sensed the emotional change in her mistress through their bond, looked away from Hela and went on full alert.

    A white portal appeared in the air, frost emanating from it to the ground. All of them broke into action in an instant. Markus wasted no time stating that he would position himself toward the rear in an attempt to contain whatever might come out between them, and even as Mythal suggested someone should assist the other man Serilda was already moving herself. “On it,” she said, springing forward with Xiuhcoatl at her heels. She veered a bit to the right of where Markus was heading, helping him cover the back while also making sure there wasn’t enough space between them and the others that their impending enemies could slip between them.

    Speaking of impending enemies.

    Serilda stared only briefly in bewilderment at what stepped out of the portal when it finally started to produce life. Elves, bears and… were those Christmas trees? “What the hell..?” she murmured under her breath. There wasn’t enough time to think about it. Focusing on the empty particles of Void that floated between the matter in the air, Serilda reshaped them to form dozens of needle thin points of highly pressurized air. They were invisible, but lethal.

    Markus had already taken out a wave of elves, and Mythal was focusing on the others, so Serilda turned her attention to the bears and the trees. They were close enough together for the moment that she could easily hit all five with her spell. With the flick of her wrist, the needles dropped down on top of her targets and ripped through their bodies like shrapnel. White fur on the bears ripped and soaked to a crimson color as blood seeped from the small but numerous wounds. Pine needles exploded from the limbs of the trees, spraying out in a puff and drifting to the ground.

    That was when things got weird. Well, weirder. The Christmas trees threw many of their ornaments and baubles into the air where they exploded, releasing colorful snow into the area. Before Serilda could even process what was going on, she found her body freezing in place, unable to move. Then, her clothes just up and vanished, leaving the woman stark naked out in the open aside from the sword in her hand. The light blue emblem of Sabertooth that was tattooed on her upper thigh on her left leg, normally hidden by her attire, was in full view. Anyone happening to look would see that her forearms were covered in what appeared to be mostly healed bite marks from a medium sized creature.

    And for anyone looking perhaps a little too hard, yes, the carpet matched the drapes.

    Most women -- particularly someone born to nobility and propriety such as Serilda -- would be mortified and humiliated in such a situation. And perhaps in different context she would have been. At present, however, the Voidwalker just found herself annoyed. “Oh you have got to be kidding me,” she voiced in irritation, perhaps a little louder than she’d intended to. “What in the world does being naked have to do with Christmas?!”

    Much like the others, she struggled and found to gain back movement and found herself unable to. One of the bears came charging at her, enraged all the further from the wounds she had inflicted on it only moments ago. Serilda stared the creature down with eyes colder than ice, manipulating the empty space between the particles of her sword as she did so. The blade shrunk just the tiniest bit as the molecules inside became densely packed together to harden the weapon. With a furious roar the bear leaped at her…

    ...and passed harmlessly right through her body. By the time it slammed on its proverbial brakes and turned around to try and figure out how the hell it had missed a point blank target, Serilda and Xiuh had both freed themselves. It found itself at the receiving end of both her sword -- which was already a deadly weapon as it was without the extra strength from the tempering spell she’d cast upon it -- and the wolf’s vicious fangs. A familiar explosion of energy told her that Mythal had unleashed a bit of his god slaying magic, and she both felt and heard him get smashed into a building as punishment for the use of the spell. Hopefully he was alright. She’d seen him take much harder hits and keep going. But, she was too preoccupied to check on him at present.

    Words: 2510/4000


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 2nd January 2019, 4:08 pm

    Nessa would watch the way Markus so casually interacted with the others, he was so normal, unlike her. That was exactly how she should be playing it, but at the moment it couldn't be further from how she was dealing. What had Sebastian advised earlier? Be cool; She wasn't acting cool in the slightest. She needed to let it go. They had one silly drunken kiss four months ago, and that was it. Being awkward and weird was not doing what they had agreed, which was to be friends. Markus seemed to be doing much better at it, especially considering the remark he'd made on the last job they had done together. The one where she had so embarrassingly lost her temper at him. She assumed that he couldn't have taken it too seriously, he did still go on to save her from Johann's spell. Even at the cost of injuring himself. As Mythal commented about it not being a date, Nessa would glance at Serilda, who didn't seem to have much of a reaction to this. They were a curious pair, Mythal and Serilda. Nessa couldn't exactly work out what was going on between them, other than the fact they looked cute standing next to each other.

    Nessa glanced over at Markus as he asked about her father, taken by surprise, Markus and Nessa rarely ever talked about her Dad, if ever. It took her a moment before she realised he was aiming for small talk, she smiled politely in response. "He's fine." She replied, for some reason unable to think of anything else to say other than that. She racked her mind trying to find something else to say that was engaging and interesting. A way to divert the awkwardness she felt herself causing, yet nothing came to mind. Nessa heard Mythal's cut off comment and snapped her head round to him, glad to hear that he wouldn't finish his accusation. Whatever it was going to be, she had almost been ready to start arguing profusely. Fortunately, it wouldn't come to that. As ominous and bizarre as portals appearing out of nowhere were, they were a great distraction from the tension she was feeling.

    As she watched the elves, polar bears and for some reason...trees emerge from the portal. Nessa smiled, "Is Fairy Tail hosting some kind of Christmas event?" She asked, kneeling down as an Elf made it's way over to her. She tilted her head at it, "Hey there, you're pretty cute." She said in a friendly tone, the Elf snickered in response. Suddenly out of nowhere, it launched a snowball at her, hitting her directly in the shoulder. Nessa grabbed her shoulder, her expression one of shock, that actually stung a little. She straightened up the elf was dancing around, giggling away at her. "Ness, I got a feeling Fairy Tail didn't commission this little appearance," Sebastian said, staring at the rather ferocious looking polar bears, those beasts looked ready to start tearing people apart. The Elf pulled out another snowball ready to launch it at Nessa; she raised the hand still holding the sword of Starlight and swatted the elf with it, sending it flying backwards through the air. She glanced around at the group; they had already begun engaging in battle with the creatures. "Sebastian, you target any stray elves, be mindful not to get in the others way. Arielle, hold back and be ready to heal anyone if necessary." She ordered her companions, the two nodded before shooting off. Sebastian quickly tracked down an elf, tackling it in the ground before chomping down on its body, releasing ice magic into the wounds. Nessa would stride forward, positioning herself a short way from Mythal, seeing as Serilda and Markus were to be covering the other side of the portal.

    Raising her sword, she summoned several orbs of Starlight around her. The floating spheres of magical light surrounding her, with a nod she sent them out towards a polar bear. Several of them crashing directly into its face, singing it's fur. She raised her free palm, summoning a cage of light around the beast. Which after shrinking small enough to trap the creature's move, the inside of which would explode with magical light, hitting the polar bear from every angle. She would turn her attention to the next target, a Christmas tree. Arielle fluttered up towards her, "Miss, be mindful. This tree carries curses." He told her, she nodded, as the tree prepared its attack. Nessa would summon three orbs around her; they would begin to spin around her body. Slowly building in energy, she would levitate off the ground. As the tree exploded with colourful snow and light, she used her flight to dart backwards suddenly, managing only to be hit with some of the tree's magic. Unfortunately, she had not been fast enough to avoid it altogether.

    Nessa was just about the charge forward towards the tree when she felt a strange... chill. She heard a snicker and turned to look at Sebastian, who was standing over a defeated elf trying hard to stop himself from laughing. "What are you..." Realisation slowly dawned on her. Something was very, very wrong. She would look down, realising at this point that ALL of her clothes had vanished into thin air, and she was standing there, very much exposed. A loud piercing shriek would course through the air, crouching down. Nessa would get rid of her sword, throwing one arm over her chest, and using her other hand to cover her crotch. She glanced around at the others and saw to her horror that they were naked too. Her eyes found their way to Markus; she looked at him a moment too long, her eyes caught sight of his naked form, seeing more than she intended to. She quickly glanced away, her face shifting in a new level of blushing."Oh god, oh god, oh no, oh no-" She said, repeating these words several times over. She heard Serilda shouting about being naked wasn't tied to Christmas, and she couldn't agree more. Sebastian, rolled in her direction, cackling away. "Hey Nessa, Ness!" He said, crawling over to her, holding back his laughter so he could talk. "You saw it right?" Nessa looked over at him confused. "W-what?" The exceed would nod his head in Markus's direction. "You. Saw. It." As it sunk in what Sebastian was implying, her face would contort in rage. She would uncover herself for just a moment, just so that she could grab the exceed, plucking him off the ground. She turned to look for Hela. Once spotted she would launch the cat in her direction. "Here Hela, have a snack." She growled, before covering her chest once more. The exceed would land in front of the black wolf. Sebastian would roll onto his back, looking up at the dark wolf, laughing nervously. "Haha, nice doggy."  Before scuttling away as quickly as he could.

    Nessa took a breath, calming her rage. She needed to deal with this, and having a meltdown wasn't going to stop her from being naked. No matter how humiliating it was. Her eyes would glow white, the Norse symbol on the back of her neck would glow. As she spoke next, her voice would ring out, sounding as though several women were talking at once. "Tiphanae." There would be a sudden gust of wind, the air around her would pick up, forming a small whirlwind in front of her. Growing larger, larger until it was the size of a person. Then from the wind would emerge a woman, a beautiful Valkyrie, with fair blonde hair and delicate features, large white wings were spread out behind her. Her body encased in some light armour and a sword at her hip. The woman would look around, trying to find her summoner. Before glancing down, surprised to see Nessa kneeling there, covering her dignity rather clumsily with her hands. "Nessa Lux, my, where are your clothes?" She would ask casually, before looking around rather unabashed at the others. "This is a curious party you humans are having." She responded with an amused grin.  Nessa shook her head, "This isn't a party, that damn tree monster hit us with this stuff and turned us naked. Tiphanae please, can you like go to Valhalla and get us some clothes please" She pleaded desperately, the Valkyrie smiled down at Nessa with a playful expression. "Nessa Lux, you shouldn't feel ashamed of your body, you have a fine physique. I'm sure these men find no faults in your appearance."

    "That's not the issue here Tiphanae, I can't exactly run around naked can I. It isn't... women should... I JUST DON'T WANT TO BE SEEN NAKED OKAY?" From a distance, Sebastian who was engaging with another elf would remark rather audibly under his breath fake masking it with a cough. "Too late." Tiphanae would tilt her head at Nessa curiously, "Would you like my clothes, I have no qualms about fighting naked. I have done so many times." She said before beginning to work at her armour. "NO!" Nessa barked, "Please Tiphanae, just get us some clothes like you did when I brought Aven to Valhalla." The wind Valkyries chuckled before bowing to her summoner. "As you wish Nessa Lux, in the meantime, I suggest you summon one of my sisters to fight whilst you cannot." The wind picked up around Tiphanae, and in a moment she vanished. Nessa shuffled, looking down to make sure her body parts were definitely somewhat covered. She looked up; her eyes would glow once more, the symbol lightning up with magical energy. "Lucinda. The air around Nessa suddenly rose in temperature, in front of her a ball of fire began to form. Growing large and larger until it began an inferno of flames. Then suddenly, transforming into another woman, a Valkyrie, whose body was made entirely of fire. Lucinda glanced down at Nessa, a friendly grin on her fiery features. "Oh wow, Sis was right, you are naked." She said with a laugh. Nessa gave her a hearted smile. "Hey Lucinda, think you can do something about those trees." She said. Lucinda glanced over, her grin widening, "Consider them kindling." She said, skipping away from Nessa towards the trees. The fire Valkyrie releases severals bursts of flames towards the trees, setting their branches alight with her magical flame. From where she was Nessa would summon more orbs, sending them out to make sure all the monsters were kept at bay.

    WC: 1762
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    Christmas Folly 60582_s


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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by MarkusEldridge 3rd January 2019, 9:54 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1182
    Total Word Count: 3026

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus watched passively as the trees exploded with their light, none the wiser to the magic which was about to assault him. With an apathetic glare he turned to one of the large polar bear which had started to charge in his direction. Holding up his hand he faced his palm towards the creature. As he prepared to flick his wrist in order to send a wave of destructive power he froze. Lightly, almost without feeling it the red and green dust landed upon his skin suddenly embolizing the dark mage. Eyes wide he watched as the bear charged him and reared on its hind legs. He watched as the claw came towards him, coming down with blinding speed the claw rending downwards across his chest, blood splattered across the ground, a crimson spray, too dark to fit the Christmas theme. Markus however remained unmoving, the spell holding him in place, he felt ‘her’ touching his mind, offering her aid.

    The chaos mages eyes darkened suddenly, becoming more dangerous than many would have seen. Purple light flickered in his irises, chaotic energy flowing into his system. Suddenly, all shadows within one hundred meters of his location moved on their own, lashing out blindly at the enemies in a frenzy of darkness, they spun faster and faster in a circle around the mage becoming black scythes of pure energy. With a final push the chaos mage ended the spell, the bear laying at his feet.

    Then he heard the scream, and his breath caught in his throat. In his frozen position, only his eyes turned towards the sound, and opened wide. If it was possible, the chaos mage would have certainly been raising an eyebrow. He glanced down at her, more in shock than anything else his eyes taking in the sight, before looking back up to meet her eyes his gaze focused as he tried to block everything else out. The chaos mage felt he should say something, make her feel better, tell her that it was no big deal... Then he second guessed himself, and remained silent. Last time Aporia had said something like that, he got in trouble. He watched as for a brief moment her eyes flicked downwards before she turned a shade of red Markus could only describe as a lobster. Out of curiosity he looked down at his arm, unable to look at his body he realized his wrappings were gone, and his tribal tattoos were on full display, he knew they would cross over his right arm, and down most of his back and right ribs, ending at his hips. With a groan he realized like the Starlight Maiden, he was naked. However, unlike her, there was nothing he could do to protect himself from onlookers.

    Her voice caught his attention as she turned from him, and the chaos mage suddenly heard her companion talking, who was referring to it. He helplessly watched the scene unfold, honestly if it was anyone else, anywhere else he would probably have a smirk on his face. Hela give a deep rumbled growl to the small cat, as it landed nearby, but she did not move like him she also was unable to react, but Markus was certain she would have enjoyed the snack, and was definitely tempted. “No”, was all he said, getting a small growl back. His voice was passive, blank, cold, and annoyed. He made absolutely certain to let none of his feelings speak through his tone.

    Again he heard ‘her’ speaking in his mind, temping him, offering him her power. With a growl of his own he turned down her offer. He was more annoyed than he could possibly put into words. Its not like he minded the nudity, to be fair it would not be the first time he had fought naked and cold. This time however, things were different, she was here and he actually owned the clothes that were destroyed. One of his few pairs of pants, good pants not covered in blood, were now gone. With a groan he glanced side to side taking in his other companions, realizing this ‘double date’ had gotten a hell of a lot more interesting.

    The other darkness mage was dealing with the another of the polar bears, and had been knocked back into a home. Not before Markus had seen much more than he had planned to. The female, Serlida, who had joined him in Magnolias defense was nearby, asking a question the chaos mage very much agreed with. She like him was naked, and like him unable to move. He watched as she expertly took out the bear.

    Once more he heard the Starlight Maiden, her voice frantic. He would almost laugh as he watched the scene between her and her Valkyries, and payed attention as the trees were taken down. Markus was losing his mind to chaos, the more he watched the angrier he got, energy sparkling behind his eyes. As two more of the bears rushed forward, he took a deep breath, and exhaled. None of this mattered. He had to deal with the enemy. Everything else would sort its self out. Taking a deep breath he exhaled once more, and took on the visage of an Avatar of Chaos. Suddenly dark mage exploded around him, and the red-haired mage would change. His hair would seem to get brighter, his body stand taller and seem more defined, the dark tattoos which crossed over his arm and sides would almost grow and get darker. A pair large black wings had sprouted from his back, however suddenly a deep aura started to climate around his body, and pool at his feet becoming a thick black fog which coated the ground, only a few inches in height it would spread outwards in a rapid pace covering the battlefield.

    As the Miasma passed his allies they would find it harmless to the touch, however as it touched anyone he deemed enemy the chaotic cloud would attack feverently, coating their body and multiplying upon itself. The Miasma would last for a while, any who remained alive would find themselves much easier to kill, and any who entered would be attack again until it dissipated.

    He reached into the void with his mind and coaxed it into this world. He might not be able to attack or defend himself, but he was far from useless. Suddenly ten ‘rips’ in space/time would appear around the chaos mage, forming holes in the air. One looking in would see only shifting darkness and strange colors. Any who knew of such things would recognize the light as the Primordial Void. All at once the rips would launch beams of pure black energy at the closest enemy before closing again, charging, and preparing to attack once more.

    The chaos mage glanced at his handy work, his eyes apathetic to the plight of the bears still remaining. He was still unable to move, try as he might. However, the wound on his chest would slowly start to heal itself, his magic taking effect.

    <[=================___] 905\1050 HP>   |   <MP 1500/1500 [====================]>
    MP Recovery 5% | HP Recover 10%
    Physical Resistance : +000% | Magical Resistance : +050%
    Strength : +125% | Speed : +125%
    Spell Damage : +880% | Spell Durability : +160% | Spell Healing : +50%
    Spell Speed : +25%| Spell Range : +25%
    Health : +110% | Magic Power : +150%
    Cost Reduction : -050%

    Fallen God Slayer

    • -100HP, Bear Attack

    • -37MP(A+ Rank, 1/9), Power of Chaos : +100% Spell Damage, Can damage self to get MP
    • -25MP(A Rank), Scythes of the Void : Damage, 1225HP Each enemy
    • -0MP(Signature), Avatar of Chaos : Apathetic Personality, Health Burn Effect added to all spells
    • -0MP(Signature), Grace of the Primordial : Flight(Wings), New Form, Ability to Transfer Buffs
    • -30MP(B+ Rank, 1/5), Dark Miasma : All enemy resistances lowered 20%, Damage, 1078HP per turn all enemies
    • -25MP(A Rank, 1/7), Lashing Shadows : 10x Rips, Damage, 1225HP per Rip per turn

    • -150HP, +75MP : Power of Chaos Effect

    • +5% Mana, Passive regeneration
    • +10% Health, Passive regeneration

    • Chaotic Storage(Linage) = 25 + 31 + 27 + 31+ 38 = 152 / 250

    Hela : Hidden
    <[========================================] 400/400 HP>

    Last edited by MarkusEldridge on 3rd January 2019, 11:54 am; edited 2 times in total



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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by MarkusEldridge 3rd January 2019, 11:37 am

    rolling more Monsters



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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by NPC 3rd January 2019, 11:37 am

    The member 'MarkusEldridge' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Christmas Folly PzArA86 Christmas Folly OdAaNwh Christmas Folly OdAaNwh Christmas Folly OdAaNwh Christmas Folly OdAaNwh Christmas Folly NXDHjfc
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 3rd January 2019, 11:03 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    There was nothing worse than being frozen in place, especially with a battle raging just outside the walls of the home. The God Slayer laid there, his body stuck in a mid-stride, upon a collapsed bed and all he could hear were the sounds of spells going off and screams and yelps from his allies. He could hear Serilda exclaim about how ludicrous it was that Christmas trees were causing their clothes to disappear; a fair point that seemed to go unnoticed by the lumbering, wooden enemies. There was a loud, ear-piercing shriek that seemed to break the tension of the fighting for only a moment, as Nessa came to realize she was just as naked as the rest of them. She was far more offended by the sudden stripping of her self than the other people, who seemed far more focused on the battle at hand. Mythal tried to urge his body to move, growling through his clenched teeth. “This is ridiculous…” he barked at no one in particular, trying to offend whatever invisible presence had latched onto him.

    Though there was no guarantee that his words had been the catalyst that freed him, his body did suddenly begin to respond shortly after that. His body went limp for a moment, flopping him haggardly on the bed, before he managed to regain full control. From there he rolled his naked ass over his head and sprang to his feet. He raced to the hole he had created with his sudden intrusion, sliding to the edge of the broken wood and stone. He had just enough time to watch as Markus unleashed the full brunt of his abilities. He had seen the Chaos Mage use his spells before but there was an almost disquieting anger to his attacks now. He launched merciless spells once right after the other, poisoning the enemies, destroying them, breaking them down into tiny little pieces. There was also a… firewoman who was launching puffs of flame from her hands at the trees, while Nessa was unleashing magical orbs into the enemy forces.

    Mythal once again flexed his muscles, forcibly coursing his magic through all of his limbs. At the same time, he crafted a gauntlet of black shadow over his right arm, the form practically a dark crystal from the sheer amount of energy he had formed into it. He leapt from the building, the force of his ejection splintering the ground as badly as the hole he had made originally. He soared through the air and came down upon one of the last bears, who looked worse for wear. He spun once before he slammed his armored hand into its body, practically imprinting the entire creature into the ground as he broke its spine in one finishing strike. The ground cracked beneath the strength of the bear’s body and Mythal’s physical prowess. He flipped forward, using his arm as a foundation to move and landed on the ground before he jolted forward once more, this time ramming his fist into the head of the last bear. The sound of its neck snapping cracked through the air, despite all the other chaos that was occurring all around them.

    Mythal slid to a stop, taking a quick moment to breath. For a moment – and only a single moment – he wondered if that was really all they would have to face. A pair of rude trees, some grumpy polar bears and twisted elves was modest, compared to what could have come out of the portal. But it was the moment after he dared think such a thought that the portal picked up speed again, the heavy cold wind blowing out in all directions like a furious fan. The God Slayer turned his attention to it as more forms moved through the supernatural entryway. Whatever they had faced originally was clearly the scouting party and now what followed was the master bulk of the army. Elves numbering fingers led the charge, their squeaky high-pitched voices grating as they let out battle cries. Immediately following them were more polar bears but not just a handful – this was a full brigade of snowy mammals that looked just as angry as the ones lying dead on the ground. There was nearly a dozen, if not more, though it was hard to tell with all the bodies moving as one. A quartet of trees followed after them, their ornaments jingling as they bounced to and fro to move.

    But what followed after them was perhaps the most intimidating of all. A massive figured moved through the portal, each step from his black boot causing the ground to quake. As he took on full form, the air was suddenly filled with the sharp scent of peppermint and day old cookies. The bearded man took a stance as he looked at each one of his enemies, his eyes glowing a dim but furious crimson. His hat hung low over his face, the white pom on the end of the red cover nearly bouncing against the man’s nose. His dark red suit was clean and pressed, adhering to his rather rotund body fairly well. Mythal honestly couldn’t believe it but indeed, it seemed that the perpetrator of the sudden attack was none other than…

    “Friggin’ Santa Claus,” the God Slayer said with a sigh, shaking his head. As if the utterance of his name was a whistle call, the large man turned his gaze to Mythal, his lids narrowing slightly as he stared at him. He reared back, his arms rising up into the air to form a perfect ‘u’ shape with his head. When he flexed, it was like all the fat in his body was absorbed into his bones and all that was left was pure muscle. His jacket tore open, revealing the heavily muscled jolly man as he let out a thunderous roar. Mythal scoffed. “Did Santa just square up?”

    Whatever it was, it was signal enough to send his forces scurrying about in full attack mode. Mythal sneered as the elves charge at him, waving their candy cane swords in the air. A few snowballs came at him, the God Slayer side stepping them carefully before he crouched low, getting into a fighting stance. He’d been stopped before when he attempted to take the elves out – that wasn’t going to be the case this time. He sprinted forward, his arm jetting out to catch one of the elves by the neck and lift him from the ground. Mythal slammed his foot down and sent the pinned elf flying into a polar bear, managing to time it that the small Santa-nick tyke landed right in the bear’s mouth as he closed it. He paid no attention to the elf screaming from the teeth now breaking through his skin, turning to slam his fist into another elf as it rushed him and planting him face first into the ground.

    As Mythal turned, his managed to catch a swinging candy cane sword in the crook of his right arm, the sharpened treat denting the shadow gauntlet. He glanced at the elf holding the makeshift sword, lifted his arm to pull the angry midget up from the ground and then lashed his leg out in a side kick right into its stomach. It tumbled away, smashing into an oncoming bear’s foot. The creature roared and turned towards Mythal, accidently stepping on the elf’s leg and practically squishing it into putty. As the creature reared and took a swipe at the God Slayer, he dipped into the ground, melting into his shadow, only to reemerge behind the bear. There he slammed his knife edge into his leg, aiming right for the stress point between the knee and thigh. He followed it up with three quick strikes to further impede the blood flow to the leg, hobbling it.

    That didn’t keep it from swinging around and slamming its clawed paw against Mythal, sending him skidding across the ground. Dark, bloody gashes had been carved into his chest, the four gorges already beginning to seep. But Mythal slammed Curse into the ground, the blade carving up the paved street and keeping him from flying too far. He spun around the weapon and launched himself forward, his feet just barely touching the ground as he delivered a running punch into the bear’s face once more. Two more heavy punches followed the first, knocking the animal’s head to either side and dazing it. He then thrust his fist up into its jaw, knocking its head up and causing its body to lift a little. The God Slayer then dashed inside and took hold of the massive creature’s weight, his arms pushing up as he groaned and roared. Slowly he lifted the stunned mammal off the ground, deadlifting its above his head. His knees bent just enough to give him room to extend and then he threw the creature upwards, getting a surprising amount of air.

    From there he leapt up after it, his magic ring taking hold of his body and carrying him into the sky. He managed to get above the hovering bear just in time to summon all the magical energy of his gauntlet into his hand and unleash it in a snap, the massive beam of darkness smashing into the beast’s chest. But it wasn’t just meant to wipe out that one creature – no, it actually quickly forced the creature back towards the ground where it would slam onto the remaining elves running about. It squashed them and kept on going, crashing into four other bears and toppling them over on top of one another, creating one big white furry pile trapped under the charred remains of one of their brethren.

    “Tell me someone’s gotta plan for the big guy!” He yelled as he turned in the air, looking back down at the remaining forces.

    MagnoliaFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 4th January 2019, 3:06 am

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    A shriek pierced the air, drawing the Voidwalker’s attention momentarily. It seemed that Nessa was quite distraught over the fact that her clothes had been removed along with the rest of them. The woman was crouched on the ground in a desperate attempt to keep herself covered. In any other circumstance, Serilda would have sympathized. At present, however, she was far too preoccupied with fighting back against this bizarre horde of Christmas themed intruders to worry about the fact that they were all naked.

    Between the four of them, the first wave of enemies was down in record time, despite the hiccup of them being temporarily paralyzed. The one thing that drew Serilda’s attention more than anything else was one of Markus’ spells that he used. The air around him yawned in almost a dozen places, and within those tears she could see the Void. Serilda had never been exposed to it in such a fashion before, but the nature of her own magic would not allow her to mistake it. It was like a breath of fresh air, as though someone had opened a window to her soul that was trapped in a stuffy home full of matter.

    Putting aside several questions that popped into her mind, she shrugged off the last remains of paralysis and pushed forward. Mythal had rejoined the fray in a fury, his bare form a blur as he moved fluidly from one enemy to the next, large sword in one hand and a black sheathe of his magic over the other. There was only a brief breather before Serilda felt the portal rippling again. “Get ready,” she warned everyone, adjusting her stance and steadying her blade in a forward guard. One wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at her that she was even aware that she wasn’t clothed. Her positioning was perfect, her demeanor full of confidence and poise as she stood ready for the next wave.

    But there was no way to truly prepare oneself for the sheer number of creatures that poured forth from the portal. Countless more elves, polar bears, and trees burst forth, and among them was an all too familiar looking figure. Santa Claus himself, or at least a figure copying his look, stepped into the fray. He honed his sight on Mythal after the god slayer spoke his name, and then did the most un-Saint Nicolas thing she’d ever heard of and powered up, flexing his apparent muscles so hard that the thick red robe around his torso ripped to pieces rather than attempt to contain the bulk of his physique.

    This is absolutely ridiculous, she thought to herself. As Mythal got busy wading through enemies, Serilda focused on the group as a whole. As strong as the four of them were, there were an awful lot of enemies in the area and they needed to be contained to keep any civilians from being hurt by them.

    Focusing her attention on the remaining polar bears and the Santa figure, Serilda manipulated the Void space between the matter in their lungs and constricted it. Each of them suddenly lost their attention on the battle as they choked for breath, their bodies refusing to take in the precious oxygen around them. Granted, this didn’t happen before she witness Mythal get bitch slapped by one of the bears, sending her friend flying for a second time that day. All it seemed to do was make him mad, his efforts redoubled.

    Mythal wasn’t the only one that was mad, though. It seemed Santa had taken offense to the fact that someone had cut off his supply of oxygen. Given that the vast majority of Serilda’s magic could be used silently and did not have any visual effects, it was often difficult to ascertain when she was casting spells at all. Markus was the most likely to be able to sense exactly what she was doing, though Mythal was more than exposed enough to her magic to recognize when he was seeing its effects.

    Through most of this time, Xiuh had been keeping herself busy snapping her powerful jaws around anything that got too close to her, mostly elves and polar bears. When the bears were struggling to breathe, she had taken the initiative to leap up and bite right on the larger creature’s neck, crushing its windpipe completely and causing blood to drip down her own face while she whipped her head back and forth, shaking the other animal like a ragdoll.

    “I’ve got him suffocating right now, so he should be at a disadvantage,” she replied to Mythal as she idly swung her scimitar and took out a couple nearby elves. “I’ll focus on keeping the horde contained and distracted.” Serilda couldn’t unleash nearly as much damage as Mythal was capable of, but she could certainly keep everything here busy long enough to give her allies the advantage.

    Reaching a hand toward the building that Mythal had been smacked through, she seeped her power into a large piece of rubble and granted it with the weightlessness of the Void. As it floated into the air, Serilda rearranged the molecules within it until it was a tightly packed cannonball of brick and concrete about four feet wide. With the flick of a wrist, she sent the object hurtling toward the group of trees like they were pins at a bowling alley. It slammed through their ranks, knocking them around and breaking several of the ornaments hanging on their boughs.

    With her other hand, she swung her sword and sliced into another elf who cried in agony before bursting forth with confetti. Her icy gaze drifted back toward the trees long enough to redirect the cannonball back into their line again. Pine needles and their branches snapped off violently, as did chunks of the trees’ trunks. But Serilda didn’t witness the carnage, as she had already turned her attention back to the elves around her. She went back and forth like this in her smooth dance, her attention shifting meticulously back and forth as she simultaneously battered at the Christmas trees while using her sword hand to stab and slice at the weaker enemies that surrounded them.

    Her Void senses warned her of impending doom as a large figure approached her from behind. She knew from the shape and size of it that it was the Santa figure. He’d overheard her comment admitting to being the one to have deprived him of his ability to breathe and had somehow mustered up enough strength to storm over to her in retaliation. Before Serilda could even lift her sword to attempt a defense, she found herself being solidly backhanded. She was thrown back several meters, hard enough that her body took out several walls along a row of shops down the street before finally skidding and rolling to a halt beneath a pile of wooden rubble.

    Words: 3673/4000


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 4th January 2019, 5:52 am

    Rolling for Christmas Tree effects.



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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by NPC 4th January 2019, 5:52 am

    The member 'Serilda Sinclair' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Christmas Folly Die_02_42159_sm Christmas Folly Die_01_42158_sm Christmas Folly Die_04_42161_sm Christmas Folly Die_03_42160_sm
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 6th January 2019, 9:37 am

    Nessa would count the seconds as they passed, her impatience like an itch burning under her skin. She hadn't felt this uncomfortable in a long time, so out in the open, so exposed. There weren't many people around at least, but still having people see her this way. It was kind of like those comical nightmares, with a subconscious message about vulnerability or being exposed to the world around you. She would try to focus her attention on attacking stray monsters, the elves were pretty easy targets. It was a little cringy hitting the small human-like creatures, but considering their volatile nature she knew she couldn't let it stop her from doing what she needed to. Lucinda, on the other hand, was enjoying herself thoroughly, this was the first time Nessa had ever summoned the Fire Valkyrie on her own, but her playful nature as she skipped around the trees, twirling as she released burst after burst of fire magic was someone reassuring for Nessa. The wind near her sudden picked up, the whirlwind from earlier reappearing, Nessa looked up at it hopefully watching eagerly as Tiphanae re-emerged from the air, a bundle of clothes in her hands. She kneeled down in front of where Nessa was crouched, setting to work. She helped the Starlight Maiden cover herself once more. Nessa looked down at the dress she was now wearing, it was a white satin fabric. With golden loops that made up its sleeves. It was actually quite pretty. Tiphanae would place the rest of the clothes on the ground. Making it clear that if the others wanted to use them, that they could help themselves.

    Nessa climbed to her feet, confidence restored. Her eyes narrowed at the trees that had made her this way. Tiphanae turned too, pulling out her long sword from its sheath. Nessa summoned her sword once more, launching herself at the tree without a word. It had already taken quite a lot of damage, defeating it wouldn't be difficult. She kicked against the ground; orbs began to circle the body, lifting her up into the air once again. With a cry, she flew up the length of the tree, driving her sword through its core, she would drag the blade upwards through the thing. All the way until she reached the top, flying back to review the damage. Lucinda and Tiphane flew up too, between them they would grab half of the tree each, before pulling it in the opposite directions. There was a little resistance, the tree let out a groan as its body was yanked in opposite directions, after a moment it's body would give, the force of their pulling would split the thing in half. Nessa grinned, least that was taken care off of. She looked around to check on the others. They, for the most part, didn't seem as phased by their own nakedness. Which was fine, Nessa couldn't help but admire their self-confidence. She would purposely not look in Markus's direction, not wanting to see any more than she already has. Although she doubted there was much more to see. Because of this, she could not see the malicious energy that was emanating from him.

    She heard Serilda and glanced around at the portal, the edges of which were fluttering with activity once more. Nessa would fly over, ready to attack. This time she wasn't going to be so careless. She watched as more elves and bears poured out of the thing. Another tree made it's way out, followed by a person. This person who looked ... like Santa? He glared angrily at them, then suddenly he, as Mythal put it 'squared up'. Flexing his muscles so zealously that his clothes would tear off.  "Seriously, what is it with the lack of clothes today." She scoffed irritably, "Go for the polar bears, I'll take out the tree first." She instructed the Valkyries, who nodded. Flying off in the direction of the polar bear. Lucinda would, like Tiphanae, unsheathed her flaming sword and the two would set about fighting a beast.

    Nessa would soar towards the tree, summoning several orbs, there would spin around the trees. Smashing into it one by one, whenever one struck another two spheres would appear. A relentless assault, she saw the tree trembling. Ready to hit them with another blast of magic. Kicking back, she would fly away trying to get out of range. Summoning a protective aura of light around her body. The tree exploded, this time releasing different coloured baubles. A bauble smashed into Nessa's hip before exploding with magical energy. The impact and pain caused her to drop in flight, crashing into the head, she would roll, gripping her side wincing. "Nessa Lux!" Tiphanae cried, yanking her sword out of the dead polar bear before hurrying over. Nessa climbed to her feet unsteadily; she could feel her temper rising, her breathing became slightly rattled. Inside a dark energy began to bubble, slowly creeping to the surface, her body would shake and her fists would clench. Arielle appeared out of the nowhere, floating in front of Nessa, he would press his forehead to hers, releasing a calming wave of energy. The darkness seeped back down inside her, and the anger subsided as she was filled with a sense of peace. Nessa let out a breath, realising what had almost happened. She reached up, patting Arielle's pink hair softly.  "Thank you, Arielle," That had been close, almost too close. She didn't want Markus to see that side of her, not again, nor did she want to expose Mythal or Serilda to it either.

    "Nessa Lux, I think it might be wise to use that." Tiphanae advised, Nessa, looked at her. She knew what the Valkyrie was talking about without even asking, the prospect of even holding the thing made her anxious, it's formidable power. Yet, Tiphanae was right, this matter needed by handled quickly before any more damage was done. She walked over to Lucinda, who was now throwing flames at the tree that had just attacked everyone. "When I give the order, I'll need you to roast this thing until it's nothing by ash." She told the girl. Following this, her eyes would glow white, the colour in her pupils vanishing. The three overlapping triangles on her neck would once again glow. She would hold out her palm, facing it upwards. After a moment an item would materialise there, a golden Varja. She would grip the handle in the middle tightly. The item would emit tremendous magical energy, created by the gods; it's holy magic pulsating from it. Nessa took a steady breath , trying to keep her composure. She had grown more accustomed to it, but enough now she hadn't gotten used to its power. Still, as she turned it in her palm, the earth would begin to tremble, particular around the tree. It's structure breaking down; the tree would attempt to move before it could. The earth rose, gripping itself around the tree's body. It would hold it in place. The earth around the tree would sink, pulling the tree down with it, growing deeper and deeper until the top of the tree sat below the ground. The earth would wrap itself further around the tree, hardening into rock. Making it, so there was no possible escape. She would turn away from the tree,  "Now Lucinda, as I said, nothing but ash." She would away, the fire Valkyrie whistled before getting to work.

    Nessa would join the others that were fighting Santa; she was surprisingly calm. And after all of Arielle's tranquillity magic. Her mind had focused on one thing, defeating these monsters. She couldn't allow for any more carnage, not so close to her Guildhall. She heard Serilda's remark, nodding. She stepped up, standing only a few metres away from the big lump.  "Time to wrap this up Santa." She kneeled down, placing her free hand on the floor, the light would spread from her fingers. Expanding rapidly, the earth around them would glow for a distance of sixty metres from all around her. Giving the area the qualities of the surface of a star, her allies would feel warm; it would not harm them, her enemies on the other hand. The gravity beneath any enemies would increase, pulling them down and restricting their movements. The heat around them amplified to uncomfortable levels. Santa fell to one knee, growling ferociously as he tried to fight against the force. Nessa raised the Varja once more, bits of the earth would snake upwards, like a snake the earth would wind it's way around his body holding him in place. She would look around the others,  "Let's end this." She told them, orbs appearing around her one final time, ready to pummel themselves into the trapped Santa Claus.

    WC: 1475
    Total: 4671


    Christmas Folly 60582_s


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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by MarkusEldridge 7th January 2019, 11:28 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 977
    Total Word Count: 4003

    Markus Eldridge

    Suddenly, his body relaxed, with a shift and sign he felt as control returned to his muscles, and his body no longer was froze. Eyes still flashing with Chaos he cocked his head and turned an apathetic gaze to the battlefield. He noticed immediately that Nessa had gotten redressed, and Serilda seemed to have caused the enemy a mass amount of strife. Suddenly, and idea started to form in the chaos mages mind. Slowly, apathetically, as if he was no longer in battle he walked forward, making no effort to cover himself. Suddenly he watched as a group of remaining elfs charged him, and he dispatched the creatures with a wave of his hand, dark magic surging forward in a chaotic wave. The chaos mage watched with rasp attention as the Starlight Maiden expertly took out a tree, it seemed even she had reached her edge. With a slight nod he strode past her before glancing at Serilda, as she cast a strange spell he could feel a shift in Earthland as the void made itself known and watched as suddenly many of the enemy started to suffocate, clutching at their throats.

    The chaos mage reached down and touched Helas fur, she looked at him and growled. “Go, have your fill. Make them learn to regret locking you down…. Do not kill the cat.” Markus said to his companion as she surged forward attacking whatever risked getting too close.

    Then his Miasma hardened, darkened, taking the chance to force its way into the enemy’s lungs, he watched as they fell in waves the vile creatures who had though to attach his guild, his home, deserved nothing more. Markus could feel it inside of him, his chaotic power reaching its limit, threading to burst forth. Finally, the chaos mage caught sight of what he seeked.

    Mythal, the Fallen God Slayer was fighting the ‘santa clause’ that had caused this entire mess. Walking forward confidently the chaos mage turned to Serilda as he passed. He cared not that both were dressed in such a state, and he spoke as if nothing had changed. “We certainly need to talk once all of this is done. Not many people can control the void as you do.” His eyes never left hers, and once he had said his fill he kept going.

    Suddenly shadows around him started to warp, to change, to shift, forming a strange… armor. All at once the shadows became a cloak of darkness, a hood formed over his head, pauldrons upon his shoulders, and plates over his wings. His chest was still bare, the cloak forming a low cut V. Finally, Markus reached the Fallen god slayer, his eyes glossed over the man, almost oblivious to his nudity the chaos mage looked for… something. Finally, he me the man’s eyes, Markus’ own were cold, and calculating.

    Markus heard Nessa speak, having trapped the leader of this attack within her magic. He gave her a small smile, and a nod of appreciation, yet his eyes glossed over her, sparking with chaos, he was a man with a mission. She would have no idea that she had helped him teach her mentee. With ‘Santa’ momentarily out of the picture, the chaos mage could explain what he needed to without care, without worry.

    ‘Allow me to help’, the chaos mage heard within his mind, Aporia speaking softly. Markus only gave his mental confirmation and remained still.

    “Have a plan. But you will have to trust me. Nessa is an excellent mentor, and a better friend, however there is only so much one of light can teach you. Allow me to show you this one thing, a power only those like… us have.” Markus spoke normally, he cared not if people overheard. His voice was layered with another, a female spoke along with his, however for the first time the two beings spoke as one, neither of them controlling the actions of the body they shared. “You have the power of a god in you, just as I once did. Now, it is time for you to learn of their greatest gift. Darkness is more than just a magic for you, it is life, it is… absolution. When you find yourself assaulted by that power, you must accept it, you must embrace it. Do not fight it, allow that power to overcome you, to grow… then, force it to your will and take it within yourself, devower the darkness and you will learn what it is I have to show you.”

    Suddenly there was a shift in how the chaos mage was standing, his cloak rippled, then tore leaving him shirtless with a flowing and torn robe of shadows, his wings extended. Suddenly all at once his muscles rippled as a dark power surged from his very body, forcing itself out of his core. His arms, legs, and back ripped open blood, pouring from the wounds, as the magic forced itself from him, Markus felt none of the pain and his eyes stayed locked on Mythals. Only one in the group would have seen Markus harm himself in such a way, and even then it had been minor.

    All at once this magical power surged from him and cascaded towards the Fallen God Slayer. A calamity of destructive darkness, pure magic power surging forward with a will of its own. Markus forced it to his will, removing the chaotic elements that would harm the other slayer and allowing the wave to become pure darkness.


    <[===============_____] 800\1050 HP>   |   <MP 1500/1500 [====================]>
    MP Recovery 5% | HP Recover 10%
    Physical Resistance : +000% | Magical Resistance : +050%
    Strength : +125% | Speed : +125%
    Spell Damage : +880% | Spell Durability : +160% | Spell Healing : +50%
    Spell Speed : +25%| Spell Range : +25%
    Health : +110% | Magic Power : +150%
    Cost Reduction : -050%

    Fallen God Slayer

    • -10% HP Chaotic Storage(Lineage) : Plot Damage

    Hela : Active
    <[========================================] 400/400 HP>

    Total Word Count: 4003


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 36
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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
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    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 9th January 2019, 8:43 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Mythal was done with all of this. He’d made an attempt at having a nice, peaceful sit down with his friends and allies, introducing them to one another and actually acting like a goddamn decent human being for once. But then this ridiculous portal had opened up and an army of elves and bears and sentient trees had come spilling out to ruin the entire night. They had been attacked, stripped of their clothes, immobilized and now they had a titan of Santa impersonator standing before them, the happy king of the bloody moment. His anger was surging through him in full force, his heart pounding in his ears. It seemed like the rest of them had lost their patience with this entire situation as well; Serilda was pissed by the look of it, Markus looked more annoyed than anything and Nessa had a momentary flash of rage before settling back into frustration. But that didn’t stop them from laying into the bloody bastard’s forces, with the Voidwalker focusing her magic on the large man. She used her magic to trap the oxygen from reaching their lungs, essentially slamming a lock down on their esophagi.

    Santa took great offense to this and as Mythal was throwing punches and kicks to every side, the monstrous man of winter stomped over to Serilda and knocked her through several buildings. The God Slayer had missed it, having been slamming his fist into one of the closest elves that had attempted to attack him. When he turned to see her gone, all he spotted were the crumbling walls that she had punched right through.

    She’s fine,” he told himself, willing the rage from growing even hotter. His momentary distraction allowed another bear to slam its paw into him, sending him flying in the same direction the Voidwalker had been knocked in. But the God Slayer used the motion to his advantage, as he spun through the air, he suddenly sent Curse flying ahead of his direction, the weapon spinning wildly blade first. As it dipped down, the sharp edge of it slammed into the pavement, creasing the stone until it hit a hard snag and caught. Mythal twisted his body around just in time for his feet to catch on his weapon, his knees bending to keep from his legs breaking from the sheer impact. He took a precarious stance on the handle of the weapon, balancing much like a trained acrobat. It had put him in position to keep any other creatures from entering the holes Serilda had made with her body, to try and get at her while she was getting up.

    Luckily, it seemed the masses were beginning to wind down. Nessa and Markus were raining hell and fury upon the Christmas army and Santa was currently being wrapped up by Nessa’s earth magic. He stepped down from the sword, reaching for it and preparing to rejoin the fight. But then Markus was there beside him, staring at him, studying him with the strangest look. Mythal stared back at him curiously, wondering what it was he was searching.

    Markus finally spoke up, telling him that he had a plan but it required a great deal of trust. That was usually the beginning to an action that was usually very, very stupid and/or risky. What was odd was the fact that there was a female’s voice seemingly meshed with his, seamlessly like the joining of two songs in chorus. “Uh…?” Mythal said, unsure how to respond to the man’s advice. Darkness was his life? He should accept it and embrace it? “Markus, what are you gettin’ at…?” he asked, his voice cool and calm despite the situation.

    Then he got the chance to bear witness to an extremely powerful attack. Markus’ magic tore out of him, wrapping itself around him in different flowing forms of darkness. His limbs ripped open and spilled out blood as black as the night, spilling into the air and mixing altogether. Was he going to show him some kind of spell? An attack he could watch and learn from? No wait, he had mentioned letting power overcome him, to devour it…


    Before he could speak up, the calamitous spell was unleashed upon him, the God Slayer having only a moment to step back before he was surrounded in it. Instantly his body was wrought with pain from all sides, his body jerking and bending backwards as intense agony seared through his form. His fingers tried to claw for something to grab onto, to pull himself out of the darkness and free himself from this misery. How was he supposed to make this his own when it was so damn powerful? His vision was already clouding over, his mind shutting down from all the alarms that were blaring in it. But before he could fade away, before he could completely give up, he remembered something. Faera’s ocean of darkness had been like this too. It had threatened to swallow him up, to cast him into everlasting shadows that would rend him for all time. She had tried to best him as well with her brutish power…

    And he had stopped her right in her tracks.

    There was a flash of light within the dark attack before a pair of silver eyes opened within the swirling shadows, brighter than the attack itself. Mythal’s body began to relax as he forced his spirit outward, letting the pain in, letting the absolute darkness in. Slowly the attack shrunk and shrunk, the ink of it melding into his flesh and covering him from head to toe. And when it had finally disappeared, when it was finally fully absorbed, all that was left was Mythal. But he didn’t look like he did before; His skin was as black as ebony, his muscles bulging with the swollen, stolen magics. Glowing white marks had appeared on his shoulders, abdominals, forearms, hands, thighs and feet. They were circles of pure white color, with lines that wrapped around his limbs and body to meet up with one another. His hair and eyebrows were as white as Serilda’s, though it was glowing along with the runic symbols on his form.

    He let out a gentle breath as he let the magic settle completely. Pitch-black embers rippled out over his back, expanding outwards almost like extra limbs. He glanced at Markus idly, having the same neutral stare as the Chaos wizard had given him. Then his gaze slowly turned towards the immobilized Santa Claus, still wrestling to breath and move. Mythal moved so fast that there wasn’t even any visible proof he had moved at all, save for the black ash that had seared into the cement from his aura. He hovered in the air before the former peaceful Saint Nick, the titan gasping and snarling. Mythal’s right arm pulled back slowly, the limb cocking itself in preparation for a strike. “God Slayer’s Secret Verse,” he said softly, his tone monotonous as he prepared the chant.

    One Thousand Falling Fists.” And with that, his arms began to pump forward at blinding speed. Hands wrapped into fists, they rammed into the jolly man’s face over and over and over again, the actual movements no more than quick moving shadows in the air. It was over in less than ten seconds, with the final fist crashing into Santa Claus’ cheek so hard his head jerked to the side viciously. The unmistakable sound of a neck cracking tore through the immediate area as the large man gave out one final gasp and then fell into a slump. Mythal stared at the massive body before he slowly slid down out of the air and landed on the ground. All at once the shadows rushed out of his body, his skin changing back to its original color. The glowing white follicles darkened as his body fell out of Force, and before long, Mythal was back to his former self.

    He fell to a single knee, taking a deep gasping breath as sweat was already beginning to bead his brow. “What the hell…?”

    MagnoliaFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1429
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Christmas Folly Empty Re: Christmas Folly

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 9th January 2019, 11:28 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Serilda would pause only for a moment in her spree of attacks to meet eyes with Markus, similarly unconcerned about their state of dress. He casually informed her that they would need to talk in more length after everything was over, going so far as to admit that he was able to ascertain the exact nature of her magic. That was certainly a first for the noblewoman, but given that she’d sensed enough of his own magic to know it was at least related to the Void, Serilda was unsurprised.

    By the time the two Slayers were talking, and Nessa was busy helping to whittle down the remaining forces, Serilda had found herself well and truly backhanded. The nature of her magic allowed her to pass through one wall unharmed, but it couldn’t keep up with the shifting molecules of the other walls in such quick succession. The wind was knocked out of her after her back hit the first wall, and from there she was barely even aware of the several walls that followed.

    She groaned and laid there for a moment, clearing her head enough to act again. Rubble shifted as Serilda carefully clawed her way out, just in time to see a massive cloud of darkness had surrounded the area. Or at least, had surrounded Mythal. Her blue eyes were wide looking at the scene until the black ether shrank and revealed her friend. Except now, he looked completely different.

    No discipline and training the world could have possibility prepared her for this kind of a change. In spite of herself, she stared in shock at his blackened form, the bright runes that covered his body and the polarization of his hair from black to white like her own. As he stormed forward and put the final touches on the Santa figure, Serilda managed to shake herself from her confused stupor and push herself the rest of the way out of the mixture of wood and concrete that had buried her. Somehow she’d managed to hold onto her sword.

    Making her way back over to the battle ground, ignoring the many moderate injuries that littered her unprotected body, she expertly swung the weapon at the few enemies that remained. Between the four of them, the elves, polar bears, and trees were no more, and Mythal had managed to land the finishing blows on the crazed Saint Nicolas. When the large patron of Christmas fell to the ground, finally defeated, the portal shivered and closed, and Serilda breathed a sigh of relief.

    Words: 4097/4000


      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 9:30 pm