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    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Empty A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank

    Post by Cetus 11th October 2018, 1:29 pm


    Cetus looked down at the bag. They were standing in front of the largest, most protected bank in all of the capital and their employer had handed them a drill. A fucking drill. What the hell were they supposed to do with that? Drill a hole in the massive wards. Cetus crouched down to rummage through the bag. There were masks here too. Cetus pinched the bridge of his nose. They were dark mages. Why would they need masks? Still, might as well try this. The newfound strength from the White Court was flowing through his being now. While he didn't yet have access to the White Emperor's power, they hadn't started him low on the totem pole either so to speak. He wanted to test himself here.

    Cetus fitted one of the masks over the one he already wore. The effect transformed his face into a grinning monster with sharp teeth. The reflection he saw in a nearby puddle made the dark mage rather proud. He pushed himself to his feet, the dark leather sheathing his body creaking with the movement. Cetus had decided to cover himself from head to toe, though his arms were bare. No need to cover his best weapon. There were a few bodies laying about the capital alleys. Those gangsters had kindly provided the magic gun strapped to Cetus' waist and the array of knives he wore upon the front of his outfit. "Shall we then?" He asked his companion. This one was provided by their employer. Cetus planned to dispose of him before the job was over. The other two would be coming from Nightmare. The shark man wasn't sure about either of them. He'd barely spent any time in the guild hall and didn't know anyone in Nightmare really.

    "Shouldn't we wait for the others?" The man asked fitting a mask over his face. He was clutching his gun nervously. Cetus would have laughed if he was prone to humor. He could have said boo and the thief would have pissed himself. There was no place for him on this job. This man would only cause them trouble. Cetus smiled wide, pulling the bottom half of his mask down to show his pointed teeth. "They'll be here on time." Cetus grabbed the man by the throat. The theif's eyes bugged out. He struggled, clawing at Cetus' arm. The shark man altered the dentils on his palm, pointing them all down. His golden eyes peered heartlessly into the eyes of the thief. "You should have stayed home." A vicious downward jerk tore out the man's throat. Cetus made a quick two step to avoid the blood spray. Cetus looked around to see if his guildmates had arrived. If they hadn't, the shark man pulled out a knife and a gun, steeling himself to enter the bank alone.

    WC: 475

    Last edited by Cetus on 11th October 2018, 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Gabriel Bank

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank CetusSigs

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,745,750

    Character Sheet
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    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Empty Re: A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank

    Post by Jester 11th October 2018, 2:34 pm

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes16A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes16A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes16

    The tails of a red cloak flapped in the wind, it was a light breeze, amplified by the height the one wearing it. Those in the streets below oblivious to the monster that stood above them, the epitome of devastation that was about to wander onto their doorsteps. The body of one who would contribute to orchestrating it, stood atop of a building. His cruel yellow eyes looking down into an alleyway blankly, where he witnessed two individuals talking between themselves. The owner of the yellow eyes wore bright red hair, slicked up in a point away from his scalp. A red heart painted on his right cheek and a green star painted on the other. His long slim body standing up as straight as a rod, like a statue he didn't move, just stood there and watched. In his right hand he held a white mask, with holes for eyes and a slit of a smile where his mouth would sit. In his left a cane, resting on the end of a which was a tophat balancing loosely.

    Jester stared down at the blue haired man beneath, tilting his head slightly as the man seized his companion by the throat. As the base of the other mans jaw tore away from his face, the corners of Jester mouth lifted slightly. His eyes lit up in a manic delight, and with the slow parting of his lips he began to cackle. He raised his mask to his face, and propped the top hat under the arm holding the cane. Stepping off the ledge of the building, he dropped down, allowing himself to fall for a moment, before reaching out with his free hand and catching onto window ledge. His body swung against the wall, he curled up his legs, unfazed by the collision. Pressing his feet against the wall, he kicked out, dropping a little further, before catching a loose brick foundation in the opposing wall. He proceeded to use this technique to drop back and forth between the walls of the alley, until finally he landed next to the blue haired man.

    He straightened up, his masked face turned towards his new companion, the grin of his blank faced masked matching the one beneath it. He looked down at the bloody corpse next to them, suddenly he crouched down for a closer look. Admiring the blue-haired mans work, he tilted his head side to side rhythmically. "Cat got your tongue?" He asked the dead man, before standing back up. "What an angry kitty." He said directing his face towards the other guy once again. He wasn't being especially friendly to the man, just making an amused statement. He knew full well that this was where he was to meet the others, before they went about their mission. Jester didn't care for money, he cared for pain. However money was useful in causing pain, and so he was getting it. But a little fun and suffering along the way wouldn't be an issue either, he was going to take what he could of that too. A bank full of normal people going around living their dull, pathetic, normal lives. No, not today, today they would suffer... all of them.

    Jester would make sure of it.

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes36A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes36A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes36

    WC: 546 /1500
    Job Details (For Reference)

    Magic Details::
    Signature Spell - Ringmaster
    - 45% Spell Damage Buff
    - 50% Spell Damage Resistance



    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 346
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 332,183

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Empty Re: A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank

    Post by Faulkner 15th October 2018, 9:06 pm

    Baird Yuzill

    Baird was trying to get himself the muse to even get up off the couch he had been laying on when he had been called by someone to go steal from a bank. That didn't sound too bad to him. Banks have jewels, and he could use those... or just horde them, he didn't care. He was to meet up with a team and there were to be four of them. He could help, or he could be the most annoying little shit on their team. A grin split his face as he liked that thought. He didn't quite like the sound of a mask, but who cared? He could ditch it. Let his pretty face be seen. If he covered it, his fan base wouldn't know who it was running around rampant.

    When he started approaching the location of where he and the three others were to be meeting, he was holding onto a shamisen. He smiles happily to himself as he had finally gotten the right instruments to play for his fan he's been itching to play. The music was perfect. It sounded like a dream. He stopped as he noticed a guy ahead of him and someone with him. He frowns as he watches what they were doing, but couldn't help but smirk. He wanted to see what was up with the small fry next to him. They both were donning on masks, and he rolls his eyes. He decided that he'd just wear his on his head. 'Cause why not? He wore his typical black leather vest, with a green tank top under, black skinny jeans, a studded belt, and black biker boots. His long green hair was sticking out greatly from the black outfit, and that's exactly how he loved it. On his wrist, was a red bracelet with a fox charm on it, a secret he had yet to expose. As he observed the two, Baird watches as the small fry seemed to question the other guy. Seeing the grin on his face, made Baird start to smirk as well for some reason, till he grabbed the guys throat and let up a whistle while his jaw was torn off.

    He clapped to him before he started playing his instrument and snickering. "That was a bravo show! I'd love to see more!" He muses and grins wide. He looks up and notices his buddy jump down next to the other man from up above. "Oh! My sweet! Care for another dance?!" He was excited to play with the clown again. He goes for that bag the blue haired guy had before, and fished out another mask, one that looked like it was for an oni, or a child to mask themselves as one. "Eeh.... not my style, but I'll take it." He snickers. He puts it on, but has it on top of his head instead of covering his face. He much rather allow his face be shown, and this mask actually went well with his new weapons he's acquired not too long ago. He grinned widely, crinkling his guild symbol on his left cheek as he did so. "Shall we get going now that the extra baggage is gone?" He looks back and stops playing the instrument again, sending it away in case he'll use a different one during this, maybe he could make this job easy? It didn't seem too hard. One move and he could knock them all out, the people in the bank and let them play at their leisure, him included. "I'm ready for some fuuuun." He was clapping an upbeat tune with his hands now, ready for the fun to come.

    Tags: @Jester @Cetus
    Word Count:
    Notes: Music, that's it



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Empty Re: A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank

    Post by Cetus 20th October 2018, 10:15 pm

    Cetus scowled at the newcomers. It was plain to see they were both downright crazy. He scooped up the theif's gun. The machine gun would be useful. They hadn't been given too many details on the security in the building. Not that it mattered. Cetus had a feeling his two 'teammates' would do their best to bring attention down upon them. "Me-ow." He said coldly before striding toward the bank doors. It seemed like the appropriate thing to say. Seeing the teammates he had to work with, Cetus wanted this job to be over with as soon as possible. His foot hit the door. It crashed against the wall drawing all eyes to him. Raising the gun into the air, Cetus sprayed the ceiling with bullets. Screams echoed through the air. "Everyone on the ground! Now!" He shouted through his mask. Most did as he asked. Those that didn't, Cetus plugged in the chest with magic bullets. He did leave a few defiant ones for his teammates.

    "Good morning ladies and gentlemen!" Cetus said with a false accent. There was also a false cheeriness to his voice. Best to give them all a false impression of him. That would make it harder to identify him when they were making their escape. He glanced at his partners. They seemed like the type that would bring the heat down upon them. "We are here today to relieve you of all your valuables. Please empty your pockets, take off any jewelry and please..." Cetus flipped a knife into a man's hand. He screamed his iLac spinning to the floor. Cetus crushed it under his heel. "...do not do anything stupid like calling for help. It'll give you an exponentially better chance of not dying." Yanking the knife from the man's hand, Cetus casually put it into the guy's eye. The body spasmed once before Cetus yanked the knife back out.

    The shark man left it to his companions to pick up the riches being thrown across the floor. He fully expected them to kill a few people without picking up any of the money. However, the job was to bring back as much money as possible. Otherwise Cetus wouldn't be bothering with trying to make the haul as big as possible. He leveled the gun at one of the bank tellers. "Who's in charge?" He asked cheerily. The teller didn't answer. Cetus narrowed his eyes. A swift kick knocked over a trash can before Cetus jumped on the counter. Grabbing the woman's tie, he yanked her forward into the barrel of his gun. "Listen sweetheart, I'm not a very patient person. I brought along two fucking animals for backup today. Either you answer me, or I'll throw you to the sharks. I'll be sure to ask for the slowest most painful death they can give you." Her green eyes widened, tears quickly filling her eyes. She pointed at a man on the floor near desks that were set against the wall. "Thank you, honey" His mask opened and Cetus gave the woman a long thorough kiss. She didn't struggle. Once he was done, Cetus shot her through the heart. To keep it clean and make sure they didn't try anything, he shot the rest of the bank tellers for good measure. His mask snapped shut once again once the killing was over.

    Cetus jumped down. Checking the clip, he was disgusted to find it almost empty. They'd barely been here two minutes. Throwing the thing aside, Cetus drew his pistol and a knife. "You. Open the vault." He snarled at the man the woman had pointed out. When the man opened his mouth, Cetus stuck the barrel of his gun in it. "If you tell me 'I can't', I will peel your skin off like a banana and make you eat it." A cold smile flickered across his face behind the mask. Despite his angry tone, Cetus wasn't feeling a thing. These people could have been animals for all he cared. He'd spent years being taught the right pressure points. Angry psychotic people usually got faster results. The shark man looked over his shoulder to check on his partners. What were the real psychotic assholes up to?

    WC: 704
    Total: 1,179


    Gabriel Bank

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank CetusSigs

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,745,750

    Character Sheet
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    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Empty Re: A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank

    Post by Jester 21st October 2018, 3:36 pm

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes16A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes16A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes16

    Jester's yellow eyes lit up at the sight of the Music Man, it was hidden because of his mask, however the smile beneath it grew so wide his face was almost split in two. He brought hhis left leg behind his right, before doing a twirl at his suggestion of a dance. A dance, dance of pain, dance of death. It sounded delightful. As they moved along, Jester bobbed to the sound of Baird's clapping. Twirling his cane around in delight, they stepped into the bank after the angry man leading them. Jester watched as he sprayed the ceiling with bullets, all the while he pranced around the room twirling his cane in excitement. Threatening to smash anyone in the face that got too close. He cackled at the Blue-haired mans accent, turning to Baird sharply, he offered his own accent, like he was the owner of a Patisserie in a foreign land, it was lavish and over the top. "Oh-hon-hon, oui! oui! stuff! stuff! giz us ze stuff!" He called out, before throwing his head back with a cackle.  

    Suddenly his head came back down, he snapped his cane on the ground with a loud crack. The air a few metres in front of him rippled and with a pop two small figures appeared. Falling to the ground they landed on their wooden feet, a set of puppets; one male and one female. The male puppet looked up at Jester with his creepily painted on face, wielding his butchers knife. Jill jumped from feet to feet, waving her carving knife at a nearby woman. Glancing up at Jester as though asking for permission to stab. "Jill, Jack, Collect ze stuff!" He ordered, pronouncing their names with a 'Y' rather than a 'J'. Slightly dejected by the lack of stabbing, the two little puppets ran off, collecting the jewels and valuables from the victims in the room. Brandishing their weapons at the common folk as though to let them know they could stab them at any moment. At one point Jill brought her blade extremely close to an elderly man's eye, however Jester snapped his cane against the ground hard once more. She pulled back, tilting her wooden head towards the ground in disappointment. It was more of a playful act than anything, everything the puppets did was manipulated by him after all.

    Jester walked around the room, scanning it silently. This wasn't enough, he wanted more fear, more suffering. He hopped over to a couple clinging to each other in fright. Tucking the cane under his armpit, his spread his gloved palms outwards. Before crossing them over each other and he twirling his fingers, a set of Cards unfolded from between his hands. Floating into the air in front of them, they began to shuffle in mid-air before restacking themselves. The deck floated towards the man, "Peeek a card," He said in the fake voice he was still using, the man look at him in bewilderment. Out of the corner of his eye Jester noticed another man pressed against a table, arm curled behind his back with an iLac in hand, pressing buttons. Jester flicked his arm out towards him, Three cards left the deck, shooting across the room towards the man. The cards mercilessly tore through the wrist of the man holding the phone. The phone fell the ground in the grip of the now severed hand. The man screamed in agony, the two puppets darted across the room. Oversized bags bouncing on their wooden shoulders, filled with stuff. Jill held a knife to the mans throat, a warning to be quiet, whilst Jack proceeded to hack the phone to pieces along with the butchered hand. The man quietened down to a whimper, tears streaming down his face as he gripped his bleeding stump of a hand.

    Jester turned to look back at the couple, staring at them through the mask. They couldn't see his expression, just that creepy smiling mask he wore. Getting the message, the man reached out and picked a card. He showed Jester, the clown nodded eagerly at it as he read their future. The six of hearts. Snatching it back, he stood once more. "She iz wiz child." He said with a chuckle, the man looked at his partner in shock, "It iz not yours." He watched as both their face contorted into a beautiful sight, the mixture of fear from the mutilation they had just witness. Combined with the momentarily excitement of new life, only to have it crushed in the brutal truth of the woman's infidelity. The puppets chanted along 'It iz not yours' in creepy robotic voices, over and over again to cement the horror of the truth. It was pure delicious suffering, this would most definitely go down as one of the worst days in their lives. Jester had made sure of that. He looked around the room, wondering who to play with next as his puppets went on to continue raiding the place.

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes36A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes36A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Jes36

    WC: 836
    Total: 1382 /1500

    Magic Details::
    HP -300
    MP - 225

    Signature Spell - Ringmaster
    - 45% Spell Damage Buff
    - 50% Spell Damage Resistance

    Puppet Master - 60 + 45% = 87  Damage
    Cards Against Humanity - 68 +45% = 98.6 Damage



    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 346
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 332,183

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Empty Re: A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank

    Post by Faulkner 19th November 2018, 9:22 pm

    Baird Yuzill

    Baird snickered at the blue haired guy as he made a cat sound, but simply shrugged his shoulders. He enjoyed that at least Jester was here and he could mess around with him on this job. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad as he originally thought it would? When they got into the bank, he grins rather wildly while showing off his guild tattoo while the other shot up the ceiling. "That seems rather boring to do, need a bigger bang next time." He giggles as he looks around the group. They all looked rather boring to him. None were his to his liking, or like they were important enough for actual information to be spilled for him. Part of him wanted to paralyze these dinguses, or just mass kill, but it seemed like Jester was having fun playing around, and Cetus was having fun playing with a guys hand who was trying to use his iLac. He simply snickered at that and put his hands behind his head as he raised an eyebrow to them.

    The musician was trying to think of the best instrument to use, then he snickers and raises a hand. Baird had decided to forgo the fake accent. Like he thought earlier, he wanted his fans to know him. "Dead Harmonica." He simply says before a black harmonica, with various skulls on the top of it, is in the palm of his hand. He brings it to his lips and grins as he begun to play a rather harsh tune one it, making three biker dressed skeletons appear before him with brass knuckles on their hands. They simply started to come around and held out their hands, keeping the brass knuckles down for now. Any people who seemed to refuse to give them their due, were instantly met with the knuckles to the face and the stuff would be taken by force. He then let go of his harmonica, and let it play on its own, one of his newer abilities he developed. He glared over at the shark man though. "Excuse me? Animals? And 'backup'?" He snorts before he shook his head. A wide grin started to form on his face. "I'll show you 'backup'..." He was trying his hardest to not chortle, but it really wasn't working.

    He clears his throat as he holds out both of his hands, a grin splitting his face as he was looking at the people he and Jester already got the gold from. "Dreamweaver..." His voice was smooth as a full blown koto was suddenly in his hands. He slipped the neck strap on over his  head, and slipped on his little finger picks. He closes his eyes as he slowly begun to pluck at the strings in a smooth sounding lullaby. The people were looking at him while the harmonica was playing its own tune behind him, controlling the skeletons still. Baird's bright green eyes opened up slowly, a grin on his face as he saw a couple girls faint from just the look, then it twisted to that of malice. A fog started to come around him, and the people who were stollen from before, started to instantly scream as they were seeing their fears or nightmares. Baird couldn't help but enjoy these screams. He repeated the same he had done with the harmonica, letting it play on it's own while he casually walked around. He wanted to just wipe the floor with these shmucks and just frisk them for any valuables. Holding up his hands again, but having them half gripped, he giggles. "Holy Bells!" His eyes lit up as a pair of kagura suzu's were in his hands, and he grins. Without missing a beat, he brought the bells up and the ribbons on them made a snapping sound while rattling the bells at the same time. By now, Death Harmonica and Dreamweaver were getting more in tune with one another, starting to sound like a sweet combination of ancient and modern music together.

    The group that was screaming and crying for everything to stop, was now starting to annoy Baird. "Why don't you all just shut up and enjoy my damn music?" He cackles as he quickly swung around the bells, letting them rattle again, and let the ribbon smack a few people, who shrieked in more pain from suddenly being cut. The ribbons had sharpened edges and were cutting them with barely any issue. A few people started to have a gurgle cry before they fell on the ground and the skeletons went over to frisk them for more jewel and valuables. Baird simply snickers as he glances over to see that Jester seemed to be playing with a couple, while the other guy was threatening someone else to open a vault or whatever. "I could blow it open~!" He cackles to the other, but Baird bet he wanted to go and have his hostage do it for minimal damage to the stuff in there. He continued to shake the bells and whip around the ribbons on the people, quite enjoying the gurgles coming now. Bloodlust was clearly there as he didn't mind just nothing much. Suddenly, he hears something outside the bank. It was... sirens? A grin was on his face. "Oh goodie... someone called for help..." He cackles as he glanced to the people. The fog quickly covered majority of the people near him so the skeletons could quickly take the remaining things without issue. He was done playing with these weak things...

    Walking out to the door of the bank, Baird grins rather widely. The harmonica stopped the moment the skeletons had everyone in the fog completely frisked and emptied of their valuables. They had put the things near Jester to let him bag it for him as the skeletons disappeared and the fog seemed to shift. Baird had temporarily stuck the bells in his pockets of his pants as he held out his hand. With a cackling voice, he says; "Lullaby of the Wind." Suddenly, a shamisen is in his hands. Before Baird was now a group of ten police officers, and what appeared to be ten SWAT officers. The adrenaline was really running through his blood now as he quickly strummed Lullaby of the Wind and a blast of wind was dealt, smacking the men knocking out at least seven of the police and four of the SWAT officers. This was going to be a fun party, especially if more showed up.

    Tags: @Cetus @Jester
    Word Count: (1086) 1699/1500 WC REACHED
    Notes: Music, that's it

    Spells n things:



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Empty Re: A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank

    Post by Cetus 21st November 2018, 3:25 pm

    Cetus closed his eyes against the cacophony that his partners were making. Why? Why had he agreed to this job with them? Things had gone from neat and orderly to completely out of the control. The clown wasn't so bad but the bard...Cetus had an itching in his fingers to shoot that one. He left the two of them to their doings. For now, there was no real issue with what they were doing. The bank employee he had grabbed led him to the vault. He barked a laugh at Baird's comment despite feeling no mirth. "No funny business now" Cetus said as the vault loomed before them. The employee nodded moving quickly to unlock the vault. Once the door swung open, Cetus bowed to the man. "Thank yee kindly. Is there any other traps in the vault I should be aware of?" The employee shook his head but he was looking up to the right. Cetus smiled coldly behind his mask. "I think you're lying to me" A knife sliced into the man's hand, pinning him to the wall. A scream echoed down the hall.

    "Tell me or I'll start chopping bits off."
    "There's a magic tracker in boxes 356 and 287!" The man was struggling to pull the knife out. Cetus chuckled. "If only ya hadn't lied to me to begin with." His gun went off as he walked into the vault. The corpse fell noisily to the floor. The assassin wasted no time filling the bags with money. He heard sirens slice through the air. "By all the bloody..." He cut the curse off and decided what he had was good enough. Throwing the bags on a cart full of gold, he wheeled it out of the vault.

    "Clown! Take the cart!" He shouted wheeling the cart toward the door. Nimbly he vaulted over the cart and darted through the door. "Damn you, Bard" Cetus swore, seeing the force that awaited them. This was only the preliminary force. There would be others on the way.  "Put the weapons on the ground! Put the weapons on the ground now!" Cetus raised his hands slowly, making it look like he was about to surrender. "Fuck you." Fire roared from the barrel of his gun at the same time the Bard attacked. He was already in motion as the police attacked. Cetus kept low as he pulled out two knives. Bullets were never fun. The shark barely registered killing the first policeman. His body was already in the dance of death, the movement of precision. Nothing was wasted. Each slice or stab either killed or debilitated. Cetus made a point of killing those the Bard had taken out as well.

    "Stupid." Cetus said sheathing his knives. "Utterly stupid. They should have sent the Rune Knights." He looked up at the Bard and the Clown. Blood soaked the front of his shirt. "Shall we go? Or must we wait for more of them?" There was nothing in his voice betraying his irritation. As he spoke, Cetus was pulling guns from the bodies. He placed two in the back of his waistband. Another two, he placed under his arms, taking the holsters from the dead policemen. A final two were held loosely in his hands. If there was going to be a fight, Cetus would be ready for it.

    WC: 557
    Total: 1,736


    Gabriel Bank

    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank CetusSigs

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    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Empty Re: A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank

    Post by Jester 23rd November 2018, 12:00 pm

    Jester bobbed along to the sweet symphony that was Baird's music, he was impressive as usual. As far as being entertaining, he didn't disappoint. Jester would hop around the room, clapping along with the screams, the clown would dance along briskly to the melody. As though he was at a festival rather than a bank robbery. He threw his head back and let out a loud cackle, this was good, this was suffering. Delicious suffering. The whole affair was turning out to be more entertaining than he originally anticipated. Perhaps he could find a way to stir up some more fun, he could feel the music amplifying his magical power. With all these extra resources, it would be a shame for them to go to waste.

    The sounds of sirens in the distance alerted him that more fun was on its way. He ceased his dancing and smirked, ignoring the desire to punish everyone in the room for their clear momentary looks of relief, he twirled around to view the reactions of his 'guildmates. Yellow eyes peering at their through the holes in its mask, unsurprisingly the shark-man was angry about the situation. But he seemed to be consistently angry so there wasn't much change, Baird, on the other hand, seemed delighted and scuttled off to have some fun outside. The even angrier shark-man pushed a cart in his direction, ordering him to grab it. Jester looked at him blankly before proceeded to climb into the cart on top of the bags of money, Jack and Jill came running up suddenly and threw the valuables inside the cart. Before pushing the cart out after them, Jester looked back at the people in the room. He snapped his fingers, the around in the room popped. Suddenly the room was filled with red and blue clown horns. If anyone attempted to come out after them, then they would be met with an unpleasant surprise.

    Jester, the cart full of money and the two puppets followed the shark man and Baird outside. Where they were greeted by several uniformed officers and even a SWAT team. Jester tilted his head at the sight, watching as his fellow guildmates went to work. He wanted to play but it seemed unnecessary, how disappointing. The was a BOOM from inside the bank and underneath his mask, the clown grinned once more. Someone had stepped on a horn and therefore been blown to bits inside the bank. At least, he was leaving with a BANG.

    WC: 419
    Total: 1801 /1500

    Magic Details::
    HP -300
    MP - 195

    Signature Spell - Ringmaster
    - 45% Spell Damage Buff
    - 50% Spell Damage Resistance

    Puppet Master - 60 + 45% = 87  Damage
    Clown Horns Parades - 45% = 43.5 Damage
    Cards Against Humanity - 68 +45% = 98.6 Damage



    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank Empty Re: A Shark, a Clown and a Bard Walk Into a Bank

    Post by Faulkner 15th December 2018, 2:05 pm

    Continuing as social

    Baird Yuzill

    Baird was having a bit too much fun playing his instruments about, and only wished for more to play. When he heard the shark cursing him, he snorts. "What? Someone called the hooligans, not me." He cackles before he strummed the shamisen again, knocking back a few more times. He hadn't cared for them even telling him to put his weapons down. He wasn't going to dirty his precious treasures. "Oh? Rune Knights? I sure wished they would have! I miss my little Theo!" He giggles to himself as he thought of the Rune Knight that he seduced information out of once upon a time. He looks back at Jester as he came rolling out on the cart of money, and snickers to him. The sound of the explosion made Baird cackle more. This was going to be beautiful.

    When Cetus asked about leaving, or waiting for more to arrive, Baird shook his head as he pouted. "Naaaah! These little good for nothing weaklings can't even hold their own against us. I'd rather go against Rune Knights." He chuckles as he looks over to Jester once again. "Though, I wouldn't mind waiting to hear a couple more kabooms?" He chuckles. Regardless of what they did, when they were done, Baird tore open the space for him to go back to the guild hall. He was wanting to find another way to call upon the Rune Knights to play with them. Maybe he could play with his favorite little Rune Knight again. Get More information out of the squirt.

    Tags: @ blarg
    Word Count: 0000
    Notes: Music, that's it


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