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    Bassam Bahamut


    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 200

    Completed Bassam Bahamut

    Post by Bassam 13th December 2018, 8:05 pm

    Name: Bassam Yeshowah Aladdin Bahamut
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18 Years Old
    Birthday: 12/25
    Special Characteristics: Everything seems in place on Bassam except for the boys sparkling green eyes. His body is adorned with many scars, big and small which travel all along his torso, arms, legs, back and even neck. Just about every part of him has a scar or scars on it except his face. It is the most pristine thing upon his body.

    Personality: Bassam is utterly and completely ruined as a person. Due to his past and very eventful torturous family, he has been warped and broken down many times. Only to be built back up as this crazed and naive adult. He has no problems taking life, hurting others and actually prefers and thrives on it. Even though they are beautiful, his eyes speak mountains about his soul, a very perceptive person can see the pain, fear and crazed nature inside of them. Everything about Bassam speaks to something being off and it shows.

    On thing is for certain, Bassam has almost no idea what most things are, while he knows the basics of everything. When going into more abstract topics, or a deeper dive into the very basics, he simply doesn't know what is what. Often time her reverts to people he trust, which are as of right now only The Bahamut's, his adoptive family. They guide him, albeit on the wrong path, but, they have shown him currently more than anyone in the world. So why not trust them with his life, soul and ever fiber of his being?

    When in the heat of battle Bassam's usual happy go lucky naive demeanor slits its throat and jumps out the window, landing with a loud splat and hard thud on the spiked ground below. Bloodshed becomes his main and sole focus, while usually he doesn't get angry, as that is very rare. He does however enjoy watching people die viscous deaths, most of them at his hands.  Bassam has always been fascinated with death ever since the death of his own family. How they stop breathing, how the life and glint leave their eyes. How they eventually become cold and stiff and their rigid bones underneath their skin locking up. Its all so wonderful, so he strives to see that same lifeless feature in all who purposely go against him in battle. Maybe except for the lucky few Bahamut's who he loves dearly. Like with all things he does Bassam is usually giggling, smiling and having a wonderful time. He metaphorically eats the fear of others up, the look in their eyes as they are scared staring down at their death. The way the skin splits at the bridge of the nose revealing parts of the skull the scene of it all.

    All in all Bassam is a very loving and naive individual, with a clear crazed and hungry, bloodthirsty streak. He will stop at nothing to do what he is told by his older siblings, and he will do anything it takes to feed his hunger for death, torture and blood.

    • Fruit, Bassam loves him some fruit, its so juice and tasty.
      Fighting, of course Bassam loves fighting its one of the best ways to see others die.
      Juice, its squeezed fruit juice who doesn't love juice?
      Blood, its so read and vibrant arguably the best part of any living thing.
      Death, its so intriguing, why do they stop moving, why don't they come back and where do they go?
      Learning, Bassam is clueless on everything so the first step to not being clueless is to learn! Bassam loves learning and constantly asking questions.


    • Diplomacy, Bassam isn't very good with words. He would rather punch someone than to talk them into an alliance. But he'll suffer every once and a while.
      Milk, Bassam hates this cursed devil white animal pee and it sucks.
      Candy, it is entirely to sweet and over-saturated, it leaves his mouth and stomach coated in sugar and gives him a stomach ache.
      Being Ignored, he hates being ignored. If he has an important question or says something please pay attention.


    • His family, he would do anything for anyone of his family. He would take any order his older siblings tell him without questions.
      Death, comes for everyone it is inevitable. He at least wants to see some things, kill a few people and stretch his legs before its his turn to greet the reaper.
      Becoming stronger, is always a goal. He wants to become strong for a few various reasons but the main one is so he doesn't have to see his family die again. He feels if he can become strong so can the entire crew of the Bahamut's.


    • Accomplishing nothing, is the first major fear that Bassam has. he constantly asks himself about the what ifs of him never being anyone of status or importance.
      Immortality, is the second major fear he would hate to live forever, of course he wants to die he has to experience what everyone else experiences. He longs for the cold embrace of death and hopes it comes at just the right moment. (Although he isn't rushing and knows his time isn't just yet)
      Being alone, he actually fears being all alone until he dies. He wants people to love, it isn't his fault they all keep dying because they are weaklings.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 167lbs
    Hair: White
    Eyes: Green
    Skin Tone: Caramel Brown

    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: His guild tattoo would be pitch black and stuck right on his back stretch over it.
    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 1012
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 5
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    Completed Re: Bassam Bahamut

    Post by Eden Knox 13th December 2018, 11:04 pm


    Bassam Bahamut ClwWyfc


    Bassam Bahamut I2D4CIg

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:32 pm