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    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Empty 'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Post by Aven Alveron 5th May 2019, 1:11 pm

    Aven sat patiently in the middle of a small clearing near the Guild Hall, a wider smile than usual spread across his face. He admired the dandelions calmly, waves of nostalgia washing over him: this was the same field he'd fought Mura Kensho, one of Fairy Tail's Premier Wizards, and the memories of the epic battle still echoed through his mind to this day. It'd been a battle of wit and skill, of pure combat prowess, and what a battle it'd been: Aven's strategies had been put through the ringer, with Mura's graceful swordsmanship nearly bringing him to his knees several times. Aven laughed lightly, unconsciously touching the spot in his chest where Mura's spirit blade had caught him so heavily off-guard. A few inches up, and the blow likely would have caused him to pass out back then, a true testament to Mura's fighting strength.

    It was a fond memory, and as of late, he'd heard the master swordsman had further exceeded his limits, even held his own against Johann, one of the God's of Ishgar, in a one on one fight back at the Fairy Festival. Aven twirled a long blade of grass around his finger, the bitter-sweetness of that day still ingrained in him, the day he'd lost control of his Circle Magic in a Duel against Leona Jarnefeldt. That, too, had been a fight to remember, though for different reasons. He still hadn't apologized properly to Leona for that day... he made a mental note to stop by Silver Wolf some time soon, and do just that.

    Of course, he wasn't reminiscing in the field for nothing: he'd received a challenge from a fellow Fairy, a very welcome surprise. In many ways, the member in question, Ghost, reminded Aven a bit of himself when he first joined Fairy Tail; hungry to prove himself, with a fiery passion for fighting. Aven, himself, had grown considerably since his last duel with another Wizard, and, despite seeing himself in the younger mage, had other plans for upcoming fight. For posterity, it would be his first time officially fighting with Dark Matter, an ability Aviel had help him hone over the past months training. He was interested in testing it's limits, alongside his greatly improved control over the power of Radiance. That, considering he was tweaking many of the spell matrices of his Circles, led him to decide against using Circle magic for this fight. He'd test the limits of his newfound prowess, and hopefully help teach Ghost a few things about how powerful wizards do battle. With an eager anticipation, he watched in the distance for the appearance of his soon-to-be opponent.


    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Aven_Sig

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Empty Re: 'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Post by Ghost 5th May 2019, 2:43 pm

    As the wind blew crossed the grass field the sun was just starting to set. Ghost freshly back from his mission where he defeated an entire dark by himself. But to be frank that is not enough for Ghost rep. No matter what he does his peers in his guild he has yet to me. Always did something better. Always did something bigger. As Ghost flew towards his soon to be opponent. This guy was the closest thing to their guild aces. So by beaten him, this should get his name out there. Ghost smiled as he arrived to see what's his name standing there wingless.

    Ghost would slowly float down as he landed on the grass field. He looked on and to his shocker, this guy magic power was off the wall. But Ghost was calm as always. He would look at his fellow guild brother up and down. Looking on his wings would spread out as he hops on one leg. Soon he would jump up as the flowers on the ground would come dashing up with him. He would soon do a front flip landing two meters in front of his new friend here. He would hold his hand out for a handshake.

    If or when he shakes Ghost hand after which he walks up to him. Ghost will simply say "They say you fraught people who power knows no equal. If this is true then I must first say well done. Not many can do that but you did. My name is Ghost and I will be your latest foe this day." Ghost said with a very big smile on his face. Ghost was sure it was his time to shine.
    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Empty Re: 'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Post by Aven Alveron 5th May 2019, 3:16 pm

    Ghost was a peculiar fellow, by Aven's appraisal. Something about how he moved was erratic, impulsive: that was alright to Aven, as he'd met many interesting wizards, but it said volumes about how the fight was about to pan out. Inspecting the young man with magic sensory, he was more than a bit shocked to find how vast the difference in their abilities were. It was a sense that one got after having faced powerful monsters and opponents, witnessed the strength and speed of Immortal beings clashing in earnest. It was...


    There was a hint of magical presence whose origin he was unsure of, one that he made note to watch for. Still, a nagging feeling gave way to a modicum of suspicion: surely, the younger Fairy realized that there was a near insurmountable difference in their strengths? Perhaps, the unidentified magic signature was something of an unfathomable or undetectable origin, a possibility he had to consider. On top of that, it was possible that Ghost was simply suppressing his magic aura, to make himself appear much weaker than he truly was, a viable strategy. That being the case, Aven wasn't about to underestimate his new opponent, and, keeping his usual smile, Aven returned the young Fairy's gesture, shaking his hand firmly. "It's a pleasure to make your aquaintance, Ghost. Aven Alveron, a name I hope you'll remember." As they shook hands, Ghost might notice that Aven's hand, and indeed, his entire arm, was incredibly heavy, as though it were made of solid lead. "The rules of this duel are simple: the Duel will last until one of us either surrenders, or is unable to continue. As a small word of advice, I would recommend that you come at me with intent to kill, everything you have." As he spoke, the gentle gleam in Aven's bright teal eyes hardened with intensity, his focus and attention now trained on the opponent before him. "So, then, Ghost, as a senior member of Fairy Tail, I'll allow you to make the first move. Whenever you're ready, you may start the duel."

    It may have been a small bit of arrogance showing through, an emotion Aven did not normally deal in, but as he spoke, he did not move from where he stood, nor try to gain any strategical distance. It was almost certain that Ghost would be faster than him, and splitting his attention from analyzing his opponent's fighting style would be more harm than good. Instead, he prepared to ignite the magic inside himself to defend against the inevitable onslaught.


    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Aven_Sig

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Empty Re: 'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Post by Ghost 5th May 2019, 6:33 pm

    Ghost looked on at him as his hands shooked his. The grip was as if fire touched water. A climax that was heavy on its own right. This got Ghost thinking of what could his magic be. Could it be him turning things heavy like more heavier then they are. If so that would be odd. But if the rumors are true then this guy is the real deal. So it would be best to keep on his toes. Ghost looked him right in the eyes as he said come with the intent to kill. This too was odd did he think of Ghost so low or was this guy that powerful?

    Still, Ghost weapon was not yet ready so he couldn't truly rely on his one hit attack. But would that even work on this man? It was all too funny to Ghost as he replied to him."You will willingly give me the first move. Very well then but after this is over with. I truly will like a rematch at a later date." Ghost would say this as he slowly walked backward. Little did Aven know the first move was already made. The moment Ghost stepped into talking range of him. It was only a matter of TIME before he went in. Waving at Aven Ghost would smile. Just then the very grass that was blowing over would stop in its place.

    As the very wind did as well. Ghost would smile as a blue aura would shoot out his body. Behold his time stopping spell. Ghost would smile as he activated it as he began to laugh. Pulling out a marker he was planning on writing on his face. "Do you see Aven this very spell defeated an entire dark guild. Now it will cause you to feel the same way as they did." Ghost looked on at him yet something was out of place here. Ghost would then start to fly upwards to get more distance from him. "What is that sound I am hearing? I know I'm not making it." Ghost looked on as he flew down in front of Aven. Aiming to draw on his face. Ghost always does this. Right before the beat down.

    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Empty Re: 'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Post by Aven Alveron 5th May 2019, 7:44 pm

    Aven watched the youth backpedal, slowly, deliberately; Ghost had a plan, and Aven was on the receiving end. It was an interesting prospect, and he couldn't help the curiosity rising in his chest. Creating distance... Is he going to try to out maneuver me? It was possible, and in earnest, it wouldn't be a bad plan. The weight of the Dark Matter that encompassed Aven's being kept him from keeping up with most wizards of his level, even sometimes being outclassed by much younger wizards. Still, it was no issue for him, it hardly mattered to Aven how fast an opponent struck. Normally, all that mattered was the strength with which they did so.

    Today was no exception. In an instant, Aven felt that unidentified power wash over him, imbuing the world around him. He felt a small bit of his magic drain from his body, as he resisted whatever effects the spell was imposing. Oddly, there was no wind, the dandelions he'd admired frozen in place. It was then, Aven realized exactly what Ghost had been plotting, what had made him so confident in his ability to bridge the gap in their strength. Aven's smile widened, almost imperceptibly. It was only a matter of time, he chuckled to himself, Before I went up against a Time Wizard. He watched silently as the younger Fairy flew up into the air, laughing in triumph, completely unaware that his spell had been ineffective. It was the folly of those who used magic without understanding it's principles, which rang out in the young wizard's voice.

    Ghost bragged out loud, boasting of his spell's power. Aven's chuckle continued; the more the two fought, the more he saw himself in his opponent. He'd once had that kind of unwavering confidence in his own magic, blind to the truth of how small in scale mortals really were. Far before he met Johann, Nessa, Markus, Mura, Leona, and Aviel, just to name a few of the transcendental powers that had shaped his view of the world. Even Aven himself was still weak compared to them, and with that humility came a wisdom that drove him forward.

    Today would be a good lesson for his aspiring Time Wizard friend.

    As Ghost swooped down, wielding a small marker, Aven grinned up at him, a bit of sarcasm creeping into his tone. It was a bad habit he'd picked up from his time training with Aviel, but one he found a certain pleasure in employing on occasion. "I'm glad you're having fun, Ghost, but I am concerned; you don't seem to be taking this very seriously. Unless that marker is chock full of magical poison, I'd hope you weren't about to try and draw on my face instead of taking the chance to try and dispatch me?" With another light-hearted chuckle, he motioned to the air below him, and a myriad of pitch black particles coalesced from his surroundings, forming a very fancy chair directly behind him, a Victorian parlor chair of the blackest night. Aven abandoned his battle ready stance, and sat down, his feet still firmly planted in the same spot, as his white suit contrasted heavily against the temporary furniture. He let his arms fall naturally onto the intricate rests."If you're not going to take this seriously, Ghost, what reason do I have to do give you the same courtesy, hm?"


    Health: 2580/2580.
    Magic Power: 1785/1830. [-45 MP for Effect Negation.]

    Last edited by Aven Alveron on 5th May 2019, 10:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Aven_Sig

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Empty Re: 'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Post by Ghost 5th May 2019, 8:56 pm

    Ghost couldn't believe it his mouth was near to the ground. He looked on in complete disbelief at what was happening. This was so unreal but this very thing was happening to him. That I'm a sound he was hearing while his spell was in play. It was this man he was still somehow able to move in Ghost Time freeze spell. "What in the fairy world. Tell me are you a time wizard as well? Just how in the use fairy are you moving right now?" Ghost looked on as he jumped back some five meters. Ghost would look to the man who made a chair out of black light.

    Or was it something else entirely. Even would sit down only to ask Ghost a foolish question. Ghost would clap his hands together as time went back to normal. He would take a deep breath as he prepared to answer him. Putting the marker back in his baggy pants he would then put his arms behind him. "Believe you me I am taking this fight seriously. I usually write on people faces just to show them how easily I could end things. But you are very different. That same move stopped a demon from stomping on a baby. I must applaud you, my dear guild brother, truly. For you are the first person to beat such a spell. However, from here on out I will try to end things." Ghost would give a big smile at him.

    Just as he said that Ghost would point his hands at Aven as a grim smile came about. As the time-space area of Aven went unnerved. His time bomb if he was successful and activating it. It would cause a time explosion to take place. Aiming to destroy Aven chair if not to hurt him. Ghost would look on as he smiled. Hopefully, it had worked.


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Empty Re: 'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Post by Aven Alveron 5th May 2019, 9:49 pm

    Aven's smile widened, as Ghost began to speak once more. It was an enjoyable afternoon so far, but not the one he'd imagined. What would be the best way to teach him about dueling... Aven pondered the thought silently, while he shook his head lightly at the young Fairy's brazen statement. That was precisely where the boy's unwarranted confidence had sprung up, it was obvious that he'd never come face to face with a being stronger than himself. Yes, that was the first lesson he would cover today. "That's precisely why I asked if you were serious, Ghost. Perhaps, for a Wizard who dabbles in Time Magic, you've grown to take time itself for granted, and I assure you, that is more than a fatal mistake."

    Ghost moved to cast another spell, and again, Aven felt time-space around him shift. To Aven, it seemed that the boy was using space as both a medium and a limiter for his Time Magic, whether intentionally or innately, and that gave Aven more than enough information on how it could be dealt with. For the time being, however, there was no reason for him to go to any great lengths, as he stood from the chair, a moment before it was torn apart at the seams, as though it hadn't been assembled. Aven, on the other hand, stood unharmed, a soft golden glow emanating from his body, seeming to simply absorb the magic's attempt to damage him. It was no more than his innate protective Radiance, but even that was, in all likelihood, overkill; such was the nature of passive protection, it flared up whether he needed it or not. "Against an equally skilled opponent, every fraction of a second in magical combat is precious; wasting even a single moment gloating or fooling around could give your opponent the opportunity to turn the tide of battle in their favor, even from the brink of defeat." Raising a hand, he summoned a golden Magic Circle, about two meters in diameter, which stayed motionless, suspended above him. "Against an opponent who is superior is Magical Capabilities, on the other hand, a single second of wasted time will almost assuredly lead to one's defeat. This is called a Judgement Circle, a spell that employs my willpower to create a sword of golden, Radiant light to pierce my foes." Aven gestured to the circle, then to Ghost himself. "To give you an idea of how important even a single moment is, I'm going to activate this Circle toward you. At the current distance between us, I'm afraid it won't matter that I've told you ahead of time, because it will reach you," In the middle of his sentence, the Judgement Circle fired a Greatsword of golden light directly at Ghost's chest at a staggering speed of four hundred meters a second (a total travel time of .075 seconds, or 75 milliseconds), which, if it hits, would pass through him harmlessly and continue far into the distance, "...Before your brain can register that anything has happened. This is the essence of a battle between powerful wizards, a concept you'll need to understand and overcome if you truly want to challenge one."


    Health: 2580/2580.
    Magic Power: 1785/1830.

    Abilities Used:


    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Aven_Sig

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Empty Re: 'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Post by Ghost 5th May 2019, 10:19 pm

    As Ghost looked on at him after he cast such a spell. A small light would come about he would look on to see Aven. He was now standing up clearly unharmed at that attack. This shocked Ghost even more as to how can one do such a thing?  Ghost would start to breathe a little harder now that he was casting his spells. But for what as it was clear Aven was not using any magic. Or was it that he cast a sort of protective aura. Ghost was at a loss as to how he was losing. Never had he ever had such a problem before.

    Ghost would smile as Aven said what he said to him about taking time for granted. To be honest no one has ever said that to him like ever. "Taking time for granted you say well then. I really can't fault you there now could I. You see I came into existence 250 years back. But for the most part, I used my magic for pranks. You see us Time Keepers are something of a kind. It's boring to just watch the clocks on the walls all day you know. Only now have I decided to use my magic for more than just games. But dang it to the blue fairy. You are out timing me by the second." Ghost would say this as a second to Aven would feel like ten years to him.

    Just then Aven would start to explain a powerful wizard stance about battling. He would summon some type of circle. Ghost looked at this and gave a soft yet sad like smile. "So this guy not even an Ace of our guild yet he just did what he did. But I can't go back on my word. I will take this attack with pride. No, wait maybe I can cast my time bodies to come about-" thinking to himself just as the great sword went right through him. Fast it was too fast. Could something move like this with such speed? Ghost would step back as the attack kept going. Turning around to see the attack kept going. Turning back around to Aven. The look on Ghost face was filled with defeat. But Ghost just couldn't say it himself. Soon he would hide behind a smile as he yelled to Aven. "Hey you had me there so why didn't you end it?"

    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Empty Re: 'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!]

    Post by Aven Alveron 5th May 2019, 11:04 pm

    Aven laughed, Ghost truly was a peculiar wizard, as he'd though. A timekeeper, eh? Aven hadn't heard that term, but that wasn't anything a jaunt through the Kingdom's best libraries couldn't fix. Perhaps, he'd look into the subject later; for the moment, it seemed that the young Fairy he was tutoring was a decently quick learner, and not one to shy away from quick tussle of words. "I don't enjoy hurting others, Ghost, especially fellow guild mates. My Radiance magic is unique, in fact, that it does not hurt those I consider to be allies." His expression softened, his usual gentle smile returning, as the glint of battle disappeared from his eyes, and he took a seat in place, next to the dandelions once more. His tone was light, as he spoke, devoid of the taint of arrogance. "It's as plain on your face as the yellow on these delicate dandelions: you understand now, full well, that you aren't at a level where you can face me in a duel. As you can see, I haven't moved a single inch from where I started, the gap between our respective strength is just a bit too insurmountable at the moment."

    Aven paused for a moment, to let his words sink in. With all luck, the prospective Time Wizard would not take this loss as a blow to his confidence, but rather, use it as a benchmark to drive him forward. "Take my advice, Ghost: this is only the beginning of your time as a Fairy Tail Wizard. I know the temptation of wanting to prove yourself, I was just the same; still, you should be more prudent with your challenges. There are certain lessons you can learn by fighting Wizards far stronger than yourself, but if the difference in power is too great, as it is between the two of us, both you and the other wizard have little to gain or learn from that exchange." He glanced down at the ring of flowers around him. "If I had any suggestions, I would propose you strike out on a few jobs, missions that are above you in Rank. You'll find enemies that cannot simply by frozen in time, like myself, who will test your mettle, and should you succeed, you will be all the stronger for overcoming those trials."

    Aven paused one final time, before he returned his gaze to Ghost. "Borrowing your words from before, I would appreciate a rematch in the future," The golden aura around him began to brighten, until it was effectively gilding the grass around him, "So, once you feel like you have the power to break through this simple light of mine, then, and only then, I will accept your formal challenge. Just, don't expect me to go so easy next time around." He finished with a grin, and a wave to see Ghost off. He expected to see the young Fairy around, sooner or later: for the time being, he would relax in the sun.

    [Word Count: 502.]
    [Word Count Total: 3846.]


    'Time' to fight! [Aven Vs. Ghost!] Aven_Sig

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 9:32 pm