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    Holy war

    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Holy war Empty Holy war

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 2nd October 2018, 10:03 am

    The Demon King

    Kite knew what he was doing, and who he was going to get to help him. He travelled through the the hall that would lead him to where he would most likely find his partner for this most interesting job. He always enjoyed going into Fiore, not a trip he made since the Yggdrasil was grown and their new purpose imposed onto them. Only on occasions in which either his interest was peaked or when there was a job that he felt his attention was needed. This job just so happened to be both, just outside Magnolia reports were coming in of a rift like anomaly that people were entering and not coming back out of. The job had a sense of mystery and excitement to it that checked all of the boxes for him but there was one thing, he wasn’t in the mood to go solo a job. ”Ryo is out of town, Kenna is out in a job. Gaia is busy. Not a whole lot of options to choose from.“ he murmured to himself as he continued to walk with a species purpose. There were several new members that had recently joined and would be more than eager to be a part of a mission with one of the guild masters but the thing is this was an unknown situation. He needed someone he knew could handle themselves and there was only one to recruit and he knew where they were.

    Kite entered the kitchen where he knew where Itori was most likely located. He had heard of this girl’s infamous appetite and the fully stocked kitchen was where he could find her. Had she been eating he would wait for her to finish before addressing the business he had for her but had she not begun to eat he would speak. ”Itori I do mean to interrupt you before you have a chance to eat but what are you up today?“ he smirked and held the job flyer out for her to take if she so wished. ”Got a job for us to do if you’re interested.“

    Kite Wilhelm

    00,000 / 00,000 WC 


    Holy war Gvf4gD8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of Inari
    Position : None
    Posts : 423
    Guild : Sabertooth (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,099,455

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Fox Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Holy war Empty Re: Holy war

    Post by Itori 3rd October 2018, 4:41 pm

    Itori didn't often visit other towns. When she wanted to be a part of civilization she tended to stick to Ace of Spades, when she wanted to get out she chose some spot where there weren't too many living so she could explore the world at her leisure and speak with the spirits without being interrupted or get looked at strangely.

    However it looked like she was going to be in Magnolia Town real soon for a pretty simple reason: she had seen an omen which told her to go here. Walking through the streets of Ace of Spades she had passed by a construction site only for someone to drop one of the tiles they were sticking to the external wall. Itori was pretty sure it was meant to be a bathhouse or something when it was done. Regardless, looking down she saw that the tile had broken into pieces, and that those pieces had formed a vortex split in two. An event where all the focus would be in one place, and something which would either be a division or a distortion. As behind her the man who'd dropped the tile was getting chewed out by another worker Itori looked up and saw two birds flying overhead, heading towards Magnolia Town.

    A focused event with a distortion or divide, where humans would be involved and in the direction of Magnolia Town. And Itori wouldn't be alone. Part of her wanted to immediately head to Magnolia Town and figure out what was going on, but she knew patience. You didn't live for a long time without realizing that there was a proper order for things. Two birds travelling together meant Itori would join up with her companion here before heading in that direction. She could ask if anyone had heard anything coming from that part of Fiore, but other than that she'd have to settle down and wait to see what would happen next.

    Fate was a curious thing. It wasn't as easy to defy as many stories would like you to believe: if something was predestined then any action you took would lead towards it, even if you did exactly what you thought shouldn't let that happen. Fate wasn't the type to simply let people walk free. However it was pretty malleable: certain events were set in stone, but the path to those events could be very flexible. Itori found that if she did what she was supposed to do rather than being obnoxious for the sake of exercising her free will things tended to go smoother, and it was easier to steer things in a more positive direction.

    So no heading for Magnolia Town on her own. She'd go back to her kitchen and prepare a big feast. She didn't know when her companion would arrive, but she didn't think it would take very long. Once they departed there was no guarantee there would be another feast available in Magnolia Town, so she'd better stock up in Ace of Spades so she could keep going for a long time before needing to feast again.

    Which was why she was in her kitchen eating enough to feed a dozen people when she felt someone approach. Sensing both magic and souls acutely she could tell that her guild master was heading her way with a decisive step, and that he wasn't bothering to mask his approach either. Probably wanted to give her time to prepare, since she was pretty sure he was aware of her sharp sensory abilities. Accepting the unspoken politeness Itori finished the part of her feast she was working on at that moment, then cleaned up as best as she could before Kite walked through the door. Once he did Itori turned around and bowed towards him, showing proper respect to the man in charge of the guild she had been a part of for the last couple of years.

    "Good fortune to you master. While I was enjoying a meal you are not interrupting as I was awaiting your arrival." She answered with her gentle voice, soft but lingering in the head and reminding those who heard it of calm and happy times."I received an omen that I would be busy quite soon, so I made sure not to plan anything in the near future that I could not afford to abandon if need be." When Kite offered her the flyer containing details of the job Itori took it, scanning it with her vermilion eyes. Her eyebrows lowered as she read what was going on, but her face remained largely calm as she finished reading and offered the flyer back. "The rift does not lead to a spiritual realm or I would have felt it even from here. However that still leaves many possibilities open, and if those that step through fail to return after the most likely possibilities are the more dangerous."

    She looked troubled, but then her features smoothened out as she nodded. "I shall accompany you if you ask this of me master. The omen suggested strongly that I would travel together with another person, and this task does look like one where two can accomplish more than one."

    Wordcount: 867
    Total Wordcount: 867/5.000


    Holy war HdAc9DB
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Holy war Empty Re: Holy war

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 21st October 2018, 4:14 pm

    The Demon King

    Kite was fortunate indeed, as Itori would stare upon his entrance he wasn’t interpreting her meal time. In fact she revealed that while she was in fact eating one of her infamous meals she was actually expecting his arrival. ”Well that’s a relief I hate to impose. Although I partly do wish I was a bit sooner.“ he sniffed the air and could smell the lingering aroma of the food she had cooked and then consumed. ”Not exactly sure what you had to eat but it does smell good.“ he smiled ”Whatever it was that cooked be sure to give me a ring next time. I’d love to give that a try.“ and he meant it. He wasn’t much of a cook himself aside from some select menu options that he knew how to make. Most involved breakfast in some capacity. He was almost thrown off by her confession of expecting his arrival, he was aware that she had some extra sensory like abilities but as far as actually witnessing and experiencing them that would take a little time. She revealed to him that she had an omen that at some point she would have a important task thrust upon her and that she took measures to clear anything from he scheduled that couldn’t be forsaken. ”Huh?“ he would say as he gave his head a slight cock to express that he was a little puzzled but would straighten up when it clicked ”Oh right. Got to keep a mental note to remember just what sort of abilities you have at our disposal.“ he would say openly admitting he had completely forgotten. He watched as she read the flyer and once she had finished she offered the flyer back to Kite and revealed that she was able to determine that the portal at the very least didn’t have anything to do with one of the many spirit realm. Now that was downright impressive that she was able to discern such a thing from such a distance and her ability to deduce that it was a danger was something that Kite also thought. ”I came to the same conclusion myself. Which is where the notion of you and me taking a gander.“ She had agreed to come along on the mission but she did so in the one way he disliked. He truly disliked the formal label of Master, but he also knew Itori was a very formal person so he refrained from making a big deal out of it. ”You know you don’t have to call me that.“ was all he was going to say in the matter. She would call him it regardless of his position on the matter he knew it was her nature to speak to him like that just as it was his nature to dislike the title he adopted. ”I’m not sure if you are ready to go or if you need to gather whatever you might need. Swing by my airship. We’ll take Tailspin to Magnolia.“

    Whether she would leave to grab her things or follow him Kite would have EDI would already have the engines fired up. Once she was welcomed aboard by both him and EDI she would pull up the ramp and close both the door and the airlock door with only seconds to spare the downward force could be felt as the ship took off and headed for Magnolia. ”Make yourself at home, explore or join me in the cockpit.“ He climbed the stair and made his way to the cockpit. ”So what do you think it is if not a portal to a spiritual realm?“ he would say if she was next to him or yell if she were exploring. He was curious to what sort of insight she might have before they venture into the unknown. Tailspin would land shortly after wards near the portal which Kite would approach first hovering his hand over the rift without touching it. ”It’s definitely not demonic or anything spirit related. Seems like it could be a pocket space.“

    Kite Wilhelm

    00,000 / 00,000 WC 


    Holy war Gvf4gD8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of Inari
    Position : None
    Posts : 423
    Guild : Sabertooth (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,099,455

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Fox Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Holy war Empty Re: Holy war

    Post by Itori 24th October 2018, 12:31 pm

    Itori smiled as her guild master complimented her cooking. Food and the preparation of food was one of her passions, and she was always happy when someone voiced their approval of her skill and taste. While she was already quite happy when she could indulge herself it was even better when she could share the bounty with others. "I will remember to notify you the next time I plan to prepare a large feast master. I would be happy to share my meal, although I would have to make sure to prepare additional dishes to ensure each of us has sufficient to sate us." Of course with Itori sufficient usually came down to 'as much as she was allowed to eat'. She wasn't sure just how much Kite ate on a regular basis, but he looked like the type to have a large appetite (although unlike herself still within biological limits).

    Noticing Kite's confusion at her explanation that she'd been expecting him the kitsune bowed once more. "Considering the difference between my kind and humans it is not surprising that it would slip your mind, especially since I have been neglecting my duty to maintain active relations with the rest of the guild."

    When the topic of her manner of address came up Itori suppressed a sigh. She was aware that her guild master wasn't too happy about being addressed too formally, but she found such matters important. He was the master of the guild and she was a relatively low-ranking member. To treat him as an equal would be disrespectful and improper. "My apologies master, but respect must be shown to the leader of the clan or an organization of similar nature." She could oblige his desire to be called by his name if she ever managed to climb the rangs both in rank and power, but a low ranking subordinate shouldn't be too casual with the leader. Even if the interaction between the subordinate and the leader wasn't harmed by it there could be discontent in the rest of the organization.

    Moving onto the next topic she quickly shook her head. "I am prepared to depart immediately. I made sure I was ready for departure before I began to prepare the meal while waiting." That said she quickly followed Kite, er footsteps silent as she moved through the hallways like a ghost. Once she was welcomed aboard she entered the airship, her vermilion eyes exploring the insides before she moved to join Kite in the cockpit. She wasn't familiar with such technology so this was definitely catching her interest, but she didn't want to have to enter a shouting contest to have a conversation with Kite as he piloted the ship. When he asked her what she thought it was the kitsune hummed for a moment, considering the situation and the potential answer.

    "Given that it is neither spiritual nor demonic it is most likely a physical realm, given that most other supernatural planes would be easily recognized." Any portal to a divine realm was going to be glowing with holy energy, after all. "That said... any guesses I make are hindered by the fact that this is most likely a portal created with purpose. If it was an accidental rift between this world and another there would be record of something coming out from the other site, and there would not be a perfect record of everyone who enters failing to return. So it could be a portal to supernatural plane but altered to hide its origins."

    She frowned as she continued her train of thought, vulpine eyes staring into the distance almost lost in thought while her tails slowly swayed from side to side behind her. "It could be that the rift only exists on this side, and that the reason that those who enter cannot find their way back is because once one steps through that rift they are deposited in a random location on the other side with no sign of the rift. The other answer is that there is something on the other side preventing anything from stepping through. If that is the case it is highly likely that it is a pocket dimension of sorts, used to gather living materials for one purpose or another." Which almost certainly made it evil. "I cannot say that I am the most knowledgeable about these matters given my focus on spiritual matters, but it would be prudent to assume that there is something on the other side which would attempt to dictate our movements or inflict harm upon us, so we should be careful while stepping through. Our weakest moment would be just after we entered, given that we would need time to assess the situation which could delay our response to hostilities."

    She was aware that her response wasn't really sufficient, but she wasn't lying when she said that any guesses on her side were hindered by the almost certain purposeful creation of the rift. If it was created on purpose there could be a lot of different motivations and lots of different tricks, so trying to guess would not only be futile without more information but could even be dangerous, as the wrong expectations could lead to one walking straight into the trap. The best she could say was that they should be careful.

    While Kite piloted the ship Itori closed her eyes and sat down, pulling her sword from it scabbard to polish it and make sure it was in perfect condition. Somewhat oddly enough she did all of this without opening her eyes, humming softly as she went over the white blade with her ears occasionally twitching.

    Wordcount: 947
    Total Wordcount: 1814/5.000


    Holy war HdAc9DB
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Holy war Empty Re: Holy war

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 13th November 2018, 10:22 am

    The Demon King

    Kite would give Itori a genuine smile as they speak upon her skills in the kitchen and how he would have to take advantage of an opportunity to enjoy some of her cooking, to his surprise Itori was very receptive to the idea. In fact she said that she would be sure to notify him when she is making another large meal as she would be happy to share with him ”A fine meal prepared by a fine woman, how could I say no to that offer.“ When it came down to business and she revealed she was expecting his arrival he was initially confused to how she knew but he would remember just as she elaborated by stating how it would be easy to lose track of such an ability with her being derelict in guild interaction. ”Honestly it’s less to do with the difference between our species and more along the commonality, it wouldn't be hard for an untrained eye to see you as human as well as such foresight isn’t exactly common place here. And no one minds if you keep to yourself so don’t think that’s why people forget what you can do.“ he addressed the master label again with her only for her to state why she must call him master and he would shake his head dismissing the topic because it wouldn’t get anywhere if he tried to change her mind on the matter.

    Once on the ship and airborne Tailspin raced to the destination, during transit he thought to ask her for some possible insight to what they might walk into. She gave a detailed answer addressing how most spirit realms or demonic rifts give off some sort of marker to identify it as such so after some thought she was able deduce that it was a physical realm but that wasn’t all. She went on to give what she believed what might actually be happening with the portal referring to one sided door says or even some sort of sentience that prevents any wanderer to be stuck there until the ends were met. For lack of a better word Kite shifted his eyes from out in front of him to her sitting with her sword polishing it to a shine, ”Impressive.“ would be the first word followed by a sentence, ”Well seeing as I have no real notion to what we are walking into we will go by what you think it could be and be cautious. I trust in your opinions.“ and this was all truth.

    The Ship would land just outside Magnolia and Kite would lead Itori out of the ship and to the rift that rippled in the air. ”I still can’t sense anything from it. You could be correct about this being it’s own thing but there is only one real way to find out.“ he took a step towards it and then looked at her ”Want me to go first or should we go together?“

    Kite Wilhelm

    00,000 / 00,000 WC 


    Holy war Gvf4gD8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of Inari
    Position : None
    Posts : 423
    Guild : Sabertooth (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,099,455

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Fox Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Holy war Empty Re: Holy war

    Post by Itori 13th November 2018, 1:36 pm

    Itori inclined her head to accept the praise from the guild master. "I apologize for not being able to identify the nature of the rift beyond that it is most likely dangerous. Caution would be our best ally in these circumstances." She was hoping that once they arrived at the scene there'd be a lot more information, because the way things stood the rift could just as easily be a death trap. In which case Itori would have to try and deal with it. She was better suited for death-related issues than most after all...

    When they arrived at Magnolia Town and debarked Itori hastened over to the rift which was hovering ominously outside of the town. It looked like quite the stable rift, something which was supposed to last a while. The kitsune frowned as she closed her eyes and listened, trying to figure something out from sound instead of sight. "I can sense powerful souls on the other side of the rift. It is a very faint sensation though... However it does not sound like stepping through the rift is in itself deadly." It was difficult to explain in words what she heard with her ears. Strength resulted in very steadfast sounds, and the portal lacked the sharp sounds of discord which indicated the damaging of whatever were to step through.

    When Kite offered to either go first or together Itori shook her head, the vulpine woman opening her eyes and stepping forward until she was standing in front of the rift. "With all due respect master I believe it would be more prudent if I were to enter first. While you are undoubtedly more powerful than I, I would estimate my abilities to be more suitable for escaping a trap should there be one waiting on the other side. Furthermore if I am incorrect and this rift does kill those who step through I would definitely be better suited for testing it, as I can survive the destruction of my body." That last part she didn't admit to under normal circumstances since it was a rather dangerous secret, but there was nobody else around and it was important in this scenario. "So unless you have objections I shall be going first master."

    Once she had received permission from Kite Itori would turn back towards the rift, reaching out with one hand to carefully touch it. Once she touched the rippling and warping surface of the dimensional rift she could feel it quickly pulling her in. The foxgirl steadied her footing to resist the pull, frowning before she stepped into the rift entirely and let it swallow her, her tails the last thing Kite would see before those also disappeared into the twisted energies that formed and sustained the rift.

    Once on the other side Itori's first sensation was that she wasn't directly placed in another world. Instead she was drifting in a space filled with the precence of countless people, all of them distinct and noteworthy. She could feel the boundless energies that saturated this plane swirling around her, interacting with her body and soul. She grabbed her sword and scabbard defensively but couldn't immediately figure out how to react, especially since there wasn't even any ground or scenery. She could only float there as she could feel something constricting around her being, making it harder to breathe as the pressure increased... until finally whatever process was going on finished and Itori found herself standing in the streets of a city ravaged by war. The smell of smoke and fire filled the air and her nostrils and she could hear the sound of combat and hungry fire all around. The sky was dark and while the street that Itori herself was standing in was abandoned it was littered with the results of whatever disaster had struck it. More than one corpse could be seen from where she was standing along with the numerous shards from shattered windows and mounds of rubble made of stone and wood.

    Looking back and up Itori could quickly deduct that her estimation that there was no real rift on this side was correct. Whatever path had led her here was nowhere to be found, which meant that unless she wanted to spend a long time in here she'd have to figure out what was going on.

    At least the good news was that the rift wasn't immediately dangerous... although she still felt like during the trip from her own world to this one something had been joined to her being. Being a spiritual creature she could feel that she had picked up some baggage on the way through.

    On the other side of the rift Kite would feel the tear in space begin to pull at him, space itself drawing him in as if gravity was shifted to make him fall straight into the hole in the world. The process which had begun with Itori entering wasn't going to stop until it had finishesd, and to be finished it needed a second mage to step through. After all Itori could only fill one role, and whatever created this rift required two roles to be played out.

    Itori has become the Servant, class Saber. +75% physical damage, can't use spells.

    WC: 877
    Total Wordcount: 2691/5.000


    Holy war HdAc9DB
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Holy war Empty Re: Holy war

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 27th November 2018, 4:19 pm

    The Demon King

    Kite’s praise didn’t seem to really sit well with Itori, he had been truly impressed with her knowledge and power of deduction but he was displeased when she apologized for not being able to discern more, ”You don’t got anything to be apologizing for. We have some idea on how to proceed now instead of going in without a plan or sense of caution.“ he kept his gaze on the horizon but added one last bit as they neared their destination ”No matter the obstacle we will handle it. One hurdle a time. “

    With them at their destination the only thing left to do was examine the portal and determine what it was and how to proceed. However nothing was truly off about the portal aside from it just floating in place. However one thing could be sensed from
    Beyond the entrance of the portal and that was the presence of several strong souls, Itori could feel them and stated as such. Kite was extremely curious, the presence of the powerful souls could be felt through the portal but despite this power that was being radiated they didn’t use their power to cross over into their world so perhaps Itori’s hunch on whoever walks in doesn’t have a way to get out again which means that when the two of them walked through they weren’t going to have an easy time getting out, or so his gut feeling was telling him. When it came down to who would go first Itori spoke up first saying that she is has ability more suitable to escape possible traps that may be in hiding for them once they pop up on the other side and if the trap was proven to be inescapable her body could adjust. ”Your might survive but there is a good chance I could tank whatever it might be on the other side.“ he said but looked at her and figured it might be best to defer to her intuition. ”You have been right so far so we are going to go with whatever you think is best however I will only agree to this if you are one hundred percent certain that you will not die or rather that your body doesn’t get destroyed.“ He would make the gesture with his hands to signal her to go first.

    He would watch as Itori entered the portal and disappeared through it, and then quickly followed behind but he would be surprised to find there was nothing on the other side at first. No stable ground, no world surrounding him and most noticeable was that there was no world around him but the feeling of being pulled down by a force of gravity. He could feel his magic being sealed and aside from some sensory abilities he had nothing by the time he made it to the ground next to Itori. However one thing was added to his mind, a piece of information from a third party filling him in on what was going on. ”So in order to get out of this in one piece we will need to win something called the holy grail war. You are the servant and I am the master. Well at least this won’t be boring.“ the darkness around them would spread and reveal they were in a perfect replica of Magnolia during night. ”Any suggestions on where we should start first?“

    Kite Wilhelm

    00,000 / 00,000 WC 


    Holy war Gvf4gD8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of Inari
    Position : None
    Posts : 423
    Guild : Sabertooth (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,099,455

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Fox Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Holy war Empty Re: Holy war

    Post by Itori 28th November 2018, 11:28 am

    As she waited for Kite to arrive Itori felt the world around her... adapt to her presence? In a way it felt as if she was becoming more solidly a part of this world, and that sensation was accompanied with a stronger sense of awareness of where she was and what was going on. A world where wizards summoned heroes of legend to fight for them, all for the sake of an artefact said to be able to fulfil any promise... And the only way to win was to eliminate all the other contenders. Itori frowned as she tightened her hold on the hilt of her sword. She had the suspicion this wasn't going to be a pleasant experience.

    When Kite arrived Itori quickly checked for signs of distress or ailments. The results were puzzling. She could sense that physically and mentally Kite wasn't doing too badly... but she could also feel that his magical presence had been subdued by something. Was he hiding it on purpose? It was hard to tell. For now though there weren't any hostiles nearby so she didn't need to act with haste just yet. Although given the fact that they were in the middle of a city which had been ravaged by war and combat she didn't think the peace and quiet would last for very long.

    "That does appear to be the case master. Admittedly when I stepped into the rift I did not expect to encounter something such as this. It gives me the idea that this entire world has been set up for a specific task, and one with unpleasant conditions." Such as killing one another for a wish-granting goblet. Itori shook her head, her tails also swaying behind her. "However for now there appears to be no way back to our world but to play along with the play that we have been cast into. As the servant it will be my task to do most of the combat master, so I will be relying on your guidance." She bowed, her sword still at her side. "Unfortunately the magic that has bound us and granted us knowledge of the situation has also put a strong restriction on my magic. I might be able to create an explosive burst if needed, but I will not be able to cast any spell requiring finesse or delicacy. As such it seems I will be completing the task before us primarily with the aid of my sword."

    When the guild master asked for her opinion on the next step the kitsune looked around, vermilion eyes once more taking in the scenery around them while at the same time her nose twitched and her ears swivelled to catch sounds from all directions.

    "There are no opponents in our direct vicinity, but I doubt we will have much longer to talk before something or someone will arrive to interrupt us. We have obtained some information but not a lot, so I would suggest that we try to find one of our fellow competitors and gain firsthand experience on how this world works and how effective we might be at achieving our objective." One answer for why both hers and Kite's magic appeared to be limited was that this world simply didn't have a lot of magic. It wasn't a thought Itori was very happy with but it was realistic given the circumstances.

    She closed her eyes briefly before reopening them and pointing to southeast. "In that direction there are other people. They are far enough away that I cannot immediately discern their nature or purpose. Do I have permission to investigate master?" In a situation like this information was very valuable. If they were to compete in (and win) this holy grail war they'd need to become more knowledgeable about the exact details. And hopefully find a way to avoid having to kill the others. Itori wasn't a foreigner to ending the life of another but she preferred to have a better reason than  "somebody thought up some kind of fancy murder-game and forced me to be part of it." It was sadistic, useless and made her feel used. She didn't care for any of those things.

    WC: 701
    Total Wordcount: 3392/5.000


    Holy war HdAc9DB

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 11:25 pm