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    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani]


    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] Empty Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani]

    Post by Guest 5th June 2018, 5:03 pm

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    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] Empty Re: Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani]

    Post by NPC 5th June 2018, 5:03 pm

    The member 'Black Mamba' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] UtKyMUJ

    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] Empty Re: Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani]

    Post by Guest 5th June 2018, 8:58 pm

    A ear-piercing gun shot sounded and echoed though the almost baron wasteland known as the 'Fat Monsterlands'. Well, it would be baron, if it wasn't for the dozens of monsters scattered about it, wondering around like a bunch of deranged cattle. These were the things running around Fiore causing havoc? These puny little things were nothing. Savannah had shot tougher glasses of beer for practice.
    Another shot sounded, followed by a small gurgle as a little, gel-like flaming slime was torn apart by the young girl's bullet. Its remnants splattered across the rocky ground with a pop, only leaving a trail of orange goo behind. The girl let out an audible sigh, adjusting her large sniper rifle from her perch located just above the field of cute smiles, along the side of a cliff where a rock mountain had formed. In all honesty? She was expecting thing whole thing to be at least a little bit more exciting. All these saints and heroes were going out and killing off goblins and swarms of giant wasps. And what did she get? Cute, defenseless slime monsters... It was as if the magic council were laughing at her.
    The young girl shouldered the gun as she laid down upon her stomach, laying as close to the ground as possible to hold the rifle better in place. A green speckled eye peered through the scope mounted on top, twisting the gun slightly to try and get a better look for her next target. A little to her left sat another flame smile, looking goofy with a giant, staring smile across its round face. Savannah took a breath in, fingering the trigger while she waited for it, just in case of any sudden movements it would make.

    "Black Mambo. Black Mambo come in. Do you copy?" A staticky, feminine voice annoying wormed its way into her ear suddenly, causing her to release her pent up breath. She rolled her brownish oculars, turning her gaze away from the scope to the side. She used her free hand to nudge her earmuffs out of the way, pressing the button on her ear piece to respond.

    "Yeah i copy. What do you want? Kinda busy here" she mumbled back begrudgingly.

    "AQ is asking for your status."

    "Still sitting here shooting dumb slimes... Hey, can you ask AQ what my 'special mission' is? I don't see anything special in shooting things that wont even fight back."

    "I cannot disclose what your main objective is just yet. Continue eliminating the Flame Minions and report back once they have been cleared. Appaloosa out." With a beep, the communication was cut off. Savannah's lips pursed together, narrowing her eyes. Geez, you'd think they'd tell her what was so special about this mission if they really wanted her to do it. Working for these jerkwads was a pain for sure. But whatever. It's not like she could really do anything about it.
    Tilting her head sideways the hunter would focus back on the scope, looking back to the slime.

    WC: 509/509

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] Empty Re: Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani]

    Post by misty 5th June 2018, 10:08 pm

    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] NbZi5Xx
    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] JY9mYmP

    The silence was interrupted by a series of loud gunshots, those of which caused the mountains of rocks upon rocks to seemingly echo the verbiage of the bullets that had faded into the wind. They were sounds that Leilani did not hear often, which was to be expected with her being so far from her home. However, upon joining a guild that introduced many foreign concepts that they revolved around, she was beginning to get used to the sounds that were produced by guns, even if they still caused her skin to produce goosebumps from time to time. The tamer of Elder Dragons was more used to the swinging of swords and lances than anything that was long ranged, besides those of bows and arrows, as they were some of the only types of weapons that were produced inside of her tribe's walls. A beautiful example of this would be the spear that was leaned against her front shoulder-blade; it was glowing faintly, and increased the vibrancy of the light around it, especially within the shadows that the rocks cast upon the girls that wandered through the trails of the mountain. They were in search of a root that was exclusive to the mountains in this land of monsters, those of which were fat; it was fitting, as the purple root was described to look extremely fat as well. Walking in silence, their boots not even picking up a sound of stepping from the rocks under them due to their design, Leilani and Mlezi wa Theluji spoke back and forth to each-other through their minds in a telepathic fashion, nearing closer and closer to where the sounds of the gun were being produced. With her fingers brushing through her long and white locks, the tribe chief advanced through the mountain with her guardian dragon walking a few feet behind her, nearing a break that lead to a cliff-side ridge.

    Turning like the path lead them to do, Leilani appeared right behind where the loud booms were being produced; a girl with brown-ish hair looked to be propped against the smooth rocks under her, while her eyes appeared to be looking directly into the scope of her sniper rifle. She was sniping small fiery balls of slime that were below her and the cliff, and she looked to be set on eliminating them as efficiently as possible; she looked set to kill. Turning her head to meet Minzy's, Leilani's long and straightened hair began to gust with the gentle breezes that bounced off the cliff, as if it was snow floating above the mountains at home. "There are many monsters down there... do you think she needs any assistance in terminating them...?" the tribe chief asked her guardian softly in the art of telepathy, following with a smile and nod in response. "It is always nice to help people! I bet your spear will work just perfectly against those monsters, at least if she needs help after all~!" Mlezi wa Theluji smiled in a telepathic response. Adjusting her grip on her spear that dimly pulsed out the colors of pink and orange, Leilani slowly advanced forward toward the girl in a silent manner, until she eventually met the location of standing right behind her, her boots nearly a half a foot away from where her body was situated among the rocks. The guardian dragon followed behind slowly, but kept her distance by a meter or two.

    "Hello." A soft and delicate voice echoed against the rocks surrounding the three, that of which was produced by the girl of sparkling, pink eyes. With a gust of wind coming against the cliff, Leilani's hair began to beautifully gust among the area behind her as if it were a white sea; it was a beautiful and mystic sight, that of which made her appear to look just barely spectral with her pale skin considered. "Do you need assistance... in eliminating those that sit among the mountain in flames...?" she asked in a slow and delicate manner, her sharp blade glistening with the lights overhead shining among its pink, gold, and orange reflects.

    "I am Lady White," she introduced herself with the smallest smile to ever exist among her glossy lips in the form of an alias, "and she is Lady Violet." Looking down at the girl, Leilani's eyes shimmered faintly with gold flecks inside while the guardian dragon advanced forward, her white hair flowing just the same as her commander's; with purple eyes of vibrant, glowing colors, the dragon in the guise of a human smiled greatly unlike the girl she stood next to. "It is nice to meet you~!"

    WC: 777 / 500.


    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] 3Lexy9U

    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] Empty Re: Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani]

    Post by Guest 5th June 2018, 11:24 pm

    Another one bites the dust. The bullet landed right smack in the middle of the orange colored glob of slime, chunky pieces of it flying off and trickling down some of the rock walls surrounding the immediate area. What didn't land on the wall, skid across the ground, leaving slimy mark, as if someone had taken a knife and smeared orange jam around at random. A gruesome sight if someone actually knew what they were, a delicious one for those who were none the wiser and might've missed breakfast.
    The elongated muzzle of the riffle began to produce a wisp of smoke, wafting upwards into the air. How long had she been going at this by now? Savannah wasn't sure. However long, it was too long. At least for the work she was doing. Seriously, couldn't she have gotten sent out to kill off some of the more... You know... Destructive monsters out there? For a place called Fat Monsterland there certainly weren't a lot of big monsters here. Not at all. All there were, were these damn puny slimes. It was a joke. Was the magic council even taking her potential seriously anymore? Right now? She wasn't sure, and it kind of pissed her off.
    Seeing the small plume of smoke being produced from the barrel, it reminded the hunter that she hadn't had a smoke in a bit. And right about now, with her anger and stress? She kind of needed it. She would take a small smoke break. The council might have flipped if they knew she was taking a break from her work, but they weren't here now were they? And if they were just going to waste her time on fucking flame smiles she could at least take a short break to ease her mind a little.
    The brunette placed the rifle down onto its side, making sure to make as little noise as possible. While the slimes were the only thing around that she knew about, who knew what was here hiding, waiting. She wasn't going to take any chances. Her outfit and hair at least blended into the dull brown, rocky landscape around her. It was going to make any potential monster lurkers all the more unsure of where she actually was.

    Sitting up Savannah would shuffle over to the rock wall just inches away from her, leaning back onto it with a hefty sigh escaping her chest. She reached into her pocket, pulling out a pre-rolled cigarette between her fingers. She used her other hand to dig into the other pocket, pulling out a lighter. She placed the cigarette in between her pale lips, her right hand covering it while the left used the thumb to flick the lighter to life. After two flicks the flame stayed, and she brought it closer to the cigarette. The end sizzled, indicating it was burning. She retracted both of her hands, placing the lighter back in her pocket and fully leaning back against the wall, her head turned upwards towards the misty sky with no sun. She huffed, a small stream of smoke exiting the end of the cigarette. Perhaps not the healthiest habit, especially for her young age. But hey, habits died hard, more so in her line of work.
    A girl got a few huffs in before the sound of shoes shuffling against loose, gravely ground caught her ear. Being sensitive to the physical senses, she was able to hear it right away. Her green speckled optics would look right at the two brightly colored ladies as they tracked up the slight slope she had positioned herself on, watching them with both a bit of hesitation and curiosity. The council hadn't told her others would be here too. Unless they didn't know either, which more likely they didn't. It was funny. These two didn't look much like the adventuring type at all. Bright clothing and hair, not careful about the sounds they produced. It was a shocker a monster hadn't gobbled them up already.
    If they weren't here right now, Savannah could easily see these two hanging out at  acoffee shop somewhere, ordering pumpkin spice lattes or something.
    The orange ashes of the cigar shone brightly as the brown haired hunter inhaled the smoke, placing the paper between her fingers to remove it, letting the smoke escape her lips in a small wisp, closely resembling dragon smoke. She tapped it with her finger, allowing the ashes on the end to flick into the dirt. A long silence came between the three, Savannah only staring at them for a good while before an audible, sly chuckle came from her throat.
    "Sorry to say, but the Lacrimabucks is two mountain back. You guys must have missed it." She would hold the cigarette in between her fingers, looking the two over again. "How do you expect to fight monsters looking like that? Even the slimes will spot you, and they can't even distinguish their cousin from their own mate." A bit of a racy joke, especially in front of two other women. But what could Savannah say? She was never one to really watch her mouth. "What you do is none of my business. Just as long as you don't get in the way of my shots, you can do whatever."

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 151
    Guild : ❊ meliora vitae ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,541

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ azula oceania dance ❊
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    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] Empty Re: Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani]

    Post by misty 6th June 2018, 10:36 am

    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] NbZi5Xx
    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] JY9mYmP

    As the breeze hit their bodies softly, the lady of white held her spear in a very still manner and watched the smoke pour out of the brunette's mouth after each puff. The tribe chief and sniper differed greatly in appearance and mannerisms; one appeared rather still and peaceful, while the other appeared as rather vivacious. In addition to this, Leilani's typical bright colors were definitely not able to compare to the dull and muted, dark colors in which the sniper wore. If only the girls of white were aware that Savannah was joking with them about their appearances and the clothing that they wore; it was something foreign that they did not experience much, therefore they did not realize it was anything besides a meaningless sentence. With her eyes shimmering due to the sun beaming overhead, the Elder Dragon tamer slowly advanced to the edge of the cliff and looked across the horizon, her spear floating on the side of her body in a horizontal aspect as if it were hovering over a large projection of air blasting upward. As she stood there and allowed the wind to pick up around her body, as it did naturally, Mlezi wa Theluji stood exactly where she did minutes before; directly behind the girl of brown hair, watching both of their moves with extreme focus. It was what she did when Leilani did things like this, as it typically followed with a request of sorts.

    Pulling a longer strand of the black ribbon that sat below her neck, Leilani unraveled the string and allowed it to blow for a split second in the wind before landing against a large rock, falling onto the ground near where Minzy stood. Unbuttoning the long-sleeved red shirt that spanned across her upper half, the chief continued to stare at the fiery slimes below her, her eyes continuing to show more and more golden flakes with each button that released itself. Upon releasing the final button, the shirt of red draped down her arms and flew into the wind in the same style of the ribbon, appearing to land on-top of it to where the dragoness could place them in her small bag that sat among her side. If Savannah were to look at the girl, she would now be able to see that instead of the shirt she once wore there was a small and thin bralette in place, that of which was tied by a string around the neck and the other across the back. With the wind causing her hair to blow to the side, the girl would be able to see the full imagery of a giant dragon spanning across her entire back in the form of a tribal tattoo; if she were to get a look at her from the front, she would clearly be able to see the mark of Basilisk Fang in the center of her stomach under where the bralette ended. "I will fight the monsters looking like this, instead..." Leilani began to speak softly, her face continuing to face the monsters that spanned across the horizon, "it is more efficient in hand to hand combat.". Picking up her spear and holding it firm in her right hand, the girl in white turned to face her guardian and signaled her to usher her down the mountain like she typically would. Following in a nod, Mlezi wa Theluji picked up her chief's shirt and tucked it into her bag, advancing forward quickly before nearing the edge of the cliff as well.

    "... You are more than welcome to join us down there," Leilani told the brunette in a calm and expressionless manner, "I'm sure you can find a sword down there somewhere... perhaps a claymore." With a pat on the back, the dragoness began to sprint off the cliff and looked as if she had hopped directly off; with a large flash of purple and white light along with a large burst of wind, a large roar could be heard from the bottom of the mountain range where the cliff overlooked. It was Mlezi wa Theluji in her true form, one which was suspended in the air and waiting for Leilani to board once she was to hop off the edge as well. Turning to face the sniper, Leilani's eyes looked to be half golden and half pink, swirling about as if they were two glowing orbs of glitter. "If you join us, perhaps I can learn your name..." the girl said with an extremely small smirk on her face, "for now, I will call you Acorn." Turning around and picking up her spear, the tribe chief hopped off the edge of the cliff and landed on the head of the dragon, resulting in its flight over the clearing of fiery slimes. Upon nearing closer to the level which they were on, Leilani jumped off the dragon's head with her spear in hand, prepared to terminate as many of the slimes as possible. With this action, Mlezi wa Theluji took flight into the higher parts of the mountain range and took observation from that area; she was to notify Leilani if anything larger was to come, as well as spectate so that her size would not get in the way of Savannah's long-ranged shots.

    Sprinting at full speed toward each of the blobs of slime that hopped around in flames, Leilani swung her spear in a graceful style through their bodies, causing them to pop like flaming bubbles. Due to the length of her spear and the way she swung it, she was entirely out of the way from the flames that fumed off of their bodies and the burst when they popped; it was rather easy, as they were extremely weak. Though there were many to take out, the tribal chief did not feel as though it would take long to fulfill this task. She was excited to possibly learn more about the sniper in the mountains as well, even if she did not express it; however, she fully expected to not see her again if she wasn't to join her on the lower levels. Swinging her blade through the air and coating the ground in orange gel, Leilani radiated grace in the colors of pink, gold, and white; she was focused and set on the goal, hoping to find one of those fat, purple roots in the process of coating the rocks in the colors of a beautiful sunset.


    Another Cog In The Murder Machine ✧ Private, Event [Leilani] 3Lexy9U

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:41 pm