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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul


    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Lemony.Boy 18th September 2019, 8:28 pm

    Job Description:

    “That must be it,” Zachariah calmly said, wrestling his lungs for control of his breath.  As the phoenix bowed before the two of them, he felt a tinge of shame.  He had helped kill a possibly ancient, cosmic entity, but at what cost?  The creature’s essence disappeared into the darkness of Shinku, leaving behind the stone they came for in the first place.  He patiently awaited for something else to go bump in the night and assault them, but only the eerie silence of Shinku filled his ears.  Perhaps the darkness was getting to him, being a light mage, but he had the strongest desire to go home.  Though, he knew he had a job to finish, and would stick by until it was done.

    After he decided it was finally safe and the battle was surely over, Zachariah promptly deactivated his take-over, which fizzled into white light and faded away like a cloud.  He took a deep breath of relief and did his best to relax, surely needing another drink in the near future.  Before them, the shrine became dreadfully quiet, almost void of any sound.  After Beira reached out and touched the black stone, she nearly collapsed, though her eyes seemed to flash as if she had a vision.  Zachariah helped to steady her, then reached out to feel the stone himself.  “I’m not sure, but with power like this I’m sure it’s safer for everyone in our hands than anyone else’s,” he said, then touched his fingertip out to the stone.  He too felt his mind leave his body for a moment, traversing the stars.  It guided him through the cosmos and to the next place they would have to travel to.  While he couldn’t decipher what he saw, the location radiated with raw magical power.

    When the vision faded, he raised his hand to his eye and shut them tightly, fighting the migraine that followed.  “Kyoka…” he muttered.  “A planet called Kyoka is the next place we have to go.”  He stared up at the sky and pictured what lie beyond in Kyoka, as well as their next battle.  The mage stabled himself and wondered how they would even get there, figuring the two of them would have to travel through the Wakusei Portals once again, together this time.  Albeit discouraged by traveling through the portals again, something told him he would have to do so many more times in the coming days.  He began to make his way out of the basin, then thought of how the two of them might return to the city safely.  The Nuckelavee would require a day or two to recharge, or he could try to summon the birds Hugin and Munin, that is, if Beira didn’t mind a rough flight.

    “How do you propose we get back to where we came from?” Zachariah questioned.  “I have a pair of summons under my belt, but I assure you riding atop the backs of Hugin and Munin won’t be the most comfortable thing in the world.  I remember the first time I tried, I nearly plummeted from thousands of feet in the sky,” he joked.

    WC: 524
    Total: 524/7500

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Fraag 19th September 2019, 10:46 am

    Beira remained seated on the cold hard ground of Shinku's Phoenix shrine, her eyes on the dark horizon of the strange planet. Zach had seen what she had seen, and both mages knew the next step, the next place to go. That being said, Beira was quite interested in actually finding out exactly why there was the need for collecting all four stones. For her, that was the only driving force that made her eager to see this mission to the end. Before she had sat down, and Zach had touched the stone, he had mentioned that it was probably best that the power in the stone be watched over by the two mages. Beira hadn't answered then, but she had wondered whether it was indeed true.What gave the two mages the right to be custodians of that power? The fact that they had bested the phoenix of blood and shadows? If that was the case, then it only served to buttress the "might makes right" mentality, which Beira did not believe, though she was quite eager to get as strong as possible. Probably just as much as did everyone else, whether considered to be light or dark mage.

    "Concerning what you said about the power of that stone being safe with us, why do you think so?" the God Slayer asked, a quizzical expression on her face. There was no disdain, or contempt or disapproval, just curiosity. "Is it because we are powerful enough to wield it, or because we are virtuous enough to wield it? If the former were the case, I believe there are much more powerful people than us out there. To them the stone should be turned, if power is the deciding factor. And if it is virtue, tell me, Zach of Sabertooth, are you sure you are that upright. Is it morally excellent to go attacking songbirds which, for the most part, existed without troubling most others?"

    Following that, in response to Zach's question about getting back to the run-down city they'd come from, Beira shook her head. "As for the matter of returning to where we came from, I do not believe I am aware of who, or what, Hugin and Munin are, but if it involves riding two summons at the same time, I am quite sure I'm not interested in riding them. All the same, I believe they shall be interesting to study, though I sincerely hope they are not as gruesome as your pretty Nuckelavee. At any rate, I believe I have a means to get us to the city, even to the threshold of the Wakusei portals, if need be, as I am not minded to step back into that city again, with all the animosity shown us there. This means of transportation of which I speak isn't something I tend to rely on though, for I am not overly fond of its use, and even much less so, when I have someone with me. Tell me, Zach, have you heard of the Travectio Infinium? In Fiorean, that would be translated along the lines of 'the Infinite Crossroads'."

    WC: 519 words
    Total: 1043/7500



    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Posts : 189
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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Lemony.Boy 24th September 2019, 9:15 pm

    Beira’s statement resonated with Zachariah in ways he didn’t understand.  When she asked if they powerful enough to wield it, he hoped deep inside that he was.  Though, when asked whether or not he was virtuous enough to wield it, he wanted to say yes, though the truth of the matter was that he was not.  In fact, he didn’t know of anyone virtuous enough to wield such a stone.  Beira was right to think that they should turn the stone in, but what the Council or anyone else with enough power might do with the stone, he knew not.  The cogs and wheels in his head spun and spun and he feared he might faint, but did his best to come up with a temporary solution to placate the situation, at the very least.  “Well,” he began, “the truth is I don’t know if either of us are powerful enough to wield it, let alone virtuous enough.  But, I don’t know if I trust anyone enough with this sort of power.”  With a deep breath, the light mage stared out into the darkness and said, “I’d rather die protecting it than hand it over and be the cause of disasters to follow.  There are so many righteous and powerful mages, but there are just as many who are just waiting to abuse a power like this.  I’d rather not take that chance.”

    In response to Beira’s statement about the moral justness of killing these songbirds, Zachariah simply sighed.  “I’ll admit, I’m so accustomed to slaying monsters to defend villages that I overlooked how vague the mission was.  Now that we’re on the way to the next Phoenix, I’m not so sure why anyone would need to kill these beasts…”

    After the intensity of that conversation, Zachariah forgot to elaborate on his summon.  “I apologize, I should explain what Hugin and Munin are.  In short, they are a pair of ravens that supposedly fly over Midgard and return information to Odin, the king of the Aesir gods.  I researched a lot of Norse and some Orcadian myths while learning about a certain magic, called Wrath of the Nine Realms.  Though, I can only summon crystallized replicas of the monsters with it.  Hugin and Munin are especially fickle, as I can only summon a half of each bird, though they work in sync as if they were one.  And don’t worry, they are much less of an eyesore, rather pretty actually.”

    He was slightly relieved to hear that Beira had a different method of travel: Travectio Infinium.  The name peaked his interest, ‘The Infinite Crossroads.’  From what she explained, however, the process seemed almost hazardous.  But what was more concerning was that Zachariah was more than willing to try it.  “I can’t say I’ve ever heard of it,” he said. “Not even in Fiorean.  Part of me is curious to know how it works, but I am also wary that it might be dangerous.”  Zach had so many more questions to ask, as he was genuinely interested in learning about Beira’s magic, but did not want to burden her with an interrogation.  If it meant he would have to see the spell with his own eyes, then so be it.  But, he also hopes to live to see another day.

    WC: 549
    Total: 1068/7500

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Fraag 26th September 2019, 6:05 pm

    Beira smiled at Zach's response to her question about why he thought the two should have possession of the phoenix stones. "If there is something that pleases me about you, Zach, it is the fact that you possess a candor absent in others of your ilk," the young woman replied, "those who refer to themselves as 'light mages'." A thought crossed her mind, and she shook her head in a negatory gesture as though attempting to rid her mind of the thought through the action. "Well, let us hope we are strong enough to keep the power in our hands from being abused." There was a pause, before she continued, "if it is any consolation to you, I don't think these phoenixes are alive. Sentient masses of energy, maybe, but not 'flesh-and-blood'. After all, have you ever seen anyone you killed bow to you before expiring? It looks to me that the phoenixes are a test, to determine whether we are worthy to wield the power. And I daresay we did well on our first test."

    On the matter of Hugin and Munin, Zach's attempt to mollify Beira did not go on as successfully as he would have hoped. "Two halves of two crows?! And you do not call that an eyesore. I fail to see how the half of a carrion bird would make a prettier sight than a headless horse monstrosity." She paused for a moment, realizing that she might be sounding a bit too hypercritical. "Well, you have seen the crows, and I haven't, so perhaps I speak out of turn. Nevertheless, my interest in your birds would be more to observe and possibly study them, and less of a desire to ride them across the sky."

    Things were beginning to make sense to Beira now. Going over her companion's words, she realized why his magic had seemed familiar to her. Wrath of the Nine Realms? So by his magic, Zach was probably connected to her heritage. The feel of his ice was familiar to her, she now realized, because it had its roots in Jotunheimr, the plane on which Utgardr was located. And his shiny form felt somewhat like Utgardian magic, though for the most part, Utgardr's magic tended towards frost. That made his magic source Asgardian. She regarded him with a curious expression.

    "In all honesty, Zach," stated the Utgardian maiden, "I am unsure of whether to be alarmed or amused by the fact that the people of Midgardr actually worshiped the Aesir as gods, although the name Odin is not familiar to me. In any case, we have spent a bit of time here, and should be going. The Travectio Infinium is dangerous, I'm sure, but it can be traversed. Just stay close, and you will be kept safe." Beira rose to her feet and held out her left hand, fingers spread out. A rectangle appeared floating in thin air, about four inches above the ground. The image's dimensions were six feet high and four feet wide. The rectangle itself was an odd grey color, and looked like it was made of oil. "Follow me," the ice mage said, before stepping into the rectangle like it was a door.

    When Zach entered it, the portal would disappear, leaving the empty Shinku wastes once more devoid of life. What Zach would enter would feel like water, and yet not so, and he would be in the midst of a gigantic library, between two aisles of books towering as high as he could look, though the books would seem inaccessible. Very soon, Beira would lead him to the end of the aisle, which also appeared to be the end of the library, as the ground suddenly terminated into a sheer endless drop a few inches away, and a strange stone path led off into the void, with strange forms far in the distance, and a panoramic cosmic display all around. If Zach looked back once on the stone path, he would see the rows of bookshelves, hanging in empty space. "We enter the Travectio Infinium proper, Zach. Stay close."

    WC: 683 words
    Total: 1751/7500



    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Posts : 189
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Lemony.Boy 1st October 2019, 5:32 pm

    In regard to his candor, Zachariah didn’t know what to say or what to think.  He felt somewhat flattered, and a mix of other feelings that stemmed from such flattery.  While he knew only a few other light mages, Zachariah never thought of candor as one of their identifying traits.  Zachariah nodded his head in reply, “Let us hope…”  In the brief silence, he wondered how the next battle would go down as well as those to follow.  The thought painted a frown on his face, though he looked away to hide it.  Beira remarked that the phoenix did not appear to be living, and were simply magic or energy personified by a bird.  This did make Zachariah feel slightly better about slaying the magnificent creatures, but only slightly.  He laughed halfheartedly, “I don’t think I’d want to see anyone I’ve killed bow before me.  Could you imagine? A corpse curtsying?  Sounds disheveling to me.  But I have to agree, the phoenix was sure as hell a difficult test.”

    He laughed at Beira’s reaction to his description of Hugin and Munin.  Yes, in writing the birds sounded quite gruesome, and surely to some people they might be, but not to Zach. “I don’t blame you.  They make for a very rough ride, especially in a dark place such as this.”  Upon hearing her uncertainty, Zachariah couldn’t help but giggle.  “I have to agree that it’s amusing that people worship the Aesir.  The pantheon is an odd bunch, or at least from I’ve researched.  The god Loki, for example, has children.  Mundane, I know, but one is a giant wolf named Fenrir, and another is the serpent--he paused, struggling to pronounce--Jorgunmandr, that can ‘wrap around the world and bite its own tail’.”

    Though, as Zachariah observed Beira form the Travectio Infinium, he figured the time for laughs would have to wait for later.  A portal, or that was the least complex way for him to describe, formed that was not much taller than him and wide enough to fit a single person.  It rippled like oil, and soon enough Beira entered the passageway with ease.  Zachariah hesitantly reached out and tried to touch it, then figured he would step inside as well.  He followed Beira’s lead, almost startled by the closing of the portal behind him.  Shinku disappeared before his very eyes, and a place much more ethereal opened up to greet him.  The atmosphere had a thickness comparable to water, yet at the same time easy to distinguish from water.  He ogled at the towering bookshelves around him, wondering what vast knowledge the place held.  His senses felt off, as well, somewhat enhanced, somewhat dulled, though he could still carry on along Beira’s side with ease.  It boggled him how easily his curiosity got the better of him, as he nearly lost Beira amidst the endless library.

    “I have so many questions,” Zachariah asked, unable to hide his interest in just about everything around him.  He ensured Beira was always within eyeshot, maintaining pace with her.  Whenever he squinted, he swore he could see a figure swirl in the distance.  Sometimes the figures were reflections of himself, others were formless and indistinguishable. Forget Nazo, he thought, I would like to know what this realm is exactly.

    “Is this place dangerous?” He inquired, though he felt as if he was asking the wrong question entirely.  Books and miscellaneous objects drifted about overhead, traversing just as they were.  Earnestly, he felt like a child in a candy store.  He couldn’t help himself from staring out into space and observing his new surroundings  It was surprising that he didn’t lose Beira entirely or run into a bookshelf.  As he looked forward, he tried to search for what he thought would be the end of their path, only to see a dead end and a distant path that lead into the void.  “I understand that you know this place better than I do, but uh, there’s a drop that way,” he commented.

    WC: 668
    Total: 2419/7500

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Fraag 2nd October 2019, 1:25 pm

    Beira smiled bemusedly at Zach's statement about corpses bowing to him after their living forms had been vanquished by the light mage. Sounded like something a necromancer would be comfortable with. Sounded like something she should be comfortable with, but she wasn't. Those who knew a little about her knew that she was an ice mage, but what made her ice imbued with darker qualities was its connection to the elemental plane of Death, from which necromantic energies were believed to be harvested. Well, there was no reason for Zach, or anyone else in the meantime, to know.

    Zach seemed to be as amused as Beira at the Aesir being worshipped, and proceeded to talk of some names unknown to her, but this Loki fellow did seem interesting. If indeed he was Aesir, Beira could only wonder just what exactly his wife would look like, if she was giving birth to wolves and world encircling snakes. But the mere fact that Beira didn't know of the names being mentioned would probably have to mean that these people were not around as at the time Utgardr thrived, because from time to time, the Utgardians received news of what was going on in Asgardr, thanks to spies who could cross the dimension-splitting Ifingr River.

    As expected, the entering into the Librarium Obscuri left Zach with many questions. "Ask," Beira answered, as she walked among the bookshelves. She laughed in response to his question. "Everything is... or perhaps, almost everything has its own way of being dangerous," she replied. "Actually, I cannot tell if it is truly dangerous. Anytime I enter though, I feel like I should not remain here for too long. But I do not think this place can harm me... at least. As for others, I am not so sure."

    At the edge of the Librarium Obscuri, Zach mentioned the void ahead of them, and Beira nodded. "I know," she replied, stepping casually on the stones which floated in the middle of nothing, the stones surprisingly remaining immobile. "The realm over which I have some degree of power, the Librarium Obscuri, or the one with so many books, leads into this infinite place, which somehow connects space, even across dimensions, I think, defying time as it does so. My connection to the Librarium Obscuri allows me to traverse the Travectio Infinium safely as far as I know, so I couldn't even drop unless I wished to." Beira attempted to step off the path, but a stone appeared beneath her feet as she did so. "See? You, however, I cannot say. You may fall, and to where, I do not know. Which is why I ask you to take heed."

    As she walked, the space above and ahead of them began shimmering, and soon a portal similar to the one through which they had entered this strange plane formed ahead of them. If Zach looked at the portal, he would see the interplanetary travel gateways that connected Shinku to the other planets, just beyond. The stone path in the midst of the void curved slightly upward, so that as the mages walked, they were now ascending up stairs of sorts leading to the doorway out of the Travectio infinium. Beira exited the dimension, and saw two or three fellows at the Wakusei Portals of Shinku watching her with surprise and suspicion. She ignored them and waited for Zach to come out, with the portal closing behind him as he did so, with nothing to indicate that such a thing had existed just moments ago.

    "Well, here we are."

    WC: 597 words
    Total: 3016/7500



    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Lemony.Boy 7th October 2019, 9:03 pm

    Beira merely telling Zach to ‘ask’ nearly pushed him over the edge.  A thousand questions bubbled in his head and wanted to erupt all at once, like a volcano of curiosity.  Primarily, he wanted to know what vast knowledge lie in the shelves of the Librarium Oscuri, he wanted to know if it extended the boundaries of time, and if it had any information about himself.  Instead, all he could articulate was, “So, what’s in all the books? The secrets of the universe?” and jokingly added, “is my death detailed in one of these?”

    Never before, in all his years of study and travel, had he imagined such a place.  She remarked that even she could not tell what was dangerous or not.  “I mean, it seems like there’s no other mages can enter this place except for you, unless there are and you’ve never seen them.  But, I don’t know what might be lurking in the distance...in the void.  To be honest, I’d rather not imagine any type of creature that might inhabit this realm.  It’s mind boggling enough as is.”  Just a smidge of confidence returned to Zach to hear Beira acknowledge the edge, but watching her hop across each stone made his anxiety spike.  Luckily the stones appeared sturdy enough to support a human, but Zachariah preferred a safer way, and wanted to summon the Starlight Surfer to simply float across the abyss.  A stone appeared beneath her feet each time she moved, though she remarked that it may not function the same for him.

    “I’d rather not take my chances,” he said, and opened and closed his fist.  Orange light gathered in the form of an oblong platform, levitating at his side.  He leapt on and steadied himself.  He was confident in his ability to navigate it, due to using the spell quite often for travel, and was sure he would not fall off.  “I’ll just follow you.”  While he sailed over the unfathomable abyss, he did his best not to look down, but sheer curiosity attracted his eyeballs over the edge of the Starlight Surfer.  As he waded through the air, the space above shined and unveiled a portal into a new realm.  It was like an x-ray of all the interplanetary gateways, intricate and ethereal.  He watched as Beira exited the dimension and entered the Wakusei Portals.  He followed and landed on his own two feet, disbanding the Starlight Surfer for the time being, seeing a few others entering the portals as well.  When he turned around, the portal shut, closing off the Librarium Oscuri.

    “Well, wasn’t that an interesting walk,” he exclaimed.  “Off to Kyoka we go.”  As he glanced around, he searched for the correct pathway to Kyoka.  Only one of the gateways resembled the one in his vision, and as he approached, he could feel an intense radiation of magic emanate even from the entrance.  It must’ve been Kyoka.  He’d heard only myths about the place, how it expanded mages’ powers beyond their limits.  Excitement ran through his veins, and he couldn’t wait to experience it for himself.  “Are you ready for the next part of our journey?”

    Without hesitation, he stepped through the portal and immediately felt a wave of nausea.  Amidst their battling the Phoenix along with many other unfriendly creatures, he had forgotten how uncomfortable traveling through the portals was.  But his nausea was immediately replaced with ecstasy as he envisioned Kyoka in its full glory.  Perhaps it was a placebo, but he definitely felt energy surge through his veins like electricity.  Adrenaline and sheer euphoria flowed in his blood, and he couldn’t help but make a satisfied sigh.

    WC: 612
    Total: 3628/7500

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Fraag 10th October 2019, 7:56 am

    The questions Zach asked were amusing, at least to Beira. "Well, there's all sorts of things in these books," Beira replied, "although many of them are written in language scripts I have never seen before. I suspect a good deal of them is pure gibberish, and practically useless to anyone. Some, however, might be extremely dangerous, due to the fact that they might be collections of forbidden knowledge. As for any of these volumes containing the secrets of the universe, I suppose you'll have to read through all those volumes to find out, though I would very much like to know who would write such a thing and put it here. And on the subject of your death, it could be. Who knows?"

    Beira had always suspected that the books in the Librarium Obscuri were created by the mind of whoever controlled the realm, being additions to whatever had ruled over this realm before. Just as she had supplanted the previous owner of this place, Beira was sure that the mindflayer god, Uaggool, had supplanted someone or something else to own the library. In any case, she was sure that whatever, or whoever had created this place had long ago ceased to use it. The Utgardian wondered if any such being was keeping watch over this portion of the Travectio Infinium, and more importantly, whether she was actually in control of the library, or was simply made to think that she was, and something else held sway here.

    Zach's reluctance to follow Beira on the steps that led off from the library into the Travectio Infinium proper was noted, and considered wise, by the God Slayer. It wasn't safe to easily put one's trust in things which had not been completely tested, and their reliability verified. Of course, once on more stable ground, there was no need to use the orange colored flying board thing. Why had he decided that they both use the Nuckelavee as transport back then, when he had more comely means of transportation? But thinking about it, the macabre equestrian had its merits. After all, the Starlight Surfer didn't have a spear.

    Beira allowed Zach to enter the portal first before following him. To her, the question of being ready was rhetoric. She felt the usual tingle she always felt when passing between dimensional media, but she wasn't much bothered by it. Her traversals through the Librarium Obscuri made her more acclimatized to such things than most others. The feeling, when she exited the portal, however, was unexpected. The rush of energy into her body was quite invigorating, and the blonde gasped in surprise at the sensation. "Well, this is... different..." she managed to say, as she looked around her at the beauty of this world. Definitely she preferred it to Shinku by a long margin. Recalling the vision she had had on the ominous planet, Beira immediately set off towards the location of the next shrine.

    "I don't think we're going to need a ride this time, or at least not on your macabre horse."

    WC: 510 words
    Total: 4138/7500



    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Lemony.Boy 14th October 2019, 11:40 pm

    “Besides, I could use a nice, hopefully peaceful walk.  Couldn’t you?” he asked.  As Beira strolled in the right direction, as did Zach.  Albeit not as much as the Librarium Obscuri, this place intrigued Zach.  It was indeed livelier than Shinku, though any sign of other people was far and few.  He wondered how far the next shrine would be, and if there would be another beacon of light into the sky as there was at the previous shrine.  As he gazed up into the sky, he searched for it, but found nothing but a clear, orange-esque sky.  While they had not encountered anything yet, Zachariah could only imagine what kind of creatures might be living in a realm such as this, especially with the great degree of magical energy flowing through the place.  In case of anything coming out to attack them, Zachariah kept his eyes peeled and sensed for any arcane beings that might be lurking nearby.

    Physically, Kyoka resembled Earthland in some aspects; similar geography and atmosphere.  Though, Kyoka contained more mountainous terrain and a sky that had a different hue to it.  Off in the hills, Zachariah eyed what could be large cats climbing about, stalking the two.  The creatures followed, perhaps hungry for something or waiting on a vulnerable moment to strike.  As the two wandered, more wildlife began to come about.  The animals here appeared mostly predatory; it seemed as if each new animal Zachariah saw was larger than the previous.  If he squinted deeply enough, he thought he could see a glimmering structure in the distance.  Stone of a similar luster to the one in Shinku filled a circular court far away.  It was hidden between two small mountains, and as Zachariah searched for an entrance, he found a small pass at the base, a medium distance from here.  “I think we might be getting close,” he remarked,  “Unless that’s a shrine for some other deity that I see.”

    A sudden trepidation crept down his spine, as if his body was preparing to fight all on its own.  He did a three-sixty and eyed every corner where something might be hiding.  Everything suddenly calmed except for the sound of the breeze ruffling the tall grass. “As curious as I am to know what lives in Kyoka, I would also love to leave that up to the imagination,” he said and picked up his pace a bit, expanding his stride.  Though, his hurry would be for naught, as a drakon the size of a large tree rose up from the ground, having been camouflaged against the terrain.  The creature rose and uncoiled itself.  It had sharp-looking scales and a pointed head like a serpent’s.  Zachariah was caught off guard, thinking for a moment that the beast was a dragon.  Though, the creature did not emanate as powerful magical energy as a dragon, much to his relief.

    He immediately shouted, “Watch out!” and dove in front of Beira as the creature slashed at them with its claws.  His body immediately transformed into Ymir, encasing his limbs and torso in dark ice and a white crest of fur.  Antlers sprung from his head, as well as the soft glow of runes on his chest and forearms.  The drakon’s claws cut through his body, but only shallowly.  Nevertheless, the force of the strike sent Zachariah tumbling through the rocks.  He eventually staggered back onto his feet, leaving a small trail of ice where he landed.

    It roared, and conjured up a powerful gust of wind from its lungs.  Zachariah then hummed the Song of the Hooded One, a supportive spell that would strengthen both mages’ magic power even further.  The air filled with a deep sound like a warhorn, and Zachariah felt himself grow stronger from it.

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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Fraag 16th October 2019, 6:11 am

    "Yes," Beira said in answer to Zach's opinion about a nice, peaceful walk, "that would be rather welcoming." Despite the fact that Beira suspected that Kyoka might not be so much less dangerous than Shinku, this current planet was a lot more beautiful to perceive than the planet of blood and shadows. Beira still felt that an orange sky was not the best in terms of hues. She didn't know about other people, but she felt that looking too long at the sky might give her a headache or some such thing. Fortunately, she didn't feel compelled to keep her gaze fixed on the arched vault above.

    Only issue was, the life that seemed native to Kyoka didn't seem so friendly. Like Zach, Beira had seen the feline creatures in the distance, and she knew they weren't just hanging around in the hopes of saying hello. While pretending as though she wasn't interested in taking notice of them, the Utgardian made sure from time to time that she was aware of their numbers and locations. Still, she had to pay attention to her immediate environment. A strange frog-like creature, about four feet in height, having uncharacteristically sharp teeth, seemed more interested than the cats in being more forward in its approach to the two mages, hopping towards them and making a rumbling sound in its throat. It had hopped onto a strangely colored patch of grass, when a strange, giant, pod-like structure attached to a large tree-like organism nearby snapped onto the toad, and dragged its limp body into the thick tangle of branches of the 'tree'.

    While Beira was making mental notes to keep an eye out for colored patches of grass, the two mages got to a pass between two mountains, and Beira was sure it was the shrine ahead, beyond the pass. But before she could say anything, the mountain seemed to be uncoiling, and a serpentine creature revealed itself, slashing at the mages with its claws. Zach leaped in front of Beira, shielding him from the creature's attacks, which sent him flying. The Utgardian immediately went after her companion, in case the drakon wanted to attack Zach while he was down, which it seemed eager to do as it took in a deep breath. But he struggled to his feet, as he cast a spell, and Beira heard what sounded like a warhorn. A new sensation of power flooded through her, as she placed herself between the drakon and Zach, stamping her foot as the creature roared.

    A towering wall of ice sprang out of the ground, shielding the two mages from the gust of wind. "That is how you defend against a mountain lizard snake," Beira said, before leaping onto the wall. The drakon was already charging, and was foolish enough to strike the wall, as it was frozen in place momentarily. Summoning a giant spear of ice, Beira drove it through the creature's head and into the ground, ending its life. Stylishly, she flipped off the wall to land beside Zach. "You look like a frost giant," she said, some disdain evident in her voice. But then her expression softened, as she smiled gently at him. "Thank you for defending me against that lizard snake thing's attack, unwise as that was, seeing as I'm not a helpless maiden." The smile faded into a look of concern. "Are you hurt, Zach?"

    WC: 566 words
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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Lemony.Boy 20th October 2019, 11:42 pm

    Zachariah held up his arm, revealing the only inch deep cracks in the ice.  “Sorry, it was an instinct,” he explained, “regardless if you are helpless or not, I will do anything to keep my partners safe.”  The cut hurt, but only topically, like a scrape that a child might receive after a fall.  As a result, he felt minimal to no pain.  Luckily, transforming into Ymir increased his resistance exponentially, as if encasing his limbs in ice had its perks.  The drakon went down fairly easy, almost too easy, and what concerned him more was the presence of larger and stronger creatures.  He appreciated Beira’s concern, albeit slightly embarrassed when she remarked that she did not need saving.  A faint, warm-colored blush crept into his cheeks.  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he replied in a voice softer and more stern than usual.  “Are you alright? No scratches anywhere?"

    In response to her comment on his appearance, he looked down at his feet and examined himself.  Indeed, he resembled a frost giant, a rather accurate guess, actually.  Zachariah briefly pondered a way to explain without going into depth and did his best to condense a whole creation story.  “This is the power from the giant Ymir,” he said.  “In short, the ‘primal being,’ that was born from the ice of Niflheim.  It’s a rather odd creation story, if you ask me.”  Before going further off tangent, he scratched his head in thought, trying to recall the details.  “Humankind was born from his sweat, the ocean from his blood, mountains from his bones, clouds from his brain…” he paused, realizing how crazy he must have sounded.  Though, given that he’d summoned the Nuckelavee and described Loki’s children he wasn’t sure if Beira would even be alarmed by such a story.  “I questioned the credibility of the translator too when I first read the account.”

    “Anyways, seeing how...eccentric the environment is, I hope you don’t mind me maintaining this form until we reach the shrine.  My powers as Ymir are mostly frost-based, somewhat similar to yours.”  As he walked, his icy feet practically slid over the path, though he maintained balance well.  Everywhere he walked, a thin trail of ice laid down like a sheet underfoot then quickly sublimated.  “Unless the trail winds some more, I think we’re getting pretty close.  There doesn’t seem to be that many other people around, or at least going after the shrine.  Our main obstacles might only be the wildlife, plant and animal, apparently.”

    Grim as everything looked, Zachariah almost found it appealing, everything preying on each other.  As they followed the trail some more, Zachariah felt the atmosphere grow more tense, as if the concentration of magic in the air increased as they approached the Phoenix.  While he certainly felt more powerful breathing in the Kyokan air, he realized that the Phoenix must also be stronger, and reminded himself to be a degree more cautious in this battle.  Bird-like scavengers hovered overhead, as if waiting for Zach and Beira to drop dead so they could feast on their corpses, but Zach pointed his finger upwards and fired Scatterbeams into the air, dispersing the flock.  Their incessant cawing slightly irritated him.  Though, they seemed to approach a small clearing, shielded by trees and grass.  “Before we enter the phoenix shrine, I can heal any major wounds we have at the moment with the Dagger of the Hatałii.  Perhaps any fractures or deep cuts left by the last battle?  I realize now that I should have offered earlier” he offered, unsheathing the green blade.  Zachariah paused.  Although he’d prefer that both of them were at their strongest, he didn’t want Beira to feel like he was crossing any personal boundaries.  Should she decline, they would keep moving, and if she were to accept, he would revert from Ymir back to his normal appearance.

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    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Fraag 23rd October 2019, 5:36 am

    Beira looked at the shallow scratches on Zach's frost-covered arm with a good deal of relief, as he was mostly unarmed. "You should not have to apologize for having good intentions," she replied gently. "Your inclination to keep your colleagues safe is... commendable." And in the God Slayer's opinion, it truly was commendable. She just wasn't too used to coming across people who had such selfless motivations. Most people she knew were primarily self-serving. And not too surprising. Such a behavior seemed to be grossly ingrained into human nature. Well, if one looked at it, altruism was actually almost unique to humans as well, as most natural forces simply worked towards self-preservation, which essentially was the basis of selfish behavior. The ability of humans to incline towards great feats of good or evil was intriguing. Idly, she wondered whether creatures of other races had their morality set in stone. Demons were almost always evil, and angels were mostly good. Was humanity's ability to choose a blessing or a curse?

    In response to his question about whether she was injured or not, Beira answered, "Not a single scratch, thanks to you." As the two mages resumed their trek towards the Phoenix shrine, Zach proceeded to tell her a thing or two about the magic he was using. Beira was familiar with the name Ymir. She had heard it come up a lot once questions about creation were asked, or such stuff. She listened to her partner recount the apparently strange things that found their source from this primordial being. "Oh yes," she continued when he paused, "his hair made the trees, his skull ended up as the sky, and don't ask, Midgardr somehow came from his eyebrows. I always found that part funny." She giggled at Zach's lack of faith in his translator. "I don't think your translator didn't know his job," the ice mage replied, "yet stories such as that are mostly not to be taken literally. It's a creation parable of sorts, although I must admit, to my shame, that I've forgotten much of the more hidden meanings of the story."

    Once more, Zach asked if Beira needed healing, just before the duo got into the perimeter of the shrine. "As I said before, I'm all good, but don't worry, I'll scream if I get so much as a scratch," the blonde replied with a lopsided smile, as the shrine came into view, along with the floating stone which both mages had seen in their visions. "There's the prize." A ghostly shimmer formed on the ground between the mages and the stone, and began to rise, taking the form of a spectral flame, which coalesced into the phoenix. "Let's look alive!" Beira yelled, as she clapped her hands together. Almost instantly, the temperature dropped considerably, and what had been a clear weather had suddenly metamorphosed into a blizzard, the winds buffeting the phoenix, blinding and damaging it, as well as making flying difficult, due to the effects of the Winter God Chaos. With Zach's frost giant form, Beira was sure that the drop in temperature would not bother him, and the cold damage and blindness were for the phoenix alone.

    WC: 531 words
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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Lemony.Boy 28th October 2019, 10:17 pm

    Although Zachariah found it odd that Beira wasn’t used to general altruism, he decided not to look too deeply into it.  “Commendable?” he inquired, ears slightly perking up.  He was so accustomed to helping people that even grand actions were like forgettable gestures, and figured ‘commendable’ was an overstatement.  “That’s one way to put it.  I simply call it...common courtesy.  Well, saving people’s lives isn’t very common, but I’ve always felt an inclination to help, no matter what the problem is.”  As for Zachariah, he always found that altruism burdened his conscience less than being a bystander.  He thought her look of surprise interesting, as if she wondered why he felt this way.  But his preference to serve others more than himself was a mystery even to him; it all came down to what ‘felt right’ inside.

    Zachariah grinned when he learned that Beira was familiar with the tales, relieved that he wasn’t crazy to think the story was eccentric.  She even giggled at his retelling, too, drawing a bigger smile on his lips.  “I suppose you’re right,” the light mage agreed.  “Honestly, I get so caught up in the fantastical elements that I don’t even look for meaning anymore.  Sometimes meanings make you look at the world in a way you never intended to, if you know what I mean.”  At Beira’s reply about screaming over a scratch, Zachariah decided to back off a little, suddenly realizing how persistent he must have been with making sure she was unhurt.  “Alright...” he drawled off.  “Anyways, this fight should be a breeze, don’t you think?”

    He followed Beira into the shrine and towards the stone from his premonitions.  Before he even thought to touch it, the phoenix arose from the ground, like steam from a kettle.  “Alive we shall look,” Zachariah repeated, and lowered into a fighting stance.  Beira quickly conjured up a blizzard, throwing the bird off kilter.  Luckily, his icy form made the storm feel like a cool breeze, allowing him to fight at full capacity.  “Here we go!”

    Zachariah unleashed the Song of the Hooded One once again, and filled the valley with a sound like a warhorn.  The spell would boost both of their fighting capabilities exponentially, and therefore strengthening the storm greatly.  Though, the phoenix seemed to display a slightly different approach to fighting both mages.  It opened up its wingspan, and summoned droves of tinier versions of itself.  Zachariah sucked in air and raised his arms overhead to expand his lungs further, then unleashed the Cosmic Winter upon the phoenix.  A black zephyr, filled with tiny comets that buffeted everything in the air.  The clones suddenly tightened their forms and dove towards them like icicles, their beaks stabbing into the ground with impressive force.

    Zachariah raised his arm to shield his face, feeling the birds crash against his ice to no avail.  As he guarded himself, several of the miniature phoenixes surrounded him and circled him, separating him from Beira.  He punched one into the ground, and another and another, doing so much as to grab several and throw them into the trees with futility.  The circle grew smaller and tighter, and he soon found himself immobilized unless he used a more powerful spell.  As for Beira, he couldn’t see her well enough through the crowd.

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    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul Empty Re: Zachariah & Beira: Smoke and Soul

    Post by Fraag 30th October 2019, 6:36 am

    Zach sounded his warhorn, and Beira felt the familiar sense of invigoration, even as she perceived the power of her storm intensify. The phoenix, for its part, was not too pleased to be at the receiving end of such aggression, and responded with the release of a good number of clone phoenixes made from spirit essence. The miniatures began diving at the two mages, and Zach defended himself with his frozen arms. Beira, for her part, suddenly got an idea. It would be dangerous, but hopefully, she could pull it off. The birds dove with murderous velocity, and smashed into where she had been standing with a force that cracked the earth.

    That attack would have been severe, if Beira had remained where she was. One moment, she had been there, but in the next, she was gone, as wisps of inky smoke and faintly glowing runes faded out of existence. The Utgardian reappeared, directly over the phoenix, this time, coating herself in her Winter God Curse, even as she formed a great axe of nether rime. As she dropped onto the back of the bird, the Winter God Curse took effect, freezing the phoenix temporarily, as she hacked away at it, swinging her giant weapon as easily as she would an empty wicker basket. The phoenix shrieked as it crashed into the earth, and the sky began glowing ominously. Without so much as glancing at the sky, Beira kept smashing her axe on the back of the phoenix. While standing on the creature's back, it would be unable to turn its head to blast her with its breath attack, and it couldn't use its wind attack. Still, it could reuse its mini minion summon attack, or its rain ability, the latter of which it had chosen to do. Fortunately for Beira, she had thought of this when she made her attack.

    Simultaneously slamming her axe between the shoulders of the phoenix, Beira tapped into the mystic powers of the Librarium Obscuri, summoning two walls, made of black, writhing hands, one close to herself, and the other for Zach. The walls bent to form a shade to protect from the falling missiles of fiery spirit energy, while grasping at any miniature phoenix that came too close. With the methodological persistence that a lumberjack swung his axe to fell a tree, Beira continued her assault on the bird. At a loss for further ways with which to deliver itself from its blonde assailant, the phoenix turned its head downward, and fired a blast of spirit energy into the earth beneath it, causing a miniature explosion as it cratered the area. The blast sent Beira sailing off the bird, to crash painfully some meters away. The phoenix rose from the earth, just as Beira sat up, mustered all her strength, and flung the axe straight into the bird's head. It seemed to shake off the attack unfazed, as it positioned itself so that it was facing the two mages. Then it bowed and dissolved into brightly colored smoke. As the smoke cleared away, Beira saw the stone floating above the pedestal, and rose shakily to her feet.

    "Well, that worked... somehow," she said with a chuckle as she held the glowing object. A familiar vision flashed through her head, as she fell to her knees. She could heal herself, but she remembered her partner's offer to heal her, and decided she didn't want to appear scornful of his offer, especially as he seemed to merely be looking out for her well-being."Zach? I think I'm screaming now...."


    WC: 594 words
    Total: 7656/7500


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