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    How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
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    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 13th September 2018, 11:14 am

    Oras stood in the library looking through books with Amora. They were back in the town of Rose Garden in the public library looking for something specific. Namely, books that would help them learn how to better raise, care for and teach a pet. If they could get info on raising a tiger specifically that would be even better. The two of them had been looking for the most detailed and highest quality books on the matter. Oras was taking his time filing through them all, flipping through pages to check the chapters, paragraphs and the like. He wondered how Amora was holding up... They didn't bring the tiger with them of course. The small creature was waiting safely in Oras' room. He was hoping the creature wasn't destroying the room though. He wasn't concerned for it's appearance, but mainly that he was using a guild hall room. He didn't want the guild hall damaged any further. They had left it food and water as well so it should last very well while they were gone. Oras had twisted the lock on the window via magic to ensure it couldn't escape that way, and did the same with the door lock. It literally had no way of getting out, not even through shadows. They had left every light on in every corner to prevent such a thing from happening. And now here they were looking for source materials. "You still haven't given it a name yet have you? Perhaps we could pick up a book on naming children and pets while we're here."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 13th September 2018, 11:24 am

    Amora rather then looking for books is leaning back in a chair and has her head tilted back to look towards her partner with a smile on her face. Not being the type to ever look through books really even if it was meant for her little precious tigress now. 'Books are marks of evil.' She can only think and nod to herself in agreement while watching her partner file through one book after the other. While she is more so trying to remember anything she had done while being within the wild of nature concerning tiger's being raised and just pouts more and more as she realizes a rather simple fact that she has nothing since she never bothered observing mating rituals. With a annoyed sigh she remains in her chair but stops thinking to hard about the raising aspect and focuses on what her partner says that is kinda a good question she should be thinking about. No i haven't though of a name. names are tough okay. It's not like i can just point at her and give her a random word to define her without even knowing her. Amora says towards her partner while gesturing to the ground as if at the tiger which isn't present since it got left in the room. You know that we didn't give him a suitable place to rest you know that right? I wonder how tigers even choose how and where do they sleep? Do they make nests like bird? Do they like warmth or cold better. Amora mutters to herself softly in wonderment as those questions enter her mind.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
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    Guild : Black Rose
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 13th September 2018, 11:53 am

    Oras nodded in response to Amora's reply. He went ahead and picked up a book of names and their meanings though, so that she could at least look through a list of names. He then picked up three other books. One on caring for and raising pets. Another book which explained the behaviors and eating patterns of tigers. And a third for parenting. Amora saw herself as the tiger's guardian more than she saw it as a pet, so it would make sense to get this book. He then heard her mention that they didn't give the tiger a suitable place to sleep either. When she asked about what she would like or prefer he held up the behavior book. "That's what this book will tell us. Anything we don't know we can learn by reading this. I know you hate reading but it's important to learn more about them and the world around us. For the moment I think these should suffice. How about we return to the guild hall?" He was hoping beyond all hope that nothing was destroyed. Too bad he'd be sorely disappointed.

    When they walked through the hall one of the staff members approached him with a weary and distressed face.
    "We thought you were in your room! There's been a lot of noise coming from inside." Oras stopped and rolled his head upward, as if looking to the gods and asking them why they hated him. He turned back to the staff. "Understood, no need to worry. I know exactly what it is..." He walked over to the door and spoke to Amora. "I'll handle the damage, you take care of the tiger ok? And I'm not reading every book with you slouching around like the last time Amora. This is your responsibility as much as it is mine, so you take a book. I take a book. We both read and research together. Whether you want to learn more about tiger behaviors and needs first or names is your decision but you still have to read." He opened the door and looked at the sight of the room..


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 484
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 13th September 2018, 12:33 pm

    But books are eeeevviilll. She whines childishly before getting off of the chair that she is in and gets up onto her feet and walks beside her partner and as soon as the book is registered to be allowed to leave the library she takes the book and reads the book on behaviors and patterns of tigers so she can learn what she thinks would be the most important to learn. Not really ready mentally probably for the multitude of rather large and complex words that will be apart of this book which Amora would not be prepared for at all. She flips through the pages taking her time to do so to make sure that she can figure out what is being required of her as she slowly flips through everything bit by bit and not getting that far into it as they reach the guild hall and she hears the words of the man. A small amused grin appears on her face as she follows her partner up the stairs to his room and then looks around it and grins at the sight before her. The pillow bitten into and layed right next to the baby tigress and her food of meat.The bed sheets strewn about everywhere and even somethings scattered and broken. With seemingly VERY luckily no blood having come from any of the broken items. Speaking of the Tigress she is laying right on the pillow nibbling and biting it shaking her head back and forth as she then looks up to us very excitedly when we come into the room.

    Amora herself very happily walks over to her baby girl and picks her up gently and affectionately into her arms as the baby tigress nuzzles against her as Amora smiles. She is a little fighter and hunter aren't ya? She questions the tigress who lets out a cute and adorable roaring noise. Next time i'll take you on a hunt outside how about that? She asks the tigress who nuzzles her as Amora nods seemingly taking that as a yes as she wonders just how much about hunting down the little tigress in her arms actually know in regards to pouncing on prey?


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
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    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 13th September 2018, 12:44 pm

    Oras sighed as he began walking over to the sheets and pillows. "If you do want her to practice hunting, I'd suggest starting with mice and squirrels. Get her used to the basics of hunting so that when she's bigger and stronger she can take on stronger foes more easily. You have to learn to walk before you can leap. Otherwise you end up harming yourself in the process." He placed his hands on the pillow and sheets and used his heightened telekinesis power to weave the fabric back within itself. Soon enough the sheets and pillows were fully restored. He also used his magic to close and lock the door and began moving onto the broken objects. "Also, books aren't evil. They have no life, are not conscious, and can't think for themselves. You only see it as evil because you aren't willing to take the time to learn about them. Of course if you turned it into something you'd understand, such as reading up on weaknesses, strategies, strengths, tactics and weapons enemies can use, or being more specific and reading up on the powers and skills of certain enemies; like a Lich for instance. You would be more prepared for if you ever faced one... Or another one in our case, which may happen seeing as how we aren't done with them yet." He finished restoring the room and sat down. "Remind me to write a list of everything we need to purchase for her... And first at the list is an indestructable chew toy."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 13th September 2018, 3:48 pm

    Amora pauses at hearing her partner's word having imagined her little tigress hunting birds right away, but his way does sound a lot safer for the tiger that she has to take care of to make sure that she can grow up and more importantly live. Yeah i guess you have a point Oras i just need to think of a place that has actual mice for her to hunt and kill, or maybe like create little intricate traps for her to have to chase that holds her food possibly? She says in a unsure tone trying to think of alternatives if they don't have mice on hand as the black haired huntress holds her precious tigress in her arms lovingly while stroking her back lovingly and affectionately. As she hears her partner talk she can't help but just roll her eyes at his words knowing that he took her words quite literally to the point that she wonders if he is trying to make a joke about her word choice more so then anything else. Fine they aren't evil they are just so boring that i can consider them mind numbing. She says in a sarcastic tone of voice towards her partner as she then sticks her tongue out at him while continuing to hold her tigress as she makes her way towards the bed and sets the tigress onto the bed while continuing to pamper her with pets. She then glances towards her partner and pulls her tiger closer to her which happily starts snuggling against her when she does so. Well if we ever face one we might have Artemis on our side once more to hel pout alongside his demon thing Morte. Which is actually a worry if Morte decides to become a more frequent talker within our discussions since we now actually know about him. But yeah my little girl first how do we need to raise her and how fast does she grow up being our biggest concerns since yeah available living space is important. Amora says with a nod of her head in ever so slightly worry at the idea of her precious little girl not growing up to her full potential and possibly then some.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
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    Guild : Black Rose
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    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 13th September 2018, 8:30 pm

    He was glad that Amora was willing to hear his words rather than fight him every step of the way. He didn't know too much in the sense of raising someone, or even teaching them. He felt Amora had learned more through experiences and trials and errors than Oras' teachings. However he did feel like he had something of value to say every once and a while. This also told him how much she truly did love the small tiger cub. She was willing to hear anything required to make sure it was raised properly. "Well don't forget that I have my illusion magic. I could create physical creatures for her to chase. However... I could probably get permission to set up a little 'wilderness garden' with walls set in place. We could then bring live prey into the garden. She could wander around freely there while we're planning, discussing, training, or going out. She'd have prey to chase and be in an environment she's familiar with. Eventually when she's older and stronger she can join us for lesser missions if you'd like, with that garden still being her sleeping area." When she replied and stuck her tongue out he couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head. She was maturing fast, but she'd always have a childish side. Made for an interesting life with her though. At the mention of Artemis and Morte he nodded, but there was a slight shadow over his face. "As long as Morte sticks to the rules we set for him I don't care much honestly. So long as he doesn't attack innocents or do anything to you he could go crazy for all I care. However... I do wish to speak with Artemis about Morte a bit more. I want to know how it happened and why. Perhaps then I'll learn a bit more about his personality."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 13th September 2018, 8:43 pm

    Amora gains a rather big and happy smile at hearing her partner's words rather excited by the prospect of having such a maze at there disposal of the maze slowly growing bigger with more prey for her baby to fight against and come out as top predator. She gazes directly at her partner and nods very eagerly and excitedly at this prospect her head being as fast moving as a free form bobble head practically. I can't wait to see that Oras! That means we can have the Black Rose home of the Rose Tiger! She says cheerfully giving her little tiger a nickname as she then grins very happily at that as she looks at it in the eyes and nods her head. Yeah that is your name Rose. She says very simply and seemingly very happy with what she has come up with in the spur of the moment without any planning at all. She then looks down to the tiger which has gotten up and starts circling the bed ever so slightly as if trying to find a good place to lay down on. My little Rose. Amora says with a very happy smile on her face as she looks towards her little tigress seemingly happy with her choice for the moment. When hearing him mention his opinion of Morte Amora just nods her head in understanding and then grins ever so slightly as her memories of what she said to Morte ring in her mind. And i can have a spar with Morte like i promised him when we were fighting that lich! That way we can practice how to fight against demons in a safe manner while also possibly sating that demon's battle lust to make it easier on Artemis you know? She says as a possible solution to help his guildmate and her friend.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 13th September 2018, 10:19 pm

    He chuckled at her excitement and waved a hand to calm her down. "I still have to talk with Izayuki first, but we should be able to do so. More than likely it would be fencing in a segment of space right outside the city. Then placing a magical ward around the fence to keep predators and humans outside of the area. Then it's as simple as putting her into the area and adding in prey, targets and such. As time goes on we add in predators to develop her survival instincts and tactics, and add more dangerous predators as she grows stronger. A legitimate strategy." Then she named the tiger and it seemed to approve of it. He smiled softly when she said 'my little rose'. It was like hearing a mother speak to her newborn child. When she mentioned Morte however he darkened once again. "When you fight him I'm going to be there. It's clear Morte does not have the restraint he requires, and thus if he goes too far and you are on the verge of death (as I promised in the tournament), then I will interfere and prevent him from killing you. Demons are dangerous and tricky, and are more often than not masters of deception and manipulation. It would be wise never to underestimate one."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 13th September 2018, 10:59 pm

    Amora nods happily with the biggest grin on her face while letting her baby rest on the bed once more as she just focuses on her partner and what to do next from here on out in regards to everything as she taps her cheek slightly and nods her head as she gets off of the bed and then glances back towards her baby tiger. Before we meet Iza actually. We should like plan out the area for my little Rose while also like learning a bit on just the sleeping habits and what they prefer to eat so when we do leave her alone it won't turn into a disaster zone like it was this time. Amora says with a small nervous chuckle at that feeling a bit of guilt since Rose is her responsibility to take care of as she looks towards her partner but at all times taking a cautionary glance backwards towards her Rose to make sure that she is safe. When the topic shifts to the demon Morte she just shrugs her shoulders in doubt towards her partners words as she looks into his eyes while crossing her arms. I'm certain that Artemis can easily keep Morte under control just enough to make sure that he doesn't kill me if anything he doesn't benefit from my death. She says rather nonchalantly about everything to that regard as she then turns towards the book and picks up the book about behavior and sleeping patterns to make sure that she can learn something quick for her little rose.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
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    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 14th September 2018, 12:11 pm

    He listened to Amora's words, suggesting they plan out the area Rose would be staying in while they were gone. Stating that she would also like to learn more about the tigers before they talk with Izayuki about it's construction. Specifically what their sleeping habits are, what they prefer to eat and other things like that. When she finished however he chuckled. "I'm less concerned about her lashing out at trees as she did with my mattress and pillow if we're honest. As for food, I think we should get foot she can eat. If we only get what she prefers then there's a good chance she'll get spoiled which leads to all sorts of problems. Better to have her used to having anything with an occasional personal favorite in my opinion. Sleeping habits would only be an issue if the area we're bringing her is massive. We could do that and provide multiple shelters for her to rest at if she tires out before nightfall. But I definitely agree that the both of us need to do more research on tiger behaviors while observing Rose carefully. Since she's a different species of tiger. I don't say breed because tigers don't have magical properties. I just have to make sure the magic barrier on the fencing can keep Rose from teleporting out..."

    Upon hearing her mention how she was sure Artemis could control Morte if things got bad, he shook his head.
    "There's never a one hundred percent guarantee Amora. I won't take chances. Besides, I could take notes on the fight and give you a few pointers afterwards. I don't see the harm in me being there just in case. I won't be interfering on a fair duel, and while I'm glad you trust Artemis' strength after only two interactions, I haven't been convinced yet. It takes more than one demonstration of strength over a demon to fully convince me. Remember that I've had experiences with an immortal who killed me once, and a God who almost killed me... I still don't understand why I didn't die from that strike. It doesn't make any sense..."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 14th September 2018, 12:20 pm

    Amora just nods her head in agreement to her partner about the fact that them having to observe Rose would probably be the best idea to understand her fully rather then trusting on the books they've picked up only. Since she is a different case then just a regular tiger from the fact that she has magical abilities somehow and can just be stronger and different then other tigers for all they know. Which does bring up a point they have no idea if she even has any properties similar to that of a shadow tiger or how they gain their abilities be it through maturity or if they're born with it. When hearing the possibility of making a large area for her to live Amora immediately nods her head yes at that with a serious look in her eyes. We need to give her something to travel in you do know how much tigers travel right? We need to do our best to try and simulate that for her while also making sure she isn't getting in over her head about some things since she wouldn't be able to fend herself from other predators since she doesn't have a pack besides us. Amora says rather seriously almost deathly so with a nod of her head as she doesn't even notice the tigress behind her just sleeping peacefully not even realizing that she is the topic of discussion and so much planning. So then along with being able to try and get an appropriate amount of space from this Iza lady what else would we need after getting all of our information. Cause i think the only other think i would need to know is what she is like so i could be prepared when i talk with her. Amora says in a rather calm manner while continuing to read the book within her hand about behavior of tigers.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 14th September 2018, 12:34 pm

    Oras looked at Amora with slight concern. "You aren't suggesting we bring her with us on our jobs are you? Because I'm not sure that would be the best idea. As for keeping her safe here while we're gone, so long as she's in the fenced in area. She will be safe. The only predators that reside in the fenced area will only be the ones we choose to put in them. In other words: We choose the danger level. For now we'll only have prey in there for her to chase around without any predators. Thus we start by doing research on what tigers typically eat. Put some prey in the fenced area for her. Then watch to see which ones she eats and what she refuses to eat. Due to her being a different species she may not be able to eat some of them. Also, it may be best that I speak with Izayuki directly. She's a Yokai, and doesn't comprehend human emotions very well. Because of this she may accidentally offend or insult you without realizing it or meaning to do so. It's never on purpose, but it's something she is struggling to practice and master."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 14th September 2018, 12:55 pm

    Amora pauses at the idea of bringing Rose with them on some jobs seemingly contemplating that idea ever so slightly. Wondering how well that would work as she then remembers the giant armies of skeletons, magic AoE attacks and a fire claw through the chest. Yeeeeah lets not bring Rose on jobs, but no that wasn't what i meant in the first place. What i meant was you can't just put her in a small little area and then say good enough she needs a giant space to play around in. Tiger's travel a lot i think since they at least do so for finding food i think. Though that does make me curious if you provided there food satisfaction would they travel as much and be just as happy? Since...well i mean i'm sure Rose will be fine she will be given prey to hunt and kill just as long as the space is big enough to have a good proper hunt rather then being easy to corner a prey because of how tiny it could be. Amora says pausing and hesitating at some spots as thoughts overwhelm her with the primary emotion and feeling being concern for her little tigress and her safety and how well could she herself provide things for her little girl to make up for what she had done. She then looks at her partner seriously when he brings up her question about Izayuki as she pouts and shakes her head no. You trust her and i assume it was her who brought you into this guild, watched you die then get reborn, and whatever weird stuff you've been doing while i've been doing some jobs by myself. I want to meet this person who clearly has had some kind of impact on my partner that quickly .Seriously it took me like what.months? And she convinces you she is cool in a day? Amora says switching to a slight joking and childish tone near the end to try and lighten the mood slightly.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 14th September 2018, 1:59 pm

    "We can't buy the entire valley and forest beside the city Amora. No matter how much we'd like to. We only have a limited amount of space to work with... However, we could try arranging a time of day where we take her traveling with us. Not on missions or jobs, but just exploring and mapping out more of Fiore. It would help us memorize more forests, caves, towns, cities, villages and such while also giving Rose more to explore. As for food and prey, we can select relatively easy ones for her to start with that she'd definitely be able to catch. These would be her primary food source. In addition to those we could have prey that are harder to stalk and catch, and thus would be both food and entertainment for her when she's being active. We won't have any predators in the area until we are certain she can defend herself." Oras had never, in all his life, ever imagine himself talking about how to raise an infant. Let alone a small tiger cub. Then again he didn't realize his soul would be so destructive, that he'd be invincible, nor did he expect to have an apprentice who had a mysterious silver fire that amplified her power. At this point he was just rolling with whatever happened. "Firstly, she did not sway me easily. Secondly, it was easier for me to be open to other's words and opinions after spending so much time with you.. Beforehand I had no one I could trust. After you had earned my trust, it was... Somewhat easier to open up to others, if only a small fraction. As for how Izayuki had convinced me to join, she was offering me many resources to find a childhood friend, as well as finding out what my soul was. Even more so, I had seen peace village destroyed and the rumors were that her guild had done it, though the evidence I spotted said otherwise. That and the conversation we had ended up swaying me completely."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 14th September 2018, 2:09 pm

    Amora pouts sadly at hearing that news knowing that just means that it is due to the fact that it has to do with the limitations that humans put on their society and just sighs to herself finding such things annoying since it means she can't simply go out and do what she wants. She actually has to play by their rules instead and deal with there agreements and such that those bickering people have to make between each other. Even then she just drops the matter since otherwise they would just end up talking in circles seemingly though there is the matter about the Iza girl to at least discuss as Amora smiles ever so slightly and stands up from her spot and looks at her partner while closing the book in her hands while placing it onto the build. Well than! I didn't hear a no in regards to you agreeing or disagreeing with me going with you to see Iza so i am glad that we're on the same page Oras. Since otherwise we both know i will fight you all the way till you just accept me either way i mean that is how i got you to agree to allow me to follow you on the road anyhow. She says in a mix of a cheerful non-joking voice mixed in with playful jokingness scattered within her words as she looks at her partner with her arms crossed at her chest as if challenging him to somehow deny the inevitable bickering between the two about such a simple thing when their are more important things to talk about and discuss. With that said she then picks up the book and starts skimming through it slowly but surely trying to find all the things that spring out to her as important for her to know to make sure that she can raise her baby Rose without any issue. Since as long as she can understand the general behaviors she can figure out what to do from the most part as a general approach. Once they can learn more about the exact species she could easily then dedicate time to the species to learn her Rose's specific little quotes.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 14th September 2018, 2:25 pm

    Oras placed a hand onto his forehead and sighed deeply. He felt like he was making too many personal requests from Izayuki and the guild, and should probably be offering more. However from what he could tell all the guild wanted from him was to do his job and gather intel and such. The issue was that everything was quiet as of late.. He looked at Amora and shook his head. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. The Yokai idea of emotions and what's offensive or insulting is sometimes the exact opposite of how humans understand it. I'm trying to help her understand the human mind but it's a bit of a slow process. But FIRST we should start by studying more about the tigers. We need to be prepared before we ask for a plot of land... Perhaps after Rose grows up and can fend for herself, we move her from that area and instead use it to train special creatures like the shade tigers. They could prove useful, though we'd need to disguise them. At any rate we need to keep a front that it's just to protect endangered species and not to harm them..."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 14th September 2018, 2:31 pm

    Amora just looks at her partner with a rather dead pan look with a raised eyebrow towards him and a questioning look. You know that i don't understand human intricacies yet at all so trying ot tell me to be prepared for how a Yokai could act won't really help if you're trying to make this a comparison Oras. She says in a joking tone of voice and then just sits down on her bed rather content with just reaching the book for the time being if it means helping her Rose get stronger and better through the use of their care and love for her. However, slow that maybe she is unsure but hoping that at the very least that by doing their best they can make her a appropriate hunter and partner for the two of them since she would want to take Rose on hunts alongside her at some point. Well if we're meant to learn lets get to doing so Oras why don't we each read the books we have here so we can make sure that we have a solid understanding of each individually rather then trying to explain something to the other. Though i know you'll most likely just create a long list of notes for easy reference for us to use, but at the very least by reading i can try to learn more of the language. While also hopefully remembering more than when you tried to force me to read the dictionary. Chuckling softly at that before getting right into reading her book to focus upon knowing and retaining as much as possible that would be for herself


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 14th September 2018, 7:59 pm

    Oras thought about it and nodded. "I suppose that makes sense. She has a different set of perspectives altogether however, as Yokai are from a different world entirely. And I don't mean like, a place separated from humans or animals, I mean another planet entirely. As for learning I agree. let's get to work."

    Time shift

    Oras sighed as they walked through the guild hall. The staff had told him where Izayuki currently was... Supposedly. She tended to move around a lot. At any rate they were making their way there. Oras knew they had to talk to Izayuki about borrowing money for yet another personal request, but he was hoping she wouldn't mind. If she did seem to mind a bit then he'd have to promise never to do so again. He wanted to grow closer to this guild, and try to make a friend out of Izayuki, but with her personality. He shook his head. It would be difficult but he would see it as a challenge. One way or another he'd befriend her in the end. Oras led Amora into the library where the staff suggested looking. The library of course, was seemingly endless. As they entered a giant owl shuffled by before glancing at him.
    "Sova, you know where Izayuki is?" Sova the massive owl shook his head. "No. To be honest though, she could be anywhere here. Best to just keep walking around and keep looking. If she's here you'll find her eventually. Especially with your style of magic." Oras nodded and began looking from aisle to aisle for her, Amora staying close by him.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci


    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Guest 15th September 2018, 3:17 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ H Rank

    The silver tanuki was still mulling over the recent loss of the blade of war. Repairs had been made in the library after the battle and the blood had been cleaned off the carpet and floors, but the fact that a threatening enemy now had the weapon of apocalypse in their hand was not a pleasant thought. Four paws padded against the new carpets as the ayakashi inspected the updated library. They had replaced what had been destroyed with lookalikes, so it did not feel like too much had changed, other than the fact that in the blade of war’s place rested a unique unknown mythical object that Nightmare had left behind or forgotten. They had yet to fully research the new magical equipment, and thus kept it off limits to most guildmembers.

    Hearing the distant avian voice of Sova and one other familiar voice, the silver-furred canine began to make her way towards them, grinning to herself. She hid her presence, including her magic, soul, and physical detection from them as four paws quietly moved towards them from behind. People who were not of the Black Rose guild typically did not know about the library, and were forbidden from entering unless they had permission. Of course, being a Caporegime, Oras could technically bring people in as needed. Nevertheless, it did not mean that Izayuki had to fully trust them or their intentions.

    Sneaking up behind them, the tiny raccoon dog took a running leap and attempted to land squarely on top of the woman’s head while invisible. Only after a few seconds of reaction would the fluffy guild master reveal herself, a mischievous grin lacing her maw.

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 15th September 2018, 3:33 pm

    She gives her partner a rather blank stare as she processes the information she had just been given and lets out a soft sigh as she just nods her head having to accept whatever weird logic or words that her partner has to say. You...are all Black Rose members some form of weirdness? Artemis made a contract with a demon, you're barely human for your soul, and your leader is from another planet and not even human. I wonder if i am the weird one around here at this rate. She says outloud as she leaves her baby tiger in the room since she is sleeping, and secondly it is best for just her safety since the room is most likely going to be locked.

    time shift

    Amora glances around the library area and then looks to the giant owl that Oras talks to as she turns to him to start giving him a questioning look only to hear said owl start to speak. 'Well i guess this entire guild is strange. Better get use to it if i am going to use it as a home till i know where i even want to be in the end.' She follows her partner not seeing much of a reason to deviate since she hates books to begin with why risk the chance of somehow, even if the chance is extremely low, get lost in a library. Feeling a tiny weight be added to her head Amora goes to smack whatever could've gotten onto her head to make it go away.



    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Guest 15th September 2018, 7:36 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ H Rank

    Not long after she landed, a quick and feminine hand came up to give her a whack-- a natural reaction. Her tiny body and minimum amount of weight was nothing frightening to most mages, but a mere nuisance or annoyance, like a fly was to any nonmagical human. The quick lashing out in response said a lot about the girl and as such, she would be met with something similar. As the hand quickly went up to smack her, the tanuki reacted quicker, launching her muzzle forward in an attempt to give the hand a sharp and cold bite. Typically, one bite from the bakedanuki could easily kill or break the hand of most mages, but this bite would be far gentler in comparison. If successful, it would feel sharp and painful, possibly with some blood drawn to be left on her pearly teeth, but it was not strong enough to crush bones, rip flesh away, or do any long term damage. More than likely, someone would have a basic healing spell that could mend it instantly.

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Oras Auro 15th September 2018, 7:46 pm

    Oras heard the commotion and turned to see, sighing as he did so. "Izayuki, why are you punishing her for what is a natural response? you can't blame her for it." He took Amora's hand and used his magic to cause her skin to weave itself back together until the surface was mended. He turned to Izayuki again. "Izayuki please get off her head and show a little courtesy. She's my apprentice and I'd rather not have her make the mistake of lashing out at the guild master." If she did get off Amora's head he'd gesture to the guild master and introduce them. "Izayuki this is my apprentice Amora. Amora, this is the guild master Izayuki." If she didn't get off of her head he would step back before Amora blew her top, and use his magic to the best of his ability to keep any damage from occurring.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    How to be a Parent for Dummies TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Amora Shade 15th September 2018, 9:25 pm

    Amora lets out a very low growl at her hand being bitten by something that is on her head as she tries to go for another smack at the creature only to hear her partner say that it is the leader of the guild instead of some filthy rodent that had gotten in and out of control.So you're saying that your leader just bitten me and that your leader is some kind of animal instead of a yokai like you made her sound like? Sighing softly and shaking her head from one side to the other at hearing this information. She glances back up after a few seconds of doing so and then glances up towards her head while her partner is healing her hand from the bite that the guild leader did. if Iza would get off of her head she would look down to where it should've landed considering the pressure applied to her head from Iza jumping. If not she would wait patiently as her hand is now all healed up. In either situation if she jumped or didn't jump she would say outloud and wait for a response. Why did you bite my hand? Also yeah i'm Oras' partner. Amora says making it a point to not say apprentice.

    Last edited by Amora Shade on 15th September 2018, 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total



    How to be a Parent for Dummies Empty Re: How to be a Parent for Dummies

    Post by Guest 15th September 2018, 9:59 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ H Rank

    The rosy-colored gaze of the tanuki fell on Oras as he spoke. As he finished his first statement, she shot back at him, finding his logic rather faulty. “Oras, why are you chastising me for what is a natural response? You can’t blame me for it~” she copied, eagerly licking the remaining blood off of her fangs. It was a decent morsel of a snack for her troubles. She was right, anyway. What could she do when about to get smacked? Dodge? No, in this instance of fight or flight, she chose to fight. Before she could further acknowledge Oras, however, she first had to deal with the insult that the girl threw at her. “An animal instead of a yokai? Please, a good percentage of yokai are animals,” she retorted in a lighthearted manner, often mildly amused at the misconceptions people had of yokai. It was an umbrella term for a wide range of beings, ranging from giant monsters and entities, to humble critters and ghosts, to ordinary objects and cursed beings.

    “Hmm, I don’t know, Oras, it’s pretty comfy up here~” Izayuki cooed, nestling her silver-furred body in the raven-colored hair of the girl. With a pause, she finally stood up on the head and gracefully leaped to the red hair of her guildmate, perching happily on him. “But I suppose this will do,” she concluded, not yet willing to rush into a more human form just yet. There was no reason to. Gazing down at Amora, the bakedanuki flashed a warm smile. “Nice to meet you, Amora. And I bit your hand because you were about to smack me, and the little snack to come with it wasn’t bad, but no hard feelings~” she concluded playfully but sincerely, weaving a fairly morbid joke into her introduction too. She was not one for being super formal for first impressions, nor was this an important environment. Oras had brought his apprentice into her more secret territory, after all, so she could act how she pleased.

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