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    † Torschlusspanik †


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    † Torschlusspanik † Empty † Torschlusspanik †

    Post by Verosia 16th October 2018, 3:46 am

    Urgent apparently, she had been called to the site of a job which had been taken on by a mage of lower status, apparently the scene needed cleaning. Either by messing up the job, causing some other problems or just wishing to be tidy it mattered not to the short girl. For she had received stern orders to clean and that was what she was doing, bodies had just been bottled up and carted away in oil drums, all that left was the labourous cleansing of every surface, polishing everything until every speckle and smear of DNA was no more than a collection of unidentifiable fractions of identity amongst cleaning liquids. Gloves pulled further up as another bottle of 'DNA-Away' spray was summoned into her hand. 'Just one spray and within minutes the DNA would be gone when you wiped it away'  well it wasn't half bad and her cloth was of good quality so she could easily just remove layers of filth that had built up at the small cottage slash murder scene. Its residents really needed to clean more, normally she held little interest in her clients, many of which were unsavoury types yet there was no bother as long as she ended up with jewel in her purse at the end of the day. For some reason the night which was settling over the land had caused her emotions to fall into turmoil a little at times, this was a day which had meaning to many in this land. Well children adored the night for what treats it brought, perhaps she should ask her client for a 'treat' tonight and a little bit of an increase in reward. Low and deep a growling arose from the roof, claws scraping against it the sound was harsh and unearthly, a creature of sorts most likely perhaps a wolf or fox. "Ms Corbyn we should probably check that sound out, before whatever creature it is draws more attention to this particular location." As she rose the child brought forth her rifle, familiar its wooden sock was a heavy comfort against her hand.

    The sounds ceased once she nudged the door outside open with her foot, brows creased eyes searched for something which would indicate the source of a sound. Yet there was nothing. No movement out in the darkness, sounds were obsolete as not even the birds chirped their evening greetings. Still as if they were on the set of a film her feet carried her a couple of steps forward, she had heard something, almost animal like in sounds with its throaty grows and clacking claws surely that was what it had been. It came from above in a movement of darkness, its candle flickering giving only the slightest of light as they pounced down from above, landing a few meters in front of where she stood Verosia spared a glance for her client, "We appear to have company, whilst I will fight due to them threatening my life it was not part of my contract to protect you so perhaps we can work together to dissuade these canines from snacking on our limbs." From under the brim of her cap a glare was sent towards the pack of three as she slid into a more appropriate stance, bayonet at the ready yet a black powder falling from the sky tickled her nose. "I am new to these lands- are monsters like these and black- snow like powder common. The world feels dark and grim." Worry stained her voice as she spoke in confusion and slight disappointment, this was supposed to be a land of opportunity and spirit, yet the uniform clad child was not getting either of that here.




    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
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    † Torschlusspanik † Empty Re: † Torschlusspanik †

    Post by Cecile 19th October 2018, 4:18 pm

    'Ugh! I don't want to do this anymore!' whined Cecile annoyingly. 'They really should put it more clearly when asking for a cleanup!' For better or for worse, Cecile had taken on the first job she got her hands on. Thinking it was nothing more than a simple cleaning job, which should've been mopping the floor, dust the shelves. Those kinds of things. But never did she expect to end up in an entirely different scene, the cleaning wasn't the kind your maid would do, but instead, it was a grim job which involved blood, limbs and dead bodies. Definitely not what Cecile was expecting, so much so that she even needed to ask for help.

    The job had already ruined her mood, but it seems it also managed to ruin her current attire. She was after all a total amateur when it came to cleaning bodies. After she helped her partner with the first body, who appeared surprisingly young by the way, it became apparently clear she wouldn't come out of this job unscathed. Blood and other dirt have sullied her clothing and her hair was a mess.
    She couldn't help but glance over to her partner, who seemed to keep herself perfectly clean with her long rubber gloves. The sight of her partner made Cecile sigh, despite her young appearance she was a total pro. Carefully but somehow graceful she managed to get rid of the bodies, blood, and other gory parts without even getting a single speck of dust on her. Once more Cecile looked down her body, staring at the blood spots on her white blouse while sighing again.

    Their job, however, got interrupted by an unknown assailant. Starting with a scraping sound coming from above. There was something on the roof, and it was large enough to make plenty of noise to be noticed. As it jumped down from it revealed to be a large doglike critter, unlike any dog Cecile had ever seen. Verosia, however, reacted immediately, she took the lead, while also reminding her again that she was only here for the job, which didn't include her wellbeing. But the childlike girl did had a point, something was not right, and if Cecile wanted to get out of this he had to work with her.

    'Never seen anything like it, to be honest' replied Cecile 'Not that it matters really, I can certainly use something to punch around! I do need to blow off some steam after cleaning up blood all night long.' The moment Cecile finished her sentence she punched her fist together and materialized two news fists next to her arms. Large enough to easily squash any hound.

    words: 447

    Quality Badge Level 3 Player 
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    † Torschlusspanik † Empty Re: † Torschlusspanik †

    Post by Verosia 21st October 2018, 3:54 pm

    This girl was loud, uncouth and had a lack of order about her. She would never make it through cadet training never mind officer course. Disgusting, the stench and decaying matter from the bodies seemed to almost be attracted to the short haired woman, who had- to verosias amusement, worn a white blouse of all things. Blood would be hard to get out of the material, the job had clearly stated that it was cleaning so why had she worn such pathetic clothes. Granted to wear a uniform like hers would be an act that was ungewöhnlich, yet didn't such a scruffy person have scruffy clothes, horrid baggy pants and a dark loose top with a few holes in. The sorts of clothes those without direction in life wore whilst slothing around making no progress in the world. This woman would not be getting a uniform like her own no matter how horrifically stained her own clothes were, no this took honour and loyalty to wear, not to mention the magical enhancements so it was always clean and pressed made her feel truly blessed inside not to need to do any clothes washing.

    So it was not normal, yet the woman seemed not to be bothered for her words almost seemed happy to stop cleaning to 'punch something around' honestly now that would just cause more cleaning. "I see, very well. Be on guard for there are two more of these.. Candle wolves lurking in the darkness." A slight ache behind her eyes started as her mind focused, night vision flooding her senses. If she could get a shot in early then Ms Corbyn would be able to fight close up with melee, those large fists seemed capable of a lot of damage. A couple of steps back and the scope was brought up to her eye, the word 'Säuberung' whispered to the weapon as she fired a shot, shell softly clattering to the side her gaze scoured out from under her cap to watch the left most of the canines get hit. The other two stopped, shocked perhaps by the sudden attack yet her target had already started hallucinating and frothing at the mouth from the poison. It would be no problem for the Säuberung bullet would clean it up, the wolf would be immobilised so hopefully that would give them time to take down the others.

    399 | 1022 



    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
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    † Torschlusspanik † Empty Re: † Torschlusspanik †

    Post by Cecile 24th October 2018, 6:22 am

    Like the start of a marathon, so started the battle against the candlelit wolves. Much to Cecile's surprise, her partner summoned a large weapon from which she fired a powerful shot that bellowed through the night. How a girl that small could even handle such a large weapon was a mystery, nevertheless she hit her target immobilizing one of the frightful creatures for now. The bullet took effect almost immediately, the wolf had trouble keeping itself standing while it started to foam from its maw. The other two stopped as well, the creatures probably weren't expecting such a sudden attack, giving Cecile an opening to deal with the beasts.

    'Nice work!' she said loudly, 'Now it's my turn!' Her previous demeanor was gone, disappeared like snow before the sun and instead the thirst for battle had taken its place. Cecile jumped towards the wolf on the left, and in that same motion, she lunged right with her giant fist at the creature. It was an uppercut move and momentarily scraped along the floor because of its size. And because the creature was still trying to comprehend what happened before to one of its pack members, Cecile got a complete hit from underneath. With force, the creature was stricken and howled whiningly as it got swept up into the air. Which created another opportunity for Cecile, in that momentum she pulled back her left elbow and thrusts her fist forwards, hitting the beast at a point-blank range and sending it flying into the night for now.

    This, however, snapped the third wolf back into reality and immediately attacked after noticing that it was the last wolf standing. It jumped forwards with its maw wide open, planning to delve its teeth deep into her flesh. It did attack however from Cecile's left side, which was currently protected. She simply raised her left arm so that the wolf bit into her materialized fist. In reaction, she swung her entire arm to the left, throwing the wolf a meter away from her.
    HP: 279
    MP: 270

    Spell Cast:
    Dark Fist (C - rank) - 30 MP - 2 posts

    1 (4/6)
    1 (0/6)
    1 (0/6)

    Words: 356/803

    Quality Badge Level 3 Player 
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    † Torschlusspanik † Empty Re: † Torschlusspanik †

    Post by Verosia 28th October 2018, 12:30 pm

    So she was quite the physical fighter, that was not bad at all, her coordination also seemed to be rather good. The young girl took a moment to watch, eyes settling in the fight as she let another shell slide into the gun, it really was one of her favourites shots. The wolves were slower than her anyway so it as no bother to outrun them, or she could just fly above them. Now there was an idea, a slight grin cracked across her face as the amulet at her throat shimmered a golden hue, the gun flickered slightly as she shot the second of her Säuberung's into the third wolf, its jaws parting slightly as it begun to hack and cough. Frothing up and foaming at the mouth it was immobilised where it had been punched just a meter from Ms Corbyn. While the bullets did immobilise the damage was less than her normal ones, yet it all worked well together, she could immobilise one and then switch bullets and hit the other. Time to take account, as the jewel at her neck shimmered slightly she lifted off the ground gaining a few meters of height before scouring the area. The first wolf she had shot would start to be able to move again, then there was the second beast which appeared to have been one punched away off into the night, and the third which was recently shot. It would require more to take them down yet she felt that the two of them had it well enough under control.  "Ma'am, I suggest that we focus on these two before that one which got punched away into the night returns." It made sense, Cecile could take the wolf that was a meter away and immobilised while she returned to normal bullets and shot a round of 3 normal casings towards the other one which she had immobilized first. They hit the candle lit creature in the shoulder, a swift and sudden triplet of three singing their way deep into the flesh, the shock and pain of it freeing the creature from her illusion letting the spell keeping it from moving shatter. Teeth bared it strode forward, the eyes of the nightmarish canine latched onto her where the childlike girl flew a couple of meters above its head. She could feel its rage and anger from the wound from which blood poured out, in the next second or two it was likely the wolf would lunge for her, or cast some sort of spell. Was it time to move into close range combat, could she slice and dice her way through this.

    Speed: 69 mph
    Mp: 75
    Hp: 525
    Melee Damage: 76
    Säuberung: 60hp damage

    444 | 1466 



    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
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    Age : 32
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    First Skill: Thunder Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Stylus of Thoth
    Third Skill: Pandor's Vessel

    † Torschlusspanik † Empty Re: † Torschlusspanik †

    Post by Segodon 4th November 2018, 3:09 pm

    I was walking through a dark snowy landscape, it was not white nor from actual snow. The lands were covered in a dark purple to black dust that fell from the sky like snow, the people called it Moon Pollen. Everyone believes it has something to do with the moon, which was now a dark orb in heaven’s black field. The sun did not shine at day and stars neither at night or day. No one alive had ever witnessed a natural phenomenon like this and neither the history tomes of yore or any book on magic or the dark arts. At first the people had panicked, I thought there must be a rational explanation, but the people naturally think the doom draws near with such events. But nothing happened for a time, except a steady precipitation of the black dust that fell from the sky like flock of snow and the seemingly eternal darkness. Finding a cure or solution was the first thing that many mages and scholars tried to find but it became some what less important as it was observed to be not harmful. Not that it stopped the religious leaders from preaching of doom, despair and divine punishment or doom, despair and the devils work. They never seem to agree which version is true and it wouldn’t be a surprise if it would cause a schism. But a second wave of panic did come, people around Fiore started to act strange. As if a switch had been turned off or on and they changed. People had been observed and described as being the opposite of themselves. The panic wave was followed by another frantic quest to find a cure to this ‘curse’ as it is said to be.

    I also decided to take a look into the mystery as it was a good reason to visit libraries and a good opportunity to buy some martial books to add to my collection. But as I travelled through towns, I heard rumours, people warned about lights in the hills and woods. I heard from villagers that the wolves got bolder and would even attack livestock in barns and people in their houses. I did seem to hear the howling of wolves more frequent but never seen them around though. Others swear that pumpkins were moving, others claim their pumpkins have been stolen and others claim that they have been eaten. Some even claim they have been eaten by the bold wolves, but most agree that those people are crazy. It seemed to be the same story in every town and every day the stories seemed to grow in ridicule and the people in fear. It has now come so far that people claim that the wolves carry candles and other say that the wolves have candles growing out of there own bodies. It could be an explanation for the lights, but it is just absurd, more likely is that people carry torches and lanterns to move around. Without moon and starlight, the world was but dark and the only light source was by torch light or lantern.

    I stopped walking, What was that? I turned my head towards a faint noise that comes somewhere in the distance. I heard it again. I decided to walk towards it, and as I got closer the sounds grew louder. It was the sound of battle, and now I noticed faint lights as well. The lights of which the people had spoken. I steadied my pace, my left leg kept legging behind as I did, and I had trouble with not tripping over roots or stones. The lights grew stronger and the sounds stronger still, but I was lying face down in the ground before I knew it. A large twig was the perpetrator. I pushed myself up and ran further, drawing my sword as well. Three lights moved towards me, not sure what to do I stopped running. I then heard it, the word Wolves ran through my head. I took a defensive stance and thought the following words, Sun Tzu says: “hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive.”. I walked from my position, but my image stated, the illusion of me in the defensive stance stood ever ready to receive the first strike. The real me could move around unnoticed. I took a position a bit in front of my illusion to the side and raised my sword above my head. I waited for the right moment to strike, the first wolf closed in. My sword swooped down, cutting into the shoulder of the beast. The illusion disappeared and my glamour as well, another wolf noticed me and came charging at me. Musashi Miyamoto says: “To win any battle, you must fight as if you are already dead.” I felt the energy flowing in me and received the incoming attack and slashed down upon the wolf.

    WC: 830



    † Torschlusspanik † Sig_210

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