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    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius]


    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius] Empty Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius]

    Post by Guest 16th April 2018, 11:33 am

    Job Info:

    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius] Empty Re: Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius]

    Post by Guest 16th April 2018, 1:10 pm

    Astrid was a social butterfly by nature. Though at first she may seem a bit sheepish and sky around people she has just met, even then it is very obvious the girl had a knack for social interaction by how well she handled herself. She rather enjoyed being with others, she found it dull to be alone without many people to talk to. She had experienced how devastating locking yourself away and being alone could do to a person back before the fall of Golden Phoenix. Wanting to get as much work done as possible she would lock herself in her office day by day, working until she quite literally exhausted herself. During this time she had gained the anxiety of being alone, a deep routed fear connected to getting lost within her thoughts without having anyone to distract her. The elf was ditsy and air headed, she had always been that way. Her mind was her castle, a place she would get lost in constantly. But with others around her, they made sure to pull her out before she would travel so deep there was no saving her. But, during that time of silence? She had managed to travel too far, she had managed to hurt herself so much both physically and mentally that she was nothing but a mere zombie, a walking corpse of self harm and anxiety. She avoided people, she avoided her other responsibility, and most of all she avoided herself. Her only goal, was to fill her life with so much paper work and jobs that when she inevitably died from her family's cursed bloodline that she would leave no work unfinished. What the slayer failed to realize during that time, was that it was an impossible goal. There would always be more paperwork. There would always be more jobs. She didn't have to do it alone. But overworking herself had been a problem in her life forever, and it was still a problem she faced to this day, even after losing her guild. She still had trouble letting people in, she still had trouble letting people help her, she still had trouble expressing her true feelings.
    The elf may seem like a happy and chipper person, striving to do good in the world. But beneath that smile was a pit of despair. An angered soul. A depressed and bloodthirsty monster. Was her persona she shoved into other people's faces a lie? Not entirely. She was a person who strives to do nothing but good, a being who lived only to please. But she tried to push the real her so far down that it usually did more damage than good. The action was self conscious by now she had been doing it for so long. So if the action was self conscious, and the person wasn't even aware they were doing it... Was it really a lie? It probably depended on person to person. But as a being who stole their identity in the first place, who and what the slayer really was, was always a question that would be left unanswered.
    Despite all these negative emotions and feelings, however. Upon this day the social butterfly was sure to return with her latest job offer. Her energy to be around people had returned after her break on Terasu. Even if she was still a little jittery with jumping back into the fray, the offer had come from the magic council themselves... And like stated before, the elf had trouble saying no to people, even if she still was recuperating from everything.

    The Ignis Festival. A festival celebrated all over Fiore, used to pay homage to the fire god, Vulcan. It was on this day that he descended from the heavens and brought the people knowledge of the forge and creation, gifting them with the heavenly weapons which were held proudly in Era. At least, that's what the slayer read. She hadn't really heard of this festival before, but coming from a small place like Peace Village she guessed news of it never really reached them.
    Strolling down the isle of booths Astrid would peer from left to right, looking at each individual game as she popped some cotton candy into her mouth. She had been hired to make sure the festival stayed safe, seeing as how Talonia was a bad spot for gangs and terrorist groups since it was a place that was barely looked at by any kind of law enforcement. Why they decided to have the festival in such a town? Was beyond her understanding. But it looked like people were having fun. Kids run about the isles, carrying fake weapons and wearing face paint. Teenagers went from booth to booth, trying their luck and some of the games. The adults stayed on the sidelines, spending their money on overly priced nachos and drinks. And most importantly the smell of candy and roasting meat wafted through the air, followed by the booming of music in the distance. It was a festival alright. Astrid had been to a few in her youth, even if a lot of the times she would cry because of the loud noises or when she didn't get ti win a toy she really wanted. Despite that, it was nice just to see people having fun. After the guild war she was expecting people to be too depressed to really do anything like this. But, life went on, she supposed. Festivals like this were doing nothing but good in these dark times. The people needed some light... Even if the light was costing them a fortune in reality.

    "Step right up! Shoot to win is open! Three shots, three jewels! The name of the game is simple, you shoot it you win it!" The call of a certain booth man caught the slayer's attention, turning her gaze over to her right to see the man calling for customers. But, something more important caught her eye. Behind the man, were the prizes. The range of them were stuff from simple foam weapons to plastic figurines. But the thing that caught her attention the most, was a giant stuffed dog right at the back of the tent. The elf's crimson eye sparkled with a child-like wonder upon seeing the fluffy plushie. The slayer had always loved toys, especially plushies. Stuffed toys were all she really had to play with as a kid before Lucius and Mikka came into her life, other than reading her books over and over again. The toys had always held a special place in her heart. So seeing a giant one? Well, her urge to have it just flew into the sky.
    Astrid looked behind her for a second, scanning to make sure none of the Rune Knights might call her out for slacking off. Surely she deserved a break, right? She had been patrolling all morning. She needed some fun too. Right? Right. Seeing as how none of them were near her at least, the slayer would find herself shuffling over to the booth, pulling out three jewels from her pocket and flinging them over to the man. As if he had been expecting her to do that, the bald man caught them in mid air, flashing the silvernette a smile. "Well well, what luck do i have finding a wizard saint at my booth?" He grinned, placing his hands onto his hips.

    "Wizard saints like to play games just as much as the public does." She questioned, blinking, unsure if he thought she was so famous that she no longer wanted to play games of something. The man simply laughed in response.

    "I know i know, i was just surprised is all. I thought you higher up mages liked to keep to yourself. Anyways, the game is simple." He paused, using a hand to gesture over to the different prizes scattered about from the front to further back, all on differently sizes pedestals. The cheep looking stuff like candy and small toys were lined up near the front, while the bigger and better stuff was near towards the back. To the very back, was the giant dog, her target. "You get three tries. Whatever you end up shooting, you get." Taking out a gun from behind him he tossed it over to the counter. Astrid picked it up, feeling just how light it was. Made of plastic, nothing like a real gun. It was fake. Though if he handed her a real gun, it would be rather dangerous. "You ready?"
    Astrid nodded, bending down a little so her arm rested on the counter, lining up her eye on the crosshair. She fingered the trigger, trying her best to line the gun up to the dog. Once she stayed still enough, she fired, pulling the trigger. The gun made a popping sound as it fired a single corkscrew from the barrel. It whizzed past all the prizes, hitting the back of the tent and falling to the ground.
    The man chuckled to himself, seeing her fail so miserably. "Man, what a fail. She's a horrible shot. Maybe i can squeeze a lot of money out of he-" Before he could complete his shot, a corkscrew whizzed right past his ear, almost causing him to get hit. His eyes widened, feeling his ear get nicked a little. Seeing as she almost hit him, he got a little angry, raising his fist to her and shouting. "HEY WATCH IT, YOU ALMOST HIT ME WITH THAT ONE! THE PRIZES ARE IN THE OTHER DIRECTION! HOW CAN YOU BE SO BAD AT THIS!?"

    "Sorry! The wind blew my bullet the other way." She offered an apologetic smile.

    "YOU'RE SHOOTING INTO A CLOSED SPACE THERE IS NO WIND!" Sighing, he slumped back, folding his arms across his chest and closing his eyes. "Whatever, you have one more shot left. Make it count. Though if you don't get it this time i can always cut you an off-" Once again cut off the man was hit directly in the forehead with a corkscrew bullet, letting out a sound of pain caught in this throat as he was sent to the ground by the force alone. The corkscrew bounced off the side of his head, and then off the side of the tent, and then another side of the tent before flying into the back corner and hitting the dog plushie. Seeing as how she hit her target, the elf's red eye brightened as she smiled, retracting her head from the gun.

    "I got it!" she cheered, completely unaffected by how that was basically a miracle.
    The booth man only twitched on the ground, dazed by the hit to the head. Streams of tears escaped from his eyes, baffled by the girl's luck.

    "N-Next time, i'm using foam bullets..."

    A few minutes later, and the wizard saint could be seen carrying the giant dog plushie on her back, walking through the isles with a big grin on her face. The festival attendees watched in both confusion and awe, seeing this elf girl carry around a stuffed dog almost twice her own small size. Where was she even going to put this back at home? Well, she wouldn't worry for now. If need be she could always make Erika sleep on the sofa.

    WC: 1,890/10,000

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius] Empty Re: Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius]

    Post by kittykool75 16th April 2018, 6:16 pm

    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Guildless A-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    It didn't take long for him to realize something about the city was different. Something about today buzzed with an unusual energy that it didn't have any other day. And was it just him or was there more people around then normal? Walking through the streets his nose was assaulted by heavily greased and fried foods. Maybe he was mistaken, but was there a festival in Talonia of all places? This wasn't good, not just because of the sheer amount of people, though that was rather troublesome. A large event like this meant more authorities, slipping into an alleyway he eavesdropped on some guards that were passing by, conversing with one another. Not the usual relaxed and slacking individuals that usually roamed the city, these were rune knights. Not the most convenient thing for the assassin, considering he was pretty high up on the list of people that they were trying to arrest and/or kill, probably both simultaneously. And here he was naive enough to think that today would be like any other day, that he would be able to go back home to his run down apartment in peace. He hadn't had trouble like this since he saved Jiyu not so long ago.
    It's been so long since he's been to a festival, he doesn't even remember the last time, probably when he was a kid. It was nice and easy back then, he shouldn't have taken that for granted. He had a safe home, he actually had a family, even if he didn't consider them to be such at the time. It was immeasurable how much he wanted to go back to then, redo everything that's happened since. He's had more pain then pleasure for the last few years of his life. His mental state cracked, again, at least he wasn't speaking in third person. Now he was just more depressed, filled his regrets, everything was entirely his own fault. He could try and blame his parents, but at this point it would be futile, he knew what was right from wrong and he had rather easy access to people that could've probably helped him with his impulses. But instead he just fed into them, the torture, the murder, and after all the pain he's gone through from doing such, he still does it. Hell, he just came back from a job where he was killing people. He didn't care for strangers, he didn't care that there lives ended and enjoyed it. It was a nice way to get out his pent up emotions, and seeing their pain was the only pleasure he's gotten these days. So with how much he's seemed to have not learned, even if he could go back and redo it all, would he even change anything?
    Lucius shook his head, he couldn't be doing this right now. He couldn't allow him to fall into that pit again, at least not right now, he could do that at home. Where he'd be alone, well maybe not if Jiyu was there, but at this point he didn't care. At least she wouldn't arrest him, despite her legal status. The boy concentrated on hiding his aura, and he pulled his hood over his head. Though if you examined him it would be pretty obvious that he was a the infamous sinner of sloth. The long black hair draping out of his hoodie and over his chest wasn't really helping the matter. Gliding his cane on the pavement in front of him he tried to make his way around the city through the alleyways and less crowded streets. He preferred to stay out of crowds normally, actually still having a minute fear of them, but in this situation it was more important then trying to avoid them because he was scared or anti-social. Why did he constantly have to deal with these kind of issues when he was just trying to to minor things like; napping, drinking tea, killing people, trying to get home. It was very annoying and a waste of his time, though he didn't really have to time to complain right now, he couldn't risk staying in one place for too long.
    At least most of the people, even some of the guards, were distracted by the plenty of booths with their games to play and their overpriced trinkets and food items. Mm, food sounded good right now, he was pretty hungry. He was actually hungry rather often, but he usually just starved himself because he didn't feel like eating. Either just saying he didn't have the appetite, or actually not having the appetite to eat. But he'd been working just before he came back to Talonia, it was, after all, the only reason he ever left this godforsaken city in the first place. How confident was he feeling at the moment, that was the major question, and how hungry was he actually feeling. "Fuck it" he muttered to himself, he didn't feel the presence of and rune knights or anybody with substantial magical powers nearby, so what would be the harm. Adjusting the gloves on his hands, he turned invisible, his body blending in with the shadows. Taking a deep breath he entered the crowd, slipping next to a booth selling whole turkey legs for some odd reason, but he wasn't complaining. He grabbed two that turned invisible as he grabbed them, he slipped one into someone's bag right as the vendor looked over. He heard them call out to this person that supposedly stole food as he slipped back into another alley. That would lead a guard or two there and out of his way, so maybe he'd have a better chance of making it home without being noticed. So for some reason he thought luck would go his way.
    When he thought it was safe he let the invisibility fade away, but he wouldn't be so easily noticed cloaked among the shadows. The assassin took a bite of his steal, not bad, but definitely not worth what everybody was paying for it. Which I guess it's part of the reason he stole it, buying food was bad enough the price it is, no way was he going to waste all his measly funds on one thing from a dumb festival. What was this festival even for anyways? He wasn't sure and frankly, he didn't care either. Probably to celebrate something insignificant that people made as an excuse to make this thing happen. He wished that everybody was just about as social as he was, that would make everything easier for him because that would mean nobody would want to talk to anybody, and the world would be a peace. What a nice world that would be if people just stayed out of each others business. But sadly, that couldn't ever happen. Sort of ironic for Lucius, a person who likes to keep to himself and stay out of other people's business, often gains information, tortures, and kills for underground persons.
    Sadly, he finished his food, he wiped to bone off on his shirt to get any remaining saliva off it. Then he simply tossed it on the ground, it fit nicely with all the the other litter and trash that people left. In good news, for him, he was basically home free at this point, a couple blocks away from his apartment building. A place that seemed to be a bit away from the crowds of people and all the noise, something he was very much thankful for at this moment. One thing that was convenient for him, was his apartment. He got it just because he didn't want to get stabbed while he was trying to get some shut eye. Though it was a piece of absolute crap, and the landlord charged more for it then it was worth. It was at the outskirts of town, away from most of the noise and trouble. He didn't often have noisy neighbors either, probably for many reasons; nobody lived there, they were dead, or he killed them which would make them the former category. So he proceeded towards his destination with swift strides.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    1,361 10,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius] Empty Re: Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius]

    Post by Guest 10th May 2018, 7:29 pm

    After a while of carrying around the giant stuffed canine on her back, the elf found it a little awkward to be doing so. It wasn't heavy, at least not to her, as she was known for her strange amount of strength. Rather, there was just so much of the animal and so little of her that she found the over sized head leaning off to the side and messing up her balance, or the soft fur began to consume her own body, loosing it to the cushioned cotton insides. Though every time this would happen, the slayer merely had to pause and roll her shoulders back a bit, readjusting the plush before she was once again able to continue forward. The thing was large. No, perhaps that was an understatement. It was huge, about the size of three Astrids. Well, maybe two and a half, but thinking about herself getting cut in half was a little gruesome so she would just say three. As much as she loved it, she was going to have to find some place to put it down eventually. While she was allowed to enjoy herself at the festival to some extent, she also had a job to do. Love it as much as she did, the dog plush was only going to get in her way. But, at a festival with hundreds of people and little to no space, where was she supposed to put it? Having one of those cool pocket dimension things right about now would be handy, but nothing in her magic or arsenal allowed her to use that type of power. Perhaps she could drop it off somewhere and come back for it later, but then again someone may just decide to pick it up and take it home with them, and after all the trouble she went through trying to get it that would just absolutely devastate her.
    With creased silver brows the slayer would continue her walk along the packed aisles of the festival in thought of what action she should take, the head of the dog bobbing up and down with her steps. A few passerby would stare at her and the plush, and a few children would even look with a hint of jealousy in their awestruck orbs as they saw what might as well just be a plushy basically floating along the streets all by itself like it was in some magically educed trance. There was no quick solution to this predicament, none that was easy to come up with at least. She could always just grit her teeth and carry it for the rest of the night. It wasn't anything too big of a deal, she was doing just fine carrying it around. But rather, it was the thought of the rune knights catching her with this, or being slowed down by its massive size during a possible encounter that kept her from doing so.
    So deep in thought about this was she, that she was only brought back to the real world when from the corner of her vision she saw something fall to the floor. Pale crimson eyes blinked once, stopping in her tracks to glance over. Though for a second the dog began to once again consume her frame all she had to do was push it back a bit before it sat comfortably on her shoulders again. Once adjusted again she looked back to where she saw the young, dark haired male had been standing only seconds ago, a greasy turkey leg bone resided, resting atop a small pile of garbage that was beginning to stack up. Astrid let out a disgusted 'ack' from the back of her throat, her bright expression now turning a bit sour. Seriously? Didn't people have any decency to clean up after themselves? Were they raised by pigs? No, that was an insult to pigs. Pigs were cleaner than people who just carelessly tossed their trash in the middle of walkways. People could step in that, and it was a sore sight to an otherwise beautiful festival.

    With her cheeks puffed out in frustration like a small chipmunk Astrid stomped her feet as she turned in place, facing towards the male's back before taking a step back. Bending her knee slightly, she would lower herself a bit before digging her foot into the ground. Her red eye narrowed, honing in on her target before pressing down her foot a little more and pushing it off with great force, leaping forward. She would take great strides, running full steam towards the male, passing by other festival goers as she did. Once close enough she would then leap off the ground once more, one leg stretched outward as she glided through the air. Her momentum pushed her forward until the bottom of her foot connected with his back, which would then topple him over and push him onto the ground. She would fall with him so she would now be standing on top of him, using her quick reflexes to free her hand and wrap his arm behind his back, using the other one to still hold onto the dog. It would be painful, both the impact and having his arm twisted behind him. But he would pay for breaking the law and oh so carelessly littering.
    "Who do you think you are, dropping things on the ground for other people to pick up? Didn't your mother ever teach you to clean up after yourself?? Those poor street cleaners don't get paid enough, you know." she would bark down to him in a serious tone, genuinely concerned for the sake of the planet they both lived on. But for a moment after she spat those words at him, a familiar soul wavelength flooded into her system. It caught her back a bit, making her eyes widen in surprise. Due to being a little away from the festival's lights, it had been hard to really make out this man's features. But now that she was staring down as his long, black locks... She couldn't believe it was actually him.
    Astrid stood there for a second, still holding onto him, though a little weaker by now. Weakening her grasp slightly, it caused the dog hanging so loosely in her other hand to fall over onto the street with no audible sound.
    "... Lucius?" Her voice wavered, her heart jumping into her throat upon saying his name. She felt a little light headed, as if she could fall over like the dog did, but somehow kept her footing.

    WC: 2,989/10,000

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius] Empty Re: Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius]

    Post by kittykool75 16th August 2018, 7:21 pm

    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Guildless A-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Lucius was pretty good at jinxing himself, he didn't even have to say it aloud, just thinking it caused bad luck to come his way. Well at least he saw it as bad luck, as people often do when they get drop kicked into the dirt. Though he disliked the constant adversity, he did believe that he deserved it. I mean after all he has done? Not many people would think otherwise. Being the thief, torturer, murderer and whatever else he is, he doesn’t keep track. He used to like to kill and to do all these horrible things, and he still does, but now everything is just gray. Chalk it up to depression that he doesn’t find any of his interests, well, interesting. Though I guess most will find it good that he doesn’t find as much enjoyment in crime as he used to years ago. But it doesn’t mean he doesn’t commit the crimes, now he does them out of sheer pettiness and rage for humanity.
    Not even a minute after dropping the turkey bone, was he attacked. Who the heck would be so law bound that they would pin someone and threaten to pummel someone who littered? It's not like there wasn't already plentiful amount of litter, his addition wouldn't add much trouble in the slightest. At least he thought so. And he knew it had to be because of the littering even before the young lady spoke, through the act of deduction. In no way could they've witnesses him stealing his food, no they thought somebody else did and they don't keep count of the amount of turkey legs they had. Plus it was way to dark where he was, unless they were a mage with the ability to see perfectly in the dark, they couldn't tell that he was a one of the Sinners. Though I suppose it was possible that they could assume from his ridiculous height that he was the sinner of sloth, considering it wasn’t often that people were seven feet tall, and that he just technically broke the law by tossing his trash where it wasn't supposed to go (was that even a law?). But that would be a bit ridiculous, plenty of people littered, and anybody could figure that out from all the trash that already occupied to street floors.
    The process of his chest getting slammed down to the cold hard stone ground caused the wind to be kicked out of him, making cough and heave, maybe breaking a rib or two along with it. And tried as he might to avoid it, his head still made a heavy impact with the alleyway floor. So standing wouldn’t be an immediate option for him right away, I mean if he wasn’t currently being pinned to the ground. The thoughts that mainly coursed through his head was well ‘ow’ and some curse words to go along with that, things he would’ve said if he had breath to speak. And the other would be ‘how strong did this person have to be to push him to the ground?’. Though I suppose he wasn’t as heavy as he used to be when he fought all the time and was trying to keep muscle, so he was similar to that of a toothpick. But he was also a highly trained assassin, so you think that would counter-balance. Though this person was unusually fast, faster than his natural reflexes could comprehend, along with their immense strength that they were currently holding him to the ground with.
    Then they spoke, he stop struggling against the tight grip of the Wizard Saint, he just froze. He recognized this voice instantly, and he was wide eyed with shock. Everything with the superhuman strength and speed made sense, and the fact that he was pinned over littering of all things. This was Astrid, the Astrid, his beloved sister that of which he hadn’t seen or heard of in months. Then he started to doubt himself, was this really her. It had to be, I mean what she was saying it couldn’t be anybody other then Astrid. Plus that aura, she wasn’t trying to hide it especially in the small fit of anger, which was nothing compared to what she could and would do when she was enraged. A feeling welled up in his chest, one that he hasn’t felt in a long time, happiness was it? Call it him just being the dark and brooding stereotype that he was with the whole ‘what is happiness, darkness and sadness are all I ever known’ and all that crap. But it was true, in his clinical state of depression it was hard to feel such a thing, though his canine friend, Jiyu, was helping with that. He felt like he could cry, he didn’t mind the pain she inflicted, and was currently inflicting by standing on him.
    When she spoke his name he broke, he might’ve cried. Him? Crying? I know such a surprise, but in his currently vulnerable state anything could happen. He was used to feeling so unbelievably numb, or incredibly angry, this unfamiliar rush of emotions was taxing on him in a way he wasn’t used to dealing with. Despite her loosening her grip on him, enough so he could easily free himself if he tried, he didn’t move, escaping didn’t seem like a concept that was remotely relevant right now. To see this person that he elevated above all else, this person that he thought was dead or worse, to see her here alive and well. It was incredible, the feeling put him in a sort of high. Usually being a person so fluent in words, was speechless, all his words that he attempted in this moment would just be fractured sounds.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    2,326 10,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Setting Fire To Our Insides For Fun • Private, Job [Lucius] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:34 pm