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    Eye of the Storm

    Heather Sawyer

    Lady Luck

    Lady Luck

    Lineage : Unfortunate Fortune
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coin-Make
    Second Skill: Take Over: Feline Soul
    Third Skill:

    Eye of the Storm Empty Eye of the Storm

    Post by Heather Sawyer 6th August 2018, 12:09 pm

    Eye of the Storm IWRfsAj

    Eye of the Storm

    Primary Magic: Eye of the Storm
    Secondary Magic: TBA
    Caster or Holder: Prevalent - Holder (Item) : Auxiliary - Caster
    Description: Eye of the Storm is a holder magic, the name which is based upon the artifact which gives the user this power in the first place. Originally a caster magic, the ancestors of the Kurotsuki family eventually took on the practice of removing the magical essence from themselves and placing it into jewelry in order to preserve their magical essence for all of eternity, even after death. While the original meaning behind this tradition has been lost in time, it is still something they uphold to this day.

    With this magical item the user is able to manipulate storms, and even the smaller aspects which make up storms such as element, temperature, and climate. This magic doesn't have many defensive spells, but it makes up for it by having powerful offensive spells with supportive effects.

    ✝ Very powerful magic overall.
    ✝ Versatile magic.
    ✝ Different elements that do different effects.

    ✝ Magic can only be used with the magic item.
    ✝ Certain mages won't be effected by the temperature changes from the storms.
    ✝ Storms can easily get out of control.
    ✝ Most storms have an elemental disadvantage.

    Dead Girl Walking

    Unique Abilities:
    Storm Creation: Using this ability Inari can create entire storms from out of nowhere within her rank's max range. She can also manipulate non-magic already existing storms, and any aspect of storms such as temperature, climate, and weather to fit her need. This increases her magic range by 25%.

    Empowerment Boost: In storms Inari's magic power increases by 45%, magic-made or natural.

    Aero-Telekinesis: Inari can control the air around objects, allowing her to lift them up with what to normal people would seem like telekinesis. The objects must be within her max range, and once they exit it she can no longer control them unless she moved so they would once again be in her range.

    Atmospheric Adaptation: With a thin layer of clean air constantly surrounding her lungs Inari cannot be effected by atmospheric environment changes. This means she can breathe under water, in space, high altitudes, etc and not get effected. This also goes for non-magical poison gases, dust, air-born viruses, and other things that may effect a person's breathing. If any of these are in fact magical, such as magical effects (burns, paralyzation, poison, debuffs) they are 50% less effective on her.





      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 7:01 pm