✧ C R Y S T A L O F T H E C O S M O S ✧
✧ blessing of the crystal court ✧
Name: Crystal of the Cosmos.
Rank: Strong+.
Type: Crystal necklace.
- Appearance:
✧ Wields immense magical energy that resonates with the wearer's etherano, causing them to passively gain effects to benefit them in battle.
✧ As this was recovered by an Andara upon the exterior of the Earth's atmosphere, being within the cosmos, it is unknown of it's origin as well as crystalline makeup.
✧ A B I L I T I E S ✧
- Mana Mundi:
✧ Resonating with her etherano, the crystalline makeup of the crystal, which is rumored to be an angel aura necklace enchanted with the aura of the cosmos, passively grants the wearer a 50% reduction to all of her mana costs.
- Celeritas Mundi:
✧ Shimmering when light hits it like a prism, the crystal grants the wearer a passive buff to their speed by 50% at all times.