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    Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 4th February 2019, 7:35 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Ruzatz was on a mission.

    It was a rare occasion for the Prime Sin of Lust to leave Hosenka. Any that took the time to think of the last time it had happened, they would probably come up empty. Truthfully, the Incubus King actually ‘left’ the town more often than people knew. He was able to travel through interdimensional portals that brought him to meeting areas. He had to use these to meet up with the other Prime Sins, especially when they called for a hasty engagement. But he never let anyone know when that happened save his wife; he didn’t think people would enjoy hearing he l met with the other Prime Sins who were far less courteous than he.

    But this day was not one of those days; he had left the town of his own volition and within the view of all his guild members. He had told them it would be a short trip, perhaps a few hours up to a day. They had been concerned of course; their guild master seemed incensed, almost energized, with a strange sense of emotions. He wasn’t his usual bubbly, enjoyable self but rather a stern, focused man of intent. He’d bid them adieu and then made his exit, utilizing one of his portals to take him to Magnolia, the home town of the Fairy Tail guild. A quaint metropolis but far too droll and uptight for his liking. He remembered when the Fairy Tail guild had been a rambunctious, raucous guild full of lively people who held one another as family. They would have protected one another against anyone and anything, even against the whims of the officiating bodies. The problem was… that had actually happened. And after, Fairy Tail had become a stain; a dark blot in the world as it avoided capture and sunk into the cesspool of the wizarding world. They’d risen again but they weren’t as they once were – there was a cold, scarred hardness to their motives and goals.

    It was a surprise then to learn that Serilda Sinclair’s beau was one of its members. You see, Ruzatz hadn’t forgotten about the Voidwalker nor their meeting not that long ago. She’d left an impression upon him, especially given that Ozorith had set his sights upon her. The Prime Sin of Wrath was a playful fellow but all his games were full of ill intent. And despite the… awkwardness of the job they had taken part in, Ruzatz was rather fond of the white haired beauty. Something about her was curious and entertaining, like a good friend who differed so much in appeal and taste. But he had sworn to stay away from her, given how he had unfortunately affected her with his magic and how she had reacted to it. So it came as quite a shock when his wife had come home in tears, telling him about the self-same woman that had come seeking answers for her lost husband. He had listened, comforting his bride, as she wove the tale of a vicious, toxic man that had tricked the Voidwalker into thinking he had actually cherished her. It was despicable and ill-worth what Serilda deserved but the man was dead, his payment for his disgusting actions already rendered full. Yet there had been a moment near the end where her former husband had chastised her about her current love, touching upon a painful point. It seemed things were not right between the Voidwalker and her man, enough so that she had been stunned to silence and left before his wife could nary get a word in.

    Now that was unacceptable. Ruzatz couldn’t get at the Hugo asshole but he could speak his mind to the man who was now tormenting Serilda’s heart. He’d sent queries, attempting to replicate the little information he had into a living person. It wasn’t hard at all – it seemed Serilda had gained some fame recently among the Magic Council and not just her. It seemed she had a fairly constant partner by the name of Mythal Ragnos. Quite the name on the gentleman but that was nothing at the moment. He gathered as much information as he could to give him a lead and then he was off to Magnolia, intent on giving the man a piece of mind.

    It wasn’t hard to find him either – apparently he frequented one of the bars near the edge of Magnolia. As the Prime Sin walked in, he recognized the man immediately, standing at the bar as he awaited his drink. Ruzatz wrestled his anger down into his core and put on his suave outer façade, not wanting to seem like a scorned lover or friend. Mythal himself was in a bit of a depressed daze. Life seemed to be set in a permanent tunnel vision for him, the God Slayer simply existing for the purpose of existing. His emotions had become such a tumultuous ocean inside of him that he had given up trying to paddle for breath and had simply allowed himself to sink and drown. Serilda had… withdrawn from his life lately. They still spoke about business every so often but the warmth that had been between them was muted. He’d tried to find a way to keep their friendship alive and flourishing while pushing back on their unspoken love but it had failed, horribly. At this point, he seemed more than doomed to lose her completely.

    It would be better that way, wouldn’t it? She’d be free of him; free of the dangerous situation that was his life and living. She wouldn’t have to suffer his cursed and abhorrent existence and he wouldn’t have to live in constant fear of his emotions. He’d be a terrible lover – constantly at war with himself, incessantly trying to keep her close while simultaneously pushing her away. He’d have driven her to insanity and then rather than having their connection fade, it would shatter and crumble into small, hated pieces. No, this was far better; even if it didn’t feel better. At least this way he could drown in booze again without feeling like a scumbag. The bartender had just finished filling up his glass with the lowest class whiskey he could find when a hand came over and planted itself on his shoulder.

    “Hey there buddy! Been a long time!” Ruzatz said, coming into view with a pretty and charming smile.

    Mythal blinked in surprise, his mouth slightly agape. Who was this guy? Why was he acting like he knew him? Why the hell was he so goddamned handsome? Fully thought out questions ran through his mind but what actually came out of his mouth was far less processed. “Wha…?”

    “It’s been, what, two months? Come on, let’s have a drink!” Ruzatz insisted, his fingers pressing down onto the God Slayer’s shoulder. Mythal was surprised at the strength of the man’s grip; he quite literally had him under lock. Ruzatz looked over the bartender, who was warily looking between the two until the Prime Sin met his gaze. “You mind bringing an extra glass and the whole bottle over the corner booth? I’d greatly appreciate it,” he said, reaching into his pocket with his other hand and extracting a sizable bag of jewel. The bartender nodded excitedly and began gathering everything as Ruzatz forcibly dragged Mythal over to the booth.

    The God Slayer was so utterly surprised that he didn’t really have time to fight back. He was pulled over and then tossed into the padded seat like a disposed piece of garbage, pushing himself back up hurriedly as his new ‘friend’ slid into the booth. Mythal’s eyes were narrowed as the man met his gaze for only a moment before tearing it away to look up at the bartender bringing the bottle and glasses over. “Thank you, sir. Please feel free to keep the change in the bag and uh… maybe include your number with the bill,” the Prime Sin, flashing his grin once more and a wink. The heavy blush on the bartender’s face was nearly as red as the Incubus King’s hair and he hurriedly moved back to the bar, neither denying nor accepting the man’s extra objective.

    “Now then,” Ruzatz said, turning his golden gaze back to Mythal’s and his softly, pretty features losing their warmth. “Let’s talk, Mythal Ragnos.”

    “Who the hell are ya?” The God Slayer hissed at him, his hands tightening into fists beneath the table. “You ain’t a friend of mine – I don’t have friends.”

    “Given the way you’ve apparently hurt Serilda Sinclair, you can imagine how unsurprised I am,” Ruzatz said back, his tone even and uncomfortably neutral.

    The name sparked more emotion in the God Slayer, his eyes flaring in anger. “Are you the guy?” Mythal asked, his voice menacingly quiet. “Are you… Arthas?” The God Slayer didn’t really want to start a brawl with the man that had been pestering the Voidwalker in the bar but he would. She’d been wary of him, downright uncomfortable with his motions and inhibitions. If this was the asshole, there was no telling just how much jewel Mythal would have to fork over for repairs after he was done.

    “Seven Hells, no,” Ruzatz said, gaining a bit of his animated self back as he rolled his eyes and sighed. “Do I see the kind that stalks women and plays mind games with them?”

    “You just dragged me to a booth without me givin’ you consent.”

    Ruzatz blinked. “Okay, fair. But that was because I’m sure you don’t want me spilling all my anger at you in front of prying eyes. I’m all for a little drama but I’m trying to be a bit respectful here,” Ruzatz explained. He reached out and undid the cap on the bottle, his vision still present and focused on Mythal. But it had wormed into something different now; curiosity had overtaken his annoyance at the moment. “What’s your parentage?”


    “Your parents. Family history. Where do you come from?” Ruzatz rephrased the question as he started pouring himself a drink.

    “I ain’t gotta tell you nothin’. But you gotta tell me how you know Serilda,” Mythal said, jabbing a finger at him.

    The Prime Sin rolled his eyes. “Fine. Quid pro quo then. I’ll tell you how I know Serilda, you tell me about your family. Fair trade?”

    “Fine, I don’t got a family, how do you know Serilda?”

    Ruzatz chuckled and raised the glass to him. “Clever,” he stated before taking a sip, still studying the God Slayer. As he swallowed and let the lip of the glass drop from his mouth, he suddenly let out a small gasp. “Your magic,” he said, as if he was seeing it right before. “…you’re a Fallen God Slayer.”

    Now it was Mythal’s turn to look confused, leaning back in concern.“Who the hell are you?”

    Ruzatz snapped, as if something had suddenly just clicked in his mind – and truly it had. That’s why I met Serilda. She’s connected to you and you’re connected to Faera,” he said absent-mindedly.

    Mythal’s eyes widened in horror. “Who the hell ARE YOU?!” He roared, standing up and nearly knocking the table over. His voice echoed throughout the bar, causing everyone in it to suddenly stop talking and look at the two of them.

    Ruzatz cocked an eyebrow as he turned his head to meet the collective gaze of the bar, looking concerned at the scene before them. He chuckled. “Isn’t he a pain? Too many drinks in him and he forgets who his boyfriend is,” he said, laughing off the drama. He then delivered a swift and brutal kick to Mythal’s shin, dropping him down onto the seat once more in agony.

    And gods, had it hurt! One swift kick and his entire limb felt like it had snapped in two. Mythal reached down to grab it as Ruzatz took another sip of his drink. “Let’s just say Faera and I fall on opposite ends of the spectrum – both in existence and assholery.”

    Mythal sat there, staring at him for a long moment as the gears in his head worked. It was several seconds later when they came together and he cocked his head slightly. “So wait…you’re a…?”

    “Where there be gods, there be demons,” Ruzatz said softly, swishing his drink around in his glass to aerate it. “Ruzatz. Prime Sin of Lust,” he said, finally formally introducing himself.

    “Prime Sin…” Mythal repeated it, leaning back completely in the seat. He stared at the man, taking him in from top to bottom in all his regal but almost comfortable air. Then he snorted. “That’s a stupid title.”

    “Oh and ‘Mythal Ragnos’ is better? You sound like a villain from a comic book,” Ruzatz scoffed back, though he couldn’t help the small but impish grin tugging on his mouth.

    “How do you know Serilda? She… I don’t see her associating with your kind,” Mythal stated simply.

    “First off, racist. Not all demons are the same, you know. Some of them want to cause carnage, drink blood, destroy towns – some of us just want to be left to our own devices and live out our lives. Ones like me actually enjoy humanity and all its splendors. But, to your point,” Ruzatz said, taking another swig before putting the glass down. “I ran into her recently when she was on a job and offered to assist her. See, I’m the guild master of the Lusty Titans…”

    “The Lusty Titans? Wha-…?”

    “Don’t interrupt. Anyways, we helped arrest some bandits. You see, I was out for a walk because I felt like fate was trying to tell me something, wanted me to do something. So I went out and ran into her.” He paused, eyeing Mythal once more. If the God Slayer was connected to Faera… things were starting to come together for him in his mind. It was suddenly starting to make sense to why things were the way they were between Serilda and Mythal. All that pain he had felt within the Voidwalker, he felt it within the God Slayer as well. He had half a mind to tell him about it… but he couldn’t. It was a law he couldn’t surpass without painting a target on his and his loved one’s backs. As much as he hated it, he needed to keep his knowledge hidden. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t push Mythal in the right direction. “She is in pain and she needs you. Now more than ever.”

    Mythal’s eyes snapped wide in concern. “She’s hurt?!”

    “Hurting. But I think you know what I mean by that,” Ruzatz explained, cocking his head slightly at the God Slayer. It didn’t take long for Mythal’s mind to work it out and his own façade took on a more somber tone to it as well. “Serilda met with my wife and came about some… upsetting news. I’m not at liberty to say what – it is her news and I won’t go over her head to spread it. But I can tell you that she is in a bad place, a worse place than she was. I came here to punch some sense into you but…” He let out a small sigh. “I can see the situation is far more complicated than I first anticipated.”

    Mythal was quiet for a long moment, his eyes having drifted down to stare at the bottle in front of him. Every inclination in him told him to grab it and down it, to simply ignore this demon’s words and drown himself in his sorrows. He’d put her in a bad place and now she’d gotten even worse news? He knew he was the scum of the earth but this was… unforgivable. But against his worse judgement, he spoke up. “Do you know where she is?”

    Ruzatz shook his head. “I told you before – I’m not the kind to stalk. I hope she went to her home to shut herself out from the world but I truly have no idea. All I know is you must needs find her and offer her support. Go against your nature and be there for her,” he stressed that last point, jabbing his finger into the table before he leaned back.

    Mythal continued to sit for a moment, looking over the Prime Sin. Then slowly he slid out of the booth, pushing himself to his feet. He turned to leave but stopped, his gaze coming back around to Ruzatz. “Why are you doing this?”

    Ruzatz craned his head to look up at the God Slayer and sighed through his nostrils. “I like Serilda Sinclair – there is a quiet and authentic warmth that comes from her that very few possess. And because I, too, once faced the daunting task of being in love with someone I felt I shouldn’t have been,” he picked up the glass and swirled it once more. “Best get moving, Mythal. And if I were you, I’d leave this little chat between us for the time. I get the distinct feeling Serilda doesn’t like my kind,” he said with a snorted laugh.

    The God Slayer eyed the Prime Sin for only a beat longer before he turned and went towards the door. This had been quite the strange meeting, one that he would talk about for ages after. But it was only one part of the journey that he was about to embark on. Whatever the case was, his concerns and worries about Ruzatz’ and whatever intentions he may have were far less important than Serilda’s health. He’d deal with the Prime Sin later if need be.

    Ruzatz watched him go until the door closed behind him. Then he sighed and shook his head. “Faera… Ozorith…” he said quietly to the glass and nothing else. “These are not good signs. Not at all.”

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.

    Last edited by BlessedBeatrix on 5th February 2019, 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1410
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 4th February 2019, 9:37 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    She had heard Agatha calling out to her as she ran out the door, but didn’t stop. There was no reason to. Serilda knew she was about to break apart and there was nothing she could do to stop it, but she could certainly make sure she was at least by herself when it happened. Agatha had been kind enough to her, but this wasn’t her business and Serilda didn’t want her involved. So she had dropped the money on the table, more than what Agatha had asked in exchange for her services, and ran for it.

    Hugo’s laugh echoed in her head the whole flight home. Serilda honestly wasn’t sure how she’d managed to get back to Ace of Spades without dropping out of the sky. She felt like her gut had been wrenched in two, and her heart ached with a dull, pounding thud that she hadn’t felt since her former husband had passed five years earlier.

    This time, it felt worse. Much worse.

    Somehow she made it back to her small little house in Ace of Spades. Xiuhcoatl was already waiting anxiously, having already felt the severe emotions running rampant in her mistress, but Serilda barely even acknowledged the animal. She dropped to her knees on the living room floor and clenched tightly to her stomach, as nearly hysterical tears streamed down her face.

    Her entire marriage had been a lie. She’d married a man that never loved her, never even cared about her, never even respected her. She’d given him everything, her heart, her mind her body, and the whole time he had barely seen her as anything more than a tool and an occasional piece of ass to get his rocks off in a pinch. He’d been stealing from her family, seeing another woman since before even courting her, and manipulated her to his goals. Worse, she’d allowed the wool to be pulled over her eyes and had never once even suspected a thing. All this time she’d been mourning the death of a man who wouldn’t even lift a finger to save her life, restricting herself in grief and sorrow and loyalty for nothing.

    Worse were his cutting words about how easily she’d been controlled by him, and what he really thought of her. Add to that the proverbial knife he’d driven home when he’d asked about Mythal, and Serilda couldn’t even refute his points… it was all she could take. The truth of everything had finally set in, and it was absolutely wrecking her. She lost all track of time as she sat there sobbing on the floor for hours, curled up into a ball and shaking from head to toe. She hyperventilated more than once, only coming back down when Xiuh would lick her face to get her attention, but the clarity never lasted.

    Why? Why did she have to be alone? She wasn’t delusional enough to think herself perfect, but Serilda had always tried so hard to do right by those around her, to be fair and courteous even to those who didn’t always deserve it, and to live her life honorably. She took care of those she loved even at her own expense, and never asked for anything in return. So why did she have to be so greatly scorned by the only two men she had ever loved?

    And at this point, Serilda wasn’t sure which felt worse: knowing beyond a doubt that Hugo had never loved her, and that he’d been manipulating her since the day they met, or understanding that Mythal was cutting himself off from her and not knowing why. Even before she’d gotten her hands on that cursed ledger and started pouring herself into researching it, he’d been pulling back from her and limiting their time together. He hadn’t made a move on her in weeks, and had rejected any and all of her own timid advances. Mythal had claimed his mind was on too many things since the reappearance of his adoptive father, and Serilda believed him to a point, but she had never been able to shake the feeling that there was more going on he wasn’t admitting to.

    Now, she felt that more than ever. Hugo had told her flat out that she had a talent for being too trusting, to making excuses for people in her life so they had an easier time using her, and she couldn’t help but think that maybe that’s what she was doing with Mythal, too. Not that he was using her -- or at least, she truly hoped he wasn’t -- but she was still filling in blanks herself and letting him hide from her instead of just trying to get to the root of the matter; which seemed to be that he just wasn’t interested in her romantically anymore.

    It really shouldn’t have hurt her as much as it did. Hadn’t she been telling herself all along that they had never committed to each other? It wasn’t fair for Serilda to hold him to some kind of expectation but at the same time there was no denying what their relationship was. Or at least, what it had been. He was the only man she’d ever given herself to besides Hugo, and as far as she was aware he had not been with anyone to the capacity that he had with her before. She knew for a fact he’d never shared his history with anyone besides her, and he wasn’t exactly the playboy type. So why didn’t he want her anymore? What had she done?

    Maybe Hugo was right. Maybe she just wasn’t the type of woman that was worth a lasting relationship. Maybe she was too cold, too prudish, too holier than thou. Maybe Mythal had finally gotten tired of trying to be with a woman that was, frankly, the exact opposite of him. Perhaps he finally decided she was just another snobby noblewoman.

    Maybe he’d finally just gotten bored with her.

    When her tears finally ran dry, Serilda laid there for some time in a numb fog. Breath did not come to her lips at all, though that meant nothing since her magic had severed her dependance on oxygen a while back. Xiuh had spent a lot of time licking her and whimpering in concern, only made more anxious by the fact that Serilda wasn’t really responding to her. Ultimately the wolf curled up next to the woman and just laid there, not sure what else to do but wait it out.

    By the time the Voidwalker got up from the floor, the sun had already come and was on the verge of going back down again. She hadn’t eaten in over a day, but felt no hunger. Numbly, she forced herself to move enough to feed Xiuh, her connection to the wolf betraying the animal’s hunger even though Xiuh didn’t complain or pester her. Serilda stood in the kitchen for a few minutes, staring blankly ahead as the wolf ate. She knew she should probably eat something, too, but couldn’t find it in her to do so.

    She was going to have to tell her family. Her dad needed to know that there were people still stealing from them, and needed to know that he’d put the wrong person in jail. Or at least, that Colin deserved some leniency. She hadn’t had his family moved yet for fear of tipping off the people that were threatening them, but she had placed professionals nearby to keep an eye on them and make sure nothing happened. So far, they were fine. But now that everything had been confirmed, now that she knew the things she’d been hearing about Hugo were true, she knew she was going to have to tell her family.

    Already, Serilda was embarrassed and ashamed. What were they going to think? How was this going to affect their lives, their relationships, and their business? God forbid the truth leak to the public. She’d be an absolute laughing stock. Serilda was humiliated just thinking about it.

    She needed peace. She needed something to get her mind off of everything that had been going utterly and totally wrong the last couple months since Christmas. So it was, when her vacant eyes managed to focus on her liquor cabinet, a thought formed in her head. Why not? Mythal drank his pain away often enough, or so he told her from time to time. She knew plenty of others that did. So why couldn’t she? She wasn’t in public, she didn’t have any upcoming jobs she needed to be prepared for, and she wasn’t going to see Mythal any time soon.

    Somehow, she found herself at the cabinet. There weren’t a ton of options there as there had been at her parents’ house, since the alcohol here she kept for herself for rare occasions, but there were still several bottles of wine. That would do. Serilda pulled the bottle opener out of a drawer and pulled the cork out of the bottle, pouring the red liquid up to the brim of her glass. Even as she stood there, she knocked a hearty chunk of the liquid back and then topped the glass back off with more.

    At first she could only do a few gulps at a time. Serilda wasn’t exactly an expert at drinking in excess, and had always been one for nursing her drinks, but she did find the more she drank the more she could get down more smoothly. It wasn’t long before the first bottle was gone and she was popping open another, head already spinning. The empty stomach wasn’t helping -- or perhaps it was, if her intention for once was to actually get plastered.

    The alcohol did have an unfortunate side effect that she wasn’t expecting. Many of her active thoughts were drowned out by the liquid, but her emotions amplified. Mostly it was her anger at everything: At herself, at Hugo, at Mythal. She ditched the glass entirely by the time she was on the second bottle, opting to just drink straight from it instead, and as she turned her unsteady eyes took in several disturbing things in the room.

    Pictures. Frames lined the walls of her and Hugo, along with many other memoirs of their past together. He smiled at her in the images like he was happy, but she knew now it was all lies. Walking over to one, she picked it up off the wall and held it in her free hand, staring at it as she put the bottle to her lips and took a long draw from it. Her fingers clenched tightly to the item, shaking until she finally turned and hurled it across the room. It shattered against the far wall, glass spraying everywhere as the wooden frame split.

    And well, that just started a nasty downward spiral. Serilda tore drunkenly through her small home, searching for any evidence of her relationship with Hugo and breaking it any way she could. She was entirely oblivious to the fact that Xiuh was huddling in a corner, scared of this behavior in her master and uncertain of how to stop it. Serilda had the wherewithal to never direct anything in the animal’s way, and nothing ever came close to hurting the wolf, but she still had to witness the outburst and feel the raging ocean of pain, anger, and dozens of other emotions that scratched at the wolf through their bond.

    By the time she was done, the second bottle was empty and the house was trashed. Serilda could hardly stand on her own feet, already being a bit of a lightweight even before taking into account that she’d downed two full bottles of wine on an empty stomach. Despite this, she stumbled over to the cabinet and drew out a third. It took her awhile to get the cork out, and when she did the bottle went straight to her mouth.

    She looked as wrecked as the home. Her knuckles were bloody from punching a frame, bit of glass stuck in her flesh that she didn’t notice at the moment because of how drunk she was. Serilda could barely get the bottle to her lips because her motor skills had been so greatly impaired by the alcohol. Weaving heavily, she tried to make her way over to the couch but tripped over her own coffee table, falling between it and the sofa with a hard thud. A large quantity of the wine spilled out of the bottle and onto the floor, soaking into the carpet and into her clothes as she laid on top of the mess, too intoxicated to try and stand back up. Eventually, darkness overcame her and she blacked out.

    Xiuh had rushed over to Serilda once she’d fallen, trying to get her to wake up and failing. The intelligent wolf knew she couldn’t help her on her own. She needed another human, an ally of some kind. There were plenty of those around the city, but back at the guild hall -- which meant she would have to leave her mistress here alone to go find them.

    Making a difficult choice, the wolf rushed out the dog flap in the back door that let her outside into the yard when she needed to do her business. With a running start, she leaped over the fence and tore through the neighborhood toward the Sabertooth guild, her nose desperately sucking in the scents around her in the hopes of finding someone familiar that she could trust with her master’s safety.

    Her surprise and relief was great when she eventually smelled Mythal, the only other person the wolf knew as a friend. Xiuh rushed in the direction of his scent until she saw him. Then, in a display that was entirely unlike her, she began to bark and howl loudly to get his attention. There would be no mistaking once the slayer saw her that something was terribly wrong. Xiuh was never in public without the Voidwalker, she never made so much as a quiet bark, and she looked distressed: pacing back and forth, tail stiff. She would be whining loudly as he approached her, not even waiting for him to get close enough to pet her before racing back toward Serilda’s home and leading him to the disaster zone.

    Words: 2402/12,000


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 4th February 2019, 10:48 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    “Serilda Sinclair. The hell kind o’ name is that then?”

    Within the dark, hidden fortress beneath the land of Sin, enemies gathered. In the large meeting room sat the men and women that had conspired against Mythal – while most of them were also related to him. Archimedes sat in the stone chair that faced the door, his staff held loosely in his left hand as he tapped it against his chair. Jihl was to his right, her crystal ball placed directly in front of him on the table. She traced a finger over its surface gently, the magical essence inside trailing after the digit. To her left was Vriko, her mask set on the ground next to her chair and her sword box leaning up against its side. And directly next to her was Serethar, his hands clasped in his lap. The meeting had come to order.

    "The heiress to the Sinclair family company. They own a mining company in Clover and are quite well known within the region. She’s a wizard who utilizes Void magic in… quite interesting ways,” Jihl explained as her eyes moved over the orb before her. It looked like she was reading the text right from the center of the swirling magic and perhaps she was indeed doing just that. "And, it seems, she has formed a romantic relationship with the failed vessel.”

    “Aye, my son is far too important to be wastin’ his time on any human hussy,” Archimedes complained, rolling the staff between his fingers and planting it soundly. “What say we send Vriko here to cut her out o’ the picture?”

    "No,” came the firm answer from his human wife.

    “No?” He questioned, his eyes narrowing and his annoyance rising. He was not a fan of being told no – especially by a human.

    "There are determined celestial plans for her that, should we interfere, will bring our entire enterprise to ruin,” Jihl explained, her eyes briefly rising to meet Archimedes’. "No fret, my love – she has a destiny that is beyond us. But she will not play a part in this game; it seems the failed vessel has been pushing her away. Soon their connection will sever completely. But with its strain is opportunity.”

    “Now that’s more like it, lass,” Archimedes’ smile returned, encouraged by the news.

    "The window is slim but the failed vessel is weak right now, corrupted by his human emotions. One prod in the right direction and he will fall right into our laps. And then Vriko can take his power and become the Dark Savior’s chosen one.” The woman turned her gaze to the raven-haired woman, who hadn’t lifted her gaze from the table the entire time. "Are you prepared to fulfill your destiny, my daughter?”

    “I am,” she said softly, her tone muted and solemn. But her tone was ignored by her parents, who looked to one another in encouragement.

    “Then it’s ‘bout time we get this party started. Jihl, darlin’, let us go and iron out these newfound details before I get my chance to act. Vriko, Serethar – you know where you’re required,” Archimedes said, his gaze on the human woman.

    “Yes sir,” she said, nodding.

    That was the answer he was looking for. With a grin he rose to his feet and walked towards the door, followed almost directly after by Jihl. The large stone doors swung open easily and then closed behind, sealing the two remaining members of the group inside.

    “Well, it seems your role has been hastily pushed to the forefront,” Serethar said, stroking his chin. “I suppose congratulations are in hand.”

    Vriko scoffed. “Congratulations? Congrats that I’m about to be hollowed out and absorbed?”

    The tutor’s brow rose slightly, though not out of offense. “This is what you’ve been preparing for your whole life. Do you mean to tell me you do not wish to slay the failed vessel?”

    “Of course I do!” She snapped at him through clenched teeth. “Even without being here, he’s ruled over my life. Everything I’ve been taught and brought to understand is to prepare for him. It’s pathetic – my existence is weighed against someone who doesn’t even fucking play for the home team!” She slammed her hand against the table, the room giving a small shake from her strength.

    To her surprise, as she panted in anger, Serethar reached out and placed his hand on hers. “You will become part of our Dark Mistress. And together, you will rule my world and yours. I know it seems impractical and… depressing at the moment. But once you see what she has to offer, you’ll understand,” he told her softly, giving her hand a squeeze.

    She sighed and pulled her hand away from his, not returning his gentleness. But her eyes did move to him, weighing him. “You’ve taught me since I can remember. For all your education and wisdom, how come you were subjected to teaching me? And why didn’t it ever… get you anywhere?” She asked, gesturing to the door. “You still serve that asshat of an archangel, when you are far more poised and collected than him.”

    Serethar’s face was neutral at first as he met her gaze, his dull eyes unmoving. But slowly annoyance etched itself into his features as he shook his head. “My Dark Mistress has her plans and it is for Archimedes to remain as her Trumpet of Despair. But I thank you for your… kind words.”

    “It’s not kindness, it’s observation,” she spat back, rising to her feet quickly. As she gathered up her mask and sword box, she continued. “Once I kill that failure of a man, I will allow myself to become Faera’s vessel. But only under one condition.”

    “It is not wise to parlay considerations with my Dark Mistress…” Serethar started.

    “I don’t care,” she snapped, attaching her weapon box back to her hip. “I will be her vessel so long as she lets me kill that asshole of an archangel…” Her eyes set on the stone door, her gaze smoldering with anger and hatred. “And that bitch that bore me.”

    Mythal was not sure how Ruzatz had predicted it but now that he was out of the bar and into the fresh air, he could feel it. Something wasn’t right in the air and his gut told him it was about Serilda. How that worked out, he couldn’t tell nor would he question it. He simply followed the feeling and, apparently, a Prime Sin’s word. He didn’t bother waiting for the train; he utilized his flight and changed into a crow to fly to Ace of Spades. It wasn’t a short trip by any means but he kept on the entire time, forcing himself to stay airborne so he could arrive in the town in a timely fashion.

    Once there, two problems arose. The far more material issue was the fact that he had never been to Serilda’s home. They’d talked about him going there but he’d never gotten the opportunity. When he had it, it had been right after Christmas and… things had grown complicated after that. He could go ask at the castle that housed Sabertooth and frankly, that seemed like his best option. His senses were strong but they couldn’t pick her scent out of the arid air of the desert. Her guild mates would provide him the information, maybe. He’d have to find a way to prove to them he wasn’t some creepy stalker trying to hone in on her location first. Flashing the Fairy Tail guild mark should do that…

    The other issue was what had occurred in this town with Serilda not that long ago. His father, thought dead, had suddenly showed up and revealed himself to the Voidwalker albeit without telling her outright who he was. As he walked the streets of Ace of Spades, an uncomfortable knot formed in his stomach as he looked down each side road and alleyway. Would he catch a glimpse of his father here? Was the man watching from the shadows, keeping his distance for some unexplainable reason? All the questions that had been circling in his head prior all came rushing back, now that he was essentially at the scene of the crime.

    He found he had been wandering aimlessly, the coming dark of night having made him lost. Luckily, this worked out in his favor. Just as he was starting to turn around, he heard barking and howling from down the road. He spun and saw Xiuhco there, doing everything to get his attention. And she was panicked – he had never seen the hound in such a fret before. His feet carried him to the Star Wolf faster than he could have expected. “Xiuhco, hey, it’s okay,” he tried to calm her down, though his own heart was racing a mile a minute. “Bring me to her, okay? Just get me to her.”

    He would follow the hound right to the home, not waiting or falling behind at any step. The hound was able to slip through the doggy door but Mythal wasn’t exactly small enough to simply slip on through. But he couldn’t exactly look around for an opening he could utilize – time was of the essence. His foot easily knocked the locks out of place as he kicked the door open, practically shattering the swinging barrier to shreds. He entered without further delay, his eyes snapping around the main room as quickly as possible.

    The room was a wreck. It looked like a tornado had come through and ripped everything out of its place. It also reeked of booze – the strong scent of wine met his nostrils with such pungency that even he had to take a step back. But he moved forward the minute he spotted the body lying on the ground between the coffee table and the couch, tearing the table out of the way so he could kneel down by Serilda. “Seri. Seri!” he said, reaching down and shaking her gently. His hand went to her chest, his palm flat against her to feel for a heartbeat. Normally people would go for the vein in the neck but his heightened senses worked just fine as long as he was near her heart. He let out a small sigh of relief when he felt the muscle thumping within her breast. But the odor of alcohol was much stronger here and as he looked down, he could see a bottle lying on its side, having deposited its contents all over the ground and her clothes.

    “Gods…” he cursed softly. He reached his hands underneath her and lifted her up gently, putting her on the couch carefully so she was far more comfortable. Already he could see the bruising on her face and neck from where she had hit the ground, probably having completely blacked out. As he stared down at her wrecked form, part of him couldn’t shake the image of himself in the same position. Is this what he had looked like, living on the streets for so long? With a sigh, he shook his head and walked into the kitchen, to scrounge around for things to help her. Ice was found in the freezer and quickly wrapped in towels that were then wrapped around her neck and face, to keep the swelling on her features from getting any worse. After that, he went into her room and looked for some comfortable clothes for her to rest in rather than the wet ones she was in now.

    It was not easy changing a person without their help. But somehow he managed to slide her out of the damp and messed clothes she had been drinking in and get her in more comfortable clothes. He tore the blankets off her bed and brought them in put over her, knowing that having her sweat would rid her of her drunkenness and help, if only a little, with the impending hangover. The last thing he got was two tall glasses of water, knowing she was going to need it when she finally awoke.

    With her all set for the time being, he got started on the rest of ground zero.

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 5th February 2019, 2:04 am

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    “Are you quite sure about this one, my liege?”

    Ozorith glanced down from his throne at the man standing before him at the foot of the large dias. The servant that addressed him was a lesser demon of wrath, though one of the highest in the Prime Sin’s legion. He had been deep in thought when Varro made his inquiry, but had not missed the question. Regarding the lesser demon with a raised brow, he calmly asked, “You disagree with my selection?”

    Varro bowed his head respectfully. “Not at all, my lord. She has more than enough potential. Enough, I think, to be one of the most powerful Swords you’ll ever employ. However, she has a stubbornness about her that rivals even yours. I do not believe that she shall be so easily swayed.”

    “If she were easily swayed, she would not be worthy,” Ozorith retorted absently. “My Swords must have a certain degree of discipline, least they allow themselves to get in over their heads with the use of their powers and die before they can learn to command them properly. Besides, the higher they stand, the harder they fall before me. Has it been so long since my last paladin’s retirement that you have forgotten the benefits of why I recruit the way that I do?”

    “No, my lord. You have always chosen your mortal vassals wisely.”

    “Then tell me, Varro, why you stand before my throne, in the heart of my domain, and cast doubt upon my chosen one.”

    Though Ozorith’s voice was calm, Varro knew he was on thin ice -- literally. The Prime Sin’s cathedral was structured almost entirely of frozen water. The vaulted ceiling stretched up and up toward the sky, light filtering in through thin panes of it and decorating the dark floor with beautifully architectured rays of light like one might see through a stained glass window. Here, surrounded by the element that embodied Ozorith’s strength, Varro was at an even greater disadvantage that he would normally be against his sworn master.

    He maintained his calm, somehow, and answered the demand. “Everything I have researched of her history indicates that would never sacrifice her convictions for the power you’re offering her. She is naturally distrusting enough of what mortals consider ‘paranormal’ beings as it is. Add to that her relationship with Faera’s lost vessel, who has only set her more against beings of our natures… Simply put, Serilda simply strikes me as the type of human that would rather die than ally herself to a demon’s cause.”

    There was silence for a long moment as Ozorith stared down at his minion, trying to decide if he felt that the lesser demon was overstepping his bounds or not. Luckily for Varro, his master was in a good mood. “A fair assessment,” he finally stated, waving the man’s sentiments off with an idle hand. “However, the right approach and preparation can spell the downfall of even the most stout of mortals, and I have taken great pains to prepare Serilda for this role.”

    Arthas stood from his throne, an ornate sculpture of ice and snow, and walked down the steps of the dias toward the ground floor where Varro was. Without so much as needing to wave his hand, the ice before him shifted and rose into the air to form frozen replicas of Serilda and her counterpart, the Fallen God Slayer Mythal Ragnos. “You see, Varro, it’s all about finding the right crack to chip away at. Or in Serilda’s case, multiple cracks that vein toward the same direction. By setting her on the path to learning the truth about her late husband’s nature, I have widened the space that I need to chip at in order to draw her closer to me.”

    He stopped in front of the sculpture of Mythal, smirking at it. Varro raised a brow. “The Slayer?”

    “The trick is to turn her greatest strength into her weakness,” he said. “I sense that the hour is near at hand for Faera to make her move against this Mythal fellow, and when she does I know that Serilda will do everything in her power to try and save him. And, when she finds that her power is not enough to do so… she will come to me. Her loyalty to this man will outweigh her convictions.”

    “Is it wise to mettle in the designs of the gods? Faera will not be pleased if your chosen vassal shows up and interferes with her plans.”

    Ozorith chuckled. “No she will not, but neither will she be surprised. It is not the first time she and I have danced with one another, though perhaps not quite to this tune. She would do the same, in my position. Besides, Serilda is too great an opportunity to pass up. The threads of her fate are interwoven in many places, and she will find her fingers in control or influence in a number of places as her life goes on. Places that may be most advantageous to me in the days to come.”

    Moving over to stand in front of the sculpture of the Voidwalker, he reached out with a hand and gently stroked the replica’s jawline with the back of his fingers. There was no affection in his gaze as he looked upon the creation, but rather a greed that was born from a lust for greater power and the knowledge that she could bring that to him.

    As if the look had sparked a cue in the lesser demon, Varro spoke up once more. “You are aware, of course, that the Prime Sin of Lust has been in contact with her?”

    “Ruzatz has played his part, knowingly or not,” Ozorith remarked, pulling away from the sculpture and letting them both melt back into the ground. “He gave her the information she needed to be aware of what she will be getting into, and to reach out to me properly. The Sin of Lust may not be much of a demon, but neither is he an idiot. He knows what would befall him and his pathetic little whore of a human wife if he were to try and get in the way of my plans. Ruzatz has a part to play in all this, and so far he has performed quite admirably.”

    The Sin of Wrath held no love for his Lust counterpart, nor any respect. Ruzatz had far too much compassion for mortals, and immersed himself too deeply in their culture and societies -- particularly since taking up a mortal wife. Not just a mortal, but one that was his own vassal. The absurdity of it was laughable. What a joke. But, Ruzatz did have his uses and as long as he did not try to stop Ozorith’s schemes from falling into place he would leave his brethren in the comfort of his mortal harem.

    Ozorith ascended back up to his throne, taking a seat as he dismissed Varro. “Go find something useful to do. I grow tired of your constant questions.”

    “Yes, my liege.”

    Xiuh didn’t waste any time taking Mythal straight to Serilda’s home, to the spot where she laid between the sofa and table. The wolf whined greatly, licking her master’s face even while Mythal rushed over and checked for her heartbeat. She was so deeply passed out that she barely even stirred as he turned her over and lifted her up into his arms to set her on the more comfortable surface. He was met with only a few incoherent groans as he changed her clothes, and didn’t move at all when he ladened her with ice packs and blankets.

    It would be several long hours before she would wake. The wolf kept a vigilant watch over her mistress for the most part, laying on top of the blankets and doing her part to try to provide extra warmth for the woman while Mythal moved about the house. Once the slayer found it in himself to take a seat, however, he’d find Xiuh moving over to him in search of her own comfort, or perhaps as a gesture of thanks for his aid -- possibly both.

    Should Mythal be paying attention while sifting through everything that had been destroyed during her fit, he’d notice a common theme with many of the items: Hugo. There was no mistaking the identity of the large, muscular man with the shaggy brown hair and thick beard that held himself close to her in many of the photos that had been broken. On the ground still near the door that he’d kicked in was the ledger that she had dragged out of the man’s grave. It was old and a bit musty, and to the slayer’s sensitive nose probably still reeked of death. Should he look inside to see the calculations within, he wouldn’t find any identities past initials, but he would be able to understand enough to figure out that it was evidence of stolen goods from her family over the last decade or more.

    By the time the Voidwalker began to stir, she had a pounding headache. More than that, her stomach was absolutely furious with her. Serilda groaned heavily, barely able to open her eyes as nausea overwhelmed her. She was so dizzied, and so thoroughly hung over, that it did not hit her right away that she had company, nor that she had changed clothes and had somehow gotten on the couch beneath some blankets. When her groggy, unsteady gaze finally landed on the man that had come to help her, she blinked at him slowly. “Mythal? How did you…” As she tried to sit up, her head spun heavily and made her feel like the room was tilting. Vertigo turned her stomach in circles, and she quickly heaved herself off of the sofa to stumble to the bathroom around the corner.

    The noblewoman barely made it in time to get her face over the toilet before she started hurling into it relentlessly. Her entire body was shaking from the effort, and her hair was slipping past her shoulders in front of her face, catching some of the vile contents before it could make it into the bowl. She hugged the porcelain fixture pitifully even after heaves slowed to a stop, at least for a while. Once more, Serilda started crying. She felt miserable in every way, and had no one to blame but herself for any of it. It was only made worse by the knowledge that Mythal was bearing witness to what was easily one of the lowest places she’d ever been in her life.

    Xiuhcoatl felt the pain that was pouring through practically every crevasse in Serilda’s body, but all of that was drowned out by the joy of seeing her up and conscious, if delirious. The wolf paced around the woman at the toilet frantically, bushy tail wagging like crazy as she tried to get in Serilda’s face like any other common dog might and lick her out of relieve and affection. The noblewoman tried to console the animal, though it was difficult while she was coming down from being highly intoxicated.

    She couldn’t even look at Mythal. All she could do was weep into the fixture and try not to throw up anymore. Serilda could only imagine how pathetic she must look to him right now. How he’d found her, she had no idea. He’d never gotten the chance to come to her place, though she’d invited him a few times. As far as she could remember, he didn’t even have her address. How had he gotten here, and how had he known to come? “I’m sorry,” she told him quietly, ashamed of the fact that he was seeing her like this. At the moment, it was the only words her foggy mind could come up with, so she simply kept repeating them over and over until he gave her a reason to stop, occasionally pausing to deposit more bile into the toilet.

    Words: 4458/12,000


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 5th February 2019, 11:44 am

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Serilda had made a right mess of her place, which was surprising to the God Slayer as he looked around. His mind attempted to make up the house as it would normally appear, inserting picture frames and furniture where they may have been before Hurricane Voidwalker struck. With Serilda resting and him with no inclination to leave her or Xiuhco alone for the time being, he sighed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his iLac. He pressed a few buttons to get himself to the contact screen, where he highlighted a familiar name.

    “Hello? Hello… hello?” Was the bumbling answer from the Demi-God of Storms as he attempted to work his own lacrima device. “Curses on this machine, is it on?” Mythal could hear the screen being tapped on loudly from the other side.

    “Susan, it’s on, for Gods’ sake,” the God Slayer grumbled.

    “Ah yes, Mythal!” Susano said excitedly. “My apologies – using this blasted thing is quite the chore. I have no idea why you insisted on me carrying one.”

    “Honestly, for moments like now,” the God Slayer replied, his eyes trailing over the mess around him. “I need you to do me a favor. There’s ah… some tools, I think, in the basement of the house. Tools to like… fix things. I need you to bring them to me. Gren as well – I feel like his sister is goin’ to need some care,” his gaze lingered on the Star Wolf, lying beside her master on the couch.

    “Is everything alright?” The Demi-God asked, his voice low. “Is it your friend, Serilda Sinclair?”

    “Everything’s…” He almost said fine but judging by the look of everything, clearly everything was not fine. He sighed. “Well enough. Just do those things for me, kay?”

    “Certainly, Mythal. I’ll be there in short time,” and as he bid his farewell, Mythal was treated to the sound of the Demi-God pounding his finger onto the phone’s screen in a clumsy attempt to end the connection. It was Mythal that eventually sighed and ended it, tucking his iLac back into his pocket. There wasn’t a whole lot to do in repairs but her door certainly needed some fixing. The God Slayer knew very little about home repair but he was just stubborn enough to try, at the very least.

    Susano arrived shortly after that, carrying a metal case full of tools and the Star Wolf pup in hand. Gren had already grown accustomed to the Demi-God, or at least was comfortable enough with him to allow being picked up and transported across the world via a wind cloud. He hurriedly rushed into the room, bounding around at the new scents and sights within. But even the pup could sense the air and his tail slowly fell in concern at the sight of his sister and Serilda lying on the couch. He walked over and put his paws up on the couch to inspect the Voidwalker, sniffing her quietly and carefully before he plopped his rear on the ground and stood guard.

    Susano, it seemed, was far more practiced in the art of carpentry. While Mythal went about sweeping and picking up broken pieces, the Demi-God went to work on fixing the door. The midget managed to use his magic to help take off the hinges and transport the door outside, where he could make his repairs without disturbing the resting woman. He finished his work shortly after and put the door back in its place, smiling a rather smug grin at his handiwork. He then joined the God Slayer in cleaning up the last remnants of broken pieces that had scattered around the room.

    Once they had cleaned up the room as best they could, Mythal organized some of the pictures that had been unceremoniously removed from their frames. He paused on each one, his eyes setting on the man that was surely Serilda’s husband. He was a large, handsome man for the most part – though his smile never really reached his eyes. In fact, even in the photographs, Mythal felt a bit conflicted at the almost dead stare of her former husband. She hadn’t really described him as cold, had she? Maybe it was merely his mind trying to find flaws in the man that had once called his love wife. The thought sickened him and he eventually just stacked the pictures together. He picked up the ledger and turned it over in his hands, the ancient smell of it perverse and ragged. It was like it had been stored within a tomb. Part of him wanted to flip it open and look through but the stronger side told him it was none of his business. If Serilda offered him the opportunity later through conversation, he may – but he wasn’t about to go through books and papers that weren’t his.

    Eventually Susano left, out to whatever he was doing before. Mythal thanked the man and promised to actually introduce him to the Voidwalker at some point in the future – when she was in a better state of mind. Explaining the midget’s lineage and godhood to her sure-to-be hungover mind sounded like a far more daunting and intimidating task than needed. Gren remained, having settled on the ground near the couch out of concern for Serilda and Xiuhco. When the God Slayer finally sat down on the chair near the couch, he was surprised by both hounds coming over and asking for attention. Clearly their worries required some tending to as well. He gave them both affection, with the smaller Star Wolf curling up on his lap in such a way that he could look out at Serilda.

    When she woke, he had attempted to meditate/doze off. She groaned loud enough to wake him from his semi-sleep and he opened his eyes to watch her finally rouse. As she blearily looked over at him, she managed to croak out the question of how he had gotten there. But before he could answer, the contents of her stomach demanded recompense for her drunken escapades in the form of releasing its contents. She raced to the bathroom with all the elegance that one could have when they were hungover and Mythal followed after her, flanked by Star Wolves on either side. By the time he entered the room, she was curled around the toilet and relieving herself of last night’s food and booze. Not a great thing to have an empty stomach at two in the morning but better out than in. He reached out and held her hair from her face, saving at least larger portions of it from becoming coated in the mix that was pouring from her lips.

    She cried for a bit, a mixture of emotions and physical detriments most likely washing over her all at the same time. There he knelt beside her, still holding her hair and another hand resting on her back, gently rolling in circles. She apologized to him and he shook it off. “You don’t have to apologize. Shit happens,” he told her softly, his eyes set on her though she refused to look at him.

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 5th February 2019, 1:50 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Her vision cleared a bit as she felt her hair get pulled back from her face. The slayer had come over and knelt next to her, holding the white strands back gently so they wouldn’t get too caught up in all the bile that was retching itself from her stomach. She appreciated his help, but it also served to make her feel all the more humiliated. She hadn’t seen him in days, and hadn’t even talked to him in about as long, but here he was at her house when she needed him most.

    But that thought only brought her back around to why she was in this state in the first place. Now that her stomach was emptier than it was, her mind was starting to clear. She forced herself to take a moment when she wasn’t hurling to give some attention to the wolves -- particularly Xiuh -- to try and assure them that she was okay. Or at least, that she wasn’t dying.

    Mythal gently explained that she had nothing to apologize for. She could feel him looking at her and it made her just want to shrink all the more into herself. “Could you get me some water?” she asked him pitifully, her voice ragged from the stomach acid that lingered in her throat and burned it. Serilda was ashamed to even ask, knowing that she had no right to put her care in his hands when she’d done this to herself, but she was too weak to stand at the moment.

    Presuming he brought her one of the glasses he’d prepared for her earlier, she thanked him quietly and took the cup with shaking hands. The first mouthful of water she only swished around in her mouth to clean it, spitting the bile filled liquid into the toilet with everything else. Then, she took a few careful gulps. The water settled queasily in her stomach, not irritating it enough to trigger more heaves from it but definitely reacting with the alcohol and stomach acids in a way she wasn’t entirely familiar with. She’d never drank this much in her life, and honestly wasn’t sure she ever would again.

    Eventually, her stomach settled enough that she felt that she was able to pull away from the toilet and return to the living room where she could sit someplace more comfortable than the hard floor of the bathroom. She flushed the toilet and stood slowly and shakily to her feet, more than likely with help from her friend. Serilda had been sitting on the cold tiles for so long that her legs and hips were aching along with the rest of her.

    “Why are you here?” she asked him softly, still unable to really look at him. “How did you even find me..?” As far as she could recall, she’d never actually gotten around to giving him her address, because every time she’d invited him over it had never come to fruition. Serilda supposed that tracking her down in the city wouldn’t have been too difficult since most people in Ace of Spades were familiar with her and could point him in the right direction of her home. However, even in her half drunk, hungover mindset she could still recognize that he wasn’t here by coincidence.

    And she was starting to pick up on other details, too. Her eyes glanced down at her body in confusion as she processed the fact that she wasn’t wearing the same clothes that she had been before. There were blankets on the sofa that she knew were the ones that belonged on her bed, and she didn’t recall bringing them down herself. The last thing she remembered was tripping over the coffee table and laying on the ground. Looking down, she could see the stain in the carpet where the rest of her wine had spilled into the coarse fibers.

    A glance around the area told her that he’d done some cleaning up of her mess, for there wasn’t any glass on the floor and there were piles of the things she had broken set aside until they would be more properly dealt with later. “How did you even get in?” she asked, remembering that her door was locked. Serilda had a key to Mythal’s place, but she had never gotten around to giving him one cause he’d yet to come over. She was desperately trying to catch up to what all was going on, while also trying to fight back the memories of what had gotten her into this sorry state in the first place -- a task that became more and more difficult as her mind began to clear.

    Words: 5251/12,000


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 5th February 2019, 3:10 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    What had been days without seeing one another or even talking had felt like longer. The more Mythal pushed away, the more he didn’t want the distance to grow so far. It was a quandary that was suffocating and infuriating, all at the same time. So despite her predicament in the moment, he was actually glad to be around her. So he was more than willing to help her out while she essentially hurled her guts out. As it slowed, she started showing some affection the wolves, wanting to let them know she was okay. As things began to settle for her, her stomach empty and the poisonous liquid starting to dissipate, she started to look a bit clearer. She still wasn’t looking at him, her embarrassment almost as palpable as it was back during their vacation. It hurt to see but there wasn’t much he could do in the moment.

    She managed to croak out a single question, wondering if she could get some water. He nodded and stood, walking back into the main living area. He’d left two tall glasses for her there and he took one of them, bringing it back and handing it off to her. She took it quietly, taking the first gulp in to clean out the bile and acid that coated her mouth and throat. Once that was spat into the bowl, she focused on getting as much of the cool, hopefully refreshing liquid down into her stomach to replace the coating of wine. There he knelt beside her as her body started to come back, though no doubt her head was still pounding and her vision jagged. Once she was ready to get up and moving, he helped her to her feet and brought her back to the living room.

    Her first question felt a little targeted, and perhaps it had been, but he shook away the ache that almost formed because of it. “I’m here because apparently you decided to go on a bender,” he replied, his tone soft. A part of him wanted to tell her that Ruzatz had sent him this way firstly but decided against it for the moment. After she had sobered up and wasn’t feeling as dreadful as she was, then he could go into better detail about it. He nodded to Xiuhco. “Once I got to Ace of Spades, Xiuhco found me. Barked and howled up a storm too. She led me right here,” he said as he reached over and scratched the hound’s chin, showing her some attention for the care she had.

    She was sobering up rather quickly it seemed. She began to look around, spotting how differently her apartment looked in comparison to how she had left it. Choosing instead to ask about his entry rather than his time spent, the God Slayer sighed and scratched his head. “I kinda had to break the door down. Xiuhco bein’ that upset and the door bein’ locked – I couldn’t exactly wait to knock and hope you woke up,” he said, a tad bit of shame in his voice. He hadn’t wanted to cause damage to her property the first time he had come to it but… he didn’t have much choice. “It’s fine though; the door is fixed so shouldn’t be a problem here on out.” He went over to the chair and sat himself down, breathing out through his nostrils as he did so. “You’re not one go get blitzed like this, Seri. What happened?”

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 5th February 2019, 4:01 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    It was a bittersweet encounter for her. She was happy to see him, despite everything, but at the same time his presence was serving as a more piercing reminder of the truths she was finally accepting. He helped her into the livingroom and back onto the couch, and Serilda couldn’t help but notice that he chose to sit in a chair across from her instead of next to her. Had they really grown so far apart already? This was starting to feel like that night at the hotel all over again, just with a lot less anger and a lot more sorrow.

    She honestly hadn’t meant to target him with her first question, though perhaps there was a part of her that had done it subconsciously. Mostly she was just curious, but she also couldn’t help but be at least a little sore over the fact that he had been pushing her away for weeks only to suddenly show up out of the blue. The noblewoman was too hung over to really notice if he had been hurt by the question or not, but either way he was gentle with his response, advising her he was here because he was concerned about the fact that she was on a drunken spree. Xiuhcoatl, it seemed, had escaped the home to go find help and managed to sniff him out after he got to town, bringing him straight here with mannerisms that the wolf only reserved for emergencies.

    Serilda held the wolf to her gently, arms wrapped around the animal’s torso. “I’m sorry, girl,” she whispered to Xiuh, now all the more ashamed at her behavior and how it had affected her dear companion. “Thank you.” She kissed the wolf’s forehead, burying herself in Xiuh’s fur as her mind began to churn. It was probably the paranoia that Hugo had set in her, but Serilda couldn’t help but notice that Mythal hadn’t really answered her first question. Or rather, he had avoided giving her the answer she wanted. More things he was holding from her… and didn’t that just feel like a knife in her gut?

    Mythal went on to explain he’d had to knock the door down -- a testament to how hard she’d been passed out, since the commotion clearly hadn’t woken her. Or if it did, she didn’t remember it. He’d already fixed the door, along with a great deal of her mess, it seemed. Then he brought up the big question: What the hell had happened to drive her to this state? It was a loaded question. A lot of things had been slowly building up to bring her to this point, but she was too exhausted to start from the beginning and still far too intoxicated to even really explain about it with any semblance of eloquence.

    “He never loved me,” she finally managed to whisper, her eyes still refusing to meet Mythal’s. Her embarrassment and hurt was too great, particularly when Hugo’s last words were still ringing loudly in her throbbing head. All the alcohol in the world couldn’t drown out the truth he’d made her see. “He never even cared about me. He was stealing from my family the whole time he worked for us, and only got close to me and married me to make that easier for him. The whole time we were together, he was with someone else… That woman I arrested here a couple months ago, the night I met Oz-- Arthas.”

    She forgot that she hadn’t updated him about the things she’d learned, and that Mythal still only knew of the man that was following her by the alias he’d given. Serilda had told her friend about the group she’d arrested, including the woman that lead them, but had left out the details of what she’d said. “She recognized me, and claimed that night that she was his lover and had been since before we were married. I didn’t believe her, so I didn’t think anything of it and it didn’t seem worth talking about or giving credit to. But a lot of things have come up since, and now… it seems she was telling the truth.”

    Tears started rolling down her face again. There was a lot to talk about, but Serilda was still stuck on other things. Hugo’s accusations of her naivety and trusting nature stung her deep, and had put her on edge. She had become aware of just how greatly she’d been used and abused, and it had set a great deal of fear and anger in her soul. He’d claimed she had always made his excuses for him, and what hurt more than his words was the truth that rang with them. Maybe it was the pain and the heartache, maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was all of the above, but she was done filling in blanks for people.

    Finally, she lifted her eyes to look at him. He would be able to see the sorrow, pain, anger, and even mistrust that wracked her. Though it wasn’t all necessarily directed at him, it was still there. The truths she’d learned had cowed her into a corner, and though she wasn’t directly lashing out at him or taking it out on the slayer, it had put her in a mood where she was not willing to be lead around a bush and lied to, or deceived, or to have things veiled from her. “How did you find out what happened?” she asked him more firmly, not angry but also not shying away from the knowledge that he was hiding something from her. “You said you came because you knew something was wrong, but there was only one person who knew what happened, and I never mentioned your name to her. I didn’t run into anyone on my way home, and no one was around to see me when I got here. I know I didn’t try to text or call you. So what prompted you to come here?”

    Serilda would tell him more about what all had happened, but first she needed him to be upfront with her. She was still raw from the knowledge of being used and manipulated by a man she had once loved, and had been enduring for several weeks the pain and confusion of Mythal suddenly keeping her at a distance and hiding things from her for no reason that she could understand. It was time for him to start being a little more honest with her if he was truly still her friend.

    Words: 6368/12,000


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 5th February 2019, 5:11 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    A bender like this required a reason, at least for a woman like Serilda. For him, back when he wandered the world, it was just another day at ‘work’. He drank himself into stupors constantly; wanting nothing more than to drown out his memories and thoughts in the blackness of drunkenness. That was because he’d had tragedy and pain in his life practically from its beginning. But when people experienced great stabs of agony in their livelihoods, they became prone to drink as easily as that as well. He imagined, based on her state and how he had found her house that something similar had happened. Had the distance between them finally boiled over? Or was it something beyond him?

    His answer came not too long after he began to wonder. Serilda showed her affections and care for Xiuhco for looking for help, holding it quietly for some time before she finally managed to speak her mind. Her first phrase cut like a knife, slicing up his own emotions like a Christmas ham. He held his breath as she went on, clearly not talking about him but about… Hugo? He’d taken from her family for years while under their employment and even married her for the sake of doing it with greater ease. There had never been love there nor care – simply an end to a means. His hands slowly tucked into fists, the fleshy balls flexing tight enough that his limbs were shaking with anger. He’d used her like that, for his own benefit? He had faked his feelings for that entire time and Serilda had been suffering after his death, grieving him for years?

    “How?” He managed to ask between clenched teeth. “How did you find out?” His words were filled with violent but calm rage – as if the revelation of Hugo possibly still living would provide him satisfaction. But it would only be the satisfaction of being able to properly end his life for such despicable, disgusting actions against her. But before he would get his answers, her eyes finally rose to meet his and stunned him with their… ferocity. It wasn’t necessarily aimed at him, per se, but it was still like staring at a wild flame consuming brush right before one’s self. There was no gentleness within her gems as she looked at him, nor was there kindness in her question. It was a testing question; meant to discern the full and proper truth of his being here.

    To which, Mythal felt no need to hide. If she was awake enough and aware enough to put all the pieces of the puzzle together, then she was of her wits enough to hear the true story. “Ruzatz,” he said simply, his own anger quelling momentarily to let hers smolder. “I was out and he found me. Said that he was worried about you, as much as someone like him can worry,” he stated with a small scoff. “He said something about his wife having met you and you got some news…”

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 5th February 2019, 6:14 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Well, that news got him more than a little angry. Mythal clenched his fist as Serilda explained what she’d learned. Even in her hung over stupor she could hear the rage in his voice as he asked her how she’d learned everything, and she would tell him, but first he needed to explain to her how he’d known to come here.

    Mythal cooled down a little to answer her question, advising her of the one who had notified him of her broken state. She frowned. “Ruzatz..?” the woman asked curiously, her brain wracking itself as best as it could to try and figure out how in the world the demon had even found out about it. She wouldn’t have to wonder long, however, as Mythal told her that the Sin of Lust claimed his wife was the one who had informed him. She blinked for a moment in utter shock. “Agatha is his wife?” Serilda asked, more to herself than to Mythal. Ruzatz had mentioned to her when they met last that he’d taken a human woman as a spouse.

    It was too much for her to think about right now. Too many pieces to place, too many questions that neither of them would be able to answer -- though it did not pass her notice that the strange demon had gone out of his way to track Mythal down and get him to go after her. How he had managed that, Serilda had no clue, but here they were all the same. She seemed a bit troubled by this revelation, though not out of any ire at the demon’s involvement. If anything, she looked confused -- of similar mindset of Mythal in wondering why the demon would even care, particularly since Serilda hadn’t exactly been nice to him the one time they’d met.

    Serilda forced herself to finish the first glass of water, setting the empty cup down on the table. “I don’t really know where to start,” she told him honestly, her fierceness quelled by his honest answer as she shifted into responding to his own question. There was a lot she hadn’t been telling him lately. “Do you remember that guild I took care of in Clover a month or so ago? The one that was killing people and trying to raid the guildmaster hall?” She had informed Mythal of the event after the fact, having left immediately upon receiving word from her father about it. Serilda had told Mythal about how she’d worked with the Rune Knights and brought the dark guild to heel, but had left out one very important piece of information.

    “Arthas showed up that night, too,” she told him quietly, knowing he was not going to be pleased about the news, nor that she hadn’t told him about it. “He wanted to help me bring the guild down so he could get to know me better… I had a lot of questions I wanted answers to, and he refused to answer them unless I humored him, so I let him tag along and just kept an eye on him. At the end he told me he wanted to hire me for some… job or position or something. I told him no, of course. I’ve been suspecting for a while that he’s a demon, and I told him to leave me alone.”

    “I didn’t really think anything of it. Didn’t really want to think about it at all, to be honest, and he hasn’t pestered me since. But then I ran into Ruzatz while taking a job in Hosenka not long after. He’s… Well, to be honest I don’t really know what to make of him. He was using his powers to subdue the criminals we were apprehending, and I got affected by his magic. That’s how I figured out he was a demon, as well. I thought he had shown up as some kind of agent for Arthas to pester me, but…”

    It was difficult to sum up everything that had happened. If Mythal already knew that Ruzatz was a lust demon, he could probably assume at least the manner of magic that had gotten used on her and how that may have affected her. She was trying her best to cover all the important points without pontificating on the details, but there was a lot of information to tell in order to help him understand how she’d gotten to where she was.

    She shook her head. “He recognized Arthas’ name, and that was when everything started to change. Ruzatz is what’s known as a Prime Sin… which, as he explained to me, essentially means that he is the most powerful demon in existence in relation to his associated vice, which is Lust. Which I guess makes him… some kind of lord of hell or something. I don’t really know. All I know is that he is an upper echelon of demon. And Arthas, whose real name I guess is Ozorith, is the Prime Sin of Wrath.”

    Serilda spoke the words slowly, a bit of the trepidation returning to her at the thought of what was arguably one of the strongest and most notorious demons in hell casing and stalking her. “Ruzatz told me that Ozorith is horrible even by demon standards. Apparently the two of them don’t get along. He said that Ozorith enjoys toying with mortals, and that he’s drawn to ones that have deep seeds of rage and wrath within them. I didn’t want to believe him, but the more I thought about it the more sense it made. The only two times he’s visited me was when I was seeking vengeance for the deaths of my people… and the night that I ran into the woman that claimed she was Hugo’s lover.”

    A knowledge which, if true, would have certainly stoked a fair amount of wrath in her. But, Serilda hadn’t believed that woman that night so nothing had come from it at the time. “I started to wonder if maybe she wasn’t lying. So I went to talk to a friend of mine, a man named Colin that used to be Hugo’s best friend. Colin also used to work for my family, and was recently arrested when he was caught stealing from our mines.” The memories of her conversation with the man, and everything that had been revealed during the exchange, brought an especially quiet somberness to the hurting woman. She clutched a little tighter to the wolf for comfort.

    “It took some persuading, but he verified that Hugo had, in fact, been stealing from my family and cheating on me through our whole marriage. He also admitted that he had been a part of the operation, but had been trying to come forward and turn himself in when those still involved framed him and had him arrested, and threatened to hurt his family if he told the truth. I didn’t want to believe him, but Colin was always a gentle soul… and he told me where I could find proof.”

    She turned and nodded to the ledger, wherever Mythal had set it. “I found that in Hugo’s grave. It details everything that has been stolen from my family over the last decade or so, and how much money they made selling raw gems in the black market. All the expenses and gains add up with the losses that we’ve experienced over the years. And it’s all written in Hugo’s hand.”

    But of course, the story didn’t end there. Serilda wasn’t so easily swayed against something she’d been believing practically her entire adult life, and it was a difficult truth to accept. “I didn’t… I didn’t know what to do. What to believe. I didn’t want to talk to anyone about it because I didn’t want to smear his memory or his life without knowing for sure. So, I found Agatha. She’s a gypsy in Hosenka that specializes in nearly every form of witchcraft… and apparently, is also Ruzatz’s wife, though I wasn’t aware of that when I reached out to her.”

    This part of the story was sure to be bizarre to Mythal, who knew how wary Serilda was of anything paranormal. She had been truly desperate to learn and confirm the truth to seek out someone that was a master in everything that terrified her. Serilda took a breath and continued, coming to what would easily be the most painful part of this story to tell.

    “She summoned Hugo’s spirit for me to speak with.” Tears started rolling down her face again. “Mythal, he was so cruel. He complained about every time I spoke with him at his grave, laughed when I asked him about the ledger, mocked Colin for being a coward… he was absolutely nothing like the man I thought I married. He told me himself that he never loved me, and that he could never care about me. Told me I was… naive. Too trusting. That I never suspected him because I was too busy blinding myself with a love that wasn’t even reciprocated. He said the only thing I was good for was…”

    She choked a bit on her own voice here, the pain starting to come back in full as shame wracked her. “...was for being a willing bed partner.” No matter what happened from here on out, Serilda knew those words were going to haunt her the rest of her life, as were the now tainted memories of giving herself to such a vile man without being able to stop and see him for who he really was. Serilda let go of Xiuhcoatl and wrapped her hands over her head, tucking her knees to her chest and resting her head against them as she did her best to curl into a ball and disappear. She sobbed pitifully, well and truly broken as she felt utterly worthless.

    Mythal would probably be able to work out the rest on his own. She’d made her way back home and chosen to drown her grief and trauma in several bottles of wine, and tearing the house apart for pieces of her past with this horrible man so she could unleash her fury on him in the only way she could.

    Words: 8129/12,000


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 5th February 2019, 7:34 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Mythal had no idea who Agatha was. The name hadn’t even come up in any conversation between himself, Serilda or Ruzatz – for the little time he had known the Prime Sin. There had only been a mention of a wife and how she had connected to Serilda to give some kind of devastating news. That was all the God Slayer was granted so as the Voidwalker was able to put the puzzle pieces together and complete one of the many pictures in their lives, Mythal was kind of left on the outside. But an answer for Serilda seemed to be enough to, at the very least, temper her anger for the moment. Now she was more just confused right along with him. “Whoever his wife is, all he told me was that she had come home to him in tears and had talked to him a little bit about what had happened. Destressin’ herself or whatever. He was concerned enough to track me down, though he never told me how he found me. Sat my ass down in the bar and told me to come and check on you… along with a few other things. He seemed to be able to tell I was a God Slayer; even mentioned Faera by name. He seemed to think that meeting you was some kind of… I dunno, fated meeting? He mentioned doing a job with you and how meeting you somehow connected him to me… it all seemed way above my paygrade,” Mythal said, waving his hands in the air. It was all a bit much for Mythal to follow so he had only really kept the important aspects of the conversation in mind. The rest of it wasn’t too concerning or, at the very least, wasn’t at the time.

    Luckily his explanation earned him one in return, a length story of things that she hadn’t been telling him. There was a part of him that felt scorned; not having earned the right to hear all of her business when it happened. But then again, he also knew better than to feel that – he’d been pulling away and she was only doing what she felt was right by giving him space. He clamped his mental mouth shut and listened as she referenced back to job she had done about a month ago. He scratched his chin as he tried to remember back but as she unfolded more details to him, that being of the killed people and the raids, the details hazily came back into mental view. “Somewhat,” he said with a small shrug.

    Apparently Arthas had shown up then as well. His brow furrowed and his hands returned to their folded positions. He hadn’t liked hearing about this man stalking her the first time and he certainly didn’t like hearing that he had continued those same actions. This time it was far more involved; he had insisted upon helping her take down the dark guild, in exchange for some possible answers for the Voidwalker. She didn’t seem to receive much but an offer for a job or title, that she had rightfully and swiftly refused. Her concerns and suspicions were already there before that but the more time she had spent with him, it seemed, the more she began to believe in what he was.

    This meant that running into Ruzatz probably set off all kinds of alarms. She told him how she had experienced the Prime Sin in Hosenka and how he had joined her on a job as well. When he used his magic, she had suffered some effects from it as well and that had been the key to her figuring out that not only was he a demon but so was Arthas. Understandably the Voidwalker wanted answers and had gotten some from Ruzatz, who had explained that he was a Prime Sin of Lust, a high ranking demon. Not only that but the man who called himself Arthas was actually Ozorith, the Prime Sin of Wrath. So two high tiered demon lords had run into Serilda and forced themselves into her company in such a short amount of time – the very thought ran a chill down Mythal’s spine. And he wasn’t even that bothered by the existence of demons.

    It seemed that Ruzatz didn’t think very highly of Ozorith, which was strange. One would think that demons of such caliber would be few and far between and, as such, would hold each other in a higher regard. But he had warned Serilda against him, as the Prime Sin of Wrath enjoyed toying with people’s emotions. And given his title, it seemed getting people incensed brought him great pleasure. Indeed he had shown himself to Serilda during times when her anger had been out almost in full force. She mentioned the woman that had claimed herself to be Hugo’s lover, a statement that both of them had blown off as a weak attempt to rile the Voidwalker up. But Serilda had begun to wonder if perhaps the lie had been truth after all and investigated further. She went and found an old friend named Colin, who had been busted for stealing from her family. As it turns out, he had all but confirmed Serilda’s worst fears – Hugo had been stealing from the family and cheating on the Voidwalker through the entirety of the marriage.

    His anger flared again but he manually calmed it down, so that Serilda could finish her thoughts on the matter. He let out a small breath through his nostrils, the only sign he had been agitated again, as she continued. She nodded towards the ledger he had placed on the coffee table, still moved out of the way from when he arrived. He reached over and picked it up, flipping open the first couple pages as she explained. There were plenty of etchings in it that… didn’t quite make sense to Mythal but then again, he wasn’t used to reading ledger books. She explained that it had full details of the operation; all the losses the family suffered against the gains the illegal operation had made. No wonder he had the book buried with him in the coffin – such evidence was extremely damning, though it mattered little after he was dead. Mythal was starting to believe that being crushed to death had been a poor way for the bastard to die.

    That opinion wasn’t going to get any lighter either. Serilda explained that she had run into a dead end and didn’t know what to do. She had evidence but she seemed to be in heavy denial at handing it all over unless she had completely solid proof. It seemed that the only option was a gypsy from Hosenka named Agatha, who was apparently the Prime Sin of Lust’s wife. That had been a shock but no more so than the fact that Serilda had actively sought out a supernatural force to try and get answers. Nearly from the moment he had met her, he’d known that she had a deep seeded fear of the unknown and the entities that thrived in it. Demons, ghosts, dark magic – she was not a fan of any of it. So the fact that she had gone out of her way to find an alternative, paranormal route was… shocking.

    Agatha apparently had the ability to bring Hugo’s spirit out to talk. And he had been not only indignant against his former wife, he had been terrible. He laughed at her, mocked her, insulted her in ways that, even in his lowest moments, Mythal could never bring himself to do. His anger was brimming now, his magic starting to warm up in his core. He had to forcibly keep it down, wrestling the power that so wanted to seek out the ethereal plane and rend this asshole’s soul asunder. But he wouldn’t because frankly, right now, Serilda needed him. His last insult had stung the worst it seemed, having relegated her to nothing but a willing bed partner. It caused her to break down and she curled in on herself, trying to make herself as small and pitiful as she could be.

    But Mythal moved over to the couch and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him. Despite the distance that had grown between them, despite the wedge he had jammed in to try and keep himself and her safe, he threw it all away now. She needed him and he wasn’t going to turn his back on her when she needed it most. “You are nothin’ that he said,” he said softly, his voice firm. “You’re a kind hearted soul that cares for people, wants to help them in any way you can. You trust people to do the right thing and when they don’t, you step in. Who the fuck does he think he is that he gets an opinion in any of that? You’re better than him in every way, shape and form, Seri. You gave him a chance and he squandered it. He didn’t deserve it.” His words were quick and precise, his anger like a scalpel that cut away Hugo’s ethereal and infuriating words.

    He held her for as long as she wept, resting her against him as she let it all out. He couldn’t deny that there was a warmth in him that arose as he held her again and despite his misgivings, he simply let it glow. This wasn’t about him, it was about her and she needed him there and then. He wouldn’t let her down… not like he had been.

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 5th February 2019, 9:29 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Apparently, witnessing the exchange between Serilda and Hugo had been tough on the gypsy, enough so that she’d supposedly gone straight home to Ruzatz to sob and tell him what happened. Serilda wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear that the woman had shared the event with someone else, but at the same time she couldn’t really fault the woman for needing to seek her own comfort after witnessing it. Ruzatz had seemed like a lunatic at the time for trying to claim to Serilda that they were destined to meet for one reason or another, but right now she couldn’t exactly deny that he may have been right.

    But it did make her nervous to know that the Sin of Lust had managed to figure out not just who Mythal was, but what kind of power he wielded and that he was connected to Faera. Her friend would be able to see the concern on her face as he explained everything he’d been told, and that Ruzatz still seemed to believe their paths were meant to cross. Serilda had never mentioned Mythal to him, and certainly had never hinted at knowing anyone connected to Faera, so the fact that he was able to decide all that merely by meeting up with the man was… well, terrifying.

    “I don’t know,” she finally said quietly when he expressed confusion as to how Ruzatz had found him. “Best I can figure out is he probably researched me and found out about you that way. You and I have done a lot of work together and gotten a lot of notice, particularly you when the Magic Council gave you the Rising Star status… I suppose it wouldn’t have been too hard to put our connection together that way, but… I never even mentioned your name to him, and he knew I was a noble woman. He could have just as easily gone to my family and sent one of them.”

    Why had Ruzatz chosen Mythal? She’d made no indication of their relationship or its depth. At most he may have caught a glance at the background on her phone and assumed they were dating. It certainly would explain how he’d been able to pick Mythal out of a crowd after learning his name.

    The slayer listened intently as she wove her long tale, never interrupting her. She was far too intoxicated to notice his more subtle reactions, like the way his body tightened with anger about Ozorith showing up again, or over each thing she’d learned about Hugo. It took every ounce of focus she had just to remember the important details and share them clearly without slurring her words together. By the time she finished she had reverted back to a ball of piteous grief on the couch, once more overwhelmed by everything she’d come to learn.

    As Mythal got up and came over to the sofa with her, Xiuh jumped down and made room for him so he could pull the woman into his arms. Serilda didn’t stop him, unraveling herself enough to cling to his chest and sob against it. He did his best to assure her that Hugo wasn’t worth listening to, that he was wrong about who she was and didn’t deserve the efforts she’d given him over the years. She knew he was being sincere, knew that he believed every word he said, and appreciated his words…

    ...but a part of her was only hurt more by them. “But he was right,” she told him through her sobs. The woman’s mind was still being turned in circles from her grief and confusion over everything, and the alcohol in her system mixed with those emotions in a way that was causing her to say things she wouldn’t normally voice. “I dismissed so many of his odd behaviors without questioning them, and it cost my family millions of jewel. I blinded myself to who he really was, because I was… privileged. Living in my own world under the assumption that no one would ever try to hurt me like that, that everyone who worked for my family appreciated and respected us just because we try to do our best by them.”

    Everything was starting to come out now. It was all too much, and she’d been bottling it in for so long that it wouldn’t stay any longer, all of her insecurities and worries spilling out. “He didn’t even enjoy sleeping with me. Told me I was boring… Told me no one would ever care about me because I’m a prude. I tried to tell him he was wrong, tell myself he was wrong, but then he…”

    Her words cut off for a moment as she cried more, her pain intensifying by the mere thought of what had ultimately forced her to run away from the Gypsy’s shop. Her body shook heavily in his arms. “Is he right? Is that why you don’t want me anymore?”

    The real truth was finally surfacing with all this. Even in her sorry state, it wouldn’t take much for Mythal to figure out that what had truly set her over the edge was the fact that Hugo had said something to her about Mythal, something that lined up with every insecurity that Hugo had embedded into her. Mythal could tell her all night long that Hugo was lying, but that didn’t change the fact that the slayer had also been pushing her out of his life. What was she supposed to think, except that her dead, cruel husband was right?

    Words: 9076/12,000


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 5th February 2019, 10:24 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Honestly, if Ruzatz found him through any means, it was probably by simple research. Mythal had become quite well known during his tenure with Fairy Tail, having earned the honorary title of Rising Star – some kind of accolade for those wizards that should be looked out for. Adding that to the fact that Serilda and he had done a fair number of jobs for the Magic Council personally and it was actually more unbelievable that people didn’t know who he was half the time. “Anyone with a bit of influence can probably easily find the link between us, if they know where to look,” he said with a small shrug, just accepting the fate of things right now. “As for why he sent me, I dunno. Maybe he figured since we’ve worked together so much, I’d want to know. He’s not wrong – I’m glad he did but I can see why you would have preferred one of your family.” Given how their relationship had turned recently, she probably wouldn’t have been terribly happy to see him.

    Whatever the case, he was here now and he didn’t plan on leaving until she had settled down. He held her tight against him, cradling her carefully in his arms. She unfolded herself slightly, if only to cling to him and cry heavily against his shirt. He said his piece, trying to get his point across to her but her mind was being pulled in hundreds of different directions at once. Adding in the booze probably wasn’t helping her any as well. She resisted his words, citing her concerns and revelations all at once. She had ignored his behaviors because she had been blinded by her upbringing. She’d ignored signs because she had never even thought anyone would hurt her or her family like that. He tugged her a bit closer. “So you’re at fault because you cared for someone? Because you believed in them, trusted them? You loved Hugo and wanted to see the best in him – there is nothing wrong with that. Weren’t you the one that told me however I was brought up didn’t matter; it was how I moved forward from here on out? Yeah, maybe you were privileged but that don’t mean you or yours deserved that. The wolves will find any way to get their prey and if it weren’t through deceit, it may have been worse. A lot worse.” If they hadn’t been able to get a man on the inside, they could have resorted to far more violent options. It didn’t make anything right but it was meant to show that there could have been worse alternatives.

    And his words about her expertise in bed were low, even for an ingrate like him. But what was worse is it had sparked the question he had been avoiding for quite some time but seemed he had run out of rope here and now. She was shaking as she asked him about her, asked if Hugo had been right about her ability to perform. Asked him if that was why he didn’t want her anymore. She was far too intoxicated to not keep the truth locked inside and he knew that; but it didn’t make it any easier. “No,” he answered her honestly without hesitation, not wanting any brief pause to send even more wild thoughts into her head. “He’s wrong. Completely and utterly.” That was his honest truth, a book he subscribed to fully and completely.

    “If I didn’t want you, Seri, would I be here right now? I’d be out of here, letting you wallow in your own misery like Hugo would do. You know me; you’ve worked beside me, slept with me, talked with me, been the greatest friend I could ever ask for, learned truths about me both from and with me and I am here now, with you. You want my opinion? Hugo didn’t know what he had when he had it. He was so wrapped up in his long con that he couldn’t see the beauty he had married. He needed his side business and his side chick to keep him goin’ because that’s the only way he felt excitement. You are better than him in every way.” He took a moment to catch his breath, realizing his anger was rising once more and his tone was shifting. He was working himself up, still wanting nothing more than the chance to punch that smug bastard right in his nuts.

    “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t still want you, Seri. I don’t fuck around with people’s emotions because mine have been messed around with since birth. Until evidence proves else, my own father faked his death to stay away from me for years. My own whirling, tumbling, screwed up emotions is what is causin’ this… rift,” he said, finally admitting out loud to the distance that had formed between them lately. “But it will never be so far as to keep me from comin’ to you when you need me most.” Gods, his mind was a mess. Through all of this he had been trying to avoid his feelings for her, convinced they weren’t right because in the end, they would cause her pain. But now he could see that by pulling away, he was causing her even worse devastation. And in truth, he was a wreck as well. He had nearly reverted back to his old ways, a sour lonesome traveler that wanted nothing to do with anyone. His wedge, in an attempt to free them both, had in turn caused agony and emotional destruction at the worst time.

    He hugged her close to him instinctively, resting his cheek against her head. Maybe he had been wrong. Maybe love was something he could do without being afraid of it. Serilda certainly didn’t make it hard to bask in its glory and light. It wiped away the shadows of his mind and heart in a warming, gentle caress of color and delight. Fear had been such a strange emotion to attach to that light but it had nonetheless, causing him to flee like a mutant back into his shadows and solitude. But seeing her as she was, being here with her as he could be, he didn’t see reason behind it. It wasn’t logical to be afraid of this, of what he was feeling and experiencing. But when had love ever been logical? It didn’t matter – he wasn’t much of a scholar as it was. All he did know was that he wasn’t leaving her and perhaps, when she awoke in the morning and was far more sober, he’d finally tell her the truth. It wouldn’t be right if he did it now – her emotions were too raw, too pained and her mind was still plentifully soaked in liquor. She deserved to hear it when she could fully grasp it, so that it would hopefully help her shed the shadows that now dragged on behind her.

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 6th February 2019, 1:19 am

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    “That wasn’t what I meant…” she whispered, shame doubling up on her again. Serilda had only meant to speculate as to why Ruzatz had decided that Mythal was the better choice over her family for something like this, without him knowing anything about how close the two of them were, but instead had made it sound like she’d rather the demon had sent her parents or one of her siblings instead of Mythal. That was so far from the truth, and she didn’t want him to think that she would rather have anyone else here with her during this difficult time.

    The slayer held her tightly as she spilled her thoughts out, describing everything Hugo had said and why she thought he might be right. Mythal gave no quarter, gently chastising her for putting the blame upon herself for loving someone. He reminded her of things she’d said to him herself about his own dark past and the way people had used him, how those things didn’t have to define him as a person and that he wasn’t responsible for their actions. The same was true for her, he said. It wasn’t her fault, and there was only so much she could have done with him actively working to pull the wool over her eyes. She couldn’t blame herself for his actions, and all things considered things could have gone a much darker path if he hadn’t gotten what he’d wanted with her.

    There wasn’t so much as a second’s pause as Mythal made it quite clear that he had not pushed her away because he’d gotten bored with her. He practically went on a tirade at that point, words pouring from his mouth to assure her just how much she meant to him and that he wouldn’t have come here if he didn’t want her. Serilda clung to him more tightly as he spoke and relieved her of the stress and heartache she’d been feeling in regard to him, of the loneliness she’d felt since he had started distancing himself.

    Which he finally admitted he’d been doing. Perhaps it was just him being honest with her about it after all this time, but she was actually more uplifted by the admission than hurt by it. She did cry harder, but it was from a place of relief. Her words were lost for some time after that. All she could do was sob and hold him as tightly as she could, letting herself release everything she’d been keeping bottled up inside all this time. Her face was soaked with tears and snot, but all she could think about was how much she needed him right here with her, just as he was. Feeling his warmth against her, hiding in his embrace, his cheek resting against her head… All his words had finally hit their mark, even in her drunken haze, but his physical comfort and the firmness with which he held her spoke volumes more than words ever could.

    Perhaps this was why Ruzatz had sent Mythal. Maybe, as a demon with a strong connection and control over Lust, he had been able to ascertain just by being near her that her heart had been breaking -- that the comfort she needed, the only thing that could fully bring her peace, was something that only Mythal could provide. She still didn’t really know how he worked those things out… maybe he had some kind of ability to read love lives, or futures. He had told her, or at least implied, that he was capable of ascertaining information with his peculiar brand of magic.

    She still wasn’t really sure how she felt about the Prime Sin of Lust, but there was no denying that his words thus far had proven to be true. He had not tried to deceive her, and when he’d hurt her he’d taken active steps to distance himself from her and leave her alone. More than anything, Serilda was extremely grateful that he had cared enough to go out of his way to track down the man she loved and send him over when she needed him most. She wasn’t ready to trust or even like the man… but she was starting to think that perhaps she had misjudged him and treated him unfairly.

    A long time passed with her sobbing against Mythal until she quite literally could not cry anymore. Her entire body and mind had gone numb from the toll that had been placed upon them both. Only two feelings rang loud enough to cut through the stillness, besides the contentment she finally felt at being with him again: exhaustion and hunger. Her stomach gurgled loudly, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten in over a day, and on top of that had puked out what little had been put down her gullet.

    “I think I need to eat something,” she whispered to him tiredly, barely able to even keep her eyes open. “I started drinking on an empty stomach. Don’t remember the last time I ate…” Some food would probably help greatly with bringing her down from the drunkenness and the hangover, as well. Serilda had no idea what was best and worst to eat during a time like this, and frankly she didn’t have the energy to put something together for herself. It was yet another thing she was going to have to rely on Mythal for that night.

    Presuming he scrounge around the kitchen and put something together for her -- and himself, if he was hungry too -- she would slowly eat whatever he gave her. It was the biggest struggle of her life not to fall asleep sitting up as she chewed the meal. Somehow she’d managed to get at least most of it down, enough to ease her stomach from shaking and queasy to just a dull ache.

    Ultimately, she would wind up passing out with her body leaned against Mythal’s an arm wrapped about his waist. Serilda didn’t want to let him go, content to fall asleep with the feel of him against her as she hadn’t been able to do in a long time. However, once she was out, she was out. Even if he shifted her, or moved her body entirely, she would barely stir at all. Xiuhcoatl stayed nearby, though she was more than happy to snuggle up next to Gren and let Mythal see to her mistress for the time being. The wolf had been greatly stressed by this entire ordeal, and received great comfort from the closeness of her protective little brother.

    Serilda went to sleep feeling better than she had in awhile, despite everything. She knew Mythal was there and that he was going to take care of her, and he had done much to ease her aching soul.

    There was no way for her to know that, come morning, that peace she’d finally managed to find would be stripped away once more in a way she’d never have expected.

    Words: 10,257/12,000


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Light in the Darkness Part 1 Empty Re: Light in the Darkness Part 1

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 6th February 2019, 7:11 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    It felt… uplifting to finally talk about the rift between them, if only for a little bit. Acknowledging it out loud he imagined would be quite the challenge but if anything, she actually seemed to release a bit of her tension. Of course she was still crying but there wasn’t much that could stop that now until she truly settled down. But he did everything in his power to assure her that he wasn’t leaving and that his desire of her had never really wavered; it had merely been swallowed up by self-doubt and foolish fear. And truthfully, it felt so good to have her with him again, to have her warmth pressing against his, that his fears already seemed so far away. Which made him wonder why they had ever come up in the first place? They had seemingly come out of the cracks in his mental walls, forcing concern between his care and affections. But that didn’t matter; he would figure out his feelings with time and thought, though he had an idea of where he was going to go. Maybe after Serilda went back to bed, as she was surely going to run out of energy sooner rather than later. Booze had a funny way of sapping all strength from a person.

    She went on for quite some time crying and he sat there, holding her to him as she let it all out. She needed it badly – a release of all that tension that had been building up in her and finally culminated in this episode of downing wine like it was water. He never made noise or complaint as she wept against him, simply letting her get it all out for the sake of finally having it out there. When she finally started to calm down, her energy waned. Her stomach rumbled loud enough that even Mythal could hear it, though that wasn’t that hard with his enhanced hearing after all. She remarked about how she definitely needed to eat something, explaining that she had started drinking on an empty stomach. He reached down and stroked her head carefully. “Well… time to see if I can do magic like your family,” he said, slowly lifting himself up from her and setting her down gently. But he made sure she was still sitting up for the time being – lying down would probably knock her out again and waking her up would be become a mental nuisance for her beleaguered brain.

    He grabbed the pans he could find and set them on the stove, taking a solid minute to look over it before he could turn it on. It was quite different from his and he realized it was because the one that had been installed in his acquired house was… actually fancier. How rueful he was to think he had a more expensive stove than she had in her home here. It was probably nothing in comparison to what her family probably had but still. After he had lit it, he scrounged through the fridge to find some things to cook. Luckily – and to absolutely no surprise – Serilda had a well-stocked refrigerator, with meals ready to be prepared for any time of day. He wasn’t sure what would suit her best, as everyone’s hangover seemed to have a different remedy, but greasy food seemed to always work well with him. He grabbed a tray of grill ready bacon and some eggs, setting them on her counter and preparing them. Runny eggs would probably make her stomach do flips so he whisked them together until they were a fine yellow liquid, scrambled being the choice apparently. In the pans he poured the liquid eggs and draped the bacon, the loud sizzle from each causing a flare to shoot up for a moment before settling down. He searched for utensils and took out the spatula and tongs. Dual wielding them like a kitchen pro, he pushed the eggs around until they started to puff up and turned the bacon over itself until it looked crispy.

    He grabbed a plate and put the food on it, making sure to turn the stove off before he took it in to her. He’d left his on so many times that he was practically burrowing it into his head to remember now. He brought it to her carefully, providing her a fork as he sat down next to her. She took her time eating, though that didn’t seem to be out of any disgust with the meal itself. Honestly she was probably still too drunk to really taste the food, her body seemingly acknowledging that she was putting sustenance inside her belly. She ate most of it incredibly, managing to scarf enough that she would at least be able to sleep without the spins. And as she finished, he took the plate and scarfed down the rest, surprised at how hungry he had been. Before he could even really set the plate down on the side table, she was falling asleep against him. Her arm wrapped around his waist, holding tight despite her slumber – like she didn’t want to let him go. He sighed and leaned back against the couch, draping his arm over her and settling his head against the wall. Surprisingly, his body seemed to feed off her exhaustion and before he knew it, he had nodded off as well.

    He awoke a few hours later when Gren was pushing his paws against his knee, quietly trying to get his attention. He groaned softly and lifted his head, his eyes blinking as they adjusted to the darkness around him. Serilda was still nestled up against him and he was still sitting in the same position he had been. Gren’s little face was peeking out over his knee, the hound whining softly as he pushed against the God Slayer’s knee. Bathroom was probably the most obvious reason the pup was waking him and he probably didn’t really understand the practicality of the dog door. Mythal sighed but reached out to rub the hound’s head, letting him know he was awake now. Gently he lifted Serilda off of him and set her down on the couch once more, draping the blankets over her completely. He looked at her for a long moment before he headed towards the door, Gren excitedly walking right beside him.

    He was surprised by how… luxorious her back yard was. There were several different gardens filling the area behind her cottage home, each one as colorful as the last. He couldn’t recall if she’d mentioned that she enjoyed gardening but by the look of it, she certainly did. He walked among the predetermined areas, looking over reach bed of flowers, plants and other such things that she had planted and tended upon. Gren wuffed gently as he ran beside him, as if to ask if he could do his business anywhere he chose. He shook his head and pointed at the small patch of grassland at the end of the yard, right where it turned into woodland. The hound snorted loudly and took off in front of him, rushing to the grassy patch and immediately squatting. Mythal shook his head, though he was smiling the entire time before his cast his gaze to the side.

    The first colors of daylight were beginning to break at the horizon, the darkness of night beginning to fade towards him. An hour, maybe an hour and a half before the sun began to peek over the ridge of the world and reacquaint itself with the land. And for the first time in a long time, the God Slayer didn’t frown or scoff at the thought. Sunlight had always been a bit of a nuisance to him but on this morning, he actually was looking forward to it. His gaze pulled down among the many planted items in the garden, each one an extension of Serilda’s care and heart. Her small but quaint building that she called home away from home, just homey enough to be comfortable without throwing her wealth or title around. The wondrous woman inside, who had suffered far more than she deserved at both her former husband’s hands and frankly, his own. It was like the darkness of the night immortalized all of that pain and ache and the sun, pushing through the void, was meant to wipe it away. He was not lost to the irony or imagery of the sights and revelations as his mind came to a final, hammered conclusion. His fear of intimacy was not worth the rift he had caused. Now, more than ever, she needed him to step up and rise above the stubborn chains that attempted to keep him down. When she woke up and was in her right wits, he would tell her the full truth – he’d fallen in love with her.

    His smile was surprisingly wide, considering everything. Maybe it was a hope for the future, maybe it was his own amusement at how stupid he had been – probably a mixture of both. But the fact that he was facing  his fear head on without letting it run his life was oddly satisfying. He turned his gaze to Gren, ready to call him over so they could head back inside. No doubt the pup had been sniffing around all of the gardens, enjoying the brand new smells entering his nose. But his smile froze like ice, his blood coming to a chilling stop as well. Gren was still squatting over the grass, exactly in the position he had been before. It didn’t even look like he had managed to go to the bathroom. “Gren?” he asked, his voice rising above a whisper. His concern far outweighed his interest not to raise an alarm among her neighbors or the Voidwalker inside. The pup didn’t move at all when called, which only served to worry Mythal more. “Gren!” He yelled out more forcefully, moving towards the Star Wolf.

    “Ey laddy, he’s gonna have a right hard time hearin’ ye at the moment,” a smooth, Sevenense voice came from just past his vision of Gren. Mythal’s eyes snapped up to see a man stepping out from behind the trees, an oddly pretty man that seemed… familiar.

    Where had he seen him? That smooth, slicked back obsidian hair, the glimmering emerald eyes that seemed to hint at playfulness. And that tone of voice… his eyes widened in realization. “Oak Inn. You were there that night of the murder,” he said.

    “Aye, that I was. In fact, I was the one whisperin’ insinuations and suggestions to that poor ol’ boy you nearly split in half,” the man said proudly, spinning his scepter through his fingers and then planting it on the ground. “The name’s Archimedes.”

    “You… you made that guy do that?” The bellhop had wound up being the murderer that night, having hidden among the staff so he could do his deeds. Mythal had practically buried him in the stone wall of the basement, his annoyance with Serilda having forced him to… hit with a bit more force than normal.

    “Made is such a derogatory term, ain’t it? I simply pointed out that he was far more talented than the snotnosed richies that misused him. Didn’t take much of a push. But I ain’t here to talk about that; I’m here to talk about you,” Archimedes said with a smirk.

    “Ain’t nothin’ to talk about,” Mythal snapped, his right arm already pulling back. He reached down deep, taking hold of his magic and prepared to yank it up in full force into his attack – except nothing happened. His magical pool remained still, even as he tried to will it into his hand. He glanced at his arm in confusion, surprised he didn’t see the pitch black gauntlet wrapping around his limb. “What…?”

    “Ah, fun fact about this here time stoppin’ spell; it stops everything save for what is allowed to move. You and I can move just fine but our magics – not so much. While we’re in this bubble, we’re essentially disarmed,” Archimedes explained, waving the staff between the two of them as he spoke.

    The God Slayer snarled. “I don’t need magic to beat your face in.”

    Archimedes chuckled, wagging his staff before him like a parent chastising a child. “I don’t doubt that, lad. But if ye do that, nothin’s gonna stop Faera from tearin’ your life apart – more than she already has,” he said casually, though his smirk deepened.

    If Mythal’s blood was already frozen in time, it had just turned into a river of ice. He heard the words but he didn’t necessarily need them; somewhere, deep in his gut, he had known already. “Faera…” he said softly, his arm dropping to his side.

    “Aye. Allow me to actually introduce myself. Archimedes, Trumpet of Despair. One of the Dark Mistress’ Archangels. Oh and… yer daddy as well.” He took great pleasure in revealing that, his words practically slurring together in a giggle as he did.

    Mythal’s mind felt like it had been smacked with a paddle, his vision going blurry for a brief moment as he attempted to process all of this. He managed to keep his footing still, though the rest of his body swayed slightly. That couldn’t be, it just couldn’t… “My…”

    “Proud papa angel, aye. Oh laddy, you should see yer face right now. That took the wind right out yer balloon quick as a fiddle,” Archimedes giggled, placing his staff on the ground so he could lean against it dramatically. “Come now, son, ye knew you were the result of a human and an angel bumpin’ uglies – Faera told ya way back when she tried to take ya body for her own. When ye pushed her back all those years ago. To be honest, all I am is impressed; takes quite a strong soul to say no to the Dark Mistress.” He cocked his head, looking at Mythal’s pale white face and chuckled once more. “What? No words of kindness? No love and affection for yer dear ol’ dad? How about a hug then?” He threw his arms out mockingly.

    “No!” Mythal finally spoke up, cutting the air with his hand. “You’re… you’re nothin’. You planted a seed and nothin’ else. Gren… Gren was my real father,” the God Slayer found his resistance, despite the fact that his entire body was shaking.

    “Oh and how did you repay him for that kindness? Burned him down to the ground with his house, as I recall?” Archimedes shot back in a foul taunt, his smirk widening into a vicious grin. “Must be my boy if you got that level of ice cold in ye,”

    “Shut up!” Mythal roared, his hands closing into fists. Every instinct in him told him to charge, to punch this asshole’s head right off. He didn’t care if he claimed to be his father or not – he was here and mocking him and Gren. He’d frozen time just to taunt him but… his body wouldn’t respond. It wasn’t any part of the spell, it was more his mind was so busy processing the information that his body wasn’t capable of responding to any signals.

    Archimedes stared at the God Slayer for a long moment before he sighed. “Oh aye, fine… yer suckin’ all the fun out of it anyways,” he said with a scoff and a roll of the eyes. “Let’s get to my point of bein’ here then, shall we? Ya made a right mess of Our Dark Mistress’ plans decades ago and then ye stomped on one o’ our fav’rit’ toys couple months back.”

    “How can you even be here? Yer all supposed to be locked behind that door,” Mythal said softly, his eyes darting back and forth as if he was reading words in the air. “I closed it. How are you out…?” Had he seen Archimedes before he closed the door? Had his time in Oak Inn been before he fell into the trap? His timelines seemed to be messed up at the moment.

    “Faera herself can’t leave Kingdom Darkness without a certain ritual – the one that was supposed to plant her in ye. But there are others that allow us angels to take over willing hosts. This fella here used to be from Seven; a right well fella that saw the beauty in our Dark Mistress’ dream,” he explained, tugging at the suit he was wearing. “It’s an easy trade – they get the glory of becomin’ a subject in our court and we get a body to roam this pitiful world in.”

    “Kingdom Darkness?” Mythal asked.

    “Aye, me home. The world where we inhabit. Its history is far too detailed to go into – I’d prolly only bore ya,” Archimedes said, waving his hand in front of his face. “Though if all works out, yer gonna get to visit it right soon.”

    Mythal snarled. “Like hell I will. I closed that door and I ain’t goin’ back there,” he insisted, the fire in his core flaring up once more. “Not until I’ve found the means to wipe you and her and everyone else in there out from existence.”

    Archimedes nodded along with his words. “A right noble goal, that. But I’m afraid yer gonna have to consider movin’ up the timeline on that lofty goal, if ye hope to save everyone.”


    “Finally to my point,” Archimedes said dramatically. “You’ve done enough that Faera’s patience has run dry. You resist and fight and claw yer way away from her influence, despite her best qualities bein’ yer own. So rather than keep per’suin’ ye as she has, she’s takin’ a different route. She’s gonna force open that door you locked and unleash all of Kingdom Darkness upon the world. Rather than givin’ these pathetic humans the option of join’ our team, she’s gonna wipe the slate clean. Should be quite a sight – seein’ all yer friends melt away into shadow, forever lost to the darkness.”

    “No…” Mythal said quietly. “She can’t. I’ve done my research. She can’t just open the door without havin’ power over here herself. That’s why she needed me.”

    “Aye, ye right there. But ye see – I’m more than a one pump chump. I’m perfectly able – and willing – to sire another child for our Dark Mistress. Your baby brother will become the perfect vessel for Our Grace’s embodiment. And then ye and yours can prepare for the floor of everlastin’ darkness.”

    No, that couldn’t be. Why would they have waited so long to do it if they could have easily replaced him? Unless there was something he didn’t know – some detail that he hadn’t been made privy of. Asking was useless; Archimedes seemed more content to taunt the God Slayer than give him a straight answer. His words could have been lies or attempts to make him do something rash – but at the same time, what if they were truth? What if he dismissed them and he found himself staring down the apocalypse with no way to stop it? “You’re lyin’…” He growled, his crimson orbs practically glowing as they met the peaceful emeralds of the Archangel’s.

    Archimedes tapped his chin with his finger. “I could be. But can ye afford to commit to that finality?” It seemed even he knew that Mythal was stuck between a rock and a hard place and his grin seemed all the brighter for it.

    “Why are you here to tell me this? Just to taunt me?” the God Slayer asked.

    “I’ll admit I do get a good laugh at the way yer face scrunches in anger, aye. But no, in fact, Faera bid me tell you this. She’s nothin’ if not fair and wanted to give you a proper warning. Perhaps even a small chance. If you manage to get to the door before the ritual is complete, ye might be able to stop her. I doubt you will but our Dark Mistress does enjoy her games.”

    “This is not a game!” Mythal roared, angry, burning tears screaming at the edge of his eyes. “You sick sons of bitches brought me into this world because you thought I was a toy, a pawn and I shoved those thoughts right back in your face. And now because you’re a sad sack of sore losers, you’re gonna destroy the whole world for what – revenge? I won’t let you. I will stop you, even if I have to give my life to do it. I’ll break every last bone in your body and then march right up to your ‘Dark Mistress’ and tear her head off. You… you all have haunted me for years. You’ve made a mockery of any kind of life I could have. Fine; I’ll make a mockery of your entire plan, of your entire ‘kingdom’.” Mythal was shaking as he finished, his hands practically vibrating loudly from the mixture of anger, confusion and fear running through him.

    Archimedes tucked his staff under his arm and brought his hands together, giving the man a round of applause. “Very nice speech, very heroic. I’m pretty sure yer father said somethin’ similar to us when he rescued ye all those years ago. Like surrogate father, like son. But don’t pretend that ye love any of these humans, boy. Yer my son and I know what comes from my heart lies in yer’s as well. Unless…” He paused, his eyes flicking to the house behind him and widening in realization. “Well look at that. The broken toy broke through the spell and found love. Oh that is fresh.”

    Mythal shook his head, confused. “Spell? What are you talkin’ about?”

    “Oh by the Dark Mistress herself, you dun’ even know,” Archimedes burst into a fit of laughter, covering his mouth with his hand as he stared at the God Slayer. As he settled down and dropped his hand, an impish smile tugged on his face. “Think about it, boy. You’ve hated people as long as you’ve been breathin’. The very idea of love must leave ye shakin’ in yer boots, like yer worst nightmare came real. Ye think those are just t’ings that came from your anger? Nah, laddy,” he said, reaching up and touching his chest. “That’s Kingdom Darkness, that is. Hatred and repulsion of the light, airy feelin’s are o’r bread and butter.”

    Mythal gasped softly. It all made sense in that moment. His hatred of humankind, the fact that he pushed everyone away, the feelings of love and care that made him fear almost for his very life. They were influences bred into him by this man, by his father. He continued to gasp softly as he fell to his knees, his mind wiping of all thought else. He sat there for a few moments, breathing heavily as he pulled himself out of his spiral, catching his spirit before it fell too far. Not here, not at the hands of this asshole was he going to be depressed into futility. “I’ll stop you,” he said softly, his head rising to meet the Archangel’s gaze again. “I’ll stop you.”

    “Well, if ye really believe that, ya got…” Archimedes said, bringing up his wrist and looking at the blank space condescendingly. “About eight hours before the ritual happens. And I ain’t tellin’ ya where that’s happenin’ so ye only have one option here, laddy. Either way, methinks this is the last time you and I’ll be chattin’. It’s been… eye openin’,” the Archangel said with a wicked grin, waggling his eyebrows before black, smoky tendrils rose from the ground. They wrapped around him and pulled him into an oval of black and purple magic, a portal of some sorts. Before Mythal could even speak a word further, the portal melted down into the ground and disappeared.

    Leaving him alone, trapped in time for the moment, with his thoughts.

    Unknown LandsFairy Tail
    14044/12000 | 24301 TWC
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:36 pm