Fairy Tail RP

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    Mystic Blood Beasts


    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Completed Mystic Blood Beasts

    Post by Kyran 26th December 2017, 10:20 pm


    Primary Magic: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Secondary Magic: None
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: This magic allows the caster to personify their inner demons through representation. It creates animals from their blood in order to do their bidding. This gives it versatility as well as some drawbacks. The animals, like the spells, can be different depending on the caster. One might use elephants for buffing and eagles for attacking. Another might use snakes for debuffs and grasshoppers for defense. The animals are given a set of instructions to follow and enough magic to complete the task at hand. The caster must stay within range of their creations or risk them turning to black dust.
    Kyran tends to misuse his magic. Instead of keeping in range of his creations, he will lob them out well past their limit. This only gives him a major headache or knocks him unconscious and puts a bunch of black dust in the air.  This ineffective use has yet to register with him or perhaps he is using the magic wrong on purpose. When Kyran does use it the right way, he is usually under pressure to preform well or facing an exceedingly difficult foe.    


    • Versatility: The Mystic Blood Beasts can do a variety of tasks from buffing to attacking if their caster needs such. At higher levels, they can even use weak elemental attacks or have two effects.
    • Small: Every Mystic Blood Beast is small. Most of the time this makes them unnoticeable and if they are noticed hard to hit.
    • Autonomous: Each creation has a limited amount of intelligence. Whatever it is initially aimed at, it will try to hit weaving around as many obstacles as it can. They will also try to preserve themselves until the magic holding them together dissipates. Instructions are created for the spell while the caster is forming the body, giving it a clear directive.


    • Brittle: Each creation is weak. A single hit to the creation can almost always turn it to black dust and end its effects.
    • Limited Effective Range If the blood beasts get outside a certain range from the caster, they turn into black dust.
    • Drains life: The spells require the blood of the caster or unaffiliated blood in order to function. This means each spell usually drains a specific amount of health from the caster (unless unaffiliated blood is used)
    • Able to hit self and/or allies: Despite being autonomous, the creations are not capable of independent thought. They will hit whatever they are aimed at regardless if it is ally, foe or the caster themselves if the instructions they are given are wrong.
    • Charging Required: It takes a little while to create the bodies and simple instructions. The caster must spend some time gathering magic for the spell before casting it. They generally have to stand still to effectively do so losing mobility as well.

    Lineage: Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Unique Abilities:

    • Constitution Boost: Users of the Mystic Blood Beasts tend to be hardier than the average person due to their constant use of their own blood. They tend to get to their feet faster after being knocked down or stomaching pain a little longer than others.


    Name: Blood Beast: Imp of Annoyance
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Single Target, Damage over Time
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Description: A tiny imp (about two inches in height) is created from the blood of the caster. Generally the appearance is that of a tiny child with two horns, pointed teeth, claws, goat legs, and two wings. It zips toward the nearest target and begins to claw at them as best it can. Usually, it latches on with one claw and attacks with the other.
    Range: 20 Meters
    Distance from Caster: 35 Meters
    Speed: 30 MPS
    Damage over Time: 5 damage per post

    • Fast: The imp is the only MBB spell that doesn't require a charge up to use.
    • Agile: The imp can dodge better than most other MBB spells.
    • Terrifying: The imp is meant to scare the opponent more than injure them. It's appearance reflects this. More often than not, the imp will be dripping blood in addition to looking as scary as the caster can make it.


    • Weak: The imp doesn't do a lot of damage despite being an attack spell.
    • Short Range: The imp forces the caster to be fairly close to combat due to its short range and short distance from caster limit.
    • Limited Storage: This spell is so simple it can only hold one instruction of about a sentence long. This can easily be misconstrued and the imp is a spell that most often hits allies or the caster.
    • Puffball against Armor: The imp bursts into black dust when it hits armor or any solid surface really

    Name: Blood Beast: Fairy of Hope
    Rank: D
    Type: Healing, Single Target
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: Life is useless without hope. This fairy is the manifestation of the caster's hope and has effects to match. It looks like a small human with giant butterfly wings, standing at about 3 inches tall. The human usually is a representation of someone the caster finds inspiring. The wings are 2 inches wide to either side of the fairy. The fairy flies to someone, rests upon their shoulder and sends healing waves through their body.
    Charge up: 1 post
    Range: 40 Meters
    Distance from Caster: 80 Meters
    Speed: 40 MPS
    Healing per post: 2.5% hp

    • Doesn't Waste Time: The fairy is fast enough to get to its intended target within a second.
    • Healing Duh: It heals somebody perhaps keeping them from death.
    • Long Range from Caster: The fairy has a much longer leash, allowing the caster to heal and run.


    • Exposed: The fairy is sitting on the shoulder, leaving it wide open to attack.
    • No Defense: The fairy has no form of defense whatsoever. A well aimed rock could take it out.
    • Limited Healing: While the fairy does heal, it doesn't heal a lot of health.
    • Big Target: With the wings on its back, the fairy isn't all that hard to hit.

    Name: Blood Beast: Dragon of Terror
    Rank: D
    Type: Buff, Single Target
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: Terror lends wings to our feet. That is the point of this spell. The spell appears to be a small dragon. It looks cute rather than terrifying. It is 5 inches from nose to tail. Its wings are about 5 inches across. It breathes upon the intended target, increasing their speed. Flying along behind them it continues to increase their speed until it dissipates.
    Charge up: 1 post
    Range: 40 Meters
    Distance from Caster: 40 Meters
    Speed: 20 MPS
    Speed Buff: 25%

    • Mobility Increase: The dragon increases a person's speed allowing them to run faster.
    • Large Storage: The dragon can hold a large amount of instructions (3-5 sentences), letting it do slightly more complicated maneuvers.
    • Defenses: The dragon can take slightly more damage then most MBB spells. About two rocks can hit it before it bursts into black dust.


    • Slow: It can take a long time for the dragon to reach the person it is intended to buff.
    • Behind: The dragon flies behind the person its buffing leaving it open to attack.
    • Large: It can be easy to hit due to it being the size of a small rock.
    • Clumsy: At best, it can fly in a straight line. At worst, it crashes into the ground trying to reach the person it is to buff.

    List of Spell Fusions: None
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Mystic Blood Beasts

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 7th January 2018, 4:31 pm

    Grr3th wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Secondary Magic: None
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: This magic allows the caster to personify their inner demons through representation. It creates animals from their blood in order to do their bidding. This gives it versatility as well as some drawbacks. The animals, like the spells, can be different depending on the caster. One might use elephants for buffing and eagles for attacking. Another might use snakes for debuffs and grasshoppers for defense. The animals are given a set of instructions to follow and enough magic to complete the task at hand. The caster must stay within range of their creations or risk them turning to black dust.
    Kyran tends to misuse his magic. Instead of keeping in range of his creations, he will lob them out well past their limit. This only gives him a major headache or knocks him unconscious and puts a bunch of black dust in the air.  This ineffective use has yet to register with him or perhaps he is using the magic wrong on purpose. When Kyran does use it the right way, he is usually under pressure to preform well or facing an exceedingly difficult foe.    


    • Versatility: The Mystic Blood Beasts can do a variety of tasks from buffing to attacking if their caster needs such. At higher levels, they can even use weak elemental attacks or have two effects.
    • Small: Every Mystic Blood Beast is small. Most of the time this makes them unnoticeable and if they are noticed hard to hit.
    • Autonomous: Each creation has a limited amount of intelligence. Whatever it is initially aimed at, it will try to hit weaving around as many obstacles as it can. They will also try to preserve themselves until the magic holding them together dissipates. Instructions are created for the spell while the caster is forming the body, giving it a clear directive.


    • Brittle: Each creation is weak. A single hit to the creation can almost always turn it to black dust and end its effects.
    • Limited Effective Range If the blood beasts get outside a certain range from the caster, they turn into black dust.
    • Drains life: The spells require the blood of the caster or unaffiliated blood in order to function. This means each spell usually drains a specific amount of health from the caster (unless unaffiliated blood is used)
    • Able to hit self and/or allies: Despite being autonomous, the creations are not capable of independent thought. They will hit whatever they are aimed at regardless if it is ally, foe or the caster themselves if the instructions they are given are wrong.
    • Charging Required: It takes a little while to create the bodies and simple instructions. The caster must spend some time gathering magic for the spell before casting it. They generally have to stand still to effectively do so losing mobility as well.

    Lineage: Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Unique Abilities:

    • Constitution Boost: Users of the Mystic Blood Beasts tend to be hardier than the average person due to their constant use of their own blood. They tend to get to their feet faster after being knocked down or stomaching pain a little longer than others.


    Name: Blood Beast: Imp of Annoyance
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Single Target, Damage over Time
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Description: A tiny imp (about two inches in height) is created from the blood of the caster. Generally the appearance is that of a tiny child with two horns, pointed teeth, claws, goat legs, and two wings. It zips toward the nearest target and begins to claw at them as best it can. Usually, it latches on with one claw and attacks with the other.
    Range: 20 Meters
    Distance from Caster: 35 Meters
    Speed: 30 MPS
    Damage over Time: 5 damage per post

    • Fast: The imp is the only MBB spell that doesn't require a charge up to use.
    • Agile: The imp can dodge better than most other MBB spells.
    • Terrifying: The imp is meant to scare the opponent more than injure them. It's appearance reflects this. More often than not, the imp will be dripping blood in addition to looking as scary as the caster can make it.


    • Weak: The imp doesn't do a lot of damage despite being an attack spell.
    • Short Range: The imp forces the caster to be fairly close to combat due to its short range and short distance from caster limit.
    • Limited Storage: This spell is so simple it can only hold one instruction of about a sentence long. This can easily be misconstrued and the imp is a spell that most often hits allies or the caster.
    • Puffball against Armor: The imp bursts into black dust when it hits armor or any solid surface really

    Name: Blood Beast: Fairy of Hope
    Rank: D
    Type: Healing, Single Target
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: Life is useless without hope. This fairy is the manifestation of the caster's hope and has effects to match. It looks like a small human with giant butterfly wings, standing at about 3 inches tall. The human usually is a representation of someone the caster finds inspiring. The wings are 2 inches wide to either side of the fairy. The fairy flies to someone, rests upon their shoulder and sends healing waves through their body.
    Charge up: 1 post
    Range: 40 Meters
    Distance from Caster: 80 Meters
    Speed: 40 MPS
    Healing per post: 2.5% hp

    • Doesn't Waste Time: The fairy is fast enough to get to its intended target within a second.
    • Healing Duh: It heals somebody perhaps keeping them from death.
    • Long Range from Caster: The fairy has a much longer leash, allowing the caster to heal and run.


    • Exposed: The fairy is sitting on the shoulder, leaving it wide open to attack.
    • No Defense: The fairy has no form of defense whatsoever. A well aimed rock could take it out.
    • Limited Healing: While the fairy does heal, it doesn't heal a lot of health.
    • Big Target: With the wings on its back, the fairy isn't all that hard to hit.

    Name: Blood Beast: Dragon of Terror
    Rank: D
    Type: Buff, Single Target
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: Terror lends wings to our feet. That is the point of this spell. The spell appears to be a small dragon. It looks cute rather than terrifying. It is 5 inches from nose to tail. Its wings are about 5 inches across. It breathes upon the intended target, increasing their speed. Flying along behind them it continues to increase their speed until it dissipates.
    Charge up: 1 post
    Range: 40 Meters
    Distance from Caster: 40 Meters
    Speed: 20 MPS
    Speed Buff: 25%

    • Mobility Increase: The dragon increases a person's speed allowing them to run faster.
    • Large Storage: The dragon can hold a large amount of instructions (3-5 sentences), letting it do slightly more complicated maneuvers.
    • Defenses: The dragon can take slightly more damage then most MBB spells. About two rocks can hit it before it bursts into black dust.


    • Slow: It can take a long time for the dragon to reach the person it is intended to buff.
    • Behind: The dragon flies behind the person its buffing leaving it open to attack.
    • Large: It can be easy to hit due to it being the size of a small rock.
    • Clumsy: At best, it can fly in a straight line. At worst, it crashes into the ground trying to reach the person it is to buff.

    List of Spell Fusions: None

    Mystic Blood Beasts Approv10


    Mystic Blood Beasts Gvf4gD8

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 8:11 pm