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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private


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    Lineage : Godess's Boon
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    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 25th October 2017, 2:08 am



    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private FN4I7td

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 25th October 2017, 2:10 am

    Strong - 41
    Boss - 5
    Goddess's Boon Lineage: +100% Jewel Gain
    Golden Lacrima: +25% Jewel Gain


    The adventures with Leila had been cut short on account of her leaving as quickly as possible. Kaori had her lava hawk deliver her a message stating


    When we last spoke, you left before I could say anything and I could tell you were troubled by something. Understand that you are, by all means, anything you wish to be. You may call yourself a celestial wizard if your definition of one matches, but mine does not. I never judge others based on my grading scale for myself, otherwise I'd have very few allies. I'm not so 'amazing' as you think I am. Many of my spells explode on me, or suck out more magic than they should... My magic is only capable of killing, and hurting those around me and yours can be used to help. I'm able to restore old things, but I cannot make anything new. I didn't tell you about my spirits because I didn't anticipate needing them, not because a lack of trust.

    If we ever meet again, I look forward to seeing how much you, Golem, and Megumi have grown. I anticipate seeing your wondrous magic in the works, and finding out if Golem had even made a name for himself. I'd also like to see Megumi's magic, even if it's perceived as useless. As far as I can tell, both of you are just as good as I am, even better, when it comes to magic. I... admittedly, am still learning how to control it. Till next time

    Kaori Lareci
    Saint of Passion'

    The letter received no reply however, which had left Kaori with one less ally to call on when needed. In the time after that, the ninja had gone through a variety of trials that eventually lead to her requiring medication to keep her emotions in check. During that time, things elsewhere in the world had gone to hell. In the Spooky Forest, Samira had been given the location what currently is a crater, but before that was a laboratory studying Celestial Spirits and synthesizing them. That facility had been dealt with by a certain celestial wizard and her bird faced spirit, but much farther away in the country of Bosco similar experiments had been going on... This laboratory wanted to create a spirit that was stronger than the Celestial King, but could be controlled perfectly. Their magic experiments had gone completely unnoticed in the country since no one, or at least very few people, could use or sense magic. The country was famous for their machines, as well as their lack of wizards. Their experiments had been going fairly bad with no successes until one day, they were able to recreate his image but the being they made had none of his power. Upon trying to destroy it like the others, he killed them all and expanded a barrier around the facility that kept almost everyone out... This was when Bosco had learned that the place had been doing some sketchy research but they didn't know the full extent of it. Upon sending in a small force to cross the barrier, their leader watched as his squad all died before getting within five kilometers of the barrier and realized why there were so many dead plants. Closer observation had made him aware that the barrier was actually getting larger over time. It was a slow pace, but if it kept up all of Bosco would be a graveyard.

    The surrounding countries had been given word of the issue and in response, most of them had agreed to help. Midi stayed out of it since their government didn't want to owe the Lareci clan anymore favors than they already did, and Sin... well, good luck getting demons to help stop Armageddon. Over the couple weeks that the governments had been throwing things at the barrier, only one person had been able to cross the field of death. He was a partial celestial wizard who primarily used gravity magic to support the few contracted spirits he had. Unfortunately, as quickly as he made it into the barrier, he was killed by... something. He didn't have any chance to explore the facility, and so, Fiore's magic council had been asked to do something no one, not even they themselves thought would be asked... Bosco had requested them to fire the etherion cannon on their own soil to destroy the barrier and whatever was below it. A week had passed while the magic council argued over the subject, but had come to a majority vote that it was in the best interest of the world to do the action. A waver was signed that Bosco wouldn't wage war over the Etherion Cannon's firing, and within an hour, the cannon was looming over the country. The barrier didn't even budge when it got hit, not a single ripple, not a single crack, not even a fracture was seen and the governments had lost hope. One person, a college student who had been following the news of the event had hired a mercenary to get a message directly to Minstrel's government recommending they send a Celestial Wizard team to take care of the issue. There was no questioning anything for them, they were desperate and had dispatched a messenger to every guild hall with a notice for the job offering a magic tome, and a large sum of money for the destruction of the barrier and everything within it. Every last messenger came back reporting that they were attacked by an unknown man wearing black clothing and a grey mask, but none of them were injured. He stole the notices and left them alive with a warning not to send anymore. The government was standing beside themselves as they had no more hope... With no wizards within the country and a masked man ensuring no letters got out of it, they had nothing to do to stop the destruction that was sure to come...

    In Fiore

    A bird with crimson feathers and a brown tube on its back had been flying overhead in search of a specific horse drawn transport. It had been flying for several days after leaving Hosenka, and after its long travels it had found it. The transport had been resting for whatever reason, restroom, food, just because- it didn't matter to the vulture. The large condor had flown down and landed next to a man made of metal and showed him the tube on its back before letting out a loud squawk. Within the brown tube would be the rolled up paper containing the request from Bosco... "Attention, all wizards! As you read this letter, the fate of Bosco hangs in the balance. A strange barrier is expanding that's killing anyone who gets near it, and the only people who can get close are Celestial Wizards. If you're able to summon a Celestial Spirit, please, we beg that you aid us in destroying whatever's behind that barrier. The country of Bosco offers a great deal of wealth, as well as criminal pardons to anyone willing to stop the destruction we foresee." was the main text of the flier. The reward listed was rather large, a hundred grand and a priceless book that'll make the wizard's magic stronger. The location of the barrier was given, along with an official looking seal at the bottom right of the page to prove its authenticity. The vulture had let out another loud squawk as it was expecting a treat for having flown so far, and would begin pecking at Golem if he didn't provide one.

    The Arc of Destiny

    Kaori was in her room learning to play the flute when a certain genie with dreads had appeared in her room with a letter in his hand. "Ey, I got dis letter for you. Home dog asked me to make sure you get it. Anyway, I got a record I gotta get back to so I'll catch you later." he said before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Kaori had read over the letter with a blank expression and remembered the facility from the Spooky Forest. Her eyes narrowed and she set the flute down on her bed to begin walking to the laboratories on her ship. Once there, she found Doctor Zhong sitting at his terminal decoding more research notes with Eagle doing the same on the other side of the room. "Hey Zhong, do you know anything about other facilities performing the same experiments yours did?" she asked the man, who promptly stopped his work to reply. "Me only know one, but no surprise if others try. Celestial magic strong, make good money selling as weapon in wrong hand." Kaori had looked over to the members of Eclipse Team and decided they're better off staying out of this one. She walked over to the intercom and dialed a specific number to a member of her crew who was known for using celestial spirits. "Get ready to launch, you're finally getting to test our new toy." she said and released the button before making her way to the shuttle bay.


    Samira would hear a gentle tapping on her door while she was going about her business. Upon opening the door she'd see Kaori standing there with a robotic look on her face, her normally ruby eyes were a dull shade of red and lacked any form of emotion... it was like she was a corpse. Kaori held out the letter she received and gave it to Samira and said "I believe this is related to the facility from the forest. Doctor Zhong doesn't know anything, but he did mention that exploring Celestial science isn't limited to just one organization." Her tone was still fairly emotionless, but it wasn't as bad as the last time she saw Kaori a couple weeks back. "I also had an adjustment made to my medication. The original pill was segmented, so it gave me all of the medication at once. My new pill has a reduced amount of the suppressant, and it's layered instead of segmented. I receive small amounts over the course of a long period, which reduces the effect. Unfortunately I have to take anxiety medicine, two steroids, and another pill to mitigate the side effects of the other three- but..." Kaori's eyes looked at the ground and she grabbed one of her arms nervously, a sign that she did have some emotion this time. Kaori stepped forward and hugged Samira. "If it stops you from avoiding me, I don't care. I'll be leaving for Bosco tomorrow at noon to deal with this, I hope you'll come with me but I won't hold it against you if you don't..." Kaori was still hugging Samira if she hadn't pushed her away when she vanished, and sure enough, the White Mermaid would be docked waiting for Samira at noon the following day if she wanted to come along.

    Words: 1,830   |   Kaori   |   Stuff

    Last edited by ○Kaori on 29th October 2017, 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1599
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    Age : 27
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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 25th October 2017, 4:19 pm

    Word Count:
    2,058 / 6,700

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    The world of magic was always changing as humans moved forward with their discoveries and thirst for power. The same went for Leila as well. Even the Eden's caretaker desired to improve her skills and move forward along with everyone else rather than falling out of the loop. It has been a very long time since the mission in a certain settlement hidden among the mountains happened. It wasn't too long after it that the girl met up with a friend of her sister, a powerful god slayer that was also a leader of one of the less known guilds of Fiore. With his help, she hoped to finally grasp back what she had lost. And so the two of them headed into another world through the Wakusei portals, one called Kyoka. A realm saturated with powerful magic which would affect anyone who would enter, quickly multiplying their powers several times over. It is even said that healers would easily become capable of reviving the dead in these lands. But even as she fought her way through hoards of starved wolves and magical constructs in that place, no answer would reach her and instead, despair started clawing at the walls around her mental state. In fact, this happened to such extent that the girl completely fell apart and Aurora forced her back into the Gardens of Eden while possessing her physical form that remained in Kyoka. What then happened in her own realm was something Leila would never forget in all of her life. Confronted by all of her past, all of her mistakes. She realized just how much she was doing everything wrong. She was destroying herself from the inside by blaming herself for everything and only digging her own grave deeper and deeper. But she was still a big part of the Gardens themselves and the rest of the spirits who lived there could not have afforded to lose her.

    For that purpose, the goddess Aurora created a cage for the girl and imprisoned her. She was to stay inside of there for quite some time in order to get her thoughts straight and figure herself out once and for all. Such was their plan anyway. In the meantime, Aurora would continue to possess her other half's body in Earthland to keep on going to jobs and maintaining the girl's public image. With one struggle after another, things quickly started going downhill. Especially once the cage started changing it's very aspect. Flowers would start growing on the iron bars and in no time at all, whatever was happening inside would become invisible to those outside of the cage itself. Leila's status became a completely unknown and a powerful dark aura started being emitted from inside of the prison as well. Driven into the corner, Aurora and the rest of the girl's spirits did no longer know what to do. Especially once the gap between Gardens and the void grew thinner and eventually caused a fissure to open up, allowing a void beasts to invade the beautiful and peaceful world. Nearly losing their battle, the cage would suddenly burst open as a beautiful demon jumped out, showing a level of power that rivaled even the mightiest of mages present in Earthland. A feat of might that even Aurora herself grew afraid of. But the demoness was on their side and helped them change the tide of their battle, eradicating the enemy without fail. Soon after it was revealed that this was indeed Leila who broke free after finally gathering everything she desired to. Her new form was a result of the caretaker changing her own body in order to make her connection with the Gardens themselves stronger than ever before. Another effect of this act was also a change in the girl's magic.

    Before, she was merely able to summon nature from the Gardens or control one that was already present around her. Now, however, she became capable of taking entire chunks of the other world and transforming them into raw magical power which would imbue her body in a very similar way to take-over magic. But instead of taking on the power of different souls or creatures, she took on the powers of a world she herself created in the past as Aurora. Her magic was rather complex to begin with, but this time it went to a whole another level. But such thing only served her well in the long run. After all, she had to become strong if she wanted to protect those around her and make sure that she would not fall into despair again. During her awakening, she embraced all of Eden. Including the darkness that lurked at its core, left behind by the miracle demon that originally gave the goddess all of her powers. To live in both light and dark, understand that each one of them could be used both to help those around her and to eradicate the enemy... she had become much more mature than before. But there was no time to reflect on the past all that much. More and more adventures would pop up for the girl to tackle. And despite losing her title as Rising Star due to no longer being considered a 'fledgling' mage, she became much more involved with the magic council than ever before. Getting into contact with one of the members named Magus Opus, she established a firm connection with the organization and in a sense, became part of it. Though very loosely as she held no official title. But if nothing else, she now had a man on the inside so to speak. Something that proved very useful when a letter arrived at the room she rented for a night one day.

    Dear Leila Vergious,

    Things are getting worse by the minute. An official message arrived from Bosco the other day. I am sure you have already heard about all the commotion happening there, considering what a traveler you are. The use of Satellite Square: Etherion has been authorized and it will be fired on a forcefield found within Bosco's territory. An agreement was already made as well, ensuring that war would not follow after this strike. But heed my word, this spells nothing but trouble. Even the strongest of mages were not able to properly survive inside of that barrier and nothing we through at it made even a single dent. I don't know about others, but to me, that screams anti-magic barrier of sorts. If I'm right about this, Etherion will not do anything to it at all. Unfortunately, that decision is up to the actual council of which I am not a member. It is very unfortunate, but I just don't have enough influence over this place to sway them from this course of action. Believe me that if this act fails, dread will spread across the nation. And I don't even mean Bosco. The entire continent will feel it. The situation is serious and I know your power, which is why I'm sending you this letter in the first place. We were not allowed to issue an official request yet, but if it comes down to it, I would like to be selfish again and request your aid. And know not of another person capable enough to actually do something about this. It also came to my attention that communication via messages like these is not as fast as I would like. As such, I will send you a formal invitation next so that we may discuss all of this in person.

    May fortune be with you,
    Magus Opus of the Magic council

    A very worrisome message indeed. Especially the little bit about Etherion, a superweapon that only the council could operate. Precisely because of its power, this weapon became a reason for many individuals that learn of it to start not trusting the magic council anymore. Having something like that, anyone could use it to eradicate their enemies. After all, it was a tool that was apparently powerful enough to eradicate entire cities, if not nations in a single strike. One had to question how such powerful magic could even exist and how it could be used if a war would ever erupt between the nations of this continent. But worries like that were swiftly dispersed as the invitation came only a few days later. Meeting Magus in person after a rather long time, Leila learned that his predictions indeed came true and the cannon did not even scratch the barrier, only showing just how powerful it was. Now that it became clear that individual mages would have to try and do something about it, he also disclosed that there were rather dangerous beings inside and that it was discovered that celestial mages could enter without being instantly killed. In few simple words, it became much more obvious why he wanted the Eden caretaker's help. She was not a celestial mage in a traditional sense of the word, as she did not command spirits from the usual celestial plain. No, she would rather call forth the spirits of Eden, beings that Aurora herself created. Not to mention that in a certain way, Leila herself was a celestial spirit too. But, well... there was no real reason to refuse, was there? After all, the girl wanted to help everyone. And this situation was all kinds of bad. Her help was needed and she was willing to give it! Now she only had to wait for the official request.

    Though she found it quite difficult to calm herself in this situation. Just about anyone would be like that, surely. At least the wait itself wasn't actually all that long. Once more enjoying the company of her traveling companions, the girl rested in the back of her comfy caravan while the slime witch worked on her slime potions up front. Outside, the nameless golem stood as he observed the area. His original purpose was to record the entire history of this world. And while he was freed from that duty, a habit still remained. One where he would like to stop for a moment and simply take it all in, observe what was around. But this time, his vista observing was interrupted by a bird of crimson feathers. Receiving a message from it, a mechanical sounding sigh would escape from the Machias as he tried to stroke the bird as gently as he possibly could with his body before disappearing into the caravan and tossing a biscuit out for the bird to enjoy. Informing Leila of what he obtained and showing the letter to her, it was a sealed deal. If this message came from the council or someone else entirely, the girl didn't really care anymore. She was done idly sitting around when she had the power to help. After a brief apology to the rest of her crew, as she had to leave them behind due to the distance she had to travel, she would vanish into nature, probably not to be seen for days in Fiore. And so the force of nature itself started moving toward the nation of Bosco, one of the technological marvels this continent had to offer. In few hours, a small flower would start blooming in a tiny patch of dirt. In no time at all, it would grow in size, eventually larger than even the people around. Roots and vines would surround it as they started intervening together as they would form something that looked like a tree. Only it wasn't a tree but a mix of everything else nature had to offer. And from this structure, Leila would emerge.

    There wasn't any meeting point mentioned, but surely she could not have been all that far off the mark. After all, the barrier was already visible to her in the near distance, its overpowering form looming over her eerily. She had to admit, this thing made her shiver ever so slightly. She didn't even know how exactly to prepare herself, so she just wore the usual white kimono with red accenting and her pure white hair tied into a ponytail midway through it. Her pale skin perhaps even closer to white htan usual, she sighed and started marching forward until she would finally find someone who knew what was happening.


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 26th October 2017, 12:53 am

    It had been a couple of weeks since the mission of locating Anhur within the lost desert city had been completed. She, the spirit, and the cowardly adventurer they had met within the city were left in Hargeon soon after the White Mermaid had made it back into town. From there, Samira had exchanged contact information with the young man in case he ran into more artifacts or anything he couldn't handle on his own during his journeys. The only catch was Kaori was not allowed to come. Ever. He was forever scarred by the amount of destruction she had caused to the city, even though technically he had later on agreed to destroy the entire thing anyway. Samira also had to agree to it despite her earlier disapproval for how murderous Kaori had been before having to resort to total destruction. According to Anhur, if the city had been left to its own devices without him present then it would have meant danger for the surrounding villages. There could have been another way to perhaps just keep them all sealed inside the barrier illusion that kept the city hidden in the first place, but if there was the lion spirit made no mention of it, nor did he seem to care at all that it had been blown off the map.

    It had also been a couple of weeks since then that the summoner had seen Kaori. Well, the true one anyway. The dark version had made a visit that same day in the old disguised form the ninja had used to take. Some things were explained to a point that did cause Samira's frustration and anger towards Kaori to settle down, although it was unlikely she would have stayed that way for long regardless. Being in a state of anger never lasted long since she got over that emotion rather quickly as long as she was left alone, but that did not mean she had completely forgotten everything that happened. Kaori wasn't truly to blame for her actions, however, Samira was not about to let herself get into that kind of scenario again as long as that type of medication was used. She didn't have the power or influence to stop the needlessly violent actions of Kaori while she was on them, and she certainly did not enjoy a front row seat to the real life slasher flick she witnessed the last time. Before leaving, the dark Kaori had mentioned her grandfather and also stated to tell stories about him, although she had no idea why. It wasn't as if the emotionless version would care to hear such things. That was the last time she saw that version of the woman as well. Aside from a random dream that even her own spirits were unaware of that was the last Kaori related thing to show up in her daily life.

    Samira sat at the desk in her room with an open book written about dragon gods lying on its surface. It had been given to her quite some time ago, but she never really found the opportunity to read it. Even then she wasn't really concentrating on the words, and instead had her verdant colored gaze at the wall while her fingers tapped on an old mask that was lying next to the book. A mask that had randomly appeared that same night she had the dream. It had granted a vision of some sort, of which she did not fully understand. Visions and dreams, dreams and visions. She was a summoner so why did beings and objects insist on playing with her mind with such things? Dream and vision translating was not exactly her strength in life. It did not help that she was just now able to sit down and contemplate the meaning behind it. Shortly after arriving back in the guild halls of Lamia Scale Samira had officially been made as one of the guild's aces. Why she wasn't exactly sure of. She had grown in power quickly since the start of her rookie mage days, and she now had a small army of spirits at her disposal, but being in a higher ranked member position was a bit awkward for her. It had turned her more relaxing and peaceful days into more busy ones as she now had more responsibilities as a guild member. That was the first time in days that she had a true moment to herself.

    Tap. Tap. Tap. Her tapping of the mask continued. The wish that she was distracted once more started to slowly form as the minutes passed. With the silence and lack of activity, she was allowed to bring back those concerns she had regarding Kaori and even Ikuchi. Aside from her spirits, she considered them to be two beings closest to her, and the current status of them both were unknown.

    'Do you really intend to sit there and flood this mental space with constant worrying? Such foolishness is ridiculous.' The voice of Kali entered Samira's mind, causing the summoner to cease her tapping and sigh. Well, spirit talk was a whole lot better than silence at that moment she supposed.

    Agree. Go see Kaori. Mental space become cramped with silly worry.' Skadi added in.

    'How about you two put a lid on it? We're going with the no option on that. No ifs or buts about it.'

    'She messed you up really bad when she went horror flick psycho, didn't she? You couldn't even stay until the end!' Agni may have been mocking Susano about his early departure to the scene that day, but the words affected Samira as well. As that memory was brought up she felt slightly sick, although less so than she had during the moment it all went down. "I may be concerned, but there is little point in seeing her the way she is now. The person that went with me to find Anhur was not who I would consider as Kaori." It was settled, and there was no changing her mind regardless of her own concerns or the words from her spirits. She closed the book she had barely even bothered reading and stood up to walk over to a bookshelf that was placed against a wall of the room. As she reached up to place the book on an empty slot on the shelf, a soft knock was heard on her door. It was likely another guild member needing something, or so she thought.

    As soon as she walked over to the door, she unlocked it and turned the doorknob before pulling it and revealing Kaori standing on the other side of the doorway. Her eyes widened in surprise for a second before adjusting to normal as soon as she noticed the dull lifeless ruby orbs of the ninja mage. Just as she expected but at least the appearance meant she was still alive and moving. Samira did not allow herself to smile or show any form of happiness from seeing Kaori. A frown remained on her facial features and her eyes blank of any positive emotion. She took the letter that was held out for her and glanced at it for a moment while Kaori spoke and mentioned it was similar to the experiments being done back in the lab within Spooky Forest. It seemed to concern Bosco, and she recalled her adventurer acquaintance mentioning something strange going on over in that area during their last iLac communication. She had been too busy to press for details at the time though. Her gaze then left the words written in the letter and raised to look at Kaori once more. Her medication had been adjusted? Now that she realized it, the voice tone was a little bit different. The change in medication came at a cost of having to take even more side medicine though. It was cringing to imagine having to swallow and keep up with that sort of regimen, but Kaori was willing to do it. Samira found herself locked inside a hug during the explanation, which was something the Kaori she had seen a couple of weeks ago would not have done, nor would she have acted nervously. The hug disconnected as soon as Kaori vanished, leaving Samira standing at her doorway, stunned and puzzled. The medicine appeared to be working to some extent. However, there was still the matter on how savage and brutal Kaori would be with enemies and random bystanders. The letter was looked at once more as Samira closed the door and walked towards her bed and sitting on the sheet covered mattress. If it had been the other version, the one from the last mission, that had requested her assistance Samira would have declined immediately. The one she just saw though was an improvement that made her consider actually tagging along and checking things out.

    The sun for the next day had risen, and Samira was up early to get her things together and set out to handle whatever mess was waiting in Bosco. She had made the decision to accompany Kaori, either by some strange curiosity on how well the new medication was working, or because she was worried on how things would turn out if she wasn't there. Both were equally balanced. Her smaller weapons and normal random items that may be needed were packed into her bag, and the keychain that kept her spirit keys were hooked onto a loop along the waistband her shorts. A small appearance check to support her self of vanity and she was out the door. Now she just had to locate Anhur, the lion spirit that stood on two legs and took the shape of a man aside from his obvious additional lion features. He had been spending his time exploring the guild, although he didn't really speak much to any of the members. In fact, if any were curious enough to make conversation he tended to scare them off by growling, or just shoving them aside and ignoring them. Being as isolated as he was for so long did not help with his social skills. Samira eventually found him at the guild's main entrance, waiting for her with his arms crossed over his chest. Naturally it was nearly the last place she had looked. "I did not expect to see you here," she told him as she approached.

    "Hmmm," Anhur uncrossed his arms and began walking out of the guild hall completely. "I heard you were setting out for some mission. I assumed you would be demanding I come." The over six foot lion man walked through the crowd of guild members that were standing by chit chatting. Almost literally through. If a group stood in his way he just kept on walking and let them either be pushed aside or get out of the way. Samira sighed hopelessly as she watched from her spot at the entrance. Social skills and consideration for others probably needed to be worked on after the mission was over. She began to follow him, her pace quickening in a jog so she could catch up and take the lead. It wasn't as if he actually knew where to go, and that was obvious when he went in the entirely wrong direction. Normally an animal's sense of smell could be used to track someone, but for some reason he never did get a scent from Kaori, and there wasn't exactly anything else to go on. He had to set his pride aside and follow the summoner, who actually knew where she was going.

    By noon the two had reached the ship called The White Mermaid, which was docked and waiting. They boarded and soon it was time to take off to handle the crisis in Bosco. Perhaps they would even come across another that would join them when they landed. The message was spread throughout the country, after all.

    Elsewhere in Fiore:

    The top members of the organization that was behind the experiments in the Spooky Forest research facility sat at a large rectangle shaped table in a darkened room while looking at a large screen that displayed several images. The first set had been the facility itself before it was destroyed. Images of Samira, Kaori, the small team that hacked the terminals, and the spirits involved played before switching to ones of the desert mission. Due to the barrier that made the city hidden, not much was displayed there but the total destruction of the city was on file. Then it switched to images of the crisis in Bosco. Most of the group seemed concerned that another project was going on in another country, but the lead woman smirked and laughed at the fact it was a failure. They knew nothing about the project in Bosco, and it was unrelated to their main objective. That didn't mean someone from their team did not leak information though. It also didn't mean that they would not collect data from the incident to further their own goals.

    (Word Count: 2180)



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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 26th October 2017, 4:29 am

    Strong - 41
    Boss - 5

    Kaori was sitting in the cargo bay when Samira had shown up a bit after eleven in the morning. She didn't say anything since she knew Samira would show up. It wasn't that she was predictable or anything like that, Kaori's instincts told her she would come. She was sitting on the workbench facing the other wall, opposite the actual work bench. As always, she looked beautiful, almost too perfect to be a real human and some would confuse her for an extremely life like doll were it not for her breathing. The only thing that took away from her beauty was the pair of lifeless orbs seated in her face that lacked any signs of the old Kaori being present. The doors to the cargo bay had closed as Anhur had entered, but Kaori hadn't moved at all... She was sitting with her arms resting on her legs, body arched so her arms supported her upper body's weight and she stared at the ground without blinking. If Samira would try to get her attention verbally, there would be no response. If she touched Kaori, she'd find herself in a rather strange situation...

    The world around Kaori was far different from the real one. The night sky was above her and stars twinkled vibrantly amidst the dark background. An aurora danced across the sky, radiating its multicolored hues on the water's surface. Small ripples radiated from Kaori's feet where they rested on the ocean's surface. Kaori was looking at a the horizon where the heavens seemed to meet the sea. "Is there a reason you asked for me?" she asked in a soft, but blunt tone. "We wanted to challenge you." a disembodied voice replied just before light blue particles began spiraling around a single point, creating more ripples that faded away as they got too large. A pair of green feet inside black dress shoes appeared and began forming legs where the green transitioned into pale skin. A light purple, flowing dress had begun forming with a black belt under where a pair of breasts had formed, still covered by the dress. The being who materialized had the pale skin of their arms transition to green hands, making Kaori think she had some form of connection with nature or poison. Her face was very cute and had gentle features, light pink lips, and azure eyes with the same colored hair. A pair of antlers stuck straight out of her head like sign posts, and she had ears resembling an elve's ears. Behind those, but a bit further up on her head, was a pair of pink fluffy bits that only served to make her seem cuter, and not in a lesbian sort of way. Kaori didn't hesitate, she simply said "I accept." The woman had looked at Kaori and tilted her head to the side out of curiosity. Her expression was very static, a type of doll like expression of aloofness that was perpetually frozen in time that did nothing to her overall beauty and added an air of mystique. "You don't want to set any rules?" she asked out of bewilderment. Normally, when people fought others, they set limitations to tip the tide of battle in their favor. Kaori had said "Of course I do..." which made Query, the spirit challenging her, think 'Typical.' which had changed to more bewilderment at the rule listed... "One rule, don't hold back- I won't."

    Query had looked at Kaori and put on a gentle smile. "Understood." she said and vanished every bit as fast as Kaori. she reappeared in a low pose at Kaori's waist with a fist preparing to impact the ninja. Kaori's palm smashed the fist, redirecting the attack down and she then dropped to her water's surface to try and sweep her feet. Query had foreseen the attack and jumped, going for a front facing mid air spin followed by her heel to Kaori's head. Kaori vanished and reappeared in the same spot after the kick missed, an attack Query hadn't seen coming. Normally when ninja vanished, they went for an attack from behind rather than returning to the same spot. Query had seen she miscalculated, and was about to be punished for it... Kaori's first hit was a palm thrust to the horned girl's stomach, followed by a second one with the opposite hand. Kaori lifted her leg and dropped it on Query's head, sending her to the water's surface on her back with enough force to make the solid seeming surface splash. Kaori vanished and appeared over top her and began rapidly punching her stomach countless times. Query had vanished as Kaori went for a single powerful hit, and reappeared behind Kaori with enough time to hit her in the back and send the ninja flying. Kaori vanished and reappeared near Query where the two of them began trading hits. Kaori's hand went for a shoulder chop but was blocked by Query's wrist. Query tried countering with a knee kick to Kaori's stomach but was stopped by Kaori's hand just before the ninja vanished and appeared for a spin kick mid air that was blocked by Query's arm. Amidst the constant stream of vanishing, and reappearing just to have their attacks blocked, Query had said "You're strong." in an impressed tone. Kaori had replied by saying nothing at all, only fighting harder only to have her attacks blocked more. "You told me you wouldn't hold back." Query said calmly while blocking more of Kaori's attacks. A counter attack had finally hit Kaori's stomach and sent her sliding backwards across the lake. Kaori formed two shirofune to attack with but (if Samira had touched Kaori) Query would say "Hold, we're no longer alone. I wish to pause our battle till later please." to which Kaori would agree. Samira would hear those couple lines of dialogue before Kaori returned to reality. If Samira had ended Kaori's battle early by touching her, Kaori would stand up and bow to her before walking to her room and closing the door to finish in private.

    If Samira hadn't touched Kaori, then the battle would continue with Kaori splitting off to form ten versions of herself that all began vanishing and reappearing, cutting Query until the original had ran her through. In this scenario, Query would say "I acknowledge your strength, and I'm sorry for making you do this. My name is Query, my gate is Enigma. I'd... like to form a contract." the azure haired woman said as the wounds on her body began vanishing. Kaori walked up to her and pulled the spirit into a warm embrace that made Query's eyes fly open. Her arms were trying to fan out, but were held in place by Kaori's arms that were wrapped around her. "Thank you, Query. I enjoyed that battle, and look forward to fighting alongside you." Kaori said softly to the spirit before planting a gentle kiss on her cheek and taking a few steps back, to which Query was left with red cheeks from. By the time the fight was over, the ship had a visual of the barrier not far from them. However, the ship had stopped moving. "Sorry Miss Kaori, but judging by all those dead trees down there, this is as far as I can go. I'm no wizard, let alone a celestial one..." Salty's voice came over the intercom. "That's fine, we can take things from here. Sammy, meet me in the cargo bay please." Kaori said back over the communication line. Since the conversation was broadcast over the speakers, Samira would know it was time to go.

    In the cargo bay, Kaori was at the machine that Samira saw Ikuchi set up. On the screen Doctor Zhong was shown. "There you are, I'm sure you remember Doctor Zhong from the original facility. Doctor Zhong-" "Herro Miss Nassar, I hope you do well." he said as Kaori was preparing to re-introduce her. "Sammy, would you mind summoning Janus? It seems we'll be needing him for this." Kaori said as the screen changed to a black one with a picture of the area from a bird's eye view. Once Janus was summoned, Kaori would tell Doctor Zhong to begin the explanation. "As you know, only Celestial Spirits and Wizard can enter death radius. Janus get you to barrier, you go in collect information and make facility explode. Bring data back for research, I find what they doing and why they no succeed." A certain blonde haired girl pushed the doc aside and Eagle said "We performed a high density scan of the place while you two were on your way. The damn place is a maze, but I was able to located a really weird energy on the second level. Also... there's another of those portals..." "Portal similar to last one, not know if work or not- spirit powerful, most likely failed." Doctor Zhong chimed in. "I'm sending you the map, sorry we can't jump in on this one cap." Eagle said and Kaori's phone chimed after receiving the map. "Thanks, that's plenty of help." Kaori turned to Janus with her dead eyes. "Our mark is five kilometers out, would you mind opening a portal please?"

    Once the portal was open, Kaori would bow to Janus and thank him. "Samira, don't enter first... or get close to it... please." Kaori said before Sammy could enter the portal. The last time Kaori had seen Samira enter a portal, a sword came out and Kaori didn't react too well to it. If Samira was looking in Kaori's eyes, she'd notice a bit of black encroaching on the red portion meaning that her darker half was getting ready to intervene, meaning she was having a reason to think it was necessary. Kaori would walk through the portal first and poke her head back in saying "It's safe." and the black spot going away shortly after. On the other side of the portal, it seemed they weren't alone as Kaori had sensed someone approaching. She looked at the woman with furry ears and blinked a few times. The magic felt... familiar-ish, definitely different, but slightly the same... Kaori began looking into the person's past and didn't have to go far to find her name. "Leila." Kaori said as the woman had fully approached them. Kaori walked over and placed her hand on Leila's cheek with her dull, dead, ruby eyes glowing slightly. "You seem to have had an awakening, your heart feels stronger- you'll get far with your new resolve." Kaori said calmly before asking "How is Megumi's slime magic progressing? Has Golem found a name for himself, and are they both doing well?" Whatever her response, Kaori would nod and say "I see." before turning to Samira. "Sammy, this woman is an ally from a while back. Leila, this is Samira- the strongest Celestial Wizard I've ever come across and one of my most treasured of friends. If you'll excuse me, I have to call in someone..." Kaori would say and take a couple steps away from the women to let them talk if they needed to. Kaori wasn't sure if they'd ever met before and wasn't going to try and find out.

    "This is the Captain, is JH-7 ready for launch?" she said into her iLac, to which the operator replied "Firing the hill billy on your position." and a minute later, a loud explosion was heard as a man in a massive, ten foot tall, metal suit had slammed into the ground. His first sentence was delivered in the most hick-billy accent imaginable and clearly highlighted where in the world the man was from... "WOOOO-WEE, you sure do know how to throw a part cap! So, that there's that barrier over yonder what kill folk?" Kaori had nodded in response. The man immediately turned to Samira "You must be Sammy what Cap dun sed so much 'bout. Cap toll us 'bout yer looks, but seein ya I must say you sure are perdy. My name's Johnny-Hughe, but most folk just call me Hughe an I gotta say it's an honor to finally meet you miss." He said through the speakers in the suit and extended the machine's hand to shake Samira's. At the same time, Leila would feel something tackling her to the ground while squealing. "OH MY GOD, I CAN'T EVEN- SHE'S TOO CUTE!!!" the voice shrieked while hugging Leila's head and rubbing it. "I'M KEEPING HER!" she shouted, to which Kaori replied "No you're not." The one holding Leila's head was Kaori, but she had black eyes instead of ruby ones. "But-" "No." Kaori interrupted. "Can I at least cuddle her?" "No." "Pet her?" "No." "Make her my-" "Definitely no, now go back where you belong." Kaori said in a more forceful tone, though, she still had no expression at all... "You're no fun." the dark Kaori said and looked at Leila before putting a kiss on her head "Don't you go to far, I want more time with you." she said before vanishing. Kaori turned to face the barrier and began walking in with Hughe behind her... on the other side was eight Paladins, two for each member of the team... "Out...standing..." Kaori said sarcastically. Not even five seconds and a fight was already beginning. "I've got the two in the middle." Kaori established.

    Words: 4,061   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 26th October 2017, 12:45 pm

    Word Count:
    4,260 / 6,700

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    Even from this distance, the barrier was rather difficult to look at. Not because it would be too bright or anything silly like that. No, the sheer scale of the magical barrier and it's very nature was something that naturally scared the girl. She could feel it. Many people have died inside of things thing, in agony. They did not deserve to meet such cruel fate, but they did. All her senses were screaming, warning her to get away. It has been a very long time since she felt like that last time. To face something so clearly dangerous but not really have the option to leave, to run away. No, she actually had it. But she didn't to take it at all. She already made up her mind to help the people here, the land of Bosco and this entire continent. Only because she now knew just how bad the situation was and what she would have to face was no excuse for her to just run with her tail between her legs. With few deep breaths, she would clench her fists and try to compose herself. There were still people around too, it seemed. Despite how dangerous the place was, some workers must have remained to monitor the barrier's state despite knowing the risks. They were quite the heroes as well. And in a sense, she almost envied them. They could find a way to help others even without any overwhelming magical power that would reside in their bodies. The determination and resolution of humans, it always managed to surprise Leila. And she would commend them every single time for it. As she walked forward and drew closer to the barrier, she would suddenly feel a whiff of magical energy that was quite out of the place. Something was trying to interfere with space here. She had the ability to move between Gardens of Eden and Earthland so she knew how magic like this worked.

    And soon, she would spot the portal that started opening nearby. With the message she received, she was expected multiple celestial wizards to be present in order to tackle whatever threat was awaiting inside of this place. Something that made the girl quite a great deal more comfortable. After all, facing the enemy alone and with someone who would guard her back was quite different. Though she figured that there would be people she had never seen in all of her life, which would make this all just a little bit more difficult. And as such, she was all the more surprised when a familiar figure poked out and started walking around. Kaori, the saint that helped her calm down an angered spirit in the mountains where its shrine broke down. A single look at that figure managed to completely paralyze the Eden's caretaker in place. She remembered that the girl was a partial celestial wizard. But the fact that she was here... she would have never imagined it. How should she react? What should she say to the other girl? Leila knew that Kaori left her a message, but she never got around to actually reply to it. At first, it was simply because she was drowning in her own despair, hoping that the world around her would just fall into darkness and leave the girl alone. But then she got locked in her own world as the embrace of Eden happened. From that point on, she was rather busy and didn't have the right mindset to reply to a message that was so long at that point. Of course, she had many regrets about it, but she figured that the two witches would see one another sooner or later. But she certainly did not expect it to happen this soon. She wasn't ready... well, she would never really be ready.

    So as Kaori started approaching and said the girl's name out loud, the Eden's guardian would open her mouth as if she wanted to reply. Only, no words came out. The uncertainty swallowed her voice as she tried to formulate a proper reply in her head before letting it out between her pale lips. However, all those attempts were swiftly and efficiently shattered the moment this girl placed her soft hand onto Leila's cheek. One unexpected thing after another, she had absolutely no clue how to react to it all. So instead, her body reacted automatically, her mouth shutting and her cheeks growing in a rosy color. Her emerald green eyes were locked on that ruby gaze. It was then that she noticed there was something... odd about it. She didn't want to think that it was wrong, but she did not get a very good feeling from such lifeless eyes. It was said that these orbs were the windows to one's soul. And if they were this dull and devoid of reflection or any spark of life at all, what exactly was it supposed to mean? Leila quickly grew nervous and worried inside but did not say anything. Instead, she was bombarded with an array of different questions in regards to her companions. She always seemed very considerate, but now was not really the time to be answering or asking these questions. Narrowing her eyes, the pale-skinned maiden would compose herself once more as she gently grabbed Kaori's hand and moved it away from that cheek, letting it go into the position by her body where it was supposed to be. In her innocent mind, these acts were supposed to be reserved for lovers or very close friends. Unfortunately, they were none of that. As much as she would like to call the girl her friend, they only met once in the past and that was just not quite enough for such words.

    "Yes, it is me. And both of my companions are quite well, I will make sure to mention to them that you were concerned and asked. However, I am sure will have plenty of time to discuss these things once the problems here are dealt with. That said, I want to be selfish for a little bit and say this..." Taking few steps back to create distance, she would place her right hand onto her own chest roughly where her heart was and performed a deep bow in front of the ninja. "Please, accept my apology. I have not replied to your message and for that, I am terribly sorry. I'd like to say that there were good reasons for this, but... that would only be making excuses. So I beg of you to forgive me for making you worry."

    Whether the apology was or was not accepted, the girl would once again narrow her body to stand tall and firmly look at the female in front of her. Indeed, her new resolve was strong. And part of it was making sure that she would no longer drag others down and instead, help them, however, would be possible. This apology was a start with Kaori. One that would hopefully allow them to start with a clean slate and start forging this desired friendship anew. It was also only now that the maiden noticed another girl that moved through the portal behind Kaori. And as she was called by the other girl, her name was Samira. Or at least that was what Leila figured it would be from the mentioned more familiar form: "Sammy." From her introduction performed by the ninja girl herself, she swiftly learned who she was and why she was here. The more celestial wizards present, the greater their chance to win would be. That much was for certain. And the fact that she was referred to as "the strongest Celestial Wizard I've ever come across" spoke quite a bit too. It was a great relief to have someone like this here, a proper celestial wizard that had skills and experience to back them up. Approaching this new female, Leila would smile at her warmly and extend her hand forward, a gesture that she wanted to shake hands with her. It was always a great pleasure, meeting new people. It was a shame that it often happened in unpleasant situations such as this when they had little to no time to actually get to know one another. But surely they would prevail here and then have the chance to remedy this? They would have to work hard to ensure that. Thankfully, this maiden was not afraid of any hard work that could be thrown at her.

    "A treasured friend of Kaori, huh? It is a great pleasure to meet you, Samira. My name is Leila Vergious, a wandering mage associated with the guild of Golden Phoenix. I'm a celestial spirit mage as well, though nowhere near as impressive as you are I'm sure."

    Hopefully, the girl would shake her hand, as there was a little something that Leila wanted to do from the moment she heard about the relationship between these two girls. If their hands met, she would quickly take a step forward while Kaori was on her iLac and not paying attention to the point where she was almost embracing Samira. It was for the sole purpose of being able to whisper something into her ear, however. "I apologize for doing this so suddenly, but I have to ask: Have something happened to Kaori? She appears to be less... lively than when I last met her." Once these words were said, she would quickly retreat and create some distance between them again. She was truly worried about the saint's well-being. But at the same time, she didn't want to ask directly, as she knew that people often had a very bad habit of brushing others away and keeping their problems to themselves. But if these two were truly as close of friends as she claimed them to be, then perhaps... perhaps she could get some sort of answer? In any case, the Eden's caretaker watched as something came down from the skies. A robot of sorts. Or rather, it appeared to be a mech suit with someone inside? They truly were in Bosco, weren't they? With so much technology everywhere, Leila felt little alienated as she usually relied on her magic and physical force alone rather than gadgets and the like. It wasn't like she was unable to wrap her head around it all, she just had much closer to nature and it's products rather than something that was entirely man-made. Though the biggest surprise came when the man inside the suit spoke up. The poor white-haired maiden nearly spat out her saliva the moment she heard him, having quite the hard time to get adjusted to the very odd accent he had.

    Not that she really had any time for that anyway. They were not even remotely close to the core of the barrier so she figured that no danger would actually approach them just yet. And as such, she lowered her guard considerably, managing to completely miss a figure that seemingly sneaked around and then launched at her. Thankfully it was not an enemy but another... Kaori? Leila was rather surprised from the sudden embrace alone, but when she noticed that it was a clone of the beautiful girl, she became even more lost in what was happening here. Not to mention the squeak she let out as she fell to the ground, her head suddenly buried in someone else's chest. She was slightly powerless to even say anything, only flailing her hands and legs wildly and listening to the two girls of the same appearance having a rather... interesting, let us say, chat. Though she did calm down quickly and instead of trying to resist too hard, she would hug this other Kaori back. It didn't last all that long though and after being denied by the original(?), the hold would loosen up before a gentle kiss was planted on the girl's forehead. And then she just vanished, leaving the poor snow-white maiden there on the ground with a full face blush. Taking a moment to piece the puzzle inside of her head, she would take a look at Kaori in confusion. She saw her powers before, so she knew of the clones. But this one felt different from that... more... real? With a sigh, she would try to get back up and this time, she would watch her surroundings so that something like that would not happen again.

    "Asking if she could cuddle me while already doing it... who even was that, Kaori? Not that it felt bad or anything. Also... Make her my... what?" She soon gave up on trying to figure that scene out, unless the still intact Kaori provided some answers. But whatever that was, it was finally time to approach the barrier. It seemed that the three of them were the only available and strong enough celestial wizards, huh? It was a little pathetic in a sense. But the girl remained positive even as she saw the enemy forces that were already waiting for them. They were certainly not wasting any time, were they? "Got it. Then I'll take the far left. I shall eliminate them quickly..."

    Non-template version:


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 26th October 2017, 4:54 pm

    Both summoner and half spirit entered the cargo bay, and upon the doors closing they split up. Anhur went further into the ship to find some form of distraction. It had been his second time being on one of those large metal birds, and yet he was still not over the first time. Riding on one felt awkward, different, and unnatural despite the comforts available. Not to mention he had no control. As for Samira, she remained in the cargo bay since she had spotted Kaori sitting on a workbench. A hesitant and weak greeting left her lips, an action that was done out of obligation rather than wanting to. Now that the doors had closed there would be no changing her mind to come. Samira was stuck there and would have to see the mission through to the end regardless of Kaori's state of mind. Her anxiety grew knowing this. When no response was given to her greeting, Samira walked over and placed a hand on the other woman's shoulder to get her attention and to confirm she was alright. Well, as alright as she could be given certain circumstances. "Kaori?" She said with a concerned tone, gently shaking the shoulder she had touched. A voice was then heard in her mind, although it was unfamiliar and did not have the same type of presence as her own spirits. It was then that Kaori reacted, standing only to bow before departing elsewhere. Samira was now alone in the cargo bay, puzzled and curious.

    'It would appear that the Leader of the Leraci Clan is becoming more well known even in the celestial world,' Amaterasu's voice said in Samira's mind, answering the call to solve the riddle of the other voice she had heard. 'Her power grows even as a celestial mage. It is not an uncommon possibility that spirits would seek her out. I imagine you heard its voice due to her own telepathic abilities.'

    "Huh, interesting," Samira replied with a shrug before heading further inside the ship and not stopping until she had entered through the door that had her name on it. Not too long after, she heard an intercom message requesting that she return to the cargo bay. It was time to get things started. She made her way to the bay, assuming Anhur was around there somewhere but was disappointed he was no where in sight when she entered. Before she could inquire if Kaori had seen him anywhere, she had her attention turned towards a machine she had seen being set up some time ago but never did get full details about. Mainly because she did not bother asking due to circumstances at the time. Now she understood what it was for. Maybe. Technology wasn't something she knew too much about. Even her iLac was far too much for her to comprehend. "Hello, Doctor Zhong," Samira said kindly to the scientist displayed on the screen with a small smile. Then the summoning of Janus was requested, which did bring about a second of confusion upon her facial features but it quickly passed as her mind put the details together. "Very well," she said, and nodding her head to acknowledge the significance of the request. She reached down to her keychain and gently unhooked his key before summoning him. The almost transparent looking portal master appeared from his portal and greeted everyone that was present. His reaction towards Kaori was the same as it usually was; respectful and warm. He had no negative opinions of her regardless of what she had done in the past or her current medicated state. Then again, it was hard to say if he had negative thoughts about anyone.

    "Oh my, you two ladies are going there? We can all feel the energy radiating from that barrier. It is slightly different than what we felt at the other facility though. Quite unpleasant nonetheless, however." Janus stated as soon as Zhong had finished his explanation and his portal making abilities were requested once more. He could do it, although he would have to question if he should. Oh well, if anything went wrong once they were down below the others could handle it. His part wouldn't have been an issue. He created a portal that would lead to where the women wanted to go, but would remain before departing back home until they both went through.

    Samira had been about to go through the portal when she was asked to wait. It was an odd request since with it being her spirit's ability, she felt it was her role and responsibility to step through first. There was hesitation but she complied regardless. Arguing wasn't something she liked doing, especially on something so insignificant. Her decision was also aided by seeing the bit of black covering the ruby part of Kaori's eyes. She stepped back and allowed Kaori to take the first steps through and check things out below. Once her head poked back in to declare it was safe, Samira too stepped through the swirling mass of energy that transported her to their destination below.

    As the pair of mages appeared on the other side of the portal, it was not long before another one had come to join them. Although surprisingly enough, it was someone that Kaori already knew. She stared for a moment as the two interacted. Normally she would have approached immediately but she was stunned by the appearance of the newest woman to arrive. Honestly, it was the first time to see someone with animal characteristics like hers. The desire to touch the ears and tail to test their authenticity and softness was great, but it was fought and held back. Thank goodness for her ability to resist temptations. With a gentle shake of her head, the thoughts of fluffiness were sent away and she approached the pair to better hear the conversation. Around that point Kaori was introducing the white haired woman to her and vice versa. "Kaori..." Samira said quietly, thinking being categorized as "the strongest Celestial Wizard I've ever come across" was a bit much. Sure it patted the ego, but was still probably not accurate. The woman known as Leila had to be a powerful one herself if she was that close to the barrier. Kaori then excused herself for the moment, allowing Leila and herself to speak to one another without her presence. Which version of Kaori did Leila even know anyway? There had been so many, and there had also been long periods of time where Samira had lost touch with Kaori. The two could have met at several different points.

    Samira's gaze had followed in the direction of Kaori, but it turned back to Leila as she spoke. Golden Phoenix? Well that was certainly the first time she had met someone associated with that particular guild. So far, the impression of it was in the good category if it managed to keep someone as well mannered and respectful as the woman standing before her. "Do not be ridiculous," Samira said calmly when Leila had reached the end of her introduction. "Celestial mages come in many varieties. Where I may excel in one area, you will be far more impressive than myself in another." It was true. Samira may have specialized in summoning and therefore had many spirits, but her strength relied on them completely. She had no other magic of her own to support them. There had been some weapon and movement training to keep herself defended while her spirits worked, but she was still a novice. It was slightly embarrassing. Samira smiled warmly after her words and felt it necessary to introduce herself as well in return. "I am Samira Nassar, one of the Aces representing the guild Lamia Scale of Hargeon. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, and I hope we will be able to work well together to stop the madness we will soon face." Her hand went to meet Leila's to complete the ritual handshake that was common in introductions, but upon doing so the woman with animal features stepped forward unexpectedly and got slightly uncomfortably close. Samira tended to like her personal bubble, especially when dealing with people she had just met, but she never did complain or push people away if they got too close. Some people did use that kind of proximity in their greetings, as she experienced when first meeting Kaori. The reason for Leila's was not a form of greeting, however. Samira's smile turned into a frown as the words were whispered into her ear. So, even she noticed the change in Kaori. If that was the version that worried her then that meant she had met Kaori before she first started taking the first form of the medication. Leila was quite lucky to have avoided that phase altogether. She was also still unsure if she had met Kaori when the ninja was using her mother's form as a disguise. The form she used before she became unstable.

    "I am uncertain as to which phase in life you have met her. She has gone through many changes, of which I suppose I am partly to blame. Just know that this is actually an improvement compared to a couple of weeks ago." That version still terrified Samira. The actions were too unpredictable and she could not stop Kaori. Having Leila around in case something triggered in the ninja brought some relief to the green haired summoner. Since she had asked about Kaori's current status, Samira assumed Leila did care and would likely aid in keeping Kaori from going totally nuts and losing herself. Still, even the two of them may not be enough.

    It was then some sort of weird...mech...tech...man thing slammed down from the sky and started to talk in the most country hill billy speech Samira had ever heard. She nearly fell face first into the ground just from hearing it. Kaori really did have a variety of people within her crew. All of her worries evaporated temporarily as her attention was now fully on the mech man. Her cheeks blushed a bit from being complicated on her looks. Just how many people did the ninja tell about her appearance? "Uh, likewise, Hughe," she said in a rather unsure tone as she reached out to shake the extended hand of the mech suit. He seemed nice enough, if not a bit eccentric. Also, why did she get the impression he would be just as destructive and have just as much fun with it as Ikuchi did with a rocket launcher? Oh, brother.

    There had been quite a bit of shouting near where Leila was, and Samira glanced over to see the end of the dark Kaori's appearance and her attempts at trying to claim Leila. It was shockingly familiar with someone else back in the day, and she blinked and facepalmed, now understanding where he must have gotten it from. Anyway, that scene came to an end with Samira feeling slightly sorry for Leila, although it was rather humorous. Although, what on earthland did she mean by "make her my"? Weird.

    Samira followed the others inside the barrier, and of course already enemies were waiting for them. It wasn't going to be as easy as taking the scenic route in a peaceful manner, was it? The other two celestial wizards had already claimed two each for themselves, leaving four for Samira to choose from. She drew two keys from her keychain, being able to tell which was which due to their shape, and called out for them while slashing the air in front of herself. The action created a rift between the normal world and the celestial world, and it grew bigger as the spirits were called. "Far right is mine. Open, gate of the Avatars, The Shining Light! God of Fire! Amaterasu! Agni!” The enemies before them were donning armor that appeared to be quite heavy and tough to break. Samira was worried that it would prevent Amaterasu's attacks from hitting fully, so she needed to ensure Agni was around to create weak points within the armor. The claymore's would have been worrisome since the fire spirit had to be in close range and actually touch them to melt their armor, but the other spirit's ability helped with that. As soon as she was called, the portal flashed in a brilliant light for a quick moment, blinding the two paladins Samira was had claimed and any others that dared look in that direction. The two spirits then materialized and already knew what to do due to being connected with Samira's mind and hearing her train of thoughts. Agni ran towards his opponents with Amaterasu following, sword already unsheathed and ready to strike. A single touch was all that was required to weaken parts of the armor the paladins wore. With each one made, Agni would move to make another on the other paladin while Amaterasu made an attack of her own through the weak points. The paladins had been blinded during the flash of light during the process, and by the time their sights recovered it was too late. They fell, defeated and unmoving.

    That left six more opponents. Scratch that. Five. One was taken out by the landing of a giant winged lion that sparked flames from his body. The armored paladin was shoved face first into the ground, and the lion held it there with his paw upon the metal covered back of the enemy. If the force of the creature landing smack on it wasn't enough to finish off the paladin, then the flames that spread from his claws and into the scratches within the pierced armor would have. "You left me..." Anhur stated, somewhat in disbelief but also had a hint of being offended. "I actually had to use this form just to get here." How eye twitchingly annoying. Janus had departed the moment Samira stepped through the portal, which meant he had to take initiative and make his own way there. One could question how he was able to pass through the barrier only meant for celestial mages and spirits without some consequences. It was simple, he was still technically a spirit and tied to a key, even though it was inactive. He was an inbetween state. The air and energy made him feel heavy and sluggish, and he may have been suffering from a massive migraine, but he was otherwise fine for the moment.

    (Word Count: 2424
    Total So Far: 4604)



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 26th October 2017, 11:12 pm

    Strong - 32
    Boss - 5

    Hughe vs. Paladins

    Everyone had called their opponents and Hughe decided he'd just tackle the two remainders. While he was a celestial wizard, all his spirits were worker type spirits- carpenters, masons, welders, and all that good stuff. In his mech suit, Hughe had the edge on the paladins since the suit was made for fighting badass magical beings. One of the paladins he was facing had begun rushing after Leila, but was instantly hit in the helmet by a fifty caliber steel bullet that sent it flying backwards. "You ain't goin' nowhere skippy, yer ass is mine!" he shouted and let off another round, hitting the paladin in the helmet. He accidentally hit it in the eye hole and killed it off, ending his test run of the JH-7 suit's firearms prematurely. The other paladin had hit him in the back with its claymore, but the blade only bounced off the armor since slashing attacks were particularly shitty against plate armor. The spirit went in for a stab, but Hughe turned around and grabbed the sword befor punching the paladin in the chest with enough force to bend its armor. The paladin released his or her blade- the armor made it hard to tell which, and leaped back just in time to be crushed by Anhur. "Well shiyt... that ain't no fun, now I gotta- OH SHIYT!" Hughe exclaimed when a large, two headed snake shot out the ground below him and sent him and his suit flying. The snake turned to attack Anhur but the sound of a chain gun going off was heard and the snake's head took a round that didn't even crack the scales on it. The snake turned around and began going after Hughe who began firing two chain guns from his suit's arms that made the snake begin slowing. He could be heard screaming a song in his hick-billey accent "BE-HE-LUM! FUCK YEAH! Commin' again TO SAVE THE MUTHAFUCKIN DAY, YEAH!" before quickly switching to shouting "I LOVE MY SECOND AMMENDMENT RIGHT! WOOOOOOOOO!!!" with youthful exuberance. The snake had managed to get in close and tried to take a snap at him while the other head began firing poison darts. "YOU GOT A PERDY MOUTH!" he shouted before sending a rocket straight into the incoming jaw and blasting it apart, leaving only one head. The second head continued firing at Hughe's mech, each and every dart bouncing off the armor since it was basically like firing straws at a brick wall- and not the sturdy plastic ones, the crappy plant ones. Hughe activated the magnet on the suit's hand, pulling the paladin's sword he dropped early to it and moving towards the snake that kept firing in hopes it'd work. "Now don't move too much big feller, just gone take a lil'bit off the top." he said just before getting close enough for the snake to try and bit him. He grabbed the snake's fang and pulled the head to the ground before cutting it off. Once the fighting was over he'd look at the other girls and say "I'm aweful sorry ya'll done saw that. 'Ol Hughe gets a bit nutty when playin' with his toys." in a humble hick-billy way.

    Kaori vs. Paladins

    Kaori vanished and reappeared trying to slash her opponent and getting a quick check of their armor, seeing not a scratch appear she vanished and reappeared behind them. 'Yup, it's sturdy.' she thought to herself. Query had seen the attack and knew that Kaori was only testing its strength, and that she wasn't seriously trying to cut through solid metal with a two man sword. Kaori had reached into her satchel and pulled out a pistol and fired a couple rounds into its chest, each being stopped by the armor. 'Yup, it's also thick.' she thought and put the gun back. At this point, the two armored units had recovered from seeing Amaterasu and was able to see Kaori enough to come after her. She didn't break a sweat while deflecting their attacks, all the meanwhile examining their attack patters. The problem with this fight was that Kaori was a spell sword, and they were also spell swords but there was a critical difference... Kaori wasn't armored, and her enemies- the paladins, were covered from head to toe in thick metal. 'Let me fight them.' a voice called in Kaori's mind, one she'd never heard before. Kaori continued blocking attacks and seeming to be on the defensive (she really was) while she conversed with the new voice in her head (totally not crazy). 'Who are you?' Kaori asked with an emotionless tone that was unfitting of someone in the heat of battle. 'Call me Ira, my gate of Calamity.' the voice replied. Kaori felt a key forming in her free hand and she clenched it, not letting that distract her from vanishing and reappearing to attack the paladins. 'I'm free anytime, just don't summon me somewhere boring, mmkay?' she said, her voice was friendly and sounded like she was the kind of person who just wanted to have a good time. Kaori vanished and reappeared several feet away with the two paladins immediately turning to charge at her. She held the key out and said "Open! Gate of Calamity, Ira!" A silver magic circle appeared with hundreds of baseball sized fireballs shooting from it that sent the paladins flying back a couple feet. From the portal a girl shot out and hovered in front of Kaori. She had dark red hair and a pair of antelope horns sticking straight up from her head. She wore red clothing that, while revealing, didn't allow any viewing of her truly private zones. On her legs were a pair of boots that ran up to the middle of her thigh starting black at the toeas and gradually changing to the same red as her outfit. The gloves she wore ran to the middle of her forearm and were colored exactly like her boots.

    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private 7HjGZfk

    A bright flame moved around her as she charged the two paladins, hovering while accelerating. The paladins got up just as she got near and both took another set of fire balls to their armor, instantly leaving red hot patches from where they were hit. She flew high into the air and held her hands up, causing thousands of flames to appear before dropping her hand and making them rain down like meteors. Each and every one of them exploded upon hitting the ground and the paladins, forcing the men to stay down. Ira slowly descended, stopping in front Kaori and looking at the two armored units with a type of scowl. She held her hand out, forming a massive fireball that lit the ground around her on fire just by proximity and made the ball tiny... smaller than anything she'd fired before to the point where it went from being larger than Hughe's mech to the size of a pinball ball, and by doing so, released enough heat to make Kaori shield her eyes. The small orb was like a tiny sun, maybe even hotter since it was compacting so much energy into something so small. The paladins were slowly getting up as the orb finished shrinking at the tip of Ira's finger, finishing at being three millimeters in diameter and giving off so much heat that the ground below her had already turned to molten glass that was evaporating. The orb was released, sent flying forward and as soon as it touched the first paladin it exploded with enough force to tear both of them apart and enough heat to make their armor turn to steam. Ira turned around with a bright smile on her face and floated close to Kaori, putting her face within inches of the ninja's. "Did I do well!?" she asked in an excited tone. "Yes, very much so." Kaori replied causing the spirit to float backwards while twirling and convulsing slightly. The spirit then fist pumped the air while screaming "ALRIGHT!" in an overjoyed voice, proud that she was able to make a good first impression. She began flying around Kaori while asking "Can I stay out? Please??????" to which the ninja allowed. She had to admit she liked this spirit, she was dangerous, but so happy it was almost contagious- Kaori even put on half of a smile before putting the facial expression away.

    After Fighting

    Once all the enemies were gone, the sound of someone screaming "AMA!" was heard and the Kaori with black eyes was hugging the spirit. She gave Amaterasu a kiss on the cheek before returning to hugging her tightly and her original self with a sweat drop running down the back of her head. Kaori had her first expression of the day, absolute bewilderment as to why the hell her dark self was showing affection to Amaterasu. The dark Kaori vanished upon getting a hug in return, leaving even more questions. "Amaterasu, did you drug her?" she asked with a seemingly serious tone, then again, it was the same time she had for everything else she said this day. With that business over, Kaori turned to face a path made of broken concrete that lead from the road to a door to the facility. She looked at it and noted that it required some sort of key card to gain access, and Kaori didn't feel like blasting a hole in the door and attracting every enemy within to that one spot... "So, anyone have a key?" Kaori asked and Hughe promptly aimed his hands at the door getting ready to fire. "I'll take care of this." Ira said with a worried expression while floating towards the door. She pressed the tip of her finger to the door and the whole thing, including the alarm box inside, turned bright red and melted to the floor. It was a quiet method of entry so Kaori didn't complain...

    The facility was decorated in corpses and smelled of death. Blood spatters were everywhere, and there was a spot on the ground from where a man was dragged away trying to use his fingers to dig into the metal tiles and leaving a trail of bloody claw marks. Just before passing a spot after a few minutes of walking down a straight hall, the wall panel burst out letting a corpse that was stored behind it fly out and land directly in front Kaori. Hughe had instinctively pointed his gun at it and nearly fired, but stopped when he saw the rotted flesh and lack of movement. "Fucking jumpscares." he said while lowing his weapon. After even more walking, they came to a room with many computers. Kaori pulled out a stick drive and began working on getting the data while there wasn't anyone fighting... which is when she should have knocked on wood. From the ceiling four things dropped covered in black skin. They had the same eyes Kaori had, ruby in color and had twin tails- but the rest of them screamed literal demon... They were supposed to be Celestial versions of Kaori according to the logs she just conveniently cross and began reading. "Sammy, trust me on this, use Kali to keep one busy and Amaterasu to attack!" Kaori shouted upon reading the info. They weren't as dangerous as Kaori, but they had telekinesis which means Amaterasu alone wouldn't be enough. "I can handle one on my own, Summoner!" Ira shouted, and Hughe was already getting ready for the national anthem of fuck you town. "Keep them off me if you can, I need to make sure these files get copied- which means keeping debris away from this console!" "Right!" "Yessum!"

    Words: 6,012   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 27th October 2017, 2:18 am

    Word Count:
    7,215 / 6,700
    (WC finished)

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    "You are far too kind."

    Such was Leila's reply to Samira's words, surprised on her comeback where she would try to reassure the Eden's caretaker that each celestial wizard could excel in a different area. And it was true. No single person was perfect and everyone focuses on their own strengths and weaknesses. There was no point even trying to make a scale where mages would be graded and set from strongest to weakest. Yes, it was done often based on the magical power of an individual, but even the weakest ones could help with their own abilities, in their own way. It was wrong to go and try to step on the efforts of someone simply because they did not yet have enough experience and power to impress those in leading positions. The white-haired maiden was also surprised that this green-haired girl was an ace of Lamia Scale. True, she didn't concern herself much with the matter of other guilds, but she still figured that she would have heard about an ace of the guild. It was also yet another proof that this girl had skills to back her up on this mission, which was very good. Leila used to be an ace of her guild as well in the past. But the position was removed due to an unfortunate accident which caused the girl to disappear for many months and she wasn't able to regain it since. And then it came down to the matter of Kaori. A lot of time has passed indeed. And during that time, a lot has happened with the Saint judging by Samira's words. If this was her 'good' state, then it made the caretaker all the more worried. Whatever was the cause of this, perhaps she could help somehow. She was a stranger to this due, but she was a kind one in nature. She was drawn to the idea of helping others and overcoming hardships.

    But something like that had to wait. Once the dark Kaori disappeared, they had to stop wasting time and move forward as the real deal already charged in along with her mechanical companion. In a strange way, looking at the beautiful girl from behind like this reminded Leila of herself and the golem despite the personalities being nothing alike and the fact that there was an actual person of flesh and blood inside of that pile of metal. No matter, she would shake her head and clear out her mind, as it was time to focus on her own foes. Even in battle, it would be very rude to pay attention to anything other than your enemy. Charging into the barrier herself, the girl felt a rather odd sensation, her hair standing atop her skin. Was this the effect of the magical field she had just entered? Perhaps it was because the structure of her body was different to most that she felt a little special something after entering. But her body was not instantly falling apart or withering away, which was clearly a good sign. At least for now. From the corner of her eye, she also noticed a third paladin trying to get to her, though it was quickly stopped by the man who joined them and his rather fancy gun. She had to make sure to thank him later. In the meantime, one of the two paladins she claimed would start running forward and without wasting any time, he swung the weapon in his hand horizontally straight at her. With a small and well-timed jump, Leila would land atop the weapon and ride it as the momentum carried it to the creature's side, his head turning along with it as he carefully watched the girl. If there was any worry in his mind, then it was probably well deserved. Unlike many other celestial wizards of her caliber, this one had a much different focus.

    Rather than having a fighting style where her summons would fight and do all the work for her, she was used to fighting alongside them on the front lines. Which also meant that she had plenty of experience in close quarters and to a degree, such area was even her true specialization. Quickly moving forward atop the blade, she would deliver a powerful kick to her enemy's head as her leg became covered in a gray bark-like skin, hardening it considerably. This knocked the paladin down to the ground even if he had the protection of a helmet. But the moment Leila landed on the ground, she had to worry about the second one who charged in to help his friend, performing a vertical swing that the girl sidestepped quite easily. But she saw what that hit did to the ground next to her, splitting it apart rather easily. It was quite scary, to be honest. If all the enemies in this place were like this, then she was very glad that there were two other powerful mages on her side. But right now, she was alone against these two. In other words, it was probably time to call in for little reinforcements. The biggest problem right now was the armor of these guys, as the caretaker's magic didn't really have anything that could deal with that effectively. In other words, it had to be that spirit. Just the idea of summoning her would make Leila rather nervous. The one spirit she was completely unable to control. But it had to be done if she wanted to win. With a loud gulp, she would swing her hand to the side as a wooden key flew out of her sleeve and into her palm. In a similar way to Samira, she would point the key forward as space itself started warping in front of her, opening a gate into the Gardens of Eden directly.

    "In the corrupted Gardens, in the land consumed by man. You sleep and you dream, your world spiraling into nightmares everlasting. Hand in the golden pools of blood, you come and you make us bleed."
    "Gate of Sleeping Maiden of Horrors - Lisette!"


    A golden night would engulf the area around her for a moment and once it faded, a large mirror stood in front of Leila who would slowly start backing away, drops of sweat going down her forehead. In only a few seconds, a figure would appear in the mirror and as if the reflective surface was not even there, her hands going out and grabbing onto its frame. A maiden at first most fair and beautiful would start crawling out of it. But then her eyes would be revealed. Eyes that hungered for blood and devastation. And soon, a loud and maniacal laugh would become the lullaby of this battlefield. That was the girl's most dangerous spirit, Lisette. Once perfectly normal. But as others tried to take away the power of her world, the Gardens of Eden, the area where she lived became corrupted. And this was the result of tens after tens of years of living in a corruption like that. As the newly arrived spirit left the mirror, it would shatter behind her completely. In each of her hands, she would hold golden scissors that reflected the vile light of the barrier around them. She didn't have to even look around that much before she spotted one of the paladins who charged at her, trying to dispose of the newly arrived enemy. With yet another swing, it tried to cut the female in half. But the sword was easily stopped by one of those scissors as if it hit a unmoving wall, the surface of a mountain. Those purple eyes of Lisette's would suddenly turn crimson red as she moved her other hand into the air and swung the second weapon. That one single vertical swing instantly shattered the paladin's armor without even making any contact at all. Such was Lisette's power, the spirit who ran on hate and aggression alone.

    "Weak! This is so weak it makes me want to vomit! How dare you summon me to fight something like this?! You good for nothing caretaker bitch... I'll cut you down instead! Ahaha!"

    Continuing to laugh, she would deflect the claymore that rested against her scissors and jumped at the now armorless enemy, slashing away at him without mercy. She would force him to the ground and get on top of him, repeatedly stabbing her weapons into the poor thing's body. Choosing to leave the spirit to her own devices, Leila would slowly back away and face the remaining paladin who also seemed to slightly back away in fear. Perhaps it was a mistake to summon this girl after all... the caretaker did not want to take away lives of these creatures despite them being hostile. If they possessed any presence of mind and ego at all, she didn't want to bloody her hands. Her spirit was something completely different though. With a sigh, she would take this opportunity to charge in and punch the paladin's chest plate, her hand transforming into something akin to a tree's branch. Expanding rapidly, it pushed the celestial being back and then into the air, Leila following him. Her extended arm would instead wrap around its entire body and swing it over her, using the momentum and the fact they were some distance above the ground to toss it back down. And it was quite effective, as her brute force managed to force it's head deep into the ground, effectively pacifying it for now. On the other hand, the one that had to face Lisette was most definitely dead... unless these creatures were like celestial beings themselves and as such, actually immortal. And speaking of the devil, the horror maiden sneaked behind her summoner and leaned in dangerously close.

    "Hey... what do you think you're doing? If you're going to dispatch of your enemy then do it properly, damn it! Ugh, I'm going back. Summon me again if you something actually worth fighting."

    Thankfully without wanting to cut down Leila herself, Lisette would summon another mirror into which she would crawl in and let it disappear into the thin air. With a sigh of relief, the white-haired maiden would look around to see how the rest was doing. It seemed that she took most time of them all, as they both were already finished. She also managed to catch a glimpse of the other Kaori going down on someone else this time. So that was the type of person she was, huh? Well, no matter. The real Kaori was not standing around and already started marching toward the facility, so Leila would follow right behind. Now that she was close again, she could see just how impressive the spirits these to possessed were. They truly were powerful celestial wizards, weren't they? Compared to them, Leila focused much more on her own power rather than expanding her abilities to control her spirits. Especially when it came down to the more powerful ones and controlling them. Still, she was proud of her spirits and had a very close bond to them. She would even soon get to see the abilities of Kaori's summon when they arrived at their very first obstacle in the form of very closed and sturdy door. The one called Ira would melt them away like it was nothing and allowed them to enter. Though soon enough, the caretaker wished that they would have never had to enter a place like this. The smell of death was strong here, quickly filling her senses that were stronger than those of a regular human. All these animalistic traits were clearly not always the best to have. She had to quickly back away as she had to fight the urge to instantly throw up, her hands cover both her mouth and her nose. Looking with a defeated look at both Kaori and Samira, she tried to take a deep breath with her mouth.

    "Please... don't mind me. Just go, I will remain in the back. Just need a little bit of time..."

    And with that, she would slot herself behind the entire group, holding some distance from them on the unfortunate chance she would not be able to hold in. Thankfully she was slowly starting to get used to it, which was not necessarily a good thing from the moral standpoint. Still, this place gave her the creeps. If at all possible, she wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. Especially once the body suddenly flew out of the wall. She probably had the worst reaction to them all, letting out an embarrassingly loud yelp. She was no coward, not at all. But this was different. She was not really scared. She was mortified by the horrors around them. The sheer amount of lives that were lost in this place, it was absolutely horrid. And as someone who wanted to protect everyone to the best of her abilities, it was a cruel reminder that she was unable to save everyone and that some were simply fated to perish in the most ungraceful of ways. Soon they arrived at a place that was completely out of Leila's area of expertise, computers everywhere that she had no idea how to properly work with. Thankfully, Kaori was already going at it on her own. Though it seemed that her actions attracted only more dangerous foes. These four celestial beings that suddenly dropped from the ceiling... they felt different to the paladins before. Definitely stronger too. And their appearance alone was something that would easily strike fear into the hearts of even the most powerful men. Taking few steps back, the caretaker would prepare herself for more combat as orders were given. It seemed that Each of them would take on one. And though none of those words were directed straight at her, she would nod to it as well as she charged forward at the one at far right.

    She planned to take it down as soon as possible, not giving it any time to react. But that plan didn't quite work, as a box suddenly came flying from the side, hitting the caretaker in the head and stopping her for a moment. It seemed that they indeed had abilities similar to Kaori, not just the looks. But in that single instant, the celestial demon she tried to attack managed to close the distance and its hand pierced the maiden with ease. The black-skinned hand went right through her stomach, sticking out behind her. With a single grunt of pain, the girl would smile, however. She was an immortal being who no longer feared death in this world. And if she couldn't close the distance herself, the enemy closing the distance by themselves worked just fine. A number of vines and roots suddenly started crawling all over the demon's bloodied hand, keeping it in place and buried through the entirety of Leila's stomach as she transformed her body in such way to make sure that this little darling was not going anywhere. The moment she saw them, she realized that her base power was not enough. And while she could summon again, this place was not as big as the outside. Well, all that were mere excuses. She just wanted to try out her new tricks, didn't she? Yes... the room's temperature suddenly started lowering by a considerable amount, the machinery being suddenly covered by a slight amount of frost with the exception of those that Kaori was working on. Hoping that none of her allies had a cold as their weakness, she would allow the flow of etherano from the Gardens of Eden be free. The result of that was a great increase in the girl's magical power and her appearance suddenly changing as it was shrouded in snow.

    The demon started trashing in order to free itself and create some distance but to no avail. Its hand was firmly stuck and the transformation itself create an invisible shockwave that traveled through the room and managed to injure all of the enemies present, not only the one she faced. And finally, the snow would disperse only to reveal the demon's hand being stuck in an ice sculpture rather than a person. Leila was right to the side, as she already used a substitution spell to free herself and imprison the enemy at the same time. Her magic was the same in its nature, but her body looked different. Most of her form was covered in a cloak of white fur with a small veil of frost covering it. Her hair still completely white but seemingly shorter. A pair of antlers was atop her head in a similar way to Kaori's summon too. This was her first take-over form, the beast of Eden. A form that took after the mythical creature called a Wendigo. Taking a deep breath with her mouth, she would swiftly swing her hand forward, ice suddenly forming in that direction and creating a giant glacier that covered a good quarter of the entire room, completely covering the enemy inside of it in an instant. And that was it... she was at her strongest right now and the ice was not going anywhere unless someone would try to break it or she would melt it herself. For as long as she would keep it around, the demon she faced would remain stuck inside, completely immobilized and finished for now. Looking around, she would see how the rest of her party was doing so that she could help anyone who would need her help. Though she fully believed her allies and the abilities they had, as well as their spirits.

    Non-template version:

    Last edited by Leila Vergious on 28th October 2017, 9:43 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Had to fix a little mistake in the template)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 27th October 2017, 10:43 am

    With Samira keeping herself in the back while her spirits took care of her wave of enemies, she was able to also observe how the others were doing in case she needed to quickly form a plan to aid in any way. One could consider it as one of the benefits of having a more passive role in combat. She could see the strengths and weaknesses of both ally and enemy as a battle progressed.

    Kaori's side of the fight she didn't pay all that much attention to. Not because she wasn't interested in it, but because she had little to worry when it came to the ninja mage. Samira also already knew her abilities all too well and what she was capable of. Still, when Kaori summoned a spirit that had not been seen before it was slightly surprising and gained a moment's notice as the new celestial being took care of the enemies with ease. Amaterasu's earlier theory had been right after all. More spirits were being drawn to her friend as her power grew. One could only hope more didn't end up having the same personality traits as Aquarius. One of those was enough for any celestial mage to handle. As for the man in the mech suit...well...that was something. "Men and their toys," Samira muttered to herself with a shake of her head. There were likely women out there that would have had as much fun with the mech and battle as Hughes, but considering he was now man number two on the tally of weapon fanatics it was automatically assumed to be a man thing by default.

    Leila seemed to be like Kaori in that she was a close up fighter and could aid her spirits with that strength. As she made glances in that direction she could see that the animal-like woman used some sort of Take Over magic, or at least that was what Samira could assume from the bark and wood features her leg and arm had taken during her battle. Both a celestial mage and a Take Over user; two magics that could be considered quite complex and difficult to master for their own reasons. If it were another time or place Samira would have allowed herself to be envious of the other. Such trivial human flaws would have to get attention and patted another time. Leila had also summoned a spirit that was powerful in its own right due to taking down one of the paladins all on its own even with the heavy armor, and with scissors no less. There was something...off with that spirit though. Samira grimaced when she saw the spirit repeatedly stabbing the fallen paladin, and then looked away. Leila's battle had gone well and she required no aid. When it was finished, the green haired summoner was relieved to see that particular leave. All eight of the paladins had been defeated, as well as the giant two-headed snake that had revealed itself mid-battle.

    Samira approached her two spirits with a small smile on her face. "Good wo-" She had just been about to praise them and request that they keep a lookout as they progressed further when the black-eyed version of Kaori appeared, hugging onto the light spirit known as Amaterasu. Her green eyes widened a bit from the surprise appearance and due to the fact it was now the second time the dark version had hugged and kissed the spirit's cheek. Had she missed something during their adventure in the first research facility? "Wha-Hey! This is not the time nor place!"

    "Calm yourself, Samira. It is not her fault that I am quite cuddly and irresistible to even the dark halves of your friends. Perhaps you should hug her more." Amaterasu said with an amused smile on her face. Oh, how she did enjoy toying with her summoner with such remarks. It got a reaction every time when it involved Kaori or Ikuchi. Samira really needed to make more friends for even more possibilities. Samira could only facepalm, recalling how similar that statement was to the one back in Iceberg when Ikuchi had talked to Amaterasu in a more friendly tone while she herself was only getting words in cold form. The light spirit was satisfied with the reaction, having felt the mixture of emotions practically radiating off of Samira. She returned the hug given to her and the dark Kaori vanished. Although the true one seemed quite perplexed. The spirit put on an innocent smile. "I do not believe so." In all honesty she had no idea why that version of Kaori liked her so much, but she wasn't about to think too much about it. "Why don't I ever get hugs?" Agni asked as both of his heads drooped in a depressed state.

    "Would you like a hug?"
    "Sure, why not?"
    "Samira, command Anhur to hug him!"
    "Yeah...you know what? Nevermind. I'm good. I'm just going to go. The feeling from this place is really starting to get to me anyway. Later!"

    The two headed flame spirit then puffed into magic particles, returning to the celestial realm that he came from. Anhur also transformed back into his normal state, leaving the form of the large winged flame lion and taking on the two legged human shaped version with lion features. "The other two have already started moving. Save the jokes for later." Samira nodded her agreement and began to follow after Kaori, Ira, and Leila. Amaterasu and Anhur watched the back in case any more surprise enemies followed. The small group came to the most dangerous obstacle imaginable; a locked door! Surprisingly, Kaori actually asked if anyone had a key instead of automatically blasting her way through it. The change of medication really was helping. The newest spirit in Kaori's arsenal took care of it with such simplicity and without any explosive chaos that Samira admired it. Although if Agni had not left he probably could have done the same thing. Maybe. It was doubtful he would have had that gentle touch.

    With the horrible obstacle dealt with the group was now able to go inside where the scenery was much like the one from the first facility. Blood was everywhere, but one small difference was there. There were more corpses. It seemed the spirits of this one only killed their enemies rather than eat them and tear them apart. Then again aside from the clones of her spirits, the spirits of the first facility did not have a true form and moved around as some sort of fog. Different levels of progress existed between the two research buildings. Samira did not show any signs of sickness due to having seen it before, but she and Amaterasu looked over at Leila with concerned expressions from her reaction. "Very well, Animal Maiden of Celestial Spirits," Amaterasu said when Leila requested to remain in the back in order to regather her composure. Naturally, the spirit had given her a rather long nickname rather than using her actual name. It was a quirk of hers, and if she had known the true origins of the take over summoner a different name would have been given altogether. At that moment, the only thing she knew was that Leila had animal features and she was a celestial mage so it would have to do. "I will remain close by."

    As Kaori and Ira had taken the lead, Samira followed with Anhur behind her. Amaterasu was behind him but with some distance so that she was still near enough to Leila in case anything popped out and she required aid. With three powerful beings around her summoner, the light spirit was not too concerned about her summoner's safety, and even if something were to happen she was quick enough to make it there before anything serious happened. As they walked, a corpse fell out of a busted wall panel, landing on the ground. Its sudden appearance made Samira jump in place as her heart nearly stopped. The yelp given off by Leila had only added to the jump scare. Putting a hand on her chest where her own heart was located, Samira took a deep breath to calm herself. More walking continued after the scare peacefully. It certainly was a lot more quiet than the original facility. So much so that it was unsettling.

    A computer room was reached, and Kaori went to work on gathering data from them. It was a task Samira did not quite understand so she left the ninja to do her work as she glanced around the place. Then the peace was ruined. The building that seemed to be void of enemies was not so. Four black beings appeared from the ceiling, each one resembling Kaori's shape and eyes, but not much else. Like the spirit clones from before, these were darker versions and likely were very hostile. Samira's eyes narrowed, expecting a fight and upon hearing Kaori's advice she quickly went for the other spirit's key. The black Kaori's were fast, however. One of the consoles had lifted from where it was plugged in and went flying towards Samira as a distraction while the being itself moved to attack directly. Both console and celestial demon made impact with nothing but the wall as Amaterasu picked up her summoner and moved her to a safer end of the room. "Thank you, Ama," the summoner said gratefully. Amaterasu nodded and went back to focusing on the opponent. Unfortunately as the two collided the light spirit had found herself at a slight disadvantage as the telekinetic abilities made it annoying for her to take care of the demon while also having to go back and take care of anything that was being thrown Samira's way. During her process of going back and forth she was thrown to the side and crash landed into a computer console. “Open, gate of the Avatar, Goddess of Destruction! Kali!” The words were said very quickly as she made the movements to open the portal. With Amaterasu still recovering herself, that left Samira wide open. The thing sped forward, preparing to attack, but was stopped just as it got close.

    "More abominations," Kali spat in disgust as her trident impaled the black Kaori demon with one hand as she stepped from her portal. Her other two hands wielding a pair of scimitars then raised to block a counter attack. The hold on the creature was weakening as it began to use its telekinetic abilities to separate the swords. Kali also began to hear something within her mind, although it was quite incoherent. Did that thing really think it could speak and distract her in such a way? "Idiot." Kali used whatever strength she had to push the demon away, and then swung the trident to the side and throwing it away, taking the impaled figure with it. The enemy was quick to get back on its feet and return to battle, using its powers to remove the trident and sending it towards Kali in an attempt to stab through her with it. Being a master of mobility and the weapon itself, Kali avoided it and was able to grab a hold of it mid flight before using it again to strike her demon opponent while using her other blades to keep it distracted. Kali was taking a few hits while she could barely keep up with the abomination and its telekinetic powers. She found herself having to step back repeatedly before the strategy could play out fully. Thankfully, the demon had been further distracted by some sort of invisible shockwave that came from Leila's abilities. Amaterasu had recovered herself and before the creature could get back at it she appeared and sent her blade through its skull, stabbing it under the chin and going up vertically so the blade's end appeared at the top of the head. Her light attacks worked wonders on such a dark being, and it was quite finished. It then disappeared into black and corrupted celestial particles.

    Samira was back to watching the battle although the temperature had become cold from Leila's new transformation. She hugged herself and shivered but still remained focused in case she needed to get another spirit line up ready. Wait a minute. Amaterasu. Kali. Ira. Hughe. Leila. Kaori. Her finger pointed at each one and she blinked when she noticed Anhur was not present. Her head turned and miraculously she found him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, ignoring the battle entirely. What? He hadn't been commanded to do anything, and he saw no reason to jump in.

    (Word Count: 2114
    Total So Far: 6718)



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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 28th October 2017, 4:16 am

    Strong - 32
    Boss - 1

    Hughe vs. Paladins

    The battle between Hughe and the demonized Kaori had ended pretty damn fast. She tried hitting him with a flying object, but the computer she tossed had shattered upon impacting his metal suit and he replied by pointing his gun at her and blasting her heart out. He had then looked around to see everyone else fighting still, but no one had afforded him an opportunity to quickly end their fight without risking putting a hole in them as well. He opted to move out the way and stand at the side of the room while keeping a lookout for anything else that might become problematic. Ira however wasn't having such an easy time. She had got a single fire ball off before something hit her in the stomach and sent her flying back, impacting the wall but not falling to the ground. She floated out the way quick enough to dodge another flying office chair, but the demon had used that time to get in as close as possible and nearly got a swipe off on the spirit's neck. Luckily, Ira was one of the higher ranking spirits who was very agile with a damn good reaction time and was able to dodge the attack with a backflip in air. A fire orb was fired that hit the demon in the stomach and sent her flying back while also creating an opening for Ira. She lifted her hand and hundreds of fire balls had formed, upon her dropping the hand as though she were cutting the air all the orbs launched themselves at the demon and completely destroyed it.

    Leila's fight had taken the longest, though, not that much longer than Samira's. It had turned out that Kaori's advice had yielded good results once Kali had hit the field and took the pressure off Amaterasu. Leila had trapped the demon inside ice using an absolutely brilliant plan, and Samira's spirits had obliterated their demon with Kali being a distraction and Amaterasu finishing it. Ira had begun flying around Kali "Ooooh! This one has four arms, that's really cool!" she then gave Kali a hug. If she would try to hit Ira, she'd fly back and say "Hehe, not a happy camper huh?" with a bright smile on her face. Kaori found it amusing just how cheery she could be while also intentionally toying with Samira's spirit. She then hovered over to Amaterasu and poked her cheek. "You're shiny... Summoner, can we invite her for a sleep over? She'd make an invaluable night light, and seems much cuddlier than the salt goddess over there." she said, referring to Kali as the salt goddess and exposing her inner troll. "To be quite honest, I wouldn't mind having both of them over." Kaori replied while typing in command prompts. "Seriously!? We can have a sleep over?!" Ira exclaimed and put on an even larger smile. "I don't see a problem with it. We'd need to plan it out, but let's handle one thing at a time." she replied. Ira had agreed while also floating near Leila, smiling from ear to ear while playing with her horns and releasing a small giggle.

    The sound of something clanking was heard coming from one of the halls. "Good, he made it so we don't need to hunt him down." Kaori said calmly. The sound of the armor was heavier than the paladins, and judging by the record of the last log she saw, there was only one thing in the building that wore armor... and it was now approaching. The log didn't give any details as to its capabilities, but they did mention around the time of its creation the other celestial spirit failures began vanishing at random. A being in samurai like armor with a crazy mustache had entered the room... the celestial king. Kaori yanked the chip from the console and got ready for the fight ahead. Ira had floated backwards, knowing the king was a melee fighter and a direct counter to someone like her. Hughe however didn't know this little detail and began opening fire on the king who raised his arm and blocked every single round from the chain guns. He then turned into a bolt of light and punched Hughe in the torso of his armor with a light-fire mix as though he were taking elements from the two strongest spirits in the facility, Amaterasu and Ira. Hughe flew back and slammed into the wall hard enough to force the suit to shut down. Kaori took note of that strength and vanished, reappearing and slashing the armor in the torso before vanishing. "Burn." she said, and the armor immediately turned white hot but the king showed no signs of pain. Ira began firing fireballs, but they didn't phase him and it seemed like he was turning his attention to the source of the most celestial spirits in the room... the one true celestial wizard.

    (OOC: Let's have the king last a bit, I wanna use him for an excuse to bring Aquarius out.)

    Words: 6,857   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 28th October 2017, 9:37 am

    Word Count:
    8,190 / 6,700
    (WC finished)

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    It appeared that her plan to encase the strange Kaori-like demon in ice without killing it actually worked quite well. The beast was completely stuck in place and didn't have enough force to just break free without any assistance. That was her foe down then. And looking around, it seemed that everyone else was able to deal with their opponents just fine as well. This team was quite something indeed. It was a little bit rarer for the Eden's caretaker to be in the company of mages that equaled or exceeded her in their rank, so it was almost like a breath of fresh air. Not that she disliked working with more fresh mages who were just getting started with their careers, but as someone once said - variety is the spice of life. Or something along those lines anyway. The girl adored meeting new people and creating new connections, which was something that missions such as these allowed perfectly. When thrown into a life or death situation, there was just no other option than to get along and cover one another. Cooperation was the key to success here. And even if it might have been forced at first, people tied like that could later realize that it actually wasn't all that bad. Though she was lucky, as no one from this team seemed to be that way. Yes, Kaori was little less approachable in a sense than last time, but it wasn't like she was outright cold toward them. And Samira seemed nice enough too. The two of them would have to spend some more time together to actually figure out what the other one was like outside of a dreadful situation like these, but that was for later. For now, Leila would just let out a satisfied sigh as she did not sense any other enemies approaching for now. And even the fire spirit from before came over to... play?

    She didn't really mind the antlers being observed and toyed with, as long as she wouldn't try to set them ablaze. But such peaceful and nice mood soon faded completely, as a sound echoed throughout the facility. Something big was clearly approaching. Bigger than the paladins from before judging by the sound. And it seemed that the Saint of Passion knew exactly what it was, but chose to let it introduce itself. Surely enough, something soon came out of the corridor and stood tall in the room with all the girls. Something that resembled the celestial king. Or at least that was what Leila figured. Her celestial spirits were from Eden rather than the usual celestial plain, which meant she never really dabbled with that being of higher power. But she did read about him in many books when she was actually doing her research about the summoning magic when she was about to learn it. Hughe was the first one to charge and showcase that this foe, unlike the other ones, boasted a rather grand defense as well as offense. The mechanical suit didn't seem to stand much of a chance, being quickly knocked back with ease. Kaori took a stab at it next, choosing a little different tactic with her fire-based attack as well as support of the spirit. But no matter how much they threw at him, there was no visible discomfort shown. Which either meant that this thing was deprived of any and all sense of pain normal creatures have, or it was just so powerful that their attacks weren't doing anything to it at all. And frankly, everyone in the room was probably hoping that it was just the former and they were actually dealing damage to this beast. Leila quickly grew wary when the beast started focusing on Samira as well.

    At rather high speed, the caretaker would jump in front of the celestial mage and slammed her hand into the ground, a wall of ice swiftly erecting in front of her. This created at least something between where she was with Samira and the enemy. She also did note the nature of that attack which hit Hughe. This thing had a number of elements at least. And if one of them was fire, then she had to take proper countermeasures. Her own form would now be covered in a thin veil of flames, as well as the wall she created. This was frost-fire, a special mixture of two elements that were normally at opposition with one another. But making them cooperate through the use of magic only made it all stronger and the ice was no longer so vulnerable to fire-based attacks. Naturally, something like this would probably not stop the celestial being from attacking them. Taking another key into her hand, Leila would point it in front of her and take a deep breath. Hopefully, there weren't many other powerful enemies like this, because she planned to go all out.

    "I call you forth, you who passes judgment on the stars, you who holds both black and white in your hands and assuring balance amidst them all.
    Heavenly Scales - Libra!"

    Creating a second rift today, she summoned a spirit that actually was from the regular celestial plane. Her most powerful one, in fact. The dark-skinned woman would elegantly step out of the portal as it closed behind her, a katana in hand as she ran one of her hands through the long black hair.

    "Aaah, finally out! It's been a while since you needed my help, Leila. Guess this is pretty serious~"

    Assuming a defensive stance in front of the two girls, Libra was prepared to use all of her abilities to deflect any incoming attacks from any side. But now that Leila and her spirit were completely on the defensive, it would fall down onto Kaori and Samira's summons to deal the damage.


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    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 28th October 2017, 1:21 pm

    All battles had come to an end and the group was left in peace once more. The spirit called Ira had become relaxed to the point of using Samira's spirits as amusement. Kali just glared at the spirit that flew around her like some annoying fly. The blue skinned spirit was just about to make a remark about how foolish it was to be so carefree in such an environment when the most horrible thing imaginable occurred; Kali had been hugged. Her white eyes glowed with frightening intensity. How dare she trap her inside an embrace! She didn't even allow Samira's other spirits touch her! It was lucky Ira had predicted something like that would happen, or she would have been struck by each of the four arms before being tossed out of the lab where hopefully another one of those demons lied waiting. "Hmph, vile creature," Kali muttered as Ira flew away while making the remark about not being a happy camper. The demonic looking spirit was not in the mood for such things. She had been injured from distracting the prior enemy, and one should not forget her mood was always bad to begin with.

    Next on the list of the curious spirit was Amaterasu. Her cheek was poked, earning a warm and amused smile from the light spirit. She took no offense to the action like Kali had. From her point of view, curiosity was healthy and the observations made were akin to a child. The remark about Kali being a goddess of salt earned a chuckle from herself while Kali could only growl upon hearing the nickname. Already snickers from the others could be heard, but with a simple mental communicated threat the mental space became quiet. As for Samira, the thought of a sleep over brought a bit of reluctance. They had attempted one before and that was anything but a traditional sleepover. Still, even getting warped to some arena in an angel world where they had to fight and win in order to leave was a part of the more happier times. Perhaps it should be considered more and put on the possibly list rather than the idea being tossed in the trash completely.

    A very loud clanking sound could be heard through the halls outside of the room, causing Samira and her spirits to tense up as they turned their gazes in the direction of the sound. Soon the source of the sound had made his entrance within the room, causing the two spirits to narrow their eyes and step back. Even Anhur had begun to take the scenario seriously. He may have been gone from the celestial world for centuries, but he could never forget such a ridiculous mustached face. "So, it is not us this time but the King of Celestial Spirits and Glorious Mustaches himself," she observed as she gripped the hilt of her blade tighter. Her amused personality switched to a more serious one, and her smile had faded. Fighting clones of her fellow spirits and demon Kaori's were one thing. Fighting a clone of the Celestial King was another matter entirely.

    Samira's party watched as Hughe took his shots at the monstrosity before easily being swatted away with an attack that seemed to be a mix of fire and light. Samira went into thought as she observed it, finding it strange that those two elements in particular were used. They matched the ones of Amaterasu and Ira. Kali had no element tied to her specifically so it was hard to say for sure if he took on the same properties of his opponents. Kaori and Ira made their moves but had very little effect. Samira couldn't yet see any weaknesses, but it was to be expected. As a celestial mage she was quite aware of who and what the Celestial King was even if she had not personally ever met him. What morons would actually think they could create and control something with that type of power?

    The Celestial Monstrosity then focused on her for some reason despite being attacked by Kaori and Ira. Her senses told her to run due to feeling danger, but her mind made her stay and remain composed. She was no coward even if she was more passive in combat than her current companions. There was just the matter of what could be done to defeat him. Leila was quick to act in her defense before the King could make his move. She had created some sort of wall made of ice yet was also flaming, and her take over form had also begun to take the flaming attribute. Samira could guess it would help with the resistance to the fire power of the King by basic logic and reasoning, but there wasn't exactly any time to ask for details on how it worked. A new spirit was summoned by the wolf-eared mage, this time in the form of a Zodiac. Samira's eyes widened in admiration. That was the second Zodiac she had come across; the first being Kaori's Aquarius. It was also kind of interesting how she may have had the most spirits out of the three and specialized in it, and yet she did not have a Zodiac of her own. Well, probably best not to question such things. Being able to battle alongside two of them in one life time should have been an honor in its own right for any Celestial Mage. Libra had taken to the defensive much like Leila. That left Samira and her spirits to join in on the offensive.

    For now Kali and Amaterasu would be the ones she left up. She seriously doubted any of her utility spirits could stop the cloned Celestial King, but she kept the most powerful one at the forefront of her mind. Other powerful spirits consisted of a defensive one which was not needed due to Leila's defenses at that moment. Then that left two more offensive ones that might have been able to scratch him. The rest of the offensive ones were likely not at the appropriate power levels. There was still the fact she did not see any weaknesses though, and then there was that observation earlier with its attacks. 'Do not attack yet. I have a bad feeling about that thing,' Samira told her spirits mentally, not wanting to jump the gun before she was positive and had a plan. Unfortunately, Kali was not the waiting type. "I do not like waiting. Come up with a plan while I deal with it!" The four armed spirit then jumped forward from her position and headed towards the new enemy. "Kali! Stop!" Amaterasu reached out for her, but it was already too late. There was no stopping the attack now. Kali raised her weapons and took a leap, allowing the gathered momentum to send her towards the cloned Celestial King with her weapons raised and ready to strike. The eyes of both Samira and Amaterasu widened as the spirit disappeared, having been sucked into some sort of vortex and being consumed by the monstrosity. The result of Kali's attack even got the attention of Anhur, who had still been leaning against a wall.

    There was stunned silence from the trio for several seconds, but they were forced to get their focus back into the action when the cloned Celestial King began radiating some sort of magic. Within moments Kali formed next to him, only it wasn't the Kali tied to Samira, it was a clone that had been created. Amaterasu had been about to take a few swings at the King, thinking her speed would have been enough to get in and out before being consumed the same way her fellow spirit had. Anhur had by then left his comfortable wall, grabbed her shoulder, and shoved her behind him. "This is no longer a battle for spirits. You will only make things worse. I will not get eaten...I think."

    The clone of Kali had begun to move forward, but was bypassing everyone that was standing between it and the wall ahead that was being guarded by Libra. "This has become problematic." Her power came from her spirits. If they were in danger in such a way she couldn't very well risk summoning them in the normal way. Perhaps summoning them indirectly would work. Her magic energy began to course through her as she connected with a spirit within her mind space. His own energy flowed from his key and into her and as a result his power temporarily became hers to use. The clothing she wore even changed to reflect it, her normal casual attire changing into that of what some princess in a lost desert civilization would wear. She felt silly wearing such a thing, but the feeling would have to be ignored. Her eyes glowed orange for a second before a couple of mini suns dropped onto the cloned Kali just as it prepared to attack Libra, finishing it off. Now what were they going to do if more of the spirits got consumed? It worried her that Kali had not reentered her mind space even after the clone had been defeated.

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    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 7th March 2020, 11:39 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 29th October 2017, 4:55 am

    Kaori grit her teeth at the situation... She didn't have the emotional capacity to heavenly form, one of the many drawbacks of being medicated. Kali had gone off and attacked without thinking and gotten herself consumed. Libra was a powerful zodiac spirit who undoubtedly was skilled with her blade, and there was that frostfire wall of Leila's that stood in the way as well. Samira had used an ability they both shared that allowed them to wear their celestial spirits as armor, or clothes in Samira's case- but Samira had never seen Kaori use this ability as such. Kaori had always used that ability by using her spirits as weapons, and that's exactly what she did when she manifested a naginata in her hand and charged forward. A hard kick off the ground had sent her flying over Leila's frostfire wall and to the other side where Libra was and she kept running past her to meet mustache face. "Give back Kali you failed experiment." Kaori said in a nearly emotionless tone, the same tone she'd used with everything thus far. Kaori made a swing with the weapon and hit the armor of the king, a red pulse of energy shot up the shaft and to the blade at the top before exploding and sending the king flying back to the wall. He hit it hard enough to form a crater from the bent metal panels, but he simply pulled himself out from the crater and came after Kaori. Kaori had blocked his sword with the blade and noticed he was beginning to inhale while feeling her connection with Mammoth weaken. "Gate close!" Kaori shouted, causing the weapon to vanish from her hands before it could be eaten. She then felt the metal clad fist hit her stomach, causing her to spit blood from the power before sending her flying back straight through Leila's wall which burned through her clothing in place and left burns as she passed through, kept going, and hit the wall on the other side of the room and spat up more blood. Like a banana skin, she peeled off the wall and hit the ground without moving to get up. For the first time, Samira had witnessed Kaori lose... "Summoner!" Ira shouted while moving to Kaori's side and leaving the battlefield.

    Kaori opened her eyes after a good ten seconds and began getting up slowly, her back hurt like a bitch and she frankly was getting annoyed... which... actually was a good thing in this situation. In the ten or fifteen seconds Kaori was passed out, the king had engaged Libra in battle. While fifteen seconds of fighting didn't seem like much, such wasn't true in reality... Every second felt like an eternity in battle, and each and every motion, each breath, each strike, each block, each thought had all meant the difference between life and death. However, their battle had ended as Kaori came back to reality as the king had gotten tired of playing with Libra and taken to consuming her... Kaori's eyes turned fierce and her medicine was unable to hold back the level of anger she was feeling. She shot up, reaching both her hands out and summoning two straight swords and shouting "Shirofune!" before vanishing and reappearing in front the king. She moved in to attack and make a cut but her arm was caught just before she was lifted up to meet the king's eyes, and then Kaori was thrown. Her determination was greater than anything and Kaori flipped mid air, landing on the wall and forming a small shuriken in her right hand that begun glowing while spinning. "Tengoku no sutā..." Kaori said and made the shuriken begin spinning and growing quickly to be larger than she herself was. The room began getting increasingly hotter and hotter and the shuriken burst into white flames, something indicative of a demon slayer even though Kaori wasn't one. Kaori pushed herself off the wall and performed a spin in the air, shouting "...sekai o moyasu!" before throwing the shuriken and letting it rip through the air. Kaori landed on the ground and began lifting all of the computers in the room with her mind as she rolled forward to a stop, standing next to Leila and Samira. "Kaminari!" she shouted, making all the computers glow white and begin sparking with white lightning. They all began flying towards the Celestial King, right behind the shuriken.

    The king cut the shuriken in half, sending the two pieces spiraling behind him and exploding spectacularly. The computers met the same fate... "Leila, Sammy- hold him back for a bit." Kaori said and took a knee while closing her eyes. While Leila and Samira were fighting, Kaori was having a meeting with her spirits... She was asking for their help, what she should do against the Celestial King's evil twin. Charlotte had told her to hold out for a bit while she went to find Aquarius, the strongest of the Zodiac spirits. Leila would find the Celestial King to be immeasurably more powerful than the demonized thing she fought earlier, and after much fighting even she wouldn't be able to best it. It had been several minutes Kaori was communing with her spirits when she opened her eyes. Whether Leila was already on the ground, or still fighting and struggling, Kaori would find her opening and shout "Switch!" to Leila and Samira to let them know it was time to swap places and let themselves rest.

    Kaori had split into ten versions of herself all with white swords in their hands and vanished from place to begin attacking the king. Each appeared long enough to make a single cut, or block a single attack before vanishing again and repeating the process dozens of times over and over without rest. The king had been overwhelmed by the numbers for only a few seconds before he stomped the floor with his large metal covered foot and released a blast of light that destroyed all of the clones, leaving only one Kaori... the original. The king had kicked Kaori while she was in the air and sent her back towards the group, and pissing Ira off. The spirit began barraging the king with fireballs for days while forming the small sun at the tip of her finger. The king was able to resist the smaller attacks, but when the sun hit him and exploded it sent him not into the wall behind him- but through that one and the four walls on the other side of that. Ira quickly moved to Kaori's side again while shouting "Summoner! Get up!" and Kaori replying by slowly getting to resting on a knee while panting. "Are you alright, summoner? You need to stay back with the shiny person's summoner or-" the sound of flesh being torn was accompanied by Ira suddenly growing a horn from her chest... a sharp, long, thick, metal horn... Kaori's eyes narrowed at the sight, her heart stopped beating, and she felt sick to the stomach. Ira looked down as her eyes began looking as dead as Kaori's and a tear streamed down her face. "Well... I had fun at least." she said before being consumed by the Celestial King. "I-Ira..." she said weakly, still caught in the fact that one of her spirits was just consumed and she couldn't feel her connection any longer. Kaori was grabbed and thrown across the room, landing on the ground and not bothering to get up...

    The words of the lost spirit began echoing in Kaori's mind as she saw visions of Ira's smiling face. "Let me fight them." "Call me Ira..." "I'm free anytime, just don't summon me somewhere boring, mmkay?" "Did I do well!?" "Can I stay out? Please?" "This one has four arms, that's really cool!" "Summoner, can we invite her for a sleep over?" And then the nail in the coffin as the world faded to black for Kaori...

    "I had fun at least..."

    While Leila and Samira had been obligated to resume dealing with the king, everything seemed to start moving extremely slowly as white mist began rising from the floor. Even the Celestial King had stopped moving and begun looking around... At first, there was no emotions, but soon something began rising in the room that indicated what was about to happen... Unhappiness? No, it wasn't unhappy, it wasn't mad, or angry, or anything so lacking in substance. There was vengeance in the air and an all encompassing wrath. "Ira..." Kaori said in a raspy voice as she began getting up, her body coated in the same white mist that filled the room. Her eyes were pure white instead of ruby, or hazel as they once were a long time ago. She stumbled as she got to her feet, but recovered quickly. The king turned to face her as she said "Ira..." once more, a tear running down her face and stopping on her chin before dropping. Kaori took a breath and as the tear drop hit the floor, the amount of wrath in the room increased a thousand fold...

    Kaori's mind had returned to when she formed her first contracts, the words from the letter from Aquarius "Take my crew, and my ship. I'm no longer the captain... I've formed a pact with the Celestial King. He gave me a second chance, but at the cost of having to become a Celestial Spirit. My name is Aquarius, and this key is my own. Take it, and whenever you need a friend use it to summon me. We've avenged my crew, so I owe you this much." Everyone from the Arc of Destiny and each of her spirits were part of her crew. Each member of her crew were her responsibility, her family, her friends, and worth her life... every last one of them. She wouldn't stand for anyone harming any of them, even the most unhappy janitor received this treatment.

    The tear hit the ground releasing a single 'plop' sound that seemed to echo through the room. The mist materialized into pure white energy that erupted outwards, exploding from Kaori and tearing the tiles off the ground and sending them not into the wall, but through it as she shouted "IRAAAAAAAA!!!" in a shrill, wrath filled tone. A burst of white light consumed the room that not even Amaterasu if she was still around, or Anhur would be able to look at directly. When the light faded, it revealed a six foot tall being hovering in the room where Kaori once was... She was wearing a white mask with no facial features, a white dress that seemed to be made of some type of energy as that energy was constantly dispersing into the air without end, and a white katana that had the same energy radiating from it. Kaori's hair was no longer in twin tails, but left to hang freely and some strands, the ones that were on the ground, flowed around as though she were submerged under water. It was longer to boot, and despite her hovering six inches off the ground, her hair was still laying on the floor with over a foot to spare. Samira had seen this form multiple times, each time when Kaori needed to use all of her best and most powerful emotions and it was no different. Love, friendship, happiness, joy, and conviction permeated the air in the room and everyone would feel one thing, one single emotion that overpowered every last one of them... Hope.

    Kaori shot forward, her katana being blocked by the much larger Celestial King and her power being enough to force him back, sliding while trying to dig his heels in but failing to get traction. She slashed while their blades were crossed and the king kept on sliding back, blasting through a wall of computers behind him and then being sent flying the other direction when Kaori appeared behind her and slashed him again. This was the manifestation of Kaori's heart, an all encompassing level of passion that knew no equal. She vanished again and took a swing at the Celestial King upon reappearing that the king tried blocking with the armor on his forearm, a defense that before was adequate... A white line appeared that went through his arm, and then his arm, the part that was cut off that is, vanished into black particles. Kaori had slashed again, and the king used his sword to block this time and noticed that Kaori's had cut into it and created a chip. There was one name that Kaori was known by to members of her clan... Goddess of Passion, though she knew not why. It was because her passion was enough to shatter any defense, and break through to even the most vile creations and was the cause for many of their victories- many of her victories. The King had tried a desperate move and summoned Ira to his side, but the fireballs she fired at Kaori hit the dress and fizzled out. Ira had even fired her Solaris attack, forming the sun and condensing it to an impossibly small size before firing it at Kaori... and watching Kaori fly out of the explosion before cutting her in half. "I'm sorry, Ira." she said through her mask while doing so. At the same time, if Samira had heard it, she would feel that Kaori had also directed it at her since at one point she had attacked the green eyes woman as well- for a different reason though. She came after the Celestial King again and formed a second Katana to adopt a fighting style that used alternating attacks and rapid strikes. The king was skilled with the sword and had managed to block all of Kaori's attacks. His skill truly was legendary as after several minutes of constantly blocking Kaori, he countered her and sent her swords flying. He them went to try and stab Kaori, and Kaori threw a punched that hit the tip of the sword and filled his blade with her passion. The sword shattered at every part that touched Kaori's fist, turning to white particles as her fist shot down the blade until it reached the hilt. Kaori had though she'd won and let her guard down, and the Celestial King summoned Libra's sword and shoved it into Kaori's lung. He threw Kaori so hard that she ended up being pinned to the wall by the sword and was knocked straight out of her Heavenly Form. Blood ran from her mouth and the world was fuzzy looking to her. "It's over... you're options are to die now, or live long enough to watch me consume your spirits, or do both." the Celestial King said while approaching Kaori.

    "Sorry it took so long, I was getting flowers."

    The sound of Aquarius's voice in her mind made Kaori put on a smile as more blood came from her mouth."Anata wa opushon... shi o wasuremashita... baka" she said between breaths, a golden key manifesting in her right hand. Kaori slowly held it up, revealing the zodiac key to the king with a large smile on her face. "Open... Gate of the Sea Shanty... Aquarius!" A golden magic circle appeared around the tip of the key and water began rising in the facility from out of nowhere. Naturally, the water was pure white due to Kaori's spirits being holy as well as Celestials. The water filled the lower levels of the facility, and stopped at around knee height on Samira and Leila but continued sloshing about like the sea on a good day.

    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private QjgY59B

    From the water rose a man with red hair, a black cloak, tan skin, bandages around his stomach, and a fist made of solid steel... His golden eyes shimmered brilliantly before changing to cerulean eyes that continued to shimmer. Aquarius... the spirit notorious for being the strongest of all the keys. Their personalities had always been the same, stubborn, ornery, fearless, and extremely protective of their summoners and the spirits contracted to that summoner. Aquarius was the only spirit in existence that had a clause in his contract that permitted him to kill his summoner, and all the zodiac spirits knew of this clause... it was part of the agreement for becoming a Celestial Spirit and replacing the old Aquarius, a mermaid of sorts. The Celestial King had formed water around his hand and prepared to attack, but the water vanished completely and made him pause. The reason Aquarius was the most powerful was that he could create his element from the atoms in the air, and had absolute control over that element. The king was taking on the element of the strongest spirit in the room, which currently was Iron Fist... Aquarius made that strength his ultimate weakness. "You made a mistake touching my Captain bush face." Aquarius said before extending his palm in the Celestial King's direction as a condensed pillar of white brine. The king hadn't been finished by that, and Aquarius had raised his hand in the air like he was going to karater chop the king from over thirty feet away. The fight started with Kaori hitting his armor and using what seemed to be a fire spell, but was actually a curse that eats away at whatever it hits until that thing is too weak to function properly... His armor was no longer capable to saving his ass and when Aquarius dropped his hand and chopped the air, a blade of white water rose from the ground and cut the king in half. Ira, Libra, Kali, and any other spirit that was consumed reappeared in the room and the sword in Kaori's left lung vanished letting her fall to the ground from weakness. Aquarius had never left her side for the fight, a true show of how powerful his key was, and was able to catch her and carry her. Ira had quickly made her way to Kaori's side "Summoner, are you alright!?" she asked. Kaori had held her hand out and Ira held it with a desperate look on her face. "Can't kill me... need a damn army to kill me." the ninja said with a weak smile, she was truly exhausted. "Are you hurt?" Kaori asked Ira, to which the spirit shook her head.

    A group of ten more Celestial Failures had arrived, and others were spawning but Ira needed to go as she'd run out of time. "Sammy, Leila- We need to get out of here. The barrier's still up, but once it falls this place is becoming a crater." Kaori said in her robotic tone, her emotions had returned to normal once more. Kaori was too tired to continue fighting, and Aquarius was busy holding his captain to clear the place out. "You two think you can manage clearing a path?" Aquarius asked, though, he knew they'd be able to do it. The sound of engines whirring had signaled Hughe was back online and he slowly got up and regrouped with his captain. "I reck'in we gottit." he said and prepared his weapons.

    OOC: Translation: "You forgot about option 4... dumbass."

    Words: 10,062   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
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    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 1st November 2017, 2:06 pm

    "Kaori! Stop!" Samira shouted as the ninja hopped over the defensive frostfire wall to engage the corrupted clone of the Celestial King. They were the same words spoken by Amaterasu earlier, only back then it had been an attempt to stop the reckless four armed spirit that attempted to engage as well. They were not going to be able to beat him that way, that much even she knew. She didn't think Kaori would do something so reckless over Kali getting consumed. Even she wasn't losing her head, and it was her own spirit. Attacking blindly against such a foe was not going to do anything but make the scenario even worse. Then again, with the corrupted King able to consume spirits, she was now entirely useless herself. It was only a matter of time before he focused on Amaterasu and even Libra, who stood on the defensive as did her summoner. Kaori was the only offensive unit left. The combat between the two ended quickly, with Kaori as the loser. Samira's eyes widened as Kaori was sent flying back through the frostfire to smack against the building wall. The ninja collapsed onto the ground, showing no signs of getting up. "She...lost?" The green haired summoner had predicted it, but Kaori had been known to go above and beyond before. She had expected to be proven wrong with her assumption. To be shown the proof for her theory's accuracy left only a feeling of dread inside her. They all were truly outmatched. She had wanted to join Ira in checking on the status of her fallen friend, but she forced herself to remain where she was. It would have been unwise to allow her focus to drift away from the battle that was still ongoing. The King had begun to approach closer to the barrier wall and had engaged Libra.

    'I would advise thinking of an exit strategy. This type of enemy puts you at a disadvantage, and it will not be long before these meager defenses crumble,' Ra's voice entered Samira's mind as he continued channeling his power to her. He meant no offense or disrespect when he spoke of Leila and Libra. He knew his place as a spirit that was below the power of a Zodiac, and Leila had already shown her abilities as an experienced take over user. It was just that, by comparison with what that oversized mustache head's abilities, they were also at a disadvantage. Amaterasu would not be able to help them without getting consumed herself, and Anhur...well he'd probably engage at the last minute. 'Another one becomes a fuel source,' he commented once more, having witnessed Libra getting consumed from his place in Samira's mindspace. What a ridiculous strategy.

    It was then the voice of Kaori could be heard as she rejoined the battle, bringing some relief that she had not been overly harmed. The room's temperature began to change once more, that time getting hotter to replace the coldness from Leila's magic. Unfortunately the combo attack that had been unleashed from the ninja mage did not connect. Both Leila and herself were then requested to stall the Celestial King clone; a task easier said than done. Each fight seemed to only last seconds. Nevertheless, Samira would do what she had to, as she always did. "Of course," she said rather calmly despite the situation and gently closing her eyes. With a sigh she forced closed Amaterasu's gate, knowing full well the light spirit wouldn't leave on her own until her time in their world was up, or she was destroyed.

    'Samira, why did you dismiss me? I am your most powerful offensive spirit aside from Ra, and you are currently using him in that form.'

    "I will not allow you to be taken. Your abilities get you too close to risk it."

    "Hmmm, agreed. Although you are pretty much useless offensively here as well." It was merely an observation he had made from those last few moments. Samira was rather physically weak compared to the other two summoners present and the most powerful one had been tossed away like a ragdoll. Her endurance and resilience was high, but that was about all she had going for her. He hadn't been around all that long so he had no clue that she had some form of training in the past, and even if he did he would have had the same line of logic. It wasn't enough to combat the current enemy. "This battle only proves you need more work in other areas. You're getting a training regimen when this is over."

    There was slight eyebrow twitching at those words. How many people were going to say something along those lines? "I already train. I do not need yours. Now do something to assist me, you hypocrite." The voices of her other spirits either coughing, saying "ummm", "ehhh", "weelll" and flat out agreeing with the training advisement annoyed her further. It would have to go ignored for now in the form of a vocal comment. Instead, she unleashed her annoyance in the form of four more mini suns, all of which landed on the major enemy in the room. As expected they barely even made a scratch, but it was worth trying. They were only supposed to be stalling after all, and no doubt Leila was doing her part to do so as well. The celestial clone turned his attention to the target that he had wanted to go after originally; the one with the most spirits that could be used to fuel his power further. What remained of the frostfire wall was destroyed with a single swing of his sword, sending small fragments into the air and towards those standing behind it. Samira had covered her face out of instinct, and in that moment of vulnerability she was left open to attack. Luckily, he had no desire to end her. She was currently wearing clothing that had an aura of a celestial spirit radiating from it. He merely grabbed a hold of her, and began to inhale in order to consume Ra's energy.

    'So, I am to be fuel as well,' Ra commented, rather nonchalantly even though his power was being absorbed. At least the process bought some time for whatever the ninja mage had planned. Samira's clothes slowly began to transform back to their usual form as his presence began to fade away, and try as she might her physical form was too weak to break herself free from the hold. "Gate of the Avatar Close!" Her clothes turned back fully, and what was left of the spirit had left. Although, even though he was safe from fully being absorbed, the king had taken much of his power. He unleashed a shockwave of heated energy throughout the room. Ra's sun power combined with the fire energy he had from the start made that element the strongest he now had. Samira had felt the first few moments of the heat, but before it grew to increasing temperatures a small celestial portal had opened beside her and from it a large amount of sand flew through and enveloped her, protecting her from the attack. An action done by Anhur, although for what reason he wasn't all too sure. It wasn't as if she would have died from getting hit by it. Maybe. Point was he could have used it for himself later on.

    The lion spirit transformed into his Guardian Form, a form that looked much like a black and gold winged creature with the torso being human shaped and the lower body resembling a feline. He rammed himself into the corrupted spirit clone, actually managing to push the thing back a bit due to the stone-like material he was made of and his current weight. The king quickly recovered and had raised his blade to attack, but was stopped by Anhur's spear. He made no effort to push the attack back or counter in any way. His attacks would have had minimal effect, and he knew that. The objective was to stall and the best way to do that while staying alive was to go on the defensive. Power began surging through the sword, and Anhur could feel it get to extreme levels as the power of all the spirits that had been absorbed was being used to break his guard. The stone he was made from had begun to crack, causing him to grimace slightly but nothing more.

    “Open, gate of the Avatar, Goddess of Wisdom! Athena!" Another spirit had been summoned, that time being one that was much more defensive. "I have answered your call, Summoner. I will protect you and your allies." From there a small purple glowing rune appeared on each party member on their chest. It was a link of sorts that would transfer the damage they took onto her. Already she could feel her energy being drained away as it was being used to take Anhur's damage. The armored blonde turned towards the large foe and tossed her shield in front of her form. Magically the defensive weapon floated in the air without her needing to hold it. It began to glow a light purple before creating a barrier that was meant to spread through the entire room and push the corrupted spirit to the far wall on the opposite side of the room. Her power was not strong enough and the shield had shattered during the process. He had been pushed back quite a bit, but the power he had from the spirit consumption had exceeded her own defenses. Beams of light then appeared on the ground around the Celestial King clone's feet that raised vertically before connecting and forming a pyramid around him; a final gift from Anhur as another form of stalling. The enemy would be trapped for the moment, but not for long. "She better have a good plan," he commented, already noticing the trap beginning to crack. "These predicaments have a way of settling themselves when the moment is most dire. That time is approaching, my friend." Just as the pyramid trap broke, all defending parties had heard the call to switch. Anhur and Athena had moved out of the battlefield to take their place near Samira. For the moment the trio watched, with Anhur being the least impressed. That was all? The new method of attacking had as little effect as the first. Athena remained passive, as she was concentrating on the amount of damage she was taking onto herself while trying to ensure Kaori did not take too much. It was a difficult thing to split the damage up. Normally she would have taken all of it, but the enemy was powerful and she wished to remain in the mortal world for a few moments more. Samira looked concerned, especially with Ira now re-joining the fight as well. That was a bad idea in general.

    Then, as was further predicted, Ira had gotten herself consumed. Not before being stabbed through the chest, however. Athena's eyes widened as she too was affected by the damage. It had been enough to take her own energy as well as what Ira also had. "My usefulness has ended." She exploded into light purple particles, taking her glowing runes with her. Since she had been destroyed first, her rune had left Ira before the fun natured spirit had been consumed, meaning Athena had been able to return to her realm instead of being consumed through her link.

    "Some plan," Anhur commented again, feeling absolutely no remorse for the situation. The way he saw it, both Kaori and Ira should have known better. Now what were they supposed to do? He was running out of stall and defensive tactics from his own abilities, and Samira was running out of her powerful spirits. The weaker ones would be entirely useless. Before he could ponder upon it further or rejoin the battle, white mist began to rise from the ground. Was it another ability of that monstrosity? No, it didn't feel the same. It had an emotion, a powerful and negative one. The summoner and spirit duo turned their gazes towards the ninja, who had now began to glow white to match the mist. A few moments more and Kaori had transformed herself into the bright and more angelic-like form Samira had seen her use before. Both Anhur and herself had to look away from the light during the transformation. The positive emotions that normally came from when Kaori used that sort of magic filled the room, allowing even Anhur to appreciate it although he remained stone faced. "A slightly better plan." The power of the transformation could be felt so he assumed it would likely be on par with the enemy's. Samira made no comment, as she was stunned that the ninja could even use that form when the medication should have blocked the necessary amount of emotion required to activate it. The fight went on with a version of Ira being used against Kaori, and she wasn't all that sure but when the ninja apologized to the spirit she had some feeling that part of it had been sent her way as well. It was certainly similar scenarios. Then again, there was no true actual basis for the theory, and Samira was not ever going to actually ask about it. As the battle progressed, Kaori had been severely injured. The green haired summoner had been about to run to the ninja's side and do...well anything, but Anhur grabbed onto her arm and held her in place. With his stone hands his grasp was all the more strong, and she could not break free from it with her low amount of strength. "There is nothing you can do for her now. Use this as a distraction and escape. Convince the other summoner to do the same, and leave her if she refuses." Samira's eyes narrowed as the suggestion both angered and disgusted her. If he had not been currently in his stone form she would have slapped him. There was a time when such an action would have made sense and been taken. Maybe she still would have done it if left no choice. However, that was not going to happen when those closest to her were involved. Before she could do anything further water had formed on the facility floor and began to rise to knee height. Samira had seen such water before and knew what was coming; Aquarius. Kaori's most powerful spirit and also a Zodiac, making him one of the most powerful in all the world out of twelve. The rankings from there she wasn't entirely sure of since she had only ever seen two with Libra being the second. The battle continued and came to a close, with the celestial monstrosity being defeated and all consumed spirits being released. Kali immediately poofed into magic particles and returned to the celestial realm.

    "Kali, are you well?"

    'If by well you mean extremely pissed and currently glaring at me for so much as speaking, then yeah she's well.'

    'Hold it, I got one for this! What word describes Kali that al-oomph!' His word riddle had been interrupted as Amaterasu gave her brother, Susano, a good jab in the gut with her sheathed sword.

    'Do not make it worse, brother. As much as her stupidity amuses me, her negative aura from the comments of you and the others are ruining the atmosphere.'

    'Is your own statement supposed to not make my mood worse than it already is?'

    'No. It amuses me when I do it.'

    Samira took that as a yes. Ra's energy had also been returned to him based on what the others had said but he left Samira's mind space the moment it had. Kaori seemed fine as well reagrdless of what she had been through, but it was obvious she was too exhausted to continue fighting. A large group of more celestial monster things had appeared, and with Aquarius holding onto Kaori he was unable to fight them off as well. Spears appeared from the ground as well as the ceiling, stabbing and impaling the current set of enemies. "Trivial," Anhur said and then turned back into his normal form. He left the room first and noticed more of the monster spawning. His spear glowed as he leapt forward and cut down a couple that had materialized near the doorway. They were spawning at a ridiculously fast rate. If they did not hurry they were going to be overwhelmed. So, Samira decided to cheat. Her magic energy had gotten pretty low from the summoning of her more powerful spirits, and the one she planned to call was her most powerful utility spirit. Her own life energy would have to be used as payment. It would regenerate so it wasn't a total loss, and since she only planned to do it once at that moment she didn't expect to collapse or anything.

    Taking hold of the key, she held it out and called upon the spirit and opened his portal. “Open, gate of the Avatar, The Keeper of Time! Chronos!” She winced as the summoning sacrifice was made and her life energy had been taken rather than what was left of her magical energy. It had been the first time she had used that type of summoning, and the feeling was not at all pleasant. Summoning more powerful spirits in such a way was likely to be even worse. The white haired time keeper appeared, looking concerned at first due to the way he had been summoned, but let it pass. He had no authority to speak about that matter, and it was not the time nor place. He held out his staff that held a small ticking clock on it. The clock's hands came to a stop, and a magical and invisible force coursed its way through the halls, stopping time and making the enemies and spawning come to a sudden halt. "As you know, this will not last long, Samira. Be swift." Chronos then dismissed himself since his purpose had been filled. He wasn't exactly a combat spirit, after all. Samira turned towards the rest of the group that had been behind her. "Let us hurry. Everything here should remain stuck in their period of time until we have made our exit. Once this facility has become a 'crater' they will be destroyed along with it." She then proceeded to make her own exit, expecting everyone else to follow. It was also predicted that Hughes would take a few more of those monsters down in their current state if only for the sake of fun and also making sure they were dealt with in case the time stop ended prematurely.[/i]

    (Word Count: 3140)

    Edit 3-8-20
    New Total: 4676
    3500 for B Rank Freeform
    500 for D Rank Freeform
    500 for D Rank Freeform

    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 13th March 2020, 5:28 am; edited 2 times in total


    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon & Leila - Kaori's Story: Episode 5 - Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st November 2017, 3:53 pm

    Word Count:
    10,087 / 6,700
    (WC finished)

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    From the display that the Saint of Passion showed during their last contract together, Leila had full faith in her and believed that she would be able to win this fight if she stayed in the defensive and protected Samira with everything she had. After all, even back then she seemed to do most of the attacking, easily defeating all the foes they encountered. And with how much time has passed between then and now, she surely managed to grow in power even more. Not to mention all the spirits present on the field. They would be an enormous help to all this. At least until one point... the spirit called Kali has been absorbed by the monstrosity that they had to face. This battle, this entire place. Perhaps Leila didn't realize it until now. The thought was surely floating somewhere in the back of her head ever since the information that only celestial wizards could get through the barrier was revealed. The celestium, it was spinning faster and faster this entire time. An observatory, shifting and circling around the pure space of arcane energies. It was a feeling that she was unable to describe. But the core of Eden was working differently now as if trying to warn her. She didn't realize it until she saw the spirit being absorbed. And so easily as well. Their attacks were weak. They were unable to break through the beast's armor like this. They couldn't afford to hold back. Libra was right by her side and if she was any other spirit, she would have already shut her gate for the fear of her being absorbed. But watching Kaori try to fight and be defeated like that, it was a clear message that they did not have the luxury to hold back at all. She was a zodiac, so perhaps she would be able to withstand it all?

    The girl believed in her spirit and gritting her teeth, the two of them would charge forward. Right at the monster in front of them, Libra would unsheath her katana while Leila would let a sword of ice grow in her hand. And in an attempt of a unison attack, they would both strike at their enemy, each from a different side. They failed. Their weapons didn't even make contact. They simply... vanished. And along with their weapons, their forms would slowly start to vanish as well. Libra was absorbed nearly instantly, not even able to fully realize what was happening to her. But with Leila, it was different. She was never a human, despite looking like one. And for many, many years, she wished for nothing else but to be treated as one too. She loved Earthland and the people that could be found within it. As she traveled this world, she fell in love with all of it. Both the good and the bad. She would gain ambition and goals. She would know joy and pain alike. But none of that ever changed the fact that she was not a human. She was a shard of a void spirit's soul. And after the Gardens of Eden were created, she would begin evolving. Just like her spirits, she would become part of the Celestium. And especially after her death, the new body that she obtained was one very much alike as a celestial spirit's. Taking few steps back, she would watch her hands as the take-over form fell apart, leaving only her original form. But even that would soon start rotting away. Her hands, withering. Her skin, peeling. In the matter of few seconds, her limbs would fall off and turn into ashes. She was being absorbed by the celestial king as well. But because she was not a full spirit, the process was much more brutal, causing all the more pain in the process.

    All the parts that were not the same as one's of celestial spirits would be left behind. But in the end, that was hardly enough to keep the girl alive. What was left behind were only her clothes and a pile of ashes, as if she was nothing more than a delicate flower that had burned into nothingness in an instant. So easily she was defeated, leaving the other two girls alone for this fight. And she herself was unable to do anything. She found herself in a blue world that stood perfectly still. This was her soul, her essence. Even if she was absorbed, the core of her existence was free. It could never be destroyed by normal means. And while an absorption like this was anything but normal, it didn't seem to be quite enough. But what exactly could she even do in this form? Nothing. She was invisible to everything. But because her essence was part of that celestial beast, she was able to connect to it in hopes to at least see what was happening. But even that did not appear to really work. She was only able to see the rough outline of what the king himself saw. A blue world with slightly brighter edges. Shapes that could maybe resemble human beings running around and trying to fight. It seemed that Leila was completely out of this fight without even being able to accomplish anything. She did not protect anything. She did not save anyone. She did not even manage to deal damage to the opponent who was now bearing down on the rest of her team. She would eventually be revived, even if her physical form was completely absorbed and left in ruins. But what of the rest? Samira and Kaori... she did not know them very well, but they appeared to be mostly humans. If they were to be defeated... the girl did not dare to think.

    And so she would just remain. Continue to exist in the nothingness that she came from. It was quite pathetic, wasn't it? Even after she managed to make her connection with Eden stronger and gain this new magic that she had the chance to test out for the very first time today, she fell so quickly. She did not even deserve to be called proper mage at this point. No matter what she did, she always fell short. Even if she accomplished something, it would be trampled and stepped on by others. So weak and powerless. With a name that no many in this world would know, she was a no one. A mere wanderer, someone without a home. No matter how much she wanted to belong, she would never truly be part of this world. If she could, she would probably cry right now. Of course, there was no physical form to her anymore, so not even that was possible for her. She failed everyone, including her own spirits. But then there was a sudden pain. Even if she had no form, she could feel pain? Ah... of course, she linked herself to the celestial Kking. If he were to be harmed, she would feel it as well, at least partially. But when trying to detach herself, she found out that she was unable to do so. She already had to die on this mission, why was she to suffer even more? Was it just not enough? Was she not punished enough for her failures? She hated this. But then, she felt something fresh. Something new, yet old. Something she got so used to. Fresh air... her body rebuilding. Did they defeat the celestial king? Did they really do it? When she herself was unable to even get close to him... they really were so much stronger than she was, weren't they? Finally having some senses return to her, she started feeling her way around. But something was still very wrong.

    She would be found lying where they have defeated the monster they faced, slowly trying to get on all four if not stand up. But the girl's body... it was different. Her head was bald for one and did not bear any detailed features at all. In fact, it looked almost as if someone had removed the top half of her head and she then imperfectly regenerated it. Gross scarred skin was all that was her upper head. No eyes, nor nose. Her entire face consisted only of her mouth which had no lips, only an opening from which oxygen and sound could escape. The rest of her body was looking a little bit more normal, though there was a large amount of Eden's corruption covering it, skin that was gray in color with black markings and it's texture more akin to the surface of a tree than actual human skin. As for her clothes, she was completely naked when she first appeared like this. But also quickly managed to use her magic to weave nature around herself. She would soon be wearing a tattered dress made out of vines and leaves. Not practical at all, nor exactly all that covering to begin with. But perhaps it was better than nothing at all. Along with the other spirits, Libra seemed to return as well. But the moment her body appeared, the gate would close due to the summoner's poor state, forcing the Zodiac back into the celestial realm. Finally getting onto her legs, this new Leila would try to get hear bearings first and foremost. Without any eyes or nose, she was completely disoriented. The only method of 'seeing' was her magic sensing. But that was something shifted around with Kaori about. She also had to breathe through her mouth only, making her pant pretty much non-stop. And though she did not have any ears, there were small holes in her head where there would normally be ones.

    She could hear them all... and even some who she did not recognize. Well, that did not quite matter right now. She was able to hear Samira's voice as well as the sudden burst of strange magical energy. The enemy was stuck in time and they had to make their exit. Trying to focus on the summoner girl as a single point in this room that had magical energy, Leila would try to follow her. Though it was quite difficult, considering that girl's power had been drained away by the fight they went through. In fact, it seemed she didn't even have enough for that last summon. Paired with the fact that she was barely even able to walk, the Eden's failure found herself hobbling in a direction toward the exit as her own magic still didn't properly return to her, a pair of rotting wooden wings sprouting from her back but only slowing her down more. But in the end, it didn't quite matter. Even if she were to be the only one to not get out, she would only be reborn again, just like now. A curse of immortality... it came with so much pain, she wasn't even able to put it into words. Blind and suffering, she would just move in a single direction and hope for the best. She didn't even get the chance to think about what to say to her companions once this is all over, how to apologize for them for the trouble she caused and for how she just abandoned them when they faced the most powerful enemy this place had to offer.

    Non-template version:


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:04 pm