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    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)


    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 31st August 2017, 9:56 am

    Job Title:
    Spiritual Competition


    Player Requirements:
    Summer Only

    Job Requirements:
    14k words.
    Dice must be rolled 5 times before the event, boss must be defeated. If a boss isn’t rolled, then must be fought at end of mobs.
    Complete the trial set by the Zodiac Spirits.

    Job Location:
    Unknown Lands - Summer’s Zodiac Realm

    Job Description:
    Summer’s Zodiac spirits have decided that it would be fun if they were to test just how strong their queen really is, just to show the other spirits of the realm that Summer is not to the trifled with. Because of this, they set up a little competition, bidding all the spirits to pit themselves against the zodiac queen. However, they heavily say that the spirits are in all good spirits, so no killing is advised and this is just for funsies, nothing too serious.

    And so, the competition begins to try bring Summer down.
    Small Cubs
    These cuties come in groups of 12 (Lion cub, tiger cub, polar bear cubs and so on). They are rather cute and some will even try to distract Summer by putting on some puppy eyes (awwh)

    These cubs deal half A ranked damage, since they bite, scratch and sometimes even try to phase through Summer herself, which can be very uncomfortable. They all take 1 A rank damage to take down, but that might take some time since there's 12 of them.

    Household Spirits
    These Spirits come in 7 (Dogs, Cats, Ferrets, Parrots). Their main tactic is to mainly confuse Summer by going around in circles. Like the weak animals, they can bite, nip, scratch for A ranked damage (and in the case of dogs… hump your leg, if that wasn't distracting enough.)

    These take 2 A ranked damage to take down, but and while there's less than the weak mob, there are still quite a few of them.

    Wild Spirits
    These spirits don’t usually live in the house, but they are quite vast and common in the zodiac world (bears, lions, squirrels, racoons, owls), they come in groups of 10. These animals can actually use magic and can deal 4 A ranked damage to the young lady if she is hit, it will take some time to co-ordinate with this mob, so it’s advised that Summer must be careful. These mobs also take 4 A ranked damage to take down.

    These 2 minotaurs are known in the zodiac world for being rather strong, they also decided to test their mettle against the zodiac queen, but decided they would only step in if all else fails.

    The punches belonging to the minotaurs deal 2 S ranked ranked damage, since it’s a part of their magic, and one can easily pick Summer up while the other pummels her, this boss fight is indeed going to be a tough one for for Summer, as it will take 8 S ranked damage to take them down.
    45k Jewels

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 31st August 2017, 9:57 am

    Rolling for the mobs.

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by NPC 31st August 2017, 9:57 am

    The member 'Salrynn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) UtKyMUJ Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) TV6mrb1 Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) UtKyMUJ Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) MPfmPli Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) X6fB6gw

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 31st August 2017, 2:22 pm

    Job approval: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t27653p1000-sign-up-for-jobs#306456

    Voices were niggling around the fireworks expert as she straggled through the night, it seemed Summer’s house was bustling with the night activity as voices spoke and lots of hushes were concieved. What were them noises, she would always wonder… however, she always decided to never bother with them. Instead, like every night this happens, she turns around and goes back to the land of nod, not wanting her peaceful sleep disturbed.

    In the spa room, however, it was very much alive… this was what Summer could possibly be hearing indeed. How was she to know though… She was too busy to sleeping to take care of what could possibly be happening, as the water dripped into the spa, the steam was up in the air, and the spirits belonging to the 12 chinese zodiac were most definitely at play. Like the rest of the world and their realm, they all had different personalities that differentiate them from each other, not that it was a big issue, they enjoy each others companies, accept their flaws and give themselves an understanding. Summer herself, has met them all, but doesn’t understand them all fully yet. They were sure however, that she will understand them all by the time this trial happens, which they are so mischievously thinking of.

    “Sssssssooo, tell me!” One of the spirits said. “What wassssss the plan again, I mussst asssk, I am quite curioussss of thissss.” The snake, always lengthening their S’s, although, she cannot help it herself, being a snake and all. “We are going to wake Sssuuumer up and treat her the day before sssshhheee goesssss to battle??”

    “Yes, that is the plan.” The dragon hesitated as he spoke, he was quite unsure of the outcome that will happen. But he had high hopes in the young Guiyang, just like he had high hopes the moment Summer’s mother underwent her coronation. Summer is beginning to only understand who she was exactly however, and so the dragon had reason to be concerned. He knew that she was rather resistant with the fact that she was a young queen, one that needed lots of help and support, and so far, she only found one member of the zodiac prince and princesses. It was indeed going to be a perilous task in the dragon’s eyes.

    “Well, as long as she manages! I am sure she is going to get quite the shocker though! She doesn’t even know about this!” The rat spoke as he engulfed the water in his little mouth and spouted it out towards the dragon. “What if she doesn’t want to do this because she has no knowledge of it?”

    “Then we try to make her do it, I mean, it’s all gonna be for fun and entertainment, but to also show that Summer is indeed a rather strong woman who can lead us all into peace and prosperity. If she wasn’t good at all at being a queen, then I must admit, I would’ve voted for someone else.”

    “I agree, she is so much like her mother though, would you really??”

    “Good point…”

    The animals continued to converse with each other, like there was no issue in the world, they spoke about their troubles, their happiness, the surprise they had for Summer and how strong they felt she really was. In fact, not too long ago, they all underwent the coronation process with her, and with that coronation, she was granted the ability to be a slayer, thanks to a lacrima that they were given.

    Silence quickly fell the room, before the pig started to float up towards the ox in a very cuddly mood, in the Chinese Zodiac, the pig usually got along with everyone, except with other pigs, apparently.

    “Did you know, that actual pigs cannot fly??” The last zodiac asked, he was quite shocked, and everyone seemed to gasp upon finding out. The horse especially.

    “That’s nothing! I heard normal horses can’t fly either unless they’re a pegasus!”

    “Oh… bloody hell…” The dragon shook his head at the disastrous conversation. “If only Summer was awake right now, she would probably be horrified or tell us all about what's exactly ‘normal’ in this world.” He would mumble to himself, looking around while the pig was just busy being himself.

    Words: 716
    Total Words: 716
    Word Count Goal:  14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage ability:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 1st September 2017, 7:11 pm

    There were plenty of things that the zodiacs most certainly wouldn’t know, but there was one thing that they did know, and that was the fact that Summer was asleep and sound in the comfort of her own home. In the morning however, they knew that everything would be pretty much different. They would all greet Summer in the morning and then they would officially take her to the zodiac realm, to pamper her and to tell her of her duties, one which would be about the competition to see if the other spirits can bring Summer to her doom, to which they believed that it wasn’t do-able, Summer was a queen of their realm, they had lots of trust in her, maybe a bit too much, but lots of trust nonetheless.

    “We should get ready…” The dragon announced as he looked around to the other animals. “I believe that the sun will rise soon, and that means Summer will be awaking from the land of sleep. We have also spent too much time here dawdling, when we really should get this plan of ours in motion.”

    The other animals seemed to agree, with the snake nodding their head, slithering to the dragons side as quick as a flash. “I agree, letsssss go and get ourselvessss ready, theresss no time to wasste.”

    With this, all the animals began to vanish, with the dragon looking out the window while himself, slowly faded away from existence until it was the right time for his lovely queen of the zodiac.

    As the night was slowly invaded by the sun, the moon waved goodbye as its tender threads lost its grip from the sky. The sun quickly coming in to say good morning to its inhabitants. Letting the light attack the night and keeping its stay. The birds chirped away, while they spoke to each other and helped themselves to the nearby berries which were located close to Summer’s housing location.

    It was there, when Summer’s eyes gracefully opened as the window let in too much of the sun’s almighty light, giving a nice warmth to the scars that Sol, a dragonslayer, scarred her with. Sitting up from her bed, she allowed the tips of two of her fingers lightly caress the scars, feeling the physicality that it left her cheek with. She couldn’t help the events of that day, the moment when Sol took her to magnolia, the moment he tied her up and even clawed her when she wouldn’t obey his orders. It was indeed a sad time…

    Looking at how far she has come… it almost made her cry. The amount of shit that she has gone through these many months has been unbearable. She was just glad that she can finally get everything over and done with, put all her past problems under her belt, with the ability of moving on, she was sure she could do such a thing.

    “I just want to cry…” Summer mumbled under her breath, bringing her legs towards her chest in a bid to cuddle them. It was okay to cry… nobody was watching her, nor could anyone hear her, her fairies often slept in the guest room while Bao slept with them, strangely enough, the zodiac gatekeeper enjoyed their company, often managing to keep his cool around them, even if they do piss him off now and then. “I wonder what my father would say… can you hear me?? Of course you can’t… If you could though, I would’ve begged you to hug me and tell me that everything is okay… I don’t know how long I can stay strong anymore… I have had too much to deal with as of late and I just want a day where nothing happens… I’m sick of being hyper, i’m sick of tackling trouble… I’m sick of everything. I just want to relax and rest…” Summer’s tears started to trickle down her cheeks while she spoke to herself.

    “My child…” A spirit walked towards the fireworks expert, her cries were most certainly heard. For some strange reason. The dragon walked towards the young female and let himself on her bed, wrapping his snake-like body around the female. This made Summer feel much more comfortable about the situation. “You need to not fear yourself, remember, your hard work will always be rewarded.”

    “Yeah… I guess…”

    Words: 728
    Total Words: 1,444
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage ability:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 2nd September 2017, 10:10 am

    The fireworks expert didn’t know what else to do other than embrace the comfort of the chinese dragon. He was kind and caring, as if he was her actual father. However, he was not her father. He was wisest of the zodiac, one that can ease her worries, one that can help her stay calm and happy at the same time. It was a beautiful friendship that the young woman can most certainly feel the benefits of. “My dear dragon…” The young Guiyang mumbled under her breath as she cuddled into the almighty zodiac animal. She was glad that he was around sometimes, she really needed that type of company that she didn’t think she would have in the first place. “I must thank you for your company. You are a dear friend to me and so are all the other animals. I wish I had more friends like you.” She spoke rather selfishly, but nobody else other than the dragon would know, she understood that fact rather well.

    “My child, why don’t you spend a day in the realm today??” The zodiac asked while staring at her face, reddened and all plumped out thanks to the little crying session that she endured. “We could help you relieve your worries, and even better, there is a little competition that the zodiac want to put you up to. I highly recommend you participate as it heavily relies on you.”

    While the dragon spoke in his typical demeanor, Summer simply looked up to him and heeded his words. The realm was having a competition?? Summer was to participate?? Did she even want to participate?? She just wanted to continue being a sorry sod and grab ice cream and cry. Apparently though, that wasn’t possible… Maybe she should go to the realm after all, they have lots of stuff there for relaxation. Spirits and humans lived there in harmony with each other, they were very caring for each other and they seemed to understand Summer’s needs very much so, the zodiac spirits do their best in Summer’s absence, but of course they can’t do everything.

    “Okay… I will go to the realm, but only because you advised it.” Summer nodded in approval. The dragon heeded her words and uncurled himself from the zodiac queen. It was time to visit her in the realm of the zodiac, where she could be more herself, and where everyone will be happy to see her.

    “I understand, my child.” The dragon started to fade away into absolute nothingness, Summer was certain that she would see him soon though, especially when she opened up a portal to the actual realm itself. The queen would slowly make her way into the light-ish orb that was suddenly emanating, and touching it with her hand, the portal instantly vanished, along with her.

    Summer’s room was no more. Instead, Summer seemed to have arrived on a grassy field, the grassy field was indeed green and very much alive as it swayed in the wind. She felt like dancing and as if she was floating in the very air. This was her realm, and it was indeed beautiful.

    Walking forward, with each step of the way, she came closer and closer to what seems to be a tall building, and then it inches ever closer to the female. She seemed to be rather happy with what she can see, it was looking mighty fine, and even entering the gates of the area was very pleasing for her. Some of the maids roamed around, some with animals and some solo. Even a guy was riding on a chinese dragon, scouting the area for any intruders. Upon seeing Summer though, he simply waved and the female waved back at the scouter.

    What was quite ironic was that, now that she was in her realm, she didn’t look normal anymore. Her red hair was still wild and free and even her clothing looked rather different. It seemed that she changed into what she called her “Zodiac Form.” Her zodiac form usually zips in and out whilst she fought, but it was mostly shown while she was in the zodiac realm, taking on a different appearance than what she would usually look like back in the normal world.

    Finally, she walked towards her palace, greeted by all manners of people. Maybe the dragon was right, it was a good idea to come here after all… it did stop her crying and it did stop her feeling negative… Looking around, she turned to her left and gave off a little yawn.

    Words: 763
    Total Words: 2,207
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage ability:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 3rd September 2017, 4:34 am

    Everything in the chinese styled palace was indeed a sight to behold, from the exterior, to the interior and the decorations that were splattered about here and there. It was most certainly fit for a queen like Summer. But what of a king?? Summer had no king to rule alongside with her, so it was indeed a lonely type of ruling for the young lass. Even if it didn’t bother her that much, it kinda sucked. The zodiac hoped that she would find someone soon, incase something happens to her that cannot be prevented. They didn’t want it to fall to someone who wasn’t a Guiyang or someone who isn’t eligible to be one in the first place. While some believe that Summer wasn’t eligible either, but so far, she was doing pretty well for someone who was as clueless as her.

    Walking around, she was looking for the dragon, or possibly another one of the chinese zodiac to speak to. She was here for a reason and she was determined to find out more about this ‘competition’ that the zodiac have set up for her. In Fiore, the most famous competition dedicated to mages was known as the ‘Grand Magic Games’, Where the strongest of wizards compete and have fun, bond and grow even stronger as mages. Summer has never participated in one herself, but she has a little bet that she would be in one if the opportunity arises, and if so, then she will try her best to be the most awesomest firework mage that one could ever be. Maybe even her mother and father would be proud of her achievements if they ever seen it.

    “Summer, is everything okay??”

    A female voice suddenly spoke out aloud, and even though it made Summer jump behind to check who it was, it most certainly was a wake up call. She can’t just keep phasing in and out of dreamland. She was here for a reason, and even if it kind of was for a serious reason too, then she should try to enjoy herself as much as possible and not dwell on the matters that don’t occur in the zodiac realm. The realm has been in peace for thousands upon thousands of years.

    “Oh! Hello rabbit!” Summer greeted the zodiac animal with a little wave. “I apologise, I went in lalaland!”

    “Oh! Don’t be sorry! Anyways, we have something prepared for you! The dragon was telling us why you were upset. So we set up something in hopes to cheer you up!” The rabbit was usually rather reserved, but just as helpful as the dragon at times, they were a very kind animal, even if they were a bit flighty at times. The fluffball always knew when Summer was upset, even if Summer tried to make herself look rather happy, she really sometimes wasn’t. It could be hard to keep such a happy exterior after all.

    “Oh, you do??” Summer asked, her head slowly tilted in curiosity, she really was quite worried now, unsure whether she was ready for what they had in store or not. “Of course we do!” The rabbit replied in happiness. “Come and follow me! We have plenty in store!”

    Summer’s curiosity turned into a bright grin as the rabbit hopped away rather enthusiastically. Her steps couldn’t help, but, she made it across to where the rabbit wanted her to be, with her guidance, she was sure that she wasn’t messing anything up. It was a bit of a shock when the rabbit lead her to a chair, where the clearing was in the outside area of the palace. She was sure that the others really did have a plan for her now, and she was not so sure what to make of it. What if they wanted her to go through something really boring?! That would most certainly make her feel like a bored and sleepy queen, which wouldn’t be a very good idea.

    Hopping onto her knees, the rabbit decided that she wanted to be on her lap, even if she wasn’t going to get anything to do with being petted or fussed over. She was just glad that she was trying her best to make her lovely overlord happy. Not sure what to do however, she stayed there until the activities could begin.

    Words: 722
    Total Words: 2,929
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage ability:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 4th September 2017, 12:59 pm

    Suddenly, music started to play. It was indeed a beautiful piece of music, with the guqin playing and the taiko drums slowly making their sound known in a wide area. The true sound of happiness and sadness endured throughout the music. If Summer was going to be honest, she was feeling quite sleepy. It must be the effects of the music that was playing, on the bright side though, the music was great, relaxing and it was calming her anxiety down, even if it is little by little.

    Looking around, the music continued it’s playtime. People started to gather, and even the other spirits started to gather around the musicians. It was too late however, the music slowly stopped and it was no more. Everyone clapped at the end of it, except Summer, who was busy fussing the rabbit that she was now able to do, everyone was busy focusing on the music. If Summer was going to be honest, she wasn’t interested in the sounds being produced at all. She was interested in… other things. Like wanting to sleep, and wanting to cry some more. The female didn’t cry in the end though, she stayed strong like she kind of forced herself to be and continued petting the spirit that guided her to the clearing, which was invaded by musical instruments and a light crowd, which could turn pretty heavy soon.

    The moment the clapping halted, a spirit suddenly made themselves known to the public as they appeared in the centre, it seemed intentional, so it must have been important that they have performed that endeavor.

    “Greetingssssss.” The spirit spoke, it was the snake, its slithery skin and their extended s’s were not known to hide such identities from the residents of the realm. Summer wondered why the snake was in the centre, was it to announce the competition? She still wasn’t sure if she was ready for this competition that the Chinese Zodiac have set up for her, it was scary and it was quite a pain to know that someone set something up that you do not want to participate in.

    “I am here to announnncceeee a competition, it issss all for fun and I do hope thissss doesssn’t upsssset anyone. The competition issss the queen versussss the contendersssss, thissss isss all for fun and killing issss not advisssed.” The snake spoke with their elongated tone of voice.

    Oh no, Summer had to perform this?? But she really didn’t want to… if she was going to be honest, she really just wanted to relax. She wanted to feel free and she wanted to not use her magic, even if it was for a day. She used it daily however, and even though that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, she just felt like she needed a day away from it. However, that didn’t seem to be the case. Instead, she had to do this thing, and to do that specific thing, she had to use her magic.

    Picking up the rabbit in the correct way, Summer stood up, fussing the cute fluffball as she let her feet walk themselves over to the slippery snake… just what was she going to do?? It’s not like she felt she wasn’t ready to, because she was ready for it. She was always ready for a fight the moment she has improved on her fighting skills, she can now even sense others who were going for her. She could always give people a right good beating. But right now, like she felt a few moments ago, she just wasn’t in the mood for such a trivial matter.

    “Summer, I know you are worried. But please… think of the realm…” The rabbit pleaded, whispering in her queens ear. “You need to show just how strong you are as a queen, to prove that you can keep the realm safe and to keep its eternal peace.”

    Summer really was itching in the middle of the dilemma now, will she back out or will she accept the terms and then begin the fight??

    Words: 679
    Total Words: 3,608
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage ability:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 7th September 2017, 5:57 am

    Everything was not going according to plan, she didn’t want to do anything. Yet, it seemed that she may have no choice after all. She always had to do what she thought was right. This may be the right thing after all, considering they set it up in the first place, and it was pretty much too late to go back now. She wasn’t so sure about going against the creatures that she was ruling, but if anything, she had to be strong, upfront and she had to show that she was going to keep these creatures safe if there was case that they had to go on the battlefield.

    “Fine.” Summer stated, still fussing over the rabbits fluffy fur. “I accept the battle. I will however, need time to prepare, it will also give the others time to prepare!”

    Some motions of clapping could be heard as Summer nodded slowly. She has officially sealed her fate. She will have to go through the manner of battle now, and show everyone seemed to be happy that she was going to show that queens can indeed be warriors too.

    Kneeling down to the floor, she plopped the rabbit onto the ground, letting the rabbit hop about like nobody else's business while the female stood up once more. She wasn’t going to lie, she was actually pretty nervous about this battle. She hardly goes into battle willingly unless it was part of a job for the sake of the guild. No matter though…

    Walking away from the area and back into the building, she let her feet guide her way as she was stopped by the mighty dragon himself. Although the dragon made sure that Summer was more than willing to do this, she simply dropped onto the floor and she shook her head. It was clear that she was dissatisfied with this little task that she will do later, she wasn’t in the mood for anything anymore. She just wanted to curl up once more and bawl her eyes out, with the dragon curling himself up around her again like he did much earlier.

    “My child.” The dragon called as he looked to the limp girl on the luscious flooring, which was all washed and cleaned thanks to the servants that have aided in the Guiyang’s services for thousands upon thousands of years. “I hope everything is alright?? Nothing is bothering you is it?? Is it the competition??”

    “No… it’s nothing like that…” Summer mumbled weakly. “Just earlier this morning… I am remembering it again, and I don’t want to remember it.” The fireworks expert sighed softly as she looked away from the dragon, ashamed that he was seeing her like this once more. She was already sick of looking incapacitated, and she was scared of becoming incapacitated anyway. Incapacitation meant that Summer wouldn’t be able to do anything for awhile, she would be down and out, something that she didn’t like the idea of. She usually loved being jumpy, and she hated staying still.

    “My child, if anything. You have improved on what you used to be, you have shaped yourself to be the woman you are now. Don’t look back on all the mistakes you have made, they have most certainly helped you and there is no point dwelling on it now. I myself, have made plenty of mistakes in the past, yet look at how I see myself now.”

    Summer looked to the dragon as he spoke, the dragon was right… there was no point in dwelling in the past if it isn’t going to help anything but make things worse. It seemed that Summer still had a lot of things to learn. Yet at the same time, it’s thanks to that, that Summer stood up, still fighting the tears from the eyes, yet hugging the dragon tightly. He knew how to make Summer see sense again, and she was thankful for that.

    “Thank you, my dear dragon.” Summer smiled softly as she snuggled into the almighty creature, it seemed that Summer has retained a small bit of her old self, which the dragon was glad for. It was just in time too, as Summer really needed to prepare for the little competition. Not that she minded much now, she was sure she was ready for it! She was ready to prove it with everything she got.

    That was when she broke the hug loose and then ran off into the direction of her chambers in hope that she can prepare properly.

    Words: 754
    Total Words: 4,362
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage ability:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 9th September 2017, 3:13 am

    In the chambers, Summer dawdled around, hoping that she was well and truly ready. If she was going to admit, she felt more ready than she was moments ago. Maybe it was because the dragon gave her confidence that she well and truly needed. She hoped that it would indeed be enough so that she could focus on beating this competition for the sake of the realm. If she was able to do this, then it would be another thing that was strange and unusual in her books. Smiling softly, she started to feel excitement run in her bones again. Maybe she can do this after all, maybe she can have fun while doing this too, well. That was going to be the main aim then, to show the world that you can be in a battle, but you can have fun while battling too. That is what Summer mainly does anyway, considering you only live once. Soon, positivity after positivity was in the mind of the fireworks expert.

    That's when the thought hit her. No matter what will happen to her, no matter what or who will try to bring her down. She will always try her best to aim high, that is the best way to go when it comes to feeling down, think of the positive things that has happened and then everything will be okay again. With this mindset, Summer finally sat herself down on the bed in the chambers and started to think of stuff that makes her happy, a few of her favourite things, so to speak.

    One of them favourite things were her friends. She loved her friends dearly, and she loved being a guild master for Golden Phoenix. She loved her dongsaeng, who she saw as her wonderful brother, even if he wasn’t a brother biologically. She loved the Chinese Zodiac, even if they were a pain in the butt sometimes. She loved being happy, she loved her father, even if he was missing. She loved being a contortionist. She knows fine well that she wasn’t perfect, nor was her life. But she also had to remember that there was so much more to life than her past. She may have the battle scars and the past might break her emotionally now and then, but she still has to trudge on.

    It took some time, but Summer’s mind drifted to something else the moment that the door knocked. Although Summer didn’t want to answer the door, she smiled softly and got herself ready for who was behind that door.

    “Come in.” Summer spoke out aloud, wondering just who it was that needed her attention, or if she didn’t have enough time to prepare anymore.

    With the door opening slowly, a voice rang out, the voice mentioned that it was time for the competition to begin. While this got Summer a bit nervous, she was sure that she was ready for anything. This included the competition that she was suddenly signed up for that she didn’t originally want to do. “I will be there in a minute!” Summer answered the voice before the door closed. It was time to kick some butt and to show off what it was like being a mage in Golden Phoenix.

    After a few moments, Summer exited the realm quickly, returning into the warmth of her home in Fiore. She had to find her ring blade before she could actually do anything. Luckily, she found it in no time at all. This gave Summer the initiative to go back to her realm. So she did, she reopened the portal and she entered back into her chambers, where she finally exited that room and decided to go to the opening in the centre of the Chinese palace. She was finally ready to kick butt, and she was finally ready to release her gunpowder components to the realm. Maybe even a firework show afterward made by her sounded like a great idea.

    Strangely enough, it was dusk. Maybe Summer took too long in preparing, but if that was the case, she was glad that she has got notified now, simply because she wanted to get this fight over and done with, no matter how excited she was for it.

    Smiling softly, she waved to the people who were surrounding the centre. She was finally ready for the spiritual competition, she was ready for everything.

    Words: 734
    Total Words: 5,096
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage ability:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 9th September 2017, 12:45 pm

    In the centre, there were a few of the residents around. It seemed that they were going to be competitors for the competition, some were surrounding the centre in their happy, cheery mood. Summer didn’t mind that at all, she just hoped that they wouldn’t be too disturbing, she also hoped that nothing bad will come to mind, what if she hurt someone so badly that they had to go the healers or something?? They all looked so fragile and frail, except for the two minotaurs that looked like they could shove Summer to the wall and punch her in repeatedly. Luckily, they seemed to be able to handle themselves pretty well, hell, when they spotted Summer, they even bowed down to her like any royal subject would to their queen. It meant they had no ill will towards the young woman. One even walked towards her, held her hand in a respectable manner and kissed her hand. While this didn’t make Summer blush at all, she appreciated the gesture.

    Like most places she would assume, she accepts those who weren't originally part of the realm, like the minotaurs for example. They were welcomed into the realm, along with any other creatures that came with them, being promised everlasting peace for the realm, and eternal happiness. So they came to her realm as immigrants, which Summer didn’t mind at all, she encouraged everyone to be welcoming and happy, just like how people would welcome immigrants in Fiore, Seven, Perengrande etc.

    Smiling softly, the minotaur stepped back and returned to the other minotaur. The both of them seemed to be rather excited about this event. Summer just wished that she was just as excited as them, she wasn’t really sure on beating up her own people, but if it was for fun, then why the hell not?? It will be an enhanced version of play fighting, more or less.

    Suddenly, the crowd quelled all of its forms of talking, as it seemed that one of the spirits of the chinese zodiac arrived. Everyone was bowing down to the spirit as they arrived and stopped as they were right beside Summer. It was indeed a scary thought, what could they be thinking?? She sure hoped it wasn’t because there was something that was going to happen. Luckily, this appearance was far from what the female initially thought. She instead, listened to the spirit that was coughing lightly before they spoke, and they looked to Summer with a grin on their face.

    “Welcome, welcome!” The striped spirit spoke. “As you all can see, it is I, the tiger of the chinese zodiac. I welcome you all to this competition!” The little crowd that did turn up cheered to the tiger, but he quickly shushed them all as he spoke once more. “Today, before the competition, I would like to explain the history of how the Guiyang’s are royalties in the name of the Chinese Zodiac!”

    Now this is probably going to take the cheese, Summer didn’t really want to listen to the history of the Guiyang’s, simply because history wasn’t exciting at all. Hell, even learning about the history of the zodiac was boring. She wasn’t much of a queen when it came to politics, she just knew that she wanted to rule in her own way.

    “Justtt kidding, it seems Summer just wants to get to it. Summer will be facing 5 contenders, some of the contenders, due to their sizes, have been allowed leeway to a certain degree, allowing multiple participants at once. Do you understand, Summer??” The tiger would ask Summer as he let his greeny gaze fall upon her, her red hair looked a tad messy, but it was better than nothing.

    “Summer, whenever you are ready, I suggest you give us the get go, I will be the referee for the matches, and the zodiac are always watching over you. Give it your best shot.”

    “I understand, dear tiger.” Summer smiled softly as she tilted her head. She walked towards the centre, and all that remained inside was her, and a group of young cubs. While Summer wanted to stare at them in awe, her attention drifted to the 2 minotaurs, who stepped out the clearing moments earlier.

    “Me and my buddy here will only step in if all else fails. I hope you understand, your majesty.”

    “No, I understand completely.” Summer felt compelled by the two beastkin, they had standards, if she must say so herself. “But for now, please, enjoy the competition. I am gonna try my best!”

    Words: 762
    Total Words: 5,858
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage/unique/other abilities:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 13th September 2017, 8:18 am

    It was indeed time to start what Summer didn’t want to initially start. But it was indeed a time to focus on what she thought she initially couldn’t. Everyone was clear from the area apart from her opposition, it seemed to be cubs. Lion cubs and various other cubs seemed to be a good start. There were 12 of them, Summer was glad that no killing was allowed, simply because she wasn’t sure if she would be able to kill these or any of the others in the first place.

    Getting herself in a starting position in the name of martial arts, she kept one of her legs in front, placing one of her legs behind the other leg in a paced gap, the female then got her arms ready and even encouraged the enemies to head straight for her by motioning them to do so.

    “Come at me!” She exclaimed, her voice was loud, proud and it shown confidence. She had no time to be playful anymore. She was representing her kingdom, she was representing her strength, her fireworks, and she was representing what the Guiyang’s could well and truly be: Feared. Especially during that invasion before she left her village, she was well and truly feared from the invaders. They tried to avoid her and her mother the most, while her father was the quickest dealing with them all. Summer had both the speed and the capability to take everything out in an efficient way if needed.

    It didn’t take long for the cubs to heed the queen’s call, they charged right at her, they all may seem tiny, but they do indeed have some speed packed inside of their little bodies. Summer had to make a quick recovery from this shock discovery, quickly performing a one handed cartwheel to get out the way. This resulted in some of the crowd being amazed by the speed, and amazed by the fact that Summer was able to dodge quickly. It was Summer’s turn. It didn’t take long for the fireworks expert to show the potential of her magics.

    Under a short time, Summer’s hands started to turn into a bright fusion of coloured sparks, they were rather exotic and they were quite flashy. It was indeed a beautiful start for Summer on the offensive, and she managed to astonish the crowd. Now they can well and truly see why the queen named herself the firework expert. Her fireworks made her out to be who she really was.

    With a bang, Summer headed straight for a polar bear cub and had their mouth open, they were ready to bite her, but she didn’t allow the cutie. She instead went on her knees and pushed the clear furred animal away with her hands, taking them out the ring as simple as pie. She didn’t want to hurt them to oblivion, but she also knew that it was probably very easy to kill the cuties, it’s why she assumed this was the easier option. There were 11 to go, Summer didn’t want to deal with them all, she already wanted this to be over and done with.

    It didn’t take that long to realise that Summer herself could do this easy as pie. With her sparked up hands, she continued the same tactic, harming them all lightly while taking them out the ring. It slowly came down to one left, they quickly bit her leg before she shoved them off by waggling her leg everywhere. They went flying high in the air, and while it looked fun for them, the spirited crowd was concerned and quickly caught the little lion cub before more harm could be done.

    Summer grinned before putting her hand in the air and bowing. She completed their task, even though there was more enemies to go by. As a lot of people say however, baby steps is key, and that patience is a virtue. Summer’s patience wasn’t on the best of terms with her personality, but she was sure that she was trying her best regardless.

    “Give me time to sort my leg out.” Summer smiled softly as she looked around… oh god! She thought she had her ring blade with her! Sighing softly, she crossed her arms under her pillows. While she was a tad upset that she left her ring blade behind in the chambers, she knew she had no time to dwell on it. She had the second round to go now, goody.

    Words: 748
    Total Words: 6,606
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 400
    MP: 95%


    lineage/unique/other abilities:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 14th September 2017, 3:58 am

    With them few minutes up, Summer knew what to do. While some of her skillage is not around because of her ring blade, she knew that not everything was gone. Her hands still sparked with it’s flashy rage, she still had a variety of spells to deal with everyone, and she can still flex and contort. It was clear that there were a lot of stuff that she could do, even if one thing was holding her back.

    Next, it was the second competitors, it was more cubs! Again they came in a group of 12, and they looked so adorable. There cuteness exceeded Summer’s expectations, they make good little cubs and they most certainly knew what they were doing. The main problem was just how frail the cuties were. It wasn’t like they weren’t allowed to join, they were. It’s just that they are very young, she would’ve expected them to have much more fun in playing their usual games than fighting their very own queen.

    “My child…” a voice called out to her. Summer knew that voice well, she only had to look behind her to confirm that it was the dragon. “Are you okay, Summer?? You seem nervous about the next fight.”

    “Yeah, I kind of am if I am to be honest… I don’t want to harm these cubs badly, if you know what I mean.”

    “You won’t kill them.”

    Summer turned around to the side of her, to see that the tiger has joined in the reasoning with her. It seemed that them two were very determined for her to continue with this, even if she was rather hesitant about the whole thing. What if she did kill them though?? Even if it would be by accident, she wouldn’t be able to manage her sanity. She assumed people around her in earthland would already assume she was insane, she speaks to 12 of spirits, and even though they all seemed rather lovely in their own little way, she could imagine the people just walking by her if she just shouted out loud for the zodiac spirits to stop.

    “But… they’re tiny…” Summer sighed softly, looking down. She really was unsure on this.

    “They believe you won’t, and if you don’t allow yourself to kill them, you won’t kill them.”

    Summer looked to the dragon and the tiger once more before biting her lower lip. She wasn’t entirely sure if she was ready to continue, but the moment the dragon and the tiger backed away from the young lady. She got into the position she was in originally, with one of her legs back and representing herself like a martial artist would. She would beckon the spirits to come at her once more.

    “Come at me!”

    The spirits saw their cue, and all dashed off at Summer’s side. She was finally ready, by closing her eyes and opening them again, she performed a none handed cartwheel to go to the side before landing on all fours, as if she was an actual ninja. But that was not the case, she was not a ninja, she just knew how to perform all sorts of tricks as if she was a literal circus freak of sorts.

    Somersaulting to get behind herself, she quickly picked one of the spirits up, and even when they gave out puppy-like eyes, she threw them out the ring. She looked around closely to see 2 of the spirits now trying to gang up on her, then more, and soon, all 11 just tried to pile on top of her, one bit into Summer’s top, some were hugging her legs and arms, one even managed to jump and land on Summer’s red flowing hair. It didn’t take long for the fireworks expert to struggle getting all the cubs off and throw throw them out of the ring.

    Now that she was sure they were out the ring. It was time to look around to all the cubs were smiling and having fun, like they should be doing. Summer smiled softly at that aspect, they looked so peaceful. She was sure that she would be doing anything for them kids, simply because she was sure that they needed it most out of all the other spirits.

    Soon, it was time to get ready for the next part of the competition, and while Summer was ready for her next opponent or opponents, she simply placed crossed her arms and waited, maybe they needed time to assemble, which, Summer didn’t mind at all. Slowly, her hands became normal, she would see them sparks again soon, no doubt.

    Words: 770
    Total Words: 7,376
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 400
    MP: 95%


    lineage/unique/other abilities:

    Last edited by Salrynn on 14th September 2017, 6:23 am; edited 1 time in total

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 14th September 2017, 6:22 am

    It was finally time for the next round to commence, Summer glanced around to see who was in the ring this time. It seemed to be less spirits this time, but they appeared to be fully grown this time. This was good for the firework expert. It meant that she can be a little more aggressive compared to the last two rounds. This round consisted of what appeared to be animals you would normally take care of as your own. Dogs, ferrets, cats and even parrots were inhabiting this group, and there seemed to be 7 of them. Just like Summer, they seemed to be ready to battle their almighty queen. Not ready to back down and ready to have as much fun as they can.

    “Ready Summer??” The tiger spirit would ask in their typical manner, trying to keep themselves as calm as possible. They were worried that Summer would try back out of it again, they have been hesitant about the whole day, and to see the queen become a little more determined was actually letting the tiger give out a bit of a speckled look. Are they the way they seem right now because they just want it to be over and done with?? Or are they just hesitant about the age of the spirits?

    Looking over to the tiger, Summer simply smiled with her soft looking lips at her disposal before nodding. It was time for the real fight to begin, and she was sure that she will still not kill them, thanks to the tigers words earlier.

    Grinning from ear to ear, Summer got herself ready, the typical martial arts stance that she has got herself started with the past 2 times.


    It didn’t take long for one of the dogs to jump straight on her leg and begin that very same leg they placed themselves on. She must admit, it was a very strange tactic. The others seemed to be going around in circles in a plan to confuse the poor lass, but it wasn’t going to end there. Throwing the dog into the air, the dog got a bit of a lesson when Summer decided to perform a roundhouse kick, shooting a firework from her feet in succession, performing various roundhouse kicks with the fireworks shooting out until they went out the ring. It was time to sort out the other 6, and she was sure she would manage to pull off the same trick…

    Shooting a firework into the air, the fireworks expert then threw her hand out. It didn’t take long for a rain of firework sparks to rain in on the crew of spirits. Even though it hurt them, and although their cries could be heard from the burns that the animals now experienced, Summer was glad that she could show off why.

    Continuing her little escapade, she charged herself at 2 of the household pets and began to shoot out firework shots once more. This time however, the shots are in quick succession with her punches, punching her hands towards the creatures while forcing out the firework sparks with the palm of her hands, they flew off the ring with 2 roundhouse kicks to their pet-like chests. 4 more to go before the round finishes.

    Not using her firework shots this time, Summer went up to the parrot and kicked the parrot like someone would kick in a door while shouting they have arrived. While the parrot was shocked at this, they wasted no time to try get themselves sorted. They dived straight for Summer’s nose and started to bite it. While Summer squealed in pain, she grunted and then started to bring out what seemed to be rather large claws. These claws seemed to be more dangerous than her sparx were, and it quickly threw the parrot off course, allowing the parrot to fly away in a panic before it was slashed and thrown out the ring. It didn’t take Summer long either to quickly dispatch the last 3, who were still trying to confuse Summer.

    So far, Summer has defeated all the contestants, she has also decided to continue with this endeavor, even with her bloody leg, and even with her bloody nose thanks to the parrot biting it. It actually really hurt, is that how strong the spirits were?? If that was the case, then why did they need her to prove that she could keep them safe? She wasn’t going to be there for them forever… was she?

    Words: 754
    Total Words: 8,130
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 320
    MP: 80%


    lineage/unique/other abilities:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 14th September 2017, 3:27 pm

    While unsure, Summer decided to soldier on with the masses. Maybe she could do this after all, this filled her with confidence and everlasting reassurance in her mind and heart. She was hoping that the others were ready for her, because the next competitors looked pretty difficult, there were 10 of them, and they were animals that wouldn’t normally be domesticated. These included raccoons, lions and tigers and bears, oh my!


    Looking to the side of her, she spotted the rabbit, her floppy ears and her kind soul always giving it away as to who it was that wanted her attention.

    “Rabbit, I am ashamed that you are looking at me right now. I am bloody and messy, I wouldn’t recommend looking at me while like this.” Summer looked away in desperation, as her voice sounded shaky. All that mattered right now was the fact that Summer was proving to her people what she can do, there was no time for worrying about some blood.

    “No… Summer, it wasn’t about that. It’s just, you’re almost done. Do you want to take a break or anything of the sort??” The rabbit seemed to be really concerned about the fireworks expert, but has decided not to speak on that worry. She just didn’t find it fair that Summer had to go one after another against the beastly spirits.

    “It’s fine.” Summer grinned, giving out a small peace sign to try keep herself calm against the rabbits constant worry. “I can get my rest when it’s allllllll done. Besides, what’s a queen if she rests during an occasion? My people want this, so I am giving it to them.” With that question and them words spoken, Summer crossed her arms and nodded, she was really serious about this now. She needed to kick butt and then she can have rest after!

    Backing away, the rabbit hopped off to a safe distance outside the ring, just next to the tiger, beaming with more worry once more.

    “Will Summer be okay, do you think??”

    “Why do you ask?”

    “Look at them, they may be proving themselves to their people, but don’t you think Summer is overdoing it?? I don’t really like that fact, I don’t like the fact that shes bleeding, but it’s fine. I guess it’s a human thing.

    “Yeah, it’s a human thing… unlike us spirits, we don’t bleed as much in comparison to humans. I guess it must be hard being a human, bleeding and such, I heard humans die from bleeding out too much…”

    “Don’t you see that’s why I am worried?!”

    “Take me down!” Summer shouted as the animals went straight for her. It made the tiger and the rabbit stop their perpetual talk. It was time to watch how Summer would do, even if it was going to make Summer bleed some more.

    First, the lions went for her before the others, they tried to pin down the young girl by prancing on her, as if she was their dinner. Summer didn’t want any of it, instead she shoved them away before performing a series of roundhouse kicks again, her speed and her endurance seemed to be off the charts. There was no stopping the fireworks expert now as she managed to beat the tigers to a pulp.

    Next, the bears and the raccoons, their wild, animalistic traits defining them from the rest of the spirits that resided at the realm. The bears were really tall when standing while the raccoons were tiny in comparison, it didn’t stop the bears either, one even casted ice magic on the floor, making the ring resemble something like an ice rink. Luckily, the bears seemed to have underestimated Summer, the length of her claws between her and them were huge, and it didn’t take long for Summer to slash the living daylights out of the both of them, catching the raccoons in the process.

    Next, the other four stepped in, they seemed to have no problem with shooting out fire magic. Yet Summer managed to stop them in their tracks, she managed to skate away from all their balls of flames and started to emanate a bright light. She became so bright that it blinded the other 4, making them squeal as they cover their eyes. Summer wasn’t going to let them off that easily, slashing them aswell until they didn’t have the will to go on.

    It seemed that Summer has defeated all the mobs thus far. All the crowd could do was clap to the bloody queen, even better, her blood seemed to have dried up.

    Summer however, was not so lucky, she fell onto her knees and arms. One can only do so much before it takes a toll, it seemed that this was Summer’s toll, she was getting tired, her body was kind of draining itself out now. There was no use hiding the fact that she was okay, because she was not.

    Words: 827
    Total Words: 8,957
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 320
    MP: 80%


    lineage/unique/other abilities:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 16th September 2017, 6:16 am


    A males voice boomed out of nowhere, everyone looked over to see who it was. It seemed to be the dragon. If it was anyone that could speak reason, it was the dragon. They usually knew what to do. If they knew what to do, then they would have a good choice of wording for decision making.

    “While I believe Summer has defeated the mobs accordingly, she still has to defeat the minotaurs. However, even in normal competitions, some may get rest in the human world. I believe we should give Summer the time to recuperate herself, we don’t want our queen to grow ill after all.”

    The crowd suddenly started to discuss with themselves. Was this true?? Could Summer get well and truly ill from being tired out?? This was the problems with humans, and Summer was a human. She still had to suffer like a human, her bleeding antics and her fatigue was very much like them. Of course she couldn’t last forever and some much needed rest was apparent.

    Walking towards the fireworks expert, who was obviously in a pickle, the dragon knelt down his head and opened his mouth. Summer couldn’t even react right now, she was so tired and sleepy. Hell, she didn’t even notice when the dragon picked her up with his mouth, letting his teeth cling onto her clothing and entered the shrine-like palace. “Come back in a few hours, I am sure Summer would have fully rested by then. That’s when her final contestants can battle her.”

    The minotaurs were less than pleased. Not because they wanted to fight, but because they wanted to help Summer. Nonetheless, they simply bowed down to the tiger and the rabbit, and walked off, talking about tactics for their next battle, and about how strong they thought Summer was. So far, Summer has proven her capabilities, but at the same time, proven that she needed rest like everyone else. She was a queen, not a god.

    Some time later, Summer awoken in a bed, a cloth was being patted softly on her head and she couldn’t do anything else but groan. She felt like crap, if she was to be honest. Her legs and arms ached in pain, her head hurt. Did she work too hard before getting into the whole fight business?? Sighing softly, she turned her head slowly, just to find out that it was one of the handmaidens that was patting her head with that soft-feeling cloth. Smiling softly at the handmaiden, she glanced above her, to only see what appeared to be the pig.

    “Hello!” The pig grinned, shaking their head while floating in the air. Summer was a bit shocked, she didn’t expect the pig zodiac here, nor did she expect to even see them. She heard the pig zodiac was usually quick to get along with. They were easy going, even if they were a bit ditzy sometimes.

    “H-hi!” Summer smiled softly, lifting her hand up in the air to give off a little wave. Upon seeing this, the pig did what seemed to be a somersault, with the assistance of the flying they have.

    “Is it true that pigs can’t fly in the human world?!”

    “Wh-what?! Okay, it’s not called the human world! Theres plenty of other beings who inhabit it.”

    “P-please calm down!” The handmaiden panicked, trying her best to keep Summer down on the bed “You need more rest before your final battle!”

    “Ah… the minotaurs…” Summer sighed softly as she shook her head. “I really am not up for this…” The fireworks expert admitted, biting her soft lip and placing her arm above her head. She just wanted this to be over and done with, considering she wasn’t feeling well at all.

    The sighs were imminent and the smiles were very much gone from existence. Whilst she wondered what was going to happen now. She sat up slowly and finally placed that arm that was on over her head on her lap. She wondered how long she would be on this bed, simply because she wanted to stand back up, jump high in the air and let everybody know that she was okay. Except, she wasn’t okay...

    Words: 702
    Total Words: 9,659
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 320
    MP: 80%


    lineage/unique/other abilities:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 19th September 2017, 2:49 am

    Summer stayed in bed for quite some time. The handmaiden eventually left when she felt she managed to do her job correctly, and the pig stayed by Summer’s side, cuddling into her and shorting like an actual pig. Already, Summer felt slightly better, she would probably have to thank the handmaiden when she’s back.

    While Summer still didn’t feel too well, she felt like she could do some more stuff now. She could wiggle her toes just fine, and she could even have a good stretch before placing her arms around the cuddly pig once more. They seemed to enjoy Summer’s cuddles a lot, simply because they demanded for more snuggles. They even forced Summer to lie down on her back at one point, just so they could hop on her stomach and lay there. In reality, it seemed that the pig was really friendly indeed. They did appear to be a bit of an attention seeker, but everyone has their bad qualities, and Summer quite enjoying giving the pig some attention anyway.

    Suddenly, the door to her chamber opened, and Summer couldn’t help but look over to the door, watching a shadow overcast the light that the door granted to the chamber. It quickly revealed to be the tiger. She didn’t know why they arrived in the room, she just knew that the tiger was there, staring at Summer with their eyes. Did they want to tell Summer something??

    “Is everything okay???” Summer tilted her head as she questioned the striped zodiac spirit, they appeared to be quite stressed out.

    The tiger started to get into a pounce position, before jumping onto the bed. They simply let out their tongue and began to lick the face of the fireworks expert. Her gun powdery substance didn’t taste that great to the tiger, but he felt a lot better after doing that little task.

    “Sorry.” The tiger spoke, looking to the side as they shook their head. “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to overwork you, none of us zodiac’s did. We didn’t expect you to bleed either.”

    “I bleed all the time, honestly, it’s fine.” Summer smiled sweetly as she patted for the pig to get off her, and for the tiger to hop off her aswell. That was her cue to get off the bed and to stand. She wanted to test out her walking for a bit before she deemed herself fit enough to get herself sorted and back into the fight. The minotaurs would want to fight her now that she has defeated all the mobs that she was required to. “Anyways, I need to get the fight ready soon. Is everything prepared??” Summer queried to the tiger as she started to take deep breaths, walking slowly, back and forth. Keeping herself at a steady pace as she glanced over to the tiger once more.

    “I can get everything ready.” The tiger proposed. “Want me to do it now??”

    The tiger seemed rather pleased as he asked his zodiac queen that very important question. It would mean that he would have to call upon the crowd and the minotaurs once more. But he was sure that it was going to be absolutely fantastic. He did have a few concerns however, and them concerns lied with the fact that Summer was still on the ill side of things. She may look fine now, but she probably wouldn't be if she was pushed around by the minotaur and then punched her repeatedly. It could go down very quickly for the Queen, and it would make her lose the competition too.

    Nodding to the tiger. He quickly bowed his head low and rushed out the door since he was unable to close it in the first place. Luckily, with Summer, she was more than happy to close the door herself. Despite still feeling slightly under the weather, she was ready and raring to go for this.

    “Awwwh…” The pig snorted slightly as they toddled over to their queen and sat down. “Do you really have to?? I quite enjoyed snuggling with you if I am quite honest.”

    “Yes, I have to.” Summer answered as she kneeled down and started to pet the pig. “But don’t worry about me, kay?? I will come back after and snuggle in lots with you.”


    Summer grinned as she stood up, halting her fussing process. It was time for her to kick ass once more, time to prove what a queen can well and truly do.

    Words: 753
    Total Words: 10,412
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 320
    MP: 80%


    lineage/unique/other abilities:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 26th September 2017, 4:06 am

    The courage that came from walking out that door was surely because she was finally ready for the final round. It was not the time to dawdle and be reluctant. She has already gotten so far and it probably wasn’t a good idea to back down regardless. What would the crowd think?! In fact, what would the minotaurs think?! It wouldn’t be fair on them if she backed down now, same as it wouldn’t be fair on her if they backed down. It was all part of the show, a show that Summer didn’t really want to participate in but was kind of forced to regardless.

    Making her way through the corridor and mentally preparing herself for what's to come, she finally stepped out of the Chinese-esque palace and bit her lower lip in anticipation. The crowd was there indeed, it was late at night, and the two minotaurs were there waiting for their chance to defeat the queen. Summer knew that minotaurs were strong individuals in general, but she also knew that these two minotaurs in particular were kind souls, always helping the spirits and keeping their violent tendencies under control.


    Upon hearing her title, some of the animals began to pile on top of her, this included the tiger, rabbit and even the horse joined in. The dragon merely looked over the three of them in their watchful gaze, making sure that Summer wasn’t overwhelmed by the piling session.

    “Your majesty, we were worried about you!” The horse retorted.

    “I’m glad you’re okay!” The rabbit rolled over while they were on Summer’s stomach, while the tiger kept themselves laid down on Summer’s legs like they were about to sleep on her.

    “Okay guys, get up now. The queen has a fight to get to, and she can’t do that if you guys are all cuddling into her.” The dragon finally spoke out towards the animals, silence filled the air as they all heeded the dragon's words, and even hopped off Summer with no trouble at all. “You can proceed now, my child.”

    “Thanks!” Summer grinned at the dragon before looking to the animals that pounced on her. She simply kneeled down for the tiger and rabbit, fussing them profoundly before standing up and petting the horse. “I’ll be fine, okay??” She reassured the animals, as to which they nodded. They couldn’t really argue if Summer was saying she was okay. She didn’t look much better in herself, but she was better enough for the battle ahead.

    Walking towards the centre ring, Summer gazed at the two minotaurs as they grew taller as she gotten closer. She was unsure what to make of this, she was slowly getting excited inside, as if butterflies were literally exploding inside of her in bursts. Her own little fireworks were having their fun inside her, and if she was going to be honest, it felt good.

    “Are you minotaurs ready??” Summer queried, before bowing down to get ready for the fight ahead.

    “We are indeed ready, but first, a few minutes, you seem tense and we want you to relax before getting into this.” The minotaurs wanted her to fully focus before got her game on. Sometimes it’s not good to be excited, and while it’s okay to be excited, they also may be less focused on the fight. For Summer to focus right now would be necessary.

    Summer would take notice how the minotaurs are rather pleased with her recovery, but she was rather nervous at the same time. It only took the minotaurs words for her to have time to have a breather, controlling her excitement and breathing in and out slowly, regulating her breathing process and keeping herself on bay.

    “Okay… I am ready.” Summer opened her eyes while she said this, she looked much more focused for the fight, and much more steady. She didn’t look so tense before, her shoulders were rolled back and her posture was much more relaxed. She felt in a much better position to get this fight over and done with! “Let’s begin!”

    Instantly, one of the minotaurs charged at Summer, his fist was out and ready to punch the queen. Summer queued this time perfectly, as she also charged at the minotaur. Both of their fists collided with each other in the centre of the ring, and it resulted in the crowd being shocked at the recoil it must have given out. Summer tried to punch the minotaur with her other fist, but instead he grabbed it the moment it tried to touch him. This resulted in another recoil session.

    Words: 768
    Total Words: 11,180
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 80%


    lineage/unique/other abilities:

    Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer) Empty Re: Spiritual Competition (Character Job, Summer)

    Post by Guest 12th October 2017, 4:10 am

    Summer and the minotaur looked like they were having a raw test of strength, they seemed to have equal outputs, Summer sometimes pushed one way, while the minotaur pushed the other way. They both seemed rather surprised at themselves, simply because they both should have their strengths in different areas, like Summer’s is flexibility, while the minotaurs is speed. It was quite clear that this was going to be a very interesting battle that Summer will have to endure.

    Straddle jumping, Summer landed on the hands of the minotaur, completely taking him by surprise. That was when she walked all over the minotaur’s arms and kneeled on his shoulders, except for one knee, which met his face in quite a brutal fashion. Summer knew that she can be much more harsh on these guys, they aren’t babies, and she knew they could take quite a few old fashioned hits. The only problem is that he has his little friend with him, so it can be rather easy to be overwhelmed. Summer has no partners to assist her, nor does she have anything more fantastic to show unless she wants to REALLY drain herself of her mana pool. She doesn’t want to tire herself out or anything after all.

    Speaking of his buddy, the other minotaur forcefully grabbed Summer away from the minotaur, and threw the queen away like she was just a stick. The crowd grasped at this show of strength, maybe this minotaur was much stronger than the other one. It may also mean that Summer really is going to be in for a wild ride.

    Rolling straight onto the floor as she was thrown, she got herself up and jumped slightly, shaking things off before she got herself ready. Charging at the minotaur once more, she quickly flanked him by performing a one handed cartwheel to the side and then punched their side constantly before she was picked up by the other minotaur… she really was in trouble. The second  minotaur was about to pummel her to pieces and she needed to escape really quickly, or that would pretty much be the end of this challenge that she was given.

    Using her wits, she had a quick thought concerning her spells. What if she used her claws, then kept them nearby… it was probably very easy to turn her hands inwards and it would even protect her.

    With this in mind, she closed her eyes quickly and focused, turning her hands inwards the moment that the claws were summoned, and the moment the minotaur tried to touch her, he staggered backwards, shaking his hands in pain. The idea was working, the female then pointed her hands outwards to burn the other minotaur, finally letting her go, she dropped onto the floor once more and grinned. It was time to get to work.

    Meanwhile, the audience were reacting with boos, hisses, cheers and laughter. It was most certainly a good show for them, considering Summer was essentially fighting for the right to keep the peace.

    Standing up, the female bowed down, smiling softly as she then threw her arms out into the air.

    “Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen!” Summer spun around slowly once, nodding her head as her body started to be covered in firework sparks. A lot of figures started to arrive around her, her smirk was most certainly amusing and at the moment she bowed down, the female shouted the important words to get her dance troupe started.


    Suddenly, the firework figures began to follow every movement that Summer was making, she performed a few movements to show that she can dance. The audience were most indeed impressed, but it was clear that Summer wasn’t done, she was here to prove she can be a true queen, not to be a performer. Commanding all of her firework figures, the female began to dance with ease, her grace proving to be quite useful, the minotaurs were trying to find a way to get past the figures, but they kept getting hit by them. Their confusion seemed to be proving a good tactic for the young woman. She now knew what to do.

    Moving like usual when she was with her firework figures, she prepared herself for what was to come. She doesn’t know what would exactly be happening next, nor does she know if the minotaurs will have a way to counter the spell.

    Words: 739
    Total Words: 11,919
    Word Count Goal: 14,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 50%


    lineage/unique/other abilities:

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:19 pm