Fairy Tail RP

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    White & Red


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    White & Red Empty White & Red

    Post by Charlotte 28th August 2017, 9:31 am

    0000 / 0000 WC
    Charlotte Whiterose
    ~Outfit appearance

    There were times when the guild of Black Rose could be completely packed and just about the noisiest place in Rose Gardens. And then there weredays when the Inn was completely empty and not even a rat would peep inside. It seemed that today was the latter, as Charlotte lazily moved about the establishment, a broom in hand. Even when there was no one to serve in terms of ordering and delivering food, she still tried to be at least somewhat useful and would clean. Though the inside was already quite sparkling and there was absolutely no need to do any more work. Surely there had to be something else she could do in order to chase away the boredom, yes? Well, there was plenty. She could always try to go on a mission of some sort and earn a bit of jewels, or maybe go to her home and have fun with her 'friends' like the old times. Seth was once more sitting silent and not giving any imput on what the white witch should do, making her sigh as she left the Inn throuh the fron door.

    "It's messy..."

    She would say to herself before she gripped the handle of the broom tighter than before and started sweeping the streets that lied in front of the guild hall. This no longer really belonged to the Black Rose, but first impressions were always important! And walking up to a restaurant that was all dirty up front was a big no no to the girl. And so she would sweep away, humming herself a strangely familiar and comforting melody, the dance gently dancing with her steps as the world around her seemed almost shifting around to something very pleasant. Was it an illusion, perhaps something caused by the bending rays of light? Who really knew. All that could be told was that the girl certainly drew many gazes from people that were passing by, their minds unsure of what they were seeing and perceiving at all. Curious indeed.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by Oras Auro 28th August 2017, 12:24 pm

    Oras had arrived a second time in the town. He was here for one reason, and one reason alone: To see if the Black Rose guild was a dead end or not. The two photographs were in his pockets at the moment. His pockets were concealed by two leather pouches, with his daggers resting behind them. He held nor carried anything else, walking through the town in his cloaked, masked, and generally concealing outfit. He heard people muttering behind his back, practically feeling their stares. However these things didn't bother him. In fact it comforted him. He felt that it reinforced the concealed shield he always placed around himself. Something that was designed to keep others at bay, as he does not trust anyone on any level. At least, not at first. It was usually extremely difficult to gain his trust, enough to become an ally in arms, let alone becoming a friend. This was why he had no friends as of now.

    Which was one of the many reasons he was seeking answers here.

    Raven. She was one of his childhood friends before the village was destroyed. There was a fifty fifty chance she was either dead, or still alive out there somewhere. She was a part of the Black Rose guild when he last saw her all those years ago. However she could have easily dropped the guild and chosen a different road and path. The Raven he remembered was strong, and yet at the same time she was very kind to Oras. After the inevitable happened, Oras had made a drastic change, and he expected no less from Raven. Still he had to check to make sure she was actually alive first. And what better way to start then by asking her old guild if they knew her? He wondered if she somehow got her hands on a potion of sorts that erased memories she picked out. It wasn't impossible. Hell she may have devised a spell to do such a thing.

    As he approached the entrance of the guild hall, or inn rather, she spotted the girl who was sweeping and noticed the emblem on the back of her hand. At least that meant someone was here he thought. The best thing about his mask was that the black visor hid his eyes from view, meaning that nobody could see into his eyes, or see where he was looking. He stopped at the doorway, not spotting anyone inside. Without turning around he asked her:

    "Are you the only current guild member here?"

    Oras Auro


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    White & Red TEm5Pci


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by Charlotte 1st September 2017, 3:13 pm

    0000 / 0000 WC
    Charlotte Whiterose
    ~Outfit appearance

    Charlotte was quite good at tuning out everything around her when she became absorbed in her own work. Due to this fact, and that she was doing her very best to sweep every little bit of trash that did not belong on the street, she didn't even manage to notice the cloaked figure that walked right past her at first, despite the man's somewhat outragous appearance for this place. It was only when he spoke that she was torn away from her tunnel vision, swiftly turning around to take a look who uttered those words, her long snow-white hair dancing along her body as her body shifted from one position to another. It took her few moments of eyeing the individual before her brain managed to process the entire question he had asked, which made her jump a little before her grip on the broom grew tighter.

    "A..ah, um... no, I believe there are some other members of the guild inside of the living quarters. But only those with the guild's emblem have acess to that part of the building. Is there anything I can help you with, Mister? My name is Charlotte Whiterose, a witch of Black Rose and cleric in the service of the Church of the Black Corss."

    She had swiftly introduced herself after answering him and even bowed properly as one should when doing so. Of course, he probably did not see considering he was turned toward her with his back rather than his face. Nevertheless, the young white witch always minded her manners and tried to present herself in the best light possible, even though she often managed to somehow mess up due to her clumsy nature. She also did not question the man's attire, as a good chunk of the guild members themselves were of the more strange nature, very small number of them actually human. And those of the more generally disliked species sometimes chose to hide their forms in manner such as this. It was quite normal around these parts, really. And so, the girl could only smile gently and warmly toward the individual in hopes that she could somehow be helpful to him.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by Oras Auro 2nd September 2017, 7:45 am

    Oras listened carefully, hearing the girl's feet against the road as she turned around and began to reply. Whether it was nervousness or just collecting her thoughts was unclear to Oras however. She gave him a simple answer and gave him rather useless information, stating that more guild members were in the guild, however non guild members were not allowed inside. Oras sighed softly, doing his best to keep the sound to himself and no one else. So he still didn't have a lead on the matter. He needed to at least confirm whether or not she was dead, and yet he had no way of finding any evidence or clue as to where he could start. It was as if her very existence was just a figment of his imagination, even though he knew she wasn't. He would need to think of other ways to try and find a lead on her. This however was difficult since the village was obliterated and no one else really knew her besides his master who vanished.

    The detail about the guild refusing anyone but those with the emblem entering however. It made Oras wonder if all guilds had this rule, or if this guild had something to hide. Oras refused to trust anyone or anything until they've proven themselves to him, that was a fundamental nature for him. He could easily just be over cautious, but then again that same caution had kept him alive all this time. It was very rare he was wrong. Given the corruption in the world. However he would turn a blind eye to this thought as he was focused on another mission that was currently more important to him than investigating the many guilds. If he was to investigate one he would investigate them all after all. The girl then introduced herself, giving her name, position and role to him. Oras turned around to face her fully, seeing her bow in front of him. Oras was not one for formalities.

    "Unless you have the means to help me find these two... No. I have no other objective than to find these two. And I won't stop until I've found them, or have confirmed that they are dead." One of them was already confirmed for him, as he was that other one. He knew he couldn't hide his past forever, but his master did an incredible job hiding him from the world. Therefore he was able to give away information on his past self without revealing his identity. And the more information he offered people, the more they would be willing to aid him. In addition, he was giving information that was utterly useless when he shared details of his past. For now however, the girl had given her name and position. Therefore Oras felt obliged to do the same, of course he would give her his alias rather than name.
    "Name's Verus."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    White & Red TEm5Pci


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by Charlotte 24th September 2017, 9:07 am

    0000 / 0000 WC
    Charlotte Whiterose
    ~Outfit appearance

    Charlotte could only tilt her head to the site in a questioning manner. The man in front of her was strange, but mostly due to his attire rather than behaviour. Honestly, the way he acted did not bother the young girl in the slightest. She was one of the more open minded and free individuals in this place. Whether that was a good or bad thing was yet to be decided, but at least she wasn't shooing him away or anything. Though it seemed she could not quite help him as of right now, or so it would appear. While he said he was looking for someone, that was about it. If he needed help finding them from someone, then he would probably have to be more specific about who he wanted to find, what was their name and other information that could help the young white witch identify the person if she was to ever see them.

    "I'm sorry, I don't think I know who you're looking for. But if you are certain that they are from this guild, maybe you could wait in the guild hall and see if they come by? It also works as the Silver Moon Inn, so I can take any order you might have if you're hungry or thirsty!"

    The girl would quickly change her tone to a more excited one as she pumped up her firsts, eyes almost sparkling. As of late, she was mostly unable to help the guild in any reasonable manner, so a chance at working and earning them money again sparked her interest instantly. Putting the broom against a nearby wall, she would stand close to the masked boy, her body clearly fidgeting ever so slightly as she hoped that he would follow her inside into the public area that everyone had access to. Not to mention that they could perhaps discuss things in greater detail while seated there, away from the prying gazes of other people walking the streets? It didn't sound half bad to the girl, but what the boy would think was still a big question mark to her.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by Oras Auro 24th September 2017, 9:24 pm

    The questioning manner of her actions did not elude Oras Auro's attention.  Of course he expected this as well, given how he had delivered the previous statement.  However she didn't go any further than her questioning tilt and even that was brief.  Oras respected individuals who weren't naive enough to take everything another said as law.  While this girl clearly wasn't helpless, from this encounter it seemed she wasn't all that cautious at all.  Without others to protect her, she could easily fall prey to a trap of some sort.  Still, as he watched her, he couldn't help but feel neutral on her.  He wasn't disappointed with her in other words.  The world lacked a kind heart more often than not, and while it left her vulnerable he thought, it was comforting to know that people like that still existed.  A speck or two of good souls he thought.  Then he mentally shook the thought away, physically remaining still.  He was losing focus and needed to stay on the task at hand.

    He listened to what the girl had to say, and there was really only one piece of information that had any value to him at the moment.  He did notice however that as she spoke her posture and expression changed quickly to the energetic, enthusiastic, and inviting girl she had been prior to his statement.  Most people would call the girl cute.  Oras, while he did give off an unseen and rather small smile behind the mask, didn't really label other people anything.  Even with the word cute.

    "No.  The chances of them still being a part of this guild are below zero percent.  It seems this is a dead end.  However if this truly is an inn, then I'll go ahead and order a room for the night."  Oras was a nomad.  A traveling wizard who took on jobs to save up for knowledge fragments that would aid in the creation of new spells.  There was nothing else to pursue besides Raven, and until he found a lead wander the world and gain as much intel as he could on the many different towns, cities and villages, as well as ruins and landscapes was all he could do.  This intel could be used in the future.  Knowing the terrain made it easier to fight in after all.  That being said, he didn't spend every night in a tent.  If he happened to be in a settlement that held an inn of some sort, he would usually stay the night, then leave before anyone woke up in the morning, heading for his next destination.  And with this place being a dead end he had no intention of prolonging his stay.

    Regardless he still needed a place to stay for the night, so he walked towards the building she had directed him towards. Whether she would stay and sweep or follow him inside was her choice. Since he didn't have enough intel on the girl he was unsure of which she would choose, and thus the chances were again, fifty fifty. He walked into the establishment and scanned the area. From what he could tell there was nearly no one here. Only two individuals, one whom was a girl. He looked through the black visor of his mask for a moment, searching for the individual running the inn.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    White & Red TEm5Pci




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by desirée 25th September 2017, 5:56 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    tag: @oras @char
    wc: ∞
    "Kiwi, come downstairs with me to get some tea, please." Desirée asked her companion, a bio-luminescent organism, in which he politely accepted the offer. That night, Desirée was having a bit of a sleepover with one of her friends in the guild that stayed in the Inn for her residency. Her friend had passed out watching a movie-marathon, and Desirée had issues falling asleep, so she figured that she would go downstairs to fix herself some tea and sit at the bar for a bit with her notebook to write. As she walked down the stairwell leading up through the inn to the dorms of the guild members, her soft blue nightgown fluttered while she descended each individual step with her white slippers. She figured she would not be seeing too many people downstairs, so she did not care how she looked in the depths of the night. The only thing on her was her gown, undergarments, slippers, and a clear gloss she applied after eating some popcorn.

    As she pushed the door open from the stairway into the Inn, she was greeted by a familiar face, and a not so familiar face. "Hmm.. perhaps a guild member I have not met before?" she thought to herself, as she walked a few meters away from the door to the tea machines, which were brewing constantly throughout the day for visitors and guild members with all different sleep schedules. Despite being in the guild for a few months now, Desirée had not met many people in her guild. Coming in and out, she just couldn't ever catch up with the members that were higher in the ranks than she was. Hell, she had never even met her own Guild Master at this point. Shaking off the thought, Desirée pulled a glass off of the rack for herself, and dispensed a mix of herbal tea and ginger tea into her cup. The green and the orange swirled to make a hazel, which was greeted by a tad of sugar being pinched in by Desirée's fingers. After she fixed the tea, she had walked over to the familiar face in which she had been acquainted with a few times on journeys: Charlotte Whiterose.

    "Hi Charlotte, It is so nice to see you again!" Desirée exclaimed, as she sipped a few orbs of tea into her delicate mouth. As she pulled her arm up to her mouth to dispense the tea from the glass to it, her long sleeves slipped down to her elbows to reveal her blue guild-mark on her wrist. "I don't believe we have met, I am Desirée Blooms, a musician and guild member of this lovely place. What brings you into our hall?" she asked the masked man, as she handed her tea off onto Kiwi's head for him to hold while she brushed her stray hairs into the soft flow of the rest of her head.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 2:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


    White & Red IY2eFxu


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by Charlotte 28th September 2017, 1:37 pm

    0000 / 0000 WC
    Charlotte Whiterose
    ~Outfit appearance

    Whatever the masked boy thought of Charlotte, it probably wasn't quite the full truth. No one really knew just how many secrets follow the young white witch, some of which she herself wasn't even fully aware of. The girl was but another human, yet she in her veins flowed a mighty lineage from eons past, and her body and mind was chosen by a god outside of this realm that played a woeful tune on his instruments of control. Seth, whatever their purpose was, the girl did not quite care. The puppeteer was part of her life and she had accepted them as a friend, despite the fact that they could take full control over her at any moment. Because she already knew that they did not need to do so. They were writing a story and she was merely a tool for them to play it out. She was a pawn, but she did not mind it. She liked whatever game she was part of. Because right now, as well as many others times, she was acting completely out of her own free will. Or at least she figured she was. The things she said to this man were her own thoughts and feelings. And when he replied that there was no chance the person he was looking for was still in this guild, she was genuenly disappointed and sad she was unable to provide help to this stranger. But if nothing else, he did agree that he should spend at least some time inside.

    "I promise that the Silver Moon Inn has a lot to offer, you won't be disappointed!"

    Hopping and skipping, she got in front of him and lead him through the door into the warm interior. A big open space that was not occupied by many at this moment in time, many tables tuckled to the side where one could sit and order any meal on the menu. And something that she did not expect to see. Her friend, Des. Normally, it would be a very pleasant thing to see her. But right now, the blue-haired girl appeared to be in her pajamas, not exactly an outfit you'd want strangers to see you in. It also made the white witch fluster as she blushed quite deeply, letting out a yelp and rushing over to Desirée's side, her staff appearing in her hand. And with few gestures using the magical tool, white treads of magic would appear in the air and create a much more social dress right on top of her night garment.

    "M..mind your attire before you go down here please! It's dangerous to be presenting yourself to stranger in clothes like that. It made me worry there..."

    And although she said that, she was still blushing and her position itself was much more relaxed now that she was here with a friend she knew pretty well. In fact, if not for the stranger behind them, she would have probably already tried to hug Des as means of greeting her back.


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by Oras Auro 28th September 2017, 2:19 pm

    The girl seemed slightly down after Oras had responded, but when she replied she seemed to cheer up a little bit more, talking about how the inn had much to offer.  The only thing was that Oras didn't require much.  A bed and some food he could take to his room was it really.  Oras brought his own water wherever he went, and he preferred to eat in private.  The less people who knew Oras' true identity and face, the more comfortable he felt.  At any rate he would be receiving a room to stay in for the night.  While he was guessing this woman wished to assist him with anything he needed, and whether or not she was attempting to get him to buy more than he originally intended, he would be sticking with his necessities.  Most people loved to indulge themselves, but Oras didn't stoop to that level.  Luxuries were not needed, and what was not necessary he would dismiss in order to keep himself focused.

    He noticed the girl in the building move over to a pair of machines and pour them into a cup.  He assumed that the liquid was either tea or coffee.  Unless she was nocturnal, or had an unusual habit of drinking coffee at night, the logical assumption was tea.  He also noticed two other things:  The first was that she was in her nightwear, which meant she either just got out of bed, or was preparing for bed.  The second was the creature that floated nearby her.  It appeared to be a very tiny octopus that glowed green.  When the girl walked over to them she greeted Charlotte before introducing herself to Oras.  Desirée Blooms was her name evidently.  She revealed her guild mark as she offered her hand in greeting.  Oras was about to shake her hand in return when Charlotte rushed over to Desirée with a yelp and materialized clothing over her nightwear.  Evidently she was more frightened about what Oras would think of her attire than Desirée.  However Oras truly didn't care what people wore.  That was there business, and he really didn't care anyways.  Unless she offered her hand again though, he wouldn't shake her hand.

    "Verus.  Originally I came here seeking information on an individual.  However it seems I've hit a dead end.  So I'll simply rent a room and be on my way in the morning." He always got to the point, but in this case he just didn't wish to repeat himself.  He had four people to keep an eye on at this point.  Charlotte, Desirée, her pet, and the other individual who seemed to be enjoying themselves and being lazy.  Oras always acted as if he was surrounded by threats.  It saved his life once or twice after all, and hadn't failed him yet.  Of course he wouldn't let the other's realize it.  If he was attacked in any way, he could easily summon his illusions and draw his daggers or throwing knives, counteracting very swiftly.  Years of training with his old mentor in the wilderness sharpened his reflexes, thinking, and many other survival skills.  His mentor helped him start his way on magic, but once past the basics he insisted that Oras practice his magic on his own, unless he wished to spar.  That of course, was all before his mentor sent him away.

    With the departure from his master, the only things that mattered now was survival and confirming the location or death of his childhood friend Raven.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    White & Red TEm5Pci




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by desirée 28th September 2017, 9:12 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    tag: @oras @char
    wc: ∞
    "Charlotte, it's in the middle of the night! Why would I care about what I'm wearing? I come out here all the time like this!" Desirée exclaimed, as she noticed her blue night-gown changed into that of a white dress, which was very ornate and covering the slim-silk night-gown pressing against her chest. "After all, I didn't expect any strangers being down here so late at night.." Desirée said in a curious manor, as she took a sip of her herbal tea before hugging Charlotte, something that the white-haired girl wished to do. "As for you, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Verus. You seek information on an individual that could relate to the guild, perhaps? I may be of assistance." the blue-haired girl exclaimed, as she pulled her hair back into a low pony-tail as she spoke.

    Desirée was a very intellectual and wise girl for what she did in the meantime, which was in the branch of performance arts. She had been an idol for a few years now, and had been climbing the music charts of the pop-genre for quite some time now. She had traveled all over the world on musical tours, performing for many different types of people in different locations, for people of all shapes, sizes, ethnicity, and ages. She loved her talents, whether it would be musical or magical, and loved to share the beauty of her songs and magic combined into one. Desirée was a very passive individual, and respected others until they wronged her. She would never attack an individual at will unless they posed a threat, and stated that they would try to attack her or show signs of it. "Don't hold back on your information, you can trust me with countless lives."

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


    White & Red IY2eFxu


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by Charlotte 1st October 2017, 12:54 pm

    0000 / 0000 WC
    Charlotte Whiterose
    ~Outfit appearance

    "It doesn't matter what time it is or if you knew or not, you mustn't let others see you in clothes like that... b...b...because... well... There could be a pervert who would want to take an advantage of you!"

    At the end there, the girl lowered her voice as much as she could for Des to still hear her, but so that Verus would not. In the end, he was still more of a stranger than anything else. There was no telling what would tickle his fancy and until he would prove that he was no threat, Charlotte would do anything in order to protect her dear friend from any possible danger, even if it was to be one not aimed at her health, but something else. That said, it all seemed to be mostly brushed off the table. And the fact that the blue-haired maiden wasn't opposed to the fact she was wearing another layer of clothes created by the white witch's magic. Putting her staff to the side, even Charlotte herself turned back at the masked boy and tilted her head to the side once more in a questioning manner. It was now that she realized she never actually got his name. So in the end, it was actually Desirée who gathered most of the information and pursued the boy's goal, asking for more and reassuring him that he could trust her.

    "Saying something like that sounds really suspicious, Des... ah, but she is not lying, Mister Verus! She is one of the most wonderful mages I have ever seen, and would trust her with my life any day!"

    Trying to back the other girl up, she really hoped that they could do something to help the boy. While he made it seems as if it was no big deal, the white witch had a feeling that it was important for this boy to find this person he was looking for. And ever since she joined, Charlotte desired not much more than to help others.

    "But before that... would you like to order anything at all? There are plenty of free tables, so you may take a seat anywhere! I will bring you the menu right away as well, if you desire!"


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by Oras Auro 2nd October 2017, 10:40 am

    The two women continued to discuss the topic of clothes and where to wear them. Oras started tuning them out by accident. Listening to women go on about clothes and fashion was nothing but a nuisance to Oras. Select armor or clothing according to what you need and move on he thought to himself. Unfortunately for him, there were many women, and even men for that matter, who took fashion and clothing far too seriously. Oras chose a cloak and mask because he did not wish for others to gain any information off of his true appearance. Not only that but if he needed to disappear for a time, he could stop wearing the cloak and mask until he was in the clear again. Nobody could hunt him down if nobody knew his real identity after all. There was a reason, purpose behind his choice of outfit. Not whether or not he enjoyed it, or wanted to make himself look nice, or good in the eyes of others. He could care less what other's thought of him.

    Then Desirée finished her greeting by stating that it was a pleasure to meet him, and then asked if he would like his assistance in any way in regards to information of these individuals or the guild. Oras didn't have much time to respond as he first thought about what he would do, quickly followed by Charlotte's words. Hearing her words he couldn't help but think to himself, 'oh you innocent, naive young girl'. She had a good heart but didn't realize that what she had just said to Oras was voided immediately due to one little detail. Actually if he was being accurate it was two points. The first being that she and Desirée were of the same guild, and thus her statement would be bias and untrustworthy. Not only that but it was clear that these two were friends and allies, which although less bias, was still in the end not very trustworthy. He could not accept her words. If she and Desirée were enemies, or unfriendly towards each other, it would have had a greater effect and he could trust her words more. Of course it wasn't the case here.

    "You both are of the same guild which makes your statement bias." He said this in a 'fact' like voice. He did not mean to offend or hurt her feelings. It was the truth and that was all. He turned to Desirée and pulled out the photos of young Raven and Oras, not revealing their names to her. "I'm looking for these two. One of them was in this guild years back." That was all he said on the matter, as that was all the info he was willing to provide. He couldn't trust these people. At least not yet. He wanted to find Raven, not sell her away to someone else. If they had information he would use it to start on his way. If not then he would move on.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    White & Red TEm5Pci




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    White & Red Empty Re: White & Red

    Post by desirée 7th October 2017, 1:07 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    tag: @oras @char
    wc: ∞

    "I don't think what I said sounds that shady, but I am very tired." she told Charlotte in response to what she said in a very tired manor, grabbing the cup of tea from Kiwi. She also smiled when Charlotte complimented her mage-artistry, even though she felt as if her performance arts were much more beautiful than what she did on the battlefield. Desirée loved what she did on stage, and felt as though she could admit to it without sounding conceited. After all, her name was spreading quickly among Fiore and all the other lands because of her talents, magical and non-magical. After all, her life had developed from the bottom all the way to the top, from being poor and homeless to being being a well-known mage.

    "I don't think that any bias would be included in that statement, sir.." Desirée told him, as she sipped another gulp of tea into her mouth. She loved this tea, and was very pleased that this guild had such a large supply of it that was complementary. "You have pictures, why certa-" Desirée began to say in a happy tone, as when the picture landed in her hand her cup slipped out of the other in shock. "That... that's..." she began to quiver, as she cup hit the ground and shattered under her feet in glass and liquid. "Raven..." she began to say, as tears began to pour down her face like waterfalls of nostalgia.


    White & Red IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:15 pm