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    Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan)


    Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan) Empty Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan)

    Post by Guest 8th August 2017, 6:25 am

    Rose Garden, a place she hasn't been in for a long time. The last time she was here was when cherry blossom petals plagued the whole of the gardens, Summer was all on her lonesome when she stopped the cherry blossom petals from invading everywhere. Not that she minded though, its been such a long time and she could only hope that it wouldn’t happen again.

    “Oh em gee, Summer is thinking of things!”

    The rooster always seemed to be like this when it came to Summer thinking, sometimes, she would rather that she got rid of all the chinese zodiac that liked to constantly speak to her.

    “Are they saying anything??”

    Bao, her cat companion, seemed rather focused on the fact that Summer was distant. Summer knew fine well that he absolutely hated the chinese zodiac for what they done, but he hated the rat the most, which is pretty self explanatory.

    “No Bao! Do not worry!” Summer grinned as she stood up from her chair, placed one of her feet onto the table and crossed her arms, trying to encourage Bao to never worry about what is going on with her little mind.

    “Pfft… if you say so…”

    Bao’s behaviour really does worry Summer sometimes, but she can’t help a guy’s personality, she knew why he acted like that, but she also knew she doesn’t deserve the brunt of everything. She had her reign passed down onto her… she wasn’t the one who caused all this mess.

    “He doesn’t look too happy… don’t worry Summer, everything will be okay in the end!” The rabbit spoke in Summer’s head, trying to reassure the fireworks expert.

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    Total Words:


    [color=#42f483] Summer - [color=#930d0d] Laysha - [color=#daa520] Stella - [color=#fcb8b8] Priscilla - [color=#e0a8ff] Bao


    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Posts : 27
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    Mentor : Mitsuo
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    Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan) Empty Re: Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan)

    Post by Baobhan 8th August 2017, 5:23 pm

    ’Would flowers grow in a sea of tears?’

    Eileen had been wandering in and around the rose garden, it had not been long since the female wizard had been released from her father, though the gift that had been graced upon the side of her neck was still sore to the touch, churning plasma within her form was painful, but she had her father’s assurance that the storm would soon settle. The slender woman would glide like a ghost across the grass as her heavy clothing, hood and mask hid her face from the grace of the unforgiving sun, bearing down on her like an ancient enemy that threatened to burn her to ash. Her gloved hands reached out to caress one of the flowers in the bed, caressing them softly, as she seemed to visually mourn the loss of being able to touch or smell the flower for the mean-time. She would have preferred to have been out at night, though the light of the sun seemed to be waning as the daylight seemed to transform into the twilight of sunset. Though it would be an hour away yet at least before she would feel comfortable exposing any skin to the open air.

    ‘’Aren’t you the prettiest thing?‘’

    Her soft voice would ring out like a chime, giggling before moving on deeper into the expansive garden. Soon enough she would hear voices on the wind, one at most, the garden seemed by and large to be abandoned and the dark witch had used that as a chance to stalk the flower beds unharassed, her dark leather cloaks and the white porcelain bird mask sitting upon her face like stark bone. The look could be a little frightening to those who would not recognise the attire as that of a doctor, specifically one who works with the terminally ill or those who works with particularly infectious diseases. Either way, a garden full of roses was the perfect place to relax and allow the aromas of thousands of flowers cleanse the pallette of the scents that her job would usually entail.

    Curiosity would pique at the sound, the person seemed a little different, so, using the bushes as cover she would slink around like a curious cat, not wanting to be caught as Eileen would move closer and closer, the words upon the wind getting louder and louder until she saw Summer standing with no-one around her. It was curious, so for some time Eileen would attempt to remain hidden, simply peering at the strange person for a while, her brain working in overtime in attempting to gather what information that she could about the person she could only assume by her striking and unique attire that was another of this worlds plethora of wizards. Unable to yet sense magical power, Eileen hoped that the woman wouldn’t be a foe, though she seemed kind enough. Eileen was new to the material world in a sense, perhaps there was a chance she would be able to make a connection, learn more, and maybe develop the first in a long line of allies for her plan…

    ‘The wheels needed to begin turning.’

    Poking her head out from the bush she would attempt to move closer, no longer making any attempt to hide her form or frame as her face would immediately transmute behind the mask into the sunny shining epitome of charm that she was used to projecting. Raising a hand at the elbow she would wave to the woman and cough lightly to get her attention before speaking aloud.

    ‘’Ah, excuse me? Are you a Magic User? I don’t mean to be a bother, but, I’m new around here and I was hoping to ask you a few, uhm, questions? I would be ever so grateful for your assistance... ‘’

    Words would fall like honey, softly, sweetly and without the sleightest hint of threat in the politest manner one could imagine. The woman was like a mouse to the eye… hopefully… everything would go according to plan.



    Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan) Empty Re: Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan)

    Post by Guest 9th August 2017, 4:51 pm

    There were many things that the fireworks expert could not explain in this world, not that it particularly matters. Whatever happens, happens. Summer knew them words quite well, from escaping her village to becoming a guild master of the very well known Golden Phoenix, she can most certainly say she has had the time of her life. It has indeed had it’s good bits and it’s bad bits. Like always though, she soldiered on, not allowing anything to become a major obstacle in the way. Despite everything becoming a tad depressing, she would remind herself of this fact before continuing on with the current going ons.

    Smiling softly, she would then ruffle the hair that was on Bao’s head. Sure, it annoyed him somewhat, but Summer was having lots of fun and that was all that mattered to the young woman!


    A cough…

    The queen of the zodiac would look around, tilting her head as a wave of calm washed over in the area. The girl’s eyes would blink at the female as she spoke out, her voice was warm and sweet, making her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She was reminded of many things, but to think that her voice would remind her of her favourite things, then there was nothing that could really go wrong, could it??

    “Oooohh… A new person! Hiiiiii!” Summer would wave enthusiastically to the other young woman, she has never seen her before, but she said she was new, which explained everything to the young Summer Guiyang. “I am indeed a magic user and-”

    “Shes not available.” The neko stated as he interrupted his queen, crossing his arms and looking away as he shook his head, he wanted to spend no time with her at all. To him, she looked rather suspicious, throughout all his time while he was here, even he hasn’t seen that manner of clothing before. He was reminded of the rat, a sweet exterior, but could be harbouring backstabbing intentions.

    “Shush, Bao! I am ready to take on any question this lovely lady has!”Summer’s reply wasn’t all that endearing to the 13th zodiac member, and after puffing his cheeks out, he shook his head.

    “Fine, but if you fuck up, then it ain’t my problem.”

    “Oh, don’t mind him, hes just a little cautious, overprotective and a big softie at heart! But anyways, you said you had a few questions? I would love to answer them!”

    Bao’s reaction afterwards was a classic one, to say the least. His face would fluster slightly, he even looked like he was about to break out in a sweat, considering he didn’t expect to be insulted like that.

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    Total Words:

    Zodiac's Calm Affinity
    Being attuned to the power of the zodiac, Summer has an affinity for making everyone within a 25 metre radius to feel much calmer, this won’t stop their anger completely, but it will make everyone within that radius less likely to /want/ to attack her at full force.

    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Posts : 27
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    Mentor : Mitsuo
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    Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan) Empty Re: Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan)

    Post by Baobhan 11th August 2017, 12:53 am

    'Within moments, Eileen could already feel the headache forming...'

    Eileen having revealed herself would see the woman standing out in the open with her cat, the feline seemed to be somewhat of the protective mind-set. Within moments of her entering within 25 meters, Eileen was able to feel a soft wave of magic waltz past her, lingering and swirling on the air. Unless the woman was hiding her magical potential, it seemed that she was attempting to sense Eileen in some way, or, that she was more powerful than Eileen had thought her to be initially, but that thought only put this woman higher on the list of allies that Eileen wanted to have. Cocking her head coyly to the side, Eileen smiled and gave a little laugh before moving closer and looking down at the cat, thinking to herself for a moment before reaching into her satchel at her side and pulling out a paper package... drawing it out and opening it she would take a small slab of meat from the pouch and lower it down to the ground for the cat to eat, a hopes of appeasing the cat for some time, and possibly making any future meetings with the cat a little more positive.

    ''I hope I'm not disturbing the two of you, I was hoping you might be able to tell me a little about this place, I've been looking for a man who should have come through here somewhat recently, he looks like a... uhm, court jester i guess, but, also kind of like a knight. Also, being out of the celestial world is strange to me and i need to orient myself to this one. I know that I'm being a bother, but, would you be able to tell me how this world works? How people work here? I apologize, I'm not very good at explaining.''

    Eileen would bow in apology both to the woman and to the honorable feline that had also spoken aloud, seeming to hold the two of them in equal esteem rather than simply bowing to the owner of the pet. The height of the bow would imply deep regret, though not quite to the point of prostrating herself before Summer and her friend. In truth, there had been a man of that description moving through this place, a tall man standing near 7 feet tall jumping from rooftop to rooftop in the dead of night as he moved through this place like a storm, not lingering in the slightest so few people would have seen him, those who did would likely have seen little more than a shadow of his shape and heard the soft chimes of his bells as he moved like a ghost amidst the moonlight.

    'But then there was the stranger part'

    The connotations of Eileens alien status was something slightly interesting, she seemed to not know how the world worked 'at all' rather than just a simple ignorance of geographical location, she was like an infant more than a lost woman. There were questions no doubt to be asked in response, although, so a stronger wizard there would seem to be an air of the celestial about her, like a musk that she would not be able to shake.



    Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan) Empty Re: Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan)

    Post by Guest 11th August 2017, 5:53 pm

    Oh dear, now Summer has sort of been in the young woman's position before. When she first came to here from her little village, she felt isolated. She didn’t know how the rest of the world works. She was just a childish little brat who demanded attention all the time, one who didn’t know better or worse, just knew how her magic worked. Now though, she has made many friends, and has even developed a little crush on someone, not that it mattered though, for she has experienced quite a few little bumps on the way.

    “I am sorry, I haven’t encountered anyone in that sort of attire, while I wish I have now. I am sure I can relay the information to you if I did spot him in one way or another, even if I have to shoot a firework into the air!”

    Unbeknownst to Eileen, Summer had the magic of fireworks, the ability to shoot off fireworks and to manipulate them to her cause. She gained them a long time ago, when a firework hit her face, the villagers thought she would have died, but here she was, surviving and using the gift that was quite literally shot at her.

    “And do not worry! There is plenty for people to do here!” The female placed out both of her arms, as if she was about to hug the air. “In this world, we have places for mages called guilds! Pretty cool, right?? Oh! Any mage is welcome to join a guild of their choosing! There are registered and there are non-registered guilds! However, some guilds are so disowned by the council, that they are known as dark guilds! No need to worry though! You also get some mages who don’t care who they work with, some in legal guilds and some in dark guilds are like this too, I wouldn’t know this though… I haven’t encountered a dark mage myself, although it would be inte- oh, sorry… I am getting off track.” Summer apologised before letting out a big breath.

    “There are honestly lots of things to do here though, I am probably not the best one to explain, however…”

    “Wow, way to talk, Summer, you would think that the zodiac have been up your ass again.”

    “Oh shush, Bao!” Summer snapped at him before chuckling.

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    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Mentor : Mitsuo
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    Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan) Empty Re: Visit to the realm (Salrynn/Baobhan)

    Post by Baobhan 24th August 2017, 7:48 am


    Eileen would listen intently, not wanting to disturb the woman as she gave her some of the information she had wanted, it was a shame that she had not seen the cursed jester, he must have simply passed through this area. She couldn't allow the Fool to find another one of the cards for his master, it was simply too dangerous for him to get his hands on another of the arbiters of fate. The Tarrochi were powerful beings and each of them could seemingly deliver a substantial amount of harm to a group of people. The whole mess had Eileen in a bit of a pickle, though her lack of knowledge of the world was something that was seeming to hinder her more in the moment... Snapped back from thought to reality, Eileen caught wind of Summer's next few words, clicking back to life and focusing on her yet again and making sure she was attentive... She seemed to use the word 'Mage' a lot, but she seemed to use it in referrence to themselves, it must be a local term for 'Magic User,' which aptly this woman had assumed that Eileen herself also was.

    ''Oh, i see, Mage is a play on the term Magician, I understand now, haha! You almost lost me there for a moment~ I think in the mean-time I would like to avoid any large gathering of the arcane-inclined, it would only seek to endanger them with the armoured clown and his master. The Fool is not someone that I would want others to trifle with, he can be vastly more dangerous than one might expect with his artifact. His master even less so, but i've yet to see any trace of him. Though, you mentioned something of a council... are they your kings? Would there be a way to beseech them in person? Please, this is a matter of grave importance.''

    Eileen would look all rather serious for a moment, determined with a fire of passion in her eye as she would hope to gain a little information about these council members of which she had spoken. If they were indeed kingly, then Eileen might be able to bargain with them about the nature of the evil she was fighting, and even perhaps about her grander quest. Though it was something she had hoped to perform on her own over time, having people so high take interest in her accounts would be something in the future for her. Once she had developed a sphere of power and influence in order to give herself accreditation when it came to dealing with people of that arcane level...

    Then the feline creature spoke once again, something about a Zodiac, now 'that' was a term that Eileen recognized.

    ''Zodiac? Are you in contact with one of the spiritual Parthenons? Perhaps some of them would know of my father and be able to help me? His name is Mananann.''

    Depending on the knowledge of the Zodiac in this case, should they be beings from the spirit Realm, Mananann would be known as a lesser king of sorts under the guise of the Celestial Spirit king, though very loosely affiliated. His small 'kingdom' was built in the shadow of the celestial nation, and collected some odd beings over the years it had existed. Vastly lacking comparatively in power, but never entirely discounted. Mananann was one of the few beings that was documented as an entity of Death itself. He was known for closely consorting with dark mages in seeking something out. It was said that he gained a large amount of power from drinking the blood of a dead giant, power enough to rival some of the larger forces in the world. But in the end Mananann wass considered to have gone mad, raving about the end of all things to such a level that even the other death aspects shunned him...

    'Something about the death of magic...'

    Though there was a couple of odd facts that seemed to come to pass with the idea that she called the man her 'father.' While Eileen was obviously human, there was something off about her, she had an odd aura would namely be the first one, and her clothes were not made of this world to begin with. The other would be, that humans could only normally spend a very limited amount of time in the celestial world, could Eileen be different? There was little time to tell...

    Whoever the woman was, there was mystery about her. That much, was certain.


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