Fairy Tail RP

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    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ Empty Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥

    Post by desirée 19th August 2017, 10:44 am

    It had been a warm, sunny day, as Desirée had been walking through Rose Garden on her way to Black Rose's guild hall. However, something quite flashy had struck Desirée's eyes: a poster, which was stuck to one of the lamp posts next to the street. It read "Fiore's Next Top Model Auditions today only! Please come to the film studio down the street if interested! There is a five week filming period! Six girls enter, one is crowned victor!" This intrigued Desirée, so she decided to walk down to the film studio to audition, just to test the waters. "Perhaps this can make my name get out there even more.." She thought to herself, twirling her hair in between her fingertips. She approached the film studio, and walked in.

    The film studio had been decorated with beautiful white tapestries and red carpets, and had beautiful lighting. There had been a table with five people sitting at it, each looking to be a model themselves. "Hello dear, would you like to sign up?" Asked a woman sitting at the middle of the table, which had a clipboard in her hands. "Yes please! My name is Desirée Blooms, and I am part of the Black Rose Guild." "Perfect! We will send you a letter if you make the cut! Thank you!" The woman said with delight.

    Two days later, early in the morning, a letter lay on Desirée's doorstep. It read "Congratulations! Please come to the film studio to start the first week of FNTM!" Desirée screamed, and began to run around her house in delight. "I did it! I made the cut!" Desirée exclaimed to Kiwi, which began to fly around her in excitement. She packed up some of her belongings in a rolling bag, and began to run to the film studio in delight.

    303/300 ♥

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 19th August 2017, 10:10 pm; edited 4 times in total


    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ IY2eFxu




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ Empty Week 1: Fun in the Sun

    Post by desirée 19th August 2017, 11:31 am

    As Desirée ran into the film studio, it had seemed that she had been the last one to arrive. There were five other girls standing by the desk, each which seemed to have different hair colors. "Finally, you are here!" Exclaimed the woman she had met a few days earlier, which was sitting exactly where she was previously. "Congratulations girls! You six are the models that will be competing in this season of FNTM! Now, let us get right into what this week's assignment is. For the next three days, you will be assigned to go clothing shopping for this week's theme. The fourth day, there will be a photo-shoot of the you choose, and on the fifth day, you will walk the runway with that outfit. It is quite simple and relaxed, but if you do not do well, you will get the chop. Do I make myself clear, ladies?" She asked them, in which they all replied with nods. "This week's theme is "fun in the sun," in which you will be in charge of finding the perfect swim-wear that represents you. There are boutiques all around the area, so go try to find some cute bikinis! Also, my name is Byra." She said, and immediately all of the contestants began to run out the filming area.

    Desirée felt as though she had an advantage, considering she lives around these parts. She knew that a boutique a mile away carried magnificent swimwear, so she decided to go to that one instead of where the others were going. As she walked into the boutique, a beautiful white and purple bikini stuck out to Desirée. She knew that it would match her hair, so she decided to use that one for the contest. Since she found it so early, she decided to head home and spend time with Kiwi for the next three days until the photo-shoot.


    Three days later, Desirée had returned to the film studio to get her photos taken for the photo-shoot. The rest of the girls had been returning at she same time she was, so she was finally on time for once. "Hello girls, please follow me!" Byra said, leading the girls into one of the photo-rooms. As they all walked in, they gasped in awe. It had seemed as if a beach was magically put into the room, which Byra explained that her magic allowed her to manipulate the room to make it appear as a beach. The girls began to get their photos taken, and Desirée felt as if she had spent her whole life doing this as a job. She was a natural, and stunned the cameraman.

    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ Dc4441db8ffcb3b9f27968017374630ff37cab07_hq

    Now that the day of the photo-shoot was over, it was time for the runway. This was exciting and nerve-wrenching for Desirée, considering she knew a contestant would be eliminated tonight. She got in her purple and white bikini, and tied her hair up. She put on some lilac-colored heels, and entered the runway. Considering she was used to big stages, this small stage seemed to be underwhelming for Desirée, but she still gave it her all. She strut, and whipped her hair as she turned around. As Desirée left the runway, Byra called out the rest of the girls to announce who was going home that week. "And the girl who did not impress the judges is... Jade Lancaster. I am sorry, but please pack your bags and go home." She said, while the blonde girl with pigtails nodded. She wiped away a few tears, and stepped off the stage. "As for the rest of you, please head home. We will continue this process in two days."

    615/300 ♥


    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ IY2eFxu




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ Empty Week 2: Kimono Festival

    Post by desirée 19th August 2017, 8:21 pm

    Two days after Jade's elimination, Desirée and the other girls were assigned to go find a beautiful kimono, in which they would do a photo-shoot in. Desirée had knew of an oriental clothing store across from the docks of Rose Garden, in which she would find her way to. The breeze was very strong, but this did not stop her from getting what she needed. As she walked in, the smell of incense greeted her nose, as well as an elder woman which was in a kimono. "Hiya lass, do you need help finding anything?" The woman asked Desirée, carrying a very kind and gentle tone. "Yes, I am looking for a kimono for a photo-shoot, could you help me pick one?" Desirée asked the woman, smiling. "Yes ma'am! Follow me, please." The elderly woman exclaimed, turning around to walk towards the back of the store. In the back of the store were racks of kimonos, with many different designs and colors. "I think this one would fit you perfectly." The woman said, pulling out a beautiful white kimono with green, blue, and pink floral designs on it. It had a pink ribbon tied across the middle, and was the exact size of Desirée. "Oh my Goodness! Of course! This is exactly what I wanted!" Desirée exclaimed, hugging the woman. "You are so enthusiastic, dearie. Now let's ring you up." She said, walking over to the counter.

    A few days later, it was finally time for the photo-shoot. "Please follow me, again~" Byra commanded, and the girls walked through the door into a room that was completely black. As they walked in, fireworks began to shoot up on the walls, creating the illusion that they were at a fireworks festival. "Wow!" Desirée exclaimed, "This is absolutely lovely." Desirée and the others began to get into their kimonos, and started to take their pictures. Desirée was first, and grabbed the prop of a small bag attached to a string, which was filled with water and a fake goldfish. She took her picture, and walked away afterwards. The kimono was extremely comfortable, unlike what she had thought it would have been. The photographer complemented her on her kimono choice, and she went home to sleep.

    Kimono Photo:

    The next day, it was finally time for the runway. Desirée acted very tranquil and harmonious, walking very slowly to set the mood of the outfit. This pleased the judges, which made Desirée feel as if she made it very high up in the ranks this week. After the runway, they announced that Ginger Lamere, the girl with the red hair, failed to impress the judges. Thus, she was eliminated, resulting in there only being four girls left. "Things start to get serious around here, girls. Make sure to not mess anything up, as it will be the end of your stay on this show." Byra said, walking out of the room. The girls returned home once again, taking a small break before taking on week three.    

    504/300 ♥


    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ IY2eFxu




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ Empty Week 3: The Floral Bride

    Post by desirée 19th August 2017, 9:33 pm

    Now that it was the third week, Desirée and the other girls had been assigned to go out and purchase a beautiful wedding dress, in which they would wear in an elegant and floral dress. They would have to walk as though they were walking down the aisles themselves, which excited Desirée. She had always dreamed of marriage, and planned to keep the wedding dress she was going to buy for the actual day. Although it seemed extremely far away to her, she could never know when it would happen, which gave her an excuse to prepare early. She knew of a bridal boutique down the street of her house, so she decided to go there.

    As she walked in, she was greeted by the scent of patchouli, as well as extreme amounts of white. There were rows upon rows of wedding dresses, each with different designs, sizes, lengths, and patterns. The dress she picked was embroidered with designs, that of which resembled old-fashioned patterns of a doily. These doily patterns were very floral based, and the headdress had beautiful fake-flowers on it. These flowers were created magically, thus smelling and feeling like real flowers. However, they cannot die, thus being useful in creative activity.

    As Desirée walked into the photography room a few days later, it resembled that of a wedding ceremony. Everyone, including Desirée, were all in their wedding gowns. They were ordered to walk down the aisle with a bouquet of flowers, and take a picture as they reached the end. Desirée went first, and as she reached the end, she closed her eyes and blushed, causing the picture to turn out magnificently great.

    Wedding Photo:

    A day later was the runway, which was very similar to the photo-shoot. It appeared to be set up as if the models were walking down the aisle, but there were thousands of people in the audience. These people were dressed in all black and white, which resembled a wedding. This made Desirée tear up as she walked down the aisle, which made her character of a bride a lot more believable. The crowd applauded as she walked out, which made her stand out as fan favorite. In the end, Lauren Betta, the girl with the long pink hair, was eliminated, thus leaving three girls. The girls changed back into casual clothing, and returned home.

    395/300 ♥


    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ IY2eFxu




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ Empty Week 4: The Nurses of Fiore

    Post by desirée 19th August 2017, 10:07 pm

    It had been a cold and dreary morning at the start of week 4, and Desirée had accidentally slept in, losing time to find out what the assignment was for the week. Also, she was losing valuable shopping time. Desirée freaked out at this, and sprinted to the film studio in her pajamas. She arrived soaking wet because of the rain, looking a hot mess. "I'm sorry I am late Mrs. Byra, I overslept. What is the assignment for this week?" Desirée asked Byra, nervously. "You are all good, Desirée. The assignment is to find clothing that resembles that of a nurse. You will be doing a shoot that takes place in a hospital setting." Byra stated. "Thank you!" Desirée exclaimed, running out the door with no questions asked. She ran to the local hospital, hoping to get some of their finest nurse clothing they had. The hospital gave her some of their spare clothing, due to the fact that the actual nurses were using their clothes at this time. Desirée brought them back to her house, and began to sew white fabric on the green to make it look more professionally made, as well as give it more of a flair.

    A few days later, Desirée and the other girls were introduced to the photo-shoot set, which looked exactly like a hospital. They were in their nurse outfits, each resembling a different color. Desirée was first to pose, in which she was very unhappy about. She let out a sigh, and clasped her hands together to pose. She blushed, and tilted her head to look more desirable. The cameraman laughed, and ordered the next model to pose. "I guess that was my final shoot.." Desirée thought, but as she thought that, one of the other models fell on the set. She tripped over a prop, causing her to fall right on her arm. "Oh goodness! Are you okay?" Desirée asked, running over to the girl. "My arm.. I think it's broken.." She said, tears rolling down her face. "How ironic... A contestant injured herself on a set of a fake hospital.."

    Nurse Photo:

    One day later, it appeared as though the injured girl could not make it to the runway. Walking down together was the remaining two: Desirée and Nova. Their colors they were wearing were green and pink, which contrasted each-other perfectly. As they reached the end of the stage, they stopped to get critiques. "Ladies, it has appeared that a contestant has injured herself on set. Therefore, she will not be returning to the competition. This leaves both of you to complete for the crown. Good luck, my girls. Make me proud this upcoming week." Byra said, which concluded week four.

    457/300 ♥


    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ IY2eFxu




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ Empty Finale: FNTM

    Post by desirée 19th August 2017, 10:39 pm

    Week 5 was extremely hectic for both Desirée and Nova, considering they both had to do the same exact task. In the span of three days, they had to both purchase a beautiful pageant dress, accessorize the dress, do a photo-shoot, and present their dresses on the main stage. Not to mention, the main stage would be in front of millions of people, where the winner of FNTM would be crowned. This was extremely nerve-wrenching for Desirée, considering how much she had wanted to win this so badly. She had always been a fan of the show, so winning this would be such a big deal for her. For the dress, she had decided to purchase one that was a beautiful pink-nude color, with beautiful floral accessories to match. When she got home, she began to craft the headpiece, which would be made of a beautiful silk. This would flow from her hair, creating a headdress similar to that of which she wore in the wedding challenge.

    In the photo-shoot, it was a close-up photo, which would showcase the face, along with Desirée's hair and floral accessories she had on. She felt truly beautiful, and was very pleased with how this photo turned out. It seemed as though Nova had a very similar dress, but it was nowhere as near accessorized as Desirée's.


    The next day, it was the pinnacle of their modeling careers: the finale. To begin, they had professionals taking care of their makeup backstage. Each contestant was on a separate side of the backstage area, each not being allowed to see each-other. Once they were ultimately ready, they walked out onto the stage together, each walking in sync. Once they reached the end of the stage, Byra walked out in a gown. She was holding a beautiful crown and saber, which looked to be encrusted with diamonds. "Good day everyone! We are about to announce the winner of FNTM! Who is excited?" Byra exclaimed, which resulted in the crowd erupting in excitement. "And the winner is..." Byra flipped open the envelope, reading what was on the sheet. " Desirée Blooms of Black Rose! Congratulations!" She announced, the crowd chanting her name. Byra placed the crown on her head, and gave her the saber. Desirée danced around in joy, and hugged Nova. Nova hugged her back tightly, running her hands through her hair. Desirée gave a short speech, bowed, walked off the stage with Byra and Nova, got out of her fancy pageant dress, and headed home with her reward.

    423/300 ♥
    Total WC: 2697/1500  ♥
    Total Post Count: 6/5 ♥


    Strike a pose, now SISSY THAT WALK! | Solo Job ♥ IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 7:12 pm