Fairy Tail RP

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    Δ Delta Necchi Δ

    Delta Necchi
    Delta Necchi

    Posts : 81
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Δ Nanorobotics Δ
    Second Skill: Δ N/A Δ
    Third Skill:

    Δ Delta Necchi Δ Empty Δ Delta Necchi Δ

    Post by Delta Necchi 14th December 2017, 12:37 pm

    Δ Delta Necchi Δ PtO4FgX

    Δ Delta Necchi Δ

    Name Meaning:
    Delta Δ fourth letter of the greek alphabet.
    Necchi Δ unjust, unfair or tired.


    Biologically Δ 16
    Mentally Δ ??

    April 5


    Special Characteristics:
    Δ Countless amount of freckles all over body.
    Δ Always wears a pair of large round wire frame glasses.


    First thing you'll probably see with Delta is that she is aloof, not really having much of a care for anything, until you see her with any sort of technology. Which she will know every little thing about, and if she doesn't, she'll dissect it to figure out how it works. She's an absolute genius with that sort of stuff, making her what you would call a 'nerd'. Being intelligent in any school subject, she is really good at problem and puzzle solving, and finds it really fun to do. She prefers to be alone with herself and her thoughts, but she'll tolerate people if needed. Being a tech savvy you may think she isn't good with people or at any active activity, well then you would be thinking wrong. First of all, she is an asocial introvert, so she dislikes most social interaction, but she is perfectly capable with dealing with them. Overflowing with snark, smart-ass, and sarcastic comments, shutting most people down with a simple sentence or two. Secondly, she is actually very athletic, and skilled in combat as I will explain later, she just chooses not to do so majority of the time.
    She is introverted, as I previously said, preferring to keep to herself. Not liking it when people constantly ask her questions or poking their noses into her personal business, or any kind of business their noses don't below. This makes her rather irritated, among a large variety of things. Delta is hot-tempered, certain things will infuriate her and make her snap at them. Sending harsh words in a very savage way, getting pretty foul mouthed when angered. Well actually she is always foul mouthed, but she just swears ten times more when upset at somebody. One thing that annoys her a lot is being underestimated, usually because of her size and because she is a girl (if they don't mistake her for being a boy), which shouldn't mean anything. It is because of this she tends to show off all of her skills all the time, though she doesn't like attention that she gets because of that, she just likes showing everybody that she is a dangerous force to be messed with.

    In combat she is deadly, relying on her intelligence, dexterity, and agility in battle to plan out strategies on the fly and effectively pull them off. In melee combat, she is skilled in hand to hand combat, being right up close to the enemies. Fighting with a small weapon, using her tiny body to dodge attacks and successfully maneuver herself around her surroundings. Delta, under leadership, isn't the best, constantly wanting to sass the commander back and do her own thing. Thinking that her plan is always better then anybody else's, which maybe it is, but that's not the point. She prefers to fight and do everything alone, so in no way is she going to work good with someone trying to boss her around, even if that's there job. Commanding people she isn't as bad with, but she still prefers to be by herself. She can effectively order people around, finding it very fun to see everybody work with her plan. But she tends to ignore their needs, pushing them past their limit and then some. Making them do the impossible and expecting them to do it perfectly, and when they don't, she gets upset and decides she has to do it herself.

    Books Δ It's fun to find a quiet place to sit and read a good book, and being a connoisseur and seeker of knowledge, she'd like to get as much information as her brain can have in it.
    Technology Δ Truly interesting and beautiful it is, any kind she is just fascinated with it. Being the genius that she is in this field, she is very good with any sort of technology, and even if it's new to her, she'll learn it's mechanics quickly.
    Cats Δ Though she is more of a tech savvy, preferring to spend time around mechanical things, she has to admit cats are very cute. Being all aloof all the time, napping anywhere they want without a care in the world.

    Loud Noises Δ She prefers peace and quiet over chaos and screams, she hates it actually, and gets really annoyed if it drags on to long.
    Forgetting Δ Even forgetting little things is very irritating for the young woman. Its annoying that your brain will just randomly throw out memories and thoughts.
    People/Humans Δ They are annoying, bugging her, being loud, and just plain stupid half the time. Maybe she was human at one point in her life, but that probably wouldn't have changed her dislike for them.

    Remembering Δ Yeah, she is one of those amnesia stereotypes, lost all her memories from a certain point and back, and she wants to get them back.
    Revenge Δ Delta has gone through a lot of trauma these past years, she's not even sure how long, and that's due to a lot of different people and she wants pay back.
    Knowledge Δ One of her motivation is to seek as much knowledge as she could ever possibly gain. Even if it's the littlest of things, she would love to know about it.

    Capture Δ As far back as she could remember, her being kidnapped has caused her a lot of issues, and the first thing she remembers is being captured and it isn't pleasant. Delta would hate and be terrified if that'd happen to her again.
    Remembering Δ Yes, she wants to remember, but what if it wasn't what she hoped? What if it's even worse then all the trauma she's been through already, if that's even possible. It's probably what has restricted her from figuring out how to get her memories back already.
    Suffocating Δ Not being able to breath, trying to take in a breath and failing to do so, it's terrifying to her more then other things. This can lead her to be hesitant around water or anything like that.

    General Appearance



    Light brown


    Skin Tone:
    Light tan




    Right shoulder, green



    Δ Directory Δ




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Δ Delta Necchi Δ Empty Re: Δ Delta Necchi Δ

    Post by desirée 14th December 2017, 5:22 pm


    Δ Delta Necchi Δ 8SFaQD4


    Δ Delta Necchi Δ IY2eFxu


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Wanderer- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Helper- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Monty Python- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : ULULU
    Posts : 1006
    Guild : ⫸ Hidden Blades ⫷
    Cosmic Coins : 70
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 92,777

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Malefic Felines
    Second Skill: Sinister Arsenal
    Third Skill: Grimm

    Δ Delta Necchi Δ Empty Re: Δ Delta Necchi Δ

    Post by aeluri 3rd February 2019, 3:24 pm


    This character is being archived~


    Δ Delta Necchi Δ 60637_s

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:15 pm