Fairy Tail RP

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    Assassination Contract TARGET (Ms.Cooper)


    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Assassination Contract TARGET (Ms.Cooper) Empty Assassination Contract TARGET (Ms.Cooper)

    Post by Ventri 10th May 2017, 9:13 am

    Job Info:

    Oak Town was a nice place, right? A quiet little town on the edge of Fiore where people could simply life their lives in peace. No major guilds, no major competitions, nothing but an a small Inn and a train station. Felicita assumed that this would be the perfect place to relax. Fate had other plans for the young woman.

    Felicita sat reclining on her bed at the Oak Inn, breathing in the fresh air of freedom and adventure. She was planning to sneak into some lower guild hall in order to find a few jobs they'd been offered. She'd finish them off, and say that she was a member of a new guild "Pale Moon". That way, Felicita could spread the name and create some sort of reputation early for her guild. Once she gathered enough resources to actually start the place up, they would already have a reputation for being a destructive force in Fiore.

    Her plans however, were interrupted by a certain annoying noise the woman next door was making. The sound was reminiscent of a seal mating with a cheese grater. Crying. The woman was crying. How was anyone supposed to get any sort of sleep with a crazy crying lady right there? Felicita hopped up and walked to the door of the woman's room. Behind Felicita, a purple portal opened up and glowing purple strings protruding from Felicita's hand pulled out the Shaddoll of love and divorce, Nubile. Nubile immediately took the form of the inn keeper, and Felicita stepped out of the way. Nubile punched a whole into the room, and opened the door, frightening the woman. "Stop crying you crazy bitch".

    The lady immediately hid a sheet of paper within her arms, and stared up in shock at the 'inkeepers' forcefulness. Realizing she was hiding something, Nubia went over and snatched the paper out of her hand. Felicita noticed the disturbance and entered the room at the same time.
    Nubia handed the paper to Felicita. In her hands was a request for a dark guild to assassinate the winner of the recent "Fantastica Garden" competition Oak Town held. While the woman looked terrified by this realization, Felicita merely smiled.

    " Don't worry ma'am, as long as the pay is good, Pale Moon will do anything."

    I PULL

    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Assassination Contract TARGET (Ms.Cooper) Empty Re: Assassination Contract TARGET (Ms.Cooper)

    Post by Ventri 10th May 2017, 10:25 am

    It wasn't a difficult job. Simply sneak into Ms.Coopers home, and remove her head. Suffocation, decapitation, or even simple relocation were proper fixes to the situation. Felicita swung through the town on tendrils, grateful for nights cloak. The job request had not come with an image of Ms.Cooper, but it was hardly necessary. Felicita was in town when they announced she was victorious. A charitable woman to, there was no way she wouldn't to a better place once she was dead. As far as Felicita could see, there would be no reason to be guilty over, or ponder about her death.

    After swinging around for the better half of an hour, she arrived at a small home in Oak Town with ribbons  littering the front porch. She couldn't quite make out who it was, but there was an old woman who was sitting alone knitting something in the living room. She had one of those expensive TV's set up, and was watching some comedy show all on her lonesome without smiling. Maybe Felicita should have been a little more discreet, after all there was a chance this was the wrong home- but she busted in the front door with Nubile in the shape of a police officer she'd seen around the town.
    Nubia: "'Scuse me ma'am, but we believe you are harboring a criminal."
    Felicita: "A federal offense, we'll have to execute you I'm afraid."

    Before the lady could respond, Nubia had her hands around her throat, and began slowly draining the life out of her. Leaving her puppets to the job, Felicita began looking around the woman's home for anything to loot. There was nothing that particularly interested her. Nothing out of the ordinary for the home of a single old widower after all. There were images of grandchildren, past lovers, and what was likely her own parents plastered against the wall. Beneath them sat decorated china sets that must have been collecting dust for years now. Seeing them reminded her of her own life. She, after all, wasted so much time collecting dust at that damned orphanage.

    A thud would distract her from her thoughts.

    I PULL

    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Assassination Contract TARGET (Ms.Cooper) Empty Re: Assassination Contract TARGET (Ms.Cooper)

    Post by Ventri 11th May 2017, 3:15 pm

    Now, Nubia was not Felicita's strongest Shaddoll by any stretch of the imagination. For the most part, she was physically as strong as any mages body should be. Her real power came in her utility. She was excellent at mimicking people, and was thus used for that. Despite that fact, Felicita did not think killing a frail old woman would be a challenge for the doll. In fact, Nubia drew some odd satisfaction from making the widower suffer. So much so, that instead of killing her outright, she let the poor woman escape. She gave her a small chance to survive the encounter. The woman was scrambling for something in the shelves behind her, a look of desperation in her eyes. As strange as it was, Felicita choose to do nothing about this. Nubia was allowed to kill her targets anyways she wanted to after all. If she had some sort of weapon, or object that was meant to defend her, Felicita seriously doubted that it would be of any detriment to her job here.

    The woman finally reached the drawers and pulled out a singular gun. Felicita had heard of these "guns". There were a sort of metal wand that weaklings used to kill each other. Nothing that could concern Felicita or Nubia for that matter. There was no real magic behind these metal wands after all. They used some strange apparition called "gun powder" to fire types of ammo called bullets that left holes in the targets body. It did require careful aiming, which I suppose separated the normal "gun" wielders from the big boys. Felicita and Nubia both began giggling when they say the toy.

    Fascinatingly so, this seemed to terrify the woman even more. Normal people really were weird.
    If they wanted to defend themselves so badly, why didn't hey just become mages? All for Felicita to become a mage was making a deal with denizens from a realm of eternal suffering and permanently scaring her body with a irremovable tattoo. It's not like she did anything akin to selling her soul.

    I PULL

    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Assassination Contract TARGET (Ms.Cooper) Empty Re: Assassination Contract TARGET (Ms.Cooper)

    Post by Ventri 12th May 2017, 5:35 am

    Time was up. Nubia slipped back into the other world as her contracted time came to a close. The spirits, of course, all had their own limited time in which case they could stay in this world after all. The woman saw this and screamed in terror as she watched the police officer deform into a small doll, and be forced back into a small black hole. She switched the gun towards Felicita. It didn't seem like she had it in her to pull the trigger. The woman knew the weight of death. The moment you kill someone, you must acknowledge it after all. You must acknowledge that the person you kill is a lover, sister, mother, or friend to someone. Felicita had no one like that. She was a lover to herself, a sister to her dolls, a mother to her guild, and a friend to her contractors.

    Felicita couldn't bear to watch the fool struggle any longer. She fashioned a number of strings around her neck, and choked her to death the way Nubia should have done in the first place.

    I PULL

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:44 pm