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    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Atsusemimaru Morinaga
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geist Heart - Soul
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    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Atsusemimaru Morinaga 1st February 2017, 12:11 am

    Job Details:

    "I'm so hungry!" Atsu groaned, stepping down dirt-covered streets of the small desert village in his wooden sandals -- brushing dust along his way with every plodding step. An itching grew in the back of his head again. The telltale itching of one of his companions back in Limbo City chiming in as they are wont to do.

    "You're hungry? You don't need to eat!" came the ever annoyed voice of the hot headed Hyouryu. Atsu adjusted his mirrored sunglasses before scratching at the back of his shaggy head.

    "I know, but I really want to eat right now and that's got to be what hunger is, right?" the lesser god hadn't required food or drink for sustenance for over 5,000 years. Many of the human needs and comforts that he left behind after his brutal death on the battlefield had become foreign to him in that time. The memory of hunger, particularly, was lost to him entirely. Much of his time back in the mortal world was spent piecing together the riddles of what he had forgotten. There was much that he had been able to figure out, but he still couldn't fathom what hunger felt like. He had seen people complain about being hungry, mention pain from an empty stomach, but the only thing he could do -- being an individual of vast power beyond human limits occupying a vessel made of grave soil -- was mimic the motions. An endeavor Hyouryu found to be futile and intensely silly.

    "You know what? I'm just going to leave you to it." the voice trailed off, frustrated over Atsu's eccentricities. Eventually, the presence of his companion faded and the lesser god was able to focus on his task. Shoving a hand in the pocket on his dark slacks, he was suddenly reminded of a snag in his plan. Save for the loose bit of thread -- the playing with of which had almost become an occupied tick of his -- his pocket was empty. He had no money.

    "Great. Guess I can look for a gig." the wizard sighed. Of course, by "gig" Atsu meant a wizard job. It was a perplexing concept at first. He came from a time of war so the idea of clients commissioning mercenaries to perform odd jobs was foreign. Any and all of one's time was spent in service to the Emperor and defense of Ning. There were no resources nor was there time to petition soldiers for small tasks during his days alive. Atsu fairly quickly caught on to the concept and soon realized that he could apply to assist clients in exchange for this time period's currency. After all, his powers were quite similar to the "magic" these wizards commanded.

    Atsu reached the town's bulletin board with papers displaying the available requests for wizards. Unfortunately, it seemed there was only one available. It was a small town. It made sense. It still did a wonderful job of frustrating Atsu. He preferred variety, but if he was going to eat anything he needed to be able to pay for it. He learned that lesson the hard way when he tried grabbing a peach off of a food display on his first day in the mortal world. With a sigh, he reached to pull the job notice from the board. However, he had found the paper would not budge. With a glance to the side from behind his sunglasses, he noticed another hand grasping the paper. A woman's hand. Atsu was dumbfounded as to what to do in this situation. The only thing he could get out was a confused look directed at the individual also vying for the job.

    "Um..." he forced out after a moment of awkward silence.

    ----- ----- ----- -----

    Word Count: |||||||||||||||||||| [627/2,000]


    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Siiiiig3_zpsnojihxv8
    EXP: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| [ 75/150 ]
    Character Profile | Magic | History/Story
    | Theme Music Album |

    | Come on in and listen to my Song Covers! |

    Xiao Jing
    Xiao Jing

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 358
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Tan Zheng✝; Damaris Hopes
    Experience : 650

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dì Sì Shùnxù [ 2nd Gen ]
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill: TBA

    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty Re: The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Xiao Jing 3rd February 2017, 6:38 pm

    Wasting a morning was never something the would-be slayer would consider, but without proper aim or destination, the thought of succumbing to boredom started looming over Edith's person like a large, foreboding storm cloud. Her surrogate mother, Ria, hadn't proposed a single errand for her to busy herself with, strangely enough, and despite her insistent pleas for something to do, there really was nothing to do - and it bothered the little Fleur enough to have her traverse the surrounding areas for available odd jobs in the wee hours of morning, where not even a full sunrise was present to greet her resolve.

    Two hours into her expedition, and her little companion already seemed fed up with the aimless flying. "...We've been flying for hours now Ede. Pick a landing site already." Cynthia said, her tiny purple body fidgeting a bit as she shifted Edith's weight from one paw to another.

    Edith spares the exceed an idle glance, arms folding over her chest, mostly in contemplation. "...Oh hum," she'd mumble, prompting a sigh to clumsily fumble its way through her lips, "Trust my instinct, Thia, we're almost there!"

    A pair of bunny ears twitched to that response, feigning irritation as Thia's cuddly face contorted into a scowl, "Just where is this 'there' that you continue talking about?"

    "...THERE!" Edith screamed, all at once, feverishly pointing a finger directly at the expanse of fine white that stretched beyond a clearing of mountains, the distance between the pair and the area to be considered lightly, since there wasn't much. From her vantage point, the lack of color had its own, steady allure that drew her in significantly, her body tilted one way from her emphasis of the direction she wished Cynthia would hover over to.

    Thia began to sport a questioning expression as she narrowed her eyes, her tiny brows furrowing upon realizing that the selected destination was, in a fact, a desert. Her mistress wasn't one to jest often, but surely now, she didn't mean to spend the next few hours in the smoldering heat of the Forgotten Desert, did she?

    "That's a desert." she heard Thia say, though her doubt clearly didn't seem to hinder her flying speed, which was as stable as it ever was.

    "I know~" the slayer hummed, swinging her legs to a pronounced rhythm, "But I also know that that's where we're headed, right Thia?"

    The exceed no longer has the right words to describe her apprehension for her master's decision, and simply takes to her 'instincts' with a moment of hesitance. "...You're kidding me, right? What's with you fire slayers and heat, anyway?"

    Edith provided her answer to her pet's question with an uncanny smile and a jolt-like shock from what comes after that - she thrusts her body forward at a force unmeasured, strong enough to have Thia's grip on her collar slip from her furry protection, sending the little Fleur air-borne and, indefinitely, hurdling towards sudden death.

    "We both can spontaneously combust!" she'd say.

    "...That doesn't make sense." her pet ponders out loud, several seconds too late to realize the impact of her master's decision to fall out of her-


    The wind at that altitude was particularly unpleasant, especially with sudden momentum. But it appeared to have garnered the least amount of attention from the corners of her brain as she rode out her descent with her usual smile on, arms outstretched and body lax as her figure tore through the remaining ounce of sky like a knife to paper. Thia would follow suite, her teeth caught in a grit and her paws desperately grasping at her master's pigtails, in futile hopes, perhaps, of catching her before she'd be impaled or much less crushed by the ground, which was approaching them quickly.

    If there had been one, redeeming quality to Edith's whimsies, it was their level of surprise, since she had a tendency to run far from expectations. And when Thia expects her to blonde head into tiny little pieces, she giggles, threading her fingers together as she casts a spell with the precision of practice. In her head, a patch of blossoms paint outward strokes, all in red, with the words to her Azalea swimming through her thoughts. Her fluffy companion had neither the choice nor the will to avert her focus from the flash of flames that corner Edith's person, a spread of magic briefly making home in one portion of the sky before dispersing. The Azalea glows bright scarlet as it generates magic to circle her ankles, buzzing vividly.

    Edith would execute a step, balancing her person across the curve of a tree branch, which had gently bent in response to her weight. She flung her best smile back at Cynthia, clinging to a large trunk for her dear life - not in the sense of falling to her death, but rather, escaping the wrath of Thia that she wordlessly concurred, but it wasn't unexpected. After all, her only reason she had to explain her stunt was how she yearned to know to experience the thrill of falling for once - an idle thought that honestly, was out of place, but it was part of her scheme of things to have her decisions a bit jarring for most.

    "Please tell me a good reason for this...." Cynthia muttered, terror spreading through her lilac fur, and Edith was adamant that it wan't just the exceed's hair that was standing end to end. "Well?"

    "Ehehe...I...may have...kinda...well...you know-" a cough, "...been a little too experimental I guess, ahaha...~"


    There was an echo amongst the rustle of tress, and if one listened closely, it sounded like the trill of a maiden who'd been unceremoniously hit by something with great strength behind it, quickly fading into loud, angry grumbles that had been blurred out by a consistent flapping sound.

    - - - -

    At the heart of desert village was a notification board, and just the mere sight of it from afar was enough to spring energy into her spirit, prompting her to take haste as she rattled down the streets at a rapid clip. With little regard for whatever she'd get her hands on, Edith scrambled for the nearest piece of paper, just about arm's reach. The piece of paper was smooth, foldings from age non-existent, implying that it had only just been posted, perhaps several hours ago. Delighted as she was to find something fresh to compose most of her day, it seems that it wasn't just her fancy alone, but someone else's, too, both being snared by a job involving thieves. Grueling, nonetheless, but not foreign to wizards whose menial tasks involved using their magics to extract criminals.

    Edith blinked twice at the older man, her small build visibly dwarfed by his shadow alone. She gulped, unable to narrow down the emotion he harbored behind the large shades.

    "Um." is what she says, almost in unison to his own blabber. She shook her head, prying courage from the depths of her throat.

    "...So, uh, mister, you're gonna shoot for this one too?"

    In light of her question, Edith would briefly mull over a number of options, where the idea of running away with the paper became a consistent thematic in between each one. Though the image of Ria's disappointed face and her exceed's continuous yapping coincidentally muddled into the mix, stopping her from any attempt at spontaneity.

    "...Cool, cool." she mumbled, unable to comprehend a legit response to the situation, and instead settled on waiting for whatever the man had to say in return.

    - - - -
    1247/2000 words
    @Atsu: Sorry this took so long!


    #ff6600 (Jing) ● #ff3300 (Marco) ● #ff9900 (Rory) ● #9933cc (Pet)
    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] 4912O3Uu_o
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geist Heart - Soul
    Second Skill:
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    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty Re: The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Atsusemimaru Morinaga 6th February 2017, 1:05 pm

    "...So, uh, mister, you're gonna shoot for this one too?" came the voice from the girl standing before Atsu. He stared, perplexed at the situation, as her almost too brilliantly colored hair bobbed in the dusty desert breeze. Somehow, the lesser god was a magnet for happenstance meetings with women. The sheer odds of it happening to him as often as it did was clearly something left for Mitsuhide to ponder, but however astronomical the chances, Atsu was effortlessly defying them. Blinking dust out of his eyes -- and a bit slack-jawed from the impossibility of what just happened -- the immortal spirit resting in a home-made skin suit let go of the paper and adjusted his glasses.

    "Er... no." he replied uncomfortably, "I was just..."

    Atsu's mind raced with excuses. He didn't want to trouble this young wizard with competition over a simple job. After all, she actually did need to eat to survive. At least, he assumed she did. Perhaps he could find a gig in some other town? With a quick movement, Atsu threw his hand up, shoving the other in his pocket, and waved the girl goodbye.

    "Have a groovy day, ma'am!"

    With precision uncommon of someone walking on wooden sandals, the walking corpse spun around to face the other direction and began plodding along his way. He felt good about his decision to let the girl get the job. After all, it was the only one available and he technically didn't need shelter or food like your typical wizard. A bit of charity was good for the soul! He could hold off on sampling more food for another few hours. Of course, it did take nearly a week to find the town he was about ready to leave. But what was another week to a god? Another long, boring, foot-destroying week. Filled with dust and sand, making his already unruly hair even more gritty and in need of washing. Another week of walking -- with only Hyouryu and Mitsuhide to keep him company.

    Atsu stopped in his tracks and spun around again, eyes wide as dinner plates. He inhaled sharply, choking slightly on the dust, and screamed back at the girl.

    "Wait!" the lonesome traveler bolted towards the girl -- again, much faster than one in wooden sandals should be able to move -- and stopped himself just before reaching her. His excess momentum made sure he kept sliding on the dirt road and he stopped just inches from the girl's face, a sudden gust of wind rushing past them in his wake. An embarrassed smile spread itself onto Atsu's face just beneath his monstrous glasses.

    "Er... I, uh, noticed that the gig was C Rank." his voice wavered from a combination of nerves, desperation, and being just a bit out of breath. He continued to wrack his brain for an excuse as he spoke, making it up as he went, "If you aren't... um... C Rank yourself you, uh, might get hurt! I'm not that rad myself, but maybe if we, um, teamed up and split the prize then maybe... um..."

    Atsu trailed off, not certain what to say. His throat caught on his words and he tried to gulp them down to no avail. How long would it be before he could get the hang of talking to mortals? He knew he would be fine in a few minutes, but breaking the ice was never his strong suit.

    ----- ----- ----- -----

    Word Count: |||||||||||||||||||| [1,143/2,000]

    (OOC: Not a problem! It's actually my turn to apologize. This weekend was ridiculous.)


    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Siiiiig3_zpsnojihxv8
    EXP: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| [ 75/150 ]
    Character Profile | Magic | History/Story
    | Theme Music Album |

    | Come on in and listen to my Song Covers! |

    Xiao Jing
    Xiao Jing

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 358
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Tan Zheng✝; Damaris Hopes
    Experience : 650

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dì Sì Shùnxù [ 2nd Gen ]
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill: TBA

    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty Re: The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Xiao Jing 11th February 2017, 9:18 am

    The blonde archer watched the man fumble about with a stare lit by sparks of curiosity, her temple creasing as she arched an eyebrow to his small moment of hesitance, faltering backward rapidly as if deeming Edith as far more suitable for the odd job. His movements were largely confusing, but the little Fleur was no stranger to adult decisions, so there was little complaint spilling from her lips as the older man withdraws, nothing but a gesture of farewell to mark his retreating tracks. She'd tilt her head, a light flutter to her steps as she raised her head to read the words that were scrawled out haphazardly unto paper. Mentions of fire, as blunt as they were, was more than simple allure for the girl, but it seemed good enough as kindle material for her interest.

    Then, a tick and tack and click replayed over a rapid succession sent her attention elsewhere, the mister with a puff of blue hair hurrying back to his previous place in little under a few seconds. For an adult with an appearance that left a lot to be desired, his speed was admirable, regardless if the archer's body bent backward like a tense bowstring from the shock generated by the older man's actions.

    Breathless seemed to become a short thematic to his persona as the man asked Edith of her rank, and, despite the thrill of wizardy existing in her head, she could hardly boast of any on-the-job experience, where the majority of her battles consisted of sparse hunting fiasco and her regular training routines with Ria - all of which were nothing compared to the bravado of real world scuffles.

    Edith stiffened, a sheepish scratch to her cheek as she registered the mister's words with grim clippings of truth to them, "Well...uh..y-yeah...haha....I knew that." she said, the scribbles bearing the descriptions of C-ranked targets and hence, a general C-rank to compliment the odd job's difficulty. "I'm no better than a newbie at this whole wizard thing, to be honest, so...err.."

    The little Fleur instinctively yanked the job paper from its safe housing on the request board, its material tearing and folding slightly under her grip. She'd have outstretched her vacant hand, her fingers small, but her resolve hardly dwarfed by it, "50/50 and we got ourselves a deal, aye?" the archer grinned, her voice acting like a steady invitation, "I'm Edith, by the way. And before we get ourselves scorched, what would you like to be called, mister?"

    From her back shuffled the noise of mewling, a pair of lavender wings spreading in a yawn as Thia recoiled from her napping position, her head unraveling the lazy knot at the mouth of her string bag.

    "...I feel like crap." the exceed mumbled, her choice of words unfitting for her cuddly exterior. Thia's glare is later directed to the older man, an expression of confusion passing her face before the purple fluff opted to crawl back into the comforting confines of Edith's bag, "...Whatever your planning, Ede, leave me out of it."

    To abandon the bag at a random road side was indefinitely tempting, but was hardly a practice of a little girl, much less one raised by Ria, who had been an ethical lady for as far as her time could tell. The blonde archer huffed a sigh, waving a hand in dismissal of her pet's behavior, "Don't mind her, she can get cranky at the worst times."

    - - - -
    1824/2000 words
    @Atsu: Wrote this at around 12 AM....@.@


    #ff6600 (Jing) ● #ff3300 (Marco) ● #ff9900 (Rory) ● #9933cc (Pet)
    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] 4912O3Uu_o
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geist Heart - Soul
    Second Skill:
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    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty Re: The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Atsusemimaru Morinaga 16th February 2017, 12:22 am

    Atsu stared at the feline creature, perplexed by it's presence. How in the multiverse did he not notice it before? Perhaps he was simply too distracted from the startling appearance of another person in general? Either way, the lesser god had to accept the winged cat as an accomplice in this mission, it seemed. It seemed to conceal itself in the bag again, likely returning to its nap. The lesser god shook his head as if to mentally reset and face the task at hand.

    "Fair's fair! I can dig it. My name is Atsusemimaru, a mouthful to most so people usually call me Atsu for short." the lesser god then pushed up his slightly rolled up sleeve, now caked with dust -- causing the white material to be stained the color of rust. Beneath the sleeve, he lifted his impossibly slender arm and shook it like a tree branch blowing in the wind, "Aaaaand some people call me Twiggy. Obvious reasons displayed before you."

    Atsu replaced his sleeve and shoved the hand back into his pocket.

    "I'm cool with either. No skin off my back" well that was an odd expression. Atsu had heard it said a few times since his arrival in the mortal realm and it just seemed to stick with him. It didn't take long for him to try and ponder the deeper meaning behind it. The thought caused him to shiver. As such, he decided it was best not to think of that unpleasant subject and just use the phrase as the shallow response he assumed it has become.

    Atsu then peered down at the girl's hand. A look of worry wrinkling his brow beneath his hair and glasses. This was one of those "handshakes", it seemed. He'd never had the opportunity to perform one himself or even witness one in progress, for that matter. The outsider did know that one was supposed to grasp the other party's hand and perform some sort of movement with it. Given the name, it was clear what he was supposed to do.

    "Oh! Right." Atsu vocalized before grasping the girl's outstretched hand, his long, slender fingers curing around her entire appendage which was clearly dwarfed by his larger extremity. Once he had a firm grip on her hand, he began vigorously shaking it from side to side. Atsu gave a proud grin, having finally performed his first handshake.

    "Groovy." he said in affirmation. He wasn't certain how long a handshake was supposed to last, but he assumed he was doing it far too long so he let go and stuffed the hand back into his pocket, "So, uh. You're the one with the docs. Where we headed to?"

    ----- ----- ----- -----

    Word Count: |||||||||||||||||||| [1,594/2,000]

    (OOC: Apologies for taking so long to produce such a tiny post. I've been inundated with work and other projects lately. Things should smooth out now, though.)


    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Siiiiig3_zpsnojihxv8
    EXP: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| [ 75/150 ]
    Character Profile | Magic | History/Story
    | Theme Music Album |

    | Come on in and listen to my Song Covers! |

    Xiao Jing
    Xiao Jing

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 358
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Tan Zheng✝; Damaris Hopes
    Experience : 650

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dì Sì Shùnxù [ 2nd Gen ]
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill: TBA

    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty Re: The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Xiao Jing 19th February 2017, 8:28 am

    This person was...intriguing, not at all in a superficial way, but his level of curiosity reached far beyond face value alone. Perhaps there was little to be said in reference to his appearance, but the more information was leaked, the more was his character beginning to flesh out, which had its own fair amount of charm in the most mundane details - the state of his arms, particularly, and the origin of his nickname further encroached some sort of drive in her little blonde head to know more about the mister with floofy hair, which was only further complimented by the strange delay between his response and her handshake.

    Perhaps his upbringing dictated something different, though the little Fleur knew very little of the surrounding cultures that littered Ishval, hence the limited wiggle room for her to assume. As opposed to dotting too much on it, however, Edith would have deftly played along, both their arms bouncing up and down to an indefinite rhythm.  

    "Mr. Twigs it is then! Course, if you don't like the informality, we can settle for Mr. Atsu too." she said, her grin wide and enthusiastic, "In return, you can call me Ede, it's my go-to nickname nowadays, or any other weird name you've got up your sleeve, I don't mind."

    The friendly handshake, which was starting to get oddly extensive, came to a stop as Atsu addressed the existence of the odd job request and what their actual objective was to begin with, much less their destination. At the drop of his hand, Ede proceeded to examine the objective layered out in detail over the fine material of her scrunched up piece of paper.

    "Says something about a Desert Cartel, has all the directions printed in too." scanning downward, the blonde archer fought back a triumphant little chuckle, "And we're busting thieves for stealing crates of lacrimas when we get to their HQ. Sounds good, right Mr. Twigs?"

    Edith edged one hand forward, pointing east as she eyed the make-shift road that swiveled into a small juncture between two adjacent houses, the road visibly narrowing at the end. "The notes point that-a-way." she said, jerking her body forward with slight haste, excitement tangible from the grin on her face, "So here we gooooooooo!"

    - - - -
    2,203/2000 words
    @Atsu: Hey, it's fine! ouo Mine's a little short too because I'm sleepy rn, don't mind the typos if there are any.


    #ff6600 (Jing) ● #ff3300 (Marco) ● #ff9900 (Rory) ● #9933cc (Pet)
    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] 4912O3Uu_o
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geist Heart - Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty Re: The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Atsusemimaru Morinaga 25th March 2017, 6:15 pm

    (OOC: Gonna put this first because I feel it needs to take center. I am SO sorry for taking this long to post. Thank you for not requesting the thread be closed or blowing up at me for leaving this sit for so long. Hopefully, we can pick this back up, but if you'd rather leave it then I totally get it. I also hope you can forgive this little story idea to get us to the ancient city in a more interesting way than just walking.)

    Atsu observed as his new partner stormed off towards the edge of town. The corner of his mouth turned upward, smirking at how much more excited she was than him. In a way, Edith reminded him of his sister, Himiko. The smirk straightened out as he realized how long it had been since he last thought of her. Now wasn't the time for gloomy reminiscing, however. Pulling a bony hand from his pocket, Atsu brushed some errant dust from his nose and began clacking along after her.

    "Mr. Twigs, huh?" muttered the hermit.

    - - - - -

    Surprisingly, the pair of wizards found themselves at the designated last sighting of "The Cartel" fairly quickly. What Atsu had assumed would take several hours wound up only being just shy of one as a downed covered cart slowly became more visible in the dusty winds of the desert.

    "Hey, is that..." came Atsu's curiosity. Before finishing his sentence, he found himself picking up his pace towards the scene. As the lesser god approached the abandoned transport, he found it turned on its side, crates spilling from the back. Atsu's pace slowed as he recognized a familiar stench. Carefully stepping over the overturned and smashed crates of various textiles and fruits -- now dried up and spoiling in the sun -- he made his way to the other side of the cart. The lesser god's eyes narrowed behind his sunglasses, face contorting into a sullen grimace.

    "I guess the nose knows..." he said with a grieving sigh as he knelt down over the already shriveling corpses of the cart drivers. Both of their throats were gaping open, sinew and muscle exposed to the elements. His eyes scanned the sand to find signs of blood, but it had clearly been long enough for whatever blood there may have been to have dried up and blown away on the sands it was spilled. It had clearly been at least several days or perhaps weeks if the bodies were starting to mummify. Of course, the arid desert they found themselves in made that process much faster than usual.

    Atsu poked his head over the cart and peered towards Edith. If she sould see his eyes, they would have shown concern.

    "I wouldn't advise coming over here. This is no scene for young cats." his voice carried to his young companion, mostly devoid of his typical lilt. Before Edith had a chance to respond, however, the sand behind Atsu burst upward violently. Grains rained down upon the lesser god's already dusty hair, but before he had a chance to turn and attempt to spy source of the startling explosion he found his torso restricted by a meaty arm clad in leather. As if by instinct, the summoner attempted to stretch a hand out to bring forth Hyouryu, but another hand grabbed his free arm -- hard enough to bruise -- and shoved it at his side, securing it there with the hand attached to the arm that held the rest of his body in check. The hand that grabbed his arm, also clad in leather, was quickly brought to his throat.

    "Don't move!" came a voice from behind Atsu's ear. It was clear that his captor was more speaking to Edith than to Atsu. The hand at his throat curled into a fist, followed by a feint click from what he assumed was the palm of his captor's glove. The clacking of small gears and ricochet of springs emanated from the leather vambrace as a large blade emerged just above his assailant's wrist. The blade shot out and bounced back, finally resting in a position held against the jugular of Atsu's vessel, "Make a single move and your friend will find himself a few liters of blood lighter!"

    While it was true that killing Atsu's vessel would only delay him by a few weeks while he repaired the damage, the lesser god did have an obligation to the mission and to his companion's safety. Out of nowhere, more bursts of sand erupted around them. In total, Atsu counted nine more assassins. All wearing turbans and leather armor draped with cloth. Some brandishing blades and others with flintlock pistols primed at Edith.

    "You're to come with us. The boss will decide what to do with you."

    Atsu could only assume that these scouts were there to clean up after the group that attacked the lacrima shipment a few days ago. Or perhaps they found out about the job posting and were waiting to ambush anyone investigating? It was unfortunate they happened upon the cart at this time, but it was also surprisingly lucky. After all, what's better than a personal escort into their mark's hideout?

    "Okay, okay. Let's all be cool. Edith, I think we should take his offer?"

    Atsu had hoped his partner understood his tone. He mentally urged her not to attack these assassins, but all he could do was attempt to signal his intent with his voice. His greatest hope was that she was on the same track of thought as he was.

    ----- ----- ----- -----

    Word Count: ||||||||||||||||||||[2,448/2,000]


    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Siiiiig3_zpsnojihxv8
    EXP: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| [ 75/150 ]
    Character Profile | Magic | History/Story
    | Theme Music Album |

    | Come on in and listen to my Song Covers! |

    Xiao Jing
    Xiao Jing

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
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    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Tan Zheng✝; Damaris Hopes
    Experience : 650

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dì Sì Shùnxù [ 2nd Gen ]
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill: TBA

    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty Re: The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Xiao Jing 8th April 2017, 9:36 pm

    Sand was a curious thing, the little slayer would conclude, the curve of her boot digging into a soft mound that settled at her feet. It scattered and whizzed as she braved a kick, the bounce in her pace absorbed by the desert surface that caused her steps to appear slow and languid. In spite of the rough nature of sand, Edith harbored a wordless attraction to its flow, easily comparable to the ebb and throb of the human world where time governed everything, how humans were gracefully stuck knee-deep into the rush of things. It was an unavoidable circumstance of being mortal, as Ria thought her, to be pulled and thinned out by time as it pleased. Human lifelines were unfortunately wistful and brief as the flutter of sand itself.

    'Death is not to be feared.' the voice of her mistress would repeat in her head, the words becoming a memory ingrained into her brain. 'Much like flowers, humans live fleeting existences, which is why mortality calls for each day to be spent wisely.' she said.

    The little Fleur would bundle her arms behind her, a questioning expression making home atop her small face as she eyed the wreckage a few meters ahead. She'd watch the older man tread his way to the solitary cart that tumbled over its wheels, where a litter of merchandise told a story of an ambush, though the danger implied was albeit indistinct for the blonde slayer. The cart's outline was a better, sharp contrast to the blurring horizon of the Forgotten Deserts, and it drew her attention almost instinctively. Had it not been for the look that Atsu spared her, along with his choice of words, she'd have already aided in the investigation with her own flare of enthusiasm.

    "Oh?" she mumbled, tilting her head one way as if to manage even the slightest glimpse of what dictated the mister to usher her away from it. "I'm not sure what you're hiding Mr. Twigs, but if its anything, I'm sure I can-"

    A rough, whizzing sound akin to the rapture of the sandy surface from below would all but invade the space they occupied, revealing a man who'd sport an impressive build that had an arm slung against Atsu's person. His face was largely marred by sweat and sand, and, if at all, a great ounce of smugness to compliment his condescending voice. 'Bandits.' she mumbled, an irate crease appearing atop her brow in her anger. Having resolved to a hostage - she'd have been warned in the past that there many sort of humans, some balancing on the lowest of moral compasses even. In her face was a grand example of how diverse human culture was, though it was anything but irksome to deal with at that point.

    Edith bit at her lower lip, her dominant hand twitching from the stinging urge to brandish Luciole. It would have been easy to dispose of the man should she give herself the liberty of undoing her restraints when a chance at battle was presented...but the little Fleur couldn't afford to have the floofy-haired mister gain any sort of harm if they were to manage the rest of the cartel - which, she assumed, was the group that governed this motley crew of bandits as well.


    Their numbers would drastically increase with a pop of more sand, scratching irritably at her skin as the others retract from their choice of hiding spot. Their weapons, particularly the blades, appeared to be of seemingly unimpressive caliber, though they still boasted a shine in the bandits' taunt against Ede, sneers aimed at her and her small figure which was always subject to belittling.

    The slayer managed to slither her arm half-way down her waist, Luciole's ornate handle inviting a draw at the touch of her fingertips. Though she quickly withdrew from her idea of war when Atsu proposed they follow along, earning him a confused shade of blue to stare back at him. Surely now...he didn't mean to simply succumb to it?

    Her eyes narrowed lightly, mulling over the possibility that perhaps it was a fluke and that he was one to have hidden motives. She would admit that he presented a sketchy atmosphere about himself, but so was the aura of wisdom that came with years.

    'Trust your elders.' Ria would tell her, though it'd appear rude to label the mister as an elder. Instead, the little Fleur fabricates an expression of worry, her smile withering as if in fear, paying her respects to Atsu's decision by playing along...dramatically.

    "P-please...don't hurt me...!" she screamed, the trill in her voice cracking as she crumpled to her knees, "I...I'll d-do anything you want...mister...just please...d-don't hurt me..."

    The majority of the men appeared to be pleased with her whimpering reaction, one even taking the liberty of producing a string of rope from his pocket with a flick of agreement from the burly man who clung ever tight to Atsu's person. He'd have bowed down to her level, urging her arms back with a harsh tug. The material of the rope was rough and bumpy against the skin of her wrist, and she did her best to put up the impression of wincing to better seal in her act.

    "You've got a pretty nice sword there, missy." the man cooed, sliding a finger down the length of Luciole's sheathe. A vein began to pop in her head as she grimaced, disgusted by the fact that another hand dare lay a mark on her Luciole. Edith swallowed the vile in her throat that threatened to spill from her lips, pleading her voice to keep the helpless tone, lest she burst in anger.

    "...T-that's...my father's...!" she pleaded, making her lip quiver as she offered the bandit a begging expression, "A-anything...sir...anything...but the sword...! I don't...even know...h-how to use it...m-mister..."

    "Oh..." he said, "True...your figure ain't too fit to use such a big sword..."

    Something clicked in his head as he eyed the slayer's form from top to bottom, the emotion in his eyes quickly shifting into something far more primal than expected. It almost coaxed an unpleasant reaction from her, the thought of generating flames right there and then slithering into her mind for a brief fraction of a second, which only flared out as the man dared to hoist her unto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

    "This one's mine boys! Hands off!"

    Opting to stay limp to avoid any further danger, Edith immediately quells her plan to release her flames then, blinking back at the older man from beneath the shadow of her cap.

    'Did I do well Mr. Twigs?' her expression seemed to ask, unsure if this was the sort of outcome that he devised in the first place.

    - - - -
    3,332/2000 words
    @ooc: This took forever...sorry...I changed Edith's appearance, btw, and it should be effective from here on out. pwp I apologize if the continuity is messed up or something.
    p.s. I tried to make this longer to make up for my absence.


    #ff6600 (Jing) ● #ff3300 (Marco) ● #ff9900 (Rory) ● #9933cc (Pet)
    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] 4912O3Uu_o
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 56
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 75

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    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty Re: The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Atsusemimaru Morinaga 9th April 2017, 5:13 am

    (OOC: Normally, changes in appearance don't take effect in threads you started before the change happened, but I don't mind. We'll go with it. Also, don't worry about making longer posts to make up for absences. It's really no big deal.)

    Atsu grimaced as he watched his partner unceremoniously slung across the bandit's shoulder, hoping she could forgive him in time. Considering the brigands' numbers, the lesser god figured they could have a decent chance of resisting. However, if even one hooligan managed to escape and report back to their hideout, the mission would suddenly become far more difficult to complete. A possibility Atsu didn't feel like entertaining.

    The hermit felt the lead bandit's arm loosen around his torso, the man's assortment of studded leather sliding and scuffing against Atsu's cotton shirt as he boorishly clapped his hands around his scrawny arms and shoved him forward into another bandit holding iron shackles. The irons were nearly too large for Atsu, the bandit found as he clasped them around his slight wrists leaving them to hang against his bony arms. Amused, Atsu held up his hands and watched as the shackles slid down his arms -- nearly to his elbows -- and chuckled. However, the lesser god's fun was halted by the sudden pain across his shoulder blades followed by a bandit withdrawing his scabbard from the strike he just delivered upon the frail-looking hermit. Tumbling forward, Atsu fell to his knees and, much like his companion, was hefted over the shoulder of the brigand who previously held his captive.

    "You're pretty light for your size, old man. Almost too light." the bandit exclaimed upon realizing how little Atsu's vessel weighed, "Maybe we'll fatten you up a bit before taking you to see the King! He prefers his prisoners in good health. Call it a quirk."

    The other bandits erupted into laughter and the leader joined them. With a swift signal from his gloved hand, the entourage of thieves began their trek. Atsu watched as the cart began to fade from sight, bouncing on his captor's shoulder. The other large bandit carrying Edith came to match the pace of the lead to strike up a roadside conversation and the hermit's partner came into view. Atsu needed to check in with her, but he clearly couldn't do it verbally. The lesser god elected to, instead, give her a signal. He lifted his arms, iron shackles jangling painfully against his bones, and shot her a "thumbs up" sign and a slight smirk. If his vessel's heart responded to nerves like a normal human's, it would have been pumping out of control. Yes, he had a plan to make this mission work, but it all hinged on their captors deciding against killing their captives in public. Atsu continued pondering what his next steps would be as he surveyed the retreating wagon and its sandy home.

    -- -- -- -- --

    An uncomfortably long amount of time passed before the bandits began to murmur about finally coming home. Atsu attempted to crane his neck, hoping to get a glimpse of their destination, before being smacked by the edge of another bandit's scabbard -- this time across his face. The hermit hung his head, hoping the pain would recede, and watched the ground as it shifted from a sea of sand to gradually more frequent stone tile -- clearly aged and cracked from the copious sunlight in the desert. After the pain in his face had numbed, Atsu looked upwards to find sandy stone columns and walls ornamented in faded paint receding from his vision while the group moved deeper into the ancient city. At least, the hermit assumed it was an ancient city. Judging by the increasingly elaborate structures passing by, he gathered that if he could see the front of the gaggle of bandits he would have marveled at the sight.

    The bandits moved into what seemed to be the center of the city and down into the bowels of what Atsu put together was a temple. Of course, he could only guess at the building's purpose, but it certainly looked like a place of worship. As they moved deeper into the underground structure, it became increasingly clear that they were moving through an extensive and elaborate network of hallways that ran beneath the city itself. Finally, after what felt like hours of desert walking and navigating a den of thieves, a collection of the brigands shuffled off to other parts of the hideout -- leaving only Atsu, Edith, and their captors. The hermit's ears perked up as the voices of their hosts reverberating off of the sandstone walls reached them.

    "Think I have time to have a talk with the girlie, here?" came the voice of Edith's captor.

    "Do what you want with the girl. Just bring her to the cells later." the lead bandit replied. Atsu kept careful watch as they were split up, making note as the bandit carried Edith into a nearby room. Giving her another quick "thumbs up" -- hoping to signal that it was time to act -- the two wizards lost sight of one another as Atsu was carted away. He didn't have much time to try and note where she was taken as he was carried down a hallway, his captor making a sudden turn into a circular room. Before he could get a good look at his surroundings, however, the hermit was tossed to the cold stone floor -- his glasses skidding across and clacking against the wall.

    "I think I'm going to have a bit of fun before sending you to the cells. Are you more of a fan of blunt trauma or do you prefer losing a finger or two?" the bandit asked dryly as he browsed the various weapons lining the curved stone wall of the room.

    "Actually..." the hermit began as he picked himself off the floor, voice haggard from hours in the dust covered desert, "I'd rather keep my extremities, ya dig?"

    The bandit paused a moment upon peering into the otherwise unassuming man's eyes. Their piercing gaze startled his aggressor for only a moment before he gathered himself once more and ripped a massive curved blade from the wall, proceeding to approach the hermit.

    "Thanks for the input." Atsu's would-be assailant responded, voice dripping with even more sarcasm. Raising the weapon, he picked up his pace, ready to swing at the seemingly helpless captive. Atsu smirked at the advancing brute and held up his bound hands.

    "Always happy to help." he said in return. Suddenly, the air in front of his hands seethed and heated up before warping completely. The next moment, a hole in the fabric of reality was ripped open large enough to accommodate a fully grown man.

    Hyouryu's Theme

    From the hole stepped a warrior clad in black armor, blue tabard draped over the top. From his six scabbards hung at his waist, he drew his blade quick as lightning and parried the bandit's swing. The samurai shifted his stance, moving his weight forward, and grasped the brute's sword hand firmly enough to stop any further attack. Pressing his advantage, he stepped close and delivered a forceful headbutt -- slamming the golden crest of his jet black helm into the center of the bandit's turban-clad forehead. The brigand stumbled backwards, both in pain and surprise.

    "Hey assface! No one touches my friend, ya hear?!" Hyouryu shouted, single eye peering forward, as he pointed his katana at his new opponent.

    ----- ----- ----- -----

    Word Count: ||||||||||||||||||||[3,651/2,000]

    No Roll

    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] TwiggyPost_zpsuxof3n1f
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga
    HP: |||||||||||||||||||| 90/100
    MP: |||||||||||||||||||| 90%

    Spells Used:
    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] HyouPost_zpsrr10jhulHyouryu Mochikabe: |||||||||||||||||||| 50/50 HP


    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Slaver_zpsbwg78gomDesert Bandit: |||||||||||||||||||| 35/40 HP


    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Siiiiig3_zpsnojihxv8
    EXP: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| [ 75/150 ]
    Character Profile | Magic | History/Story
    | Theme Music Album |

    | Come on in and listen to my Song Covers! |

    Xiao Jing
    Xiao Jing

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 358
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Tan Zheng✝; Damaris Hopes
    Experience : 650

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dì Sì Shùnxù [ 2nd Gen ]
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill: TBA

    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] Empty Re: The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu]

    Post by Xiao Jing 1st May 2017, 8:58 am

    The angle provided by the position she'd been hauled into by her captor proved to become a nuisance in the long run, the curved slope of her back now tingling in a low, crinkling ache. The sharp features on Ede's face appeared to be underneath the influence of grimace and a distinct, almost tangible feeling of provocation that had her eyes a lit in impatience, teeth sinking into her lower lip, albeit irritably, as she pictured the triumphant face that her captor might've bore in those short moments.

    What a pretentious fellow.

    In her head, it'd take minimum effort to bend a knee and deliver a kick to the bandit's scarcely protected chest, as if in reminder to deal with hostages more efficiently, lest she allow her patience to thin even further - an ending that both parties could easily regret. Despite how making things go boom was her specialty, achieving a premature climax hardly seemed appropriate in the steady scheme of things, and that much she could understand. Wiggling a bit in the bandit's grasp, the little Fleur takes notice of the approving gesture that her older comrade would send her, having both their captors sharing a barbaric conversation in set pace.

    It may have been a tiny, trivial response to others, but Ede could feel her enthusiasm manifesting from that sign of approval - now a slow, boiling heat pulsing through the caverns of her heart, pumping to the rhythm of adventure up ahead.

    It was okay, she thought, to admit that her happiness was shallow enough to have her frustrations disperse with a slight stretch of a thumb, where even the smallest of smiles began to exist atop her lips, the livid expression she harbored earlier almost ceasing entirely.

    That's right...with the desert sun shining well into its peak, it was impossible to not to think of fire burning relentlessly across a scatter of bandits, and the little slayer joyfully made sure to realize those thoughts as they load into a dark, dusty wagon, travelling far into the sandy dunes.

    - - - -

    Because of her spontaneity at times, Edith has little tolerance for the mundane, and when it occurred to her that a horse-drawn wagon was their mode of transport across a barren, formless environment, she prepared herself to undergo an intense wave of both boredom and restlessness prior to their arrival at the bandit headquarters.

    As a response to the impeding bore, the slayer opted to retreat into her own thoughts, mulling over random subjects like the possible ways of busting down a door should her captor decide to enslave her in a locked room, or how the bandit wagon looked like it'd fall apart from the sheer weight of those who boarded it, or how horse sounded like it was dying along the way, making her both pity and emphasize with the poor thing.

    'I feel you, horsey.' she mused, somehow sinking into an idle thought that maybe the horse was telepathic when the wagon jolted with the horse's abrupt movements.

    Just thinking of it, too, made her wonder if the desert air was trying to kill her sanity.

    - - - -

    Regardless of the uneventful trek to their base, the bandits managed themselves quite an impressive space of shelter among the dilapidated remains of what appeared to be an abandoned city, the thrive of the civilization having long left the foundations to a bunch of stingy men and their equally stingy schemes.

    Having had her hands bound in a knot of rope, Ede complied to the long and bothersome procession through their headquarters that would stretch deeper into the heart of the city ruins, taking a mental note of the hoards of shadowy figures that weaved through the columns every now and then, dusty, red-eyed faces watching them with curiosity. She doubted the possibility of the bandits not scavenging the place for loot before branding it as their territory, and would slowly come to conclusion that pilfering, perhaps, was a function closest to breathing for these type of men.

    She sneered.

    Then, their numbers would dwindle and the tension would escalate dramatically among those who were left behind, which was only ever them, the hostages, and the two who hung unto their binds. With the way her captor spoke of 'talking' to the little Fleur, the call to respond first was slowly beginning to rear its voice - especially then, after Atsu quickly braved the seconds to deliver her a go signal to commence...whatever the hell she was supposed to do.

    And by the gods, Ede already had a clear, vindictive malice dangling above her captor's head that she so desperately wanted to pursue.

    - - - -

    The sound of struggle is a classic opening to a scene that parents often didn't want the little kiddies to see, and Ede did her very best, mind you, to uphold the tradition by containing a strangled, helpless tone of voice as her body is forcibly tossed into a cold, empty room with a single roll of foam over to one side.

    She'd feel a single gloved hand make a bee-line for her waist, latching unto Luciole's embroidered scabbard with an urgency, "Annddd, you won't be needing this ole hunk 'a junk." he said, prying it from its place on her belt before moving to place it somewhere beyond her instinctive reach.

    He even had the nerve to unsheathe the blade, prompting her teeth to grind against themselves, her fingers ensuing a soft yet distinguishable snap as soon as the bandit chose to turn his back, beginning a monologue in wholesome, ignorant bliss.

    "Kids these days, being allowed by their parents to run around with weapons they can't even use." he shrugged, discarding his headscarf in the process, "Let me tell ya kiddo, the real world ain't fun, and if your mommy or daddy encouraged you to take a breather outdoors, well ya better tell them they were wrong."

    He'd pull at the material of his cloak, undoing the knot and leaving it to the dust before casting one, predatory glance to the little Fleur who sat innocently atop the floor, "Since you'll be begging for them to come help you once I'm done with-"

    "Don't you ever stop talking? God. I get it." she barked, visibly tired with her facade and the bandit's smartass drawl that left an unpleasant taste in her mouth, "It's no wonder you're so thirsty mister, women would've been repelled by your weird accent."

    The bandit appeared to contract a strange case of blood clot as a fine line bulged over his temple in response to Ede's choice of words, "Why you little piece of sh-!"

    "Shh!" she interjects, a second time, her hands somehow broken free of the binds after fiddling with the weak knot, now having been able to press a finger to her lips in a silencing gesture, "Not in front of the kids!"

    "What the...and how did you-?!"

    The man made a face that implied he was catching unto the slayer's musings, his face red with anything but passionate heat as he felt his eye twitch in response, "Ya'll regret this ya little wench!" he barked, drawing the scimitar that sat at his hip and brandishing it against her.

    Edith snapped her finger twice in her sparse moment of apprehension, once to form an aconite blossom in her hand, and twice to properly place another atop her captor's head.

    "I regret nothing!"

    Her fingers crinkle into a ball as she hauls herself backward, bracing an impact to come from casting that particular spell. The crushing motion she delivered to the imitation flower in her hand caused a burst of fire to swallow her target whole, ensuing a low groan of pain to leave the man's lips as soon as the flames extinguish, revealing a body covered in soot and a funny, burnt expression on his face. His hair is fried into an black afro, and patches of his clothes still had fire burning holes into them.

    Needless to say, despite the fire being significantly weak enough to not burn him completely, the shock of it caused her captor to fall limp unto the floor, stilling into an unconscious heap of charred mass, though it'd be more accurate to say he looked like burnt toast.

    'That's one down.' she nodded to herself, snatching Luciole away from its place on the ground, giving the sheathe a protective polish before slinking the blade into her belt, where it belonged.

    'Let's go see how Mr. Twigs is doing!'

    - - - -
    4765/2000 words
    @ooc: i'm so so so sorry this took so long...things happened and life just gave me an intense beating.
    thank god i managed to post this...i'm still sorry i had to make you wait.
    p.s. i'm glad that you're okay with the whole appearance thing...thanks a bunchies.


    #ff6600 (Jing) ● #ff3300 (Marco) ● #ff9900 (Rory) ● #9933cc (Pet)
    The King of Thieves [Job - Edith & Atsu] 4912O3Uu_o

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:18 pm