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    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial

    Shiori Saikawa

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    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial Empty I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 20th April 2017, 7:12 pm

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    Shiori Saikawa

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    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial Empty Re: I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 20th April 2017, 7:35 pm

    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    The young witch laid down in her bed silently, listening to the ongoing noises around her outside of her house. Listening to the wind blowing through what felt like the wall. Vesta was cold and uncomfortable under her thin sheets. Goosebumps covering her entire body and constant chills, the sensitive girl felt like she was just sleeping outside. It was a nice small house that they lived in, but didn't really have an efficient heating system. The brunette sat up, pulling her blankets around her so they would totally cover her. She sat with her knees to her chest, wondering if she should go wake her mother. She was cold and it was a good reason, but she didn't always like bothering people. Especially when they were trying to sleep, and her mother tended to get rather cranky at times. So she didn't want to bug her with a stupid reason, but I guess this was reason enough. Taking her blanket with her, wrapped around her and over her shoulders like a cloak. Covering her entire body below the neck, though it was a thin blanket and didn't keep the heat in. It dragged across the floor as she walked the small distance to her mother's room. Slowly Vesta cracked open the door, the room was a mess as usual, she would come in and clean it more often but her mother was often sleeping in there and she didn't want to bother her. So the mess often got piled up and she had to deal with it all at once, being the one that did most if not all the cleaning of their small abode.
    She saw the pink haired witch sleeping comfortably on her bed, Vesta wondered how she could be sleeping in this temperature when she herself struggled with it. But I guess she was more sensitive to sudden temperature differences, she liked it a nice lukewarm/in the middle type of weather. Not to cold and not to hot, otherwise she was bothered. Pulling up her blanket so it no longer dragged across the floor. She stepped over the different things on the floor before successfully making it over to Kimial's bed. Dropping the blanket, making slight noise cause of it pushing something when it landed. She reached the hand holding it up to gently nudge her mother, to try and awake her from her rest. "Mommy?" she said silently, but continued nudging to try and wake the young woman, or until she seemed to respond.

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    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial Empty Re: I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial

    Post by Guest 20th April 2017, 8:16 pm

    It was a decent two months into the spring season. The temperature was at least a little warmer than the harsh winter time, but still not as hot as it could be, or as some people wanted it to be. Though the temperature was never really a problem for Kim. She had just spent the last couple of years in a tribe after all, a tribe who were known to live... Well, out doors, in caves, or whatever source of shelter they could find. There was that one time they lived in Thunder Castle for a while, but that place was so drafty the witch was hesitant in saying it was any better than living outside. That being the case she was used to temperatures of all numbers. Which was funny, remembering how picky she was as a child in the witch world. She would always complain about it either being too hot or too cold. But that was before she learned to suck up and deal with things. Gaining a resistance to all sorts of weather conditions the tanuki found herself able to sleep comfortably any time any where. Which is maybe why she was starting to sleep a lot now... Or maybe it was because hibernation season still lingered inside of her, making her sleepier than usual. Who could really tell with the medic. Especially with her tenancy to stay up for long hours researching spells and other various activities. Some things never change, and her night owl nature was one of them.

    That being said, this day was a particularly cold one. Even Kim could feel the cold air in her lungs. But even so, the doctor still fell asleep after a night of intense reading, body sprawled lazily across her bed. Well, a bed to her, though in reality it was just a pile of decorated pillows and sheets in the middle of her small room. An open magic book rested upon her slowly rising chest and chopsticks poking out from her right hand, an unfinished cup of ramen resting unsteadily beside her head while she snoozed. Pink hair was messy and undone, sticking to her pale face, managing to blow some away every time she snored loud enough. She was out for the count.
    At least she would be, if a sound of falling potion bottles did not awaken her suddenly, followed by the shaking of her body. Snoring cutting off midway a pink ear twitched and she groaned, still feeling drowsy and not wanting to get up quite yet. But the source of the noise was an important being in her life, so there was no faking that she was still asleep for this one. Normally she would, if it was anyone else. But it was her child, and she supposed Tsubomi would kill her if she ever found out she ignored their child's need. And God knows she didn't need Tsu biting her ear off about anything.
    Though the urge to keep her eyes closed was great the cat forced them open, revealing tired amber orbs. They blinked once, and then again, adjusting to the soft light that protruded through her closed curtains. Taking in a breath Kim sighed. "Okay okay, i'm awake" she mumbled, finding almost hard to talk. She arose slowly with a helping arm, making the book, chopsticks, and plastic cup fall from their places and land on the floor. She smacked her lips and rolled a tongue over her mouth, ridding her lips of the nasty thin layer of muck that covered them overnight. Pink locks messily hung over her face before she used a free hand to push them back.
    Letting out a yawn Kim blinked once more before turning over to Vesta, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with a clenched hand.
    "Hey, kiddo" she rumbled deeply, her throat dry. "You have a bad dream or something?" she asked, unsure of what she would want so early in the morning. Her child didn't usually bother her unless it was something important, so the witch could only imagine.

    [WC: 681/2,000]
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial Empty Re: I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 21st April 2017, 3:30 pm

    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    Her green gaze drifted about the mess of the room, automatically thinking of strategies within her young brain of how to start cleaning this mess that the medic caused. Her fingers twiddled with each other and she shuffled on her feet, now standing instead of squatting close to the floor to wake up her mother. Standing so she wouldn't be in the way of her moving, now assuming that she was awake. Thus proceeding to prove this to the child when she responded in a tone that sounded like she had just awoken, which is true. Vesta watched as the book, cup of ramen and chopsticks spill all over where the young woman previously slept. Causing the young witch child to cringe slightly. Once her mother fully stood she looked up her tall and slender figure, long pink strands of hair hung over her face and was clearly a mess from what Vesta assumed to be a good nights sleep. Or whatever time Kimial decided to finally hit the sack. Looking up into her tired amber gaze, looking rather aloof, or maybe that was just because she just woke up. She watched as she let out another yawn, and listened as she spoke to her, watching her facial movements as she did so. Asking what's up, why was she there in her room waking her from her pleasant rest when she often didn't do so. Of course she didn't ask that with that question, but it hung in the air.
    Adjusting the blanket that she took from her room, so it sat more comfortably upon her small shoulders. Over her thin clothed pajamas, they matched which was nice for fashion but didn't really do well for heat. As like her blanket. And it's not like pajamas were a fashionable type of clothing, especially some well worn ones such as her current outfit. Looking down the young brunette spoke "Well I couldn't sleep, not because of a nightmare though" she said, shaking her head and muttering something like 'not this time at least' before looking back up into the tall witch's sleepy gaze and continuing her explanation. "I couldn't sleep because it was cold, well because it is cold" she said, sort of irritated by her by her sensitivity to the slight changes in weather. Which spring often did, acting like summer one second and winter the next. Though it was probably a colder time today, even her mother felt it. But I guess her usually nonexistent insecurities attacked her while she was weak in mentality. Due to lacking some sleep, not used to staying so much like Kimial, who liked to stay up so much to read different types of books, usually involving magic.
    Vesta tried to mask her yawn that forced it's way through. Helping show the child's tiredness to the young woman before her, though I guess her lazily drifting gaze and slight bags under her green eyes showed that well enough. Not that she was intending to show off how tired she was wanting pity or sympathy of some sort, no she isn't like that, and not often a thing you get to often from the rather cold acting medic. Her eyes drifted away from her mother as she waited for a response to the matter that Vesta brought to her. Staring at the slight light lines that came from the little light shining through the curtain. Whether it was moonlight or sunlight, the little summoner witch wasn't quite sure, she wasn't keeping track of the time through her sleeplessness. She watched as the dust specks that could only be so easily seen in the light, as they floated about. Having rather slow thoughts due to drowsiness, but they still wondered, eventually to be broken by her mother's next words.

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    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial Empty Re: I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial

    Post by Guest 21st April 2017, 7:09 pm

    The witch blinked in confusion and scrunched her nose at the girl's words, leaning forward to get a better look at her as she was still getting used to the dim light in the room. "Eh? Well you're using your sheets, right? Ain't that enough?" she asked, using her thumb and index fingers to grab the corner of her glasses and readjusted them correctly, feeling them lean to the side when she had gotten up. Kim couldn't understand what Vesta was complaining about. She felt fine. It might be a little cold, but nothing so major that it should keep the girl up. Maybe during the winter, but not the spring. She hadn't said anything about being cold all winter, or any other times they had harsh weather. So why now would it spike up to the point where she needed to bother her about it?
    Kim didn't know. Children still confused her to this day. If she was so cold why did she wait until now to say anything? So early in the morning? There was nothing they could do about it right now. The shops were probably still all closed, and she didn't have any blankets or extra sheets. Other than the ones she was using herself, but that was her bedding. If she gave them to her, how was she going to sleep? Even though it was stated before she didn't really need this kind of stuff to fall asleep... But still, she wasn't wanting to give it up and lay on the hard floor. She wasn't in the tribe now. She was allowed to enjoy a luxury such as comfy bedding.
    Watching the young witch yawn Kimial let a sigh out through her nose. But still, she needed to at least try something for her daughter...
    Scratching the back of her head in thought the witch's amber gaze landed upon the potion bottles beside her bed.
    "Guess i could give you a sleeping potion to tide you over until we can get some more sheets or something." Leaning down claw-tipped hands fumbled around the colorful glassware, skimming the edges until she grabbed a green one by the neck. But something was wrong. It didn't feel filled. At least not as much as it should. There was no weight to it. Pursing thin lips the cat brought the bottle up to her eye, peering inside the thin neck.
    "Shit. It's empty." She hissed, only now remembering she had used it that one night when there were thunderstorms keeping her awake. Disappointed she tossed it back over her bed carelessly, clenching her hand into a fist to rest the side of her head on. Now she really had no choice.
    "Well, guess we'll have to go out and get more sheets" she sighed, annoyed that they already had to spend more money than they could probably afford.
    Too frustrated to deal with much of anything right now Kim sunk back into her bed and pulled the thin sheet over her body, causing it to float for a second before it covered her fully. She scrunched her body up into a fetal position and grasped the sheet tightly, amber eyes closed shut to try and drown out the light in the room.
    "But the shops wont be open for another hour or so. For now you can sleep next to me if you want some extra warmth. Or don't, i don't give a damn."
    She had to do something so the child wouldn't complain again. And offering her bed was one of the only things she was currently awake enough to think of. She was her daughter, so it's not like it would be weird or anything. Vesta did at one time sleep next to her after all when she was just a baby.
    But it's not like she offered it because she thought it would be cute or anything. She was just helping the kid out.

    [WC: 1,340/2,000]
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial Empty Re: I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 28th April 2017, 10:54 pm

    I CAN SEE THE AIR I BREATHE ★ job, private, kimial WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    The young witch stood nervously, her young mother seemed sorta bothered by the fact that she was awoken in the midst of her sleep. Vesta started to regret ever coming to wake her up, she should've just tolerated it for whatever time was left that they stayed in their beds. Whether she got sleep or not. Looking down at the cluttered floor, hugging the blanket around herself. Rubbing her fair colored skin upon her arms, to try and warm them up, trying to get rid of the goosebumps that poked out all over her body. And make the little hairs on her arms lay back down like they were supposed to. Listening to the medic and watching her as she spoke about giving her a potion to help her sleep, before proceeding to find out that there was indeed no potion to give the nine year old. Which bummed out said child, she would've liked that, she was rather irritated that she was bothered by the minor amount of cold and she was really tired and just wanted to go back to bed. Guess that made two of them.
    She shuffled her feet watching as the pink haired woman slunk back down into her makeshift bed on the hardwood floor. Closing her eyes tight as to try and ignore the morning light shining through her window, and try and go back to sleep. Barely another minute passed before making another suggestion to her young child, one that would hopefully work, unlike all the others that were shot down due to valid reasons. Vesta tried to ignore another burst of chills as she listened to the words the feline spoke to her. Slight shock entered her facial expression, it wasn't often at all that Kimial offered such a thing. Yeah they did a little when she was really young, but to young to even remember. I guess it was normal for normal kids to sleep with their parents for various reasons. But they weren't typically normal, the elder witch having a more colder attitude then most. Though at least a bit softer on her child, I mean she wouldn't be suggesting such a thing if she wasn't. Well at least that was the little girl's guess on the matter.
    She felt a sort of nervous excitement, she didn't admit it but cuddling was a rather nice thing to do. So hesitantly she laid beside her mother, who appeared to be trying to ignore the fact. Vesta got as comfortable as she could, with her back pressed slightly against the young woman's chest. Though she was still cold, she felt a bit more of warmth, so it helped at least a little. Though it felt a bit awkward, being a thing that they normally didn't do. Though they were trying to sleep the little lady spoke, in a more hushed tone as to try and not to brake the silence to abruptly "I could go get a blanket tomorrow with my own money" a yawn interrupted and she lifted a small hand to rub one of her green eyes as her sudden yawn stopped her from speaking. Then continued as soon as her mouth closed "So I don't have to bother you anymore" she said, her words sort of trailing off as she closed her soft and tired gaze, her eyelids forcing themselves shut.

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