- Why is it that character spells aren't able to exceede their rank?
- I noticed there's different guilds, do they each have their own values or are they all pretty much the same and it doesn't actually matter which one I join?
- Is it possible to be in no guild at all?
- What's the advised range for level 1 spells?
- How many abilities do we start with?
- Do we start with any weapons, or do we have to earn those or buy them, or make them?
- Do we have to RP as a level 1, or are we able to be stronger?
- How do we level up to get better spells?
- How do I get one of those fancy glows?
- Are guns allowed?
- Is there a limit to the amount of threads I can be in?
Ummm... I think that's all for now, I might get more questions later.