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    In the World of darkness


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    In the World of darkness Empty In the World of darkness

    Post by Noheme 19th February 2017, 6:41 am

    Hargeon town was certain great place to live, especially if you were well versed in trade or just liked seafood. Even though the city was still in shambles, which was quite surprising considering the man force and power of magical constructs that worked hard on returning this place to it's original glory. But alas, it's residence would have to wait still, as there was much more work to be done. Even Noheme was thinking about helping at one point or another, but her skills were required elsewhere. Or perhaps it was just the fact that she was not exactly in the mood to be helping others recently. The reason was pretty obvious to anyone who would know what had transpired on one of her latest missions, but completely unknown to other as the girl was not exactly the type to share information like that without reason. Still, she was a magician and with a new source of motivation, she was here to help yet another noble who wished to recover some of his lost goods. Apparently something rather strange was found in this palce after the city itself was destroyed and then taken back. A door, if the moon goddess understood it correctly. Door that would lead down into the underground, something terrible and sinister that lied beneath the city. Quite strange, you would think that people made sure to not build something this big on top of ancient burial site or whatever it was supposed to be. Not only that, several brave individuals already attempted to explore this newly discovered place, but none of them returned yet. Just another reason for the venomous goddess to take this task, as her power was far greater than whatever regular mages could do. She would explore this darkness filled place and stop whatever was inside there for good, making it safe for everyone else and the town in the process.

    Though as she and another figure behind her approached the place where this door apparently was, it quickly became apparent that guards were already taking care of it too. Or was it police? She honestly wasn't able to tell anymore as an armed figure in shining armor stopped her. "Excuse me miss, but this area is off limits. We received reports of missing people and we cannot afford to loose any more bystanders." Noheme could only give him an annoyed look. Could he not feel her magical energy? Did he not recognize her even after she did so many heroic things, saving even the whole world at some point? Well, she did kinda do it in place where none would see her, but still! Did anyone even know who she was? Suddenly, she felt kinda depressed. Even though she walked Earthland for this long and grew much stronger in the process, people were still oblivious to the goddess. Thankfully there was yet another unnatural being behind the fox girl who peeked at the soldier. "Good morning sir! We're mages tasked to investigate this place, not bystanders. You don't have to worry about us!" After seeing Leila, the man suddenly grew much more tense. It almost appeared as if he knew her, and he indeed did, as he quickly saluted out of nowhere. "Miss Leila Vergious, one of the ex-Rising Stars! I did not notice you at first, please accept my apologies! Please, go on ahead!" And just like that, he would step to the side and clear up the path forward. The moon goddess could only look her sister in disbelief, though she only replied with a shrug. "Guess the position finally paid off. I wonder if Hero spread a word about me once I disappeared... our last conversation was me complaining that no one knew about me as well."

    Word Count - 628 / 3750


    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 19th February 2017, 9:22 pm

    Yazuki had received word of a new job with a door that had appeared in Hargeon Town some while ago, traveling along the electrons in the air, he had transformed into a bolt of lightning, his normal mode of transportation now. Nightken had graced him with the technique which now allowed him to travel over vast distances in mere seconds, affording him a lot of saved time and effort on his part. He had exited his cave in Mysterious Canyon this morning to find a note inside a box that had been kept out of the rain addressed to himself. Upon reading the note, he had taken his time preparing, as he knew he wouldn't be expected for days. Once he had eaten a good meal, and provided himself his armors and weapons, he shot off in a bolt, traveling above the city causing a scene in a matter of minutes, landing upon the landing to the door. He stood looking at the door and realized a symbol he knew all too well...

    His eyes widened and a certain distaste filled him as he began to realize what this meant. A grin eventually coming across his face in a menacing fashion. The symbol was the same tribal that was on his torso, that he had received from the demon who gave him his abilities. This could very well be his day of retribution. If the demon was inside, then there was a chance he could have peace by finally defeating him. As he stood in front of the door, he noticed someone coming down to the door. He knew things like this usually involved many wizards, some of various status, but the person who came down to the door was someone he had met and displeased long before this form was taken, and as his soul was burned, even his aura wouldn't represent who he was. The last time she had seen him, he had medium length black hair, no scars, ran around shirtless and his demon Tribal was revealed. Now he looked completely different. She seemed to have another woman along with her, but Yazuki had no clue who he was.

    "Oh crap, not again," he sighed as she came down to the door. This would surely be entertaining.  This woman he had met at the ball some time prior for Valentine's Day, and their encounter had left him hung from the ceiling as he had ripped his shirt off. Yazuki remembered yelling at her he couldn't control his lightning yet, and even so now he couldn't and the clinging of clothes was not his favorite feeling. He lost his normal composure about keeping his name a secret as he was irritated this was the help he was getting.

    "I have my shirt on this time so keep your chains to yourself please." he stated, quickly realizing that she didn't know he was Yazuki until the words had flown. This was the first time he had gotten so flustered to forget he went by Raijin now just to hide his true identity. He didn't have any clue on how to respond to this, so he just went with it for now, as the harm was already done. He placed his hand on the symbol on the door, bringing his attention back to the door again as he ran his fingers along the raised metal. This was his focus for now, this is what he wanted to deal with and he wanted to cause whomever was inside a great deal of displeasure for the words he had read about the happenings that came from this door. His new plated gloves on his hands kept him from feeling a little of the metal, but he could feel it indent through the cloth portion of the glove.

    He looked up at the woman who he still had yet to know, though she might not even know his name come to think of it. She had left so fast that it could easily have escaped her ears. Still, his identity needed to be kept from people, and he would need to talk to her later about it. He really hoped his first impression of her was just that, a silly mistake.


    Last edited by Yazuki Yoshino on 21st February 2017, 6:31 am; edited 1 time in total


    In the World of darkness CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    In the World of darkness Asmpgx10

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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Noheme 20th February 2017, 3:57 am

    The soldier stepped aside and now it was but Noheme and Leila walking down the unsettling street where the peculiar door was located. Though it was clear that there would be more excitement that was first expected, as the moon goddess suddenly stopped her steps forward and even extended her hand to the side, showing her sister that she should walk to further as well. Suddenly, a bold of light would strike down and illuminate the dark alley between broken homes for but a moment. Someone else has entered the scene, but no thirst for blood could be felt in the air. Which had to mean this new someone was probably here to tackle the challenges of the door as well. Not exactly the greatest thing, considering that the goddess was here to stop people from trying to do just that, as they would most likely just throw their life away in completely meaningless fashion. Though if it wasn't for the girl by her side, then she would have never came here in the first place, not caring for how many dead this world of dark would spit back out. "Any idea what was that?" Noheme would nod. But she continued standing there for a little bit longer, the scent finally getting to the position where they were. She recognized it, but only very faintly. It was a smell she definitely knew at some point in time, but it was not significant enough for her to actually remember who produced it. "Another mage. Let's go before he jumps down and breaks his legs..." Clearly she wasn't putting very much trust in others that she did not know. Well, it probably was to be expected with the things she saw recently, fools throwing themselves at impossible to break walls and dying in the process.

    Walking down little further, he would finally come into view. A mage clad in armor and with a scar on his face, surrounded by soldiers and researchers that were all clearly in shock and ever so slightly trembling as they were unsure if they should pick up their weapons and attack or not. If he would at least say something, then they could base their actions on that. But he was just kinda there, observing the door as if no one else in the world existed at that moment. Not to mention that even his magical power was way above the one of regular humans that the soldiers were, making them all the more reluctant to do anything rash. But once they would spot Noheme and Leila, they would all sigh in relief at pretty much exactly the same time, as if it was staged or something. They knew that she was here to help them as the soldier from the front signaled, and her power was radiating out, clear as they. She was more powerful than anyone present here, even though she wasn't exactly all that interested in boasting at the moment.

    She just couldn't be bothered hiding her magical power every single time she would enter the civilized world. And as they all approached each other, this unknown mage would start speaking first, clearly showing that he did know the moon goddess from somewhere. And the moment he mentioned chains, she recalled. Well, that evening hurt her more than anything, so she did her best to just erase it from her memory as best as she could. But not that it all forcefully returned, she could only sigh. "Out of the way wizard. We are here to take care of this." Not really caring for who he really was, she would extend her hand to the side as a black mold-like material would suddenly envelop her and then shoot out, coiling on the ground at high speed as if it was a giant snake. And it's purpose? It smashed the door to the ground like nothing, causing a tremor and loud crash to echo throughout the city as only an open hole in the ground was left. "I don't really think that was the best course of action, sis..." The girl next to her spoke as she looked at the gaping hole to the abyss that was now present to them all, worried that someone might fall into it.

    Noheme's companion, Leila:

    Word Count - 1342 / 3750


    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 20th February 2017, 8:22 pm

    As the woman who Yazuki had a distaste for aimed towards the door he jumped back, letting her have a clear shot. He was going in there whether she liked it or not, and destroying the door would surely only open a bigger rift, which he didn't mind. He had a feeling she knew little of who she was dealing with, but her power seemed scaled slightly beyond his reckoning of having met before. He realized she could have been much more cruel to him than she had been at the ball, but that still didn't help his mood. He wanted that demon, nothing more.

    As the door was blasted, a whole in the world appeared, a rift of the woman's creation. Yazuki looked at her with a blank look. She didn't seem to grasp that this was a demonic portal, something he had been well aware, but she hadn't. A smirk came across his face as he traveled once again through the electrons through the air down to the ground within the nether, down into this abyss of chaos and darkness, landing on what appeared to be some sort of rusty orange colored soil. The land was ripe with huge crystals that pulsated light, the sky covered in thunder clouds. All around he could see humans slaving away at the hands of these strange demons, none looking like the one who had given him a curse that he now realized was a gift. He looked back at the hole in anticipation.

    This woman was here to do the job too, and judging by the numbers that were present, he would need to strategize. Also having her along would help with his development, making it easier for him to learn the ways of the more powerful wizards of the realm. He stood in silence, just looking and waiting. A sudden thought occurred to him as he stood there. This mission was one he could have taken Zeno on and let him show Yazuki his new found abilities. He hadn't seen Zeno in battle with lightning yet, but maybe that day would come soon. Tito also had new abilities that were sure to be useful, but Zeno had learned the arts of lightning fast. The kid really had a knack for breaking down barriers and doing the impossible, but he also had a knack for going overboard, much like he did at times. Yazuki couldn't deny that he had the potential to cause collateral damage, but that wasn't the man he was anymore. His moves were more calm and calculated to try to counteract his new found anxiety. He pulled out his case of lightning charred sticks, placing one as a cigarette would be placed in ones mouth. They were made to appear similar to a cigarette, but they helped and were more healthy than said alternate. He started to slowly chew on the side in his mouth as he thought about the fact that this woman might not work well with him. He hoped they could at least put their differences aside for the moment.



    In the World of darkness CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    In the World of darkness Asmpgx10

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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by NPC 20th February 2017, 8:22 pm

    The member 'Yazuki Yoshino' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Noheme 21st February 2017, 12:08 pm

    Of course he wasn't the type to listen. As he disappeared down the hole into another dimension, Noheme could only sigh, feeling exhausted already. Of course she knew what was right in front of them, she herself was from a completely different realm and had to open rifts to even get to Earthland. With with the dark half of her powers, she was basically resonating with the demonic world. Which was why she knew that it was dangerous for others, that man included. While he clearly had some tricks up his sleeves, he didn't appear to be one of the strongest people on this side of Fiore. Turning her head to face Leila, the moon goddess would roll her eyes around once more before she gathered her strength again. "You said that armor of yours can form barrier large enough for several people, right? Do me a favor and stay close to him, I'm not exactly interested in reporting another dead body on my job..." and her sister could only nod with a smug smile on her face. It was easy to feel kinda useless on jobs with the fox girl, as her power was quite great. And the Eden's spirit's powers were not all that great after she was revived either, as she lost her own godhood and lineage. But with what power she still had, she would make sure that her mission would be completed perfectly! Just like in the days of old when she was roaming this land by herself, completing jobs and getting to know others. Without a single worry, she allowed her body to tip over the edge and start falling into the abyssal place, only to easily land on the ground as if she didn't fall at all. And she would quickly make her way towards the man who was still stationary for now, thank goodness. "Alright buddy, I'm your escort while sis clears out whatever dangers are lurking in this place!"

    Her words were accompanied by a smile, as this was the first job where the girl met another mage. Though this one probably did not hear about her and thus did not know her, which was a bit of a shame. No matter though. For the dangers really did lurk her in the shape of two demons that slowly started approaching from the ever-present shadows that creeped all around this world. But soon, even their fairly large figures would be covered by a much greater shadow, one that menacingly loomed above them all. It was Noheme who already activated one of her spells, forming a giant dragon who's body was constructed from solid and flowing poison, chunks of purple venomous liquid dropping down and eating away at the ground. Honestly, if Leila did not know that thing was on their side, she would already be running from this place as fast as she could and as far as she could. It was nothing short of terrifying! And soon, in landed next to the due of Eden's spirit and lightning mage. "Erase them." The goddess would command from atop her beast as a general would while riding into battle on his trusted steed. And with one fell sweep, the dragon's tail would crash into both of the demons, probably smashing whatever was inside their fleshy bodies and turning it into paste. Not to mention that their skin quickly started changing color, purple saturation taking over as an airborne poison started getting to them already. This battle was one before it even began as the two large figures got flung into nearby rocks, shattering them in the process. And after that, the dragon would turn to face the lightning man, moon goddess now standing on his head so she could get a better look.

    "I don't care if you're here to seek treasure, or something else entirely. But you will listen to what I have to say or you'll quickly become dog's food, understood? This place is no joke even for those of great power." Not even disguised thread. The girl simply wasn't all that interested in dealing with rebellious children, so she made sure he would get a good luck at her power before trying to do something stupid again. Though she was scaring her little sister just as much as anyone else with that thing so close to her.


    Word Count - 2069 / 3750



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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by NPC 21st February 2017, 12:08 pm

    The member 'Noheme' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
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    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 21st February 2017, 7:41 pm

    Yazuki watched as the goddess landed and her companion spoke of escorting as if he was a child. This was his domain, his area of expertise, and having her here was nice for basically being a distraction for him nothing more. If she seriously thought he as going to sit around and not utilize his potential as a Demon Slayer. He grimaced at the girl, his cold green eyes looking at her as if to pierce her soul. This was not a place to take lightly, no, but neither was this a place to tell him what to do. He watched the mage create a dragon, which he watched take care of the demons with next to no problem. A pity, as he was sure it required more effort than it would have him. He had sized up the demons prior and they seemed but a joke. He was made for this, he breathed for this, and if he was here, he would have his revenge on HIM.

    "Try not to belittle me, you may seem powerful, but this is my domain. These are my choice of being to kill, and this is what I am best at. Sadly, I think you just over did it. Those things didn't require that level of force, I assure you. So if you want me to 'step out of the way,' I am going to have to decline. I don't know who you are, but this is my ball game." As he spoke, 4 more demons approached, one the other tree seemed to follow. They ran at them and stopped some distance away.

    "You are not welcome here, but I shall strip your souls for my own pleasure," the beast stated with a raspy voice and a grin. He was by far the smallest, with one of the demon's the goddess had slain that was slightly taller, and two that dwarfed both. Yazuki didn't wait for him to go on before he had used his Simple Bolt, dissappearing into it, and as it hit the smaller demon, he stumbled back, fumbling his sword for a second. He cloaked his fist in an orb of lightning, punching the demon in the stomach, the whites of his eyes now going black and two small horn like tribals on either side of his hair line. His force had been activated moment one, realizing this was the time and place where it fit him best. His arms ripped with Lightning as the Demon swung his sword and hit him, but Yazuki did not falter. He yelled out as he dropped his arms, "Thunder Demon Explosive Wings!" The are was crackling with thunder and the blow hit hard against the small demon, stunning him before Yazuki let loos a super fast kick infused with lightning to his face. The demon fell to the ground, the others seemingly stunned that such a feat had been pulled off. He looked up at the other three, lightning gathering in his mouth as he ran in their direction, Summoning down 7 bolts of lightning, 2 for each and the 7th hitting the smaller one. He let loose his rage, bellowing a torrent of thunder at the other three as they all seemed to fall from existence. He stood up straight and looked back at the goddess, a smirk on his face.

    "Speed of the storm is all that's needed here, I have a reason to be here, and I am damned sure not letting you stop me from killing the Demon who cursed me. So I recommend we not try to hinder what progress can be made here. These things aren't hard, but if he is here, you may very well be in trouble yourself."



    In the World of darkness CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    In the World of darkness Asmpgx10
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 21st February 2017, 7:41 pm

    Forgot to Roll


    In the World of darkness CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    In the World of darkness Asmpgx10

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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by NPC 21st February 2017, 7:41 pm

    The member 'Yazuki Yoshino' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Noheme 22nd February 2017, 11:58 am

    He really wasn't trying to help them with this whole mess, was he? Perhaps Noheme should have left him in this world all alone so he could become a snack for the demons that were quickly gathering in this place for the said snack. But alas, they would only find their own demise here, as was demonstrated earlier when the goddess' dragon eradicated two if them at once and with such ease that it was almost laughable. And even after seeing all that, he would still go on about things. From his magic, the moon goddess already managed to guess that he was indeed a demon slayer. But even if his magic was meant to be destroying these beasts, it didn't exactly give him the right to be boasting and be reckless like that. After all, the girl herself was a god slayer. But was she capable of actually slaying one? No, not in the slightest. The one god that she truly despises escapes her still. She was far too weak for him, and probably any other being that was of his kin. Alas, the man did not listen and bolted off into the distance to fight another wave of demons that showed up. One one hand, they deserved few claps at least with how brave they were even after they saw their brothers crushed beneath the dragon's tail. That sort of dedication was something you do not see often. But Leila was little mad, as she was tasked with protecting the man, but he just kinda went away. And she hated feeling useless more than anything else she could feel.

    Because right now, it would only remind her that most of her power was gone. That her world was dying and she made everyone worry when she 'died'. And now that she was back, she wanted to take things into her own hands once more, gain control. But so far that clearly wasn't working all too well. But at least she was no longer in the abyssal limbo where her soul just drifted forever in the dark. It was not a good state to be in. As a god, she never truly died, even when she sacrificed herself. Her soul merely changed it's state, forming a shielding bubble around the one she loved, sealing away portion of her problems. But the seal soon became solid and that was no longer necessary. That was how the eater of names could revive her. It was liberating to breathe and move again. So the fact that she felt diminished by a man like that? Pouting, she crossed her arms at her chest and waited for him to return. And he did, along with more words as to why he was here and something about even Noheme being in trouble. Not that any of that really mattered. "I am trouble, wizard. We are ending it all now. The rest of them are on the way and I will not be just standing around, doing nothing at all because you're here. I am finishing this, now. Leila, shield him please. And yourself too, of course."

    Nodding to the words of her sister, the Eden's spirit quickly moved next to Yazuki and extended her hands forward. In that very moment, shadow barrier formed around them. It was just a bubble, really. But a strong one, capable of defending even against the strongest of spells. No matter how much would the lightning mage try, he would be incapable of destroying it with his own power or rather, the lack of thereof. The moon goddess would not do much on her end however. All she had to do was snap her fingers and black mist suddenly engulfed the entire area. Just from looking at it from within the barrier, it was probably clear that it was lethal. And as the demons got closer, it could be viewed exactly what it did to them. Their skin suddenly breaking apart as the mist dealt instant damage. But that was not all, as the enemies quickly slowed down to an absolute crawl, vomiting violently. The weaker ones slowly succumbed to the venom that entered their bodies, eating them from the inside. The strong one was still alive, but crawling just like the rest of them. It was helpless as it's insides were slowly melting, strength leaving him. All he could do was vomit his own organs out at this point. But the dragon ended his suffering soon enough, as a giant claw squished him like a bug. The mist would soon be gone and the shadow barrier nearly destroyed from it alone. But now the girl could release it without having to worry.

    Word Count - 2855 / 3750


    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 22nd February 2017, 6:31 pm

    Yazuki had strolled back to the lady who had been "assigned" to him during his explanation, not realizing the true might of what Noheme could do. He knew not many could survive this realm, especially the likes of these demons, who, though he would never admit it, were a bit tougher than he had encountered before. They weren't going down with the old one, two knock out as he was used to, even though he had force activated and it was at full power. He studied the girl who appeared to mope to him having left, who hadn't been rude to him as of yet, and felt a bit disappointed in himself. She had been told to protect him, in which the goddess need not have worried about him, but this woman had wanted to. This was entirely new to him, never having had someone try to protect him, and always protecting the life and innocence of others. No one had actually been serious about protecting him, and the first one who had he had shrugged off. Its not as if he knew her, in fact, all he knew is that she was with this woman who had once dangled him from the ceiling, he had no clue what she could actually all do. The dragon was impressive now that he looked over at it and wasn't blinded by hatred for a moment, and he studied Noheme as she told this other being to shield him. Without any time to react there were within a bubble, with Yazuki looking at the girl.

    "I apologize. I may have let past events cloud my judgement and not accept your help. That was foolish of me" He closed his now black and green eyes for a moment to calm himself, initiating his aura quick to provide him more speed. Then he heard a snap, and he looked over at Noheme. Black mist swirled around them, like a thick fog as more approached them but fell victim to the sinister spell. Yazuki's eyes widened as he witnessed the life slowly being drained out of the demons, a certain pity for him clearly shown on their face as they were crawling because of how weak it was making them, vomiting and slowly decaying away. He had never seen such magics before, though he would have attuned this to death, which is one thing that he understood well. However, this goddess looked nothing like one of the damned, and she was too arrogant to be an aspect of Death. This magic was different, he mused. The way she bore no sign of curse...

    His mind returned to the first time he had met Marceline. Her magics tended to decay those around her, and seemed to run with her emotions. This was more of a proud warrior goddess than a humble servant of death, yet she acted like she could do as she pleased. This didn't seem to be a problem with him to be honest, as the four new demons decayed away, slowly being eaten alive by the poison of the spell. He looked back over at the woman who was focusing the barrier. He felt bad still for having not accepted her help, but this was his area of expertise. This was where he had the ability to burn as bright as the sun. This was where a certain demon might reside that he must face to conquer his conqueror, and regain the peace that once graced his life.

    "The demon who cursed me may very well be here. I want my shot at him if he is, but if not, then I will leave," he stated looking at the girl but speaking loud enough for Noheme to hear him. He could care less if she wanted to clear the trash out of the way, he wasn't even entertained about finding the missing items he had been asked to find. He wanted revenge, cold and calculating revenge. The demonic mark on his rib cage matched that of the door, and he had yet to see it in other places. The barrier remained as the last demon continued to struggle, now trying to leave the area, but too weak to do so. He was still dying slowly as the missed all but disappeared, slipping away as if a bad memory leaving the mind. He walked over to him, examining what had taken effect on him, noticing the corrosion of his body. He looked back up at Noheme.

    "Ok, I give. You tell me what to do, I will do it. Under one circumstance. If the demon that cursed me is here, I get him, otherwise, I will be a good boy and just twiddle my thumbs like you want me to. I will stay with her," he motioned over to her companion, "However at least let us get some formal footing here. My name is Yazuki. May I have both of yours?"

    He looked at them both plainly, being serious at the moment as he had seen the extent of her abilities and she could pose a risk to his health. His better bet was sticking with the barrier girl and hoping she could do it again soon. The goddess didn't seem to be one that you would want to get pissed at you, as a normal individual, even demons, were corroded from the inside out. The thought made his shudder as he held back his tongue. Had it not been for her companion's reaction to him taking off, it would have been a battle of egos, that might not have ended well. She had saved him a great deal of hurt, and he was greatful.

    "Thank you for shielding me. I don't know how well I would have faired without you." A warm smile graced his lips. He was trying to be as courteous as possible, as she may have well just saved his life. She saved him from another failure and another toxic breakdown that would cause him to recluse in his cave again, away from the world as he pondered his failure. He grabbed his case back out and grabbed another lightning charred stick the size of a cigarette and placed it between his lips. He ever so slowly chewed on its tip, just grabbing the charred flavor the help settle his unease at the idea of falling into another state of anxious panic, having his emotions destroy him once again. His ego was a mask, and one he kept only for people who may view him as weak.



    In the World of darkness CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    In the World of darkness Asmpgx10

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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Noheme 23rd February 2017, 4:04 am

    Leila was little too focused on holding the barrier when Yazuki spoke, but she did indeed hear him. She just couldn't quite answer just yet. Focusing on having a barrier up was one thing. But focusing on said barrier when a pressure of S-ranked magic that was meant to eradicate anything and everything was pressing on it? Now, that was just a little bit harder. But once that whole ordeal was done and the shadow barrier fell apart? Then the girl could freely focus on the man standing next to her, as she smiled too. "Well, at least you know it now. So, apology accepted!" It was easy to say that the silver haired girl was excited now, as she even shoved a V sign with her fingers. A human contact. It was something she missed for the longest time and having someone talk like this to her, it was almost like being able to finally breath after suffocating for all eternity. And the battlefield was cleared out for now, so they didn't even have to worry about being attacked when the lightning mage came back to the moon goddess and spoke again.

    She listened, even if it didn't look like it because she was staring into the distance. But make no mistake, there was a good reason for her to behave like that. A strange energy revealed itself, though maybe it was too faint for others to feel at this distance. It was probably their next destination if one would apply logic. They still haven't found the item they are here for after all. And it did not drop from any of the defeated demons, as their bodies now fully withered away and left behind nothing organic but some charred ashes that were burned down by the venom. Finally, she would turn back towards the man as the dragon shifted it's position, lowering one of it's wings to the ground and forming a small... well, actually pretty big ramp. "Get on, there is still more." She did not say more, she didn't need to. Leila hopped on too, quickly running up to the dragon's back and waiting for Yazuki to board him as well. Sure, he was capable of moving pretty fast, but why waste magical energy when there could be a powerful demon waiting.

    Once on top, the creature would start moving forward, getting into the air and flying towards a certain direction that Noheme stared towards. She wasn't really in the mood to talk right now, as it was still to early for her to interact with others properly. But at least the Eden's spirit was carefree as ever. "Name's Leila Vergious, ex-Rising Star and mage from Golden Phoenix. And that is... um... just call her Eris Sytry." A slightly awkward smile accompanied the name for reasons unknown. "So... demon cursed you? Do you mean your demon slaying magic? Isn't something like that usually given to the chosen ones to fight kin of those who gave it?" Then again, the fox girl on the dragon's head didn't exactly see her power as a blessing either. So that was a second slayer that wasn't really happy with their abilities, if that was indeed what the lightning mage was alluding to.

    "And worry not! As someone who was hero to this world, it is my sacred duty to protect everyone else! If I didn't, you would probably have a really bad time right now." A smirk in response to his smile. Suddenly, the dragon slowed down. They were at their target, a small cave-like structure right in front of them that had an opening in form of a fancy door. The moon goddess did not waste any time, jumping in and leaving the due, along with the dragon behind. Unfortunately, the beast was too large to fit in anyway. Leila followed soon after, only to see a ceremonial room with rather large amount of demons. Perhaps her sister should have saved that spell from before? The thought was quickly interrupted by a strange voice in their head. "Turn back strangers. I am giving you one cha-" "This one is not connected to you wizard, is he? I'm going to kill it quickly."

    Somehow, Noheme managed to interrupt what the demon was going to say. And that made him quite angry to say the least. Clutching it's sword, it moved close at such speed that one could easily say that he was just teleporting. Several strikes with the weapon were meant to slash apart the intruder, but the fox girl managed to quickly unsheathe her long straight sword and block every single strike that was headed her way. She herself was rather fast and it confused the demon. "Time Dilation." Saying those words alone, her body transformed into a blur, slashing the demon five times at once in different places. Tanking it all, he tried to attack back, and he did managed to hit. The sword buried deep inside of the girl's body... only, something was wrong. Instead of blood, purple started coming out as the pierced body suddenly transformed into a ball of magical energy, exploding and sending the demon flying.

    How unfortunate that he would not recognize a self-destruct clone. And where he flew? Right at the real deal who teleported behind him, shoving her hand that was coated in venom through his body completely. That alone would finish most off, but this one was tougher cookie. Another snap of her fingers fixed that, though. As the demon's body suddenly started bloating, it's wounds growing purple and sizzling. Just like with the enemies before, her poison was in his system. But this time, instead of making him vomit out, the substance was burning itself and literally scorching the demon from inside out. It was not a pretty sight, as Leila covered her eyes for a moment. Soon, not much was left of the demon, only an empty shell falling to the ground and breaking into pieces. The observing demons soon got out of there too, Noheme now free to grab the item from it's pedestal and head back. Though she did stop next to Yazuki once more. "Next time, make sure that you listen to others. Not everyone is afraid of killing other human beings..." Somehow, her words sounded sorrowful.

    Word Count - 3907 / 3750 (WC achieved)


    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    First Skill: 3rd Gen Thunder Demon Slayer
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    In the World of darkness Empty Re: In the World of darkness

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 23rd February 2017, 10:12 am

    Yazuki had climbed on the dragons back without much hesitation, his stomach lurching slightly having now gotten close enough to notice it was made out of poison. He was finally starting to get to know who this Fox goddess was, and she may have an ego problem, which bothered him quite a bit, but her spells could at least back her, but he was more interested in her companion as she had a warming personality. When she introduced them both, he nodded, understanding that they were close and that they were on this mission for a reason. As she asked him the question though, he pondered what she had said. Demon Slayers were rare, and he always thought it was more of a curse than a gift, so he owed her an explanation. After all, where it all occurred was far from where anyone would know as not many people frequented the Mysterious Canyon. He looked at her pondering for a moment.

    "My demon slayer magic comes from two separate sources. I used to be a regular lightning wizard. Now, after receiving these 'Blessings' as anyone else would call them, I was almost at perfect mastery of lightning. Now I have to learn to control it all over again. A Thunder Demon used some art called Demon Art: Slaying Lightning on me, and now I have a tattoo on my left rib cage that resembles the demon face on the door your companion here blew out of existence. I was hoping to gain some closure here, but I was not expecting company. I know I can handle myself here, but your friend seems to handle it better than I can, so naturally I will step back for now. It's nice to meet you Leila. As well as you Eris." As he spoke Eris's name, there may have been less of a cheerfulness than speaking Leila's name. They seemed to be polar opposites, one kind, the other harsh, much like the sides of himself.

    After some time of enjoying his hair flying through the breeze, the dragon eventually landed, giving him a sense of relief. He transformed into a bolt and landed on the ground, waiting for the other two to get off. He loved being able to move around so freely now, and having mastery once gain, but this ability he had learned from the man who had given him his lacrima. Without it, his life had been a lot harder. He watched as she walked into the cave, following Leila instead as to not worry about Eris. She could handle herself, but Yazuki gave off an air that if something tried to attack Leila, he would attack them back without hesitation. She had helped him, and protecting her was going to be a kindness returned.

    As they entered the room, demons lined the walls. The sheer amount of them made him glad that Eris was actually here. If she had to repeat her process from earlier, this would still be an easy battle for her. She had turned to him and made a notion about whether this demon was the correct one and his heart sunk. This was not the demon he was looking for in the least. He looked at Eris and shook his head. This wasn't the one, and he wasn't sure this one was as powerful, to be honest. "The demon I am looking for is far more powerful. This one is no were near what I am looking for. I guess he is all yours."

    With that he looked at Leila. "I am sorry to have bothered you earlier, and since Eris will surely have this over with soon, I want to apologize in full again quick. I have enjoyed talking to you, and should you ever visit Mysterious Canyon, there will be a spare bed and food there, as well as my company. I would love it if you were to visit. Again, thank you," He gave her a warm smile, his force falling off and his face returning to normal. Finally, he turned and watched the oncoming battle, that was sure to be quick. He watched as she took him with ease, but froze as he succeeded at stabbing her. He instantly got in front of Leila in case he had to finish this. He would not let harm befall someone so kind, and protecting others was his thing. Relief washed over him as she seemed to be not so affected by it. He watched her finish off the demon with ease. She walked over to him and spoke. His retort was simple, but not harsh.

    "And there are those who can handle themselves. However, than you for your help and saving me some time. I will have to continue my search after I return the items they were looking for." He looked back at Leila with tender eyes. "Take care of her, will you? She needs someone around to keep her from harm too you know."



    In the World of darkness CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    In the World of darkness Asmpgx10

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