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    Lycus Toxicus


    Posts : 604
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flames Of The Underworld
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    Lycus Toxicus  Empty Lycus Toxicus

    Post by Fluffy 7th February 2017, 9:59 am

    Name: Lycus Toxicus
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21 Human Years.
    Birthday: June 12th
    Sexuality: Everything sexual.
    Special Characteristics: Lycus is a mermaid thus he had two appearances, his ocean/water bound form and then one with legs that can navigate the land.

    If there was one word to describe this large over muscled merman? It would be laid back, in spite of all his physical strength and bravado he can use when speaking; Lycus is very relaxed as an individual! For example he would much rather laze around beading pearls together to make a necklace, than he would like to actively seek out fights and such. However it should be noted that he is not laid back in such a way that would make him seem girly, in fact it simply seems that he is lazy and does not want to put out the effort seeking out manly things like fights would take. If one were to bring a fight to this pretty boy? He would finish it without mercy. Sometimes this laid back mannerism can cause people to become upset with him when the merman puts his relaxed state over what their trying to convey to him, or when he purposefully doesn’t do something minor he ought to have done, simply because he wanted to take a nap. The biggest thing to note about Toxicus thought? Is that it was not his original surname, rather it was assigned to him by the community when he got old enough to engage in lewd activity. Lycus is a major flirt, so much so that those he flirts with do not even have to be from anything near the same species as him, or even humanoid, gender means nothing to him and species means even less. If you could potentially engage in a good time with him? Toxicus is going to flirt with you, and he’s very good at doing it, a heartthrob who has no intention of settling down anytime soon!

    Both of this merman’s parents were part of the palace’s royal guard when he was born, so this boy grew up around the royal family. When he reached the age of thirteen which is the earliest merman can join the royal guard? Lycus enlisted and ever since he had been part of it, which clearly shows this male has an intense sense of duty and takes pride in everything he does. Members of the royal guard are train harshly, made to be able to handle some of the most intense situations, so Toxicus is very level headed within battle, a soldier capable of taking orders from a recognized leader without regretting them no matter how gruesome the result. However being in the upper part of the Guard, this male is not a strict follower, instead he is more of the captain taking orders from the general. Lycus is very capable of taking decisions into his own hands and taking up a role as a leader. However considering how he is outside of combat situations? It can be hard for people to take him seriously as anything besides the one who would hold the team back, until he proves himself. Yet once Lycus has proved his worth as a fighter and is recognized for it, you won’t find anyone more willing to go to the death for his comrades.

    ♜ Accessories like with many other merfolk, are something of a hobby for Lycus, he will make bracelets out of shells, anklets of sharks teeth, necklaces of pearls and wear them all without shame.
    ♜ Toxicus is a very big fan of music in general, but he has a particular soft spot for the music made by humans and other land walkers, since it sounds different from what he grew up with.
    ♜ Unlike most merfolk who chose to become part of land culture, this merman still loves the ocean, the water and swimming.

    ♜ Lycus really hates the ideal of being forced to switch between his mermaid and human forms against his will.
    ♜ Aquamarine gems are something he absolutely despises because many cultures believe them to be the tears of his kind, Toxicus has not confirmed or denied this himself, he just hates that humans would place value on something they believe to have been caused by the suffering of his people.
    ♜ Getting called a male mermaid, pisses him off because his race call themselves Merfolk, the only mermaids in his culture are the females, he will strongly insist someone call him a merman, merfolk or nothing at all.

    ♜ As a child Lycus was never permitted to surface and thus he never learned any about the world above the waves, so he is very eager to learn about all of it.
    ♜ Back in “Atlantis” this boy was known as the one to come to if you wanted a good time, regardless of your species, this is a trend he hopes to continue above the waves.
    ♜ Power is a very useful tool in this world, the merman is very aware of this, so he hopes that through his journeys he can become stronger.

    ♜ The first time he was permitted out of deep water, Lycus was caught in a fishing net and nearly abducted, so he has a fear of the items, they are a lot harder to escape than most humans think they are!
    ♜ When he first comes onto land with his tail still intact due to being wet. What does he meet first? A cat who tries to eat his fishy half, so he quickly develops a distaste for felines. Toxicus is now food!
    ♜ The possibility he could find someone who decides to capture him, shove him in a tank, terrifies him.

    General Appearance

    Height: 7 feet human /9 feet long, mermaid form.
    Weight: 180 pounds human/240 mermaid form.
    Hair: Long silky straight black hair.
    Eyes: Red
    Skin Tone: very pale, ghostly.
    This man is very tall regardless of which form he takes, with slender sharpened features that are quiet heart throbbing. Lycus is a very built man, sporting a six pack and any other manly muscles one can think of, all finely honed from swimming all day every day! As he lived deep under the waves until recently his skin does not really know the sun, thus he is ghostly pale. An odd feature about this male would be his very long ebony hair, drifting down to somewhere between his rear and knees, accenting his brick red eyes nicely.

    As a merman, Lycus has a serious problem with using human clothing. Most articles of clothing for a male's lower extremities? Would become a hazard to him if he happened to get wet, harm his tail during the transformation process or become ruined during it. Thus the man can not really wear boxers, briefs, shorts, slacks, jeans or any form of pants without risking damage to himself or the clothing. Due to this, Toxicus has a very weird manner of dress, if he is not intending to stay the water for very long the merman will simply wear a t-shirt large enough to go to his knees. Otherwise this boy is clad in only kimono’s that he can easily shed should he transform, in the lack of those he will demean himself to the level of wearing a dress before putting on pants.

    Shoes also present an issue, you won’t catch him in things like sneakers but instead in sandals that can slip off his fins without damaging them when he transforms. During extended time on land or when he knows that he will get into combat, Lycus may tie his hair back into a low pony tail that starts beneath his shoulders.


    Guild: Black Sails
    Tattoo: The outside of his left thigh in human form, the left side of his tail in mermaid form. Both forms have it in black.
    Rank: C


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Lycus Toxicus  Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Lycus Toxicus  Empty Re: Lycus Toxicus

    Post by Guest 7th February 2017, 11:41 am

    Lycus Toxicus  VkztGmZ

      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:36 am