"So this is the guild hall.",is the first thing that came to Shinokage's mind. The two giant hall doors closed behind them as the newcomer and his wolf walked in. The hall was massive and decorated in an old architectural style that he did not recognize. He avoided the questioning looks that he received from those that noticed him walk in with Fenrir his companion. The place was filled with all types of wizards that you'd think this was a government agency. The whole place was bustling and no one person was alone or not smiling or laughing.
He looked around ignoring mostly everyone looking around for the King of flames himself. The guild master should have been around this place. He had heard stories of the power possessed by the King of flames. They had said that his magic could burn entire cities to the ground in a matter of minutes. Shinokage had decided to come see if the guild master would let him join his guild. Since he couldn't see him around he decided to walk to a corner and lean up against the wall and wait. Fenrir layed at his feet the large black wolfs way of being over protective. Shino places a hand on his blade and waited to see when the master would show himself.
He looked around ignoring mostly everyone looking around for the King of flames himself. The guild master should have been around this place. He had heard stories of the power possessed by the King of flames. They had said that his magic could burn entire cities to the ground in a matter of minutes. Shinokage had decided to come see if the guild master would let him join his guild. Since he couldn't see him around he decided to walk to a corner and lean up against the wall and wait. Fenrir layed at his feet the large black wolfs way of being over protective. Shino places a hand on his blade and waited to see when the master would show himself.