Fairy Tail RP

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    Hello, Ms. Cooper. I'm here to kill you [Job]


    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Hello, Ms. Cooper.  I'm here to kill you [Job] Empty Hello, Ms. Cooper. I'm here to kill you [Job]

    Post by Blackthorne 13th December 2016, 5:02 pm

    for the sake of my goddess

    Another job involving jealousy of something someone grows in the ground.  Blackthorne had recently returned from burning someone's crops to the ground for making too much money, now he is contracted to kill a woman named Andrea Cooper for having a beautiful garden.  Not that Blackthorne had a care about gardens, but the fact that most gardens contained flowers irritated the hell out of him.  He had massive allergies to the pollen produced by flowers.  Blackthorne found himself outside of the garden, blocked by a white picket-fence.  

    Blackthorne gazed at the garden, staring at the various amount of flowers that resided within the garden.  Yes, Blackthorne did find it visually appealing, but there was a massive sneeze that came from Blackthorne.  Several sneezes came from Blackthorne's mouth, causing him to kick down the white picket fences.  He sneezes a couple more times before causing some of the parasites in his skin to slither into his palm and over his armor.  With a quick swing of his hand, the parasites entered the garden and began to eat away at the flowers.  

    He raised his hand up to his helmet out of habit to try to block out the pollen from entering his armor.  "Curses," Blackthorne stated as he watched the parasites begin to gnaw on the flowers.  Normally he would stomp on them, but doing that would cause the pollen to kick up and bother him further.  "Damn flowers," he stated before the door of the house he was at opened up with a shocked woman frozen in fear of seeing Blackthorne in her garden.  Blackthorne simply waved to her.

    "What are you doing here?"

    "I'm here to kill you, Ms. Cooper."  Blackthorne sneezed afterward, recoiling from the sneeze.  "And all of your damn flowers too," he finished.  His eyes began to water, wanting to hurry up and finish this job so he can get out of this forsaken place and away from an obnoxious allergic nightmare.
    WORDS: 327

    Last edited by Blackthorne on 13th December 2016, 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Hello, Ms. Cooper.  I'm here to kill you [Job] Empty Re: Hello, Ms. Cooper. I'm here to kill you [Job]

    Post by Blackthorne 13th December 2016, 6:20 pm

    for the sake of my goddess
    Ms. Cooper recoiled upon the sudden declaration of the man trying to kill her.  Her eyes moved to the garden as it was getting consumed by the terrifying parasites.  She then looked back towards Blackthorne with a look of dread in her eyes.  "Why?" the woman asked in sheer horror.  

    A sneeze came from Blackthorne once again before responding.  "I have been asked by jealous neighbors who have lost to you in the gardening competition," Blackthorne responded.  

    "You're kidding me!  Something so petty!?  I'll pay you double what they are paying you to let me live!" Ms. Cooper said, pleading for her life.  Blackthorne took a single step towards Ms. Cooper, causing her to instinctively step backwards, keeping space between her and her assailant.  Reaching to his side, he grabbed his mace and placed it in his right hand.  The haunting sounds of screaming could be heard as he wielded the evil weapon.  

    "What?  What are you going to do with that thing?" she asked, still in disbelief that someone is here to kill her.  The whole idea didn't stick to her head.  She had lived a fruitful life.  She was a kind, caring woman who also offered advice to her competitors to have a good looking garden.  She didn't relish in completely defeating the neighbors, who were also her long-time friends.  

    "It's obvious, Ms. Cooper," he said before letting out a loud sneeze.  An audible groan came from Blackthorne. If the contract wasn't to kill Ms. Cooper, he would convert her to the ways of the Cult of Sin.  A better fate for someone of her caliber and a great benefit to the Cult than turning her into a bloodstain upon the ground.  "It is a shame, Ms. Cooper.  You do not seem to be a terrible human being like those that set out the contract to kill you," Blackthorne exclaimed.  He truly felt this way too.  Even if he does kill people for a job or for the sake of conversion, he had no desire to kill someone who would make a fine specimen for the cult.

    "Before I kill you, I have one question.  Your life may depend on it," Blackthorne stated.  A smile came across Ms. Cooper's tear-stained face as she nodded her head.  "Yes, please ask me.  Anything that can save my life would be appreciated," she said, seeing a glimmer of hope in front of her.  If she answered this question correctly, her life may be saved.

    "I would like you to join the Cult of Sin.  Worshiping the Goddess Eris and her love that she brings.  You will have to give away your current lifestyle to live with the Cult of Sin.  Good exchange, if you ask me.  Living a life of servitude in exchange for your ability to continue living," Blackthorne preached to her.

    She recoiled back and looked astonish.  "I'm sorry, sir.  But I worship my one true god.  I cannot turn my back upon him," she explained.  The sound of air being sharply sucked between teeth could be heard from under the mask.  

    "Pity.  You would have made a fine addition to the cult.  Now I must kill you.  Prepare yourself."

    Ms. Cooper threw herself at Blackthorne's feet to try to earn his sympathy.  Tears flew down her eyes as she tried to plea for her life.  "Please, mister!  I have done nothing wrong!  I just wanted to live my life doing the things I enjoy.  If you want, destroy my garden and leave me alive!"  She reached up to grab Blackthorne upon the crotch, only to feel a sheet of metal armor instead of what she was reaching for.  "I'll do anything.  I'll pleasure you, I'll bare your children.  I'll do anything!  Please don't kill me!" she said as she wrapped her free arm around one of Blackthorne's legs and looked up, between his legs to see some of the jealous women across gathered into a group, watching Blackthorne's work.  A grin came across all of the women before a mace was taken to the woman's head, causing her to fall limp at Blackthorne's feet.  

    Blackthorne let out another sneeze before recalling the parasites back into his body and turned to walk out of the establishment.  The women who hired him rushed over to him and started to shake his hand, handing him a bag of coins.  

    "Thank you, sir!  We thought that bitch would never," said one of the women before her head was removed from her shoulders.  This caused the other women to shriek in horror.  Blackthorne flipped his mace into a flail and began to kill the women that forced him into this job.  After leaving the women dead upon the ground, he released his parasites to feed upon their dead bodies.  

    "Greed isn't a tenant of the Cult of Sin.  Those who live in greed should perish like the dogs they are," Blackthorne simply stated, leaving his parasites to feed upon the ones who hired him.  He pocketed the bag of coin and started to walk away.

    "The Goddess Eris should be pleased.  I had cleansed a portion of this town of greed and envy.  This should fall in-line with the Goddess' teachings and beliefs.  Please smile upon me, for now, my Goddess," Blackthorne said to himself, as if speaking in a prayer to the one he adored the most; his Goddess Eris.  
    WORDS:   899


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