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    Jaime Ventura


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    In Progress Jaime Ventura

    Post by Abby-Gwen 18th October 2016, 12:19 pm

    Name: Jaime Ventura
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Birthday: 3th March
    Sexuality: Omnisexual
    Special Characteristics:
    ~Reflective to the pleasure inflicted on oneself while punishing others, he is a masochist that has the potential to withstand great amount of pain and suffering.
    ~Exceptionally sharp canine teeth.

    Personality: Laid-back and relaxed, Jaime has the imagery of a jolly, innocent-looking boy with a charming smile at first glance. Behind that gimmick lies twisted and sadistic persona, which can be 'triggered' fairly easily as there's lot of all-around lame stupidity that could bother him, usually that 'evil' side of him is kept under control, and unleashed at will. Jaime tends to be not far too distant from others, he is not very hard to approach, the only difficulty is his violent and troublesome behavior which keeps most of them away, as they wouldn't want to deal with him if they get mad/scared, or just hate him to the bones. In all honestly, the opinion of others about him as a person don't matter for Jaime as he doesn't really care about getting them 'on his side', which is as simple as that if he tries to consider, because in his mind, there's no such thing as 'true friendship' in this world, most of them will be viewed as potential traitors in his eyes, unlike certain individuals that would be worthy for him to hang around with, which, of course, he'd have no problem of 'using' when he desides to do so, just for fun and self-enjoyment.
    A gifted genius, Jaime is very intelligent, and he works hard in the sphere of learning about everything that the world has to offer. 'If life offers you a lemon, make an orange juice and leave the world wondering how the hell you did it' is one of the mottos which he likes to follow. Jaime does not utilize all of he information he gets as it should be normally, he'd most likely think of a way to 'exploit' the system, in where lies his creativity, and this is what makes him to look more smart even by other strong intellectuals.
    At the battlefield is where things can get really nasty, as Jaime can become very brutal while fightning, possibly even completely losing his sanity. He is very consistent with the ways of using his own abilities, and would always keep his best shot for last, unless if he doesn't get threatened enough to the point where he has to use his 'ace' for real. He relies of planning tricks and pranks for the assassination of his enemies, rather than going into full-out combat, and likes to humiliate his opponents, whoever is facing up against him better think of the best way to defeat him and not make any mistakes while at it, otherwise, Jaime would gladly take the opportunity to gain an advantage over someone who lost their 'steam'. Jaime might also just try to hit them in the weak spots for good meassure, adding insult to injuries, if he finds such. 
    Jaime is born a leader, because he is experienced at realising what others are capable of, he knows how to use his 'pawns' and can quickly come up with a strategy to defeat any opponents, once after he knows what their abilities are, which is not a hard task for him as he can describe them by simply analyzing them based on their appearance and their actions, using advanced logic. Jaime would have no problem of going under the leadership of someone else, only if he admits that they're better than him, otherwise he would have zero respect towards anyone that is under his level (in his opinion) and is somehow put in charge, if the event is similar, Jaime would act on his own.    

    ~Exploits: Gaining an information can be used as an 'unfair' advantage over anyone who can't use such information correctly.
    ~Satanism: He gains pleasure while torturing others and enjoys witnessing dark, morbid events even when he's not the one performing them. He also likes it when someone else happened to have a twisted, diabolical side of their personality.
    ~Food: Just about any kind of food is a great way to fill up his stamina. His favorite meal is spaghetti. His favorite dessert is biscuit cake. 
    ~Sleeping: Especially when he's bored and has nothing to do, he usually takes a nap, and would not wake up until he's not rested well. 
    ~The Sky: Everything that is up there in the sky like clouds, thunderstorms, rain, rainbows, stars, the moon, etc. he enjoys staring at, as it calms him down.
    ~Freedom: Having many choices, and living a free life is something that Jaime is all about. Because he has his own point of view over how the world should be, he wouldn't try to act like anyone else.

    ~The 'Bubble': He hates it when someone's way of thinking is limited/completely isolated to the point when it's like they live in their own imaginary world just to feel 'secure' and they don't want to escape from it. When criticising such people, Jaime would often use the phrase 'get out of the bubble'.
    ~Friend Speeches: Now, this is the most annoying thing in the world, Jaime does not buy any of it and he'd feel really disturbed when someone starts to explain him how much they value their precious little friends.
    ~Arrogant people: Jaime doesn't like people who thing that they're far more greater than they really are without backing it up, he'd usually try to ignore them completely, but if they keep this attitude towards Jaime , he wouldn't hesitate to show them where their place is.
    ~Being told what to do: Jaime is a rebel, and if the one in charge is not on his level/does not possess the required 'power' to command him, he won't take any orders, and possibly try to sabotague them. 
    ~Stupidity: Jaime tries to avoid dealing with people who are being completely lame, or 'his IQ would drop down', as their words make no sense to him, most of the time their statements/arguements are not valid.

    ~ Rasoning: When Ventura feels like he has some good reason to make a move, he'd always be motivated as there is always a valuable method behind his actions. 
    ~ Proving his existance: He would not allow himself to dissapear before he leaves a scar over the face of the entire world and they aknowledge him for real. He wants to be remembered in some way and leave something behind, before dying.
    ~ Absolute Power: Of course, in order to achieve something correctly, Ventura would seek power, and continue to try evolving until he completes himself as an entity. He would not become corrupted in order to achieve the goals that he puts infront of himself, since he relies only on his very own abilities.  
    ~ Breaking the Habit: No matter how much impossible this sounds, Ventura's dream is that sometimes he'd break out of the universe that he is 'caged in', and go beyond infinity. This way of mentality might drive him to go way too far of whatever the limits to his capabilities are, even when in reality - this literally can't happen.

    ~ Betrayal - He fears of being defeated in his own game of manipulating others, he'd most likely use them instead as some sort of 'self-defence', in fact, this is one of the reasons why he doesn't trust just anyone but himself.
    ~ Nightmares - Normally, sleeping and having dreams doesn't bother him, but when something dangerous on a giant scale is about to happen, he often gets vivid nightmares which act almost as a warning, it's some sort of a 'sixth sense' as well. Nightmares can also trigger the so-called 'evil' side of his personality which could mean trouble.
    ~ Disrupted balance between 'Light' and 'Darkness' - Jaime is not the overly-confident type of individual, but if he can't keep control over his sanity, his alter ego might increase, thus some of his plans might not work as they should. He fears that this diabolic personality of his might cause things that he started to go extremely wrong and would make sure to prevent it.

    General Appearance

    Height: 175 cm (5'9")
    Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
    Hair: Red, short.
    Eyes: Eighter mercury or gold.
    Skin Tone: Pale
    Ventura has a slender build and extremely tight midriff with six-pack abs, usually dresses up nicely with a white short-sleeved shirt, a black blazer, pants which could be in a different color overtime, and a pair of sneakers. His skin is smooth on every place of his body and he keeps himself in a very healthy condition. Primary by the female kind he is described as being overly physically attractive. 


    Guild: Guildless.
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Abby-Gwen on 11th November 2016, 5:42 am; edited 6 times in total

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 3
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    In Progress Re: Jaime Ventura

    Post by Abby-Gwen 19th October 2016, 11:29 am

    While I wait for an approval, I'd like to ask if my username can be changed to the same as my character's name. Thanks in advance~!

    Lineage : None
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    In Progress Re: Jaime Ventura

    Post by Abby-Gwen 11th November 2016, 5:44 am

    Bumparoo. Changed some things like my characer's name. I think I'm done here...Hope that's okay with you guys....

    In Progress Re: Jaime Ventura

    Post by Guest 30th November 2016, 7:32 am

    Next time, you may want to place your character app link on the character approval thread. Staff do not look through the board for completed characters.

    Jaime Ventura AESz729

      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 6:03 pm