Fairy Tail RP

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    Darc Lau


    Darc Lau Empty Darc Lau

    Post by Guest 29th November 2016, 10:21 pm

    Name: Darc Lau
       Gender: Male
       Age: 22
       Birthday: 11/08
       Sexuality: Straight
       Special Characteristics:

       Personality: Darc is a rather cold figure at a first glance. Word for word, he sets the pace in a conversation. In that, I mean he is the type of person that will attempt to set how a conversation with him moves. It will either be slow, and annoying. Doing so in the manner of tossing in riddles to either ask a question or to answer one. Moving forward he also is the type to ask a question to answer one, as such to lead one deeper into the hole of confusions so to allow him to get more off of the person. If he feels like the conversation needs to be sweet to the point he will make it obvious, and frighteningly bluntly that it needs to be fast. This form of conversing with him with involve many forms of insults being tossed at them, and in many languages. If he's not playing a game, then he feels no need to carry on a conversation with a person longer than needed. He's not above playing in the shadows to get what he wants from a person. May it be playing his own ally, or whispering lingering suggestions into the mind of a child to be used as a pawn. To him, all was fair in the way of the world. To him, the world is run by the laws of the dark. While the legal may attempt to say what is right and wrong, it is truly up to the dark side of things to say what really happens. Tis the fun in it all.

    Fight Darc? That’s kinda funny idea. He doesn’t really play nice, nor understand the concept of sparing either thus the reason behind the presence of a medic around him when he goes for a spar. He tries to go for the quickest disable or kill.  While he doesn’t exactly go into a berserk state, he does become quite savage. Generally, he would use whatever he can to begin dicing a person up, as he generally ignoring any scraps or cuts he received. To him war is life, even in his new one. Beware messing with his food, or trying to mess with it. You might end up getting hurt, even if it was an accident. Darc, as it seems was trained to be an assassin with his set of skills that were afforded to him at birth. Generally, Darc has no issue with being given orders, as an assassin, you generally don’t assign your own targets. You don’t make cash that way, so he accepts it all without issue. At the same time, he doesn’t do well as a leader. He lacks the personality to lead people in anything, as his way of battle, and thinking allows him only to move through things quietly. So him leading others, or giving out orders other than to stay out of his way is something that isn’t likely to happen.





       General Appearance

       Height: (How tall is your character)
       Weight: (How much does your character weigh)
       Hair: (What color is the hair and how is it designed)
       Eyes: (What color are the eyes)
       Skin Tone: (How is the skin tone, light, dark, etc)
       Appearance: (What is your characters general appearance. Physical and clothing is needed)


       Guild: (Name of the guild your character is in. Make sure to check out all the possible Guilds before you join one.)
       Tattoo: (The guild or council tattoo. Where is it located and what color is it)
       Rank: (What rank is your character.)

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 2:29 pm