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    Out of the Shadows

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

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    Out of the Shadows Empty Out of the Shadows

    Post by Godlike Frederik 20th December 2016, 8:03 am

    Slowly Dahau traced the cold wall with his hand, his flingers slowly feeling the rough touch of stone as the slide over each and every one of them. For him it was a nostalgic feel, and quickly jumpstarted memories he had stowed away deep for so long. His hidden reign within the shadows of the guild, his pupils that so carelessly betrayed him only so that they could claim the power of the guild for themselves. However it was a futile effort, as even though they had him locked away and be forgotten, they still lost. Their hold over the guild was nothing but a fake one. Not being able to grasp the real darkness that had found their place here. The emptiness, the nothingness the slumbered here behind the veil of it all.

    The guild had stagnated for a long time, even among all the different masters it had in the past. But no more, Dahau could feel it. It resonated with him as he laid his hand against the wall. The guild was stirring, it had found its one who could lead it. And Dahau agreed, the former masters paled in comparison.

    His presence had until now gone unnoticed, as always, as he was used to. Not even the sentries standing guard noticed him passing through the front door. In fact, he'd even walked among them, as if he was just another grunt. Another lost soul that had found his way to the darkest of guilds. No need to being paid any attention. It was as it had always been, with him hiding between the shadows of the guild. Only known to those who he'd let himself known. Yet Dahau new, that such a time had passed. With this new course, maybe he as well should abide and follow just as the guild itself had chosen to.

    So there he was, alone in the main hall, where the ceiling wasn't even visible. Where the corinthian pillars disappeared into the dark shroud above. Standing figuratively on a crossroads, where one path would lead him back to what he was familiar with, the nothingness. While the other brings him into the light of day, and exposed him to the new reality of the guild. No, he wasn't standing on a crossroads, as he already knew that the former path had failed miserably. So it left him no other choice then to turn to this new path and embrace it.

    As faint and minimal his presence was, basically close to nothingness. Dahau was actually quite convinced that the current master of this guild was already aware of his presence, yet she had let him be. Going along with his whimsical wandering among the halls, maybe out of curiosity to what he would actually decide. But no longer, not anymore. It was time for him to step out of this shroud, and let him self be known. It was time to talk.
    The moment Dahau had came to this conclusion, a sudden pulse of magical power was to be felt surging through the entire building, and the guild, the guild resonated with his decision.



    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,737.5

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    Out of the Shadows Empty Re: Out of the Shadows

    Post by Dubhlainn 21st December 2016, 7:31 am

    The sentries were out performing their assignments as most of the Savage Skull foot soldiers were too busy in the courtyard training which is located on the other side of the dark dominion. The old war dog specifically instructed them to exercise and have them practice anti-personnel techniques so that in the case they wouldn’t have any weapons to fight an enemy with, they would at least try to maneuver and take them up front, given that their opponent wasn’t a mage. They were taught martial arts of their choice, even amongst weapons and some were taught magic.

    It was only recently did the practice of AMPs (Anti-magical Pulse weapons) became a whole new step to having stronger footmen who would be effective in battle to fighting against mages. Even though some of them are just mere humans, the skills and the know how to fight mages has been a compulsory practice. The uses of anti-magical weapons against those who utilize the ethernano in the atmosphere is something inhumane at least for mages and were considered tactics of “playing dirty” but what of humans who would fight against such people who possessed power? What do they naturally have to fight against them? Hence Dubhlainn enforced its usage, Savage Skull has suffered too many loses within the past few months and wishes the guild to not lose anymore.
    He was just sitting in the guild hall alone, writing a new chapter in his journal till, ignorant of the intruder who entered the guild or was he aware of the kind of man they were. His beloved just died just a few days after he returned to her. Dubhlainn could have made his return to Savage Skull a bit early but such delay was due to personal events, now he’s alone with no one to return to and one to consider master or mistress. He was a man free from the bounds of romance, and loyalty but what’s next?

    A sudden shock of magical presence erupted as if an aftershock strikes the guild. Dubhlainn was apathetic, continuing to write through his journal as if to remain ignorant of the sudden appearance of a suspicious man.

    In fact he was not surprised nor was the power he sensed any different. He had encountered many of his like before who would try to show off the strength and magnitude of their magical powers, Ardere of Infinity Hydra was an example, hence the reason of his lack of reaction.

    “They just don’t come like a normal person anymore..."


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    Out of the Shadows GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

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    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Out of the Shadows Empty Re: Out of the Shadows

    Post by Thorn 30th December 2016, 8:14 am

    thorn Smiled softly as she landed next to Dubhlainn she had been watching the training for a while she like to observe them watch there fight pattern just so she would at the end of the day volunteer to fight them and teach them to always be unexpected in a fight if they fight the same way every time someone will make them land on there butt.

    "I am guessing you felt that but to be honest if they came like normal people that will never be fun, I am going to check it out join don't join that is your choice." She stated almost bord already with the conversation and walked toward the hall. It toke no time at all to get there and when the sore the man she had a odd feeling she knew him but how she had no idea shaking the feeling she walked into the light a soft smile on her lips "well hello there, is there something I can help you with?" She asked thorn was careful around the stranger she had a feeling he was no person to go against but she was curiuse how she knew him.


    Out of the Shadows S6Eaz9K

      Current date/time is 20th September 2024, 10:39 pm