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    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Empty Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 18th September 2016, 8:22 pm

    Word count 1099

    If something troublesome enough to cause seriously attention grabbing rumors was happening anywhere, even in another country? Jiyu was never far behind the event itself, the young wind mage had this bad habit of seeking out trouble whenever she could, facing it head on and somehow miraculously coming out alive even when over her head. Some calls were likely too close, in terms of almost losing her life on a job, but with where she wanted her life to go, the wind mage had to take risks, prove herself far as she possibly could. However for the moment, her aspiration to become one of the wizard saints was not important, she had lots more work to do before being acknowledged in such a large way! For the most part that was why she got herself into difficult missions, the kind that someone might really be able to lose their life on. The last time she had taken some mission that sounded even remotely safe, well actually it was recent, when she had taken Habi on his first job. She still couldn’t get used to that, being a mage she met so more many people then she had hopping ships, at least a greater variety of people, and life had become so interesting. With life finally being interesting? She forgot her ambitions often these days, even if she was still actively climbing towards them, Jiyu had learned somewhat to take the scenic route to the end of a task; Mostly because doing this seemed to please her the last time she did it! Last time she had decided to do something out of her comfort zone it had ended very well for her, especially since she got to spend time with Marschal. That day, she had woken up with sleep still part of her existence. Today, she sprung right up from bed like a jack in the box, no nightmares having plagued her the night before, all because she knew what was coming this morning. Jiyu had even laid out new clothing the night before, quickly setting to work on making herself decent, well as decent as she could be, considering Jiyu normally dressed like a common street whore. Today’s choice of apparel? A short skirt with a sleeveless zipper up hoodie, atop her normal bra style top, her current selected one having heart’s patterning it, and in a classic jiyu move the hoodie was left unzipped. Kazehime took only a few seconds shoving her fan in one pocket, her dagger in another, one hand grabbing her quiver and tossing it over her shoulders, while the other handled picking up her bow. One last measure, the woman let her hair down from the bun she’d used to keep it from knotting during the night, allowing it to fall to a ponytail that went over her shoulder. Now, she was ready for the day.

    As she descended the stairs into the cafe, she picked a few knots from her hair with her slender, tiny fingers, make it more presentable. Before anything went defeating enemies for the day, breakfast was required and jiyu had developed the habit of requesting the night before the mission. Kazehime swung by the kitchen, picking up the two items she had ordered, actually it was a double of one item, basically. “Marschal?!” this was revenge for him roaring at her, she was going to catch him before he really was awake, and do the same thing, her voice echoing around the cafe as she barked out, heading for the stairs to howl around up there as well, going everywhere to find him. Once she finally had her eyes on the white haired man, Jiyu would hold out one of the two kebabs she was holding, pushing it towards him, the one that was all meat. Kazehime also had one for herself in her other hand, but hers was more throughly cooked with a few cherries thrown in. At one time, the only kind of meat she had eaten was the raw kind, however with her reaction to blood after becoming a demon, she could never be too safe! So she started eating her meat cooked to avoid accidentally triggering her blood induced state. While she was beginning to learn how it worked, Jiyu still wanted no chances taken. However her brain was getting away from her, and she stopped thinking long enough to look at the man, small smile on her bright face.

    “Morning Marschal, It’s Time To Get Going.” she chewed on one of her pieces of meat as she spoke, totally unlady like, smirk on her pale pink maw. Turning on her heel, the female went to head out, eager to get the mission started and over with. Yet? If she ran this efficiently like her other missions, the time she spent with the panther would be considerably smaller than she wanted, so just maybe she could slow down on this one. If she went too fast she wouldn’t get enough time with him, that was the last thing she wanted right now, spending time with marschal was nearly therapeutic. Wait one second, fuck! She was going to have to sit on a train or something with him to get to this job, noise and lack of privacy, she would have to share his presence. Not Happening. “Hey~” her voice chimed, eyes averting slightly, almost as if she was flirting, but it seemed subtly more devious, maybe possessive. Well if she was being possessive? It should be expected she would do something like that to someone from time to time, she was a dog afterall. “I can use my feather’s to fly with someone else, so why don’t we do that to get there?” the wind user plucked one from her low ponytail, tossing the item and allowing it to expand to it’s full measurement, one that clearly showed to sit safely on it they would have to sit close together. “We won’t lose tons of time, I promise, and flying is much more-” she could call it fun, and it was, but her real reason was the fact she did not have to share him if they flew, it might even open the opportunity for her to sit in his lap or something. Bad Jiyu! The wind user chastised herself mentally, moving to lean against the wall, to see what he would decide. If they were using her mystical feather? It was better he got on it first, since he was larger and it would thus be harder for him to get up second.


    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM


    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Empty Re: Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1

    Post by Guest 20th September 2016, 3:48 pm

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    One of Marschal’s tall, white ears flicked against the satin sheet of his pillow, a yellow eye cracking open as he heard Jiyu howl out his name. So, that had been her payback from when he had roared out her name because he had simply forgotten that she was coming along on the mission? Rolling to his side, the male pulled the sheets farther over his head, deciding that he didn’t quite want to get out of bed yet. Besides, the sheets were rather comfy and it was the sheets alone why he had returned to this room after the job with Jiyu, Leila, and Lillian. Soon, the door to his room would slam open and Jiyu would plant herself into the large room, the scent of meat crawling off her. Taking in a deep breath, Marschal pushed the sheet off his head from where it lay and smell again, catching a better scent of both cooked and raw meat. Licking his lips like a cat would their chops, the magus sat up, oblivious to the fact that he was bare naked with only the sheet to cover him, and sat up.

    Raking his clawed fingers through his hair, the magus stood to his feet and walked groggily over to Jiyu, taking the kebab he extended in his direction. Marschal clamped his sharp teeth onto the meat, holding it in his mouth while he turned away and headed toward the small closet. Roughly pulling open the sliding door, the magus ran his gaze over the hanging clothes, deciding what he wanted to wear today. After a moment of thought, the man pulled out a red, plaid, button-up, and long-sleeved shirt with a solid, black tee-shirt to follow. He pulled the black tee-shirt over his head quickly, letting the fabric fall down to snuggly fit the well-defined muscles of his torso, then pulled the long-sleeved shirt over that. His fingers snagged dark blue jeans from their place in a dresser just underneath the hanging shirts, sticking one leg, then the other into each hole, pulling them upward and doing a little jig in the process to get them fully up. When all of his clothing was on, he scarfed down the meat and tossed the stick into the small trashcan at the side of his bed.

    Falling onto the mattress of his bed, the magus pulled on some white socks and converse to top off the casual look he went for. Finally, Marschal stood back to his feet and turned to Jiyu, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head in mild curiosity. “Good morning to you, too, Missy,” the magus stated in a solemn, though light, tone of voice as she was turning away from him. Marschal quietly followed after her, catching up in her pacing rather quickly and sticking to her side as they traversed the hallway. “So, it looks like Lillian is coming back on another job with us, I notice, but I’m afraid that I don’t know who this Madison Richter is. Apparently, she’s a mage from one of our allying guilds, Pharaoh’s Call, so I suppose that isn’t too bad of a thing to know about.” He shrugged his shoulders though, as he hadn’t gone to the alliance party that was held in recognition of the alliance between Golden Phoenix, Pharaoh’s Call, and Black Rose.

    Hearing her next words, however, the magus momentarily stopped in his tracks and stared at her back as she was heading toward the door to the inn. “I mean. . . I guess we can, but I don’t do too well with heights,” he pointed out, walking after her once he had responded to her. As he said this, Jiyu would lead them out to the streets, plucking a feather off the item in her hair and throwing it to the ground. Instinct told Marschal to chase after it, but he held himself back for the feather soon began to expand in size until it could snuggly fit two. Jiyu pressed back against the wall of the inn, meaning he was likely to be the one that would have to get onto the feather first. Swallowing down his fear, the magus stepped forward and climbed into the feather, sitting down with his calves underneath his thighs. “So, how exactly does this thing work?” he inquired, though it was a rather dumb question on his end since she could ,manipulate wind.

    Once he was comfortably settled onto the feather, Jiyu would climb in behind him and the feather would begin to float upward. Marschal was amazed by this feat, though he was certain that it was likely Jiyu manipulating the wind in order to work the feather. As soon as it was entirely up into the air, the feather would float off, being led by the wind currents that rested invisible in the sky. From high above, Marschal was capable of seeing everything that there possibly was to see of the world, though he was too terrified to look. He, of course, could see everything that was passing by one by one, even the masses of cities and towns that extended for miles. Everything was quite beautiful, but he eventually had to look away and swallow down the lump of fear in his throat. Marschy wasn’t capable of looking at things from high up places for too long, it was a sort of fear he had developed as a child, much like his seasickness.

    Before long, the duo had arrived at Motor City; the place that was musky with engine grease smells and fogged with smoke. The strong scents caused Marschal to cough as they descended through the smog and landed on the darkened streets of the city. He clambered out of the feather and blinked his eyes, even rubbed them a little to let them adjust to the dimly lit streets. Coughing again, Marschal turned back toward Jiyu, concern lacing his face as he realized how dangerous this grease monkey city could be. “So, where were we meeting up with the others?” he asked, wondering if it was here that they would be meeting or a different designated area. Marschal would quietly wait for Jiyu to get out of the feather and situate herself, whether that was fixing up the feather or not. After which, the magus would let his gaze rake around the area, taking in the bleak buildings and the busy people that passed by.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Empty Re: Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1

    Post by Sanguine 3rd October 2016, 8:45 pm

    Notes go here.
    Some days are better than others.
    An early start on the day at hand had made a normal routine accomplished rather quickly and it wasn't much time more than it had been for her. Of course, the last few days seemed a little hazy for her, but she wasn't too worried about that since dwelling in the past had never helped anyone in life, so why should she let it bring her own down. The child spent her time away from her guild, which in some cases had been a very dangerous idea, but there as she was fully able to defend herself and as such would carelessly keep doing so until she felt satisfied with the her explorations and adventures into the world and what it all was like. The first and foremost part to her morning routine, before anything else had been done was a bedside morning prayer. One that had left silence to all but the morning caroling birds outside. Nothing really that had been much of a problem to be perfectly honest, but the little blood mage seemed to just kindly and happily refer to it as something more of a church choir singing the normal songs of the sermon. Though a big difference between old, more traditional churches and more gospel and soul types of churches were rather amazing and fun things to participate in, they also provided a really big boost into her love to explore people and the different things that life outside of the church she was raised in had provided for her.

    After her time of prayer had ended, she continued on with the normalcy of a morning routine; shower, brushing teeth, brushing/styling hair, dressing, and preparing for the days plans if any existed. All of which could take anywhere from a half hour to an hour of her morning, but being that she would wake up so damn early to begin with that it had made no difference what so ever to even need to worry about any issues like that anyway. She had enjoyed what time she spent doing things by herself. The independence was something that she both liked and held a slight dislike of as well. Despite everything she did up until now, she wasn't too proud to simply go around and act as though she were a normal adult, but appearing, being treated like, and actually being a teenager left her in a situation where most didn't take her as seriously as she had been about mentally. She always loved the idea of being the most mature or adult person mentally and intellectually, but others would always make her out to be nothing more than some snotty or bratty child who needed a scolding by a parent. And for quite some time, it felt like a cheap blow to tell a child whom had no parents, knew nothing of them, and only ever lived among solely other girls and women unless services had brought her to be able to hang out with those other people.

    Fully clothed and ready to go, she was fully prepared to deal with the very industrial motor city. This was unlike any other town and civilization she had ever been around. It was a loud and very messy type of town, and more so to the fact that she was very disappointed in it as compared to the quiet places she lived for more than anything. Unfortunately, she was going to have to suck it up and get used to it for the time being as she had to deal with the things around her that needed to be taken care of; for example, the sole purpose she was in here. She had to meet a few other people here to be able to take care of some mission to which she really hadn't remembered too much of the details aside from the location, but that didn't matter much to her. Madison was after all a child who'd do anything that sounded like fun or was in line for her seemed to be like she was being led to do something for the better. It was really a fun task and she wouldn't take no for an answer in having to do anything that would make people safe and happy again, since she always loved the idea of being a child who looked out for other people. It just seemed to be within her nature that she do so and being raised to do so as well only made that part of her more apparent in her reasoning and in her manners as well.

    She had chosen an attire that was more comfortable for her and seemed to be something that would help make her less likely to stand out and seem rather out of place for a city like this. Either way, she tried her best to accommodate both the cities atmosphere and that of her own liking, and seemed to come up with a very adorable and fitting agreement; A gray colored short-sleeved t-shirt with a large red heart on the chest, covered up by a magenta colored hooded jacket zipped only half way up and her hands stuffed in the pockets. Her lower half was dressed in a knee length, black pleated skirt with no other designs to it and her legs bare down to the white socks and sneakers she wore on her feet. Lastly, her long red hair was tied up into one normal ponytail and her hair left to sit inside the hood of her jacket without really realizing it was. Of course, she wasn't really sure if this was going to really make her stand out, but who cares!?

    Now the child had come to just be roaming the streets at this point. She wasn't really sure where she was gonna be going to meet up with the other people... Or who they had even looked like or even something generic and easy to follow up on. No matter, she had come to just enjoy the sights the town had and the small amount of noise and annoyances it had to offer until something had caught her eye. A tall looking man-- though most men looked tall in her eyes, but never the less she found him to be a much more different person than she could have ever anticipated. Atop his head had been a pair... of animal ears. Was he some kind of cosplayer going to a convention or something? No matter the reason, she was like a small child looking at the shiny red balloon at the mall and HAD TO SEE IT UP CLOSE! She hurried herself closer to him, trying to think of what she would say along the way. Of course, just simply going "Hey, can I touch your ears?" seemed like such an odd and awkward way to start a conversation. But hey, you can't get anywhere without being up front about it! As she approached the man, she overheard him asking the girl beside him where they were to meet "the others" and it sparked an idea in her head. "U-Uhm.. E-Excuse me, mister?" She nervously, but adamantly spoke up, trying her best to speak loud enough for him to hear. "Did you say you were meeting other people? Mind me asking what for?" Biting her lip, she starred at his ears for another moment before letting out a sigh of defeat from her mental battle of withdraw. "And are those ears real? They look so cool!" THERE! Now it was out and she could only wait to see if he would just push her away like most other adults.

    Made by Siren of GS and THQ


    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

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    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Empty Re: Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1

    Post by Shipping Goddess 9th October 2016, 1:01 am

    That night was rough, and it only was getting rougher.

    Lilian spent the night in Hargeon, as she had work to do for her family and herself - her own personal morals, that is. While in Hargeon she got some specific medicines that Gerome requested for their mother, and she also had to hunt down a few petty theives. It turns out that they were infamous in the area, a string of around ten theives that all worked together, so that if you caught one he or she was definitely not the one with the stolen goods on them. It made for a complete nuisance, as the hero didn't plan on spending four full hours hunting down three of them, then interrogating them for another hour to get the locations of the other seven. Once caught, Lilian put the theives in cuffs and called the Rune Knights, allowing them to continue the process of justice.

    When Lilian returned to her own house, due to the sheer amount of time it took in Hargeon, it was already four am - and that was very bad. The hero didn't realize how much sleep could be lost when you're in the heat of the moment. So, she had to skip her training session and hurridly shower, dress in a casual attire of jeans and a bright green tee shirt (along with her signature headband) then rush down to get breakfast, which had to be made with presision and with style enough to rival even the best chefs in the world, so she had to spend her normal time for training on that breakfast.

    Lilian wasn't a good chef.

    Normally she'd have Gerome cook for her because he is the best cook Lilian's ever known, but he was asleep at the moment and couldn't cook for her. So, she tried her best to make some basic breakfast foods. Bacon, eggs, a bowl of cereal, pancakes, and a bowl of oatmeal, accompanied by a glass of orange juice.

    The bacon was the first disaster, turning out black and charred. The eggs followed up identical to the bacon, and the pancakes were thin and shrivveled. The oatmeal was soupy and ineatable, and the only true success of the day was the cereal and OJ, considering how easy it was. Lilian, not even noticing her faulty cooking by now (with many attempts, she just got used to the taste) she quickly downed the meal and left the house, only to return two seconds later to write a note, which read:

    "Hey, Bro!
    Sorry about the mess, had to rush. Medicines for mum are in their normal spot, and make sure she doesn't overuse them. They're heftier than usual. Please clean up in here. And don't forget to record my show today! Lucifer is on!

    After writing that little note the hero to be rushed out the door, and met with Marshmallow whom was already awoke. Lilian gave a wave, then made sure her lance was still packed. She didn't take her Lich Weapon, but instead packed thick rope - she had a habit of either binding or handcuffing the evildoers she captures, so this day she had rope. Lilian scratched the head of the wyvern, hopped on, and commanded Marshmallow to fly off.

    Sleep nearly did the Hero to Be in, having fell asleep on her ride, and fell off her saddle. Lucky for her Marshmallow grabbed her by her arm with its teeth, leaving a bloody bite mark. This however was the least of her worries, as she almost DIED! Grabbing onto the reigns and pulling herself up onto the saddle once again, she sighed.

    "I need some sleep... Marshmallow, can ya hurry up!?"

    Marshmallow dove downward, picking up speed and then flattened out, going much faster than she was before. Lilian, ten years ago, would have been drastically awoken from this burst of speed, but she's had so many years of experience with Marshmallow that it didn't phaze het at all. And it seemed like hours until they reached Motor City (which it was hours, it was far past 4 by now).

    Lilian arrived in the less than desirable and noisy city, and didn't notice the sound. She was half-asleep, but her body was almost completely shut down. Lilian yawned as she located the group of two, accompanied by a kid looking somewhere between 10 and 15, as age was hard to tell, especially when you're tired. The star-crossed lovers (and even the thought disgusted Lilian), Jiyu and Marcshal, as well as someone she hadn't ever seen before. Lilian had Marshmallow slowly land, and didn't bother getting off the saddle.

    "Please don't tell me you to lovebirds adopted a child... Oh, and hello by the way. What're we doing today? Please tell me it's a contest to see who can sleep the longest."

    The sleep-deprivation obvious from her face, Lilian still gave a big smile and a happy chuckle when she made her mini-joke. After all, a joke had substance as long as one person laughed. Marshmallow didn't seem tired at all however, this was one of the few things Marshmallow and Lilian didn't share. That was they could stay up at different times, allowing one to get energy while the other is full, and visa versa. Lilian yawned, stretched, and then turned to the teen, whom actually did inquire a question from the green-haired hero.

    "I know I was being a cynic earlier but... You AREN'T affiliated with them, right? Who are you again?"


    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 M7mHyEw
    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 CKWpl03
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
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    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Empty Re: Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 9th October 2016, 4:09 am

    2265 words this post
    3364 words total

    The fact she would be getting back at him for bringing pain to her sensitive ears? Made the wind user giddy, her tail wagging swiftly from side to side behind her as she carefully chewed on a cherry from her kabab, using her tongue to play with the pit inside of her mouth. Kazehime spent a decent time searching the whole guild for Marschal, ensuring he could be no where besides his room still sleeping, prior to taking the action she took. This was likely one of the more obnoxious things she had done, shouting as she had done and even going so far as to push his door open! That last thing was something she shouldn’t have done, the wind witch herself always woke up naked or damn close to it, one would think she’d have a good idea of respect for the possibility or risk, that Marschal could be the sort of person to sleep naked. However the idea never struck her, and even if it had, her acts would have never changed, since he had the chance to stare at her bare breasts when he rescued her those months ago, she would just consider the action something that might render them even! It was not like she was plotting some twisted action of revenge on him for that anyways. Sure it may have been the state she was in when he found her, but he could have used his jacket to cover her, the fact that had not happened, lead the wind witch to believe he had ogled her while carrying her back or something. Honestly? That didn’t bother as much as it should have. None of it was relevant thought, because the fact he might not be dressed never crossed her head. Jiyu expected him to be up and ready to go, her revenge to fail, considering he was normally a little harder to get the upper hand on in the past, this easy victory would surprise her.

    Jiyu forced his door open, thinking he really should get into the habit of locking that as she barged in and took about five steps into the room and spitting her cherry pit at his trashcan. She flushed slightly, a short and low whine of happiness coming from the back of her throat as her eyes glued themselves to the large man spread out in his sheets! Kazehime had not expected to get such a sight this morning, and she was enjoying the vulnerable position she had found him in, so close to sleep, maybe if she sang him a lullabye he’d fall back asleep! “Aw looks like someone was sleepy!~” she grinned like the devil, tail wagging out of her control as she cooed in the back of her throat, though it nearly came out as a bark. To say that she was pleased would be an understatement, she had gotten her revenge and got the treat of seeing him wrapped up in his sheets, it was just so great. However in a few moment’s she would be wishing she had not received this blessing. Even with her own habit of waking only wrapped in her sheets, it never crossed her mind that he would wake in the same condition, she was so sure he had some form of pants or something on, heck maybe even flopped down the night before in the outfit from the prior mission.

    “Man your room is huge.” she was slightly in awe of his room compared to her broom closet, even though she had seen it once before, at least she thought it was his room she had woken up in after being rescued. Jiyu was not really paying further attention to him until she heard the sheets shift, this brought her attention back to him. At first she didn’t notice it past the fact he was coming over to her, just happy to be getting near to him again, she’d seen his bare chest before so it didn’t alarm her. However her eyes soon traveled to try and take all of him in, she did this as he stopped in front of her to take the kabob from her. Instantly her elfin ears rose up, her tail sticking straight out as her face turned bright red, eyes widening. “Fuck!” Now it was weird that Jiyu had any issue with seeing a naked man, considering she went around basically naked herself, heck even today you could see most of her body, her bikini top barely contained her breasts and her skirt was short enough to nearly give someone a panty shot. Yet? In spite of her sometimes rather flirtatious behavior, games, and such. Jiyu had been raised in a small demur little village, a place that no doubt did not appreciate naked people walking around, heck her father would likely drop dead if he saw how she dressed these days, even if they had grown distant! So seeing Marschal standing sleepily right in front of her buck ass naked? She felt like she was going to faint, eyes shaking slightly “I--I’m sorry, I didn’t think you wouldn’t be-” Shit. Jiyu couldn’t even speak with her trembling, quivering voice, hand rising to cover her eyes as she closed them, fuck she had left his door open too, hopefully no one was walking by right now! How long did it take a man to get dressed? The wind witch had no idea, her body shifting uncomfortably as the fantasies she had almost managed to get rid of came back full force, flooding her head with naughty images, one’s that were much more effective in making her squirm now that she knew what he looked like and knew the possibility he was still bare past her blacked out vision. Jiyu cursed herself out mentally as she lifted her hand slightly, letting her eyes come open, peeking. If he caught her doing this? She would never hear the end of it! Yet she couldn’t help herself, not even understanding why, now that the initial shock had worn off, she wanted to see. Was this a bad thing, was she misbehaving by peeking at him when he had not told her to get out? Jiyu had no idea, no reference point or information to help her, just her emotions and the urge to blatantly stare at him, which luckily she fought off, even if it was only by a hair.

    If he looked over her peeking was no secret because she dropped her hand once his pants were on, not when he sat on his bed and made a noise that would have certainly let her know he was mostly dressed at that point. Jiyu realized her mistake, but she couldn’t fix it now, she just hoped he had not noticed that she looked at him that second time. While thinking for her words, she finished her kabob and threw it into his trash can right behind his own skwerer. “You could have let me know you weren’t decent before you stood up.” she couldn’t fully fight off the blush as she held one semi formed fist above her mouth, averting her gaze again. Even as she said those words? Her tail had this light sway that suggested she was subduing a wag. Kazehime was so happy at both of the new sights she had gotten this morning, but the second one, it was hard for her to admit having liked that so much. At least now? They were even for him seeing her chest when he rescued her ”We’re both in the same boat on her than, I’ve encountered lots of other mages even one’s of other alignments, but I haven’t met this girl yet.” it was good he provided a distraction conversation, because her heart couldn’t take the emotions it was pouring out! she was careful not to mention dark mages when she spoke, she doubted he’d be happy to learn she had fought one of them, and been embraced by another one. However in their line of work, getting in danger was impossible, it just so happened Jiyu got into it easier because of how easy she was to hurt if someone got close to her weakened body.

    “Don’t do too well with heights?” She sounded confused, as if the canine did not grasp what he was saying, considering he was a feline she did not suspect he’d have a fear of heights. She would pay to see him chase one of her feathers, it would be priceless, she’d take a picture and use it against him for all eternity. “Off my bond with the wind, mostly.” she spoke up when he asked the question, enjoying the sight of him sitting on her feather, thought he seemed a bit uncomfortable, she was still not able to put two and two together to get four, not yet at least.

    It was weird for the wind user to take the backseat on her magic transport, normally she navigated and controlled it completely, being the dominating dog she was. However this time she had Marschal sitting on it, another prime chance for physical contact, it wasn’t like he seemed to dislike making contact with her anyways, but there was just something about the fact he literally would be unable to get away, damn. She didn’t question her thoughts and eagerly jumped on behind him, landing on her knees, falling with her chest pressed against his back to the point her stomach could touch it’s broad clothed expanse too, arms wrapped over his shoulders as she giggled happily. “Relax it’s like you're afraid or something~” flying made her ecstatic, she spoke the issue but did not truly realize it as sher aimed to trace a small pattern near his clavicle and the pectoral area. Happy little whines and rumbling noises came from her throat as she remained in the same position for most of the ride, not even watching the surroundings, her tail wagging constantly, happy to have him completely to herself for a while, no one else could pop up while they flew! Yet, something seemed off the whole time, he was tense, slightly pale, there was something wrong and she had been too caught up in being near him to truly realize it before they were near their destination.

    When she allowed them to descend and land? The wind user was still trying to figure out what had been causing the male to seem weird while they were traveling on her feather, holding her hand out for it once they were on the ground, the object falling to it’s normal size in her palm. Her thought’s even distracted her from the assault this city would momentarily perform on her senses. “You're afraid of heights!” her hands covered her mouth after she spoke, she was an idiot, he had pretty much told her that he feared heights, and she still made him fly, too caught up in her own wants to really notice his fear before. Having him to herself? Wasn’t worth making him afraid like that, it just wasn’t, her ears dropping as her tail stopped moving, she looked up at him timidly, hopping he wouldn’t be mad she noticed so late. “If I recall we’re suppose to meet them near here” as she spoke the wind witch she chose to unfocus her senses from him, avert from the male because she was ashamed she’d forced him into flying when she shouldn’t have. “We can take the train back if you w- FUCK!” she was speaking normally, but as her senses finished shifting, the wind user suddenly hit her knees, covering her ears and coughing, huffing desperately trying to clear her nose. “The fuck! How are you standing!” he was a demon too last she checked, right? How could he take this sensory abuse?! She was wide eyed, terrified of the new city as she trembled, trying to push her body up, clinging to a wall beside her to do so, body pressed against it as she groan and balled her fists, eyes wet, tears nearly leaking from them. After this mission she would stay in her room for a week at least, if she even made it past this mission alive! “Marsc-” she couldn’t finish saying his name, it all strangled off to a whine as someone blew their horn again.

    This whole fucking city was hell, and she wanted it to disappear! Why did such a place need to exist? She could barely hear the girl speaking to them, and it was clear, for her ears didn’t move when the girl spoke. Jiyu’s instinct was to seek out someone who made her comfortable, sensory information she was beyond familiar with, and Marschal was the only here who fit that. Of course given the choice between him and anyone else? It was likely impossible she’d seek out anyone else if reaching him was possible. So the wind mage leaned into his side, taking slow breaths as she tried to focus her senses in some way that would lessen the pain of this whole thing. Clearly the female was still finding her senses when the hero arrived, because she did not seem to detect the first comment. Jiyu? Would never be a big enough girl to ignore that, so it stood to reason she had not heard it “I’ll find a sleeping contest for you sometime Lillian. I guess we’re all here than?” she spoke up, chuckling slightly, looking a little ill as her body struggled with the stimulus around it.


    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM


    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Empty Re: Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1

    Post by Guest 16th October 2016, 9:11 am

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    A child’s voice emitted into Marschal’s ears, causing him to flick them in order to adjust their sensitivity to the high-pitched voice of the young girl. His golden optics trailed down from where they were looking over the city to a red-haired nuisance asking if he was meeting people. He still held that apparent frown on his features, but that straight-lipped appearance was of the normal for a male like him. Marschal hesitated for a moment in answering the little girl, but decided otherwise that remaining silent was not the best option as of right now. Opening his mouth, sharp, canine-like teeth would become visible just slightly as they poked out at the tips from his top and bottom lips. “Yes, she and I are both waiting for people that we’re meant to do a mission with; something about needing to locate a potential bomber.” Her next inquiry made him blink and stutter over his words, but he answered nonetheless, “yes, they are real ears; I can hear out of them and move them.

    While this little child he didn’t quite recognize as someone he had met before, Lillian was the other member of the squad for this mission. He had met her previously and while he didn’t much care for their meeting last time, she wasn’t that bad of a person. The only thing he had against her was that she was overly obsessed with justice and everything to do with the bringing in of criminals. If she just toned it down slightly, he wouldn’t have as much of an issue with her as he currently did, seeing as he found her annoying. She was always “hero this, hero that” and everyone once in a while, the man had wanted to turn around and backhand for it. That was just on the previous job they had been on, but he was sure to get over it the more and more he went on missions with her. However, he much preferred going on missions alone with Jiyu and not because he had attraction toward her, but because they were used to each other.

    When Lillian finally arrived, Marschal glanced in her direction, hearing her complain about how Jiyu and he were too lovey-dovey and that she hoped the little girl was not their adopted daughter. Marschal frowned in the woman’s direction, clearly not amused by the fact that she was considering this nuisance of a child their own. Besides, the redheaded stepchild didn’t look like either of the two of them, even if she was “supposed to be” adopted by them. If anything, Marschal would have wanted a child that looked similar to the two of them, that is, if they were to ever adopt. Again, this was just something he randomly thought about, as he never really thought of having a child with Jiyu at the time. Aside from that, Ruminal was enough for him as is; he already felt bad from having left the child behind momentarily and then coming back. As a father, that was something he shouldn’t have done, but it wasn’t something he could entirely prevent with his yokai taking fully over.

    I’m guessing that this little girl is going to be our other partner, so now that we’re all gathered, I suggest we start looking for the culprit,” Marschal explained. “As far as we know, the terrorist is only attacking abandoned buildings and blowing them up, likely to confuse and terrify the people of Motor City. However, it seems like he or she isn’t doing that great of a job because, as we can see, no one is really acting that panicked around us. Either way, the mayor of the city wants us to find the ‘terrorist’ and…” he momentarily paused in his explanation and glanced toward Lillian, “bring them to justice.” Saying that little sentence would likely get the “hero-to-be’s” attention much quicker despite how tired she turned out to be. “So, the job is fairly easy for us to do; the only thing we have to watch out for are any watchdogs and bombers that would likely be in cahoots with the bomber. My suggestion is that we either split up in pairs or split up entirely and look for the bomber that way, and any of us find the bomber to inform the others.” His golden optics ran over the trio of magi that were around him, looking for any sort of confirmation about what he said.

    Without waiting for confirmation from any of the three magi, the magus glanced momentarily down at his clawed fingers and thought to himself. “The bomber has been leaving threatening messages for the mayor and the people of the Motor City, but no matter what, they just can’t seem to find the terrorist. So, it looks like we’re going to be starting from scratch and our only clue is to start looking at abandoned buildings where the bomber could be setting up their next bomb. My next suggestion is that if we entirely split up, that we go in all four directions, one of us to the north, to the south, to the east, and to the west. That’s so we can cover ground more easily, but if you decide we go in pairs, two of need to take the either north and east or south and west or any other combination. I’d typically go with Jiyu, but considering we have a child on the team, I’d feel much better if I went with her and you, Lillian, with Jiyu. I trust that you’ll keep Jiyu safe anyway since the two of you know each other and I’m sure a little one-on-one time won’t hurt.

    His gaze would then drop to Madison, curious to know what she thought on the matter and if she would be all right with pairing with him. That was a rather dumb thing to wait on anyway, considering she was a child and was attracted toward his animal ears. So, it was likely that the child would be perfectly fine with having him as company, it was just a matter of how long would he last before he was too irritated? Children had a thing for his ears for some reason, for every child he met had wanted to play around with his ears or asked if they were real. At times, he felt like carrying around a card with all the questions the children would have for him answered on there. Just so he didn’t have to constantly answer them in saying that they were real and that he could hear with and move them. However, he also knew that was rude and likely not appropriate to give to a child from annoyance, so he simply waited.

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    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Empty Re: Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1

    Post by Sanguine 5th November 2016, 11:49 am

    The overly sheltered child felt as though she was completely out of place in every form of the context from beginning to end. Firstly, the city she stood in was incredibly noisy and crowded, it was very smoggy and industrial. Quite frankly, it wasn't the sort of place she could see herself willingly coming back to any time soon if she really had any choice about it. Despite that, there wasn't much of a reason prior to now not to at least seek out these new places and explore them for that they were. Now she could at least start a list of places of where NOT to go to without proper reasoning. Of course, there had to be people that enjoyed that kind of thing, but the loudest things she ever had to endure until today was the sound of a room full of loud children playing. Other than that, Madison's life had mostly always been more quiet and reserved.

    Her mind snapped away from the loud scenery and towards the pair of people she approached. The red head had to arch her head almost completely upward in order to see this man with the cute ears, but her curiosity to whether they were real seemed to already show itself when she didn't see normal ears on the sides of his head. The glare he sent towards the curious child made chills run down her spine, baring a bit of intimidation truthfully. Her eyes slightly widened at the sight of his fangs poking out from behind his lips as he readied words to speak. When he finally had, his voice started to speak about his character, one of which seemed sturdy and blunt. Speechless to reply to him, Madi only nodded at first as he replied to her asking of him and the girl he seemed to be traveling with. The girl herself had seemed like she could be his sister or something, mostly because the ears and tail, but they could equally so be a cute couple at that if anything.

    With his answer given, she nodded and formed a smile on her face. "Oh oh oh! Then I'm glad I ran into you both!" She paused and shuffled around in her pockets for a moment before she pulled out a folded up piece of paper and unfolded it in front of the couple. "I'm here for the same thing. And to think I get to partner up with such a cute couple!" A giggle escaped her lips as let that last part out, blushing slightly even as she admitted it aloud. Surely, if they weren't actually a couple, she'd most likely get a verbal lashing or a bop on the head or something, however she wasn't too sure and the thought of a couple of real dog eared people cuddled together was really adorable. Mostly due to her innocent mind thinking of two cute puppies huddled together under a blanket. The thought alone was nearly unbearable to squeak from the thought, but she managed to do so.

    Lastly, a green haired girl approached the group. She, unlike the red head seemed to know the pair of doggies and starting either with some sort of usual greeting or just being a boastful brat, however either way, her mind sunk in confusion of the idea of being adopted by the pair as she had asked Madi. "No no, I'm not their adopted child, ma'am. I am however one of the guild master from Pharoh's Call. Er.. guild mistress, leader, however you feel like addressing her." Turning her body after shaking off her stumble of proper notation of higher powers and gave the three a brief but noble curtsy. "I'm sorry I didn't do this earlier, but I'm Madison Richter. As mentioned before, I'm from Pharoh's Call and I am very honored to work with you all." The late introduction wasn't really something she liked to do, as she was raised better than that, however when curiosity out does proper meet and greet, it's hard to note a proper form of a respectful show of manners to others.

    The green haired woman hadn't done much else, in fact she had just seemed to mention passing through and just felt like ruffling the feathers of the two others. She simply mentioned something about having to serve justice in the next town over and with that, she had simply scurried off to another place without much more than that. Truth be told, she wasn't sure what to make of it, much less the stranger herself.

    A pout formed on her face at the mention of being called a child. If there was one thing she hated in this world, it was that. Just cause she was short and flat-chested, she was considered a child... It was mostly stereotyping and judgment based on her appearance, of which she could honestly understand, but it was more so like a pet peeve that she couldn't deal with for the most part. "I'm 13 ya know... I am not a child." She grumbled, her arms folded at her chest and she rolled her eyes at the second mention of being called a child. She did still listen to him speaking to the others, and as he mentioned splitting up, she was slightly worried so about doing so with only the three of them now.

    Tilting her head slightly, she looked to the other girl and then back to him as she thought of some other form of a plan. Of course, splitting up would be a good idea, however to leave one of them alone would be really dangerous... And in a new place like this, she was slightly scared to be the one. Even so, she didn't want either of them to be alone either, however she wasn't wanting this bomber person to get away either. "W-Well.. As much as I am for that plan, mister... What about your partner?" She would look to the dog girl, the look of worry and concern plastered on her face since she began to think of these different scenarios. "I mean.. I don't know how strong either of you are, so I suppose if you both think a plan is fine I'll go along with it... But, I'm just worried is all..." She rubbed the back of her head nervously. Surely they knew better than she would, but there felt like there was more to it than she expected.

    1282 + 1088 = 2370 words


    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 JwEY1nx

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    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Empty Re: Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 6th November 2016, 1:23 pm

    4483 of 3,500 words.

    Jiyu did not notice the child right away, instead she pressed herself close to marschal, almost how a small child would hide against their parent when frightened. However what the mage was doing, it was far different from that. Kazehime was seeking out the male because she knew the sensory information that should come from him, memorized his desirable smell, the exact rhythm of his heart beat. In terms of a sensory safe zone, he was the best she would ever get, somehow she loved every piece of information she got from him, so the woman aimed to hold his arm while the others arrived and filtered into their general area. Standing there, she let her senses focus back onto the man she loved, bringing her back from the brink of a true overload that would have rendered her bedridden for days after this mission. Once she had centered her sense’s to Marschal and thus regained control over them, she could slowly allow them to expand outwards, trying not to let them focus on every little bit of information in the town, trying not to choke on the polluted air, wondering why no one else seemed to be having any trouble breathing around here. Maybe it was because of her wind control? Jiyu chose not to ponder on it, she wanted to get back into the thick of this interaction, even if she would have to do so slowly to make sure thing’s did not get out of hand, considering this entire city was basically a massive weakness zone to her.

    “And you can’t touch them.” she seemed childish saying it, pushing herself closer to Marschal than she already was. The thought of some strange little kid playing with his ears? Did not sit well with her, despite the fact she had tried to do so shortly after meeting him herself. Jiyu now had a greater understanding on the sensitivity animal parts could have, due to the long canine tail wagging behind her. Considering the child’s fixation with her loves ear’s? The wind user lifted her own tail, moving it in a way that put as much distance between it and the kid as possible. Considering how children could be, she had no doubt her tail would be grabbed at if she provided the opportunity for it, and she’d rather save herself that embarrassment. “Also they're still adorable Marschal~” it almost seemed as if she short woman was going to aim for his ears himself, but instead she settled for touching his face beneath the scar that ran along one side of it, smiling up at him gently. It was clear she wanted to go after his ear’s, but she was not going to. However if she ever got the chance when they were alone or if a golden opportunity presented itself sometime or the other? She would no longer be so understanding, the witch would go for them, and if he ever wanted, revenge would be easy as grabbing onto her tail.

    Now was not really the time for her game’s thought, lives could be taken if this terrorist was truly allowed to continue their work, and she did not want to be responsible for that. While she prefered the chance to go on missions alone with the man she clung to, so that she could play the way she liked to? This was just too big for the two of them, which was saying something since she was an Ace of their guild and by now a very powerful sorceress. Also it was a good thing the wind user had not heard Lillian’s child comment, because it would have honestly upset her. Considering what had happened to her own mother, knowing her own birth had been unplanned and the cost her life had on her parent’s? Children with the man she loved, it was never something she thought of or a thing she would seriously desire any time soon. An occasional fantasy of the fact it might be nice in a few hundred years or something?! That was one thing, but anything that could be interrupted as serious about it, would receive a negative reaction from the woman.

    Jiyu chuckled when she caught onto his careful choice of words, looking away from Marschal to look at other two girls, wanting to see their reaction. “Many of his targets don’t make sense thought.” the woman started speaking in between the male’s words, her voice much softer than his, thought it was hard to tell why her voice was soft today. Kazehime was having difficulty breathing in the polluted city. “Pretty much none of the messages have been seen by anything besides those who respond to the flames.” which made no sense, and made these threats seem more like childish pranks. She had a hard time believing a real bomber, set on causing panic could do it this badly! Yet here they were chasing down a bomber who was doing this poorly.

    Hearing his comment about typically going with her, caused the easily pleased wind user to smile and giggle. Hearing him say that, just made her nonsensically happy, most people would think she’d be upset by having someone else besides herself team with him! However his partner today was a child, there was no reason for her jealously to rear it’s head, the way he cared for the tyke was actually sweet to her, and it gave her a chance to impress him. Despite the fact she was stronger magic wise? He often protected her regardless, and it made her feel so useless sometimes, this was simply an opportunity to show him she could do something without him for once. Jiyu did not want to be too independent, she would be happy if he could just hold her forever, but the woman did not want to seem like she was dragging him down either!

    “Most of that’s fine.”
    she agreed to the plan, hopping Marschal would not really catch or object to what she wanted to add onto it. “I’m an A rank mage I can handle myself on my own.” she put to rest the fears that the child had, knowing Marschal would likely not agree too heavily with her statement. “But none of this makes sense to me anyways, I really want to go to the library or town hall first, it’s possible these buildings have something in common we don’t know about that could help us predict the next one instead of searching aimlessly.” she really did not want to run around in a town this over stimulating, at least not like a chicken with it’s head cut off, she wanted some aim in all of this. However in the end it was not her call, Marschal was the one who would be calling the shots as she tended to be rather rash.


    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM Je Ne Sais Pas;; Terrible Terrorist Part 1 H6NcPbM

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