Fairy Tail RP

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    Learning Patience (Solo job)


    Learning Patience (Solo job) Empty Learning Patience (Solo job)

    Post by Guest 6th October 2016, 11:41 am

    Summer Guiyang

    Learning Patience

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 268

    Here she was… Now that she thought about it, looking around in this forest was so tranquil and peaceful. It seemed to be a very pretty place. Summer forgotten how beautiful this place was when she first entered the forest and this was before she joined the guild known as golden phoenix. She hasn’t exactly been there for very long in all honesty but she has had plenty of fun to go with it. Even with all her ups and downs, she knows she can handle anything if she can put her mind and her acrobatics skill to it.

    She had to take a good look before she found the destination. Today, she was going to be a model. A model for sorcerers weekly to be exact. The fireworks expert couldn’t wait and she went in for the opportunity the moment she saw the piece of paper back at the guild. She just didn’t want it to… take a long time. Summer can be very impatient because she would prefer to do something than sit still.

    Walking into the clearing after confirming it was indeed the place. She nodded as she looked to a few people, probably the production team… “Excuse me.” She asked kindly as she walked towards them ever so softly and professional as possible. “I am going to be your model. I do look forward to work with you all.” Despite her professionalism and punctuation. She still had her hyperactive demeanor. Laysha, the fairy that was sitting on Summer’s shoulder, grinned in anticipation. She couldn’t wait to see what the shots will turn out like.

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    Learning Patience (Solo job) Empty Re: Learning Patience (Solo job)

    Post by Guest 6th October 2016, 12:12 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Learning Patience

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 175

    One of the producers couldn’t help but look to the model that applied before nodding in approval. They then looked to the little companion on Summer’s shoulder and then opened their mouth.

    ”We won’t allow your companion to be shot with you, is that okay??”

    “Ah, yes. That is fine. Laysha decided she wanted to watch anyway instead of participate.” Summer admitted while she immediately walked to the photoshoot. She wanted to feel beautiful, she used to be told by her village that her beauty always shone in her maturity but Summer wasn’t a mature person. She was childish and she knew that aspect of her wasn’t going to go away for a while.

    Looking around to find a screen, she eventually did and she was well aware that was where she was going to get changed. The outfit she will probably be wearing will be there too. So she had no qualms about that aspect. She was so excited. The guild was going to be so proud of her, she was sure of it.

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    Learning Patience (Solo job) Empty Re: Learning Patience (Solo job)

    Post by Guest 6th October 2016, 12:28 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Learning Patience

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 224

    Walking over to the screen, Summer shooed Laysha away as she hid herself behind the screen, Laysha was not impressed and she instantly pouted to a bobbing head that belonged to the fireworks expert.

    ”Awwhh!! You’re no fun…” Laysha stated as she crossed her arms while chuckling flirtatiously. Her pout soon stopped as Summer gasped in awe at her dress. It was indeed the most beautiful dress she has seen and it wasn’t even of the oriental sense, it was so elegant and she was happy she was going to be wearing something other than her favourite colours.

    As Summer was loosening her corset, Laysha decided to take a quick sneak peek. That plan failed immediately as Summer flung the corset right on top of Laysha. “EEEEK!” Laysha squealed as there she was, making the corset look like it was actually floating. Summer couldn’t help but laugh immaturely as she took everything else off and hopped in her dress, she was wearing no shoes and the ground felt cold on her little feet.

    Summer quickly dusted down her dress before helping the flying Laysha by getting her own corset away from her little flower buddy. “Now now…” Summer giggled as she threw the corset behind the screen once more and then walked over to one of the team members. “There.” She stated. “All ready.”

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    Learning Patience (Solo job) Empty Re: Learning Patience (Solo job)

    Post by Guest 6th October 2016, 12:45 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Learning Patience

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 182

    The male that was standing in front of her suddenly shook his head and tutted before grabbing attention of one of the other workers.

    ”She is missing the flower crown. Where is the flower crown??” The male asked, the other worker ran off and soon then quickly arrived with a flower crown adorned with blue and white flowers. It was quickly placed on her head and Summer was officially ready.

    “Much better. Okay, let’s do this photoshoot. I want you to be in that pond… Okay??” Summer nodded and she quickly skipped over to the pond. She didn’t know what to do with this photoshoot, but she assumed that she had to lie down in the pond and do so elegantly… that was going to take some time and Summer bit her lip cautiously. Luckily her magic cannot be used while she is in the water. Sitting down on a rock, she waited for her next orders.

    Not far from Summer, was her little companion. She started to get worried because Summer was waiting… Waiting and Summer was never a good combination.

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    Learning Patience (Solo job) Empty Re: Learning Patience (Solo job)

    Post by Guest 6th October 2016, 1:05 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Learning Patience

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 279

    The workers finally got everything ready and Laysha placed her tiny thumb up towards Summer, trying to be as positive as she can be. Summer grinned and nodded as she slowly got excited and impatient at the same time.

    Another one of the team members went over to where Summer was sitting and nodded. “Okay, so we will be taking some photos now. Can you just lie down in the pool?? We want to make this as beautiful as possible.” Summer nodded nervously, she didn’t want to wait forever.

    Summer layed down in all her glory and just layed there as all the sounds and the conversations from everyone became muffled and inaudible. She sighed softly as she tried her best to wait it out but it was a bit of a struggle until she started to relax from the water being soaked into her skin. She never felt like this before and she sighed one big sigh of relief.

    Quickly, the camera crew finally took the photos and Summer shown off a curved smile, this was the first photoshoot she has experienced in her life. But she would love to experience this again sometime. Being in the pond has been super relaxing and it has made her less worried about water for if she needed to be in it. The camera men were impressed as they took photos from all different angles. The moment Summer opened her eyes, she was beckoned to come out of the pool. When she did, a towel was thrown on her hair immediately and she smiled softly. This woman has just learnt how to be patient and hated it to a certain degree.
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    Learning Patience (Solo job) Empty Re: Learning Patience (Solo job)

    Post by Guest 6th October 2016, 1:20 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Learning Patience

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 260

    “Well done, the photos are great.” The male congratulated her and Summer couldn’t help but grin, she was happy that the crew were happy about the quality of the photos, they certainly lived up to the theme, simply because there was nothing man-made in the photo at all, even the dress was made to be environmentally friendly one way or another. Summer admitted to herself that she has had lots of fun during the photoshoot. She was sure Laysha did too.

    Laysha couldn’t help but be proud of Summer herself and flew over to the fireworks expert promptly before looking to the pond. “Hey, you were great there! You looked so relaxed, it was as if you weren’t yourself!” The flower fairy mentioned before looking back towards her master.

    “Yeah… I know…” Summer struggled to come to terms that she actually kept herself relaxed for once. Usually she was the type of girl to jump up and down, demanding attention and enjoyed every little piece of attention she could get. Being all relaxed and elegant definitely wasn’t Summer’s style, but she pulled it off really well according to Laysha’s words earlier.

    The man had to thank Summer again before tipping off his newsboy cap. He was really happy he could produce photos of the highest quality and Summer could tell that from his eyes. Now that the photoshoot was over, she couldn’t wait to tell the guild what she has been up to today. Maybe even tell them all to buy the magazine just to see the image of Summer.

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    The finished product:


      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 9:08 pm