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    Lady of the Lake


    Lady of the Lake Empty Lady of the Lake

    Post by Guest 2nd August 2016, 1:44 pm


    Description: Our world as we know it was not what it used to be in the Beginning; no, in the Beginning, the world was far more fragile. In the Beginning, Earthland was nothing more than empty space in the galaxy of stars that now shine down on it.

    Before all had been created, there were two beings who resided in the galaxy of stars, known as Tepeu and Gucumatz (Feathered Serpent). They sat together on a daily basis, conversing and thinking with each other, and whatever they thought of came into being. These two gods thought of Earthland, and Earthland came into being; they thought of trees, the sky, animals, etc, and each came into being. Yet, as they gazed upon their creations, the two gods realized that none of these beings were able to praise them. So, in compensation of the creatures that could not praise them for their great deeds, they made beings of clay. However, these beings of clay fell apart when they were wet; thus, they made the beings out of wood. Except, these creatures made out of wood were far more destructive than what they were hoping for them to be.

    In the end, the gods sent out a great flood to cleanse the world of the wretched beings, so that they may start anew. They called for help afterward, and Mountain Lion, Coyote, Parrot, and Crow gathered to help Tepeu and Gucumatz fashion nien new beings. These nine beings performed well in the world of Tepeu and Gucumatz and became known as the Nine Dragons.

    Each dragon belonged to a certain element and only that dragon knew how to wield the element they had been given. Only the dragon of fire knew how to properly wield the destructive forces of the element of fire and was given the name, Xiuhcoatl. The dragon of poison knew only how to wield the powers of poison, as well as how to mend and cure its ailments, and was given the name Attor. Each wind that passes through Earthland is due to the dragon of the wind, who had been given the name of Ehecatl. Every roll of thunder and flash of lightning was the cause of the great dragon who controlled such creation, Barak. Earth lives each and every day by the means of the dragon who controls the dirt and soil of the world, Aatos. All minerals below the earth's landscape was that of the metallic dragon's doing, who's name was Zilar.

    The flurries and snows of the harsh winters and colder seasons are due to the wickedness of Morana, dragon of ice. Shadows that fill the world are gifts from Senka, the dragon who was given the right to control all things dark. Yet, there was another who opposed Senka, and it is he who controls the light of the world, Diya, the dragon of light. All things were as they were meant to be, but as Tepeu and Gucumatz watched the world grow in splendor, they noticed something missing. Earthland lacked rain and sources of water to allow the oceans to fill the land with what it needed most, so they thought. When they thought a new being was fashioned into the world, one who mimicked the features of Gucumatz, the feathered serpent. She was the one who led the world into its new phases, the creation who controlled the waters of Earthland, Naida.

    Naida was a beautiful dragon, who loved the Earthland dearly, and did not want to see it perish by means of other creations. So, she went out in search of someone who could learn her magic, who had the same passion as she had in her. That someone happened to be the young Fairy Tail guild master, Kanix Laspor, who was raised in and cherished Earthland's nature. Seeing the spark of love that the shamaness had for the world, despite her inability to see it, Naida taught her the magic. Each day the duo would gather at a location where the water was abundant and each day, she would teach her pupil something new. Before long, Kanix was able to wield simple streams of water and manipulate them however she wished to. The dragoness was impressed with her students ability to learn quickly, and as a result, bestowed all of her power onto her in the form of a lacrima.

    With this lacrima, Kanix had been given all of that which the dragon of water was able to do, from the measly control of water to the advanced tactics. She could walk on water without effort, freeze and boil it just by looking at the source, and bend people to her will. It was an endless amount of power that had been given to her, but she knew that it could only be used for good. So, under the will of the dragon, Naida, she promised that no matter what it was, she would only use the magic for good. Kanix would wield it, practice it, make it grow stronger so that Naida could be proud of her successor in the end. The world needed her as its new guardian and she would use this magic to make sure that it prospered and grew. As long it was only good intentions in her head, she would be allowed to wield the powers of the water dragon.

    • Water Dragon Slayer magic is 50% stronger against Earth-type magics, able to turn dirt into mud and clay into muck
    • As per tradition, Water Dragon Slayer magic is 50% stronger against Fire-type magics, easily able to negate its effects
    • A very volatile magic in that it is versatile with its spells, able to boil and freeze any type of water, including that which is inside a person


    • Like all Water-type magics, Water Dragon Slayer magic is 50% weaker against other types of water magic, as it can be manipulated by other water mages
    • Nature-type magics are 50% stronger against Water Dragon Slayer magic, able to absorb its liquid content
    • Lightning-type magics, including Slayer magics, are 50% stronger against Water Dragon Slayer magic
    • Such is the YinYang for this magic, that Earth-type magics are also 50% stronger to Water Dragon Slayer magic, capable of absorbing the water

    Blessed by the Fourth Wall:
    Unique Abilities:

    • Aura of the Moon: When the moon rises to its next full or new stage, the earth, the sun, and the moon all align on what is considered a line in the planetary space. During this time, the push and pull of the ocean's tides become stronger and possibly even a tad bit larger. In the case of the user's own water, the spells become more prone to destruction and collateral damage than any other time. Thus, during a full or new moon, the user's magic becomes 50% stronger against all types of magic, including other Slayer magics. However, the effects of the moon remain, even when it is not visible in the sky; thus, during any stage, minus the new and full, damage is increased by 35%.
    • Purification: As the successor of the dragon who once held this magic, the user is able to purify all contaminated water with their own. If the user is hit by a water spell that is contaminated by another substance, the substance is removed and it becomes less volatile. In the instance of poison, the spell becomes so watered down that the poisonous effects no longer apply to the user. Likewise, the user can manipulate a person's body (as we are made up of 75% water) to remove any status effects from the magi around them if they have been contaminated. This can only work once every 4 posts, and can only work on a max of 5 people at a time in a vicinity of 15 meters (+15 for every rank above D). Damage of the purified waters (e.g. poison spells) are reduced by 50% since they no longer contain liable contents. Upon the purification of these spells, the user is then capable of consuming them for the normal amount of MP, unless they are not turned to pure water.
    • Hydromancy: The divinity of this magic allows for the user to connect to the spiritual dragon that had birthed this original magic. When the connection between student and teacher has been made, it grants the user the ability to use water in whichever way they wish. This includes the ability to use water as a means of seeing in the past, present, and future or to provide help with a problem at hand. If the user is to use this ability to see into the present, they may use it to dodge a single spell once every 5 posts. Should the user use it to see into the future, they may only see figments of a vision, in which people will have blurred faces (unless it is a person they knew beforehand) and words cannot be heard. To see into the past, the user must have known the person, or event, to begin with, and must have permission from the person to see into their past. Any other means to see things via higher intelligence is beyond the capability of the user and cannot be done.
    • Sanguinarian Control: Due to the user's ability to manipulate all kinds of water, except that of God and Demon Slayer, they are able to do what is called "blood bending." Blood bending allows for the user to control the movements and actions of their opponents or any being they happen to wish to control. Because of a creature's body being made up of 75% of water, this means that the user can easily manipulate the water inside said being to control them. Likewise, this ability gives the user the capability to create and manipulate any kind of blood; they are not limited in their resources. If the user plans on controlling a living being during combat (i.e. PvP or on a mission), they are only able to manipulate them for three full posts. During the three posts that the user controls them, the opponent is stunned for the first post, on the second, they're given limited mobility, and the third, they can freely move, though, may occasionally feel a loss of control. Afterward, this is sent into a five post cooldown, but outside of combat, the user is able to do as they please with manipulating blood as long as they have OOC permission from the other player.
    • Water Mimicry: In the case of Water Mimicry, the user is capable of turning their physical body into a mass of water. This allows for spells and physical attacks (except for lightning spells) to pass through them without truly harming them; however, the form can only be sustained for a single post. Once the user has taken on and used this form for what it was for, the ability goes on cooldown for three posts. If the user is not using this ability during combat (i.e. PvP or on a mission), their body automatically assumes the water mimicry. Meaning, the user's body is constantly that of a mass of water, where they cannot be harmed by attacks unless the attack instigates a duel between the assailant and the user. The user can still be physically touched by other people, so long as the action of the other person is not an assault on them. Unfortunately, if a spell were to attack the senses of the user, this ability is rendered useless to those types of spells.

    Slayer Buffs:


    Last edited by Kanix Laspor on 4th August 2016, 11:00 am; edited 5 times in total

    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Guest 2nd August 2016, 1:45 pm

    D Rank

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_m9pbtk2XyF1rfr4i6o1_500

    Name: Ice Claws
    Rank: D
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: Freeing water from the air molecules, a user can gather a small amount of the liquid onto all four of their fingers and their thumb. The water can then be manipulated into a solid creation of ice, mimicking that of claws on the tips of the user's hand. These claws can remain on the user's fingers to boost their melee damage by 50% of its normal damage or used as throwing stars. If the claws are discharged at an opponent, they will deal normal spell rank damage + 75% due to their sharpness. Once they are flung off the user's fingers, the user can recall them in order to use them again for the duration of the spell. While miniscule in nature, the claws help the user to pierce the skin of their opponent and otherwise, deal greater melee damage. However, they only have a distance of 20 meters when used as throwing stars and require close combat if they remain on the user's hand.

    • Lightweight; meaning, that they do not hinder the user's speed when used as an unnatural form of weapon
    • When used as throwing stars, the damage between the 5 claws is divided by their amount to total 20 HP (i.e. 4HP per claw)
    • An extended range than the normal 15 meters for D-rank spells allows for the user to fight at a more efficient distance


    • If used as a means to boost melee damage, it requires close combat for the user to be able to efficiently use them
    • Ice mages or other Water mages are able to manipulate the state of the claws and either shatter them or reduce them to water
    • Due to the ice being weak against Earth-type magics, the claws may shatter when in contact with hard surfaces
    • Accuracy is not proficient when dealing with small "missile"-like objects, thus total damage may not be dealt.

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_mt6hqmqBkN1rfr4i6o1_500

    Name: Ice Ramp
    Rank: D
    Type: Ice, Instant, Supportive, Utility
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Drawing water from a source or manipulating the water in which snow and ice is made from, the user can create a ramp. This ramp allows for a quicker travel during combat and as a means to avoid oncoming spells that may be harder to dodge. When summoned, the ramp will appear underneath the user, lifting them up 2 meters off the ground and propelling itself in any direction. The user can be transported via this ramp in any direction, so long as it is in a distance of 20 meters or less at a speed of 10mps. Likewise, the ramp can be used to move allies out of harm's way when necessary, all the user has to do is summon the ramp underneath the ally. If it's summoned under an ally, however, the ramp must be manipulated by the user rather than on its own. As a result, this leaves the user open to attacks by opponents who have now focused their attention on the user.

    • This ramp can transport a user or a;ly of the user in any direction up to 20 meters away from their original position
    • Raising the user or ally off the ground by 2 meters, it helps to avoid any oncoming spells that may have been more difficult to avoid on foot
    • While weak against certain things, ice is a lot harder to break via other forms of magic, resulting in a difficult victory


    • Ice mages and Water mages are capable of reversing the actions of the ramp and bringing it back toward them
    • The ramp isn't all that high off the ground; thus, some spells may not be avoidable at all or near impossible to avoid
    • Because the ice technically isn't in its natural liquid form anymore, Fire mages deal 50% more in damage to it
    • The ramp can only be summoned if the user has a source of water near or with them and cannot be summoned out of thin air

    Lady of the Lake Waterbending-GIF-36

    Name: Water Whip
    Rank: D
    Type: Instant, Offensive, Slayer, Water
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: If a water source is near or with the user even if its just water in the air, the user can create what is called a water whip. This whip works similarly to any manmade whips, the only thing different about this whip is that it's made from water. It deals natural spell rank damage, but the shock of its sting can deal an additional 75% in damage to an opponent. Likewise, the whip can be used to tie an opponent up, so that they are unable to move, resulting in a 1 post stun. The whip also has a flexible range, able to extend from just a few feet all the way to 15 meters in length. However, it can be easily dodged as it is thin; simply ducking or sidestepping the attack will do with avoiding it. What has to be watched out for is the sharp tip of the water, which can sting and break into an opponent's skin

    • Flexible in range, allowing for the user to change the length of it if the opponent is at a longer distance than them
    • The sharpness of the water deals an additional 75% in damage if the opponent is captured by the whip
    • If entangled in the strength of the whip, an opponent can be stunned to an upwards of one post when caught


    • Water mages are able to manipulate the whip and freeze a part of it to capture the user instead of themselves
    • The 75% of damage may not always be done if the opponent is not touched by the sharp edges of the whip
    • An opponent will not be stunned by the whip if they are not entangled in the length of the watery weapon
    • Earth magic is more effective against the water than other types of magic, able to simply soak the whip up

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_inline_mshor58ieP1qz4rgp

    Name: Water Jet
    Rank: D
    Type: Slayer, Supportive, Water, Utility
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: As a means of another quick transportation, the user can utilize water in a way that allows them to jet across areas. However, for the user to be able to do such a thing, they must be in or on water or have a form of it with them. Unfortunately, with this spell, only the user is able to move from one location to the next and not an ally. More so, the water jet can only reach a max range of 15 meters (at a speed of 7.5mps) in all directions rather than the normal 20 meters. The jet can be broken into "pieces" by cutting it half or otherwise damaging it to negate its effects on the user. It does not deal any damage to another magus, so if the user runs them over, they might just swallow or inhale a bit of water. This ability can be used whenever and wherever when not in combat against another mage and does not have a range in this state.

    • It can easily transport the user from one place to the next in any direction, so long as it is only 15 meters away
    • It's really awesome looking, so opponents might be awestruck by the fact their enemy can travel in such an awesome way
    • While it doesn't deal damage, it can potentially drown someone if they're trapped in the jet of water


    • As stated earlier, the spell doesn't deal any damage to an opponent, at most they'll just choke on water if they're run over
    • The spell has a rather short range compared to the other spells of its rank, maxing at a total of 15 meters
    • It can be chopped up into pieces, which results in the spell being negated and the user falling on their ass
    • Not very efficient during combat, may result in faulty workings and not proficiently transfer the user to their wanted location

    Lady of the Lake Link

    Name: Ice Daggers
    Rank: D
    Type: Ice, Instant, Offensive, Slayer
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • They come in a multitude of sizes, allowing them to be versatile in nature, such as creating minor damage or creating severe damage
    • They can effectively, be created out of thin air from the particles of H2O that reside between the particles of O2
    • The user can create from one Ice Dagger to as many Ice Daggers as twenty (20) in order to create severe damage


    • Because of their, sometimes, small size, Ice Daggers may not entirely hit their target or may completely miss them
    • In some cases, the Ice Daggers can be misfired, causing them to strike the wrong target that may not be intended
    • Going up against Fire-type magi, the Ice Daggers receive +50% in damage and may even just melt from spells of higher rank
    • Going up against other Ice-type magi may result in the Ice Daggers being manipulated and thrown back at the user

    Lady of the Lake Dragon-dragonicebreathe

    Name: Breath of Ice
    Rank: D
    Type: Ice, Root, Slayer, Supportive
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
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    Lady of the Lake Ice-blade-o

    Name: Ice Blade
    Rank: D
    Type: Ice, Offensive, Requip, Slayer
    Duration: 4 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.

    Lady of the Lake Le4KA4B

    Name: Ice Bullets
    Rank: D
    Type: Ice, Instant, Offensive, Slayer
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
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    Lady of the Lake Waterbending-GIF-6

    Name: Ice Creeper
    Rank: D
    Type: Ice, Root, Slayer, Supportive
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.

    Lady of the Lake Link

    Name: Ice Gauntlet
    Rank: D
    Type: Ice, Offensive, Requip, Slayer
    Duration: 4 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.

    Lady of the Lake Latest?cb=20140722063831

    Name: Ice Shield
    Rank: D
    Type: Defensive, Ice, Requip, Slayer
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.

    JUNIER of Adox

    Last edited by Kanix Kumonosu on 28th February 2017, 8:56 pm; edited 9 times in total

    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Guest 2nd August 2016, 1:46 pm

    C Rank

    Lady of the Lake Humftkz

    Name: Octopus Form
    Rank: C
    Type: Multiple Hit, Offensive, Slayer, Water
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: As long as the user has a source of water with or around them, they may summon a ring of water around their feet. Once the ring of water is around their feet in a diameter of 1 meter, they can manipulate the water to create eight water tentacles. These tentacles can be manipulated all at once or individually; however, each one only deals 5HP in damage to an opponent. They can reach an upwards of 30 meters in length and extend to 30 meters in the distance toward the user's opponent. Each tentacle can be used to trap an opponent in its grasp, resulting in a 1 post stun if the opponent is not careful. Yet, the tentacles are not all that effective against Earth-type magics and may only bash against walls and the like. Likewise, these tentacles make the user more prone to lightning strikes from Lightning mages, in which they take +50% more in damage

    • The user is able to summon 8 tentacles as a means of protection against other mages or creatures attack them
    • These tentacles can be freely controlled individually by the user or all at once depending on what the user wants
    • They can potentially stun an opponent if they are trapped in the grasp of the tentacles for a single post thereafter


    • Water mages are able to manipulate the tentacles of the user and reverse any attack that the user has done
    • Each tentacle only deals 5HP in damage that totals to 40HP and cannot deal extra damage to an opponent
    • Earth magic is more effective against these tentacles as it can absorb the impact of the tentacles' attacks on it
    • These tentacles are a conductor of electricity and result in a 50% increase in damage to the user if struck

    Lady of the Lake Jg8j86b

    Name: Ice Disc
    Rank: C
    Type: Ice, Instant, Offensive, Slayer
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Using water to their advantage, the user can solidify the liquid into ice and flick their wrist to send a disc of ice off the platform. The user can slice off a total of 40 discs, but each disc then only deals 1HP in damage or they can slice off only one to deal 40HP. So, for example, 1 disc = 40HP, 2 = 20HP, 3 = 13HP, 4 = 10HP, 5 = 8HP, 6 = 6HP, 7 = 5.7HP, 8 = 5HP, 9 = 4.4HP, 10 = 4HP, and so on and so forth. It's not all that efficient of a spell, but the user can use it as a quick form of attack when they have multiple threats. Each disc can only reach an upwards of 30 meters (at a speed of 15mps), however, and can potentially deal an extra 75% in damage due to their sharp edges. Because of the large range for each disc and the disc's direction not be controlled, allies have potential of being struck. If an ally is hit by the spell, then the ally is dealt that exact damage of the disc for each disc that hits them.

    • Can deal an upwards of full damage with one disc or full damage with many discs, so long as all of them hit
    • Due to the discs sharp edges, they can deal an extra 75% in damage to an opponent upon being hit by them
    • With a large range, the discs have more potential of hitting other enemies when aimed at a different enemy


    • Likewise, due to the large range, an ally can be potentially hurt by the spell if they are not watching where they're standing
    • Due to the discs being made of ice, Ice mages are able to manipulate the discs in order to avoid their attacks
    • Each disc deals less damage if the opponent is hit by more than one (e.g. 4 discs deal 10HP each when struck)
    • If battling against an Earth-type magus, the ice discs will merely strike the earth and shatter into millions of pieces

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_n7csijjG0m1rss05ao7_r1_250

    Name: Water Cloak
    Rank: C
    Type: Defensive, Offensive, Slayer, Water
    Duration: 4 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: The user can use their water to form an armor-like form around their body that also produces two tentacle-like arms. Where the tentacles are able to grab, whip, blast, and freeze any enemy, the armor protects the user in the process. Each tentacle deals half of C rank damage to an opponent and can only deal an upwards of 1.75x rank damage total. Likewise, the armor can only protect the user against 2 C-rank spells or 1 B-rank spell and is more vulnerable when the tentacles are being used. In this state, Lightning magic is given an additional 25% in damage compared to the normal 50% in damage is does. This is due to the spell consuming the whole body of the user and causing the user's vitals to be more prone to electrical shock. As the armor only covers the user and only the tentacle-like limbs can be used by the user, it cannot be used to protect an ally.

    • The armor can defend against 2 C-rank spells or 1 B-rank spell attack before being broken back down into natural water
    • The tentacles can be used as a mean of defense and offense as well, but each only deal half of C rank damage
    • Each tentacle is capable of whipping, grabbing, blasting, and freezing an opponent when the user decides to


    • Electrical attacks now deal 75% in damage to the user, as the user's body is entirely coated by the water
    • Other Water mages can freeze the tentacles of the armor and use the water against the user, trapping them inside
    • Harder to use in dry climates, especially if the user doesn't have a large amount of water around them
    • Nature-type magics are stronger against this spell; thus, may be more able to break the spell than other mages

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_ogcg3aaMWG1vcg5qbo1_250

    Name: Water Dome
    Rank: C
    Type: Defensive, Slayer, Utility, Water
    Duration: 5 posts
    Cooldown: 6 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.

    Lady of the Lake Waterbending-GIF-31

    Name: Ice Sled
    Rank: C
    Type: Ice, Instant, Slayer, Utility
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
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    Lady of the Lake De695e89bc61bc31c7d439c92c3edf72

    Name: Water Knife
    Rank: C
    Type: Offensive, Slayer, Requip, Water
    Duration: 5 posts
    Cooldown: 6 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.

    Lady of the Lake Link

    Name: Ice Disc
    Rank: C
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.

    Lady of the Lake Link

    Name: Ice Disc
    Rank: C
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.

    Lady of the Lake Link

    Name: Ice Disc
    Rank: C
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Text here.

    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.


    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.
    • Text here.

    JUNIER of Adox

    Last edited by Kanix Kumonosu on 28th February 2017, 9:16 pm; edited 7 times in total

    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Guest 2nd August 2016, 1:46 pm

    B Rank

    Lady of the Lake 5316907-808a2c75b5186745bebcefb81348caa15f63576c_hq

    Name: Ice Prison
    Rank: B
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: It's easiest when the opponent is standing in or above a source of water, in which the user can manipulate water to encase them. The opponent will become stuck in the solidified water, which is actually a clear form of ice to mimic that of crystal. While opponents who are equal to or lower in rank than the user will have an extremely difficult time in escaping, those of higher rank will have more ease (A rank is reduced by 75%, S rank by 50%, SS by 25%, H rank is unfased). Unfortunately, the user can become trapped in their own prison; however, they can manipulate the molecules of the water, so only they are able to move. Luckily, if the opponent isn't above or in a source of water, the user can draw out water from anything around them to imprison the opponent. If this is the case, the imprisonment won't be a total encasing, it'll be something more along the line of chains pinning them to the ground. This spell does nothing more than to prevent a magus from doing something stupid or attacking back at the user.

    • Can imprison any ranked mage, but strength of the imprisonment is dependent on what rank the magus is
    • Can be a total imprisonment of the magus, like in the provided gif or can be a set of chains around the ankles and wrists
    • Allows for the user to make another attack on the opponent while they're busy trying to escape their imprisonment


    • The spell doesn't deal damage to the opponent, rather it just keeps them trapped for the duration of the spell
    • Higher ranked mages find ease in being able to escape the encasement of ice or chains around their wrists and ankles
    • An ally can get in the way of the spell and end up being trapped alongside the opponent when the spell is cast
    • Water mages are able to escape the confinements of the spell as they are able to manipulate the water molecules

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_m54up4rPkA1qe9j8vo2_500

    Name: Ice Spear
    Rank: B
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: 1 posts
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: When attacked by another magus, the user can draw upon the powers of water and create several "ice spears." These creations are not in the shape of spears at all but are finely tuned with a point to give that spear-like visage. Due to their sharpness, the total spell damage equates to 1.75x rank damage, but only if all shards strike the opponent. As for each spear, they only deal 15HP in damage, which then equates to the total amount of damage for the spell. Again, this is a type of spell where the ally can be potentially hit and dealt damage is they are not watching where they're standing. If an ally is hit by one of the spears, the damage will equate to its normal amount of 15HP and that is it. The spell only has a range of 55 meters, which is slightly longer than the average B-rank spell and the spears travel at half the range.

    • Damage for the spears totals to 1.75x rank damage unless not all of the spears hit the targeted magus
    • As solidified water, they are a lot harder to be hit with and are sharper, resulting in the 75% addition to damage
    • Due to the spears being sharp and able to fly faster through the air, the spell has a longer range of 55 meters


    • Allies have potential of being damaged by the spears once they're released if they're not paying attention to where they are
    • Water mages are capable of liquefying the ice and turning it into water to negate the damage of the spell
    • Earth-type magi are more effective against this spell as the spears will simply get stuck in their earth spells
    • As they are slender and small projectiles, these spears are able to be easily dodged by an opponent attacked by them

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_m6pp5u9E8h1r6obgro4_r4_250

    Name: Lunar Wave
    Rank: B
    Type: Water, Slayer, Supportive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Description: Pulling a small stream of water out of any source that contains it, the user can manipulate the healing properties of the liquid. Upon bringing out the water's healing properties, the user must then place the healing water over the injury of the person. The user and the person cannot move while the water works its way into the injured mage's injury; thus, making them vulnerable. Likewise, it takes effort for the water to remain in its healing form, so the user cannot have a distracted mind and must focus on the spell to allow for it to heal. Because of this, the spell is able to heal 2x B rank damage on any magus that happens to be injured from combat. After which, the spell cannot be used again for another 3 posts and can only work on a single person at a time. Those who oppose healing magic can negate the spell's properties and turn it back into simply water washing over the injury.

    • Due to the fact that the spell takes concentration and the people cannot move during the time, it heals for 2x B-rank damage
    • The spell works on both the user and allies unless the user has an injury where they cannot reach to heal it
    • It can be used after 3 posts, which gives this effective healing ability a better advantage than most healing spells


    • The healing effects of the spell can be reversed by those who oppose healing magic by negating its effects altogether
    • Water mages can also manipulate the water the healing spell is made of to negate its healing effects on the magus
    • It only works on one person at a time, so the user cannot heal two or more people at once with the spell
    • It requires the concentration of the user and for both the user and the injured mage to be unmoving, making them vulnerable

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_nb7xuxU5oj1sidp8wo9_250

    Name: Water Ring
    Rank: B
    Type: Slayer, Water, Defensive, Offensive
    Duration: 6 posts
    Cooldown: 7 posts
    Description: Manipulating the moisture in the air or a source of water that is near the user, the magus is able to creature what is called a Water Ring. This water ring rotates around the user at a speed of 2mps and allows for the user to create an infinite amount of projectiles. Each projectile only deals about 6HP in damage, which basically means the user can throw 10 projectiles for base rank damage. If the user decides to boost the damage by an extra 50%, then they're allowed throw 5 more projectiles for a damage of 6HP each. Likewise, if the user decides to extend the damage to an extra 75%, they can then throw an additional 8 projectiles for 6HP each. The range of this spell can extend from close combat, which isn't as effective as it is in long range, to 55 meters away. Aside from being able to deal damage, the water ring acts as a defensive spell and cannot be destroyed unless by 2x B rank damage or 1x A rank damage.

    • The water ring circles around the user, giving an infinite supply of projectiles the user can use to throw at targets
    • Water deals an extra 50% in damage to Earth-type magics, as it can absorb into the earth and make it muddy
    • A long duration allows for better usage of the water ring and more projectiles to through at an opponent


    • Earth-type magics are able to absorb the water ring circling around the user in order to cancel out the spell
    • Electric-type magics are able to use the water ring as a type of conductor for their electricity and deal damage to the user
    • Not all shards, discs, et cetera flung from the ring will hit the desired opponent; an ally can be hit instead
    • The ring is not mobile and remains stationary around the user so the user cannot move it away from them

    JUNIER of Adox

    Last edited by Kanix Laspor on 9th August 2016, 9:42 am; edited 7 times in total

    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Guest 2nd August 2016, 1:46 pm

    A Rank

    Lady of the Lake Z793ssq

    Name: Partial Ice Whip
    Rank: A
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: 6 posts
    Cooldown: 7 posts
    Description: Either streaming water from a container they hold with them or pulling moisture from the air, the user is capable of summoning a whip. With this whip, they are capable of dealing armed weapon damage (21 HP) with every strike or dealing eighty [80] HP once per post. If they choose to deal eighty [80] per post, they may change it from 'per post' to dealing eight [80] over six posts. What this entails is that on the initial post, the user will deal 13.3 HP if the strike hits, then 13.3 HP for every post after. At any point in time, the user is capable of solidifying the water of the whip so that it changes into an ice whip. Keeping this in mind, damage of the spell would then be increased by 50% of its total outcome, dealing twenty (20) HP instead of 13.3 HP. The whip is capable of reaching up to seventy-five (75) meters long, but in no way must it reach that length.

    • The user is capable of solidifying the liquid whip, turning it into ice, and boosting its damage output by 50%
    • It is capable of reaching an upwards of seventy-five (75) meters in length, making it a versatile in range
    • They are also capable of choosing whether to deal eighty [80] damage per post, over six posts, or dealing armed melee damage (21)


    • Dragon, Demon, and God Slayers of the same element as the Water Dragon Slayer are capable of consuming the element
    • Ice magi have a reduced damage input from the whip, receiving only 25% of the total damage the spell can deal
    • When in its solidified form, Dragon, Demon, and God Slayers are capable of consuming the element in its pure form
    • Water must be around the user in order for the user to be able to summon the whip at all during battle

    Lady of the Lake Waterbending-GIF-24

    Name: Iceberg Spike
    Rank: A
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Stretching their right arm out and forward, then pulling their forearm backward, the user pulls moisture from the air. Raising a bent left arm following their right arm, then extending it outward and downward, the user forces the moisture to freeze. The moisture in the air is then cast down into the ground, where large spikes of five (5) meters in length and two (2) meters in width appear. These spikes are randomized in appearance, striking out in all directions, within seventy-five (75) meters and traveling at 50 m/s, that is not controlled by the user at all. In any case that this spell is used, allies are capable of being damaged by the spikes due to their spontaneous appearances. Initial damage upon casting the spell is eighty [80] HP, all dealt in one full blow upon a spike impaling the target. As the spikes are large, sharp, and expand in all directions, it is capable of hitting an upwards of ten (10) people; in the case that more than one person is struck by a spike, it'll deal half the damage, down to 8 HP only (max 10 people).

    • All damage from the spell is dealt in one single blow, whether it is by a full impalement or just a simple scrape
    • As the spikes are spontaneous in appearance, an upwards of ten (10) people are able to be struck and injured
    • With a large range as is, this allows for versatility in the spell and a larger range of people that it can affect


    • Dragon, Demon, and God Slayers of the respective element are capable of consuming the spell and negating
    • Dragon, Demon, and God Slayers receive 75% less damage from the spell if they do not consume the magic
    • Ice magi also receives only 25% of the total damage of the spell if they are hit by the ice, and may manipulate or otherwise control it
    • Allies are capable of receiving full damage from the spell as the spikes are spontaneous and may hit them

    Lady of the Lake Blood-bending-katara-31522850-245-160

    Name: Bloodbend
    Rank: A
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Human bodies are made up of 75% water, this allows for those with an affinity toward water to control the water inside of people's bodies. As such, they are capable of controlling the motor movements of a person for as long as they wish or until it puts a strain on them. Since the user is just now starting out how to control the blood flow in a person's body, they are only capable of wielding it for one post. This allows for the user to control a single movement of the opponent that causes damage, whether external or internal, to the target. Most often, the user will utilize this ability to break a bone in the target's body, causing extreme damage internally. When this happens, the target is dealt eighty [80] upon having their bone broken and any other natural damage caused by an injury. However, in order for the bloodbending to work, the user must be within seventy-five (75) meters of where the target is.

    • This spell allows for the user to break the bones of a target by manipulating their limb to bend in strange positions
    • The spell is not limited only to humans, but rather, it can control any creature who's body contains water in it
    • Internal damage may be caused by the user, such as ribs piercing through lungs, a snapped neck, or other various ruptured organs


    • As the user is only just now beginning to learn how to properly control other living beings, they can only manipulate one movement of the target
    • Allies may become victim to the bloodbending as the user is not aware of how to fully control their new ability
    • Since the spell requires the user to focus on what they are doing, this leaves them open for unexpected attacks
    • In spite of being an expert water wielder, bloodbending is not their forte and as such, the spell may miss entirely

    JUNIER of Adox

    Last edited by Kanix Kumonosu on 19th October 2016, 6:38 am; edited 2 times in total

    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Guest 2nd August 2016, 1:47 pm

    S & SS Rank

    Lady of the Lake 4951237-4002999970-45097

    Name: Razor Rings
    Rank: S
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_n9nnimMHKy1qcsd3co2_500

    Name: Water Ball
    Rank: S
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 3 posts

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_n87ddbEkcq1rfr4i6o1_500

    Name: Multiple Water Whips
    Rank: SS
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive
    Duration: 7 posts
    Cooldown: 8 posts
    JUNIER of Adox

    Last edited by Kanix Laspor on 2nd August 2016, 6:21 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Guest 2nd August 2016, 1:47 pm

    H Rank

    Lady of the Lake EEmM3Ub

    Name: Tsunami
    Rank: H
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    JUNIER of Adox

    Last edited by Kanix Laspor on 2nd August 2016, 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Guest 2nd August 2016, 1:47 pm

    Signature & Fusion Spells

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_m3cwk6fNXZ1r6f4rx

    Name: Water Wall
    Rank: D
    Type: Water, Slayer, Defensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 1 use per post
    Description: Designed as a defensive technique, the user is capable of drawing up a wall of water to place in front of them. This wall of water stands at 3 meters (9 feet) in height and 3 meters (9 feet) in width as a means of protection against other spells. An opponent's spell once cast at the user, will become entrapped in the wall of water and disintegrate inside of it. The wall is capable of withstanding 2 user-rank spells or 1 higher-rank spell before it dissipates back to usable water. A user's allies are able to stand behind it as well for protection, though are more prone to attacks from opponents. As long as an ally stands behind the user, they may not be hit as easily as if they were standing next to them. Since this wall was really only designed to protect one person, the user is able to choose to defend themselves or an ally.

    • With this spell, the user is able to defend against 2 user-rank spells or 1 higher ranked spell once every post
    • Due to the shield being made out of water, it defends against earth-type spells far better than any other spell
    • It can protect an ally as well if the ally chooses to stand behind the user or the user raises the wall up in front of the ally


    • Electrical spells (i.e. lightning) are 50% stronger against this spell; thus, are able to break it easier than others
    • It can only defend one person at a time unless the other person manages to hide behind the one standing behind it
    • Other water mages are able to manipulate the shield into ice, where they can crack and shatter it to pieces
    • Likewise, the shield may also be boiled to the point it dissipates into steam and is no longer able to defend against attacks

    Lady of the Lake Waterbending-GIF-15

    Name: Water Bullet
    Rank: S
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 1 use per post
    Description: Bending water to their will, the user is able to form a stream of water in the shape of a rather large and outlandish bullet. To get a feel of the size of a bullet, imagine a 12x12x12" shipping box and that is the general size of the bullet when formed. This bullet can be sent at 50mps (S-rank max) over a range of 100m (S-rank max); however, it is reduced to user-rank max range with speed being half of that if the user is not S rank. Despite the large size of the bullet, an opponent can easily dodge it by sidestepping the spell or negating it for themselves. As such, because the bullet is only made of water, Nature, Earth, and Electrical magics deal more damage to it. Though it most commonly takes on the form of a bullet, the user may shift its design to their pleasure if they have a more eccentric outlook. Due to the size of the bullet, it deals an additional 75% in damage to whoever the spell was originally aimed at.

    • Since it is only a rounded shape of water, the user can use it as much to their advantage as they want to use it
    • Even though Earth-type magics are strong against water, it is strong against Earth-type magics as well
    • A long range allows for a versatile attack, where the user can throw a bullet at any point in time toward a target


    • As the bullet can only go in a direct line, an opponent can easily sidestep or otherwise avoid the attack altogether
    • Earth-type magics can throw up a wall, in which the bullet can be soaked into the dirt-and-soil shield
    • Electrical attacks are fueled by the water current, which can cause electrocution to the user and deal 25% of user rank damage to them
    • It can only be used one time per post, so the user can abuse it by sending out many bullets all at once

    JUNIER of Adox



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    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by redheadedstepchild 3rd August 2016, 9:44 pm

    Thanks for not making this take forever.

    Lady of the Lake RplWsaa



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by redheadedstepchild 9th August 2016, 10:10 am

    Lady of the Lake RplWsaa
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 25th September 2016, 7:00 pm

    I'm not quoting this either.


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

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    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Terith 19th October 2016, 2:24 am

    Hey there Marcy! Sorry I took so long to get here. Exams happened. Now there's a typhoon and I get to laze around lol. Here we go.

    Edits in this color.

    Kanix Kumonosu wrote:
    A Rank

    Lady of the Lake Tumblr_mwlnnx1lLD1qbayl8o1_500

    Name: Partial Ice Whip
    Rank: A
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: 6 posts
    Cooldown: 7 posts
    Description: Either streaming water from a container they hold with them or pulling moisture from the air, the user is capable of summoning a whip. With this whip, they are capable of dealing armed weapon damage (21 HP) with every strike or dealing eighty [80] HP once per post. If they choose to deal eighty [80] per post, they may change it from 'per post' to dealing eight [80] over six posts. What this entails is that on the initial post, the user will deal 13.3 HP if the strike hits, then 13.3 HP for every post after. At any point in time, the user is capable of solidifying the water of the whip so that it changes into an ice whip. Keeping this in mind, damage of the spell would then be increased by 50% of its total outcome, dealing twenty (20) HP instead of 13.3 HP. The whip is capable of reaching up to seventy-five (75) meters long, but in no way must it reach that length.

    • The user is capable of solidifying the liquid whip, turning it into ice, and boosting its damage output by 50%
    • It is capable of reaching an upwards of seventy-five (75) meters in length, making it a versatile in range
    • They are also capable of choosing whether to deal eighty [80] damage per post, over six posts, or dealing armed melee damage (21)


    • Dragon, Demon, and God Slayers of the same element as the Water Dragon Slayer are capable of consuming the element
    • Ice magi have a reduced damage input from the whip, receiving only 25% of the total damage the spell can deal
    • When in its solidified form, Dragon, Demon, and God Slayers are capable of consuming the element in its pure form
    • Water must be around the user in order for the user to be able to summon the whip at all during battle

    Lady of the Lake Waterbending-GIF-24

    Name: Iceberg Spike
    Rank: A
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Stretching their right arm out and forward, then pulling their forearm backward, the user pulls moisture from the air. Raising a bent left arm following their right arm, then extending it outward and downward, the user forces the moisture to freeze. The moisture in the air is then cast down into the ground, where large spikes of five (5) meters in length and two (2) meters in width appear. These spikes are randomized in appearance, striking out in all directions, within seventy-five (75) meters, that is not controlled by the user at all. In any case that this spell is used, allies are capable of being damaged by the spikes due to their spontaneous appearances. Initial damage upon casting the spell is eighty [80] HP, all dealt in one full blow upon a spike impaling the target. As the spikes are large, sharp, and expand in all directions, it is capable of hitting an upwards of ten (10) people. Could I have a definite number of summoned spikes, how the damage is split between them, and just how fast are they?

    • All damage from the spell is dealt in one single blow, whether it is by a full impalement or just a simple scrape
    • As the spikes are spontaneous in appearance, an upwards of ten (10) people are able to be struck and injured
    • With a large range as is, this allows for versatility in the spell and a larger range of people that it can affect


    • Dragon, Demon, and God Slayers of the respective element are capable of consuming the spell and negating
    • Dragon, Demon, and God Slayers receive 75% less damage from the spell if they do not consume the magic
    • Ice magi also receives only 25% of the total damage of the spell if they are hit by the ice, and may manipulate or otherwise control it
    • Allies are capable of receiving full damage from the spell as the spikes are spontaneous and may hit them

    Lady of the Lake Blood-bending-katara-31522850-245-160

    Name: Bloodbend
    Rank: A
    Type: Water, Slayer, Offensive, Ice
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Human bodies are made up of 75% water, this allows for those with an affinity toward water to control the water inside of people's bodies. As such, they are capable of controlling the motor movements of a person for as long as they wish or until it puts a strain on them. Since the user is just now starting out how to control the blood flow in a person's body, they are only capable of wielding it for one post. This allows for the user to control a single movement of the opponent that causes damage, whether external or internal, to the target. Most often, the user will utilize this ability to break a bone in the target's body, causing extreme damage internally. When this happens, the target is dealt eighty [80] upon having their bone broken and any other natural damage caused by an injury. However, in order for the bloodbending to work, the user must be within seventy-five (75) meters of where the target is. This is fine, but uh...could you state that higher ranked magi are able to negate the internal damage to some extent?

    • This spell allows for the user to break the bones of a target by manipulating their limb to bend in strange positions
    • The spell is not limited only to humans, but rather, it can control any creature who's body contains water in it
    • Internal damage may be caused by the user, such as ribs piercing through lungs, a snapped neck, or other various ruptured organs


    • As the user is only just now beginning to learn how to properly control other living beings, they can only manipulate one movement of the target
    • Allies may become victim to the bloodbending as the user is not aware of how to fully control their new ability
    • Since the spell requires the user to focus on what they are doing, this leaves them open for unexpected attacks
    • In spite of being an expert water wielder, bloodbending is not their forte and as such, the spell may miss entirely

    JUNIER of Adox

    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Guest 21st October 2016, 6:17 am

    Bumping this since it was day a few days ago.

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Lady of the Lake Empty Re: Lady of the Lake

    Post by Terith 23rd October 2016, 7:22 am

    Lady of the Lake STAMP%202_zpss6qfnjvv

    Apologies for the delay..

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:08 pm