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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]


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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job] Empty Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]

    Post by Xazinay 24th June 2016, 2:24 am


    ’You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than in this building.’ Vivid green eyes very lightly glowered from beneath raven bangs, the woman not entirely sure what to do with herself. Without any leads she couldn’t particularly chase after her masters, unsure if any of them currently lived on this planet right now – would a trip through the Wakusei Portals be worth it? – so she often allowed her friend Aurora to choose their little outings. It was easier than spending all their time in cafes so she could peruse nice tea cups and plates. So far they’d spent limited time in antique shops, Xazinay bearing little memory but something about her “going nuts/spazzing out” it sounded like. Possible banning from the owners as well…really it was all fuzzy and gray, and Xazinay suspected foul play and false accusations were at play there.

    Still, peering around at some of the more questionable people milling about, she couldn’t help wondering at her friend’s tastes at times. Not that long ago the woman had them dressing up in odd, odd costumes and serving people food for fantastical reasons that the bookworm couldn’t quite grasp. She believed it had to do with those picture books her friend adored…she’d only read a few so far. ’That reminds me I do need to borrow a few more…I need to know what the damnable hell happens between those two…and if that other wretch falls down some stairs or not.’ A quick glance reassured the woman she hadn’t lost her friend, that head of purple nearby.

    Xazinay’s tolerance for strangeness stood considerably high; or so she liked to think, but there came that antsy part of her that really considered asking her friend if perhaps they could leave already. Or in more childish words, “Can we go yet? How much longer? I’m hungry. I’m tired.” And so on along such lines. Though more than anything she wanted to physically wash herself of the stench of all these drooling woman and let her ears relax away from their impossibly high screeches of delight. She was pretty sure a few windows sported new cracks now thanks to this odd “convention.” What did Aurora call it?

    Yaoi Con.

    Yes, that was right, the woman dressed all in black stood amidst a building filled with a large wildebeest sized herd of yaoi-fangirls.




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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job] Empty Re: Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]

    Post by Somebody 24th June 2016, 2:36 am

    It was that time of year again, Aurora had finally gotten tickets and was done waiting in the line con part of the actual con. Would she see amazing booths and shows, or would her mind be stuck forever in the pit of despair? Sadly this was the latter portion as the majority of the event planning was so... generic, she could swear that they weren't even trying. Sure there was the normal stuff, the booths and dealers but this was different... there weren't any fan script readings so she couldn't provide her perfectly punctuated piece of perfection to an audience, and she couldn't enjoy others works as well. There weren't any screenings of the good stuff, only the common trash such as maho no pico, it was all a giant joke. The crowd, though, the girls, did some of them even know what a shower was? The body pillows they had were probably screaming for mercy every night and the attention they gave to the "boy's" was so disgustingly plain that it made Aurora's hipster nose raise and turn against them. These were the scum that ruined the well known and respected, not really ever, image of a fangirl in her mind.

    Sighing as she looked around to try and find something worthwhile, Aurora noticed Xazinay's blank expression, well blanker than normal expression. She was clearly bored out of her mind and didn't understand any of it, Aurora understood this was an acquired taste that was defined and distinguished, not for everyone, but still Xazinay was right this place was pretty bad, especially by her usual con standards. Turning towards Xazinay Aurora would simply state.

    "We could try and find a food joint around here that's decent? And maybe scalp the tickets for a few extra jewels, this place brings my high brow fangirl mind to a near boil."

    Total WC: 310/4000
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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job] Empty Re: Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]

    Post by Xazinay 24th June 2016, 3:03 am

    There could’ve easily been a quip in there, something along the lines of “you mean there are standards to this?” or to such effect, but honestly relief blew it all away. ”That may be the best course of action if we hope to salvage anything from this situation, especially the money spent. I suspect those near the end of the line may be prime targets, especially if we want to either break even…or gain a small income from this.” Considering “line con” would be a while before they could enjoy any of the lackluster and confusing events, they may be desperate enough to pay a few jewels more than the duet shelled out.

    Finding food would be an interesting story, the town receiving a sound thrashing not that long ago. Scaffolding and work filled the area to the point she wondered why they’d bothered to keep the con going. ’Perhaps to bring some profits to the town to help with repairs. Hmm…this may or may not impact our food choices though.’ For starters the places would be filled with these damnable lunatics, overstuffing establishments with their inane chatter and at the same time their options would be limited to whatever received little damage or recovered quickly from the attack. ’Bollocks…’ “We may want to go somewhere further from the vicinity. After all wait times could-“

    Little more escaped the explosive entry of a group of…well blobs until the cloud of dust settled. The wall now sported a fantastic hole in its side, one of the few buildings that somehow escaped destruction and required only a little cleaning before the venue. Now it matched a fair bit of the rest of the port town as men started streaming in and snatching up women in a variety of methods. Some stuck to drugging, the shrieking finally quieting in the face of clothes, others performing tackles that couldn’t be called super effective…but they weren’t ineffective either. She’d deem them about normal at best. One fellow demonstrated an excellent “over-the-head-bag-and-sweep-up” maneuver to secure his prey that caused Xazinay to offer some small applause until someone approached her with some rope and a lewd grin.

    ”Well. This won’t do at all now will it?”




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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job] Empty Re: Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]

    Post by Somebody 24th June 2016, 3:32 am

    "Yeah I agree, I mean they didn't even have the limited edition swimsuit Ardere figure, I really wanted to put him next to the Heero one. I guess Zack, Decayuss, and Heero will have to be without the fourth part of the set for a while longer."

    Part of Aurora wondered if she could just find one of the subhuman yaoi fangirl filth that had dared to snatch her little prize away from her while she had waited in line for tickets, and just make her disappear in order to save the prince from her filthy hands. Aurora bet she wouldn't even take him out of the box to display she would disrespect the figure by re-selling it at marked up prices. They were meant to be enjoyed not resold, these were one of a run figures, they weren't simple trash you put together, they had a meaning, they had a purpose, they would inspire her latest golden award winning fan fiction. The mere thought that another was hoarding him made her boil with rage and a desire for some cheap fast food and ice cream. If she couldn't have her baby love child, then she would drown her sorrows in artificial sweeteners and grease.

    Aurora was just going to try and figure out a good place to go to drown her sorrows and Xazinay's frustrations when Xazinay was interrupted from her comment by a loud explosion. Was this place seriously still under attack? Who in the right mind would want to destroy what had already been destroyed? It was only after Aurora saw what the invaders were after that she realized it was worse than she thought. They were kidnapping all of the yaoi fangirls, with various comedic yet effective methods! Part of Aurora was glad, less of those lesser fangirls there were meant less competition to attempt to win the contests on her various forums, but at the same time, these kidnappers really didn't know what they were getting into, yaoi fangirls would make the worse victims, they would be no profit in it for them, and they would just be awful company. As Aurora stood by and witnessed the horrors unfold, one girl let out a loud Kyaa and a package flew towards Aurora. Instinctively catching it, she peered into the bag, only to find the limited edition Ardere in swimwear figure.

    For the first time in what had been days, Aurora backed away from her keyboard in her own little realm and stopped playing world of magicraft. Opening a small portal the hologram within the real world tossed the figure into her realm. Aurora's real body catching it and holding the box up above her head.

    "YES! Take that bitch, the set is complete! YES! Oh, this is so going on my blog. Man, BEST DAY EVER!"

    Sadly, this meant that Aurora was far too distracted to help her now in trouble companion, as she was now busy unboxing and preparing to finish off a set which had been incomplete for far too long!

    Total WC: 818/4000
    Post WC: 508



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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job] Empty Re: Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]

    Post by Xazinay 30th June 2016, 1:28 am

    She adamantly refused to back down, those acidic green eyes narrowing a bit even as the girl’s chin rose a few degrees. Defiance. He balked just a little at her display of confidence. Weak. Pathetic. Poor work ethic. Such were only a few of the mental labels she slapped on the man like googly eyed stickers. Perhaps it was some funny remnant from their cosplay job, or maybe a part of her Xazinay didn’t acknowledge consciously but the woman could almost feel the kiss of leather and momentarily considered reaching for the riding crop again. Except she remembered she stood there in her comfy, black dress and leggings, flats on her feet rather than those uncomfortable stiletto heels.

    So she snapped her fingers.

    An odd wisp of an entity blossomed to life a foot from her head, glowing with vapor trails of colors fading from one to another. The orb of light wavered a bit in the air, almost dancing about as it awaited another command beyond the “come here” snap.

    ”Mr. Smith. Rose Red and Snow White.”

    The man with his questionable rope barked with laughter. Momentarily confused by the hovering wisp he’d been worried it might do something and yet there he heard the girl ask for some fictional characters. How he almost started laughing up a riot! In fact the guffaws almost built up until he was quickly staring down the barrel of a gun. One small click…and then he flew backwards as she pulled the trigger, bullet lodged in his forehead. The rope flew out of his hands, smacking some girls as they ran screaming from more captors while the resonating “Bang!” caught the attention of their pursuers. Contrary to one of the names both pistols sported a mostly red body, but Xazinay knew her toys well enough to know which Snow White was and which was Rose Red.

    Gaining the notice of a few “Senpais” though she quickly glanced at Aurora. The girl remained oddly still, meaning that she remained out of commission for the moment – probably in a stupor over whatever’d been in the bag she caught. ’Leaving me to clean things up? Very well…’

    There was only one thing to do.

    ”You gentleman do realize what you’re raiding, do you not?”

    ”Yeah! Women! Now come along girlie, you n’ your friend there are gonna fetch some pretty money!”

    She almost sighed at their stupidity. Almost. Instead Xazinay’s face remained steadfast and determined to get this through their thick skulls, a small down turn of her eyebrows hinting at her annoyance, ”That’s not what I mean. I know that the slave trade can prove to be quite a valuable and profitable trade. However, do you realize where you’re raiding from? Do you not understand that even slave trade holds…some quality requirements? They generally want humans for one thing…I’m not quite sure I could call this culture “human”…This isn’t a mere gathering of women-“

    ”We don’t care! This is where we were told to hit up, now shut up and come along already! We got places to be and customers to sell! Hehehehe,” the man had the audacity to laugh at his own dumb joke. He received a swift bullet to the head for that one.




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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job] Empty Re: Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]

    Post by Somebody 1st July 2016, 2:18 am

    The excitement from Aurora probably couldn't be felt within the 'real' world., as her hologram just stood there with a blank stare. She was far too busy taking the swimsuit Ardere out of his box and putting him up on her shelf. Screw all of the girls being kidnapped her plastic figure was all that mattered. He was the missing Husbando that she needed to round out the collection, and now finally, it would be done. Placing her gently next to the Heero, Zack, and Decayuss swimsuit figures, she gave a sigh of joyous relief. Backing away the cabinet could be seen in full view for her to enjoy, all of the limited edition "manga" that she held at the top shelf, almost as if to be censored from "normal" view. All of her figures, the limited editions, the misprints, the husbando's they were sparkling with a shine that showed only the ult most care for them. No dust would ever land upon their magnificent bodies that radiated with majesty. It was the perfect display, sadly though she couldn't enjoy it forever right now.

    A bag fell over her Hologram within the 'real' world and with a blink she had the hologram vanish, and another appear near its previous location. Seriously people were being rude right now, all she wanted to do was adore her husbando collection, and how rare all of it was, but no they just had to go and try to put a bag over her head. Again she attempted to find the hidden story within the shelves, especially with the swimsuit collection. Clearly, they would all go to a hidden grotto and become far better "friends" in the meantime. Before she could complete that thought, again a bag struck her. This was getting silly. Once more she replaced the hologram and went back to her fantasies. She could see it now, Heero saying how he would like a spark in their eyes, and their powers all being used in creative methods... and then once again a bag hit her over the head. Okay that was done, she was done dealing with these plebians, she'll destroy them. All she wanted to do was think of one of the best fan fictions ever, but NO they just wanted to try and kidnap her, what a bunch of rude jerks.

    A rift opening up right in front of the man who was continuously trying to take Aurora's holograms, she gave her a glare as she crossed her arms and looked down her nose at him. This was one of the rare times that she actually showed a glimpse of her real body within the real world, so he had better appreciate it when she beat his butt.

    "You want to try and kidnap me huh? WELL COME AT ME BRO!"

    Jumping towards the rift with his bag in hand, Aurora merely stepped to the side and watched as he tripped into her realm, to her woman cave, filled with husbando's and very ecchi posters. One might call this place a detestable hive of scum and villainy if they didn't know Aurora. If they did know her, they would simply call it a lost cause. Summoning up some data and pouring a bit of her dark celestial power into it, the man was bound up within a chair that she conjured.

    "Now then, so good for you to come here, would you like to enjoy a good show? I know of one called Maho no Pico that you might just love."

    Flicking a remote into her hand, she pressed play, and the TV that manifested in front of the man began to play that which must never be seen. Maho no Pico, an infamous shota story. The man's eyes were forced open by her dark powers, and he began to scream in horror. There was no mercy from a fangirl who had her moment denied, he would suffer this day for being so impertinent.

    Total WC: 1482/4000
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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job] Empty Re: Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]

    Post by Xazinay 6th July 2016, 5:57 am

    The ridiculous loop almost went unnoticed by Xazinay if not for the fact…the man kept at it. Even some fellow coming at her with a pair of handcuffs stopped to raise an eyebrow at his buddy as the girl he attempted to bag (literally) kept vanishing and reappearing a few spaces away. In fact, the other fellow even tilted his head at the woman’s lack of reaction. He startled as the rift opened, revealing a similar-esque woman glaring down at his buddy. Easily the man rose to the bait – probably determined to nab her after all those silly failures beforehand – and foolishly jumped in after her.

    ”That is most unfortunate for him.”

    ”Why? What’s…what’s gonna happen to him?”

    ”If he’s lucky she’ll merely read her fanfics to him. Somehow I doubt he’s so lucky though…so I cannot even begin to fathom the torture she’s bestowing upon your comrade. There’s no hope for him now though: he’s become a lost one.”

    ”Uhh…I…I guess I’ll take your word for it then.”

    The hands bearing the cuffs slackened until he’d straightened out his posture from that silly, hunched, “henchmen about to pounce” pose and the cuffs dangling from a single hand. An abashed hand rubbed the back of his head as the man seemed to reconsider his life’s decisions – especially since both figured out this fellow to be intellectually superior to the other man: he hadn’t attempted a pointless and fruitless capture. An obvious one at that.

    Shifting back to stare at him with a measuring look, Xazinay gave a small, quick sigh, ”If you leave now I promise not to lodge a bullet anywhere in your body. You could do far more with your life than…what’s the term…”picking up chicks?” Does that apply to this situation? Probably not, but regardless even if you have to start small I’m sure there’s a better path than this. This one? This will either end in death or jail time more than likely. I do not think the law looks kindly upon slave trade, even if they can be considered a form of livestock.”

    The man stared at her incredulously, perhaps her wording was a little off? He mulled it over though, and in the end dropped the cuffs on the ground and started walking off, giving a quick, hard sock in the face to an ex-coworker and saving some yaoi fangirl. ”Thanks…maybe I just needed to hear a vote of confidence.”

    ’Hmm good one down. I should try to conserve at least a little bit of ammo when possible. Though what really makes them think this was the place to strike? A bit odd…’ The darkly dressed woman considered the allure of this place as she shot another fellow’s foot, causing him to trip and slide down some stairs away from her. ’Maybe a case of window shopping gone wrong?’




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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job] Empty Re: Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]

    Post by Somebody 12th July 2016, 1:37 pm

    "No more... please, no more."

    "But the dog toy! Everyone loves the car part too!"

    "Just kill me!"

    "But you tried to come between me and my prize, this means you must be punished in thew harshest of ways, death is too easy for you. Now sit and suffer before the mighty blow of this masterpiece of trash."

    "I'd rather watch anything else!"

    "Well I mean I could always show you something from my more... personal collection."

    With a grim smile she leaned over the man, and looked into his eyes, and for that brief moment, all he could see and sense was fear, fear of what that might entail, what else she had in store for him, how much worse it could get. With a terrified chill down his spine and a frightful expression the man nodded and looked towards the screen.

    "This is fine..."

    "Good boy."

    Turning away she would leave the man in a section of her realm, to finish his marathon of the stories. Hopefully, she wouldn't forget about him like the last few she had shown the light too, but if she did then oh well, he clearly deserved it for getting in between her and precious figures, and fiction. Now don't get her wrong, she didn't mean death, but for some of them the emotional trauma made it impossible for them to go back and function, so she had to dump them off in her little graveyard, they simply couldn't stop watching the horrors that she had accumulated over the few years of her life. it was truly a fate worse than death, but Aurora wasn't a cruel mistress, she would gift them what they needed, and leave them to their ways, or maybe that was far crueler than simply finishing them off, like the tootsie pop the world may never know.

    Looking around in the real world for a bit as she sat back down to try and get another gaming session in her realm, Aurora tried to notice what was going on, and found that it was becoming more of controlled chaos, the girls were almost all taken, or rather the slow ones which couldn't get away were, and that was a problem, she needed to stop those slavers, they didn't know what they were getting into, it was a horrible business decision, no one would take them seriously after this haul, and she couldn't bear to see people, especially in this economy, get out of a job, oh why oh why didn't they rob like a strip club or something. Shouting she would try to call out to Xazinay.

    "Xazinay, where yo at my home girl, the slavers are rushing out of here and we got to warn them! it's the principal of the matter!"



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    Yaoi Slave Girls [Job] Empty Re: Yaoi Slave Girls [Job]

    Post by Xazinay 11th September 2016, 3:02 am

    Things did seem to be winding down now that her “home slice” mentioned it. Where there’d once been mass chaos there…was still plenty of chaos just that now the black clad woman could see it was mostly the dredges of the con goers running about screaming their heads off. Most of those armed with ropes, nets, and other such things thinned significantly and not because of the duet’s obviously wonderful Bad Guy Beating Methods or anything of the like. Cause such things are mere fiction. If anything they’d prevented some of the crowd from being absconded, but ultimately only saved a few men their jobs…ignoring some of those she’d shot.

    ”Hmm…yes…even if it’s the black market it’s still a market and still holds an economy to it. It’d be a shame to see it shaken by a bad batch of slaves if nothing else. We must save these people somehow…someway..” But how? The only person she’d really let go just became an upstanding fellow and mixed somewhere in the crowd. Hell he’d vanished pretty quick – though configuring him in her mind, Xazinay admitted he’d looked a bit uncomfortable in here so he likely skedaddled quickly to rebuild his life elsewhere. Reasonable.

    They might require the aid of a noble individual.

    ”Aurora,” her even toned voice called, half-lidded eyes turning to the other woman, ”Do you think you’d be able to pick out a yandere from the crowd? I’m afraid to me they merely all look like panicking cattle so I wouldn’t know where to begin…but if we could find someone who perhaps has their “one true love” bugged or might’ve bugged one of the captors they “fell in love with at first sight” we might have a chance at saving these poor souls. Except for whoever the yandere has set their sights on. They’re probably doomed according to my research.” Yes, a truly logical, reasonable, and possible plan. People should pay Xazinay for her brilliance, but she preferred being paid under the table as sometimes people tried to deduct money to replace dishes and for other such silly reasons.



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