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    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Theory
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Palm
    Second Skill: Gale Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 7th August 2016, 5:30 am

    A woman's shriek of terror shattered the peace and quiet of the afternoon.  A young fair skinned maiden with long brown locks laid in the grassy valley next to her basket of herbs, at the mercy of a bearded brute who wore fur trimmed armor and carried a large battle axe.  The brute looked down at her with a voracious glare, bearing his yellow teeth in a devilish grin.  He cleaved the earth with his axe and began to tug at his belt with one hand, and leaned forward reaching for the damsel with the other.  She screamed and closed her eyes, shielding herself with her arms as tears rolled down her face.  Though through her own cries she could not hear the actions taking place, and while she waited with her eyes closed for evil to be done to her, nothing happened.  The damsel opened her eyes and did not see a bearded brute.  She saw a young man with long, clean, flowing black hair dressed in white and black.  He looked down to her with white eyes, and held out his hand.  "You're safe now, he can't hurt you anymore."  The damsel stared at her savior for a moment, and began to cry tears of happiness.  "Th-Thank you!" She spoke, taking his hand and being lifted on to her feet.  She stared deeply in to his eyes.  "who- who are you?"  She asked, to which the man smiled and replied.  "I am Shen."  

    Roars and screams rang in the distance, drawing the attention of the two in the valley.  Smoke was rising from the village ahead at the base of the mountains.  "I must leave you now, miss.  Stay safe"  Shen placed his other hand over top of the Damsel's and looked in to her eyes with a warm smile, and just as quickly as he appeared, he ran from her.  The woman held out her hand towards him as he left her, in a daze of sorts.  It took her a long time to notice the enormous brute erected legs first with his head buried in the ground, the sight of which she screamed at as soon as she turned her head towards it.  

    The wealthy Mountain Village had come under siege by a nasty group of mountain dwelling vagabonds, who wore fur trimmed leather armor and carried heavy weapons such as Claymores and battleaxes.  They were notorious for pillaging and were known to be a brutal tribe, which was the reason for Shen Hakuhei's visit to the mountainous region.  His skills were suited to combat such evil doers, and as a new mage of Lamia Scale, he felt it was necessary for him to prove himself with such tasks.  However presently it seemed as though he was behind schedule, as the barbarians had already laid siege to the Mountain Village.  

    Gold, Silver and jewels, it seemed as though the Mountain village though small possessed an enormous amount of wealth, which the barbarians plundered household by household.  It wasn't until Shen made his presence known that the vagabonds felt at all threatened, since the villagers had no way of protecting themselves most of them were left alone so long as they didn't get in the way, save for the odd Damsel.  Shen entered the village with a mighty thrust of his palm, launching the first barbarian he met in to and across the sky, drawing the attention of the rest of them.  Man charged the Martial Artist, but one by one they were thrown from him with a palm print embedded in their leather armor.  With great speed, Shen made his way through the village, dispatching every barbarian that was unlucky enough to cross his path, and eventually a horn rang out in the distance and they began to retreat.  

    The villagers cheered for their new Hero, who now stood in their village's center.  The Martial Artist smiled, reveling in the villager's joy.  It was the first time so many people had cheered for him as a Hero.  He was recognized as a Demon in Midi, and people feared and hated him.  People celebrating his existence now, it was a feeling like no other, and Shen deeply relished the feeling.  The villagers gathered around him and crowded him, raising him in to the air.  Shen laughed and rejoiced with them, and looked at their joyous faces.  The look of relief and happiness upon them.  The maiden he'd saved earlier, who'd only just arrived back at the village looked happily towards him from outside of the crowd, and he looked happily back at her, until the villagers carried him away and placed him back down on to the ground, before a short elderly man leaning on his walking stick.  

    "On behalf of the village I thank you from driving away the mountain Raiders.  I am The Village Elder, Jugo.  Young man, what is your name?"  Shen pushed his fist in to his palm and bowed before the Village Elder.  "I am Shen Hakuhei, the Mage from Lamia Scale that you have requested."  The villagers whispered among themselves and pondered.  The Village Elder donned a confused expression as he looked at the Mage.  "Young man, we did not send for a Wizard."  Shen raised an eyebrow.  He clearly remembered reading the request from the Mountain Village.  Could it have been forged?  "The Raiders have taken all of what we had... If you desire a fee, we will try to pay you with what we have left..."  An expression of guilt painted over Shen's face.  "I could not accept a fee from you.  If what you say is true I am owed nothing.  I am simply happy to have helped a village in need."  Shen bowed once more, and after a moment of murmuring from the crowd, they cheered once more.  "Then please, celebrate with us the coming of our village's Savior!"  Shen smiled warmly and nodded, before being swept away by the crowd once more and carried off to the town Hall, in which a banquet would be prepared.


    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Shen4_by_gramcrackers-db7e971
    / Character /

    Battle Theme
    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Theory
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Palm
    Second Skill: Gale Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Re: Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 7th August 2016, 9:48 am

    No villager spared any expense in celebrating their new Hero's triumph. Everyone pitched in what they could. Food, Alcohol, decorations, lights and performances. The Town Hall turned in to a banquet Hall, in which the entire village partook. Shen sat at the Village leader's table on a raised platform overlooking a large dance floor on which several Villagers danced, and performers juggled and performed silly parlor tricks for the children of the village. Each table held a feast of various dishes. In front of Shen was an entire roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. With the pair of chopsticks he carried with him, he poked the roasted beast with a slightly concerned look upon him. "Are you enjoying yourself, Shen?" The village elder inquired from the seat next to our Hero, holding a Turkey leg that was nearly as big as his entire head. "Of course!" Shen hurriedly replied. "Although, I'm concerned about the Raiders still."

    The village Elder bit off a chunk of the leg he held, and spoke while chewing. "They will certainly return to avenge their defeat." "Then what are we doing sitting here celebrating?! Shouldn't you be preparing for their return?!" The village elder stared forward at the merry townsfolk, remaining silent for a moment as he chewed. "Look, Shen. The villagers are not worried about when the next raid will come, or what will happen when you take your leave. They are living in this moment, and they are happy. If all we did was worry about the future, these moments would not exist. Enjoy yourself for tonight. We will discuss the future in the morning." Shen stared forward at the crowd of merry villagers, and in the corner of his eye he saw the brown haired maiden from the valley, smiling and dancing with the children. Shen took a deep breath and smiled. "You're right, Jugo. For tonight, let us be merry!" Shen reached his hand over the table and grabbed a mug of ale, as did Jugo and the two clanked their mugs together and gulped a mouth full of ale. Immediately after, Shen fell backwards in his chair and passed out... His body was still not used to Alcohol.

    When Shen finally awoke, he was no longer in the Banquet hall. He was in a small bedroom with an open window with white fluttering curtains waving slowly in the cool mountain breeze. Shen took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead, trying to sooth the slight pounding in his head. He sat up in his bed, half covered by the sheets. Beside his bed rested all of his belongings in a gray satchel. "It seems as though our great Hero can't hold his Liquor." A soft feminine voice rang softly in Shen's ears. Turning towards the door, his eyes rested upon the sight of the beautiful brown haired Damsel he had rescued in the valley, holding a tray with a plate of food and a glass of milk. "I guess not." Shen said with a chuckle. The maiden approached Shen and placed the plate of food on the night stand, and sat on the bed in front of Shen. "I- I never asked your name." The maiden smiled. "I am Merida." The two stared at each other for a moment awkwardly, until Shen the naive broke the silence. "Wh- where am i?" Merida laughed. "You're in my home. I offered to let you stay here after you fainted in the Banquet Hall." Shen blushed, embarrassed by his inability to hold liquor. "S-Sorry" "It's the least I can do to repay you, Shen. Now get dressed, the villagers are waiting.~" Merida smiled and slowly left the room, peeking back towards Shen one last time before walking off. "Get dressed...?" Immediately Shen's face became ruby red as he realized he was not wearing any clothes...

    As quickly as he's ever moved, Shen dressed himself and threw his satchel over his shoulder, exiting the room and walked through the house until he met Merida, standing by the door. She chuckled. "Lets go." Shen smiled and nodded before the two exited the house, and were met with the loud roars and cheers of the villagers, who'd all come to see him off. The Village Elder approached Shen from the crowd. "Did you sleep well, Shen?" The Martial Artist blushed, smiled and looked down at the Elder and nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed. "I did." He looked up towards the crowd. "Thank you all for your kindness, I am grateful." Shen held out his fist pressed in to his palm and bowed to the people. "I guess you'll be taking your leave back to Lamia Scale now." Shen breathed deeply and smiled. "No. My job is not finished. Though i have defended you against the Raiders this time, they will not stop coming. I will travel in to the Mountains and try to come to terms with the Raiders, to try and find a peaceful solution." The Village Elder looked astonished. "You would do that for us?" Shen smiled at the Elder and nodded. "It is my duty as a Hero." "Well I-" Before the Village elder could speak, the Villagers cheered and roared for their Hero.

    Some time later, Shen waved towards the villagers as he stood at the edge of the village. The mountainous region loomed behind him. He turned towards the towers of stone that touched the sky and took a deep breath. The path before him would be treacherous, and finding the Raider's stronghold would not be easy within that labyrinth of rock, but Shen had to persevere. For the Villagers, for Merida. As their Hero it was his duty to see that this trouble would never find them again. With one step forward, he began his journey in to the Mountains. Ominous clouds formed overhead, and yet Shen felt filled with courage. A new found feeling of determination fueled him, and he felt as though he could not fail.


    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Shen4_by_gramcrackers-db7e971
    / Character /

    Battle Theme
    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Theory
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Palm
    Second Skill: Gale Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Re: Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 7th August 2016, 2:14 pm

    It wasn't long after Shen began his journey through the mountains that the sky turned dark and gray.  Shen trudged hurriedly along a narrow path carved in to the side of a very steep mountainside.  The Martial Artist peeked down the slope directly to his left and gulped, it was easily a 300 foot drop to the bottom...  Taller mountains rose from the earth all around the one he was making his way around.  He looked up towards their peaks, as the sun began to slide gently behind one of them and the veil of darkness had begun to rise from the gorge below and wash over the Martial Artist.  "It will be nigh impossible to navigate these mountains at night... I better find a place to rest."  Shen picked up the pace and began to move carelessly, until he placed his foot down and the ground gave way.  Shen had fallen but managed to reach out and grab an edge before sliding down the side of the mountain.  The rocks that gave way rocked and rolled their way down, echoing loudly throughout the mountain range and just as Shen picked himself up he could hear the sound of falling rocks growing louder.

    Shen looked up to see gigantic boulders falling towards him.  Immediately he ran down the path and managed to avoid a boulder ten times his size sliding down the side of the Mountain that completely wiped away the path he'd been following, but he was not out of danger yet.  The rock slide continued and Shen ran with all he could give.  Boulders bounced over his head, inches away from tearing his head off and many smaller ones were unavoidable and struck him like a Horse kicking.  These nudges did not slow him down very much however, he shook it off and kept going.  Until another massive boulder wiped away the path in front of him.  he stopped for a moment too long and he looked up the mountainside to see another large boulder falling towards him.  Deeply he breathed to calm his mind and he took a fighting stance, staring the boulder down.  With a mighty thrust of his Palm, He met the boulder head on and struck it with the Buddha's Palm.  The force of the Strike shattered the boulder in to a million pieces that rained down around Shen, and just as fast as the rock slide seemed to have started, it was over... He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his surroundings, realizing that the small section of the path on which he stood was all that was left.  "well, this is unfortunate..."

    While he pondered his next move, Shen noticed a flicker of light in the distance below.  On another slope a few hundred meters away from him, Shen could see torch light moving up along a similar path to the one he was taking.  It was becoming quite dark in the caverns, so Shen decided that it would be safe to move across the gorge.  He took a step back and knelt down slightly, concentrating for a moment.  With one deep inhale, he shot forward and leaped over the Gorge.  His body glided unrealistically through the air towards the flickers of light, and as he neared them those carrying the torches became clearly visible in the dark.  Stealthily the Martial artist landed and clung on to the mountain side above the torchbearer's heads.  The two wore the same fur trimmed armor as the barbarians from the village!  "Did you get a load 'a that rock slide? Glad we weren't over there."  They both chuckled while Shen watched them and grumbled.

    As soon as they were far enough away that they would not spot Shen, the Martial Artist dropped on to the path and followed them quietly.  "We should stop for the Night, it's gotten dark." The other replied.  "There's a place up ahead."  A little ways further, they came upon a wider section of the path they followed, a safe place to set up camp which the two barbarians did...  They started a campfire and began to chow down on their rations for their journey.  Shen however could only sit idle in the shadows.  If he could not follow them to their stronghold, he doubted he would be able to find it himself in such a vast mountainous region.  The air temperature quickly plummeted, and without a campfire to keep him warm, Shen began to vibrate with chills.  Deeply he breathed, and sat cross legged and attempted to meditate.  The cold was unsettling, but after a little while, Shen got a hold of his state of mind and with the power of mind over matter, he warmed his own body...

    When the Sun rose above the mountain peaks, the Barbarians rose with it and trudged on tiredly along the path.  Shen quietly followed them, hiding behind boulders as he followed them.  The reached a plateau between several mountain peaks on which the Barbarian stronghold was built.  They arrived at a three story tall wooden gate with watch posts on both ends of it armed with Ballistas.  It was a strategic location for the Barbarians, using the mountain slopes as part of the stronghold itself.  The two Barbarians that Shen had followed approached the gate which promptly opened for them and shut behind them.  With a short examination of the stronghold, it appeared as though there was going to be no sneaking in for him.  Shen was going to have to approach head on and demand entry...  Though the Ballistas didn't appear too inviting... Shen gulped and mustered his courage and stood up from behind the boulder he was hiding behind and confidently approached the gate.  "Who goes there?!"  A voice shouted.

    Shen looked up towards the watchmen who addressed him and with confidence he replied.  "I am Shen Haku-" "Bugger off!"  The watchmen shouted, cutting him off.  A vein popped out of Shen's head.  "My name is Shen Hakuhei, and I demand entry!"  The Watchmen growled.  "I said Bugger off! Or else!"  The Ballistas moved to aim towards the Martial Artist.  "Have it your way..."  He uttered, as slid his feet apart and bent his knees, stretching one hand forward, and drawing one hand back.  He breathed deeply for a moment.  "Oy!  You deaf!?"  with immense power, Shen thrust his palm forward generating a gale force wind that destroyed the gate and flung the doors in to the stronghold.  "WOAH! Fire! Fire!"  Shen sighed.  "I had hoped that this would be peaceful... but I guess not."  


    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Shen4_by_gramcrackers-db7e971
    / Character /

    Battle Theme
    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Theory
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Palm
    Second Skill: Gale Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Re: Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 8th August 2016, 1:41 pm

    With haste, the watchmen pulled their levers one after the other and let loose their bolts from the ballistas.  The two six foot long spears soared true through the air towards the Martial Artist, who the Barbarians were certain would be impaled but were sorely mistaken.  Shen closed his eyes and exhaled, calming the storm within him and achieved a state of clarity, in which the world around him was perceived in slow motion.  He raised his head, opened his eyes and watched as the two enormous bolts flew towards him.  Slowly he extended his right hand and gently placed his palm against the spearhead of the bolt that flew towards him from the right, and gently pushed it to the side so that the bolt would miss, and just as the other bolt approached him from the left, Shen withdrew his right hand, and extended his other towards it, placing his palm against the spearhead of that bolt and gently pushed it aside, and in a movement that was perceived as a flash of movement from Shen, both bolts and struck the earth on either side of the Martial Artist.  The watchmen stared in awe for a moment, before one looked to another and slapped him upside the head.  "Sound the alarm you dimwit!"  Promptly the watchman who manned the Ballista grabbed a mallet and continuously struck a loud alarm bell.

    Like the wind, Shen flew in to the Barbarian stronghold through the front gate that he recently blew open.  Inside the men were scrambling to arm themselves and their defenses.  There were watch towers along the walls within the Stronghold all armed with additional Ballistas that the watchmen were hurriedly trying to load in order to stop whatever monster had blown through their gate.  Most of them didn't even seem to realize that Shen was the one and only intruder and though he took a fighting stance and faced down the Horde of Barbarians, they were all running past him towards the gate, roaring and waving their weapons in to the air as they charged in to battle, and stopped just outside the gate appearing somewhat confused as to what enemy they were facing.  "Hey! You morons! It's that guy, the one with the robe!"  The watchman on the gate roared.  The Barbarian Horde turned around and stared at Shen, who stood scratching the back of his head feeling somewhat embarrassed and self conscious about how intimidating he wasn't...

    After a few moments of grumbling and confusion, one Barbarian roared and raised his axe, prompting the rest of them to do so, and all together the Horde charged The Martial Artist.  Shen sighed and took a fighting stance, still feeling somewhat embarrassed about the whole situation.  The first axe fell and with ease, Shen placed his hand against the side of the axe and pushed it down and to the side, following up by swinging the same hand at the Barbarian's face, striking him with the back of his hand, knocking him several stories in to the air.  Swiftly Shen leaped in to the air and plummeted in to the middle of the group of warriors, placing his foot on the face of a Barbarian, driving his head in to the dirt and one by one he began to launch them in to the sky, leaving a defined hand print in their chests as he moved through the crowd.  

    Suddenly, in the corner of his eye Shen caught the sight of an enormous spear, fired from a Ballista flying towards him and he immediately waved his arms back and bent backwards, narrowly avoiding the spear that tore the front of his shirt and sheared off a few hairs from his long brown locks.  "At least they're taking me seriously now."  He said before rising again, looking towards the watchtower that fired upon him.  Warriors charged towards him from all directions.  Quickly he leaped in to the air, and with great force kicked the air generating a small explosion beneath his foot, propelling him farther in to the sky and closer to the Watchtower.  As he traveled towards the tower, he spun rapidly and thrust his palms towards the tower and generated a tremendously powerful gale force wind, that blew away the watch tower.  

    "'Ave at yee, Maggot!"  To Shen's surprise an extremely Large shirtless man wearing a kilt, with rippling muscles and a Majestic orange beard shot towards him wielding an excessively large warhammer and attempted to bring it down upon his head.  In vain, Shen thrust his palm toward the Hammer, and was knocked out of the sky like a comet and landed hard in to a wagon, completely destroying it.  "He's strong...!"  Sluggishly Shen got back up on to his feet as the seven foot tall shirtless Barbarian landed in front of him.  "Ye gawt some narrve, cawmin' 'ere and trrawshin me 'ome.  Ol' MacKenny's gunna teach ye a Lesson me Son!"  Shen took a fighting stance and faced off against the giant.  "I don't suppose you would be willing to negotiate a peaceful solution?"  The barbarian giant laughed.  "Ye got Haggis fer brrains?  Ye ain't gettin' outta 'ere alive me Son!"  Shen sighed.  "Have it your way..."  

    Shen prepared himself to fight the Barbarian, but suddenly a large Shadow passed over him, and swept over the Stronghold.   An ear shattering Roar echoed throughout the mountains.  A deep, length and raspy Bellow that shook the very ground on which they stood, drawing both Shen's and Mackenny's attention towards the dark cloudy sky.  Neither of them could believe what they saw.  All other warriors within the Stronghold began to panic and run amok.  One warrior shook and pointed up towards the winged beast that flew overhead, and screamed.  DRAGON!


    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Shen4_by_gramcrackers-db7e971
    / Character /

    Battle Theme
    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Theory
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Palm
    Second Skill: Gale Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Re: Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 9th August 2016, 1:51 pm

    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Slifer3_by_gramcrackers-d9p9nga

    The roaring of the White Dragon continued to shake the stronghold.  The long and slender beast circled in the dark cloudy sky, looking down upon the people who scurried around like panicking ants.  MacKenny looked towards Shen and growled.  "You... This be yarr doin'!  Ye brrought that thing 'ere didn't ye!"  Shen looked back at MacKenny in shock.  "What?! How could I even- Why would I- I had nothing to do with this!"  MacKenny slammed his hammer in to the ground in anger and pointed at Shen.  "Don't Laie to me, me Son!  I'll rring yer neck!"  Shen growled.  "Listen! I didn't want to fight you to begin with!  Now if you want to live, work with me to fight that thing!" After a moment the beast leaned forward in to a dive and swept just over the walls of the Stronghold.  The beats of its wings generated a hurricane force wind, that swept up debris and dust and nearly knocked the two warriors off their feet, both of them shielding their faces with their arms from the wind.  Just before the Dragon past, its spear like tail whipped the roofs off of several nearby buildings.  "MacKenny!"  Shen shouted, looking back towards the Barbarian chief, who growled.  "Fine! What do we do then!?"  Shen quickly looked around the area.  "I need to get close to it!"  Looking for a way, Shen found his eyes laying on MacKenny and his hammer.  The Barbarian chief looked awkwardly back at the Martial Artist.  "What?"

    Off in the distance, the Dragon could be seen turning around, ready to make a second sweep.  It began its approach, and it was approaching fast.  "Get ready!"  Shen shouted from in front of MacKenny.  "Yerr mad, Shen.  Ye'd make a gud rraider!"  The bearded brute laughed.  Shen stared at the approaching Dragon, biding his time for the opportune moment.  "Now!"  He shouted, as he hopped in the air and rotated towards MacKenny, who laughed as he swung his Warhammer with all his might at the Martial Artist.  Shen thrust his Palm to parry the Hammer, and like before as soon as his palm met the surface of the Hammer, he was fired off in to the sky.  "Show that Drragon 'ew's boss!"  Shen soared through the air towards the Dragon head on and drew his arm back, aiming his palm towards the beast.  

    He was prepared to put his all in to his next attack.  He was going to use his strongest Technique, that he was taught to use only on enemies as a last resort.  He was not trained to deal with such Calamities as Dragons, so it appeared as though he had no other choice in this situation.  Shen cleared his mind and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.  Slowly he reopened his eyes and began to move his palm forward as he soared directly in to the face of the monster.  "Hand of Budd-" However before Shen could actually accomplish his technique, light began to shoot from the gaps between the Dragon's teeth like lasers, and the ambient light in the area dimmed to the point where it became like nigh.  Suddenly, the Dragon roared so loudly that Shen was deafened, and the devastating light that was produced from the Dragon's mouth blinded the Martial Artist and he was enveloped by the White Dragon's Roar.

    Shen's world turned white and he thought he was dead.  He should have been dead after that, but something inside of him had awoken and spared him from death.  His world slowly began to return to him.  He could feel water, or rather it was rain.  He opened his eyes and realized that it was now dark, and he was lying in the mud.  He was lying there for quite some time it appeared.  He could start to hear sounds.  The sound of the rain, and faint screams and crying.  He blinked a few times, uncertain if he could move his body.  It wasn't exactly being responsive, he was as stiff as a board but he could begin to move.  His clothes were nearly all blown off, save for a sliver of his pants, enough to be pg-13.  Slowly he rose from the mud and looked around.  The stronghold was nothing more than a pile of debris, and an entire mountain was now missing along with half of the plateau the Stronghold was built upon... many bodies laid motionless in the mud alongside him, and many people were scrambling to dig through the wreckage to save those that had been trapped by falling buildings.  "Take only what ye need!  Ye 'ave to be able ta move!"  MacKenny was rallying the survivors.  Sluggishly Shen rose to his feet and attempted to walk towards him with a slight limp.  He could not move his left arm still and his right leg was not functioning at 100% either.  

    MacKenny looked towards Shen with wide eyes and blinked a few times.  "Yer- Yer alive laddy!"  The Barbarian chief walked towards Shen.  "Barely... I'm sorry I couldn't protect your people."  MacKenny chuckled.  "Ye gave 'er a good go me son!  Any man Crrazy enough to take on a Drragon 'ead on fer folks he ain't everr met is oooh k in my book."  MacKenny patted Shen on the back, and he cringed in pain, and MacKenny laughed.  Shen sighed and looked toward the remaining survivors, a few women and children among them.  "What reason would a Dragon have for attacking this place..?"  A grim expression came upon the Chief's face as Shen asked this question.  Shen looked at him with concern.  "What is it?"  MacKenny sighed.  "Tha beast was 'unting.  It took fourr of 'arr own.  They'll sufferr a warse fayte than 'any 'a us."  Shen was frozen.  He could not imagine the horror of being devoured by such a beast.  "I see..."  MacKenny sighed once more.  "and now I 'ave to find them a new 'ome."  

    Shen looked towards the survivors, and his heart sank.  "MacKenny... Go to the Mountain Village, south of here.  They'll take you in."  The giant scoffed.  "We rraided them many a'time!  They'd neverr..."  "Trust me."  MacKenny paused for a moment, looking in to Shen's eyes, and with a grunt he nodded in agreement knowing full well that his people had nowhere else to go.  "What of you? Where are ye goin'?"  Shen looked towards the North as Lightning began to ignite the sky, and thunder roared.  "I'm going after them."  "Are ye Mad!?  I can't let ye go after that Drragon me son! Yer mad... Yer mad I say!"  Shen chuckled lightly.  "You're a good man MacKenny, but I can't leave those people at the mercy of the Dragon."  MacKenny stared wide eyed at Shen... "Ye DO got haggis fer brrains!"  MacKenny roared in laughter.  "Right OH me son!  I can't let ye go alone!  Ye'd make me look bad."  Shen looked towards MacKenny and smiled.  "We couldn't have that, could we?"  The two looked nervously towards each other, know full well that this might just be suicide, but they had to try.  A Hero never gives up!


    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Shen4_by_gramcrackers-db7e971
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    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

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    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Re: Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 10th August 2016, 4:31 pm

    "Are you sure you know where you're going!?"  Shen shouted with his back against the side of a mountain, looking down a bottomless ravine.  Light flickered in the dark and thunder roared as heavy rain fell upon the two warriors, who inched their way along a narrow footing that was roughly a foot wide.  "Aye Laddy! I've been a wanderrin' these hills since I werre a wee' lad!  I know me way!"  MacKenny bravely lead Shen through the mountains at an astonishing pace.  His knowledge of the paths through the steep rocks allowed them to travel through the stormy night.  Though Shen's body had been in a dire state mere hours prior to their journey, The Martial Artist had recovered at an astonishing rate and the two of them alone were capable of traversing the rough terrain faster than any regular humans ever could, and though they both had their doubts about whether or not they'd actually find the ones who were taken alive, they pressed onward without showing any signs of faltering in their quest.

    A deep bellow through the mountains began to ring louder in the two warrior's ears.  Among the thunder and rain the sound was extremely faint, but to those who've lived through the Dragon's wrath, the sound of the Dragon's roar in the distance made their hearts sink, and their legs quiver.  Still they pressed onward.  Leaping over ravines and sliding down rocky slopes through the night.  Hope was driving them.  Shen's courage inspired MacKenny, and MacKenny's faith in Shen gave the Martial Artist confidence and strength.  However their hearts stopped at the quaking sound of the Dragon's terrifying roar.  The ground shook and thunder never sounded so silent by comparison.  They had stumbled in to dangerous territory.  The two warriors approached a cliff's edge, and peered out in to the pitch black... Lightning flashed, illuminating the mountainous valley before them and coiled around a tall spire of stone was the White Dragon that decimated the Barbarian Stronghold.  

    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Slifer2_by_gramcrackers_d9p9isa_by_gramcrackers-dadi12l

    For a while the two watched the beast, mustering their courage.  In the back of Shen's mind, he could think only of the blinding light that consumed him.  In that moment he thought he'd died, and that was the most terrifying experience in his lifetime.  MacKenny recalled the destruction that ensued.  The screams and the sound of a mountain being obliterated, the sight of his home being annihilated.  Such a beast was beyond Mortal Men.  "We mustn't waste time MacKenny.  Your kin may yet be alive."  MacKenny replied with a slight quiver in his voice.  "Aye..."  Shen lead the charge, leaping over the cliff's edge and fell a considerable distance.  MacKenny soon followed and with a splash, the two landed in ankle deep water and began to tread towards certain death.  

    For a while, the Dragon seemed to be quite content on its perch, glaring in to the distance.  Which made it easy for the two Heroes to make their approach.  The deep reverberating growl could be felt constantly in the water and on the stone, becoming louder and more prevalent as they drew nearer.  The two hid behind a rock beneath the Dragon's perch and looked at each other.  "Now what?"  MacKenny asked.  Shen breathed hard, and looked around the area.  Still they were in a vast mountainous territory at night, in a storm with a Dragon baring down on them.  How would they ever find what they were looking for?  Shen struggled to calm his own storm, there was no time, who knew what the beast above them could do at any moment...  Shen looked around at the mountain peaks surrounding them that would frequently become visible when the lightning flickered.  

    "I..."  Where were they to begin?  Where could the Dragon have stored his meal?  Shen closed his eyes, and placed his hands together.  He concentrated on his breathing, and nothing else... The sound of the Dragon's growling breath slowly faded, and then the sound of the thunder and rain, until all was silent in his mind.  "Laddy, we got ta move, We can't stay 'ere fer too long!"  MacKenny's voice also faded... He did away with the feeling of being cold, wet, tired and sore, until there was nothing left.  With great effort, he'd achieved a meditative state in which he was alone and calm.  He opened his eyes again to find himself alone in the mountains, with the skies as blue as the sea.  He stood up and looked around him, and suddenly he heard to crying sound of a young child in the distance.  Again Shen's eyes opened, returning him to the wet and stormy night in the mountains with MacKenny shouting at him.  Shen placed his hand on MacKenny's shoulder and shouted back at him.  "I know where they are!"  The ginger bearded brute widened his eyes and smiled.  "Me Son!"  He laughed "Lead thee way!"

    Quickly the two crept out from behind their rock and slowly made their way through more mountainous trails until they came upon a vertical cliff.  "Up this way!"  Shen shouted.  The two began to climb the wall against the rain pouring down on them, and with the Dragon in sight behind them, looking the other way.  Neither of them thought about what might happen, should the Dragon turn its ugly head and see them.  Luckily however, before that could happen, they reached the edge of the cliff.  The two warriors climbed over the edge and to their amazement, the villagers were alive!  Huddled together in a shallow cave upon the cliff, two barbarian warriors, three women and young girl stared in amazement as their chief MacKenny and a foreigner had come to save them!  "Yer Alive!"  MacKenny shouted as he ran towards his people.  Shen breathed a sigh of relief.  "MacKenny, there's no time!"  Shen shouted.  MacKenny looked back towards the martial artist and donned a more serious expression and nodded in agreement.  There was no time for bonding.

    MacKenny tied a rope off to a large boulder, and lowered it down the side of the cliff that he and Shen had climbed moments before.  One by one the villagers climbed down the rope with relative ease.  As mountain dwellers, they were adept at doing such things, except for the child who MacKenny carried in his arm on the way down.  Shen was the last one to descend, and when they had all reached the bottom, they began to run as quickly as they could away from the Dragon... However, something was eerily wrong, and just as it dawned on Shen that the Dragon's breathing had stopped, he turned to realize that the Dragon was no longer on its perch.  "It- it's gone!"

    Last edited by Shen Hakuhei on 11th August 2016, 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Shen4_by_gramcrackers-db7e971
    / Character /

    Battle Theme
    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Theory
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    Second Skill: Gale Dragon Slayer
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    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Re: Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 11th August 2016, 8:42 am

    The group huddled together between a cluster of tall stones.  "It knows, it knows they'rre missing!"  MacKenny with terror in his eyes held the young girl close while Shen peered out around them.  How could something so large disappear so suddenly, and so silently?  Lightning flashed, thunder roared and rain poured.  Eerie shadows appeared in the distance and moved as the lights flashed in the night.  The mountain peaks and jagged stones formed monstrous shapes and their minds began to play tricks on them as their fear began to take hold of their sanity.  Everywhere they looked, they saw monsters and doubt was filling their hearts.  "We can still make it!  It can't track us in the storm!"  Just as Shen shouted this, the body of the Dragon moved ever so silently behind two peaks.  The child in MacKenny's arms pointed and screamed, prompting the Barbarian chief to put his hand over the girl's mouth.  The group glared in terror as the monster passed them by without a sound.  "It's looking fer us!  We can't out rrun such a monstahrr!"  Shen glared at MacKenny, and came to a bold decision.  

    Staring bravely in to MacKenny's eyes Shen spoke.  "You lead them back, MacKenny.  I'll draw the beast away."  MacKenny's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.  "Ye can't take that thing on alone laddy!  I'll-"  "You're the only one who can lead them safely through the mountains.  Go, I'll keep you and your people safe."  MacKenny began to tear up.  Never as a Barbarian has he confronted such a selfless person, willing to sacrifice anything to save a group of strangers.  He'd opened MacKenny's eyes to the possibilities of the world.  if more people would only act as Shen did, it would be a brighter place.  To Shen, it was what he believed anyone would do.  "Shen, ye... Ye got Balls, me son.  Thank ye."  The Martial Artist smiled and nodded.  "Alrright, lets go!"  quickly the group ran away, and Shen rose up and faced the direction the Dragon was last seen.  Swiftly the martial artist ran up a treacherous slope towards its peak and peered out over the mountain valley.  "I don't even know where to begin drawing the attention of a Dragon..."  Shen stated, before leaping forward and sliding down the other side of the peak.

     Just as he did so, the Dragon's head rose up from a large canyon and continued to ascend. It's massive claw raised above the canyon's edge and dug in to the stone.  Shen hurriedly ran behind a tall boulder and hid.  The Dragon reared its ugly head and turned towards Shen's general direction.  It paused for a moment and began to growl in the loud bellowing manner it was before.  "What mongrel lurks in the shadows."  Its voice reverberated off the cliffs, and rippled the pools of water throughout the area.  "I can feel your presence, your Air."  Gracefully the Dragon floated towards Shen, its head passing over the stone behind which he hid.  The Martial Artist looked up at its belly passing over him in all its enormity.  The massive claw of the Dragon gently landing beside him as it continued forward.  Quickly Shen moved to the side, leaping over the canyon from which the Dragon spawned and running in to a narrow pathway through which the Dragon could not follow.

    The beast turned once more and followed Shen in the direction that he went, climbing over the mountain peaks.  "I recognize you...  The "Hero" of the mountain dwelling humans."  The Dragon chuckled slowly in its deep terrifying way.  Shen held his back against another stone, peeking out from behind another tall boulder.  "I admit I am curious, how a Human could survive my breath, and still reach me here let alone move... You are no mere man, far more than the mountain folk."  The Dragon perched itself upon another mountain peak and peered out over the valley.  "Are you too afraid to speak..?  Are you afraid you will not survive my breath twice?"  The Dragon raised its mighty head and roared, prompting Shen to cover his ears and fall to his knees.  "You are no Mountain dweller, why were you there...?"  The Dragon swayed its head to the side.  "...You came on behalf of the valley folk, to put an end to the Raids... Yes, that is it.  The mighty Hero who desires peace."  Shen scoffed,  imagining what the beast could do to the Villagers, to Merida... "If you will not reveal yourself to me, I will reveal myself to them!"  Once more the Dragon roared.  

    "Have I insulted you!?"  Shen shouted, as loudly as he could.  The Dragon turned its head and peered towards the tall stones behind which Shen hid.  "If so I apologize, I did not mean to survive your mighty roar!"  The white Dragon growled and lunged towards the tall stones and struck the ground with his enormous claw, crushing them in to rubble.  The Dragon raised his hand and saw that there was no sign of Shen.  He roared loudly and whipped his tail in to the side of a mountain, obliterating its peak.  "I care not for games, human.  I will tear the valley folk limb from limb!  I will spare none my wrath and make certain every single one of them know terror as I devour them!"  Lightning flashed, revealing the Martial Artist standing atop a stony peak above the Dragon's head before leaping in to the air and descending towards the beast.  "Here I am, Dragon!"  


    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Shen4_by_gramcrackers-db7e971
    / Character /

    Battle Theme
    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Gale Dragon Slayer
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    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Re: Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 12th August 2016, 1:45 pm

    Shen thrust his palm in to the back of the mighty White Dragon, and to the beast's surprise the strike caused him a severe amount of pain.  The Dragon roared mightily and expanded its mighty wings.  Shen planted his feet upon the Dragon's back, and taking heed of the Dragon's actions, took hold of one of the gigantic spines that protruded from its back.  With one mighty flap, the Dragon took to the sky with such force that it felt as though Shen was fighting a hurricane force wind, attempting to hold on to the Dragon's spine with his legs flapping behind him as if he were a flag.  The Dragon Soared over the mountains at incredible speed.  Looking over the side, Shen could see the mountain valley passing by, but was soon shrouded by the misty clouds.  Within the raging storm, bolts of lightning shot forth all around them and rain drenched the Martial Artist and coated the White Dragon.  Shen struggled to plant his feet upon the Dragon's back again, but with great effort managed to do so.  He looked down and raised his hand in to the air, ready to strike once more against the Dragon's back, but before he could do so the beast took a sharp turn and Shen was flung from the Dragon's back and went in to a free fall.  

    Shen extended and waved his arms about, generating a current of air around him to gain control of his fall, and began to glide horizontally at an extreme speed.  Anxiously he looked for the Dragon, but it had disappeared in to the clouds.  Suddenly it emerged, widening its monstrous mouth and attempted to swallow Shen whole, but the Martial Artist waved his arm to the side and pushed a gust of wind to the side which propelled him out of harms way, narrowly escaping the Dragon's fangs.  Roughly Shen rolled down the side of the Dragon as he passed him by and then watched him disappear once again in to the clouds.  Lightning flared all around Shen as he soared through the misty night sky and for a brief moment, there was no lightning.  It was completely dark, save for a faint sphere of light in the distance, the glow of the jewel imbeded upon the Dragon's forehead.  Shen gritted his teeth and prepared for the Dragon's charge, slowly rotating his arms in opposite directions, and just as another bolt of lightning fired towards him, Shen spun rapidly and caught the bolt of lightning with his palm manipulated the bolt around his body by performing a rotation with his arms outstretched.  The bolt illuminated the sky around him and when the Dragon emerged from the clouds once more, Shen thrust his palm and fired the bolt of Lightning towards the Dragon, striking it's ugly face.  

    The Dragon roared and raised its head, stopping short of Shen.  The martial artist kicked off the air itself and propelled himself towards the Dragon.  Veins began to bulge from the sides of Shen's face and his eyes flickered black for a brief second while he drew his arm back, facing his palm forward.  Air circulated violently around Shen, generating enough wind to push the clouds from himself and the Dragon, revealing the night sky above them and the mountain valley below them.  The Dragon's eye moved to look at the Martial Artist, and the beast uttered... "I smell, Dragon...!" Scales coated the surface of Shen's hands while he thrust his hand forward, striking the Dragon's gut.  A twisting, warping current of air twisted the Dragon's flesh, and the Dragon was flung backwards and sent in to a spin.

    Angrily the Dragon expanded its wings and halted itself, growling loudly.  Shen did not know what was happening to his body, though it was clear his power was growing and he was thankful for the strength to fight this Dragon.  He came to the decision not to question his new found power.  His body was following instincts he'd never felt before, and though he knew that these instincts were wild and untamed, he'd have to give in to them fully in order to defeat this foe, or at the very least survive.  The jewel upon the Dragon's forehead began to glow as brightly as the Sun.  "I've grown tired of this, I am no longer entertained!  Disappear, before the Light of The Bright King, Sapharadon!" The Dragon closed its mouth and light began to escape through the gaps in its teeth, as it did when Shen was enveloped before.  

    In response, The Martial Artist began to inhale, and inhale, far more than a Human would be capable of.  A strong gale force wind was generated, moving towards him as a result of the great amount of air he was taking in.  As the white Dragon let lose a terrible roar, firing an intense ray of light from his mouth so bright that it turned night in to day.  Shen leaned back with an expanded chest and then threw himself forward, opening his mouth and releasing a roar that shook the air itself and was comparable to the Dragon Sapharadon's, releasing a crushingly devastating cyclone of magical air that collided with the roar of the Bright King.  Within the eye of the Thunder Storm, the two Dragon roars collided with one another.  Even far off in the distance, MacKenny and company looked back to bear witness unto the event taking place.  

    Though the power put in to the roar was great, the light of the Bright King overcame the cyclone of the Dragon Slayer, and Shen was once again enveloped by the Dragon's light.  The bright light and raging winds quickly ceased, and the Martial Artist fell from the sky unconscious and beaten and landed somewhere in the mountains.  Sapharadon continued to flap his wings and glare angrily down towards Shen, as the sky began to brighten, and the storm diminished.  The Dragon glided down to Earthland, and landed near Shen's unconscious body.  He lowered his enormous head, and sniffed the Martial Artist's body.  "How shameful that a Human could survive my Roar a second time..."  Sapharadon sniffed Shen's body a second time, and raised its head.  "I thought I smelled Dragon..."  Sapharadon growled.  "What a disgrace to my kin... To be trapped within such an ugly form."  The Dragon reached over with its massive claw and picked the Martial Artist up from the ground.  "I will not let myself be shamed by a human... You will live, you will grow, you will change in to the monster you were meant to be.  Only a monster could survive my roar."  With one beat of his wings, Sapharadon took the sky with Shen in his grasp...

    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Re: Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 13th August 2016, 6:57 am

    Shen opened his eyes and peered at the wooden ceiling above him.  He clenched his hand and grasped blanket sheets.  Slowly he raised his other hand and touching the wraps bandaging his forehead, and also noticed the bandages around his hands and arm.  A light breeze caressed his face from the open window, and the sheers fluttered beside his bed.  "Wh- what happened..?"  He silently asked himself.  The door creaked open, and in walked Merida, carrying an armful of towels and a bowl of warm water.  The two locked eyes for a moment.  Shen smiled.  "I must be dreaming."  He said, struggling to sit up.  Merida began to tear up and laughed as she set the towels aside on a desk and hastily walked over to Shen's bed and sat beside him.  "I'm so happy you're alright."  Merida leaned in and hugged Shen tightly.  Shen coughed and groaned slightly, still feeling quite sore and in pain, but Merida did not let him go.  Shen raised his hand and placed it on Merida's back and smiled.  

    "Where is 'eh! I know 'eh's in 'ere!"  "He's not yet ready!" Familiar voices rang out from the hallway, before a Large man, who could barely even fit through the door, followed by a short old man entered the chamber, and froze upon looking at Shen, conscious and well.  "Shen! Yer alive, ye rat bastard!"  MacKenny laughed and cried as he charged over towards Shen and Merida and took them both in to his arms and raised them both in to the air, squeezing them tightly.  "Mac- MacKenny! You- You're crushing-!"  Shen squirmed in extreme pain.  Elder Jugo laughed.  "I say Shen, MacKenny and his people have been a great help around the village.  We were not eager to permit them to stay here, but when he told us of what had happened and what you had done for them, we were hard pressed to say no."  MacKenny put Shen and Merida down, and wiped away his tears, grinning from ear to ear.  Jugo offered Shen a cane on which to lean, which he graciously accepted and used.  "Thank you for accepting them, Jugo."  Jugo chuckled.  "It was the least we could do..."  "Tell me, what happened?  How did I get here?"  Merida gently placed her hand upon Shen's shoulder.  "I found you in the fields unconscious three days ago, nobody knows how you got there."  Shen glared at Merida with a confused expression.  Jugo interrupted his thoughts, waving his walking stick around in the air.  "Now, you must greet the rest of the villagers!  They all wish to see their Hero alive and well!"  Shen nodded and looked at Merida, and then MacKenny who smiled warmly.  

    The group made their way to the door, and let Shen take the lead.  He grasped the doorknob, turned it and opened the door.  Behind it were all the villagers and mountain tribe people, eagerly awaiting their brave Hero and Savior and upon seeing him they broke out in to cheers.  Shen felt joy like he'd never felt before.  He'd saved the Mountain Tribe people from the Dragon, and made peace between them and the Valley folk.  Though he did not know what happened between him and the Dragon, it seemed as though all was going to be fine.  MacKenny raised Shen on to his shoulder and cheered with the villagers, raising a fist in to the air, prompting all of the Mountain folk in the crowd to raise their fists and roar loudly, scaring some of the valley folk a bit.  There was going to have to be some adjustment, but all was well in the world.  


    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Shen4_by_gramcrackers-db7e971
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] Empty Re: Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 14th August 2016, 12:09 pm

    Song of the Wind and Sky [Shen's Secondary Training] BTSjguv


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