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    Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job]

    Meisa Suzume
    Meisa Suzume

    Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zen Arts - Way of the Enduring
    Second Skill: Locked
    Third Skill:

    Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Empty Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job]

    Post by Meisa Suzume 21st August 2016, 3:56 am

    Doing by WC(20*175=3500 WC to post)

    ==Beginning RP after next post== Next post= Required rolls.


    Meisa Suzume
    Meisa Suzume

    Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zen Arts - Way of the Enduring
    Second Skill: Locked
    Third Skill:

    Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Empty Re: Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job]

    Post by Meisa Suzume 21st August 2016, 3:58 am

    ooc: My required 5, and then due to balancing on my own part, 10 extra.

    edit(for clarification of rolls)

    -3 boss( 2 of them turned into 4 strong) =1
    -4 Strong(+4 due to bosses being converted downl) =8
    -7 Normal(converting 2 of them down to 4 extra weaks, for plot purposes) =5
    -1 weak(+4 extra due to converting some normal down) = 5


    Rp will start next post.

    Last edited by Sophia Sparky on 21st August 2016, 4:01 am; edited 1 time in total



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    Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Empty Re: Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job]

    Post by NPC 21st August 2016, 3:58 am

    The member 'Sophia Sparky' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] StrongMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] NormalMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] NormalMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Boss Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Boss Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] NormalMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] StrongMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Boss Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] WeakMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] StrongMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] NormalMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] NormalMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] StrongMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] NormalMonster Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] NormalMonster
    Meisa Suzume
    Meisa Suzume

    Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zen Arts - Way of the Enduring
    Second Skill: Locked
    Third Skill:

    Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Empty Re: Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job]

    Post by Meisa Suzume 22nd August 2016, 4:36 am

    ooc: forgot to roll the 'boss surviving' roll. So here it is.



    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Empty Re: Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job]

    Post by NPC 22nd August 2016, 4:36 am

    The member 'Sophia Sparky' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Miss
    Meisa Suzume
    Meisa Suzume

    Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zen Arts - Way of the Enduring
    Second Skill: Locked
    Third Skill:

    Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job] Empty Re: Electronics? No problem[Solo:Job]

    Post by Meisa Suzume 22nd August 2016, 5:07 am

    So, what sort of job do you give a scientist with a strange fetish to electricity? Well... an EXPLOSIVE ONE!!! Yup, the demolition's expert job. This particular job was assigned to any guild that'd take the job. Dead or alive was the orders given, however for Sophia, the woman that was previously mentioned, her guild is none other than Pharaoh's Call. A guild that is known for non-lethal job succession, or at least... non-killing, cause lets face it... how does one not go extremely lethal with lightning based spells, as well as thermal combustion.  Then again, it's a redundent question to ask for Sophia whom has more than once in an occasion, accidentally forgot to hold back, and ended up killing the enemy... along with the enemy's allies... and the surrounding buildings... and nearly killing the innocents... and endangering her own allies... yeah you get the point, besides all the use of 'and' was also getting redundant. Right, onto the job!

    sitting across from Sophia was a fellow guild member discussing plans about the job's details."Aye, Sparky! what're your plans for this route?" the question would be accompanied by a rather clumsy use of a cracker to mark another route they've discussed or went over. Quite simply, the job entailed taking out the demonlition's expert with near no information to go on. Defensive forces, numbers, and tech levels were all unknown. The only thing known was the location. An old mine near the Capital known as Crocus. In fact this 'demolitions expert' was supposed to have a lot of dynamite. A typical age old explosive since exploding lacrima, as well as electronic explosives existed.

    "Well, as far as we are all aware, there are only these three entrances, however I wouldn't gamble on the fact there are only three. We are talking about someone who uses explosives after all. They may make a new 'exit' or may have already." Her statement was more less of a true input as she herself was still calculating various variables in the whole thing.

    "No good, the mine shaft was closed ages ago, an explosion trying to create an exit would only bring on hell to those using the explosives. They'd sooner lock themselves in that way."

    "Makes you wonder if they'll even try to use explosions at all then, right? What about the structure of the opened paths? wouldn't an explosion there cause the tunnels to be closed off?"

    "Looking at it from that view, you're right. I'd not be surprised if they did find a fourth way out of the tunnel, and possibly have rigged the three known entrances. You better watch yourself. Don't want to have to inform Aiyana you didn't return. You know how she can get.

    "Yeah really... don't even get me started on Aiyana, last thing I need is her nuking the place cause I failed this mission. Then again, I wouldn't put it past her to know some sort of life resurrecting method just to slap me silly for fudging up"

    Finally, a third voice chimed in. "you know, its not nice to talk about Aiyana like that. She is our guild master after all"

    "ahhh shut up, even if she heard us, she knows we all care for her, it was just a joke anyways.

    "yeah really... calm down missy"

    "Well excuse me for caring... but hey, fine. Back onto your topic, why dont you seal two of the three off, then tread the 3rd carefully?"

    "Yeah Sparky, I can see you doing that idea pretty well actually. That would force them to funnel their sources directly to you, in case this demolition's expert had any sort of back up."

    "You're both idiots if you think that'd be wise. What happens if the mine is too unstable to handle two large tunnle collapses. Each entrance is fairly close to one and another. A single explosion might cause the other two to become unstable, and then the second could just cause the last to crumble as well. Not to mention, I need a way out myself. If forces are focused to my point, and they close the tunnel, how screwed do you think I'd be?"

    "You... do have a point. Sorry Sparky, just trying to help. Too bad you don't have any earth magic like me."

    "Or water magic, like me. You'd be able to flood the place causing havok, and clean up the soggy after mess once all the fuses were soaked.

    "You know... you have a good idea. There is a near by river I can potentially use. It'd take some time, but if I flooded the area and used some of my electrical magic, I could potentially clean sweep the area. Sadly, for any more true planning, I need to head off. Besides, who knows how long that man will stay down there. I've gotta get going soon ya know". Just as Sophia said this, her chair was pushed out just as she began to stand up. Her marker tidying up a few key points of interest on the map as well as writing a few things down in her notebook for further inspection later.

    "Sparky wait" almost sounding in a concerned voice, the male looked down and away before letting out a sigh. "Just... come back alive okay? I wish you'd let us come along with..."

    Letting out her own sigh before grabbing her stuff and turning away, her expression was sad at first, but delicate. "You know I can't do that. I can't let anyone that I'd have to worry about join my team." At first her words sounded cold, but as she walked away and was out of view, one would realize why she had said it.

    "Hey, Jack, why doesn't Sophia let anyone be on her team anyways?" The innocent question from the petite and young water mage had sounded quite concerned, almost terrified as well.

    "Melli, did you ever realize why she isolates herself and joined this guild?"

    "Hmm? No why"

    "She once killed a partner by mistake. She came to Pharaoh's call crying, wanting to stop all the killing, and learn to control her power. I saw pictures of the incident. There was nothing left within that entire building. The scorch marks were enough to convince me" What followed was a long silence, as the two would continue chatting.

    The conversation was still heard by Sophia, whom was leaning up against a wall in an adjacent room. Tears falling down her face as a spark of electricity rippled past an arm, and onto the carpet leaving a small burn mark, an uncontrollable electrical discharge by her own magic(Plot Alchemy: Electrical power). Her soft cry was enough to bring to light how ashamed she was of killing an old partner, and how hurt she was just to hear the story over again. Though it started to get easier to accept, she was no where near ever forgiving herself. Just the pain of hearing an old story from a perspective that did not know the details, the true details, the details of how she thought her partner had gotten out of the building before the incident.

    However off of that topic, Sophia began to stand up from her crouched sobbing position as she wiped her tears away with her sleeve she began to turn into electricity before vanishing from the area entirely, traveling by her own method of transport the kinetic warp technique. "idiots..." she sobbed once more, landing at the edge of the city of Crocus, a place she had been before, but close enough to the mine she knew how to travel from there. Though perhaps her hasty travel was due to the emotions she felt. Face to face, Sophia was a strong veteran of science and one heck of a fighter. Beneath those veils of strength was a woman beating herself up, ready to cry and  an unfit mage to go on stronger missions. Perhaps that was why she was classified as a C-rank though. It was due to her inability to not just control her magic, but she was suppressing her own potential by holding onto that fear of not accepting help.

    By now the wind began to pick up. Clouds above the city were rolling in and the crack of thunder could be heard above. Storm clouds accompanied by a setting sun would only cause those thinking about heading home to start heading home now. It was Sophia's conduit of the storm spell. A signature technique to not just set the stage, but to get ready for an all out assault. Except this assault wasn't being used as an offensive measure, but the rain that would be coming with would be her goal to attack with. The heavy torrential rain from the storm brewing above was more than enough to start leaking water into the three entrances to the mine. However, the storm was doing more than just that. The mine was not stript of the near by woodlands. These woodlands would provide the cover Sophia needed to slowly draw closer and closer to the mine. The heavy rain only put a damper on hearing her electrical movement as she zap'd from position to position, slowly arriving near  the edge of the forest within view of the third entrance to the mine shaft.

    "Lets see. a third of an inch of rain per hour is about the normal flood rate, but if I isolate the storm's heaviest rain fall to the mine. I can perhaps flash flood it with about an inch or two of rain per hour. However, to try and increase it to such lengths would no doubt draw attention. Besides... the local farmers would never forgive me for such a thing. The rain comes from the moisture in the air after all. So, I'll raise it to half an inch of rain an hour. Let this stick for a few hours, and proceed as I planned" Her plan so far was to provide a damp beginning. The rain would already be increased well over the entire area, and the forests. The harsher parts of the storm were focused over the mine, while the rest would recieve the normal 0.3 inches of rain an hour. While the mine received 0.6 inches per hour. It Kept Sophia busy controlling the storm, directing the flow of clouds with her kinetic magic while sitting by a tree, listening to the cracks of lightning. Never once did a drop of rain touch her, or did she ever worry about lightning striking her. After all, she'd simply redirect it the moment it touched her anyways.

    As for the rain, her kinetic shield kept it at bay, quietly pushing the rain like a small bubble above her, pushing it to the sides and letting it fall to the ground without even touching the branch she was seated upon. "Four hours and I can move in. It'll be night fall, and I can begin my night operation. For now, my UAV pulse spell will allow hmmm", she was still talking silently to herself, jotting notes down in a notepad, drawing out conclusions and theories of how to progress. For now, while waiting, she'd constantly activate her UAV spell, allow her magical energy to regenerate and then continue again to keep an eye open for the enemy.

    Though one thing did disturb her. Small metalic objects, eight legged to be exact were hiding within the mine, deep enough she only saw one with her uav pulse, but it did concern her. Was it a creature or a creation? The shape looked vividly sharp, and rugged like a machine. The same shape was planted all around the entrance, twenty of them to be exact, except these shapes were missing the legs. Bombs perhaps? Finally, the second UAV pulse went off, this time color was not spared and Sophia began to see clearly exactly what was in the mine. The eight legged thing had moved, and gone out of her range, but the twenty metalic objects stayed. The pulse told her they were electronical just by the wiring inside of them. Proximity mines? Trip mines? How peculiar indeed. Beyond that though she began to see how far the water had traveled. It was soaking the ground, completely flooding the area around the mine, but inside it was reaching a further and further depth.

    At the current moment, moving in would be unwise but Sophia knew to progress later would involve risking the target moving. As far as the sources have told her so far, the target was holed up in this mine. Best not to let the target move anyways. Which meant time to move in soon. Which coming to this conclusion, Sophia would leap from the branch she was perched on and land with a soft near inaudible sound as if she had actually stopped her downward kinetic energy at the last second. "You know what pisses me off the most", her words directed towards what she began to see using her UAV spell. In fact, the very things she began to see fully by decreasing the distance between herself and the objects. Though what made her stop and actually say that statement was when she detected a humaniod object with what resembled a fully automatic weapon with some sort of attachment mounted near end of the barrel. The object looked like a laser sight of some sort

    "unmanned explosive spider drones, Mine fields, laser sights, and fucking night vision goggles? ... really? The more crutches you rely on... the harder the fall when I kick them the fuck out from under you." It was true, she loved electricity, but those that used electronics without regard to their own power made her aggravated. Electricity was her field, and she hated it when someone used a electronic device that was using some sort of lacrima battery or the alike to generate the power. This aggravation grew as electricity sparked from her body casually while a ball of energy began to charge on her left palm. The small sphere of blue electricity shrank and compressed itself as more sparks generated from her entire arm pooling into the small sphere of energy.

    "I'll show you why... you'll die in the dark" she whispered forming a second ball of energy in her right hand now. A pure ball of white energy before she brought the two together causing a burst of energy outward that rippled through the entire mine field. First off was the EMP and the second was the magical chaff bomb. Together, it would knock out any electronics and non-physical communication within a large area. This area had increased multiple fold as she had time to charge both, plus ready them with her own godly armor, and her zeus bolt.

    However, despite the fact she had fried many of the electronics. Something unexpected had happened. The mine fields had all detonated, causing an eruption of chain reactions. The fried wires caused a superficial explosion chain that could be felt from the outside. Not just one field, but eight of them?! "What the hell?!" The explosions kept coming one after another. It was as if all the electronics were set to explode automatically the moment the signal was shut off. The entrance Sophia was closest to had entirely collapsed. In fact, the entrances to the far left and far right were also collapsed by now. That took care of three of the eight, but where were the other 5 Sophia heard? She knew of the three, but the EMP must have hit just barely a few other areas. Even looking up, no smoke of another entrance had showed. No... where were they?  Inside deep? Was this demolitions expert trying to do something odd? Sophia was not just in shock... but in total confusion. Her mind raced to the humanoid she had sensed earlier. Her UAV pulse detected nothing. Where were they?

    Racing forward, her body took leaps and bounds forward towards the closed off entrance before her palm pressed against the closed opening "This is just simple science. Convert the water into hydrogen gas, the build up within the sudden area, and then..." Trembling over her own words before snapping two fingers together causing an eruption of flames from being the rubble, causing an explosion to try and open up the entrance. The debris that would fly towards her only would bounce right back off by her kinetic shield. "NO! not again!! I didn't use a lethal attack, how did I know the explosions would go off by being disabled!!!" she almost wanted to cry out. Her uav was soon about to end, she couldn't let it end without knowing the condition of the one human she had seen with it earlier.

    Soon, a second burst of flames erupted, and then a third. The explosions were not enough until she brought herself down to her knees. One hand clasping the other. Sparks were generating from her body like crazy as her mind raced while her gaze looked to the sky. "Aiyana, forgive me. People of Fiore, I hope you can understand" she whispered, generating more and more electricity. Her body was now looking as if she had entered her planeswalker form now. Lightning was cracking above while Sophia would raise a single hand. "I will... make a way into this mine if there is no way in!"

    The lightning above now looking like a tropical storm. Conduit of the storm was now pouring rain down so hard it'd be equivalent to that of a hurricane force on the Beaufort scale. Winds began to pick up as she felt the energy causing her hair to stand on end. Her eyes beginning to glow a white color. The heat generated just from this electrical storm and distcharging from her body was enough to not just scare the wildlife off, but the flocks of birds could be seen flying away.

    The scream from Sophia now could be heard in Crocus as her hand finally left it's position from being held straight up in the air, and she would smack it against the old opening. "GRAND BOLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" her words escaping her mouth before she had time to think the electrical discharge had jumped from the sky(Counting as if charged for 15 posts). The long time she had to charge it meant it was equivalent to fifteen C-rank spells going off at once, all completely already added by her armor of the gods. Her Zeus bolt, and her planes walker of lightning takeover.  Speed, and area were the prime powers amplified, while the charge worked on power. The bolt of lightning was large enough to drill a large hole into the mine, and send Sophia flying backwards and into tree before her gaze nearly shut off and became a blurr.

    The power behind that bolt had not just driven a hole, but had liquefied the nearby rocks into molten lava. The new hole generated was deep, and drilled completely through the blocked tunnel and then some. However for Sophia, her energy discharge had left her near unconscious as she staggered up. "Jus...just be alive" she begged. Her steps forward as she let out a cough more than once from the floating dust in the air. Even her conduit of the storm had ended. It had in fact completely began to fade. The storm clouds were vanishing as she was low on magical energy already. Not extremely so, but three back to back C-class spells had taken almost half of her power. Then she had activated two D-class spells, which was her planeswalker of lightning as well as her kinetic pierce spell had caused her to fall under half her mana reserves.

    She as far as she was aware had knocked out every one of the mine fields, as well as all of those electronical spider like things. As for the humaniods, she knew explosives were strapt to their chest. Would those explode too? Sophia truly hoped they didn't as she kept taking steps forward until she neared the entrance she had made. The last pulse of her UAV was the one that dropped her down to her knees. Hands slamming against the ground again as more electrical energy was discharging from her body uncontrollably. What would have happened had she brought a teammate? Would they have been in there when the mine fields detonated? More so, she saw the corpes of five demolition crew members. At least she thought it was five. The number of arms... legs... blown off fingers, the carnage she had caused unintentionally was horrifying. It wasn't her fault... she knew it, but she couldn't forgive herself. Her magic was so dangerous even disabling electronics caused them to be set off. Though one humaniod was struggling to their feet. The last pulse had told her that yet the number of deaths was what floored her. Five more to chalk up on the board of never to forgive herself for.

    The pain she had brought upon those, she only hoped they died peacefully, had a nice meal in their belly. Said they loved their loved ones, and perhaps gotten a good nights sleep prior to work. She knew they were just lackies to the man she was hunting down. Though perhaps the man that she was tracking was one of the five. No... the man that was still alive was different. He didnt have a single explosive on him, maybe that was why he survived? Odd, were they the one that ran the show? It'd make sense, make the lackies be the ones to do the dirty work and hold the dangerous equipment

    Finally though her steps took her to to the one that had survived. The electrical discharges from her body erupted painfully as she held a single pebble in her hand, pressed against a thumb as if she was ready to flick the pebble towards the survivor. "I already had to kill five times, all due to fucking ass holes like you! So, either come quietly or dig your grave here"

    The cough accompanied by blood from the man pushing himself past some rubble "Go to hell bitch".

    Those words were the end of Sophia's patiance as she flicked the pebble forward using her kinetic assault, using it as a bullet projectile to rip right through the mans left hand, and then a second through his right hand "I already am in hell" she spoke, grabbing hold of the collar of the demolition expert's shirt before warping them both using her electrical transportation method by breaking their bodies up with kinetic energy. She had to get to the authorities so he'd get proper medical treatment and she could end up going home.

    (I know I sped up the ending, but I was already past the WC. Decided to just speed it up & wipe out all the electronics faster & ect...)


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:10 pm